© Dolden Wallace Folick LLP
Brian D. Rhodes and Shelly M. Armstrong
May 2014
© Dolden Wallace Folick LLP
Brian Rhodes
Shelly Armstrong
I. Introduction .......................................................................................................................2
II. Executive Summary ..........................................................................................................2
III. Overview of Home Warranty Programs in Canada ....................................................3
IV. Ontario’s Home Warranty Model...................................................................................3
V. British Columbia’s Home Warranty Model ..................................................................4
VI. Relevant provisions in the CGL policy ..........................................................................6
VII. Relevant caselaw ...............................................................................................................8
VIII. CGL coverage available to a builder: BC versus Ontario.........................................11
IX. Conclusion .......................................................................................................................12
© Dolden Wallace Folick LLP
This paper examines an issue which has become increasingly prevalent in Canada in the
recent past as more jurisdictions move to implement statutory home warranty regimes.
In particular, this paper examines whether a builder faced with a claim by his warranty
insurance provider is entitled to coverage under his Commercial General Liability
(“CGL”) insurance policy. It is our view that the answer to this question depends on
the structure of the home warranty scheme in place. For this reason, we begin our
paper with a brief overview of home warranty programs across the country. We then
examine two of the provincial schemes those in BC and Ontario in more detail and,
with reference to wording in a typical CGL policy, explain how the subtle differences in
these schemes lead us to conclude that, in general, a builder licensed in Ontario will be
afforded coverage under his standard CGL policy, whereas a builder licensed in British
Columbia will not be.
Home warranty schemes in Canada can be classified as “mandatoryor “voluntary”.
Both Ontario and BC have “mandatory” home warranty schemes in place. However,
the structure of these schemes differs in at least two key respects:
1. The Ontario scheme places primary responsibility to repair defective
workmanship on the builder whereas the BC scheme places this responsibility on
a private third party insurer; and
2. The Ontario scheme prescribes performance standards which a builder is
required to ascribe to whereas the BC scheme does not.
As such, in Ontario, builders are “legally obligated” to repair defects thus bringing
them within the language of a typical CGL’s “insuring agreement”. Further, Ontario
builders’ legal obligation to repair defects is mandated by statue and therefore is not
caught by the “liability assumed by contract” exclusion found in a typical CGL policy.
It follows that coverage will typically be afforded to an Ontario builder. In contrast, in
BC, any legal obligation to repair defects arises by virtue of an indemnity agreement
with the builder’s warranty provider and not by reason of statute; any claim by the
builder against its warranty provider would therefore by excluded from coverage under
a typical CGL by virtue of the “liability assumed by contract” exclusion.
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Home warranty programs are now common-place in the Canadian provinces. While
there are as many models of Canadian warranty as there are programs, they all share
common principles and features, including:
1. a statutory or voluntary warranty obligation;
2. a warranty scope that can include housing form, tenure, products, systems,
appurtenances, coverage for economic loss, quality and compliance thresholds;
3. surety protection for delayed closing, deposits and deficiency completion;
4. a term during which an enrolled builder must respond to purchaser requests;
5. the form of warranty whether public, private for-profit, private not-for-profit,
self-supply or hybrid.
As of the date of this paper, five Canadian provinces have mandatory-statutory home
warranty schemes in place: British Columbia, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba and, effective
February 1, 2014, Alberta. Saskatchewan and the Atlantic provinces have voluntary
home warranty programs in place.
As this paper will illustrate with reference to the Ontario and British Columbia home
warranty regimes, subtle but significant differences exist even among the mandatory
statutory home warranty schemes.
Ontario’s home warranty model owes its form to decisions made in the mid-1970’s that
coincided with the failure of some builders, the introduction of rent control and the first
Ontario building code.
Ontario’s home warranty program is managed by Tarion Warranty Corporation
(“Tarion”), a non-profit, private corporation. Tarion was established in 1976 to protect
the rights of new home buyers and regulate new home builders. As part of its role,
Tarion administers the Ontario New Home Warranties Plan Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. 0.31 (the
“Ontario Act”), which outlines the warranty protection to which new home purchasers
are entitled in Ontario. Anyone in the province of Ontario who plans to build and/or
sell a new home must be registered with Tarion and enroll the home(s) as per the
requirements in the Ontario Act.
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Pursuant to the Ontario Act, builders in Ontario are deemed to provide certain
statutory warranty coverage, including:
Protection for deposits;
Protection against financial loss for contract homes;
Compensation for delays in closing or occupancy;
Protection against unauthorized substitutions;
One and two year warranties for certain defects in work and materials;
A seven year warranty for major structural defects; and
Coverage for condominium common elements.
The statutorily mandated warranties are backed by Tarion, which in addition to
administering the Act, is responsible for managing a guarantee fund to ensure that
builders honour the statutory warranties.
A builder’s obligation to repair a warranted defect is triggered on the submission by a
homeowner of a 30-Day, Year-End and/or Second-Year form. If the builder does not
complete or otherwise resolve items that the homeowner believes are warranted within
the prescribed time period (120 days), the homeowner then has 30 days to request a
Tarion “conciliation inspection”. This triggers the start of another 30 day period in
which the builder may repair or otherwise resolve the warranted items. If the builder
fails to do so, Tarion will schedule the requested “conciliation inspection” in the
presence of both the builder and the homeowner and send both a report of the findings
within 30 days. The builder is given 30 days from the day of the report to resolve the
warranted items. If he does not do so, Tarion will work directly with the homeowner to
resolve the items.
British Columbia’s home warranty model is a product of the failure of the high-rise and
mid-rise condominium construction practices of the 1990’s, and the system of regulation
and inspection that was supposed to take place.
British Columbia’s home warranty scheme, including its governing legislation, the
Homeowners Protection Act, SBC 1998 c. 31 (the “BC Act”) is administered by the
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Homeowners Protection Office (“HPO”).
The BC Act requires that all new homes
constructed with building permits applied for on or after July 1, 1999 be built by
residential builders licensed with the HPO. It also makes third-party home warranty
insurance mandatory on new home construction throughout the province. The
mandatory home warranty insurance can only be obtained from companies that have
been approved by the Financial Institutions Commission (“FICOM”) and which meet
the requirements of the BC Act.
The BC Act requires, at a minimum, that coverage include:
2 years on labour and materials (some limits apply);
5 years on the building envelope; and
10 years on the structure.
The regulation under the BC Act specifically, the Homeowner Protection Act Regulation,
BC Reg 29/99 sets requirements for how a warranty provider (as opposed to the
builder) must respond to a properly filed claim. These include:
On receipt of a notice of claim from an owner under home warranty insurance,
promptly make reasonable attempts to contact the owner to arrange an
evaluation of the claim.
If, following evaluation of a claim under home warranty insurance, the warranty
provider determines that the claim is not valid or not covered under the home
warranty insurance, the warranty provider must notify the owner of the decision
in writing, setting out the reasons for the decision.
If the claim is found to be valid, repairs must be undertaken in a timely manner,
with reasonable consideration given to weather conditions and the availability of
materials and labour.
Previously, the HPO had crown corporation status; however, in 2010, the HPO lost its crown
corporation status and became a branch of BC Housing.
The FICOM authorized home warranty insurance companies include: Aviva Insurance Company of
Canada represented by National Home Warranty Group Inc. and Pacific Home Warranty Insurance
Service Inc., Echelon General Insurance Company represented by Pacific Home Warranty Insurance
Service Inc., RSA represented by WBI Home Warranty Ltd. and Travelers Insurance Company of Canada.
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All repairs and replacements made under home warranty insurance must be
warranted against defects and labour for at least one year.
Pursuant to the BC Act, the warranty provider is ultimately responsible for repairing
any construction defects covered by a home warranty insurance policy. That said, in
many cases, the warranty provider will have an indemnity agreement with its member-
builder (i.e. a contract which obligates the builder to correct defects that are deemed to
be covered by home warranty insurance). This indemnity agreement will also often
require the builder to provide financial security of some sort to their warranty provider.
Wording typical of an indemnity agreement between a warranty provider and its
member-builder is as follows:
The Builder agrees, that if it is in default of any obligation to a Purchaser, it shall
and does hereby indemnify and save harmless The Program with respect to every
cost, expense or payment incurred by The Program which the Program is required
to make by reason of any obligation imposed by this Agreement or undertaken by
The Program pursuant to the provisions hereof or under the provisions of the
Limited Warranty or any assurance issued pursuant thereto including, without
limitation, every and all costs which The Program may incur in investigating,
negotiating, settling or litigating any claim or with respect to the fees of
consultants, lawyers and others whom The Program may retain in connection with
any claim made against The Program under this Agreement and the Limited
Notably, the indemnity provision entitles the warranty provider to indemnification of
its investigative and litigation fees incurred in pursuing indemnity from a rogue
builder, in addition to the expenses incurred to remedy warranted defects which the
builder failed to address.
In order to determine whether any given claim will trigger coverage under a CGL, it is
necessary to consider the language of the CGL at issue. For the purposes of this paper,
we have reproduced below the relevant portions of a typical CGL.
(a) Insuring Agreement
The “insuring agreement” in a typical CGL provides as follows:
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We will pay those sums that the Insured becomes legally obligated to pay as
compensatory damagesbecause of “bodily injury” or property damageto which
this insurance applies. No other obligation or liability to pay sums or perform acts or
services is covered unless explicitly provided for under SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS
COVERAGES A, B AND D. This insurance applies only to “bodily injury” and
“property damage” which occurs during the form period. The “bodily injury” or
“property damage” must be caused by an occurrence”. The “occurrence” must take
place in the “coverage territory”. We will have the right and duty to defend any “action”
seeking those “compensatory damages” but:
1) The amount we will pay for “compensatory damages” is limited as described in
2) We may investigate and settle any claim or “action” at our discretion; and
3) Our right and duty to defend end when we have used up the applicable limit of
insurance in the payment of judgments or settlements under Coverages A, B or D or
medical expenses under Coverage C.
a. “Compensatory damages” because of “bodily injury” include “compensatory
damages” claimed by any person or organization for care, loss or services or
death resulting at any time from the “bodily injury”.
b. “Property damage” that is loss of use of tangible property that is not
physically injured shall be deemed to occur at the time of the “occurrence” that
caused it.
“Compensatory damages” is typically defined in a CGL policy to mean:
[D]amage due or awarded in payment for actual injury or economic loss. “Compensatory
damages” does not include punitive or exemplary damages or the multiple portion of any
multiplied damage award.
“Property damage” is typically defined in a CGL policy to mean:
a. Physical injury to tangible property, including all resulting loss of use of that
property; or
b. Loss of use of tangible property that is not physically injured.
“Occurrence” is commonly defined in a CGL policy to mean:
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[A]n accident, including continuous or repeated exposure to substantially the same
general harmful conditions.
(b) Contractual liability exclusion
CGL policies often exclude coverage for liability assumed by contract or agreement.
Typical wording for this exclusion is as follows:
This insurance does not apply to “bodily injury” or “property damage” for which the
insured is obligated to pay “compensatory damages” by reason of the assumption of
liability in a contract or agreement. This exclusion does not apply to liability for
“compensatory damages”:
1) Assumed in a contract or agreement that is an “insured contract”; or
2) That the insured would have in the absence of the contract or agreement”.
“Insured contract” may be defined in material part to mean:
that part of any other contract or agreement pertaining to your business under which
you assume the tort liability of another to pay “compensatory damages” because of bodily
injury or “property damage” to a third person or organization, if the contract or agreement
is made prior to the “bodily injury” or “property damage”. Tort liability means a liability
that would be imposed by law in the absence of any contract or agreement.
The applicability of a builder’s CGL policy to a member-builder’s claim for
indemnification from its CGL provider was considered in the Ontario case, Bridgewood
Building Corp. (Riverfield) v. Lombard General Insurance Co. of Canada., 2005 CanLII 63763
In Lombard, a number of homeowners made warranty claims against the residential
builder, Bridgewood. Bridgewood funded the repairs and then submitted the claims to
its CGL insurer, Lombard General Insurance Company of Canada (“Lombard”) for
indemnification. Lombard denied coverage to Bridgewood. Therefore, Bridgewood
sought a determination from the Ontario Superior Court of Justice (“ONSC”) as to
whether coverage was available to him for the costs of the repairs under his CGL policy.
The CGL policy at issue contained similar provisions to the “typical” CGL wordings set
Canadian courts have held that the term “accident” is to be interpreted in its popular and ordinary sense
as an “unlooked for mishap or an untoward event which is not expected or designed” (see Mutual of
Omaha Insurance v. Stats [1978] 2 S.C.R. 1153).
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out above. This gave rise to three issues for determination by the ONSC, two of which
are relevant for our purposes.
The two relevant issues for determination in Lombard were:
1) Whether the builder was legally obligated to pay as damages the repair and
associated costs resulting from the defects at issue so as to bring them within the
meaning of policy’s insuring agreement.
2) Whether the exclusion for liability assumed in a contractcontained in the policy
applied to the facts and thereby deprived the builder of coverage.
In respect of the first issue, Lombard argued that legally obligated to pay as damages
requires a determination of liability beyond what had occurred in that case. In its view,
legally obligated to pay as damages required that there be some demonstrated fault on
the part of the prospective insured, or a determination that they are legally obligated to
pay before liability can be brought to bear. The ONSC rejected this restrictive
interpretation of the meaning of that provision, agreeing instead with the position of the
builder, Bridgewood, that the plain meaning of “legally obligated to pay as damages”,
construed broadly, embraces the statutorily imposed warranty obligations which were
the subject of the dispute (i.e. the warranties which the Ontario Act deems all builders
to provide). In this regard, Stewart J. cited with approval the following passage from
the text Commercial General Liability Insurance by Heather A. Sanderson (Toronto:
Butterworths, 2000), at pp. 37-38 (at para. 33):
Despite some early controversy on this point there is now significant Canadian authority
to the effect that the phrases "liability imposed by law" and "legally obligated to pay"
include any liability imposed by a judgment of a court, whether the liability arises out of
tort or contract or whether the relief claimed draws on an equitable remedy such as
restitution. A direct statutory obligation to pay amounts to the government can also
constitute a "legal obligation to pay" within the meaning of this phrase -- even if the
liability is imposed directly and a court's only involvement would be in the case of non-
payment. . . . Given that one is looking at unqualified words in a coverage agreement which
a court is bound to interpret broadly in favour of the insured, it is appropriate to give the
phrases "liability imposed by law" and "legally obligated to pay" a wide interpretation.
These authorities and principles indicate that an argument that these phrases include all
facets of an insured's civil liability has great weight.
In response to Lombard’s assertion that a CGL policy is not meant to be a performance
bond and that the CGL policy in question did not extend to provide indemnity for
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anything that was not the result of the fault of the insured, Stewart J. commented
further as follows (at para. 36):
It is evident that the Act and the ONHWP are in the nature of consumer protection
legislation, designed to assist and protect the purchasers of new homes. In my view, this
no-fault remedial and protective legislative scheme is akin to environmental protection
legislation which requires pollution clean-up and the costs thereof to be carried out and
absorbed by persons regardless of proof of negligence or fault. Coverage for these attendant
costs has often been considered by courts in the United States [cites omitted]. Since 1990,
most courts that have considered costs of cleaning up environmental damage, costs
connected with compliance with the Comprehensive Environmental Response,
Compensation, and Liability Act, are covered by the standard language in CGL insuring
agreements which pay “all sums which the insured shall become legally obligated to pay as
damages” [cites omitted]. In my view, the same approach should be taken in this particular
case. (our emphasis)
In respect of the second issue, Lombard argued that because the Ontario home
warranty legislative regime requires vendors and builders to extend warranty coverage
to purchasers of new homes, this represents a liability “assumed in contract” by the
builder and is therefore not covered by the CGL contract. Again, the ONSC rejected
Lombard’s position. Significantly, it found that that the obligations imposed on
builders by the Ontario home warranty legislation were not assumed in a contract”, but
rather were mandated by statute, and that failure to comply with those statutory
requirements would require the builder to ignore their statutorily-imposed duties and jeopardize
their continued registration to carry on business in Ontario” (at para. 38).
In the end, the ONSC granted the builder Bridgewood a declaration that its statutory
obligation pursuant to the Ontario Act to effect the repairs constituted a legal obligation
to pay damages within the meaning of the applicable CGL policy and a declaration that
Lombard was obligated to indemnify the builder for the repair costs and all reasonable
expenses incurred or to be incurred to compensate the homeowners for losses and
expenses arising from the defects. The ONSC decision was appealed, on different
grounds. The coverage decision was upheld by the Ontario Court of Appeal, without
reference to the warranty issue.
To our knowledge, the ONSC’s core analysis in Lombard has not been revisited and we
are unaware of any other Canadian decision in which a court has considered whether a
member-builder subject to a claim from its warranty provider is entitled to coverage
under his CGL policy. We are also unaware of any American decision which directly
addresses this point.
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While every case must necessarily be determined on its facts with reference to the exact
wording of the applicable policy provisions, it appears that, at least in Ontario, it is
likely that a builder will be entitled to coverage under his CGL policy for costs incurred
due to duties of repair imposed on him by the Ontario Act. The question is, does this
extend to British Columbia builders operating under British Columbia’s home warranty
regime? In our view, it does not.
As set out above, the Ontario Act reposes builders with certain statutory obligations in
respect of new home construction. In particular, the Ontario Act deems certain
statutorily constituted warranties to be included in every contract of purchase and sale
between a builder and the purchaser of a new home. Further, the Ontario Act
prescribes standards which the builder is required to adhere to in order to become
licensed to build new homes in Ontario. While Tarion backs the obligations and
responsibilities of the builder and will step in if the builder fails to honour his
obligations, primary responsibility to effect the repairs lies with the builder.
In contrast, the BC Act is merely a legislative framework for mandating a homeowner’s
warranty. It does not prescribe performance standards that a builder is required to
ascribe to. Rather, the BC Act prescribes the minimum requirements that must be
covered by warranty and contains a general requirement that the form of private third
party insurance be approved by the HPO then leaves the specifics to be determined by
the FICOM-approved warranty providers (insurers). It is true that the warranty
provider can (and often will) enter into an indemnity agreement with the builder
entitling it to sue the builder to recover its costs if the builder’s work turns out to be
defective (including the costs it incurs in investigating, negotiating, settling or litigating
its claim). However, unlike the situation in Ontario, under the applicable legislation,
ultimate responsibility for ensuring the minimum warranty requirements are met
resides with the warranty provider, not the builder. Any right of recovery on the part
of the warranty provider arises by virtue of its contractual agreement with the builder;
it is not a right prescribed by statute.
In our view, the indemnity agreement between warranty provider and its member-
builder is an agreement assumed by contract and, as a result, a warranty provider’s
claim against a builder brought pursuant thereto would most likely be excluded from
coverage under a typical CGL policy by virtue of the contractual liability exclusion.
The Ontario Act does give Tarion the right, upon paying a homeowner’s claim, to sue the builder
alleging a breach of the statutorily mandated performance standards. Such a claim would be a breach of
contract claim for failure to adhere to the prescriptive performance standards (not to recover on a
contractual indemnity).
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This conclusion stems at least in part from the fact that an indemnity agreement, by its
very terms, obligates a builder to pay more than merely the cost of repairing a home
but, as well, the private insurer’s expenses in adjusting the loss and engaging in legal
proceedings (i.e., unlike the statutory warranty in Ontario, it does not necessarily
precisely “mirror” the exposure of the underlying warranties mandated by statute).
Further, it is our view that an indemnity that seeks recovery of more than merely
compensatory amounts (as do most builder indemnity agreements), is not, by its nature
“compensatory” and, as such, may not even fall within the wording of a typical CGL
policy’s insuring agreement.
For these reasons, it is our view that, in most cases a BC member-builder will not be
entitled to coverage under his CGL policy if he is sued by his warranty provider. We
repeat, however, that this is a generalization and that every case will need to be decided
with reference to the specific facts and the applicable policy wordings.
As more Canadian jurisdictions move towards implementation of home warranty
regimes, we expect that CGL insurance providers will encounter the issues raised in this
paper with increasing frequency. When faced with a claim from a builder and the
corresponding need to make a determination on coverage, it will be important for the
CGL insurer to bear in mind that the coverage determination will be influenced by
many factors, not the least of which is the structure of the home warranty program in
the relevant jurisdiction. Even the most subtle differences in structure can change the
outcome of the coverage determination.