BIBLE LANDS NOTES: General Outline of the Old Testament
General Outline of the
General Outline of the General Outline of the
General Outline of the
Old Testament
Old TestamentOld Testament
Old Testament
I. The Pre-Mosaic Age. Genesis
A. From creation to the flood - Anti-deluvian period.
B. From the flood to Abraham - Post-deluvian period.
C. Abraham, the father of the Messianic nation.
D. Jacob, the father of Israel.
E. Joseph in Egypt.
II. Israel Under Egyptian Bondage - 430 years
A. The call and commission of Moses.
B. The Exodus.
III. Period of Wilderness Wandering - 40 years
A. Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy.
B. The giving of the Law - Mount Sinai.
C. From Mt. Sinai to Mt. Nebo. The death of Moses.
I. Israel under Joshua and Judges.
A. In possession of the promised land.
B. Oppressions - The Judges - 300 years.
II. The Kings.
A. Saul - 40years.
B. David - 40 years.
C. Solomon - 40 years.
III. Division of the Kingdom - 400 years
A. 1 Kings 12 - 2 Kings 15
B. Kingdom of Judah. From Rehoboam to Zedekiah. One continuous
BIBLE LANDS NOTES: General Outline of the Old Testament
dynasty. Fall of the kingdom, 587 B.C. Babylonian Exile for 70 years.
C. Kingdom of Israel (Northern Kingdom) From Jeroboam to Hoshea.
Nineteen dynasties. Fell in 721 B.C. Was carried away into Assyrian
IV. Post-Exihic Period.
A. Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther.
B. Fall of Babylon. Restoration under Cyrus, 536 B.C.
C. Temple and Jerusalem rebuilt. Labors of Zerubbabel, Ezra, Nehemiah.
I. The problem of Human Suffering.
II. Psalms. Prayer Book of the Bible.
III. Proverbs. Wisdom
IV. Ecclesiastes. Problems of life.
V. Song of Solomon. Love
I. Major Prophets
A. Isaiah. The prophet of Redemption.
B. Jeremiah. Saw the fall of Judah.
C. Ezekiel. A prophet of the exile.
D. Daniel. A prophet of the exile.
II. Minor Prophets
A. Prophets of Judah
1. Joel
2. Micah
3. Zephaniah
4. Habakkuk.
B. Prophets of Israel
1. Amos
BIBLE LANDS NOTES: General Outline of the Old Testament
2. Jonah
3. Hosea
4. Micah.
C. Nahum. Concerning Nineveh.
D. Obadiah. The doom of Edom.
E. Post Exilic.
1. Haggai
2. Malachi
3. Zechariah
4. Malachi