Old Testament Summary Chart
When I was first saved, one of the most instructive sessions in church that I had was a guest speaker
who summarized the Old Testament for us in about 45 minutes. The general information which he gave
is below, which I have expanded. I do not recall this person’s name, but the overview was very helpful
to me.
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Linked NT Summary Chart (HTML) (PDF) (WPD).
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A Basic History of Nation Israel
A Basic History of Nation Israel
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The dates given herein are not precise dates, but simply approximate time frames for you to hang your
hat on.
The Torah (the Law of Moses) + Job
Approximately 6000–1400 B.C.
The book of beginnings: the earth, mankind, the Jews. Included are the
seedlings of the most fundamental doctrines of the Bible. It is very difficult to
study this book in detail and not come away with the conclusion that this is the
Word of God. The entire book of Genesis takes place prior to Moses. At the
end of the book, the family of Jacob moves to Egypt because of a famine.
They will live in Egypt for about 400 years, which is the chronological gap
between the end of Genesis and the beginning of Exodus.
A book of poetry about a man named Job who was tested by Satan, which
testing God allowed. This probably took place prior to the life of Moses. This
is an extremely tough book to exegete, as it is essentially a theological
discussion between Job and 3 friends. I believe that the key to this book is,
Job and his three friends have a reasonable understanding of Who and What
God is, and how God functions. However, what seems to be missing from their
understanding (and the key to the book of Job) is the proper application of their
understanding of God with regards to the Angelic Conflict. We know from the
very beginning that this book is all about the Angelic Conflict; however, that
never appears to be taken into consideration by Job or any of his friends. God
does enter into the picture at the end of the book to straighten everything out.
The book of redemption and deliverance. The Jews living in Egypt had
become enslaved by the Egyptians. God raises up Moses, a Jew raised up to
be a ruler in Egypt; but who leaves Egypt and later returns to lead the Jews out
of Egypt. This parallels Jesus Christ leading us from slavery to the sin nature
and to the cosmic system into the Kingdom of God, represented by a land
flowing with milk and honey. What we see here is potential but not fulfillment.
Key to this book is, there are two generations of Jews: Gen X and the
Generation of Promise. Gen X will have their corpses scattered in the desert;
the Generation of Promise will enter into the Land of Promise. Circa
1520–1440 B.C.
Leviticus is the book of worship. The sacrifices and the ceremonial days are
covered. The animal sacrifices all represent the death of our Lord on the
cross, which is why the animals used must be without spot and without
The book of wanderings. After receiving the Law of God, the Jews go to Land
of Promise, but back away in fear of those in the land. God keeps these Jews
in the desert wilderness until the adult generation (Gen X) dies off. This leaves
those who were children at the time of the exodus or who were born after the
exodus. This is the Generation of Promise. Circa 1440–1400 B.C.
Summary of the Law. Moses, who is not allowed to go into the Land of
Promise, speaks to the Jews, reminding them of the Law of God and what is
expected of them once they enter into the land of Canaan. There are several
lengthy sermons of Moses herein, and this book probably takes place over a
month or so. What is particularly remarkable about Deuteronomy is, in
previous books, Moses is very careful to distinguish between the events which
took place and the words of God. Deuteronomy are primarily the words of
Moses, but they are given with the authority of God the Holy Spirit.
The Jews Enter the Land of Promise
1400–1100 B.C.
A book of success. Joshua leads the Jews into the Land of Promise and they
conquer the land and the peoples in it. One key verse: “This book of the law
will not depart from your mouth, but you will study it day and night so that you
may be careful to do all that is written in it, so that when you make your way,
you will be prosperous and enjoy success” (Joshua 1:8). Circa
1400–1390 B.C.
A book of failures. The cyclical nature of the Jews in the land. They had
freedom, they would worship idols, God would discipline them by means of
another nation, they would call out for a deliverer; and God would send them
a deliverer who would free them. Key verse: there was no king in Israel in
those days, and every man did what was right in his own eyes (Judges 21:25).
Circa 1390–1100 B.C.
A book of faith and redemption. A Gentile woman (Ruth, a Moabite) goes to
Israel with her mother-in-law after their husbands have died, and their misery
and hardship is turned to blessing and prosperity through the Kinsman-
Redeemer, Boaz (a type of Christ).
Although Boaz is a type of Christ, so was Abraham, Joseph, Moses and Joshua before him.
The United Kingdom
1100–930 B.C.
Preparation. Samuel’s ministry; Saul’s reign; the life of David.
Establishment. David’s reign. David represents Jesus Christ in His 1 and
2 Advents. Therefore, David is nearly constantly at war.
1Kings 1–11
The kingdom achieved. Solomon’s reign. Solomon represents Jesus Christ
in His millennial reign; therefore, the Tabernacle (a temporary place of
residence), is replaced by the Temple, a permanent place of residence.
Literature of the Kingdom
These are poetry written primarily by David, but at least one was written by
Moses; and many were written even a century or two after the time of David.
Solomon wrote most this set of couplets about wisdom, and they appear to
have come from his notebook on lessons from his father David.
Solomon delves into philosophy.
Song of Solomon
Solomon, despite have 1000 wives and mistresses, chases after this
Shulamite woman, who rejects him. The relationship between a man and a
woman is all about quality and not at all about quantity.
The Kingdom Divided
930–586 B.C.
1Kings 12–22
Division. The history of Israel (the 10 tribes in the Northern Kingdom) and
Judah (the 2 tribes in the Southern Kingdom) is followed side-by-side in
1Kings 12–2Kings 17. Elijah is a prophet during the end of 1Kings. Major
events and the kings of both kingdoms are covered.
2Kings 1–17
Division. Elijah continues as a prophet at the beginning of 2Kings, then being
replaced by Elisha. Major events and the kings of both kingdoms are
covered. Israel (the Northern Kingdom) undergoes the 5 Cycle of Discipline
circa 721 B.C. (the 5 Cycle of Discipline is where God removes the Jews
from the land).
2Kings 18–25
The Southern Kingdom’s history and kings and prophets are recorded and
we are taken from the fall of the Northern Kingdom down to the 5 Cycle of
Discipline of Judah (the Southern Kingdom), circa 586 B.C.
The Chronicles is God’s Post Mortem. Chronicles, like Samuel and Kings,
is actually one book. However, Chronicles is written after long the fact; from
the dawn of man in the genealogies to the proclamation to return the Jews
to the land after the dispersion of both kingdoms. The first 9 or so chapters
of 1Chronicles are genealogies; 1Chron. 10 picks up with the death of Saul
and parallels the history of the last couple chapters of 1Samuel, and all of
2Samuel and 1 and 2Kings.
Prophets to the Northern (apostate) Kingdom
Joel (850–700 B.C.)
A great locust invasion of the land is the basis for Joel’s warning to Israel,
that their land would be invaded. His ministry appeared to be successful.
Jonah (800 B.C.)
Jonah is really more of a prophet to Nineveh in Assyria, although he was not
that interested in that particular assignment. Jonah is one of the best known
of the prophets, simply because God prepared a great fish which swallowed
him for 3 days. However, few know much about Jonah apart from this. He
represents the concept of heathen evangelism during the Age of Israel.
Amos (780–755 B.C.)
Amos is one of the easiest prophets to place into time, as in the first verse,
he identifies the kings of the Northern and Southern Kingdoms during his
ministry. Amos warned both Israel and Judah of judgment to come.
Hosea (760–710 B.C.)
Hosea’s life with Gomer, the woman he loves, parallel’s God’s relationship
to Israel. Hosea’s love was powerfully strong and could not be destroyed;
Gomer’s unfaithfulness was wicked, hurtful, and resulted in her own
undoing. We often wonder, why do we, as faithful believers in Jesus Christ,
face incredible difficulties at time; an examination of this book may help to
explain how God uses our personal pain and how He is able to comfort us.
Prophets to the Southern Kingdom (which had good and bad kings)
Micah (740 B.C.)
Micah makes predictions concerning the destruction of Israel and Judah;
however, southern kingdom kings are mentioned in the text. He warns of an
attack by Assyria. Micah tells us that the Eternal Ruler will come out of
Prophets to the Southern Kingdom (which had good and bad kings)
Isaiah (740–680 B.C.)
Isaiah had a long public ministry to several kings in Judah. His presentation
of the gospel is clear and unmistakable in Isa. 53. He also presents the
Trinity in Isa. 48:16. Isaiah is one of the greatest prophets of the Old
Obadiah (685 B.C.)
Obadiah is the shortest book in the Old Testament, and some place him
during the captivity and others prior to. This deals with Edom and the Day
of the Lord. The date here is only a wild guess.
Nahum (666–615 B.C.)
Nahum warns of the eventual destruction of Nineveh. This should be taken
as a parallel book to Jonah.
(630–620 B.C.)
Zephaniah warned of the impending judgment against Judah.
(627–586 B.C.)
Habakkuk is a contemporary of Jeremiah. Whereas Jeremiah seemed to
be concerned that God’s people would not turn from their evil ways,
Habakkuk seemed to be more concerned that God was not judging Judah
more quickly.
(626–580 B.C.) and
Jeremiah was one of the last prophets to warn Judah of its imminent
discipline. He had a long public ministry. His book may be difficult for
some, as it is not in chronological order. Interestingly enough, Jeremiah did
not encourage the Jewish people to resist their Babylonian captivity, when
it became clear that they would not refrain from their evil.
Jeremiah also wrote the book of Lamentations, his sad elegies about Israel
being conquered.
Like Isaiah, his ministry cannot be summed up in a few words.
70 Years in Captivity
586–516 B.C.
The Prophets listed below wrote during the time that Judah was in captivity. However, even though
some Jews did return to the land under the edict of Cyrus, many remained outside the land, having
been born and raised there. The book of Esther deals with those who remained in the land.
Prophets While in Captivity
Daniel (604–535 B.C.)
Daniel is well known for his prophecies concerning the coming kingdoms, as
well as giving us a time line for future events. Daniel’s 70 Week is
equivalent to the 7-year Tribulation.
(593–570 B.C.)
Ezekiel was a prophet to the people during their Exile. God continued to
speak to His people through Ezekiel, despite the fact that they were under
the 5 Cycle of Discipline.
Interestingly enough, we find many of the same Hebrew words in Leviticus
and in Ezekiel.
The Jews Return to the Land
516–400 B.C.
The Book of Esther, like the book of Haggai below, is dated according to the
reign of Ahasuerus, the Persian king. Esther is one of the best known books
among Jews, and rarely studied by Church Age believers. God is clearly
involved in the lives of the Jews, but He acts in the background. I believe
that this book, almost more than any other, will evangelize the Jews at the
beginning of the Tribulation. They will recognize the similarities between the
Jews of this book (who do not even mention the God of their fathers) and
those Jews who are scatted throughout the world. Circa 483–479 B.C.
We have the history of the Jews, from the time that Cyrus, king of Persia,
conquered Babylon, and then allowed Ezra to return to the land and to build
the Temple of God there. Circa 538–457 B.C.
Nehemiah was a high ranking official in Persia, and he chose to return to
Jerusalem to build walls about the city. Circa 445–444 B.C.
Prophets During the Return to the Land
Haggai (520 B.C.)
Haggai was involved with the building of the Temple.
(520–518 B.C.)
Although Zechariah was a prophet to Judah when the remnant returned to
the land, what stands out in my mind is Zech. 12:10: I will pour on the house
of David, and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of
supplication; and they will look to me whom they have pierced; and they
shall mourn for him, as one mourns for his only son, and will grieve bitterly
for him, as one grieves for his firstborn.
(450–400 B.C.)
Malachi was the final prophet to Judah, both in time, and in the Bible.
There are approximately 400 years of silence between the testaments. There are no prophets after
Malachi until John the Baptizer, the herald of the King. Then Jesus begins His public ministry.
There is also a New Testament summary chart and a brief history of Israel available.
External Links
Genesis Lessons 201–300
Genesis Lessons 201–300
Genesis Lessons 201–300
Old Testament Summary Chart
Old Testament Summary Chart
Old Testament Summary Chart
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A Basic History of Nation Israel
A Basic History of Nation Israel
A Basic History of Nation Israel
Old Testament Summary
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