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Informaon for parents
admissions to
middle schools
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to MIddle Schools 2023/2024
Leer from the Director of Childrens Services 4
Important dates in the admissions process 6
How do I apply? 6
Parents of children resident outside of Worcestershire 6
Contact details 7
Worcestershire School Admissions 7
Contact details for Neighbouring Authories 8
Applying on-line 9
The benets of applying on-line are: 9
Important things to remember 10
SEND Informaon, Advice and Support Service 11
Worcestershire Libraries 12
Special Educaonal Needs 13
School Preference Guidelines for Children with an Educaon Health Care Plan 13
Factors you should take account of when you tell us your preferred school 13
Factors the Local Authority takes account of when considering your preference 14
Specialist Placements 14
List of
Special Schools 15
List of Schools with a
Mainstream Ausm Base 15
Charges and allowances 16
Educaon 16
Voluntary Contribuons 16
Music Tuion 16
Oponal extras 17
Residenal Trips 17
Free School Meals 17
Worcestershire schools 18
How does the school system vary within the county? 18
Types of School 18
Worcestershire School Organisaon 19
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to MIddle Schools 2023/2024
Admissions to Middle Schools 20
Applicaons on behalf of children arriving from overseas 27
Glossary 29
Living in a school catchment area or moving property 32
Informaon about Worcestershire Middle Schools 34
Area Pyramids indicang feeder schools 39
Useful links 56
Early Help 56
School Transport 56
School Term and Holiday dates 56
Find a School 56
Free School Meals 56
Admission Policies 2023-24 - Middle Schools 56
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to MIddle Schools 2023/2024
Leer from the Director of Childrens Services
Dear Parent/Carer
Informaon for Parents and Carers
Worcestershire Children First have “good educaon for all” as one of its priority values and the informaon in this
booklet is intended to help you to access the full range of educaonal provision available for your child .
our vision
Worcestershire to be
a wonderful place for
all children and young
people to grow up.
our mission
Supporting children
and young people to
be happy, healthy
and safe.
our values
children at
our heart
We will keep
children and young
people at the heart
of everything
we do.
value family
We will support
and empower
parents to care
for their own
good education
for all
We will value
education as the
best start in life
for all children and
young people.
from harm
We will act in a
professional and
timely way to
protect children
from harm.
A progressive
culture of
equality, diversity
and inclusion.
Deciding which school you would like to name as your preferred school for your son or daughter is an excing
opportunity, but it can also be somewhat daunng . There is a great range and diversity of schools oen within
the same immediate locality .
The simplest and most direct way to form a view on what best suits your child is usually to contact the
Headteacher of your local school to arrange a visit . Your local Headteacher will be delighted to welcome you to
the school, to show you the school’s facilies and to discuss the school’s achievements and strengths in relaon
to your child’s needs .
Worcestershire has a range of maintained, academy and free schools with parcular specialisms where pupils can
have both a broad and general curriculum and develop signicant experse in Technology, Languages, the Arts,
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to MIddle Schools 2023/2024
Science, Maths & Compung, Business & Enterprise . Many Worcestershire schools have achieved naonally
recognised awards and standards including Eco School Status, Basic Skills Quality Mark and Internaonal School
Award .
Many tens of thousands of pupils and students have enjoyed their educaon in Worcestershire and have moved
on to fullling careers. We want you to be equally delighted with the educaonal opportunies available to your
Yours sincerely
Tina Russell,
Director of Children’s Services
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to MIddle Schools 2023/2024
Important dates in the admissions process
If you live in Worcestershire and your child is due to start school in Recepon 2023, then you must apply for
his/her school place – the opening and closing dates for applicaons are as above.
Date Descripon
1 September 2022 Applicaons Open
15 January 2023 Closing Date
Spring Term 2023
Applicaons processed and informaon shared
between schools and neighbouring Local Authories
17 April 2023 School Oer Nocaon Date
Summer Term 2023 Admission appeals held by independent appeal panel.
If you live in Worcestershire and your child is due to start Middle School in 2023, then you must apply for his/her
school place – the opening and closing dates for applicaons are as above.
How do I apply?
Apply online at School Admissions
If you do not have access to the internet, you can get online at any one of the 21 Worcestershire libraries. To
nd your nearest library, visit Find my library.
Library sta can support Worcestershire Library members who need assistance using computers. For further
informaon on becoming a member at Worcestershire Libraries
Or telephone School Admissions on 01905 822700 if you need assistance.
Aer the closing date, you will need to telephone School Admissions on 01905 822700 to request a late
applicaon form.
Parents of children resident outside of Worcestershire
If you wish to apply for a place at any Worcestershire school, you must complete an applicaon provided by your
“home” LA. (The “home LA” is dened as the Local Authority relevant to the child’s home address). The “home
LA will ensure that applicaon details are passed to Worcestershire LA for consideraon in the allocaon of school
If you are not resident in Worcestershire, you should obtain admission details from your home LA, even if your
preferences include schools within Worcestershire (the contact details for all the neighbouring LAs can be found
on the following page.
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to MIddle Schools 2023/2024
Contact details
Worcestershire School Admissions
School Admissions
Worcestershire Children First
County Hall
Spetchley Lane
01905 822700
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to MIddle Schools 2023/2024
Contact details for Neighbouring Authories
Parents who wish to consider schools maintained by other authories are strongly advised to contact the local
authority concerned to obtain informaon about those schools . Please note there may be dierent admission
policies in operaon .
Under the naonal, Co-ordinated Admission Arrangements, parents have to apply for School places to their home
LA . If you have any queries with regards to your home LA, details can be found at Find Your Local Council.
Birmingham LA (DfE No. 330)
Schools Admissions and Fair Access Service
Directorate for Educaon and Skills
PO Box 16513
Birmingham B2 2FF
Tel: 0121 303 1888
Dudley LA (DfE No. 332)
Children’s Services Directorate
School Admissions Service
The Council House Priory Road Dudley DY1 1HF
Tel: 0300 555 2345
Gloucestershire LA (DfE No. 916)
Co-ordinated Admissions Commissioning for Learning
Gloucestershire County Council Shire Hall
Westgate Street Gloucester GL1 2TP
Tel: 01452 425407
Herefordshire LA (DfE No. 884)
School Admissions
Plough Lane Oces, Plough Lane Hereford HR4 0LE
Tel: 01432 260925/6
Shropshire LA (DfE No. 893)
School Admissions Team Correspondence Address
Shropshire Council
Shire Hall Abbey Foregate Shrewsbury SY2 6ND
Tel: 03456 789008
Solihull LA (DfE No. 334)
School Admissions Team Council House
Manor Square Solihull B91 3QB
Tel: 0121 704 6693
Staordshire LA (DfE No. 860)
School Admissions and Transport Service 2
Staordshire Place
Staord ST16 2DH
Tel: 0300 111 8007
Email: admissions@sta
Warwickshire LA (DfE No. 937)
School Admissions Service, hildren, Young People and
Families Directorate Salsford Oce Park
Ansell Way Warwick CV34 4UL
Tel: 01926 414143
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to MIddle Schools 2023/2024
Applying on-line
It’s quick, it’s easy and it’s safe.
As a Worcestershire resident you can make your applicaon on-line between 1 September 2022 and 15 January
2023 using Worcestershires on-line applicaon service.
Cizen Portal - Sign in (
The benets of applying on-line are:
“It’s easier
doing it
online than
it is lling
out a form
by hand”
“Very smooth
and easy
The service is available
hours a day, 7 days a week
up to the closing date of
15 January 2023.
You will get an email to
conrm your applicaon
has been submied.
We will email your oer
on the
17 April 2023
- so
there is no need to wait
for a leer.
Alternavely, you can
log into the online service
to view your oer.
quick and easy
to do.
sytem is secure
your informaon is
If you aren’t a Worcestershire resident, use the online service for the Local Authority where you live.
of applicaons for
2022 admissions
were made
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to MIddle Schools 2023/2024
Important things to remember
You must apply before 15 January 2023
You must make an applicaon, even if you have an elder child already aending your
preferred school.
You can name up to three schools on your applicaon. You are strongly advised to use all
three preferences to increase your chance of geng a preferred school.
Understand the admission arrangements for each of your preferences. This will enable you
to assess what order of priority will be given for each preference.
Be realisc about the schools you apply for. It’s recommended that you include your
catchment school as one of your three preferences. However please note that you are not
guaranteed a place at your catchment school. Check out which is your catchment school
using this link. Worcestershire County Council School Catchment search
Don’t put schools as a preference if you would be unhappy with the oer of a place at that
school. It would be a waste of a preference if you were oered a place at a school that you
would not be happy with your child aending.
All on-me applicaons to a school are considered at the same me. Priority is not given to
those who put the school rst.
The order in which you list the schools is only used if you could be oered a place at more
than one school. In this case, you would be oered whichever of those schools was highest
on your applicaon form.
Having gained admission for one child at a school does not guarantee a younger child will be
admied. Should the school be oversubscribed at the me of applicaon of a younger sibling,
catchment area may have a higher priority on the oversubscripon criteria.
Having gained admission to a school of your preference, does not mean your child will have
highest priority for transfer to the high school. If the related high school is oversubscribed at
the me of transfer, your child might then have to move in a dierent direcon from other
children currently aending the same school.
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to MIddle Schools 2023/2024
SEND Informaon, Advice and Support Service
The SEND Information, Advice and Support Service
provides Free, Confidential and Impartial support to
Children, Young People and their Parents with Special
Educational Needs and or Disabilities on matters
concerning Education, Health and Social Care.
We also provide guidance on Non-Curriculum
Issuessuch as Admissions, Exclusions, Attendance as
wellas information on Elective Home Education.
Contact our Advisers on:
Telephone Helpline: 01905 768153
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to MIddle Schools 2023/2024
Worcestershire Libraries
Join Worcestershire Libraries
and discover the many benets of
FREE library membership!
A library card is your passport to a wealth of library services at 21 libraries
across Worcestershire and online through the Digital Library Hub.
Follow Us:
Worcestershire Libraries
Find out
what your
local library
can do
for you!
Libraries are free and accessible for everyone!
Visit: or call 01905 822722
Libraries support the educaon and
aspiraons of young people: diverse
reading material, online reference
sources, study tools, e-books, e-audio
and e-magazines and reading challenges.
Libraries support digital
inclusion: free access to
public computers, internet
and Wi-Fi, digital champion
support and coding clubs.
Libraries improve skill levels and
help people into work: volunteering
and work experience opportunies,
online study assistance for sixth
formers, adult learning courses,
employability webinars and job
Libraries enrich lives and promote
creavity: Bounce and Rhyme
sessions, cra groups, author
talks, live-streamed cultural
events and an opportunity to
become Worcestershire’s next
Young Poet Laureate.
Libraries improve health and
wellbeing through opportunies
to engage and connect: social
connecng groups, self-help
‘Reading Well’ book collecons,
Study Happy sessions at The Hive.
Libraries are a gateway
for budding entrepreneurs
to get business advice,
informaon, signposng
and support from BIPC
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to MIddle Schools 2023/2024
Special Educaonal Needs
School Preference Guidelines for Children with an Educaon Health Care Plan
Please apply online through School Admissions and ck the box which indicates whether your child has an
Educaon Health Care Plan . If your child aends a mainstream seng and you are requesng a place in a special
school or specialist provision (including a place at a Mainstream Ausm Base), then you must also indicate a
mainstream choice as well.
If your child/young person has an Educaon Health Care Plan, and they are moving from Middle to High/
Secondary School, or Primary to High/Secondary School in September 2023, your applicaon will need to be
made by the naonal closing date 31st October 2022.
If your preference is for a place in the Mainstream Ausm Base at one of the schools which oers this
provision (please see list below), please select this as appropriate and make this clear on your applicaon.
If your child currently aends Fort Royal Special School, you will need to apply online through School
Admissions and they will pass your applicaon on to SEND Services who will process your request.
NB If your child has an Educaon Health Care Plan and is due to move from First to Middle School, you will
also need to apply by 31st October 2022 for your request to be dealt with (even though the closing date for
Middle School applicaons is dierent).
School Admissions will pass your applicaon over to SEND Services who will then process your request. An
amended Educaon, Health Care Plan will be sent to you in January 2023 followed by the nal Plan in February
2023 which will name your child’s school for September 2023.
Factors you should take account of when you tell us your preferred school
Most children/young people with special needs go to their local mainstream seng, school or college.
Special schools are for the children/young people with the most severe and complex special educaonal
needs. There are very few unoccupied places in special schools, and it is important that these are available for
the children/young people with the greatest needs.
Our home to school transport policy recognises that not all children/young people are able to walk to their
educaonal establishment . Children under 8 are expected to walk up to 2 miles, and children 8 and over are
expected to walk up to 3 miles. These are called the “statutory walking distances”. Parents are expected to
accompany their children within the statutory walking distance.
If you select a school/seng for your child/young person that is not the nearest school/seng of its’ kind to
where you live, then your child/young person would not receive home to school transport, even if they qualify
on the basis of their special needs. This is because there is a closer school/seng to where you live . It will be
a parental responsibility to provide appropriate transport to convey their child/young person to and from this
seng. The Local Authority will not, at any me, be nancially or otherwise responsible for providing transport
Some children/young people are eligible for free home to school transport if they are unable to walk for
reasons of severe mobility dicules or other severe needs that mean a child/young person could not walk
the distance, even with parental supervision.
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to MIddle Schools 2023/2024
Factors the Local Authority takes account of when considering your preference
The law gives high priority to the school/instuon preferred by a parent . If you would like your child/young
person, however severe his or her special educaonal needs, to go to a mainstream seng, school or college we
will almost always comply with the EHCP .
The main factors we consider in making the decision, about which seng your child/young person can aend,
Whether the school/instuon you have named is able to make the provision.
Whether the needs of your child/young person are compable with the provision of ecient educaon for
other children/young people.
Whether there is an available place – in specialist provision, we plan ahead by funding places for the year
in advance . Special school places and specialist bases in mainstream schools are funded for the pupils with
higher level needs who need focused and specialist provision.
Costs – if you have asked us to name a school or instuon where the costs of that place are greater than
another provision that is also suitable, then we may not be able to comply with your preference.
The Law says if you suggest the name of a maintained school or other instuon, we must name that school or
instuon in part I of the EHCP unless:
a. the school is unsuitable for a child’s/young person’s age, ability or aptude or for his/her special educaonal
needs; or
b. the aendance of a child/young person at the school would be incompable with the provision of ecient
educaon for the children/young people with whom he/she would be educated, or the ecient use of
If we do not name your preferred school in the EHCP, we will explain why.
If we name an Educaonal Establishment and you decide to make your own arrangements to place your
child/young person in an independent school, or to home educate him/her, we will need to be sure that the
arrangements you have made are suitable. If you do this, we will write to you to explain what this means in more
If you choose an Educaonal Establishment that is not the nearest suitable Educaonal Establishment your child/
young person will probably not be entled to free home to school transport, so we will want to be sure that you
can arrange for your child/young person to aend your preferred Educaonal Establishment. It will be a parental
responsibility to provide appropriate transport to convey their child/young person to and from school. The Local
Authority will not, at any me, be nancially or otherwise responsible for providing transport provision.
Specialist Placements
Most children/young people with special needs go to their local mainstream seng, school or college. Special
schools are for the children/young people with the most severe and complex special educaonal needs. There are
very few unoccupied places in special schools, and it is important that these are available for the children/young
people with the greatest needs.
If your preference is for your child/young person to be considered for a Special School, then you will need to also
apply online through School Admissions and they will pass your applicaon on to SEND Services who will then
process your request.
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to MIddle Schools 2023/2024
List of
Special Schools
Chadsgrove School
Ages: 2 to 19 years old
Address: Meadow Road, Bromsgrove, B61 0JL
Fort Royal School
Ages: 3 to 11 years.
Address: Wylds Lane, Worcester, WR5 1DR
Pitcheroak School
Ages: 4 to 19 years.
Address: Willow Way, Redditch, B97 6PQ
Regency High School
Ages: 11 to 19 years
Address: Windermere Road, Worcester, WR4 9JL
Rigby Hall School
Ages: 3 to 18 years
Address: Rigby Lane, Bromsgrove, B60 2EP
Riversides School
Ages: 7 to 16 years (with Social, Emoonal and
Mental Health Dicules)
Address: Thorneloe Road, Barbourne, Worcester,
The Kingsher School
Ages: 7 to 16 years (with Social, Emoonal and
Mental Health Dicules)
Address: Clion Close, Matchborough, Redditch, B98
The Vale of Evesham School
Ages: 2 to 19 years
Address: Four Pools Lane, Evesham, WR11 1BN
Wyre Forest School
Ages: 3 to 19 years
Address: Habberley Road, Kidderminster, DY11 6FA
List of Schools with a
Mainstream Ausm Base
Abbey Park Middle School
Beaconside Primary School
Chaddesley Corbe Primary School
Dyson Perrins High School
King Charles 1 High School
Meadows Primary School
Parkside Middle School
North Bromsgrove High School
Oldbury Park Primary School
Pershore High School
Tudor Grange Academy
Walkwood Middle School
Waseley Hills High School
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to MIddle Schools 2023/2024
Charges and allowances
Secons 449-462 of the Educaon Act 1996 sets out the law on charging for school acvies in schools
maintained by local authories in England. Academies (including free schools, studio schools and university
technical colleges) are required through their funding agreements to comply with the law on charging for school
acvies. The Board of Governors/Academy Trust of each school are required to publish their determined
Charging and Remissions policy within the school prospectus. Parents and carers are advised to contact the
preferred school for a copy.
Guidance on charging for school acvies from the Department for Educaon is as below:
School governing bodies and local authories, cannot charge for:
an admission applicaon to any state funded school - paragraph 1.9 (n) of the ‘School Admissions Code 2021’
rules out requests for nancial contribuons as any part of the admissions process;
educaon provided during school hours (including the supply of any materials, books, instruments or other
educaon provided outside school hours if it is part of the naonal curriculum, or part of a syllabus for a
prescribed public examinaon that the pupil is being prepared for at the school, or part of religious educaon;
instrumental or vocal tuion, for pupils learning individually or in groups, unless the tuion is provided at the
request of the pupil’s parent;
entry for a prescribed public examinaon, if the pupil has been prepared for it at the school; and
examinaon re-sit(s) if the pupil is being prepared for the re-sit(s) at the school.
In general, no charge can be made for adming pupils to maintained schools. Where educaon is provided
wholly or mainly during school hours, it should be free. It is therefore not possible to levy a compulsory charge for
transport, admission costs for swimming lessons or visits to museums, etc. during school hours.
The Local Authority or Board of Governors/Academy Trust may not charge for anything unless they have drawn
up a statement of general policy on charging. The Board of Governors/Academy Trust policy may be more or less
generous than the LA’s, as long as it meets the requirements of the law.
Voluntary Contribuons
Headteachers or Board of Governors/Academy Trust may ask parents for a voluntary contribuon towards the cost of:
any acvity that takes place during school hours
school equipment
school funds generally
The contribuon must be genuinely voluntary, though, and the pupils of parents who are unable or unwilling to
contribute may not be discriminated against. Where there are not enough voluntary contribuons to make the
acvity possible, and there is no way to make up the shorall, then it must be cancelled.
Music Tuion
Although the law states that, in general, all educaon provided during school hours must be free, instrumental
and vocal music tuion is an excepon to that rule.
The Charges for Music Tuion (England) Regulaons 2007 set out the circumstances in which charges can be
made for tuion in playing a musical instrument, including vocal tuion. They allow charging for tuion in larger
groups than was previously the case .
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to MIddle Schools 2023/2024
Charges may now be made for vocal or instrumental tuion provided either individually, or to groups of any size,
provided that the tuion is provided at the request of the pupil’s parent. Charges may not exceed the cost of the
provision, including the cost of the sta who provide the tuion.
Oponal extras
Charges may be made for some acvies that are known as ‘oponal extras’ . Where an oponal extra is being
provided, a charge can be made for providing materials, books, instruments, or equipment . For a full copy of the
DfE guidance visit Charging for school acvies .
Residenal Trips
Schools are permied to charge for the cost of board and lodging during residenal school trips . This cost must
not exceed the actual cost of the provision . Parents must be informed about a forthcoming visit, it must be made
clear that parents who can prove they are in receipt of any of the following benets will be exempt from paying
the cost of board and lodging:
Income Support
income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
income-related Employment and Support Allowance
support under Part VI of the Immigraon and Asylum Act 1999
the guaranteed element of Pension Credit
Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of
no more than £16,190)
Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for 4 weeks aer you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
Universal Credit - if you apply on or aer 1 April 2018 your household income must be less than £7,400 a
year (aer tax and not including any benets you get)
(The criteria that entle families to an exempon from paying for the cost of board & lodging has been aligned
with free school meals criteria.)
Where the trip takes place wholly or mainly during school hours, children whose parents are in receipt of a free
school meal entlement will also be entled to the remission of these charges.
A similar entlement applies where the trip takes place outside school hours but is necessary as part of the
Naonal Curriculum, or forms part of the syllabus for a prescribed examinaon that the school is preparing the
pupil to sit, or the syllabus for religious educaon.
For a full copy of the DfE guidance visit Charging for school acvies.
(Informaon above correct at me of going to print but eligibility thresholds are reviewed regularly by central
Free School Meals
Please visit Free School Meals for charges and allowances informaon.
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to MIddle Schools 2023/2024
Worcestershire schools
How does the school system vary within the county?
All schools in the County are co-educaonal, and all high schools are comprehensive . However, there are
dierent types of school and there are also dierences across the County in the age groups that the schools
provide for, as explained below .
Types of School
Academies (A)
Academies are publicly funded independent schools . The governing body/academy trust have responsibility for
managing the academy and have responsibility for deciding the arrangements for adming pupils including their
own admissions criteria . Academies don’t have to follow the naonal curriculum and can set their own term mes
. They sll have to follow the same rules on admissions, special educaonal needs and exclusions as other state
schools . Academies get money direct from the government, not the local council . They’re run by an academy
trust which employs the sta . Some academies have sponsors such as businesses, universies, other schools,
faith groups or voluntary groups . Sponsors are responsible for improving the performance of their schools .
Free Schools (FR)
Free schools are funded by the government but aren’t run by the local council. Free Schools are non-prot
making, independent, state-funded schools . They’re ‘all-ability’ schools, so can’t use academic selecon processes
like a grammar school . Free schools can set their own pay and condions for sta, change the length of school
terms and the school day and don’t have to follow the naonal curriculum . Free schools can be set up by
charies, universies, independent schools, community and faith groups, teachers, parents and businesses .
The governing body have responsibility for managing the Free School and have responsibility for deciding the
arrangements for adming pupils including their own admissions criteria .
Community (C) and Voluntary Controlled (VC) Schools
Worcestershire Local Authority (LA) is the admission authority i .e . it has responsibility for deciding the
arrangements for adming pupils to Community (C) and Voluntary Controlled (VC) schools including the
admissions criteria.
Community schools are controlled by the local council and not inuenced by business or religious groups.
Foundaon (FD) and Voluntary Aided (VA) Schools
The governing body is the admissions authority i.e. it has responsibility for deciding the arrangements for
adming pupils including their own admissions criteria. Voluntary Aided schools have to follow the naonal
curriculum, but they can choose what they teach in religious studies. Foundaon schools and Voluntary Aided
schools may have dierent admissions criteria and stang policies, although anyone can apply for a place.
The individual school governing body is responsible for determining admission and appeal arrangements for
Academies (A), Foundaon (FD), Free (FR) and Voluntary Aided (VA) Schools. You will nd details of the various
admissions policies using this link: hps:// For more detailed
informaon on types of school visit: hps://
Elecve Home Educaon (EHE)
Under Secon 7 of the Educaon Act 1996 parents have a legal responsibility to provide their child with an
educaon either by regular school aendance or Otherwise . Under this duty parents can decide to take personal,
including nancial, responsibility for their child’s educaon and this is known as Elecve Home Educaon (EHE).
Informaon on Elecve Home Educaon is made available through the SEND Informaon, Advice and Support
Service by telephoning: 01905 768153 or at: hps://on.
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to MIddle Schools 2023/2024
Worcestershire School Organisaon
In the County there are two systems: Please refer to area informaon for details.
Three-Tier System
The three-er system consists of rst schools for pupils from 4 to 8, 9 or 10 years, middle schools for pupils from
8, 9 or 10 years to 12 or 13 years, and high schools which provide for pupils of 12 or 13 years to 18 years.
Two-Tier System
In some other areas of Worcestershire, there is a two-er system of primary schools for pupils up to the age of
11, with high schools for pupils over the age of 11.
There are also some dierences in the way high schools are organised . Some schools have Sixth Forms and some
do not.
How to nd out about schools?
We have included key informaon about all Worcestershire schools (except independent schools) in this book .
If you have access to the internet you can nd further informaon about schools, including each schools latest
OFSTED report, at: hps://www.get-informa
Each school publishes its own prospectus and will have a website you can visit to nd out more informaon.
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to MIddle Schools 2023/2024
Admissions to Middle Schools
Admission authories can review their arrangements annually. The informaon given in this secon of the
book applies only to admissions into Year 4, Year 5 or Year 6 in the school year 2023 - 2024 and may change in
future years.
Please be aware:
It is a parent/carers responsibility to ensure that their applicaon is submied on me .
Living in catchment, or having a sibling already at the school gives no guarantee that your child will gain a
place at the catchment school or school where the sibling is aending.
If you are in the process of moving at the me of your applicaon you MUST provide School Admissions with
some rm independent evidence of when you will actually begin to live there . This evidence must be provided
before the relevant closing date for applicaons. This is also applicable if you are moving property and wish to
have your applicaon considered from your new property, or wish to make changes to on me preferences aer
the closing date. See Secon 1.7 regarding late applicaons and further details on moving property.
1.1 Parental Responsibility
The law allows any parent/carer that has parental responsibility for a child to express a preference as to which
school they would like the child to aend . Should more than one parent have parental responsibility for a child,
both parents should be in agreement over the preferences expressed prior to the applicaon being submied.
Where more than one parent submits an applicaon for a child, or where there is a parent not in agreement
with the preferences, the Local Authority and any admission authority applied for, legally has to comply with
the preferences expressed . If this is not the same, then parents will have to seek resoluon and if necessary
legal resoluon . It may be necessary for the courts to determine which parent can make the nal decision
on schooling. Failure to ensure agreement prior to submission, may result in a delay in any applicaon being
When subming your applicaon, as part of the terms and condions, you will be required to conrm that
parents are in agreement with the preferences expressed, this will also apply if you wish to transfer in year. If it is
subsequently determined that agreement was not made prior to the applicaon being submied, it could result in
the withdrawal of the oer of a place, if it is determined that the informaon supplied was intenonally misleading
or fraudulent.
1.2 What is considered to be the Home Address for your child?
Each admission authority will have a way of determining home address . You must check with the relevant school
to nd out how this is dened. In the case of Community and Voluntary Controlled schools, home is dened as
the only or main permanent residenal address, at the closing date for applicaons, where the child usually resides
and which is the usual address of the parent/carer with main responsibility for the child . Where parents/carers
have shared responsibility, the child’s home address will usually be considered to be that of the parent/carer with
whom the child lives for the majority of the school week (eg three or more days out of ve Monday to Friday
during term-me).
Where care is split equally, parent/carers must provide independent supporng documentary evidence to prove
that care is equally split . In such cases the address used will be determined by random selecon (loery) . Legal
and Democrac Services who are totally independent of School Admissions will supervise this process .
Documentary evidence of home address may be required, including evidence that the child and his or her main
parent/carer will be resident at the address at the date of admission . An oer of a place may not be made, or may
be withdrawn, if acceptable proof of residence is not provided when requested.
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to MIddle Schools 2023/2024
1.3 Which school can your child aend?
The law says that the Local Authority (LA) must give parents the chance to state their preference for the school
they wish their child to aend. The law does not give parents/carers an absolute right to “choose” the school
for their child. It is important to nd out the name of the catchment area school for the home address of your
child and you can do this by either vising School Admissions and following the link to Find a School or by
telephoning: 01905 822700.
You may apply for other schools (other than the catchment area school), including Academy, Foundaon, Free
or Voluntary Aided Schools. Details of the co-ordinated admissions arrangements can be found at Determined
Admission Policies 2023-2024.
Under Secon 7 of the Educaon Act 1996 parents have a legal responsibility to provide their child with an
educaon either by regular school aendance or Otherwise. Under this duty parents can decide to take personal,
including nancial, responsibility for their child’s educaon and this is known as Elecve Home Educaon (EHE).
Informaon on Elecve Home Educaon is made available through the SEND Informaon, Advice and Support
Service or by telephoning: 01905 768153.
Important Consideraons for you to note:
If your child is admied to a middle school school of your preference, your child may not have the highest
priority for transfer to the related high school.
If the related high school is oversubscribed at the me of transfer, your child might then have to move in a
dierent direcon from other children aending the middle school.
Having gained admission to a middle school of your preference does not mean that younger siblings will
automacally gain admission to the same school . Should the school be oversubscribed at the me of applicaon
of a younger sibling, catchment area children may have a higher priority on the oversubscripon criteria .
Applicaons where a preference is expressed for a parcular school, on me, will take precedence in relaon
to the school over where, a preference is expressed for a parcular school, aer the closing date. In both
of these instances, they will have precedence over those where no preference, for a parcular school, is
expressed, even if that is your catchment school.
You should give careful consideraon to the means by which your child will travel to school. Informaon about
School Transport is available at School Transport
1.4 How do you apply for a place at a Middle School
The parents of ALL pupils resident in Worcestershire, including parents whose preference is for the catchment
area school for the child’s home address, seeking a place at any middle School, including any Academy,
Foundaon, Free or Voluntary Aided School, and any School outside Worcestershire, must complete a
Worcestershire on-line applicaon by the closing date – 15th January 2023. If you are unable to apply on-line
contact School Admissions on 01905 822700 for assistance.
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to MIddle Schools 2023/2024
Worcestershire parents are invited to state three preferences. All preferences are treated as equal inially, and
the oversubscripon criteria applied to each preference. If it is possible to make a potenal oer at more than one
school, then the nal oer will be the school ranked highest on the applicaon. (See paragraph 1.10 below).
Please be aware that dierent LAs and Academies, Foundaon, Free and Voluntary Aided Schools may have
dierent admissions criteria, and therefore it is strongly advised that you ensure that you have understood
the informaon that is available from each LA/School, before stang a preference on an applicaon. The
Admissions Criteria for Worcestershire Academy, Foundaon, Free and Voluntary Aided Schools can be found
at School Admissions & Appeals 2023-2024.
Please make contact with the School Admissions Teams of any of the relevant LAs, if further informaon is
required. (The contact details for all the neighbouring LAs can be found in Part A)
Parents seeking a place at an Academy, Foundaon, Free or Voluntary Aided School or schools outside
Worcestershire must:
obtain from the school a prospectus which will explain if you need to provide/complete supplementary
complete a Worcestershire on-line applicaon naming your school preferences.
The parents of pupils resident outside Worcestershire, but who wish to apply for a place at any Worcestershire
school, must complete an applicaon provided by the “home” LA. (The “home” LA is dened as the Local Authority
relevant to the child’s home address). The “home” LA will ensure that the applicaon details are passed onto
Worcestershire LA for consideraon in the allocaon of school places . If you are not resident in Worcestershire,
then you should obtain admission details from your home LA, even if your preferences include schools within
Worcestershire. You can nd the contact details for other Local Authories on page 6.
It is very important that applicaons are received no later than the date indicated in paragraph 1.9.
Late applicaons are always considered, though it may not be possible to allocate a place in the school you
prefer, if it is oversubscribed, even if the school is the catchment area school for your child’s home address – (See
paragraph 1.11 about late applicaons) .
You should inform the Headteacher of the allocated school, and School Admissions if you are withdrawing your
applicaon for any reason. School Admissions and the Headteacher must be noed immediately of any change
in the child’s home address. Independent documentary evidence will be required . Please note the deadlines
for receiving this informaon are in line with the policy on late applicaons, including late changes to on me
applicaons –(see paragraph 1.7).
1.5 When should you apply?
Places in recepon classes are allocated on the basis of applicaons received on or before the closing date of:
15th January 2023 for admissions in the school year September 2023 to August 2024.
Parents who do not wish their children to start unl they have reached compulsory school age must discuss their
intenons with the school, and must also apply for a school place by, 15th January 2023, so that their applicaon
can be considered. (See also paragraph 1.3 to 1.5 above) .
From 1st September 2022 unl the closing date 15th January 2023 applicaons can be made by at School
Admissions. If you do not have access to the internet please contact School Admissions on 01905 822700.
Details/preferences on an on-line applicaon can be amended and re-submied right up unl the closing date,
15th January 2023. (Remember to resubmit any changes you make and keep a copy of the email you receive to
conrm the submission)
Any requests to amend details/preferences aer the closing date, must be made in wring or sent via email to
School Admissions. Any such requests will only be accepted where:
a. where a family have just moved address, (Secon 4- living in a catchment area);
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to MIddle Schools 2023/2024
b. where it is agreed by School Admissions, that individual circumstances apply and the delay was reasonable
given the circumstances of the case;
In all circumstances, independent supporng documentary informaon will need to be provided.
For applicaons aer the closing date, including late changes to on me preferences, please refer to paragraph
1.7 below.
If you are not resident in Worcestershire, then you must apply through your ‘home’ Local Authority, even if
your preferences include schools within Worcestershire.
PROOF OF APPLICATION – It is the parent/carers responsibility to ensure a receipt is obtained when
making an applicaon.
Applicaons made on-line will receive a return receipt via email once the applicaon has been submied.
Paper applicaon forms have a detachable receipt – see form for details.
The Local Authority will not accept that an applicaon form has been submied unless you can provide
either of the above as proof. This will mean that your applicaon will be classed as Late.
1.6 How are places allocated?
School Admissions will send details to its Academy, Foundaon, Free and Voluntary Aided Schools, of all
applicaons received for that school, irrespecve of ranking, for inial consideraon, and also to neighbouring
LAs, who will then apply their own oversubscripon criteria.
School Admissions will then receive the outcome of these inial consideraons, and will compare against lists
of potenal oers at other schools nominated on the applicaon, to idenfy any pupils, who may potenally
be oered more than one place . If this is the case, then the single oer will be the higher ranked school on the
If no place is available at your second or third preference schools as well, or if you have not expressed a
second/ third preference, the Home Local Authority will name an alternave school with places available.
This will normally be the nearest school to where you live that sll has available places. It is therefore very
important to use your three preferences to try and ensure you do not receive an oer at a school you do not
wish your child to aend.
1.7 What if you are applying or want to change your applicaon aer the closing date – Late
To make an applicaon aer the closing date of 15th January 2023, you will need to make a late applicaon
on-line or you can contact us via email at schooladmissions@worcschildren or by contacng 01905
822700 if you need assistance.
Between 16th January 2023 and 28th February 2023, it is likely that a number of late applicaons (this includes all
requests to amend applicaons previously submied) will be received . The Council has agreed in itsco-ordinated scheme
to accept late applicaons, or changes to on me applicaons, for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools within
Worcestershire, within this me-frame, and treat them as being on me, only in the following circumstances;
a. where a family have just moved address, (Secon 4 - living in a catchment area);
b. where it is agreed by School Admissions, that individual circumstances apply and the delay was reasonable
given the circumstances of the case;
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to MIddle Schools 2023/2024
In each case independent supporng documentary evidence will need to be submied with the applicaon. In
all other circumstances, or if the applicaon is not received unl aer 28th February 2023, late applicaons
(including late changes to on me applicaons), will receive a lower priority, and will only be considered aer
the applicaons received (or deemed to be) on me.
NB. If the late applicaon is for an Academy, Foundaon, Free or Voluntary Aided School, or a school outside
Worcestershire, it will be necessary to refer to the late applicaon policy of the school or the LA, in whose area
the school is located.
All applicaons received aer 28th February 2023 for the intake year, must be submied to School Admissions,
and will be processed as soon as possible. An oer, or refusal of a school place, will be given by School
Admissions, on behalf of the relevant admission authority.
If making an applicaon aer the start of the Autumn Term (1st September 2023) please refer to In-Year Transfer
1.8 Who has responsibility for the allocaon of places?
For Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools, decisions are made by School Admissions. The Headteacher of
the school involved is not in a posion to oer your child a place. For Academy, Foundaon, Free and Voluntary
Aided Schools decisions are made by the governing body/trust of the individual schools . For explanaon of
school types – see Secon 8A Glossary.
1.9 When are decisions made?
Oers will be issued on 17th April 2023. They will be issued direct to parents, by School Admissions, even if it
is on behalf of the governing body of an Academy, Foundaon, Free or Voluntary Aided School, or a school in a
neighbouring LA.
In the few cases, where it may not be possible to oer a place at any of the preferences nominated on the
applicaon, a place will normally be oered at the nearest school with places sll available.
The acceptance or decline of the oer must be made by the date specied.
For pupils not resident in Worcestershire, the oer or refusal will be sent direct to parents by the home LA, even if
it is for a school in Worcestershire.
1.10 Waing Lists
If your applicaon for your preferred school is unsuccessful, you will have the opportunity to go onto a waing list.
You should be aware that a school waing list is an acve document. As parents request for their children to be
included on the list the posion of an individual child already on the list can change. A waing list does not give
priority based simply on the date an applicaon was added to the list, priority is based on the oversubscripon
policy of the school.
Waing lists for Academy, Foundaon, Free and Voluntary Aided Schools, are maintained by the individual
schools and parents will need to contact the school directly, to establish the waing list procedure in place at
those schools .
Waing lists for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools, are maintained by School Admissions, and
parents need to apply, in order to be included . These waing lists will be maintained unl the 31st July 2024.
Only on receipt of an acknowledgement leer from School Admissions will that child be on the list.
Important Informaon:
All parents will be given a date by which they must respond to their oer of a school place, this gives every
parent the opportunity to request to go onto waing lists. Once that specied date has gone past, the waing
lists will be collated and priorised in line with the published admission arrangements. This is likely to take a
number of weeks, depending on the number of requests.
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to MIddle Schools 2023/2024
Once the waing lists are collated and priorised, School Admissions will begin the process of reallocang any
vacancies for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools. School Admissions will also be noed by any
Academy, Foundaon, Free and Voluntary Aided Schools of any vacancies and new allocaons from waing
lists, to be made on behalf of their Governors/Trusts.
School Admissions will contact you directly if they are able to oer a place to your child from any waing list .
You will only be contacted with regards to an oer and would ask that you allow School Admissions sucient
me to deal with all requests and new oers . This is likely to be 4 weeks aer the deadline date for
Aer that stage you will be able to nd out your child’s posion on any waing list, but not before.
1.11 Can I appeal against the refusal of a place at my preferred school?
Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools (including Sixth Forms)
If the parental preference cannot be met, you may, if you wish, appeal against the decision . Appeals by parents,
seng out the grounds upon which the appeal is made, should be submied in wring to School Admissions, by
the deadline published on the Worcestershire County Council website at Appealing an Admissions Decision.
Appeals are heard by an independent appeal panel and whether your appeal is successful is likely to depend on
the merits of your case.
1.12 Second Appeal
The Code of Pracce on School Admission Appeals, Secon 5 (page 23) covers the issue of second appeals for
the same school in the same school year . “Appellants do not have the right to a second appeal for the same
school for the same academic year unless, in exceponal circumstances, the admission authority accepts a second
applicaon because of a signicant and material change in circumstances.
Academy, Foundaon, Free and Voluntary Aided Schools
Separate appeals procedures and arrangements exist to consider decisions by Academy, Foundaon, Free and
Voluntary Aided Schools . The arrangements are published by the Governors/Trust of the schools and should
be obtained from the school directly . All admission appeals must be heard by an independent panel, with no
connecon to the school.
1.13 What happens if you are moving into a new area?
Where families with children of school age are moving into a new area, parents should at the earliest opportunity
either enquire at schools in the area or contact the Local Authority School Admissions Secon in the area . You
will be required to provide independent documentary evidence as proof of move to support any applicaon you
may make .
If your move falls outside of the normal admissions round then please refer to the In-Year Admissions Booklet.
Please be aware that in the case of In-Year Admissions, we are unable to reserve places in the event that
further applicaons may be received, this means we will not be able to process your applicaon more than 6
weeks in advance of the date you require the place.
Please be aware that some schools may well already be full at the me of your applicaon.
1.14 How many children may be admied to each school?
The County Council has a duty to ensure the provision of ecient educaon and the ecient use of resources.
Schools cannot be permied to become over-crowded . The number of pupils that may be admied to a school in
the relevant year group (Recepon intake in the case of First/Primary Schools) is known as the Published Admission
Number (PAN). NB Please be aware that this number is not necessarily for other year groups in the school.
Details are given in Secon 5 of this book for the Recepon intake in 2023 . (As at me of compleon July 2022)
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to MIddle Schools 2023/2024
1.15 Children of UK service personnel (UK Armed Forces)
The School Admissions Code species that, for families of service personnel with a conrmed posng to their
area, or crown servants returning from overseas to live in that area, admission authories must:
a. allocate a place in advance of the family arriving in the area (as long as one is available), provided the
applicaon is accompanied by an ocial leer that declares a relocaon date. Admission authories must not
refuse to process an applicaon and must not refuse a place solely because the family do not yet have an
intended address, or do not yet live in the area.
b. use the address at which the child will live when applying their oversubscripon criteria, as long as the parents
provide some evidence of their intended address. Admission authories must use a Unit or quartering address
as the child’s home address when considering the applicaon against their oversubscripon criteria, where a
parent requests this.
c. n ot reserve blocks of places for these children.
d. ensure that arrangements in their area support the Government’s commitment to removing disadvantage
for service children. Arrangements must be appropriate for the area and be described in the local authority’s
composite prospectus.
In the case of Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools, the admission arrangements ensure that the
applicaon is accepted in advance and the address is accepted as if the child were resident at that address
immediately. Should any vacancy exist then that place can be allocated in advance This is in line with the
mandatory requirements of the Code. However, where no vacancy exists the approved admissions policy does
not admit these children above the PAN. The arrangements in place are considered appropriate for Community
and Voluntary Controlled Schools in Worcestershire, where very few applicaons under these circumstances are
received . In the case of an Academy, Foundaon, Free and Voluntary Aided Schools you will need to contact the
schools directly to nd out how they deal with this type of applicaon.
1.16 Admission of Children outside of their normal age group
Parents may seek a place for their child outside of their normal age group, for example, if the child is gied and talented or
has experienced problems such as ill health, eecvely in the year group below or above their chronological age group.
In the case of a Community or Voluntary Controlled School the Local Authority must make the decision based on the
circumstances of each case and in the best interests of the child concerned. In the case of a Community or Voluntary
Controlled School the Local Authority will request the head teacher of the school to take account of the parent’s views;
informaon about the child’s academic, social and emoonal development; where relevant, their medical history and the
views of a medical professional; whether they have previously been educated out of their normal age group; and whether
they may naturally have fallen into a lower age group if it were not for being born prematurely.
in order to reach a decision as to whether or not it is appropriate for the individual child to delay or accelerate their entry
into school and be taught permanently behind or ahead of their chronological age group . The reasons for the decision
must be clearly set out .
In the case of Community and Voluntary Controlled schools, the Local Authority is the Admission Authority and any decision
made for this type of school will apply to all Community and Voluntary Controlled schools within the same educaonal
seng. Academy, Voluntary Aided, Foundaon and Free schools are own Admission Authority schools and can, if required
make their own decision . There is no guarantee that the decision will be honoured by all other admission authories.
This process must be completed in advance of the closing date of 15th January 2023, in the event that the delayed
or accelerated entry is not approved, parents will need to make an applicaon in me for the 2023 intake. Should the
delayed or accelerated entry be approved you will receive details of how to proceed with an applicaon.
Please be aware that even if delayed or accelerated entry is agreed, the normal admission arrangements apply and there is
no guarantee of a place. You should therefore give careful consideraon to requesng delayed or accelerated entry.
If this is something you wish to discuss further then please contact 01905 822700. Further informaon can be
found in our Policy on Delayed and Accelerated Transfer
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to MIddle Schools 2023/2024
Applicaons on behalf of children arriving from overseas
In most cases, foreign naonal children in the UK have the right to aend schools in England. School admission
authories must not refuse to admit a child on the basis of their naonality or immigraon status nor remove
them from roll on this basis. It is the responsibility of parents to check that their children have a right, under their
visa entry condions, to study at a school.
Children aged under 18 can enter the UK, as a dependant of a foreign naonal who has seled status in the UK,
as a dependant of their parent(s) who are in the UK on a work visa or Student visa, or who are part of a family
entering or residing in the UK under the immigraon route for Brish Naonal (Overseas) cizens and their
These dependant children are entled to enter the country and can study at a state-funded or independent
school once in the UK. Dependant children of a person on the BN(O) route must make an applicaon, under the
BN(O) immigraon route, at the same me as their parent(s). Dependant children who do not arrive in the UK at
the same me as their parents, would need to apply for a visa separately as a dependant child.
Processing applicaons from parents moving to England
Parents who are not UK or Irish naonals should check they, and their children, have a right to reside in the UK
before applying for a school place in England. It is not the responsibility of the admission authority or co-ordinated
local authority to check.
A school admission authority cannot refuse to admit a child unl the school to which the parents have applied
is full (it has reached its published admission number). Parents who are moving or returning to the UK and who
apply for a place in England must therefore have their applicaons for state-funded schools considered. Where a
place is refused, admission authories must oer an appeal to an independent appeals panel.
If an applicaon is made from another country, local authories should consider the applicaon as adequate proof
of an intenon to move or return to the area and include it within the local authority co-ordinated process.
A local authority should not refuse an applicaon made from overseas (or from Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland,
the Isle of Man or the Channel Islands), on the grounds that the applicant does not currently live in its area.
Establishing ‘home’ address
Each admission authority will have a way of determining home address. You must check with the relevant school
to nd out how this is dened. In the case of Community and Voluntary Controlled schools, home is dened as
the only or main residenal address, at the closing date for applicaons, where the child usually resides and which
is the usual address of the parent/carer with main responsibility for the child.
If you are in the process of moving to live in the relevant catchment area at the me of your applicaon you need
to provide School Admissions with some rm independent evidence of when you will actually begin to live there .
This evidence must be provided before the relevant closing date for applicaons . This is also applicable if you are
moving property and wish to have your applicaon considered from your new property .
If your move involves the purchase of a property you will need to provide appropriate wrien independent
evidence (in the form of a leer from your solicitors) that contracts for the purchase have been exchanged
and of the actual or expected compleon date.
If your move involves the renng of a property you will need to provide appropriate wrien independent
evidence (eg from an estate agent or solicitor) of the tenancy agreement or lease including the start date.
If your move involves your returning to live in a property you already own you will need to provide
appropriate wrien independent evidence of the date when you will resume living in the property and that
you intend to remain living there for the present.
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to MIddle Schools 2023/2024
If your move involves any other circumstances you will need to provide appropriate wrien independent
evidence of the date when you begin to live there, the arrangements you will have for living there and the
length of me for which you envisage staying there.
Admission authories must consider all applicaons and should not refuse an applicaon simply because a parent
or child currently lives in another country.
Withdrawing oers of places
When an applicaon is made from an address in another country, the local authority and/or school may ask for
evidence before the school year to conrm that the child now lives in the area. If the child does not aend school
on the rst day of term, the admission authority could remove the oer and allocate the place to a child on the
waing list.
Before taking this acon, the admission authority will contact the parent(s) to give them an opportunity to explain
why there has been a delay in taking up the place and nd out when the child might begin aending.
Paragraph 2.12 of the School Admissions Code states that: ‘An admission authority must not withdraw an
oer unless it has been oered in error, a parent has not responded within a reasonable period of me, or it is
established that the oer was obtained through a fraudulent or intenonally misleading applicaon. Where the
parent has not responded to the oer, the admission authority must give the parent a further opportunity to
respond and explain that the oer may be withdrawn if they do not.
If the school does not receive a response even then, the Pupil Registraon Regulaons 2006 (as amended) allow it
to remove the child from the roll aer 20 school days. The local authority or admission authority can then allocate
the vacant place to a child on the waing list.
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to MIddle Schools 2023/2024
Academy (A)
Academies are publicly funded independent schools . The governing body/academy trust have responsibility for
managing the academy and have responsibility for deciding the arrangements for adming pupils including their
own admissions criteria . Academies don’t have to follow the naonal curriculum and can set their own term
mes. They sll have to follow the same rules on admissions, special educaonal needs and exclusions as other
state schools.
Academies get money direct from the government, not the local council. They’re run by an academy trust which
employs the sta. Some academies have sponsors such as businesses, universies, other schools, faith groups or
voluntary groups. Sponsors are responsible for improving the performance of their schools.
Catchment Area School
It is the school allocated to take children for the geographical area within which your address falls. It is likely to be
the school nearest to your home address but this will not always be the case.
Community School (C)
Schools which are wholly owned and maintained by the Local Authority. The Local Authority is the admission
authority, it has responsibility for deciding arrangements for adming pupils. Community schools are controlled
by the local council and not inuenced by business or religious groups.
Comprehensive School
A school catering for pupils of all aptudes and abilies.
Compulsory School Age
A child reaches compulsory school age on the prescribed day following his/her h birthday (or on his/her h
birthday if it falls on a prescribed day). The prescribed days are 31 December, 31 March and 31 August.
The curriculum consists of all of the learning opportunies provided by the school, many of which take place in
the classroom under the direct control of the teacher, supplemented by a range of acvies outside the classroom
including educaonal visits and eld studies.
Deferred Entry
There is exibility for parents who do not feel their child is ready to start school before compulsory school age.
They may defer the date their child is admied to school unl later in the school year following their fourth
birthday, providing they do not defer beyond the point at which they reach compulsory school age, or beyond the
start of the nal term of that school year.
Delayed Entry
Children born in the summer term, are not required to start school unl a full year aer the point at which they
could rst have been admied – the point at which other children in their age range are beginning year 1. Should
the parent wish their child to be admied to recepon, rather than year one, they may request that they are
admied out of their normal age group. In any circumstance where a parent requests their child is admied out
of their normal age group, the admission authority must make a decision on the basis of the circumstances of the
case and in the best interests of the child concerned.
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to MIddle Schools 2023/2024
Designated school
Every address in Worcestershire is within a school catchment area and that school is then normally the designated
school for that area, for school transport purposes . Please note, that even though school catchment areas may
change, the designated school is determined by the Local Authority for transport purposes and this remains
Distance Measurement
Each admission authority will have their own way of determining distance to school . You must check with the
relevant school to nd out how this will be done. In the case of Community and Voluntary Controlled schools this
is a straight line measurement using the GeoCode Points for each property and the GeoCode point for the School.
The Local Authority use a soware package called Arcview GIS to determine distance . Ordnance Survey supply
the co- ordinates that are used to plot an address within this system.
Feeder Schools
Within each area a pyramid of schools exists. Feeder schools are schools which share the catchment area
to the next phase of school within the same pyramid and may be named feeder schools in some admission
arrangements. Details of each pyramid showing all the appropriate feeder schools are displayed in Secon 5 of
this book. Please note not all schools use the Feeder School connecon in their admission arrangements. Please
ensure that you check the admission policy for any Academy, Foundaon, Free or Voluntary Aided School to
ensure you are aware of any feeder school links named in the policies.
Foundaon School (FD)
Schools which are maintained by the Local Authority. The Governing Body is the employer and the admissions
authority. The schools land and buildings are either owned by the Governing Body or by a charitable foundaon.
Free Schools (FR)
Free schools are funded by the government but aren’t run by the local council. Free Schools are non-prot
making, independent, state-funded schools. They’re ‘all-ability’ schools, so can’t use academic selecon processes
like a grammar school. Free schools can set their own pay and condions for sta, change the length of school
terms and the school day and don’t have to follow the naonal curriculum . Free schools can be set up by
charies, universies, independent schools, community and faith groups, teachers, parents and businesses .
The governing body have responsibility for managing the Free School and have responsibility for deciding the
arrangements for adming pupils including their own admissions criteria.
Home Address
Each admission authority will have a way of determining home address . You must check with the relevant school
to nd out how this is dened. In the case of Community and Voluntary Controlled schools, home is dened as
the only or main residenal address, at the closing date for applicaons, where the child usually resides and which
is the usual address of the parent/carer with main responsibility for the child . Where parents/carers have shared
responsibility, the child’s home address will usually be considered to be that of the parent/carer with whom the
child lives for the majority of the school week (eg three or more days out of ve Monday to Friday during term-
me). Further informaon can be found in Secon 4 on page 35.
Independent School
Independent schools charge fees to aend instead of being funded by the government . Pupils don’t have to
follow the naonal curriculum . All private schools must be registered with the government and are inspected
Local Authority (LA)
The local government body responsible for the organisaon and maintenance of the educaon service in its area .
In Worcestershire this responsibility is either undertaken by or commissioned by the County Council.
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to MIddle Schools 2023/2024
Maintained Special School
A school oen referred to as a Special School . Special Schools are provided by the Local Authority for those
pupils with Special Educaonal Needs (SEN), whose needs cannot be met by mainstream schools.
When parental requests for places in a year group in a school exceeds the number of places available.
Parental Responsibility
All mothers and most fathers have legal rights and responsibilies as a parent - known as ‘parental responsibility’.
A mother automacally has parental responsibility for her child from birth. A father usually has parental
responsibility if he is married to the child’s mother or listed on the birth cercate.
Published Admission Number (PAN)
The number of pupils to be admied to the rst year group of a school.
Reasonable Distance
The LA follows the DfE guidance on best pracce which states “the maximum each way length of journey for a
child of primary school age might be considered to be 45 minutes: whilst a child of secondary school age might
be expected to travel up to 75 minutes each way. Similarly, a child’s special educaonal needs and/or disability
might be such that it implies a shorter maximum journey me.
Each admission authority will have their own denion of sibling. You must check with the relevant school
what this is. In the case of Community and Voluntary Controlled schools the denion of a sibling, as well as
brother and sister will include half-siblings, adopted children, step-siblings or a child of the parent/carers partner.
They must also be living at the same home address . Children who are brought together as a family by a civil
partnership and who are living at the same address, are also considered to be siblings. In order to qualify for the
sibling the older sibling must already be in aendance at the me of applicaon and sll on roll at the me of
admission of the younger sibling.
Voluntary Aided School (VA)
Schools which are maintained by the Local Authority, with a foundaon (generally religious) which appoints
most of the Governing Body . The Governing body is the admissions authority. These schools have to follow the
naonal curriculum, but they can choose what they teach in religious studies. They may have dierent admissions
criteria and stang policies, although anyone can apply for a place.
Voluntary Controlled School (VC)
Schools which are maintained by the Local Authority, with a foundaon (generally religious) which appoints some
– but not most – of the Governing Body. The Local Authority is the admissions authority.
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to MIddle Schools 2023/2024
Living in a school catchment area or moving property
Home Address
Each admission authority will have a way of determining home address . You must check with the relevant school
to nd out how this is dened. In the case of Community and Voluntary Controlled schools, home is dened as
the only or main residenal address, at the closing date for applicaons, where the child usually resides and which
is the usual address of the parent/carer with main responsibility for the child . Where parents/carers have shared
responsibility, the child’s home address will usually be considered to be that of the parent/carer with whom the
child lives for the majority of the school week (eg three or more days out of ve Monday to Friday during term-
Where care is split equally, parent/carers must provide supporng documentary evidence to prove that care
is equally split . In such cases the address used will be determined by random selecon (loery) . Legal and
Democrac Services who are totally independent of School Admissions will supervise this process . Documentary
evidence of home address may be required, including evidence that the child and his or her main parent/carer will
be resident at the address at the date of admission . An oer of a place may not be made, or may be withdrawn, if
acceptable proof of residence is not provided when requested .
1. In order to qualify as living within the catchment area of a given school, School Admissions will need to be
sased that you actually do live within that area or property at the relevant closing date and at the me of
admission .
2. If you are in the process of moving to live in the relevant catchment area at the me of your applicaon you
need to provide School Admissions with some rm independent evidence of when you will actually begin
to live there . This evidence must be provided before the relevant closing date for applicaons . This is also
applicable if you are moving property and wish to have your applicaon considered from your new property .
See Secon 1.7 regarding late applicaons and late changes to on me applicaons .
If your move into the catchment area or moving property involves the purchase of a property you will
need to provide appropriate wrien independent evidence (in the form of a leer from your solicitors) that
contracts for the purchase have been exchanged and of the actual or expected compleon date .
If your move into the catchment area or moving property involves the renng of a property you will need
to provide appropriate wrien independent evidence (eg from an estate agent or solicitor) of the tenancy
agreement or lease including the start date .
If your move into the catchment area or moving property involves your returning to live in a property you
already own you will need to provide appropriate wrien independent evidence of the date when you will
resume living
in the property and that you intend to remain living there for the present .
If your move into the catchment area or moving property involves any other circumstances you will
need to provide appropriate wrien independent evidence of the date when you begin to live there, the
arrangements you will have for living there and the length of me for which you envisage staying there .
3. Please note that unless the wrien evidence which you provide proves, to the sasfacon of School
Admissions, that you will actually have commenced living in the catchment area or the new property by the
relevant admission date for your child at the school to which you have applied, your applicaon cannot be
considered as a catchment priority within the criteria of the admissions policy or considered based on the new
property .
4. Please also note conrmaon of living within the catchment area or new property does not guarantee a place
for your child at the relevant school.
5. It is vital that you inform School Admissions of any change of your address throughout the admission process.
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to MIddle Schools 2023/2024
Independent evidence will always be required.
Where informaon provided by the parents in support of their preference is found to be fraudulent or
intenonally misleading this could lead to the withdrawal of any place that has been allocated . If you knowingly
give false informaon in order to obtain a parcular school place you could be guilty of an oence under the
Perjury Act 1911. Due to problems in previous years it may be necessary for School Admissions to carry out
checks to conrm that informaon given in relaon to childrens home addresses is genuine. Parents may be
asked to produce documentary evidence of the address.
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to MIddle Schools 2023/2024
Informaon about Worcestershire Middle Schools
Key to Columns
Type: Categorisaon of school - Secon 3 for further descripon.
A = Academy
C = Community
FR = Free
FD = Foundaon
VA = Voluntary Aided
VC = Voluntary Controlled
N.B. *At me of publicaon a number of schools are applying to become Academies and the school status
maybe subject to change.
DfE No: Department for Educaon (DfE) school number. All school numbers in Worcestershire have the prex
of 885, which is the Authority number allocated by the DfE.
PAN: Published Admission Number
The number of children which can be admied to a school in the relevant year group (Year 5 intake or
Year 6 intake in the case of Middle Schools). The PAN is agreed by the governing body of the school.
The gures set for the admissions year 2023/2024 are shown.
NOR: Total number of pupils on roll at the school in January 2022.
Age Range 9-13 (Years 5-8)
Type &
DfE No.
School Name & Address
Telephone & Email Address
Jan 2022
Alvechurch C.E. Middle School
Birmingham Road, Alvechurch, Birmingham, B48 7TA
Tel: 0121 445 1033 o
110 432
Aston Fields Middle School
Drummond Road, Bromsgrove, Worcs. B60 2ET
Tel: 01527 876026 oce@aston
150 598
Catshill Middle School
Meadow Road, Catshill, Bromsgrove, Worcs. B61 OJW
Tel: 01527 872431 o
120 369
Parkside Middle School
Stourbridge Road, Bromsgrove, Worcs. B61 OAH
Tel: 01527 873660 o
150 609
St John’s C.E. Middle School Academy
Wa Close, Bromsgrove, Worcs. B61 7DH
Tel: 01527 832376
150 659
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to MIddle Schools 2023/2024
Age Range 9-12 (Years 5-7)
Type &
DfE No.
School Name & Address
Telephone & Email Address
Jan 2022
Westacre Middle School
Ombersley Way, Droitwich, Worcs. WR9 0AA
Tel; 01905 772795 o
150 449
Wion Middle School
29-31 Old Coach Road, Droitwich, Worcs. WR9 8BD
Tel: 01905 773362 oce@wi
180 422
Age Range 10-13 (Years 6-8)
Type &
DfE No.
School Name & Address
Telephone & Email Address
Jan 2022
Blackminster Middle School
Staon Road, South Lileton, Evesham, Worcs. WR11 8TG
Tel: 01386 830311 o
130 223
Bredon Hill Academy
Elmley Road, Ashton under Hill, Evesham, Worcs. WR11 7SW
Tel: 01386 881426 [email protected]
162 479
St. Egwin’s C.E. Middle School
Worcester Road, Evesham, Worcs. WR11 4JU
Tel: 01386 446924 o
150 450
The De Monfort School
Four Pools Road, Evesham, Worcs. WR11 1DQ
Tel: 01386 442060 o
150 894
Age Range 9-12 (Years 5-7)
Type &
DfE No.
School Name & Address
Telephone & Email Address
Jan 2022
Abbey Park Middle School
Abbey Road, Pershore, Worcs. WR10 1DF
Tel: 01386 552667 o
84 117
*St. Barnabas C.E. First & Middle School
Stonebow Road, Drakes Broughton, Pershore, Worcs. WR10 2AW
Tel: 01905 840366 oce@st-barnabas
51 208
St. Nicholas C.E. Middle School
Main Street, Pinvin, Pershore, Worcs. WR10 2ER
Tel: 01386 554196 o
112 224
* St Barnabas CE First & Middle School - external candidates only
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to MIddle Schools 2023/2024
Age Range 9-13 (Years 5-8)
Type &
DfE No.
School Name & Address
Telephone & Email Address
Jan 2022
Birchensale Middle School
Bridley Moor Road, Batchley, Redditch, Worcs. B97 6HT
Tel: 01527 68430 [email protected]
150 604
Church Hill Middle School
Wood Piece Lane, Church Hill, Redditch, Worcs. B98 9LR
Tel: 01527 585580 o
90 377
Ipsley CE Middle
Winyates Way, Winyates, Redditch, Worcs. B98 0UB
Tel: 01527 525725 o
150 643
St. Bede’s Catholic Middle School (Academy)
Holloway Lane, Redditch, Worcs. B98 7HA
Tel: 01527 525916 o
160 660
Walkwood Church of England Middle School
Feckenham Road, Headless Cross, Redditch, Worcs. B97 5AQ
Tel: 01527 543361 o
168 641
Woodeld Academy
Studley Road, Redditch, Worcs. B98 7HH
Tel: 01527 527081 admin@wood
150 561
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to MIddle Schools 2023/2024
Dates of Open Events at Worcestershire Middle Schools
The table below tells you what date each school will hold its open event. It is in alphabecal order within district.
Full details of each open event including dates of any visits during the day can be found on the individual schools
Town School Name and Website Address Date and Time of Open Event
Alvechurch CE Middle School
Thursday 3 & Thursday 10 November 2022
Open Mornings
Aston Fields Middle School
No Open Event being held
Catshill Middle School
No Open Event being held
Parkside Middle School
No Open Event being held
St John's CE Academy Middle School
No Open Event being held
Westacre Middle School
Thursday 29 September 2022
Open Evening
Wion Middle School
Thursday 22 September 2022
Open Day
Blackminster Middle School
Thursday 6 October 2022
Open Evening
Bredon Hill Academy
Tuesday 18 October 2022
Open Evening
The De Monort School
Thursday 29 September 2022
Open Evening
St Egwin's CE Middle School
Wednesday 19 October 2022
Open Evening
Abbey Park Middle School
Wednesday 5 October 2022
6:00 to 7:30pm
Friday 7 October 2022
9:00 to 11:30 am
St. Barnabas CE First & Middle School
Wednesday 9 November 2022
1:30 to 3:00pm
5:00 to 7:30pm
St. Nicholas' CE Middle School
Wednesday 28 September 2022
6:00 to 7:30 pm
Thursday 13 October 2022
4:30 to 5:30pm
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to MIddle Schools 2023/2024
Town School Name and Website Address Date and Time of Open Event
Birchensale Middle School
Thursday 6 October 2022
Open Evening
Church Hill Middle School
Wednesday 19 October 2022
Open Evening
Ipsley CE RSA Academy
Thursday 20 October 2022
Open Evening
St. Bede’s Catholic Middle School (Academy)
Thursday 20 October 2022
Open Evening
Walkwood Church of England Middle School
Thursday 13 October 2022
6:45 to 8:15pm
Woodeld Academy
Monday 3 October 2022
6:00pm to 8:00pm
These dates are correct at the me of compleon (July 2022).
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to Middle Schools 2023/2024 39
Area Pyramids indicang feeder schools
Bewdley Pyramid
The Bewdley Area comprises the Town of Bewdley together with the civil parishes of:
Bayton, Bewdley, Kidderminster Foreign, Mamble, Ribbesford, Rock, Upper Arley
High Schools The Bewdley School and Sixth Form Centre
Named Feeder Schools
Bayton CE Primary
Bewdley Primary
Far Forest Lea Memorial CE Primary
St Anne’s CE Primary
Upper Arley CE Primary
There are two catchment area High schools for children living within the Bayton and Mamble civil parishes. The Bewdley School and Sixth Form Centre and Lacon
Childe High School which is in Shropshire.
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to Middle Schools 2023/2024 40
Bromsgrove Pyramid
The Bromsgrove Area comprises the Town of Bromsgrove together with the civil parishes of:
Alvechurch, Barnt Green, Belbroughton (Part) - Dordale and Faireld, Beoley, Bourneheath, Catshill, Coon Hacke (Part) - Kendall End Road to Coon Church Lane,
Dodderhill (Part), Dodford and Graon, Finstall, Hanbury, Lickey (Part), Stoke Prior, Wythall (Part)
High Schools North Bromsgrove High South Bromsgrove High
North Bromsgrove High and
South Bromsgrove High
Named Feeder Schools
Catshill Middle
Parkside Middle
Aston Fields Middle
St Johns CE Middle School Academy
Alvechurch CE Middle
Middle Schools
CE Middle
Aston Fields
St Johns CE
Middle School Academy
Named Feeder Schools
Beoley First
Blackwell First
Crown Meadow First
St Andrew's CE First
Charford First
Finstall First
Hanbury CE First
Stoke Prior First
Catshill First and
Faireld First
Lickey End First
Dodford First
Meadows First
The Orchards School
No named feeder schools
The following schools do not have any feeder school links to middle schools in Bromsgrove
Millelds First
St Peter’s Catholic First*
* St Peter's Catholic First - Please refer to end of Secon for pyramid arrangements relang to Catholic Schools.
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to Middle Schools 2023/2024 41
Droitwich Pyramid
The Droitwich Area comprises Droitwich Spa together with the civil parishes of:
Dodderhill (Part), Doverdale, Elmbridge, Elmley Love, Hadzor (Part), Hampton Love, HindlipHuddington (Part), Marn Hussingtree, North Claines (Part), Oddingley
(Part), Ombersley, Rushock, Salwarpe, Tibberton, Upton Warren, Westwood
High Schools Droitwich Spa High
Named Feeder Schools
Westacre Middle
Wion Middle
Middle Schools Westacre Middle Wion Middle
Named Feeder Schools
Chawson Community First
Cutnall Green CofE Primary
Ombersley Endowed First
St Peter’s Droitwich CofE Academy
Sytchampton Endowed Primary
Tibberton CE First
Westlands First
Wychbold First & Nursery
Chawson Community First
Hindlip CE First
St Peter’s Droitwich CofE Academy
Westlands First
The following schools do not have any feeder school links to middle schools
St Joseph's Catholic Primary*
* St Joseph's Catholic Primary - Please refer to end of Secon for pyramid arrangements relang to Catholic Schools
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to Middle Schools 2023/2024 42
Evesham Pyramid
The Evesham Area comprises the Town of Evesham together with the civil parishes of:
Abbots Morton, Aldington, Ashton under Hill, Aston Somerville, Badsey, Beckford, Bickmarsh, Birlingham (see note i below), Bredon, Bredon’s Norton, Breorten, Bricklehampton,
Broadway, Charlton, Childswickham, Church Lench, Cleeve Prior, Conderton, Cropthorne, Eckington, Elmley Castle, Harvington, Hinton on the Green, Honeybourne, Kemerton,
Netherton, Norton and Lenchwick, North and Middle Lileton, Oenham, Overbury, Pebworth, Rous Lench, Sedgeberrow, South Lileton, Wickhamford
High Schools Prince Henry’s High The De Monort School
Named Feeder Schools
Bredon Hill Academy
St Egwin’s CE Middle
Bengeworth Academy
Blackminster Middle
St Andrew’s CE First**
St Richard’s CE First
Middle Schools Bredon Hill Academy St Egwins CE Middle Blackminster Middle
Named Feeder Schools
Ashton under Hill First
Bredon Hancock’s Endowed CE First
Broadway First
Cropthorne with Charlton CE First
Eckington CE First*
Elmley Castle CE First
Overbury CE First
St Mary’s Catholic Primary Broadway
Sedgeberrow CE First
Church Lench CE First
Harvington CE First
St Andrew’s CE First**
Swan Lane First
Badsey First
Breorton Village School
Cleeve Prior CE First
Oenham CE First
Pebworth First
The Liletons School
The following schools do not have any feeder school links to middle or high schools
Honeybourne Primary
St Mary's Catholic Primary***
* Eckington CE First has part of its catchment area feeding into Drakes Broughton St. Barnabas in the Pershore pyramid
** St. Andrew’s CE First has part of its catchment area feeding into St Egwin’s Middle and part feeding into The De Monort School
*** St Mary's Catholic Primary - Please refer to end of Secon for pyramid arrangements relang to Catholic Schools
i) Children resident in Birlingham are part of a shared catchment area with Eckington C.E. First in the Evesham area and Deord-cum-Besford C.E. First in the
Pershore area. This shared catchment area also applies to the Middle and High schools of Bredon Hill Academy and Prince Henry’s High in the Evesham area and St
Barnabas C.E. First and Middle, Drakes Broughton and Pershore High School.
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to Middle Schools 2023/2024 43
Hagley Pyramid
The Hagley Area comprises the civil parishes of:
Belbroughton (Part) - (excluding Dordale and Faireld), Broome , Churchill and Blakedown, Clent, Hagley, Romsley
High Schools Haybridge High School and Sixth Form
Named Feeder Schools
Belbroughton CE Primary & Nursery
Blakedown CE Primary
Clent Parochial Primary
Hagley Primary
St Kenelm’s CE Primary
Please refer to end of Secon for pyramid arrangements relang to Catholic Schools, including Hagley Catholic High School.
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to Middle Schools 2023/2024 44
Kidderminster Pyramid
The Kidderminster Area comprises the Town of Kidderminster together with the civil parishes of:
Chaddesley Corbe, Stone, Wolverley, Cookley
High Schools
Baxter Business and
Enterprise College
Holy Trinity
King Charles I
Wolverley CE
Named Feeder Schools
Birchen Coppice Primary
Foley Park Primary
Franche Community Primary
St Johns CE Primary
Suon Park Primary
No named feeder schools
Chaddesley Corbe Endowed
Comberton Primary
Cutnall Green CE
Primary School
Heronswood Primary
Omore Primary
St George’s CE Primary
Cookley Sebright Primary
St Catherine’s CE Primary
St Mary’s CE Primary
St Oswald’s CE Primary
Wolverley Sebright Primary
The following schools do not have any feeder school links to high schools in Kidderminster
St Ambrose Catholic Primary*
NB Holy Trinity School is a Free School in Kidderminster that does not have any feeder school links.
* St Ambrose Catholic Primary - Please refer to end of Secon for pyramid arrangements relang to Catholic Schools
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to Middle Schools 2023/2024 45
Malvern Pyramid
High Schools Dyson Perrins CE High The Chase
Callow End CE Primary
Great Malvern Primary
Grove Primary
Leigh & Bransford Primary
Madreseld CE Primary
Malvern Parish CE Primary
Malvern Vale Primary
Malvern Wells CE Primary
Northleigh CE Primary
Powick CE Primary
Rushwick CE Primary
St James’ CE Primary
St Joseph's Catholic Primary
St Mahias CE Primary
Somers Park Primary
Suckley Primary
Wyche CE Primary
NB The High Schools in Malvern do not have feeder school as part of their admission arrangements.
Please refer to end of Secon for pyramid arrangements relang to Catholic Schools
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to Middle Schools 2023/2024 46
Martley Pyramid
The Martley area comprises of the following civil parishes:
Droitwich Abberley, Astley and Dunley, Broadheath, Broadwas, Clion on Teme, Cotheridge, Doddenham, Great Witley, Grimley, Hallow, Hillhampton, Holt, Kenswick,
Knightwick, Lile Witley, Lower Sapey, Lulsley, Martley, Pensax, Shelsley Beauchamp, Shelsley Kings, Shelsley Walsh, Shrawley, Stanford with Orleton, Stockton on
Teme, Wichenford, plus the Menith Wood locality in the civil parish of Lindridge, plus the Crown East locality in the civil parish of Rushwick.
High Schools The Chantry School
Named Feeder Schools
Abberley Parochial Primary
Astley CE Primary
Broadheath CE Primary
Broadwas CE Primary
Clion upon Teme Primary
Great Witley CE Primary
Grimley & Holt CE Primary
Hallow CE Primary
Martley CE Primary
Please refer to end of Secon for pyramid arrangements relang to Catholic Schools
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to Middle Schools 2023/2024 47
Pershore Pyramid
The Pershore Area comprises the Town of Pershore together with the civil parishes of:
Abberton, Besford, Birlingham (see note i below), Bishampton, Bredicot, Broughton Hacke, Churchill, Cookhill (Part), Crowle, Deord, Dormston, Drakes Broughton
and Wadborough, Fladbury, Flyford Flavell, Graon Flyford, Great Comberton, Hadzor (Part), Hill and Moor, Himbleton, Huddington (Part), Inkberrow, Kington, Lile
Comberton, Naunton Beauchamp, North Piddle, Norton Juxta Kempsey, Oddington (Part), Peopleton, Pinvin, Pirton, Spetchley, Stock and Bradley (Part), Stoulton,
Strensham, Throckmorton, Upton Snodsbury, White Ladies Aston, Wick, Wyre Piddle
High Schools Pershore High
Named Feeder Schools
Abbey Park Middle
Flyford Flavell Primary School
Inkberrow Primary
Norton Juxta Kempsey Primary
Orchard Primary
St Barnabas CE First & Middle
St Nicholas’ CE Middle
Middle Schools Abbey Park Middle St Barnabas CE First & Middle St Nicholas’ CE Middle
Named Feeder Schools
Abbey Park First and Nursery
Orchard Primary
Deord cum Besford CE First
Eckington CE First *
Norton Juxta Kempsey CE Primary
Crowle CE First
Fladbury CE First
Flyford Flavell Primary
Himbleton CE Primary
Inkberrow Primary
Pinvin CE First
Upton Snodsbury CE First
The following schools do not have any feeder school links to middle or high schools in Pershore
Holy Redeemer Catholic Primary*
Notes on Admissions
Children resident in Birlingham are part of a shared catchment area with Eckington C.E.First in the Evesham area and Deord-cum-Besford C.E.First in the Pershore
area. This shared catchment area also applies to the Middle and High schools of Bredon Hill Academy and Prince Henry’s High in the Evesham area and St Barnabas
C.E.First and Middle, Drakes Broughton and Pershore High School.
* Holy Redeemer Catholic Primary - Please refer to end of Secon for pyramid arrangements relang to Catholic Schools
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to Middle Schools 2023/2024 48
Redditch Pyramid
The Redditch Area comprises the Town of Redditch together with the civil parishes of:
Bentley Pauncefoot, Cookhill (Part), Feckenham, Stock and Bradley, Tutnall and Cobley
High Schools
RSA Academy
Trinity High School
and Sixth Form Centre
Tudor Grange Academy
Named Feeder Schools
Astwood Bank Primary
Feckenham CE Primary
The Crabbs Cross Academy
Church Hill Middle
Ipsley CE Middle
Birchensale Middle
Walkwood Church of
England Middle
Woodeld Academy
No named feeders
Middle Schools Birchensale Middle Church Hill Middle Ipsley RSA Academy Walkwood Middle Woodeld Academy
Named Feeder Schools
Batchley First
Holyoakes Field First
St Luke’s CE First
St Stephens CE First
Tardebigge CE First
Abbeywood First
Moons Moat First
Matchborough First
Arrow Valley First
Tenacres First
No named feeders
Oak Hill First
St George’s CE First
Woodrow First
The following schools do not have any feeder school links to middle or high schools
The Vaynor First
* Woodrow First - the catchment area for Woodrow First school is within the designated catchment area for Tudor Grange Academy Redditch at high school
age. Parents should be aware there is no catchment area priority to Trinity High School from within the Woodrow First catchment area.
** Webheath Academy Primary – the catchment area for Webheath Academy Primary School is within the designated shared catchment area for Trinity High and
Tudor Grange Academy Redditch.
*** Walkwood Church of England Middle School does not have feeder school as part of its admission arrangements.
Please refer to end of Secon for pyramid arrangements relang to Catholic Schools including St Bede's Catholic Middle School.
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to Middle Schools 2023/2024 49
Rubery Pyramid
The Rubery Area comprises Rubery (that part falling within the administrave county of Worcester) together with the civil parishes of:
Coon Hacke (Part), Frankley (Part), Lickey (Part)
High Schools
Waseley Hills High School
& Sixth Form Centre
Named Feeder Schools
Beaconside Primary and Nursery
Holywell Primary and Nursery
Lickey Hills Primary
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to Middle Schools 2023/2024 50
Stourport Pyramid
The Stourport Area comprises the Town of Stourport together with the civil parish of:
High Schools The Stourport High School & Sixth Form Centre
Named Feeder Schools
No named feeders
The following schools do not have any feeder school links to middle or high schools
St Wulstan's Catholic Primary**
* Pupils at Sytchampton Endowed Primary School can choose to transfer to a Middle school for year 5 in Droitwich or remain at the school, transfering to a High
school for year 7 in Stourport or elsewhere.
** St Wulstan's Catholic Primary - Please refer to end of Secon for pyramid arrangements relang to Catholic Schools
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to Middle Schools 2023/2024 51
Tenbury Pyramid
The Tenbury Area comprises of the Parish of Tenbury together with the civil parishes of:
Bockleton, Eastham, Hanley, Knighton on Teme, Kyre, Lindridge*, Rochford, Stoke Bliss
High Schools
Tenbury High
Ormiston Academy
Named Feeder Schools
Lindridge, St Lawrence’s CE Primary
Tenbury CE Academy
*Pupils in the Menith Wood locality in the civil parish of Lindridge aend schools in the Martley area
Sixth Form Educaon for Tenbury pupils is provided in Ludlow, Shropshire
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to Middle Schools 2023/2024 52
Upton Pyramid
The Upton upon Severn area comprises of the Town of Upton upon Severn together with the civil parishes of:-
Berrow, Birtsmorton, Bushley, Castlemorton, Croome D’Abitot, Earl’s Croome, Elderseld, Hanley Castle, Hill Croome, Holdfast, Kempsey, Longdon, Pendock, Pendock
(Det.), Queenhill, Ripple, Severn Stoke, Welland
High Schools Hanley Castle High
Named Feeder Schools
Castlemorton CE Primary
Elderseld Lawn CE Primary
Hanley Swan St Gabriel's with St Mary's CE Primary
Kempsey Primary
Pendock CE Primary
Twyning Primary
Upton upon Severn CE Primary
Welland Primary
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to Middle Schools 2023/2024 53
Worcester Pyramid
The Worcester City Area comprises the City of Worcester together with the civil parishes of:
North Claines as it extends beyond the city boundary, except that in part of the parish to the east of the railway line and north of the A449 road; the excepted part is
contributory to the Droitwich area. Whington is also included within the Worcester City area.
High Schools
Bishop Perowne
CE College*
Christopher Whitehead
Language College
Nunnery Wood High
Tudor Grange Academy
Named Feeder Schools
No named feeder schools
Hallow CE Primary
Honeywell Primary
Oldbury Park Primary
Pitmaston Primary
Rushwick Primary
St Clement’s CE Primary
Our Lady Queen of Peace
Catholic Primary
Cherry Orchard Primary
Lyppard Grange Primary
Nunnery Wood Primary
Perry Wood Primary & Nursery
Red Hill CE Primary
Stanley Road Primary
Whington CE Primary
Tudor Grange Academy
Primary Perdiswell
The following schools do not have any feeder school links to high schools
Carnforth Primary
Claines CE Primary
Cranham Primary
Hollymount School
Northwick Manor Primary
North Worcester Primary Academy
Oasis Academy Warndon
St Barnabas CE Primary
St George's CE Primary
St George's Catholic*
St Joseph's Catholic*
* St George's Catholic Primary & St Joseph's Catholic Primary - Please refer to end of Secon for pyramid arrangements relang to Catholic Schools.
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to Middle Schools 2023/2024 54
Wythall Pyramid
The Wythall Area comprises the civil parish of Wythall.
High Schools Woodrush High School
Named Feeder Schools
Meadow Green Primary
Hollywood Primary
The Coppice Primary
Tidbury Green Primary
Notes on Admissions
i) Tidbury Green Primaryand Hollywood Primary, although feeder schools for Woodrush Community High, are located in the Birmingham LA area.
Please refer to end of Secon for pyramid arrangements relang to Catholic Schools
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to Middle Schools 2023/2024 55
Catholic Arrangements
High Schools
Blessed Edward Oldcorne
Catholic College*
Hagley Catholic High**
Redditch St Augusne’s
Catholic High
Named Feeder Schools
Broadway St Mary’s Catholic Primary
Droitwich St Joseph’s Catholic Primary
Evesham St Mary’s Catholic Primary
Malvern St Joseph’s Catholic Primary
Pershore Holy Redeemer Catholic Primary
Worcester Our Lady Queen of Peace
Worcester St George’s Catholic Primary
Worcester St Joseph’s Catholic Primary
Kidderminster St Ambrose Catholic
Stourport St Wulstans Catholic Primary
Redditch, St. Bede’s Catholic Middle
Walkwood Church of England Middle
Middle Schools Redditch, St. Bedes Catholic Middle
Named Feeder Schools
Bromsgrove St Peter’s Catholic First
Redditch Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic First
Redditch St Thomas More Catholic First
NB The admission criteria of feeder school arrangements does not apply to the schools covered by catholic arrangements as these schools determine their own
admissions policy.
St. Peter’s Catholic First School is situated in the South Bromsgrove area. The school is ocially part of the Redditch Catholic pyramid but it does admit sizeable
numbers of non-Catholic children who subsequently move on to the schools in the South Bromsgrove Pyramid.
* Blessed Edward Oldcorne Catholic College also name a number of Church of England Schools as feeder schools.
** Hagley Catholic High also has feeder schools which are outside of the county of Worcestershire.
Please see the full admission arrangements for further details.
Informaon for Parents Admissions & Transfers to Middle Schools 2023/2024 56
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