Arkansas Medical Marijuana Amendment of 2016
As revised through 2017 General and First Extraordinary Sessions
§ 1. Short title.
This amendment shall be known and cited as the "Arkansas Medical Marijuana Amendment
of 2016".
[As added by Const. Amend. 98.]
§ 2. Definitions.
As used in this amendment:
(1) "Acquire" or "acquisition" means coming to possess marijuana by means of any legal
source herein authorized, not from an unauthorized source, and in accordance with this
amendment and any rules promulgated under this amendment;
(2) "Assist" or "assisting" means helping a qualifying patient make medical use of
marijuana by enabling the medical use by any means authorized under this amendment;
(3) "Cardholder" means a qualifying patient, a dispensary agent, a cultivation facility
agent, or a designated caregiver;
(4) "Cultivation facility" means an entity that:
(A) Has been licensed by the Medical Marijuana Commission under § 8 of this
amendment; and
(B) Cultivates, prepares, manufactures, processes, packages, sells to and delivers
usable marijuana to a dispensary;
(5) "Cultivation facility agent" means an employee, supervisor, or agent of a cultivation
facility who:
(A) Is twenty-one (21) years of age or older;
(B) Works at the cultivation facility; and
(C) Has registered with the Alcoholic Beverage Control Division under § 9 of this
(6) (A) "Designated caregiver" means a person who is at least twenty-one (21) years of
age, has not been convicted of an excluded felony offense, has agreed to assist a physically
disabled qualifying patient with the medical use of marijuana, and who has registered with
the Department of Health under § 5 of this amendment.
(B) "Designated caregiver" includes without limitation a parent:
(i) Of a qualifying patient who is under the age of eighteen (18); and
(ii) Required to register as a designated caregiver under this amendment.
(C) “Designated caregiver” shall not include a member of the Arkansas National Guard
or the United States military;
(7) "Dispensary" means an entity that has been licensed by the Medical Marijuana
Commission under § 8 of this amendment;
(8) "Dispensary agent" means:
(A) An employee, supervisor, volunteer, or agent of a dispensary who:
(i) Is twenty-one (21) years of age or older;
(ii) Works at the dispensary; and
(iii) Has registered with the division under § 9 of this amendment; and
(B) An owner, officer, or board member of a dispensary who has registered with the
division under § 8 of this amendment;
(9) "Enclosed, locked facility" means a room, greenhouse, or other enclosed area
equipped with locks or other security devices that permit access only by an authorized
(10) "Excluded felony offense" means:
(A) (i) (a) A felony offense as determined by the jurisdiction where the felony offense
(b) The Medical Marijuana Commission, the Department of Health, or the
Alcoholic Beverage Control Division shall determine whether an offense is a felony offense
based upon a review of the relevant court records concerning the conviction for the offense.
(ii) An offense that has been sealed by a court or for which a pardon has been
granted is not considered an excluded felony offense; or
(B) A violation of a state or federal controlled-substance law that was classified as a
felony in the jurisdiction where the person was convicted, but not including:
(i) An offense for which the sentence, including any term of probation, incarceration,
or supervised release, was completed ten (10) or more years earlier; or
(ii) An offense that has been sealed by a court or for which a pardon has been
(11) "Medical use" means the acquisition, possession, use, delivery, transfer, or
transportation of marijuana or paraphernalia relating to the administration of marijuana to
treat or alleviate a qualifying patient's qualifying medical condition or symptoms associated
with the qualifying patient's qualifying medical condition;
(12) "Physician" means a doctor of medicine or doctor of osteopathic medicine who holds
a valid, unrestricted, and existing license to practice in the state of Arkansas and has been
issued a registration from the United States Drug Enforcement Administration to prescribe
controlled substances;
(13) "Qualifying medical condition" means one (1) or more of the following:
(A) Cancer, glaucoma, positive status for human immunodeficiency virus/acquired
immune deficiency syndrome, hepatitis C, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Tourette's
syndrome, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, post-traumatic stress disorder, severe
arthritis, fibromyalgia, Alzheimer's disease, or the treatment of these conditions;
(B) A chronic or debilitating disease or medical condition or its treatment that produces
one (1) or more of the following: cachexia or wasting syndrome; peripheral neuropathy;
intractable pain, which is pain that has not responded to ordinary medications, treatment,
or surgical measures for more than six (6) months; severe nausea; seizures, including
without limitation those characteristic of epilepsy; or severe and persistent muscle spasms,
including without limitation those characteristic of multiple sclerosis; and
(C) Any other medical condition or its treatment approved by the Department of Health
under § 4 of this amendment;
(14) (A) "Qualifying patient" means a person who has been diagnosed by a physician as
having a qualifying medical condition and who has registered with the department under § 5
of this amendment.
(B) “Qualifying patient” shall not include a member of the Arkansas National Guard or
the United States military;
(15) "Registry identification card" means a document issued by the department or the
division that identifies a person as a qualifying patient, a dispensary agent, a cultivation
facility agent, or a designated caregiver;
(16) "Sealed" means to expunge, remove, sequester, and treat as confidential the record
or records of a felony offense;
(17) (A) "Usable marijuana" means the stalks, seeds, roots, dried leaves, flowers, oils,
vapors, waxes, and other portions of the marijuana plant and any mixture or preparation
(B) "Usable marijuana" does not include the weight of any ingredients other than
marijuana that are combined with marijuana and prepared for consumption as food or
(18) "Visiting qualifying patient" means a patient with a qualifying medical condition who
is not a resident of Arkansas or who has been a resident of Arkansas for less than thirty
(30) days and who is in actual possession of a registry identification card or its equivalent
that is issued under the laws of another state, district, territory, commonwealth, or insular
possession of the United States and pertains to a qualifying medical condition under this
(19) (A) "Written certification" means a document signed by a physician stating that in
the physician's professional opinion, after having completed an assessment of the qualifying
patient's medical history and current medical condition made in the course of a physician-
patient relationship, the qualifying patient has a qualifying medical condition.
(B) A written certification shall specify the qualifying patient's qualifying medical
condition, which also shall be noted in the physician's records.
(C) A physician shall not issue a written certificate to a patient based on an assessment
performed through telemedicine.
(D) A written certification is not a medical prescription.
(20) (A) "Current use of marijuana" means use of marijuana that justifies the good faith
belief of an employer that an applicant or employee is engaging in the use of marijuana.
(B) "Current use of marijuana" is presumed when a positive test result for marijuana
(21) "Employee" means an individual employed by an employer, but does not include:
(A) An individual employed by his or her parents, spouse, or child;
(B) An individual participating in a specialized employment training program conducted
by a nonprofit sheltered workshop or rehabilitation facility;
(C) An individual employed outside the State of Arkansas; or
(D) An independent contractor;
(22) "Employer" means an entity that who employs nine (9) or more employees in the
State of Arkansas in twenty (20) or more calendar weeks in the current or preceding
calendar year;
(23) (A) "Good faith belief" means reasonable reliance on a fact, or that which is held
out to be factual, without intent to deceive or be deceived and without reckless or malicious
disregard for the truth.
(B) "Good faith belief" does not include a belief formed with gross negligence.
(C) "Good faith belief" may be based on any of the following:
(i) Observed conduct, behavior, or appearance;
(ii) Information reported by a person believed to be reliable, including without
limitation a report by a person who witnessed the use or possession of marijuana or
marijuana paraphernalia by an applicant or employee in the workplace;
(iii) Written, electronic, or verbal statements from the employee or other persons;
(iv) Lawful video surveillance;
(v) A record of government agencies, law enforcement agencies, or courts;
(vi) A positive test result for marijuana;
(vii) A warning label, usage standard, or other printed material that accompany
instructions for usable marijuana;
(viii) Information from a physician, medical review officer, or a dispensary;
(ix) Information from reputable reference sources in print or on the internet;
(x) Other information reasonably believed to be reliable or accurate; or
(xi) Any combination of the items listed in subdivisions (23)(C)(i)-(x) of this section;
(24) "Positive test result for marijuana" means a result that is at or above the cutoff
concentration level established by the United States Department of Transportation or the
Arkansas laws regarding being under the influence, whichever is lower;
(25) (A) "Safety sensitive position" means any position involving a safety sensitive
function pursuant to federal regulations governing drug and alcohol testing adopted by the
United States Department of Transportation or any other rules, guidelines, or regulations
adopted by any other federal or state agency.
(B) "Safety sensitive position" also means any position designated in writing by an
employer as a safety sensitive position in which a person performing the position while
under the influence of marijuana may constitute a threat to health or safety, including
without limitation a position:
(i) That requires any of the following activities:
(a) Carrying a firearm;
(b) Performing life-threatening procedures;
(c) Working with confidential information or documents pertaining to criminal
investigations; or
(d) Working with hazardous or flammable materials, controlled substances, food, or
medicine; or
(ii) In which a lapse of attention could result in injury, illness, or death, including
without limitation a position that includes the operating, repairing, maintaining, or
monitoring of heavy equipment, machinery, aircraft, motorized watercraft, or motor vehicles
as part of the job duties; and
(26) (A) "Under the influence" means symptoms of the current use of marijuana that
may negatively impact the performance of the job duties or tasks or constitute a threat to
health or safety.
(B) "Under the influence" includes without limitation:
(i) Symptoms of the applicant's or employee's speech, walking, standing, physical
dexterity, agility, coordination, actions, movement, demeanor, appearance, clothing, odor,
or other irrational or unusual behavior that are inconsistent with the usual conduct of the
applicant or employee;
(ii) Negligence or carelessness in operating equipment, machinery, or production or
manufacturing processes;
(iii) Disregard for safety;
(iv) Involvement in an accident that results in:
(a) Damage to equipment, machinery, or property;
(b) Disruption of a production or manufacturing process; or
(c) An injury; or
(v) Other symptoms causing a reasonable suspicion that the current use of marijuana
may negatively impact the performance of the job duties or tasks or constitute a threat to
health or safety.
[As added by Const. Amend. 98; as amended by Acts 2017, No. 5, § 1, No. 438, § 1, No.
479, §§ 1 & 2, No. 544, § 1, No. 593, §§ 1 & 2.]
§ 3. Protections for the medical use of marijuana.
(a) A qualifying patient or designated caregiver in actual possession of a registry
identification card shall not be subject to arrest, prosecution, or penalty in any manner or
denied any right or privilege, including without limitation a civil penalty or disciplinary action
by a business, occupational, or professional licensing board or bureau, for the medical use
of marijuana in accordance with this amendment if the qualifying patient or designated
caregiver possesses not more than two and one-half ounces (2 1/2 oz.) of usable
(b) (1) A qualifying patient or designated caregiver is presumed to be lawfully engaged in
the medical use of marijuana in accordance with this amendment if the qualifying patient or
designated caregiver is in actual possession of a registry identification card and possesses
an amount of usable marijuana that does not exceed the amount allowed under this
(2) The presumption made in subdivision (b)(1) of this section may be rebutted by
evidence that conduct related to marijuana was not for the purpose of treating or alleviating
the qualifying patient's qualifying medical condition or symptoms associated with the
qualifying medical condition in accordance with this amendment.
(c) A qualifying patient or designated caregiver shall not be subject to arrest, prosecution,
or penalty in any manner or denied any right or privilege, including without limitation a civil
penalty or disciplinary action by a business, occupational, or professional licensing board or
bureau, for giving, or offering to give, up to two and one-half ounces (2 1/2 oz.) of usable
marijuana to a qualifying patient or designated caregiver for the qualifying patient's medical
use when nothing of value is transferred in return.
(d) A designated caregiver is not prohibited from receiving compensation or reimbursement
of expenses from a qualifying patient for assisting a qualifying patient with the medical use
of marijuana.
(e) A dispensary may:
(1) Accept marijuana seedlings, plants, or usable marijuana from:
(A) Cultivation facilities;
(B) Other dispensaries in Arkansas; and
(C) If permissible under federal law, out-of-state dispensaries;
(2) Transfer or sell marijuana seedlings, plants, or usable marijuana to:
(A) Cultivation facilities;
(B) Other dispensaries in Arkansas; and
(C) If permissible under federal law, out-of-state dispensaries; and
(3) Accept marijuana seeds from any individual lawfully entitled to possess marijuana
seeds, seedlings, or plants under the laws of the state in which the individual resides.
(f) (1) A school or landlord shall not refuse to enroll, refuse to lease to, or otherwise
penalize an individual solely for his or her status as a qualifying patient or designated
caregiver unless doing so would put the school or landlord in violation of federal law or
(2) For the purposes of medical care, including without limitation organ transplants, a
qualifying patient's authorized use of marijuana in accordance with this amendment is
considered the equivalent of the authorized use of any other medication used at the
direction of a physician and does not constitute the use of an illicit substance.
(3) (A) An employer shall not discriminate against an applicant or employee in hiring,
termination, or any term or condition of employment, or otherwise penalize an applicant or
employee, based upon the applicant’s or employee’s past or present status as a qualifying
patient or designated caregiver.
(B) A cause of action shall not be established against an employer based upon, and an
employer is not prohibited from, any of the following actions:
(i) Establishing and implementing a substance abuse or drug-free workplace policy
that may include a drug testing program that complies with state or federal law and taking
action with respect to an applicant or employee under the policy;
(ii) Acting on the employer's good faith belief that a qualifying patient;
(a) Possessed, smoked, ingested, or otherwise engaged in the use of marijuana
while on the premises of the employer or during the hours of employment; or
(b) Was under the influence of marijuana while on the premises of the employer or
during the hours of employment, provided that a positive test result for marijuana cannot
provide the sole basis for the employer's good faith belief; or
(iii) Acting to exclude a qualifying patient from being employed in or performing a
safety sensitive position based on the employer's good faith belief that the qualifying patient
was engaged in the current use of marijuana.
(C) The authorized or protected actions of an employer under this subdivision (f)(3)
include without limitation:
(i) Implementing, monitoring, or taking measures to assess, supervise, or control the
job performance of an employee;
(ii) Reassigning an employee to a different position or job duties;
(iii) Placing an employee on paid or unpaid leave; (iv) Suspending or terminating an
(v) Requiring an employee to successfully complete a substance abuse program
before returning to work;
(vi) Refusing to hire an applicant; or
(vii) Any combination of the actions listed in subdivisions (f)(3)(C)(i) - (f)(3)(C)(vi)
of this section.
(D) (i) Damages established for an employment discrimination claim based on an
applicant's or employee's past or present status as a qualifying patient or designated
caregiver in violation of this amendment shall be limited to the damages available for an
employment discrimination claim under § 16-123-107(c) of the Arkansas Civil Rights Act of
1993, § 16-123-101 et seq., including the statutory limits provided under § 16-123-
(ii) Liability for back pay shall not accrue from a date more than two (2) years prior
to the filing of an action.
(iii) Damages under this subdivision (f)(3) shall not duplicate or increase an award
for damages over the statutory limit allowed by state law or federal law existing on January
1, 2017, whichever is lower.
(E) An action based on employment discrimination in violation of this subdivision (f)(3)
shall be brought within one (1) year of the occurrence of the alleged discrimination.
(F) An individual employee, agent of the employer, or employee of the agent of the
employer is not liable for any violation of this subdivision (f)(3) that the employer is found
to have committed.
(G) This amendment does not waive the sovereign immunity of the State of Arkansas.
(g) A person otherwise entitled to custody of, or visitation or parenting time with, a minor
shall not be denied custody, visitation, or parenting time solely for conduct allowed under
this amendment, nor shall there be:
(1) A finding of abuse solely for conduct allowed under this amendment; or
(2) A presumption of neglect or child endangerment for conduct allowed under this
(h) (1) A physician shall not be subject to arrest, prosecution, or penalty in any manner or
denied any right or privilege, including without limitation a civil penalty or disciplinary action
by the Arkansas State Medical Board or by any other business, occupational, or professional
licensing board or bureau, solely for providing a written certification.
(2) Subdivision (g)(1) of this section does not prevent a professional licensing board from
sanctioning a physician for failing to properly evaluate a patient's medical condition or for
otherwise violating the applicable physician-patient standard of care.
(i) A person shall not be subject to arrest, prosecution, or penalty in any manner or denied
any right or privilege, including without limitation a civil penalty or disciplinary action by a
business, occupational, or professional licensing board or bureau, for providing a qualifying
patient or designated caregiver with marijuana paraphernalia for purposes of facilitating the
qualifying patient's medical use of marijuana.
(j) Any marijuana, marijuana paraphernalia, licit property, or interest in licit property, that
is possessed, owned, or used exclusively in connection with the medical use of marijuana as
allowed under this amendment, or property incidental to such use, shall not be seized or
(k) A person shall not be subject to arrest, prosecution, or penalty in any manner or denied
any right or privilege, including without limitation a civil penalty or disciplinary action by a
business, occupational, or professional licensing board or bureau, simply for being in the
presence or vicinity of the medical use of marijuana as allowed under this amendment or for
directly assisting a physically disabled qualifying patient with the medical use of marijuana.
(l) (1) A registry identification card or its equivalent that is issued under the laws of
another state, district, territory, commonwealth, or insular possession of the United States
that allows a visiting qualifying patient to possess or use marijuana for medical use in the
jurisdiction of issuance has the same force and effect when held by a visiting qualifying
patient as a registry identification card issued by the Department of Health if the same
qualifying medical condition exists.
(2) (A) A visiting qualifying patient may obtain marijuana from a dispensary upon
producing evidence of his or her registry identification card or its equivalent that is issued
under the laws of another state, district, territory, commonwealth, or insular possession of
the United States.
(B) The department shall promulgate necessary rules concerning a visiting qualifying
patient obtaining marijuana from a dispensary.
(m) A pharmacist shall not be subject to arrest, prosecution, or penalty in any manner or
denied any right or privilege, including without limitation a civil penalty or disciplinary action
by the Arkansas State Board of Pharmacy or by any other business, occupational, or
professional licensing board or bureau, solely for performing his or her duties as a
pharmacist consultant for a registered dispensary.
[As added by Const. Amend. 98; Acts 2017, No. 593, § 3, No. 1024, § 1.]
§ 4. Qualifying patient -- Administration and enforcement -- Rules.
(a) (1) The Department of Health shall administer and enforce the provisions of this
amendment concerning qualifying patients, qualifying medical conditions, and designated
caregivers, including without limitation the issuance of a registry identification card to a
qualifying patient and designated caregiver.
(2) The department shall adopt rules necessary to:
(A) Carry out the purposes of this amendment; and
(B) Perform its duties under this amendment.
(3) Rules adopted under this section are rules as defined in the Arkansas Administrative
Procedure Act, § 25-15-201 et seq.
(4) (A) The Department of Health shall require each applicant for a designated caregiver
registry identification card to apply for or authorize the Department of Health to obtain state
and national criminal background checks to be conducted by the Identification Bureau of the
Department of Arkansas State Police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
(B) The criminal background checks shall conform to the applicable federal standards
and shall include the taking of fingerprints.
(C) The applicant shall authorize the release of the criminal background checks to the
Department of Health and shall be responsible for the payment of any fee associated with
the criminal background checks.
(D) Upon completion of the criminal background checks, the Identification Bureau of
the Department of Arkansas State Police shall forward to the Department of Health all
information obtained concerning the applicant.
(b) Not later than one hundred eighty (180) days after the effective date of this
amendment, the department shall adopt rules governing:
(1) The manner in which the department considers applications for and renewals of
registry identification cards;
(2) Labeling and testing standards for marijuana distributed to qualifying patients,
including a warning label on all marijuana for medical use that is processed or sold for
smoking that communicates the health and safety risks associated with smoking and a list
of places and conditions in which smoking marijuana for medical use is illegal in the State of
Arkansas; and
(3) Any other matters necessary for the department's fair, impartial, stringent, and
comprehensive administration of this amendment.
(c) (1) Not later than one hundred eighty (180) days after the effective date of this
amendment, the department shall adopt rules that govern the manner in which the
department considers petitions from the public to add medical conditions or treatments to
the list of qualifying medical conditions set forth in § 2 of this amendment.
(2) In considering a petition, the department shall add medical conditions or treatments
to the list of qualifying medical conditions set forth in § 2 of this amendment if patients
suffering from the medical conditions or undergoing the treatments in question would derive
therapeutic benefit from the use of marijuana, taking into account the positive and negative
health effects of such use.
(3) (A) The department shall, after hearing, approve or deny a petition within one
hundred twenty (120) days of submission of the petition.
(B) The approval or denial of a petition constitutes final agency action, subject to
judicial review, and jurisdiction for judicial review is vested in the Pulaski County Circuit
(d) The department shall adopt rules within one hundred eighty (180) days of the effective
date of this amendment that govern the manner in which a designated caregiver assists a
physically disabled qualifying patient or a qualifying patient under the age of eighteen (18)
with the medical use of marijuana.
(e) The department may collect fines or fees for any violation of a rule adopted under this
[As added by Const. Amend. 98; as amended by Acts 2017, No. 4, §§ 2 & 3, No. 545, § 1,
No. 639, § 1, No. 740, § 2.]
§ 5. Registry identification cards.
(a) The Department of Health shall issue registry identification cards to qualifying patients
and designated caregivers who submit in accordance with the rules promulgated by the
(1) Written certification issued by a physician within thirty (30) days of the application;
(2) (A) A reasonable application or renewal fee as established by the department by
(B) The department may establish a sliding scale of application and renewal fees based
upon a qualifying patient's family income;
(3) The name, address, and date of birth of the qualifying patient or designated
caregiver, except that if the applicant is homeless, no address is required;
(4) For a designated caregiver application:
(A) The name of the physically disabled qualifying patient or qualifying patient under
the age of eighteen (18) whom the applicant will be assisting; and
(B) Documentation from the qualifying patient's physician indicating that the qualifying
patient is physically disabled or under the age of eighteen (18);
(5) The name, address, and telephone number of the qualifying patient's physician; and
(6) A signed statement from the qualifying patient or designated caregiver pledging not
to divert marijuana to anyone who is not allowed to possess marijuana under this
(b) The department shall not issue a registry identification card to a qualifying patient who
is under eighteen (18) years of age unless:
(1) The qualifying patient's physician has explained the potential risks and benefits of the
medical use of marijuana to the qualifying patient and to a parent, guardian, or person
having legal custody of the qualifying patient; and
(2) A parent, guardian, or person having legal custody:
(A) Consents in writing to:
(i) Allow the qualifying patient's medical use of marijuana;
(ii) Assist the qualifying patient in the medical use of marijuana; and
(iii) Control the acquisition of the marijuana, the dosage, and the frequency of the
medical use of marijuana by the qualifying patient; and
(B) Registers as a designated caregiver under this amendment.
(c) (1) The department shall review the information contained in an application or renewal
submitted under this section within fourteen (14) days of receiving it.
(2) The department shall deny an application or renewal if the:
(A) Applicant previously had a registry identification card revoked; or
(B) Department determines the written certification was not made in the context of a
physician-patient relationship or that the written certification was fraudulently obtained.
(3) Rejection of an application or renewal is considered a final agency action, subject to
judicial review, and jurisdiction is vested in the Pulaski County Circuit Court.
(d) (1) A registry identification card expires one (1) year after the date of issuance unless
the physician states in the written certification that he or she believes the qualifying patient
would benefit from the medical use of marijuana only until a specified earlier date.
(2) If the written certification specifies an earlier date, the registry identification card
shall expire on that date.
(f) (1) An application or renewal and supporting information submitted by a qualifying
patient or designated caregiver under this amendment, including without limitation
information regarding the qualifying patient's physician, are considered confidential records
that are exempt from the Freedom of Information Act of 1967, § 25-19-101 et seq.
(2) (A) (i) The department shall maintain a confidential list of the persons to whom the
department has issued registry identification cards.
(ii) (a) The department may share information from the confidential list under this
subsection with the Alcoholic Beverage Control Division and the Medical Marijuana
Commission as necessary and the State Insurance Department for the purposes of the
Arkansas all-payer claims database established under § 23-61-901 et seq.
(b) Confidential information shared with the division or commission shall remain
confidential while in the division's or commission's possession.
(B) Individual names and other identifying information on the confidential list are
confidential, exempt from the Freedom of Information Act of 1967, § 25-19-101 et seq.,
and not subject to disclosure except to authorized employees of the department, division,
and commission as necessary to perform official duties of the department, division, and
(3) The department shall verify to law enforcement personnel whether a registry
identification card is valid without disclosing more information than is reasonably necessary
to verify the authenticity of the registry identification card.
(4) A person, including without limitation an employee or official of the department,
division, commission, or another state agency or local government, who knowingly breaches
the confidentiality of information obtained under this amendment commits a Class A
(g) (1) Except as provided in § 3 of this amendment, a cardholder who transfers
marijuana to a person who is not a qualifying patient or designated caregiver under this
amendment shall have his or her registry identification card revoked and shall be subject to
any other penalties established by law.
(2) The department may revoke the registry identification card of any cardholder who
knowingly violates any provision of this amendment, and the cardholder is subject to any
other penalties established by law.
(3) This subsection does not prohibit:
(A) A qualifying patient or designated caregiver from giving up to two and one-half
ounces (2 1/2 oz.) of usable marijuana to another qualifying patient or designated caregiver
as set forth in § 3 of this amendment; or
(B) The transfer of marijuana seedlings, plants, or usable marijuana as set forth in § 3
of this amendment.
(h) The department, division, and commission shall submit to the General Assembly an
annual report that does not disclose any identifying information about cardholders or
physicians but contains at a minimum:
(1) The number of applications and renewals filed for registry identification cards;
(2) The nature of the qualifying medical conditions of the qualifying patients;
(3) The number of registry identification cards revoked and the number of licenses to
operate a dispensary and licenses to operate a cultivation facility revoked;
(4) The number of physicians providing written certifications for qualifying patients;
(5) The number of licensed dispensaries;
(6) The number of licensed cultivation facilities;
(7) The number of dispensary agents; and
(8) The number of cultivation facility agents.
[As added by Const. Amend. 98; as amended by Acts 2017, No. 5, § 2, No. 948, § 1.]
§ 6. Scope.
(a) This amendment does not permit a person to:
(1) Undertake any task under the influence of marijuana when doing so would constitute
negligence or professional malpractice;
(2) Possess, smoke, or otherwise engage in the medical use of marijuana:
(A) On a school bus;
(B) On the grounds of a daycare center, preschool, primary or secondary school,
college, or university;
(C) At a drug or alcohol treatment facility;
(D) At a community or recreation center;
(E) In a correctional facility;
(F) On any form of public transportation;
(G) In a public place; or
(H) On any property that is under control of the Arkansas National Guard or the United
State military; or
(3) Operate, navigate, or be in actual physical control of a motor vehicle, aircraft,
motorized watercraft, or any other vehicle drawn by power other than muscle power while
under the influence of marijuana.
(4) Smoke marijuana:
(A) In a place where the smoking of tobacco is prohibited by law;
(B) In the presence of a person who is under fourteen (14) years of age;
(C) Inside a motor vehicle, aircraft, motorized watercraft, or any vehicle drawn by
power other than muscle power;
(D) Knowingly in the presence of a pregnant woman; or
(E) In a place where the smoking of marijuana for medical use is likely to cause another
person not authorized to use marijuana to be under the influence of marijuana; or
(5) Smoke marijuana for medical use if the person is under twenty-one (21) years of age.
(b) This amendment does not require:
(1) A government medical assistance program or private health insurer to reimburse a
person for costs associated with the medical use of marijuana unless federal law requires
(2) An employer to accommodate the ingestion of marijuana in a workplace or an
employee working while under the influence of marijuana;
(3) An individual or establishment in lawful possession of property to allow a guest,
client, customer, or other visitor to use marijuana on or in that property;
(4) An individual or establishment in lawful possession of property to admit a guest,
client, customer, or other visitor who is inebriated as a result of his or her medical used of
(5) A landlord to permit a qualifying patient to smoke marijuana on or in leased property,
except that a landlord may not prohibit the medical use of marijuana through means other
than smoking on leased property by a qualifying patient; or
(6) A public school to permit a qualifying patient who is a student to be present on school
grounds, to attend a school event, or to participate in extracurricular activities in violation of
the public school's student discipline policies when a school office has a good faith belief
that the behavior of the qualifying patient is impaired.
[As added by Const. Amend. 98; as amended by Acts 2017, No. 479, § 3, No. 740, § 1, No.
1099, § 1.]
§ 7. Affirmative defense and dismissal for medical use of marijuana.
(a) Except as provided in § 6 of this amendment and this section, an individual may assert
a medical purpose for using marijuana as an affirmative defense to prosecution for an
offense involving marijuana intended for the individual's medical use, and this defense shall
be presumed valid and the prosecution shall be dismissed where the evidence demonstrates
that the individual is:
(1) A qualifying patient or a designated caregiver; and
(2) In compliance with the conditions set forth in § 3 of this amendment.
(b) The defense and motion to dismiss shall not prevail if either of the following are proven:
(1) The individual's registry identification card had been revoked at the time of the
alleged offense; or
(2) The purposes for the possession of marijuana were not solely for medical use.
(c) An individual is not required to be in actual physical possession of a registry
identification card to raise the affirmative defense set forth in this section.
(d) If an individual demonstrates a medical use of marijuana under this section, except as
provided in § 6 of this amendment, the individual shall not be subject to the following:
(1) Disciplinary action by a business, occupational, or professional licensing board or
bureau; or
(2) Forfeiture of any interest in or right to nonmarijuana, licit property. [As added by
Const. Amend. 98.]
§ 8. Licensing of dispensaries and cultivation facilities.
(a) (1) Dispensaries and cultivation facilities shall be licensed by the Medical Marijuana
(2) The commission shall administer and regulate the licensing of dispensaries and
cultivation facilities, including the issuance of a:
(i) License to operate a dispensary; and
(ii) License to operate a cultivation facility.
(3) The Alcoholic Beverage Control Division shall administer and enforce the provisions of
this amendment concerning dispensaries and cultivation facilities.
(b) (1) The commission and division shall each adopt rules necessary to:
(A) Carry out the purposes of this amendment; and
(B) Perform its duties under this amendment.
(2) Rules adopted under this section are rules as defined in the Arkansas Administrative
Procedure Act, § 25-15-201 et seq.
(c) The following individuals associated with a dispensary or cultivation facility shall be
current residents of Arkansas who have resided in the state for the previous seven (7)
consecutive years:
(1) The individual(s) submitting an application to license a dispensary or cultivation
facility; and,
(2) Sixty percent (60%) of the individuals owning an interest in a dispensary or
cultivation facility.
(d) Not later than one hundred eighty (180) days after the effective date of this
amendment, the commission shall adopt rules governing:
(1) The manner in which the commission considers applications for and renewals of
licenses for dispensaries and cultivation facilities;
(2) The form and content of registration and renewal applications for dispensaries and
cultivation facilities; and
(3) Any other matters necessary for the commission's fair, impartial, stringent, and
comprehensive administration of its duties under this amendment.
(e) Not later than one hundred eighty (180) days after the effective date of this
amendment, the division shall adopt rules governing:
(1) Oversight requirements for dispensaries and cultivation facilities;
(2) Recordkeeping requirements for dispensaries and cultivation facilities;
(3) Security requirements for dispensaries and cultivation facilities;
(4) Personnel requirements for dispensaries and cultivation facilities;
(5) The manufacture, processing, packaging, labeling, and dispensing of usable
marijuana to qualifying patients and designated caregivers, including without limitation;
(A) Before sale, food or drink that has been combined with usable marijuana shall not
exceed ten milligrams (10 mg) of active tetrahydrocannabinol per portion and shall be
physically demarked; and
(B) If portions cannot be physically determined, the entirety of the food or drink that
has been combined with usable marijuana shall not contain more than ten milligrams (10
mg) of active 31 tetrahydrocannabinol;
(6) Procedures for suspending or terminating the licenses of dispensaries and cultivation
facilities that violate the provisions of this amendment or the rules adopted under this
amendment, procedures for appealing penalties, and a schedule of penalties;
(7) Procedures for inspections and investigations of dispensaries and cultivation facilities;
(8) Advertising restrictions for dispensaries and cultivation facilities, including without
limitation the advertising, marketing, packaging, and promotion of dispensaries and
cultivation facilities with the purpose to avoid making the product of a dispensary or a
cultivation facility appealing to children, including without limitation:
(A) Artwork;
(B) Building signage;
(C) Product design, including without limitation shapes and flavors;
(D) Child-proof packaging that cannot be opened by a child or that prevents ready
access to toxic or harmful amount of the product, and that meets the testing
requirements in accordance with the method described in 16 C.F.R. § 1700.20, as
existing on January 1, 2017;
(E) Indoor displays that can be seen from outside the dispensary or cultivation facility;
(F) Other forms of marketing related to medical marijuana;
(9) Procedures for the disposal or other use of marijuana not dispensed to a qualifying
patient; and
(10) Any other matters necessary for the division's fair, impartial, stringent, and
comprehensive administration of its duties under this amendment.
(f) (1) Not later than one hundred eighty (180) days after the effective date of this
amendment, the commission shall adopt rules establishing license application and license
renewal fees for dispensary and cultivation facility licenses.
(2) (A) The initial dispensary application fee shall be a maximum of seven thousand five
hundred dollars ($7,500).
(B) The initial cultivation facility application fee shall be a maximum of fifteen thousand
dollars ($15,000).
(C) A license that is initially issued between January 1 and July 1 may have the
licensing fees up to fifty percent (50%) prorated and refunded as determined by the
(g) (1) Not later than July 1, 2017, the commission shall begin accepting applications for
licenses to operate a dispensary and cultivation facility.
(2) The application shall include without limitation the following:
(A) The application fee;
(B) The legal name of the dispensary or cultivation facility;
(C) The physical address of the:
(i) Dispensary, the location of which may not be within one thousand five hundred
feet (1,500') of a public or private school, church, or daycare center existing before the date
of the dispensary application, which shall be calculated from the primary entrance of the
dispensary to the nearest property boundary of a public or private school, church, or
daycare center; or
(ii) Cultivation facility, the location of which may not be within three thousand feet
(3,000') of a public or private school, church, or daycare center existing before the date of
the cultivation facility application, which shall be calculated from the primary entrance of the
cultivation facility to the nearest property boundary of a public or private school, church, or
daycare center;
(D) The name, address, and date of birth of each dispensary agent or cultivation facility
agent; and
(E) If the city, town, or county in which the dispensary or cultivation facility would be
located has enacted zoning restrictions, a sworn statement certifying that the dispensary or
cultivation facility will operate in compliance with the restrictions.
(3) None of the owners, board members, or officers of the dispensary or cultivation
(A) Shall have been convicted of an excluded felony offense;
(B) Shall have previously been an owner of a dispensary or cultivation facility that has
had its license revoked; and
(C) Shall be under twenty-one (21) years of age.
(4) (A) The commission may issue a temporary license to a another natural person in
conjunction with a dispensary or a cultivation facility when the natural person whose name
is on the license for the dispensary or cultivation facility ceases to be in actual control of the
dispensary or cultivation facility.
(B) The commission shall adopt rules as necessary to provide temporary licenses.
(h) The commission shall issue at least twenty (20) but no more than forty (40) dispensary
(i) There shall be no more than four (4) dispensaries in any one (1) county.
(j) The commission shall issue at least four (4) but no more than eight (8) cultivation
facility licenses.
(k) (1) The commission shall conduct a criminal background check in order to carry out this
(2) The commission shall require each applicant for a dispensary license or cultivation
facility license to apply for or authorize the commission to obtain state and national criminal
background checks to be conducted by the Identification Bureau of the Department of
Arkansas State Police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
(3) The criminal background checks shall conform to the applicable federal standards
and shall include the taking of fingerprints.
(4) The applicant shall authorize the release of the criminal background checks to the
commission and shall be responsible for the payment of any fee associated with the criminal
background checks.
(5) Upon completion of the criminal background checks, the Identification Bureau of the
Department of Arkansas State Police shall forward to the commission all information
obtained concerning the applicant.
(l) (1) No individual shall own an interest in more than:
(1) One (1) cultivation facility; and,
(2) One (1) dispensary.
(m) (1) (A) A dispensary licensed under this section may acquire, possess, manufacture,
process, prepare, deliver, transfer, transport, supply, and dispense marijuana, marijuana
paraphernalia, and related supplies and educational materials to a qualifying patient or
designated caregiver, but shall not supply, possess, manufacture, deliver, transfer, or sell
marijuana paraphernalia that requires the combustion of marijuana to be properly utilized,
including pipes, water pipers, bongs, chillums, rolling papers, and roach clips.
(B) A dispensary licensed under this section shall:
(i) Make marijuana vaporizers available for sale to qualifying patients; and
(ii) Provide educational materials about medical marijuana methods of ingestion to
qualifying patients and designated caregivers, including without limitation:
(a) Warnings on the potential health risks of smoking or combusting marijuana;
(b) Information on potential health benefits of vaporizing marijuana compared to
smoking or combusting.
(2) (A) A dispensary may receive compensation for providing the goods and services
allowed by this section.
(B) A dispensary may contract with a transporter, distributer, or processer to extent of
the license of the transporter, 1 distributer, or processer.
(3) (A) A dispensary may grow or possess:
(i) Fifty (50) mature marijuana plants at any one (1) time plus seedlings; and
(ii) All usable marijuana derived from the plants under subdivision (m)(3)(A)(i) of
this section or predecessor plants.
(B) A dispensary may contract with a cultivation facility to cultivate one (1) or more
mature marijuana plants the dispensary is permitted to grow.
(4) (A) (i) A cultivation facility may cultivate and possess usable marijuana in an
amount reasonably necessary to meet the demand for and needs of qualifying patients as
determined by the commission with the assistance of the Department of Health.
(ii) However, a cultivation facility shall not sell marijuana in any form except to a
dispensary or other cultivation facility.
(B) A cultivation facility may also possess marijuana seeds.
(C) The commission with the assistance of the Department of Health shall promulgate
rules determining the amount of marijuana reasonably necessary under subdivision
(m)(4)(A) of this section.
(5) (A) A cultivation facility may receive compensation for providing the goods and
services allowed by this section.
(B) A cultivation facility may contract with a transporter, distributer, or processer to
extent of the license of the transporter, distributer, or processer.
(n) (1) A dispensary license and cultivation facility license shall expire on June 30 of each
calendar 7 year and are renewable on or before June 30 of each calendar year for the 8
fiscal year beginning July 1.
(2) The commission shall issue a renewal dispensary license or a renewal cultivation
facility license within ten (10) days to any entity who complies with the requirements
contained in this amendment, including without limitation the payment of a renewal fee.
(o) The commission may charge a reasonable fee as established by rule for the issuance of
a renewal license.
(p) The commission and the division may collect fines or fees for any violation of a rule
adopted under this section.
(q) (1) A license for a dispensary or cultivation facility shall only be issued to a natural
(2) A license issued for a dispensary or cultivation facility shall be transferable only to a
natural person upon approval of the commission.
(r) Data or records submitted to the division or commission under rules adopted under this
amendment may be shared with the Department of Health and the State Insurance
Department for purposes of the Arkansas all-payer claims database established under § 23-
61-901 et seq.
(s) (1) A dispensary shall appoint a pharmacist consultant who is a pharmacist licensed
with the Arkansas State Board of Pharmacy.
(2) A pharmacist consultant shall:
(A) Register as a dispensary agent under this amendment and follow all procedures;
(B) Develop and provide training to other dispensary agents at least one (1) time every
twelve (12) months from the initial date of the opening of the dispensary on the following
(i) Guidelines for providing information to qualifying patients related to risks, benefits,
and side effects associated with medical marijuana;
(ii) Recognizing the signs and symptoms of substance abuse; and
(iii) Guidelines for refusing to provide medical marijuana to an individual who appears
to be impaired or abusing medical marijuana;
(A) Assist in the development and implementation of review and improvement processes
for patient education and support provided by the dispensary;
(B) Provide oversight for the development and dissemination of:
(i) Education materials for qualifying patients and designated caregivers that include:
(a) Information about possible side effects and contraindications of medical marijuana;
(b) Guidelines for notifying the physician who provided the written certification for
medical marijuana if side effects or contraindications occur;
(c) A description of the potential effects of differing strengths of medical marijuana
strains and products;
(d) Information about potential drug-to-drug interactions, including interactions with
alcohol, prescription drugs, nonprescription drugs, and supplements;
(e) Techniques for the use of medical marijuana and marijuana paraphernalia; and
(f) Information about different methods, forms, and routes of medical marijuana
(i) Systems for documentation by a qualifying patient or designated caregiver of the
symptoms of a qualifying patient that includes a logbook, rating scale for pain
and symptoms, and guidelines for a patient's self-assessment; and
(ii) Policies and procedures for refusing to provide medical marijuana to an individual
who appears to be impaired or abusing medical marijuana; and
(A) Be accessible by the dispensary or dispensary agent through:
(i) Telephonic means at all times during operating hours; and
(ii) Telephone or video conference for a patient consultation during operating hours.
(t) (1) A cultivation facility shall meet the following security requirements:
(A)(i) The physical security controls set forth in 21 C.F.R. § 1301.72 1301.74, as
existing on January 1, 2017.
(ii) The Alcoholic Beverage Control Division of the Department of Finance and
Administration shall adopt rules to implement subdivision (p)(1)(A)(i) of this section;
(B) All cultivation of marijuana occurs within a building, greenhouse, or other structure
(i) Has a complete roof enclosure supported by connecting walls that are
constructed of solid material extending from the ground to the roof;
(ii) Is secure against unauthorized entry;
(iii) Has a foundation, slab, or equivalent base to which the floor is securely
(iv) Meets performance standards ensuring that cultivation and processing activities
cannot be and are not perceptible from the structure in terms of:
(a) Common visual observation;
(b) Odors, smell, fragrances, or other olfactory stimulus;
(c) Light pollution, glare, or brightness;
(d) Adequate ventilation to prevent mold; and
(e) Noise;
(v) Provides complete visual screening; and
(vi) Is accessible only through one (1) or more lockable doors;
(C) Current detailed plans and elevation drawings of all operational areas involved with
the production of medical marijuana are maintained on the premises of the cultivation
facility, including:
(i) All storage areas, ventilation systems, and equipment used for production;
(ii) All entrances and exits to the cultivation facility;
(iii) All windows, skylights, and retractable mechanisms built into the roof;
(iv) The location of all required security cameras;
(v) The location of all alarm inputs, detectors, and sirens;
(vi) All video and alarm system surveillance areas;
(vii) All production areas labeled according to the specific activity occurring within the
(viii) All restricted and limited access areas identified; and
(ix) All nonproduction areas labeled according to purpose;
(D) Access to areas where marijuana is grown, harvested, processed, and stored is
limited to authorized personnel and:
(i) Designated by clearly marked signage; and
(ii) Locked and accessible only by authorized personnel on a current roster of
authorized personnel;
(E)(i) Written policies regarding any nonregistered agent who may visit the premises and
a log of all visitors to the premises are developed and maintained.
(ii) The log shall consist of the visitor's name, purpose of visit, time of arrival, and
time of departure.
(iii) Visitors to a cultivation facility shall be:
(a) Issued a visitor identification tag containing the visitor's name that shall be worn
for the duration of the visit on the premises; and
(b) Escorted by a cultivation facility agent at all times while present on the premises.
(iv)(a) However, contractors conducting repairs, maintenance, or other specific duties
may be escorted to their work site and left unaccompanied while completing a job.
(b) Cultivation facility agents shall ensure that the contractor and area under repair
are under video surveillance for the duration of the time spent on the premises by the
contractor; and
(F) (i) An alarm system is equipped that upon attempted unauthorized entry, transmits a
signal directly to a central protection company for a local or state police agency and a
designated cultivation facility agent.
(ii) The alarm system shall:
(a) Provide coverage for all points of ingress and egress to the cultivation facility,
including without limitation doorways, windows, loading bays, skylights, and retractable roof
(b) Provide coverage of any room with an exterior wall, any room containing a safe,
and any room used to grow or store medical marijuana;
(c) Be equipped with a panic drive that upon activation will not only sound any
audible alarm components but will also notify law enforcement;
(d) Have duress and hold up features to enable a cultivation facility agent to activate
a silent alarm notifying law enforcement of an emergency;
(e) Be equipped with failure notification systems to notify cultivation facilities and law
enforcement of any failure in the alarm system; and
(f) Have the ability to remain operational during a power outage.
(2) A cultivation facility shall maintain compliance with applicable city or county building
or structure rules, regulations, or ordinances and any other applicable state laws or rules
regarding buildings or structures.
[As added by Const. Amend. 98; as amended by Acts 2017, No. 4, §§ 4-6, No. 545, § 2,
No. 587, § 1, No. 594, §§ 1-2, No. 639, § 2, No. 640, § 1, No. 641, § 1, No. 642, § 1, No.
948, § 2, No. 1023, § 3, No. 1024, §§ 2-3, No. 1100, § 1.]
§ 9. Registration and certification of cultivation facility agents and dispensary
(a) (1) Cultivation facility agents and dispensary agents shall register with the Alcoholic
Beverage Control Division.
(2) The division shall administer and enforce the provisions of this amendment
concerning cultivation facility agents and dispensary agents, including without limitation the
issuance of a:
(A) Registry identification card to a dispensary agent; and
(B) Registry identification card to a cultivation facility agent.
(b) (1) The division shall adopt rules necessary to:
(A) Carry out the purposes of this amendment; and
(B) Perform its duties under this amendment.
(2) Rules adopted under this section are rules as defined in the Arkansas Administrative
Procedure Act, § 25-15-201 et seq.
(c) Not later than one hundred eighty (180) days after the effective date of this
amendment, the division shall adopt rules governing:
(1) The manner in which the division considers applications for and renewals of registry
identification cards for dispensary agents and cultivation facility agents;
(2) The form and content of registration and renewal applications for dispensary agents
and cultivation facility agents;
(3) Procedures for suspending or terminating the registration of dispensary agents and
cultivation facility agents who violate the provisions of this amendment or the rules adopted
under this amendment, procedures for appealing penalties, and a schedule of penalties; and
(4) Any other matters necessary for the division's fair, impartial, stringent, and
comprehensive administration of its duties under this amendment.
(d) (1) The division shall conduct criminal background checks in order to carry out this
(2) The division shall require each applicant for a dispensary agent license or cultivation
facility agent license to apply for or authorize the division to obtain state and national
criminal background checks to be conducted by the Identification Bureau of the Department
of Arkansas State Police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
(3) The criminal background checks shall conform to the applicable federal standards and
shall include the taking of fingerprints.
(4) The applicant shall authorize the release of the criminal background checks to the
division and shall be responsible for the payment of any fee associated with the criminal
background checks.
(5) Upon completion of the criminal background checks, the Identification Bureau of the
Department of Arkansas State Police shall forward to the division all information obtained
concerning the applicant.
(e) Except as provided herein, the division shall issue each dispensary agent and cultivation
facility agent a registry identification card within ten (10) days of receipt of:
(1) The person's name, address, and date of birth under this amendment; and
(2) A reasonable fee in an amount established by rule of the division.
(f) (1) The division shall not issue a registry identification card to a dispensary agent or
cultivation facility agent who has been convicted of an excluded felony offense.
(2) The division shall conduct a criminal background check as described in subsection (d)
of this section of each dispensary agent or cultivation facility agent in order to carry out this
(3) The division shall notify the dispensary or cultivation facility in writing of the reason
for denying the registry identification card.
(g) (1) A registry identification card for a dispensary agent or cultivation facility agent
shall expire on June 30 of each calendar year and is renewable on or before June 30 of each
calendar year for the fiscal year beginning July 1.
(2) A registry identification card of a dispensary agent or cultivation facility agent expires
upon notification to the division by a dispensary or cultivation facility that the person ceases
to work at the dispensary or cultivation facility.
(h) The division may charge a reasonable fee as established by rule for the issuance of a
new, renewal or replacement registry identification card.
(i) (1) The division may revoke the registry identification card of a dispensary agent or
cultivation facility agent who knowingly violates any provision of this amendment, and the
cardholder is subject to any other penalties established by law for the violation.
(2) The division may revoke or suspend the dispensary license or cultivation facility
license of a dispensary or cultivation facility that the division determines knowingly aided or
facilitated a violation of any provision of this amendment, and the licenseholder is subject to
any other penalties established in law for the violation.
(j) The division may collect fines or fees for any violation of a rule adopted under this
[As added by Const. Amend. 98; as amended by Acts 2017, No. 4, § 7, No. 545, §§ 3-4,
No. 594, § 3, No. 639, § 3.]
§ 10. Dispensary and cultivation facility inspections and requirements.
(a) Dispensaries and cultivation facilities are highly regulated by the state, and a
dispensary and cultivation facility is therefore subject to reasonable inspection by the
Alcoholic Beverage Control Division.
(b) (1) This subsection governs the operations of dispensaries and cultivation facilities.
(2) A dispensary and a cultivation facility shall be an entity incorporated in the State of
(3) A dispensary and cultivation facility shall implement appropriate security measures to
deter and prevent unauthorized entrance into areas containing marijuana and the theft of
(4) A dispensary and cultivation facility shall have procedures in place to ensure accurate
(5) Each dispensary shall keep the following records, dating back at least three (3) years:
(A) Records of the disposal of marijuana that is not distributed by the dispensary to
qualifying patients; and
(B) A record of each transaction, including the amount of marijuana dispensed, the
amount of compensation, and the registry identification number of the qualifying patient or
designated caregiver.
(6) Each dispensary and cultivation facility shall:
(A) Conduct an initial comprehensive inventory of all marijuana, including without
limitation usable marijuana available for dispensing, mature marijuana plants, and seedlings
at each authorized location on the date the dispensary first dispenses usable marijuana or
the cultivation facility first cultivates, prepares, manufactures, processes, or packages
usable marijuana; and
(B) Conduct a biannual comprehensive inventory of all marijuana, including without
limitation usable marijuana available for dispensing, mature marijuana plants, and seedlings
at each authorized location.
(7) All cultivation of marijuana shall take place in an enclosed, locked facility.
(8) (A) A qualifying patient or designated caregiver acting on behalf of a qualifying
patient shall not be dispensed more than a total of two and one-half ounces (2 1/2 oz.) of
usable marijuana during a fourteen-day period.
(B) A dispensary or a dispensary agent may not dispense more than a total of two and
one-half ounces (2 1/2 oz.) of usable marijuana to either a qualifying patient or designated
caregiver acting on behalf of a qualifying patient during a fourteen-day period.
(C) Each time a dispensary agent dispenses usable marijuana to a qualifying patient or
designated caregiver, he or she shall verify that the dispensing of usable marijuana would
not cause the qualifying patient or designated caregiver to receive more usable marijuana
than is permitted in a fourteen-day period.
(D) Each time usable marijuana is dispensed, the dispensary agent shall:
(i) Record the date the usable marijuana was dispensed and the amount dispensed;
(ii) Notify the Department of Health in the manner required by the department.
(E) The department shall maintain a database that enables a dispensary to verify that
dispensing usable marijuana to a qualifying patient or designated caregiver will not cause
the qualifying patient or designated caregiver to exceed the amount allowed by law.
(F) All records shall be kept according to the registry identification number of the
qualifying patient or designated caregiver.
(G) It is the specific intent of this Amendment that no qualifying patient or designated
caregiver acting on behalf of a qualifying patient be dispensed more than a total of two and
one-half ounces (2 1/2 oz.) of usable marijuana during a fourteen-day period whether the
usable marijuana is dispensed from one or any combination of dispensaries.
(9) The dispensary records with patient information shall be treated as confidential
records that are exempt from the Freedom of Information Act of 1967, § 25-19-101 et seq.
[As added by Const. Amend. 98; as amended by Acts 2017, No. 5, § 3.]
§ 11. Immunity for dispensaries and cultivation facilities.
(a) A dispensary, cultivation facility, transporter, distributer, or processor is not subject to
the following:
(1) Prosecution for the acquisition, possession, cultivation, processing, preparation,
manufacture, delivery, transfer, transport, sale, supply, or dispensing of marijuana and
related supplies in accordance with the provisions of this amendment and any rule adopted
under this amendment;
(2) Inspection, except under § 10 of this amendment or upon a search warrant issued by
a court or judicial officer;
(3) Seizure of marijuana, except upon any order issued by a court or judicial officer and
with due process of law; or
(4) Imposition of a penalty or denial of a right or privilege, including without limitation
imposition of a civil penalty or disciplinary action by a business, occupational, or
professional licensing board or entity, solely for acting in accordance with this amendment.
(b) (1) A dispensary agent, cultivation facility agent, transporter agent, distributer agent,
or processor agent shall not be subject to arrest, prosecution, search, seizure, or penalty in
any manner or denied any right or privilege, including without limitation civil penalty or
disciplinary action by a business, occupational, or professional licensing board or entity,
solely for working for or with a dispensary, cultivation facility, transporter, distributer, or
processor to engage in acts permitted by this amendment.
(2) (A) A dispensary agent, cultivation facility agent, or processor agent may possess
and manufacture marijuana at the dispensary, cultivation facility location, or processor
location or locations for which the dispensary agent, cultivation facility agent, or processor
agent is registered or when transferring marijuana under this section.
(B) (i) A dispensary agent who is a volunteer may possess and manufacture
marijuana at a dispensary location.
(ii) A dispensary agent who is a volunteer may not dispense or transport marijuana.
(3) A cultivation facility and processor shall label the marijuana that is moved between
the cultivation facility or processor and a dispensary, other cultivation facility, or processor
with a trip ticket that identifies the cultivation facility by identification number, the time,
date, origin, and destination of the marijuana being transported, and the amount and form
of marijuana that is being transported.
(4) A transporter agent or distributer agent may possess marijuana at any location while
the transporter agent or distributor agent is transferring marijuana from a dispensary,
cultivation facility, or processer to another dispensary, cultivation facility, or processor.
(c) Importation of seeds, cuttings, clones, or plants by a dispensary 29 or cultivation facility
shall not be prosecuted in the courts of this state.
[As added by Const. Amend. 98; Acts 2017, No. 642, § 2. No. 1022, § 1.]
§ 12. Prohibitions for dispensaries.
(a) (1) Except as provided in § 3 of this amendment and subdivision (a)(2) of this
section, a dispensary may not dispense, deliver, or otherwise transfer marijuana to a person
other than a qualifying patient or designated caregiver.
(2) A dispensary may transfer marijuana to a transporter, distributer, or processer to
operate to extent of the license of the transporter, distributer, or processer.
(b) (1) Except as provided in § 3 of this amendment, the Alcoholic Beverage Control
Division shall immediately revoke the registry identification card of a dispensary agent who
has dispensed, delivered, or otherwise transferred marijuana to a person other than a
qualifying patient or designated caregiver, and that dispensary agent shall be disqualified
from serving as a dispensary agent.
(2) A dispensary employing a dispensary agent found to violate subdivision (b)(1) of this
section is not subject to penalties, including without limitation the revocation of its license,
for the actions of a dispensary agent unless the dispensary knowingly aided or facilitated
the violation.
[As added by Const. Amend. 98; Acts 2017, No. 642, § 2.]
§ 13. Prohibitions for cultivation facilities.
(a) A cultivation facility may sell marijuana plants, seeds, and usable marijuana only to a
dispensary, other cultivation facility, or processor.
(b) A cultivation facility may employ a transporter or a distributor to transfer marijuana
from the cultivation facility to a dispensary, other cultivation facility, or processer.
[As added by Const. Amend. 98; Acts 2017, No. 642, § 2.]
§ 14. Local regulation.
(a) This amendment does not prohibit a city, incorporated town, or county of this state
from enacting reasonable zoning regulations applicable to dispensaries or cultivation
facilities, provided that those zoning regulations are the same as those for a licensed retail
(b) This section does not allow a city, incorporated town, or county to prohibit the operation
of any dispensaries or cultivation facilities in the city, incorporated town, or county unless
such a prohibition is approved at an election under Article 5, § 1, of this constitution.
[As added by Const. Amend. 98.]
§ 15. Prohibited conduct for physicians.
A physician shall not:
(1) Accept, solicit, or offer any form of pecuniary remuneration from or to a dispensary or
cultivation facility provided however, that this does not prohibit a physician who is also a
qualifying patient from purchasing usable marijuana from a dispensary;
(2) Offer a discount or other thing of value to a qualifying patient who uses or agrees to
use a particular dispensary;
(3) Examine a patient for purposes of diagnosing a qualifying medical condition at a
dispensary; or
(4) Hold an economic interest in a dispensary or cultivation facility if the physician
certifies the qualifying medical condition of a patient for medical use of marijuana.
[As added by Const. Amend. 98.]
§ 16. Failure to adopt rules or issue registry identification cards or licenses.
If the Department of Health, Alcoholic Beverage Control Division, or Medical Marijuana
Commission fails to adopt rules to implement this amendment within the time prescribed or
fails to issue the minimum number of dispensary licenses or cultivation facility licenses, any
person who would be a qualifying patient under this amendment may commence a
mandamus action in Pulaski County Circuit Court to compel the department, division, or
commission to perform the actions mandated under the provisions of this amendment.
[As added by Const. Amend. 98.]
§ 17. Taxation and distribution of proceeds.
(a) (1) The sale of usable marijuana is subject to all state and local sales taxes at the
same rate as other tangible personal property.
(2) The sale of usable marijuana is also subject to the Arkansas Medical Marijuana
Special Privilege Tax Act of 2017, Ark. Code § 26-57-1501 et seq., or its successor.
(b) The state sales and special privilege tax revenues received by the Department of
Finance and Administration from the sale of usable marijuana under this amendment shall
be distributed as follows:
(1) All moneys received as part of this amendment are designated as special revenue and
the funds collected shall be deposited in the State Treasury and credited to the Arkansas
Medical Marijuana Implementation and Operations Fund;
(2) All moneys received as part of this amendment prior to the effective date of this
section shall be immediately transferred to the Arkansas Medical Marijuana Implementation
and Operations Fund upon the effective date of this section;
(3) In order for the Chief Fiscal Officer of the State to determine the expenses that state
agencies incurred due to the passage of this amendment, the following state entities shall
submit a report to the Chief Fiscal Officer of the State no later than May 1 of each year of
the projected expenses for the next fiscal year, including without limitation expenses as set
out in subdivision (b)(4) of this section:
(A) The Alcoholic Beverage Control Division of the Department of Finance and
(B) The Department of Health;
(C) The Medical Marijuana Commission; and
(D) Any other state agency that incurs implementation, administration, or enforcement
expenses related to this amendment; and
(4) (A) From time to time, the Chief Fiscal Officer of the State shall transfer on his or her
books and those of the Treasurer of State and the Auditor of State the amounts as set out
in subdivision (b)(3) of this section or so much as is available in proportion to the amount
identified by each agency in subdivision (b)(3) of this section from the Arkansas Medical
Marijuana Implementation and Operations Fund to the Miscellaneous Agencies Fund Account
for the Alcoholic Beverage Control Division of the Department of Finance and
Administration, the paying account as determined by the Chief Fiscal Officer for the
Department of Health, the Medical Marijuana Commission Fund, and any other fund
necessary to the implementation, administration, or enforcement of this amendment to pay
for or reimburse personal services, operating expenses, professional fees, equipment,
monitoring, auditing, and other miscellaneous expenses of this amendment.
(B) At the end of each fiscal year, any unobligated balances of the amounts transferred
shall be deducted from the amount transferred in the next fiscal year as authorized in
subdivision (b)(4)(A) of this section.
(C) Any unanticipated expenses or expenses over the amount transferred may be
added from time to time to the transfer amount authorized in subdivision (b)(4)(A) of this
(D) The Department of Finance and Administration shall report at the end of the fiscal
year to the Legislative Council or the Joint Budget Committee if during a legislative session
the following information:
(i) The total annual amount received as a result of this amendment;
(ii) The amount transferred to each agency; and
(iii) Copies of the report submitted to the Chief Fiscal Officer of the State identifying
estimated expenses as set out in subdivision (b)(3) of this section.
(c) After the transfer described in subsection (b) of this section, the amounts remaining in
the Arkansas Medical Marijuana Implementation and Operations Fund shall be distributed
one hundred percent (100%) to the General Revenue Fund Account.
(d) An entity receiving a grant of state sales tax revenue under subsection (b) of this
section may make one (1) or more successive grant applications for the same project or
[As added by Const. Amend. 98; Acts 2017, No. 670, § 1, No. 1098, § 1.]
§ 18. Costs of administration and regulation of amendment.
(a) The following funds shall be used by the Department of Health to perform its duties
under this amendment:
(1) State sales tax revenues received under § 17 of this amendment;
(2) (A) The revenue generated from fees, penalties, and other assessments of the
department provided for by this amendment, including without limitation:
(i) Registry identification card application and renewal fees; and
(ii) Fees for replacement registry identification cards.
(B) Revenue generated from fees, penalties, and other assessments under this
amendment shall be used solely for the performance of the department's duties under this
amendment and shall be used for no other purpose;
(3) Private donations, if such funds are available; and
(4) Other appropriations by the General Assembly, if such funds are available.
(b) The following funds shall be used by the Alcoholic Beverage Control Division to perform
its duties under this amendment:
(1) State sales tax revenues received under § 17 of this amendment;
(2) (A) The revenue generated from fees, penalties, and other assessments of the
division provided for by this amendment.
(B) Revenue generated from fees, penalties, and other assessments of the division
under this amendment shall be used solely for the performance of the division's duties
under this amendment and shall be used for no other purpose;
(3) Private donations, if such funds are available; and
(4) Other appropriations by the General Assembly, if such funds are available.
(c) The following funds shall be used by the Medical Marijuana Commission to perform its
duties under this amendment:
(1) State sales tax revenues received under § 17 of this amendment;
(2) The revenue generated from fees, penalties, and other assessments of the
commission provided for by this amendment, including without limitation dispensary and
cultivation facility application fees, licensing fees, and renewal fees;
(3) Private donations, if such funds are available; and
(4) Other appropriations by the General Assembly, if such funds are available.
[As added by Const. Amend. 98.]
§ 19. Medical Marijuana Commission -- Creation.
(a) (1) There is created a Medical Marijuana Commission within the Department of
Finance and Administration to determine the qualifications for receiving a license to operate
a dispensary or a license to operate a cultivation facility and the awarding of licenses.
(2) Each member of the commission shall serve a term of four (4) years.
(3) The commission shall consist of five (5) members as follows:
(A) Two (2) members appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate;
(B) Two (2) members appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives; and
(C) One (1) member appointed by the Governor.
(4) Vacancies on the commission shall be filled in the manner of the original
(5) The commission shall select one (1) of its members as chair.
(6) An affirmative vote of a majority of a quorum present shall be necessary to transact
(b) (1) (A) One (1) of the initial members appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the
Senate shall serve a term of two (2) years and one (1) of the initial members appointed by
the President Pro Tempore of the Senate shall serve a term of four (4) years.
(B) The initial members appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate shall
draw lots to determine which member shall serve a term of two (2) years.
(2) (A) One (1) of the initial members appointed by the Speaker of the House of
Representatives shall serve a term of two (2) years and one (1) of the initial members
appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall serve a term of four (4)
(B) The initial members appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall
draw lots to determine which member shall serve a term of two (2) years.
(3) The initial member appointed by the Governor shall serve a term of four (4) years.
(4) All subsequent persons appointed to the commission shall serve a term of four (4)
(c) A member of the commission shall be:
(1) A citizen of the United States;
(2) A resident of the State of Arkansas for at least ten (10) years preceding his or her
(3) A qualified elector;
(4) At least twenty-five (25) years of age; and
(5) Have no economic interest in a dispensary or cultivation facility.
(d) (1) The commission, by a majority vote of the total membership of the commission
cast during its first regularly scheduled meeting of each calendar year, may authorize
payment to its members of a stipend not to exceed eighty-five dollars ($85.00) per day for
each meeting attended or for any day while performing any proper business of the
(2) Members of the commission shall receive no other compensation, expense
reimbursement, or in-lieu-of payments.
(e) (1) The commission may employ staff necessary to assist in the performance of its
duties under this amendment.
(2) The Alcoholic Beverage Control Division shall provide staff for the commission if the
commission does not have employees available for that purpose.
(f) (1) Initial members of the commission shall be appointed within thirty (30) days of the
effective date of this section.
(2) The President Pro Tempore of the Senate shall call the first meeting of the
commission, which shall occur within forty-five (45) days of the effective date of this
[As added by Const. Amend. 98 Acts 2017, No. 638, § 1.]
§ 20. No implied repeal.
(a) By adoption of this amendment, there is no implied repeal of the existing Arkansas
laws criminalizing possession of marijuana for purposes not specified in this amendment.
(b) This amendment acknowledges that marijuana use, possession, and distribution for any
purpose remains illegal under federal law.
[As added by Const. Amend. 98.]
§ 21. Limitation on growing.
This amendment:
(1) Authorizes the growing of marijuana at a dispensary or cultivation facility that is
properly licensed with the state; and
(2) Does not authorize a qualifying patient, designated caregiver, or other person to grow
[As added by Const. Amend. 98.]
§ 22. Severabillty.
If any provision or section of this amendment or the application thereof to any person or
circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect any other provisions or
application of the amendment that can be given effect without the invalid provisions or
applications, and to this end the provisions of this amendment are declared to be severable.
[As added by Const. Amend. 98.]
§ 23. Amendment by General Assembly.
(a) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, the General Assembly, in the
same manner as required for amendment of laws initiated by the people, may amend the
sections of this amendment so long as the amendments are germane to this section and
consistent with its policy and purposes.
(b) The General Assembly shall not amend the following provisions of this amendment:
(1) Subsections (a), (b), and (c) of § 3;
(2) Subsection (h), (i), and (j) of § 8; and
(3) Section 23.
[As added by Const. Amend. 98.]
§ 24. Licensure for transporters, distributers, and processers.
(a) (1) The Medical Marijuana Commission shall license transporters, distributors, and
(2) The Alcoholic Beverage Control Division shall administer and enforce the provisions of
this section concerning transporters, distributers, and processors.
(b) The owners, board members, or officers of a transporter, distributor, or processor shall
(1) Have been convicted of an excluded felony offense;
(2) Have previously been an owner of a dispensary, cultivation facility, transporter,
distributor, or processor that has had a license revoked; and
(3) Be under twenty-one (21) years of age.
(c) The commission may conduct a criminal records check in order to carry out this section.
(d) (1) A transporter license, distributor license, and processor license shall expire one (1)
year after the date of issuance.
(2) The commission shall issue a renewal license within ten (10) days to any entity who
complies with the requirements contained in this amendment, including without limitation
the payment of a renewal fee.
(e) The commission may charge a reasonable fee as established by rule for the issuance of
an initial license and a renewal license.
(f) (1) (A) A transporter or distributer licensed under this section may:
(i) Acquire, possess, deliver, transfer, transport, or distribute marijuana to a
dispensary, cultivation facility, or processor; and
(ii) Receive compensation for providing services allowed by this section.
(B) A transporter or distributor licensed under this section shall not grow, manufacture,
process, prepare, supply, or dispense marijuana.
(2) (A) A processer licensed under this section may:
(i) Acquire, possess, manufacture, process, prepare, deliver, transport, and supply
marijuana to a dispensary or cultivation facility; and
(ii) Receive compensation for providing services allowed by this section.
(B) A processer licensed under this section shall not grow or dispense marijuana.
(g) The division may make reasonable inspections on a transporter, distributer, and
processor to ensure that the transporter, distributor, and processer:
(1) Is an entity incorporated in the State of Arkansas;
(2) Has implemented appropriate security measures to deter and prevent unauthorized
entrance into areas containing marijuana and the theft of marijuana;
(3) Conducts an initial comprehensive inventory of all marijuana and a biannual
comprehensive inventory of all marijuana; and
(4) Records each transaction between the transporter, distributer, or processer and a
dispensary, cultivation facility, or another processer and maintains the records for three (3)
(5) Has adopted procedures to ensure accurate recordkeeping.
(h) (1) The commission shall adopt rules governing the applications for a transporter
license, distributor license, or processer license.
(2) The division shall adopt rules governing:
(A) Oversight requirements for transporters, distributers, and processers;
(B) Recordkeeping requirements for transporters, distributers, and processers;
(C) Security requirements for transporters, distributers, and processers;
(D) Personnel requirements for transporters, distributers, and processers;
(E) The manufacture, processing, packaging, and dispensing of usable marijuana to
qualifying patients and designated caregivers;
(F) Procedures for suspending or terminating the licenses of transporters, distributers,
and processers that violate the provisions of this amendment or the rules adopted under
this amendment, procedures for appealing penalties, and a schedule of penalties;
(G) Procedures for inspections and investigations of transporters, distributers, and
(H) Advertising restrictions for transporters, distributers, and processers; and
(J) Any other matters necessary to the fair, impartial, stringent, and comprehensive
administration of the duties of the division under this section.
[As added by Acts 2017; No. 642, § 2.]
§ 25. Registration and certification of transporter agents, distributer agents, and
processor agents.
(a) The Alcoholic Beverage Control Division shall:
(1) License transporter agents, distributor agents, and processer agents; and
(2) Administer and enforce the provisions of this section concerning transporter agents,
distributer agents, and processor agents.
(b) The division may conduct criminal records checks in order to carry out this section.
(c) Except as prohibited by subdivision (d)(1) of this section, the division shall issue each
transporter agent, distributer agent, and processor agent a registry identification card within
ten (10) days of receipt of:
(1) The person's name, address, and date of birth under this amendment; and
(2) A reasonable fee in an amount established by rule for the division.
(d) (1) The division shall not issue a registry identification card to a transporter agent,
distributer agent, or processor agent who has been convicted of an excluded felony offense.
(2) The division may conduct a criminal background check of each transporter agent,
distributer agent, and processor agent in order to carry out this provision.
(3) The division shall notify the transporter, distributer, or processer in writing of the
reason for denying the registry identification card.
(e) (1) A registry identification card for a transporter agent, distributer agent, or processor
agent shall expire one (1) year after the date of issuance.
(2) A registry identification card of a transporter agent, distributer agent, or processor
agent expires upon notification to the division by a dispensary or cultivation facility that the
person ceases to work at the transporter, distributer, or processer.
(f) The division may charge a reasonable fee as established by rule for the issuance of a
new, renewal, or replacement registry identification card.
(g) (1) The division may revoke the registry identification card of a transporter agent,
distributer agent, or processor agent who knowingly violates any provision of this
amendment, and the cardholder is subject to any other penalties established by law for the
(2) The division may revoke or suspend the transporter license, distributor license, or
processer license of a transporter, distributer, or processer that the division determines
knowingly aided or facilitated a violation of any provision of this amendment, and the
cardholder is subject to any other penalties established in law for the violation.
(h) The division shall adopt rules governing:
(1) The manner in which the division considers applications for and renewals of registry
identification cards for transporter agents, distributor agents, and processer agents;
(2) The form and content of registration and renewal applications for transporter agents,
distributor agents, and processer agents;
(3) Procedures for suspending or terminating the registration of transporter agents,
distributor agents, and processer agents who violate the provisions of this section or the
rules adopted under this section, procedures for appealing penalties, and a schedule of
penalties; and
(4) Any other matters necessary for the fair, impartial, stringent, and comprehensive
administration of the duties of the division under this section.
[As added by Acts 2017; No. 642, § 2.]
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