EXECUTIVE SUMMARY…………………………………………………………………………………. Page 1
I. INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………………………………… Page 4
II. DEFINING THE PROBLEM…………………………………………………………………………… Page 7
III. GOALS, OBJECTIVES, AND STRATEGIES……………………………………………………… Page 12
Goal 1 - Leadership..………………………………………………………………………… Page 12
Objective 1.1: Coordinate all AIS management programs
Goal 2 - Prevention…..……………………………………………………………………….... Page 13
Objective 2.1: Establish a comprehensive process to identify AIS
Objective 2.2: Identify potential prevention strategies
Goal 3 - Early Detection and Rapid Response……..……………………………………… Page 13
Objective 3.1: Enhance coordination within Ohio
Objective 3.2: Create a master inventory of Ohio AIS
Objective 3.3: Implement Ohio’s Rapid Response Plan
Goal 4 - Control and Management……………………………………………………………. Page 14
Objective 4.1: Prioritize organisms on which to focus control efforts
Goal 5 - Research and Education…………………………………………………………….. Page 15
Objective 5.1: Establish and coordinate an Ohio AIS research network
Objective 5.2: Increase public awareness of AIS
Objective 5.3: Target policy makers and Legislature
IV. EXISTING AUTHORITIES AND PROGRAMS……………………………………………………..Page 16
Federal Role
Regional Role
State Role
V. PRIORITIES FOR ACTION……………………………………………………………………….......Page 26
VIII. LITERATURE CITED………………………………………………………………………………...Page 35
IX. GLOSSARY……………………………………………………………………………………........Page 37
X. ACRONYMS…………………………………………………………………………………………….Page 38
APPENDIX A: RAPID RESPONSE PLAN……………………………………………………………...Page 40
The actions recommended in this State Management Plan (SMP) are designed to be
effective in preventing both the entry of new organisms into Ohio waters and the transfer
and spread of organisms among and within water bodies in the state. This SMP also
aims to minimize the impacts of invasive species on the environment, economy, and
society and to protect and maintain biodiversity, industry, and recreational opportunities.
The state of Ohio straddles two major North American watersheds. The northern third of
Ohio lies within the Great Lakes basin, and the southern two-thirds of the state lies
within the Mississippi River basin. Both of these basins have been significantly impacted
by aquatic invasive species (AIS), with the most significant invasions occurring in the last
30 years.
A number of animal and plant AIS have adversely affected the productivity and
biodiversity of Ohio’s native species and aquatic ecosystems. Most of these AIS
introductions have been the result of human activities. There are many vectors and
pathways for the introduction and spread of AIS including, but not limited to commercial
shipping, aquaculture, live organism trade or release, commercial fishing, recreational
equipment and activities, research activities, and water delivery and diversions. Potential
threats may be prioritized by the degree of negative impact these species can have upon
the environment, society, and economy. Negative impacts can include changes in river,
lake, or wetland ecology including loss of biodiversity; changes in nutrient cycling;
reduced habitat and water quality; reduced recreational opportunities; increased costs
for industry; decreased property values; and threats to public safety.
The Great Lakes region has been impacted by both intentional and unintentional
introductions of AIS since the settlement of the region. Since the 1800s, at least 182
non-native aquatic organisms have colonized habitats within the Great Lakes
ecosystem. Potential for AIS to cause significant economic impacts in the Lake Erie
region is because of the value of commercial and recreational industries.
Many partners share responsibility for protecting Ohio waters from the introduction of
new AIS. Commitment and coordination between partners at federal, state, and local
government levels; along with universities, non-government organizations (NGOs),
businesses, and private landowners are needed to effectively combat AIS. Strategies
used to prevent and abate AIS to date have included a number of regulatory and
voluntary efforts by both public and private entities. Examples include voluntary Best
Management Practices (BMPs) for the exchange of ballast water, as well as recently
enacted ballast water regulations. Additionally, a variety of educational programs have
increased awareness of introduction pathways and ways to prevent new AIS
introductions. Government agencies and nongovernment partner’s will work together to
monitor existing AIS, search for new AIS, and provide assessments of AIS management
efforts. However, much work remains to control established invasive species and to
protect Ohio waters from new introductions of AIS.
Defining the Problem
A number of animal and plant AIS have adversely impacted the environment, industry,
economy, and human health and they have arrived through many different pathways.
AIS risk can be prioritized by the degree of negative impact (risk level). High risk species
are those that currently cause or could potentially cause significant harm while medium
risk species are those that have a lesser impact but are still a cause for concern.
Goals, Objectives, and Strategies
The primary focus of this SMP is the prevention of new AIS introductions to Ohio waters
through interruption of the most significant pathways and vectors. This SMP contains
background information on both environmental and economic impacts. It describes
current priority species based upon these impacts, and vectors of AIS entry into the
state. This plan describes new strategies in addition to existing efforts to prevent the
introduction of new AIS, prevent the dispersal of established AIS, detect and respond to
new invaders, and abate the harmful effects of AIS in Ohio waters.
Beyond this background information, the core of the plan lies in 26 different
management strategies organized within ten objectives under the following five goals:
1. Leadership: Provide leadership for AIS issues in Ohio among local, state, and
federal agencies as well as other organizations in order to effectively address
2. Prevention: Identify AIS vectors and focus efforts on preventing the introduction
and spread of AIS into Ohio.
3. Early Detection and Rapid Response: Implement early detection and rapid
response actions so that newly introduced AIS can be located quickly and
4. Control: When feasible, control or manage AIS that have or may have significant
impacts in Ohio.
5. Research and Education: Increase research efforts on AIS, and educate the
general public and individuals involved in related business, trade, research,
recreation and government sectors about AIS issues.
Existing Authorities and Programs
Addressing prevention and control of AIS requires coordination of policies and programs
at many levels of government. Federal, regional, and state government all play a role in
implementation of the federal Nonindigenous Aquatic Nuisance Prevention and Control
Act of 1990 (NANPCA, Public Law 101-646) and the National Invasive Species Act of
1996 (NISA, Public Law 104-332). In addition to the above, the state of Ohio currently
has a number of statutory and regulatory authorities detailed in both the Ohio
Administrative Code (OAC) and Ohio Revised Code (ORC) with which it addresses
issues of prevention and control of AIS. The majority of this authority lies within the Ohio
Department of Natural Resources (ODNR), Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA), and
the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA). Even though there are statutes
dealing with AIS in Ohio, many gaps exist that prevent effective management. More
comprehensive regulations are needed to address the movement of AIS through: live
bait, live food market, private/pay lakes, pet trade, plant trade, and recreational activities.
Priorities for Action
All of the strategies listed under the five goals of this plan are important, but when it
comes to implementation there is a need to prioritize strategies based upon the severity
of the problem, the programmatic authority, capability and feasibility to resolve it, and the
cost of the proposed solution. The following five priority actions are listed in order of
1. Coordinate the Ohio Aquatic Invasive Species Committee to address AIS
issues in Ohio.
2. Evaluate the effectiveness of existing management and regulatory tools for
preventing the introduction of priority AIS.
3. Target outreach efforts and prioritize key audiences to promote
understanding of invasive species dispersal pathways and risks.
4. Implement control and rapid response strategies that are based on the best
available scientific information and conducted in an environmentally sound
Program Monitoring and Evaluation
The implementation of Ohio’s SMP will enable us to monitor progress toward the five
goals in the plan. We will be able to select appropriate management actions as well as
make necessary “mid-course” corrections. This process will involve three components:
(1) oversight, (2) evaluation, and (3) dissemination of information.
Ohio is the 34
largest state in the U.S but ranks 7
in number of people making it a
highly populace state; consequently Ohio is very susceptible to the movement of AIS by
humans. Ohio also has over 60,000 miles of streams which can act as super highways
for AIS movement within Ohio. From a regional standpoint, Ohio is part of two major
North American watersheds (Figure 1). The northern third of Ohio lies within the Great
Lakes basin, and the southern two-thirds of the state lie within the Mississippi River
Basin. Both basins have been significantly impacted by AIS. The Great Lakes basin is
the largest freshwater system in the world and represents a top natural resource
management priority. It is likely that AIS impacts will be the most significant in Lake Erie
because it is shallow, warm, nutrient enriched, and biologically productive. The
Mississippi River is one of the largest and most ecologically diverse river systems in the
world and because AIS use rivers to spread, Ohio is susceptible to invasions from
anywhere within the basin through the Ohio River.
Figure 1: Ohio watershed boundaries and major waterways.
Aquatic ecosystems throughout Ohio are experiencing significant negative effects from
established AIS, and Ohio waters are continually threatened by new invasions. AIS are
non-native aquatic organisms that may cause economic and/or environmental harm.
Newly introduced species can disrupt the balance of a natural ecosystem, often in its
food web, leading to changes in the abundance and species composition of native plants
and animals. This disruption can cause permanent, irreversible ecological damage and
may increase the likelihood of additional AIS introductions because of the system’s
instability. The introduction of AIS is a source of biological pollution that threatens not
only the ecology, but also causes economic, social, and public health impacts to the
region. AIS can have significant economic effects on waterfront property values, tourism,
utilities, fisheries, and other industries (Lovell and Stone 2005).
The Great Lakes region has been impacted by both intentional and unintentional
introductions of AIS since the settlement of the region by Europeans (Mills et al. 1993,
Ricciardi 2001). Since the 1800s, at least 182 non-native aquatic organisms have
colonized habitats within the Great Lakes ecosystem. These species include: 27 algae,
55 vascular plants, 66 invertebrates, 28 fish, and six bacteria and viruses (National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 2011). About 55 percent of these species are
native to Eurasia, with an additional 13 percent native to the United States (US) Atlantic
Potential for AIS to cause significant economic impacts in the Great Lakes region is high
because of the value of commercial and recreational industries. Ohio’s nine ports on
Lake Erie typically handle 5560 million tons of cargo each year and support vital
industries such as steelmaking, construction, salt mining, and power generation. The
region’s recreation and tourism industries are valued at $15 billion annually, $1.5 billion
of which is direct expenditures on recreational fishing trips (U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
and U.S. Census Bureau 2006) with an estimated total impact related to the region’s
recreational fishing industry of nearly $7.1 billion (Southwick Associates 2007). More
than 58,000 jobs are supported by Great Lakes sport fisheries (Southwick Associates
2007), and commercial fisheries provide an additional 9,000 jobs (U.S. Fish & Wildlife
Service 1994). Rosaen et al. (2012) estimate that aquatic invasive species likely costs
the Great Lakes region significantly more in aggregate than $100 million annually.
The Mississippi River basin is the largest river system in North America and its many
tributaries drains all or parts of 31 US states and two Canadian provinces between the
Rocky and Appalachian Mountains. Flowing entirely within the United States, the river
itself originates in northern Minnesota and meanders southward for 2,530 miles to the
Mississippi River Delta at the Gulf of Mexico. The Mississippi River Basin has been
greatly impacted by a number of invasive fish, plants, and mussels, and continues to be
threatened by new AIS introductions. There are a reported 149 AIS established within
the Mississippi River Basin, including 56 plants, 16 invertebrates, 75 fish, one
amphibian, and one mammal (U.S. Geologic Survey 2012). Placing an economic value
on biological invasions in the Mississippi River Basin is not straightforward and is
extremely complex (Windle et al. 2008), consequently, there is not a current and
comprehensive aggregate estimate for the cost of AIS in this region or to the portion of
the state of Ohio contained within the Ohio River watershed.
There are many vectors and pathways for the introduction and spread of AIS including,
but not limited to commercial shipping, aquaculture, live organism trade or release,
commercial fishing, recreational equipment and activities, research activities, and water
delivery and diversions. A changing climate is likely to increase opportunities for
additional non-native species to successfully invade Ohio waters as warmer
temperatures increase the likelihood of non-native species becoming established.
Actions taken to date to prevent the introduction of new AIS include regulatory and
voluntary efforts by both public and private entities. Some of these activities serve as
models using innovative, strategic approaches. These include voluntary BMPs for the
exchange of ballast water as well as recently enacted ballast water regulations. A wide
variety of educational programs (such as those aimed at recreational boating and
aquatic species trade industries) have increased awareness of introduction pathways
and ways to prevent new AIS introductions. Government agencies and nongovernment
partners need to work together to monitor existing AIS, search for new AIS, and provide
assessments of AIS management efforts. However, much work remains to control
established invasive species and to protect Ohio waters from new introductions of AIS.
This comprehensive AIS SMP describes new strategies in addition to existing efforts to
prevent the introduction of new AIS, prevent the dispersal of established AIS, detect and
respond to new invaders, and abate the harmful effects of AIS in Ohio waters. This SMP
identifies a goal related to each of five conceptual areas: (1) leadership, (2) prevention,
(3) early detection and rapid response, (4) control and management, and (5) research
and education.
Recent research has demonstrated that preventing the spread of invasive organisms
from already colonized areas (i.e., containment) is the most effective way to reduce the
likelihood of new invasions at the landscape scale (Drury and Rothlisberger 2008).
Therefore, the focus of this SMP is on the prevention of new AIS to Ohio waters through
interruption of the most significant pathways and vectors for new introductions. The
preventative actions recommended in this SMP are designed to be effective with both
the entry of new organisms into Ohio waters, and the transfer and spread of organisms
among and within water bodies in the state. This SMP also aims to minimize the impacts
of invasive species on the environment, economy, society, human health and to protect
and maintain biodiversity and recreational sustainability.
While prevention of new invasions is a focus of this SMP, some new invasions are
inevitable even with the best prevention programs. Therefore, early detection and further
development of a response capacity for new invasions are also important components of
the plan. Additionally, this SMP addresses management and control efforts to minimize
impacts from established AIS populations using a coordinated, science-based approach.
Many partners share responsibility for protecting Ohio waters from the introduction of
new AIS. Commitment and coordination between partners are needed to effectively
implement the provisions of this SMP and ensure organized commensurate actions.
Ohio’s first SMP was approved in 1999 under the auspices of NISA. At the time it was
among the first SMPs in the nation approved by the Aquatic Nuisance Species Task
Force (ANSTF). In 2008, the ODNR Division of Wildlife (DOW) formed the Ohio Aquatic
Invasive Species Committee (OAISC) to address AIS issues in Ohio, including the
revision of Ohio’s AIS SMP. The OAISC is made up of government, industry, university,
and private groups (Section XI). The revised SMP incorporated elements from the plans
in Michigan and Pennsylvania and the ODNR DOW and Ohio Sea Grant prepared a
draft SMP for review by the OAISC which identified gaps and strengthened the overall
A number of animal and plant AIS have adversely affected the productivity and
biodiversity of Ohio’s native species and aquatic ecosystems. Most of these AIS
introductions have been the result of human activities and a changing climate is likely to
increase opportunities for additional non-native species to successfully invade Ohio
waters due to warmer temperatures and enhanced reproductive cycles. There are many
pathways for the introduction and spread of AIS. Some pathways, such as the
aquaculture industry, are currently regulated to minimize the risk of new AIS
introductions, while other pathways have traditionally gone unchecked. AIS risk can be
prioritized by the degree of negative impact (risk level). High risk species are those that
currently cause or could potentially cause significant harm to the environment, industry,
economy, and human health. Medium risk species are those that have a lesser impact
but are still a cause for concern. The following two sections describe the history of
introduction, distribution, and current or potential impacts for high and medium risk
animal and plant invasive species.
High Risk Species:
Invasive carps refer to a group of fishes that are native to Asia. The U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service (USFWS) specifically uses “invasive carp” to refer to bighead carp
Hypophthalmichthys nobilis, silver carp H. molitrix, black carp Mylopharyngodon piceus,
and grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella. The larger group of invasive carps also
includes the widespread invasive common carp Cyprinus carpio and goldfish Carassius
auratus. Each of these species was intentionally introduced into the United States for
different purposes, but they all pose a great threat to Ohio’s aquatic ecosystems.
Bighead and silver carp were introduced into aquaculture and wastewater treatment
facilities to control algae and escaped into the Mississippi River during floods in the early
1980s. They have since spread upriver and have become the most abundant fish in
some regions of the Mississippi, lower Ohio, and Illinois rivers. Black carp were brought
to the United States to control snail populations in aquaculture facilities and escaped
from holding ponds in Missouri in 1994. Recent collections suggest that the black carp
are established in the lower part of the Mississippi River basin. Grass carp were
imported into aquaculture facilities in Alabama and Arkansas in 1963 to control
vegetation in rearing ponds. They were widely stocked and their range was expanded by
intentional and non-intentional releases. Many of the 45 states where grass carp are
now found, including Ohio, have banned the stocking of diploid grass carp, but allow the
stocking of triploid (genetically sterile) grass carp by permitted aquaculture facilities.
Invasive carps are a threat because of their reproductive success, long life spans, and
feeding habits, thereby damaging habitat and disrupting food webs. Bighead and silver
carp feed on plankton and are in direct competition with native organisms. Silver carp
can also be hazardous to boaters and water-sport enthusiasts because, when startled by
the sound of passing boat motor, they can jump six to ten feet out of the water into the
path of moving boats, causing damage and injuring passengers. Grass carp are known
to eradicate aquatic vegetation in lakes, altering habitat and interfering with the
reproduction of native fish. Black carp feed primarily on mussels and snails which
threaten native mollusk and snail populations (some of the most imperiled/endangered
organisms in North America) as well as mollusk-feeding fish and birds. Common carp
and goldfish feed on the bottom and are notorious (especially common carp) for altering
their environments by destroying and uprooting submerged vegetation, negatively
impacting other fish and waterfowl.
The northern snakehead Channa argus prefers stagnant shallow ponds, swamps, and
slow streams with mud or vegetated substrate, with temperatures ranging from 0° to
over 30° C. This fish is popular in Asian cuisines, and most introductions were likely
released fish procured for food. Northern snakeheads are established in Virginia,
Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York, and Arkansas. The species is well established in the
Potomac River and several of its tributaries in Virginia and Maryland (Starnes et al.
2011). These predatory fish compete with native species for food and habitat. Juveniles
eat zooplankton, insect larvae, small crustaceans, and the fry of other fish. As adults
they feed mostly on other fishes with the remainder of their diet comprised of
crustaceans, frogs, small reptiles, and sometimes small birds and mammals.
The invasion of the sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus, a parasitic fish which kills other
fish by attaching to its prey and feeding on body fluids, in the 1920s resulted in
substantial economic losses to recreational and commercial fisheries, and has required
annual expenditures of millions of dollars to finance control programs. Sea lamprey used
the shipping canal system that circumnavigated Niagara Falls to move from Lake
Ontario to the upper Great Lakes. During the 1940s and 1950s, the sea lamprey
devastated populations of commercially and recreationally valuable whitefish and lake
trout. The reduction in populations of these fishes permitted populations of less valuable
fish to increase and proliferate. Of all AIS invasions into the Great Lakes, only the sea
lamprey has been successfully managed at a level where their populations are low
enough to minimize impacts. In 2012, the cost of sea lamprey control and research was
approximately $18 million annually (Rosaen et al. 2012). The total value of lost fishing
opportunities plus indirect economic impacts from lamprey predation probably exceeds
$500 million annually (U.S. Office of Technology Assessment 1993).
The round goby Neogobius melanostomus and tubenose goby Proterorhinus
semilunaris were introduced into the Great Lakes via ballast water from ocean-going
vessels. Tubenose goby is a smaller fish that has recently been substantially increasing
in numbers around the Bass Island Chain in Lake Erie. Round goby were first detected
in the St. Clair River near Detroit in 1990 and appeared in Cleveland harbor shortly
thereafter. By 1998, they were widespread throughout all of Lake Erie. There has been
at least one introduction to an inland Ohio water body, and other streams and lakes are
potentially at risk. The primary concern with round goby is the tremendous population
growth and range expansion it exhibited since its introduction in 1990, facilitated by its
ability to spawn repeatedly within a given year and its efficient method of early juvenile
It is an aggressive fish and a strong competitor with small bottom-feeding native fishes
like mottled sculpin Cottus bairdi, darter species, and even juvenile game fishes like
smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieu. Gobies are voracious predators on snails,
mussels, aquatic insects, and the eggs and fry of native fish species. Great Lakes
fisheries have been profoundly impacted by round goby because of its robust
characteristics and potential to displace native species from prime habitat and spawning
areas (e.g., Winslow 2010, Steinhart et al. 2004). As an efficient nest predator, their
potential to impact recruitment of native sport fishes led the State of Ohio to close Lake
Erie’s smallmouth bass fishery to harvest during the spawning season so that the male
can stay on the nest to guard against predators. Round goby have also been implicated
in reintroducing historically bioaccumulated contaminants back into food webs (Kwon et
al. 2006). After years of declining levels, PCB concentrations in Lake Erie smallmouth
bass tissue tripled on average following the establishment of round goby (Ohio
Environmental Protection Agency, unpublished data).
The zebra mussel Dreissenia polymorpha and quagga mussel Dreissena bugensis,
both ballast water introductions, are two of the best known invaders of the Great Lakes
region and other areas of the country where they have spread. These AIS have caused
serious economic and ecosystem impacts (e.g., Windle et al. 2008). Dreissenid mussels
are highly opportunistic, reproduce rapidly, and consume plankton from the water
column in large quantities. Major changes have occurred in Lake Erie after the
dreissenid invasion, including the disappearance of native clams from many areas,
greatly reduced planktonic diatom and rotifer densities, a substantial resurgence in
blooms of potentially toxic cyanobacteria/blue-green algae, vastly increased water
clarity, and reduction in the annual economic value of the sport fishery. The initial
invasion and exponential increase in numbers of dreissenid mussels occurred
coincidentally with the reduction of phosphorus levels induced by the Clean Water Act
and Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement. Dressenid mussels have been shown to
accumulate contaminants and can pass those contaminants up the food web. Dreissenid
mussels have spread to a number of inland lakes and reservoirs as well as the waters of
the Ohio River along our entire border where they pose a serious threat to native
Potential impacts on fisheries can be profound because of changes in food availability
and spawning areas. Economic impacts are as common as the ecosystem impacts.
Great Lakes municipalities, utilities, and industries, because of the infestation of
dreissenid mussels in their intake/discharge pipes, have incurred significant costs from
monitoring, cleaning, and controlling infestations. For example, by 2008 the Cleveland
Plain Dealer estimated dreissenid mussels had cost the region approximately $1.5 billion
in efforts to prevent such clogging/fowling. Commercial and recreational vessels and
beach areas are also vulnerable to the negative impacts of dreissenids.
Medium Risk Species:
Alewife Alosa pseudoharengus are perhaps best known for their invasion of the Great
Lakes by using the Welland Canal to bypass Niagara Falls. Alewife colonized the Great
Lakes and increased rapidly during the 1940s and 1950s because of the suitability of the
habitat and the fact that predators were not sufficiently abundant to check their
population growth. Declining water quality prior to the Clean Water Act, and the loss of
large native planktivores like the lake herring or cisco Coregonus artedii from Lake Erie
contributed to the establishment of alewife by creating an open niche. Like many herring
species, alewives are prone to massive die-offs because of seasonal changes in water
temperature. Periodic kills have fouled recreational beaches and blocked municipal and
industrial water intakes. At the same time alewife out-competed and suppressed native
whitefishes, yellow perch, and emerald shiners, and became a key prey species for
salmonids. Unfortunately, alewives produce an enzyme (thiaminase) that breaks down
thiamin or vitamin B1, and as a result, predatory fish with diets high in alewife are more
susceptible to mortality. The alewife has permanently altered existing predator-prey
relationships in the Great Lakes ecosystem, and caused instability in the forage base
because of their population variability.
The river ruffe Gymnocephalus cernuus, a Eurasian fish of the perch family, was
introduced to North America in the 1980s most likely through the ballast water of ocean-
going vessels. Ruffe have few predators, no commercial or recreational value, and may
be displacing native fishes. Since its introduction, the ruffe became established in the
nearshore waters of western Lake Superior, with an estimated average rate of range
expansion of 18 shoreline miles per year. By the fall of 1994, ruffe populations were
found in Michigan waters of Lake Superior. Based on observations of present ruffe
expansion rates, and life history aspects of the ruffe in Europe, there is high potential for
future negative impacts to valuable native fish such as yellow perch in situations where
the two are forced to compete for food resources. While this species has never been
collected in Ohio’s Lake Erie waters, its potential impacts warrant continued vigilance.
The spiny water flea Bythotrephes longimanus and fishhook water flea Cercopagis
pengoi, likely ballast water introductions, are tiny crustaceans with sharply barbed tail
spines. The spiny water flea is a native of northern Europe and was first found in Lake
Huron in 1984, and Lake Erie in 1986 (Bur et al. 1986). The fishhook water flea was first
collected in Lake Erie’s central basin in 2002. Both species are now found throughout
the Great Lakes, and the spiny water flea has been found in some inland lakes. They
can form dense blooms and clump on fishing line, making retrieval of gear difficult.
Resource managers suspect that these invaders compete with native zooplankton and
fish for food but may also be used by native fish as a food source.
High Risk Species:
Giant reed grass Phragmites australis has become a tremendous problem in Lake Erie
coastal marshes and other wetlands throughout northern Ohio. This non-native grass
forms extensive colonies with individual stalks often reaching 1015 feet in height. It
spreads primarily by rhizomes that run above or below the surface.
European or glossy buckthorn Rhamnus frangula is a wetland shrub that has become
a serious problem in wetlands such as bogs, fens, wet prairies, and sedge meadows,
particularly in northern Ohio. It can completely displace native vegetation over large
areas of a wetland and is difficult to control as it spreads aggressively by seed and
Reed canary grass Phalaris arundinacea is a non-native grass that forms dense
populations that can virtually eliminate all other plants. It has become a serious problem
in several native wetland communities in Ohio including marshes, fens, and wet prairies.
Flowering-rush Butomus umbellatus has narrow, sword-like leaves beneath multiple
long-stalked pink flowers on tall stems. The species spreads by seed, rhizomes, and
bulbets that break off from the rhizomes. It has recently spread rapidly in the western
Lake Erie marshes where it is now the dominant species, replacing purple loosestrife in
many cases.
Hydrilla was release in the 1960s from aquariums into waterways in Florida and is now
established in the southeast from Connecticut to Texas. Hydrilla is an aggressive plant
that can form large dense mats that impact aquatic fish and wildlife along with
recreationalists. By the 1990s, control and management were costing millions of dollars
each year. Hydrilla can be controlled by aquatic herbicides, grass carp (itself an
invasive species), and insects. Tubers pose a problem to control as they can lay
dormant for a number of years. This has made it even more difficult to remove from
waterways and estuaries. Hydrilla is established in the Ohio River and was recently
identified in ponds in the Lake Erie watershed.
Medium Risk Species:
Purple loosestrife Lythrum salicaria is an invasive wetland plant from Europe and Asia
that was introduced to the east coast of North America in the 1800s. Since then, it has
spread to the Great Lakes region and inland waters in Ohio. It produces a brilliant spike
of lavender flowers making it a popular garden plant, although only the variety Lythrum
virgatum is allowed to be sold in Ohio (L. salicaria is listed as a noxious weed by the
Ohio Department of Agriculture). Purple loosestrife invades marshes and lakeshores,
displacing valuable native wetland plants. It can develop a monoculture which is
unsuitable as cover, food, or nesting sites for a wide range of native wetland fish and
wildlife species.
Eurasian watermilfoil Myriophyllum spicatum was unintentionally introduced to North
America from Europe and has spread into inland lakes and ponds primarily by
recreational boaters. Eurasian watermilfoil can reach high densities in lakes and cause
serious problems for commercial fishing as well as recreational activities such as
boating, fishing, and swimming. The plant’s floating surface canopy can out-compete
and eliminate native aquatic vegetation, thereby threatening native fish and wildlife
Bushy pondweed/lesser naiad Najas minor and Curly pondweed Potamogeton
crispus are two other non-native aquatic plants impacting inland lakes and ponds in
Ohio. These submersed aquatic plants are especially abundant in eutrophic water where
an overabundance of nutrients, often from fertilizer runoff or sewage waste, has altered
the natural ecology. They can reduce native aquatic plant and fish diversity as well as
impact recreational activities. When a large biomass of curly pondweed begins to die
late in the growing season, its decomposition can lead to oxygen depletion and fish kills
in smaller inland waters.
Narrow-leaved cattail Typha angustifolia and Hybrid cattail Typha X glauca (its hybrid
with the native broad-leaved cattail Typha latifolia) are aggressively spreading plants
which tend to form dense colonies that displace native emergent plant species. Both
plants can be distinguished from the native species by a narrow gap that separates the
male and female flowers of the inflorescence as well as by narrower leaves. They both
spread by rhizomes and airborne seeds.
Japanese knotweed Fallopia japonica (syn. Polygonum cuspidatum) is a large,
herbaceous perennial plant, native to eastern Asia. In North America and Europe the
species is very successful and has been classified as an invasive species in several
countries. It is a frequent colonizer of temperate riparian ecosystems, roadsides and
waste places. It forms thick, dense colonies that completely crowd out any other
herbaceous species and is now considered one of the worst invasive exotics in parts of
the eastern United States.
Continuous effort is required to block the pathways that AIS use to enter and disperse in
Ohio waters, as well as to detect and respond to new invaders, and to manage and
control established populations. The goals of this SMP are designed to address different
stages of AIS invasion: the introduction of AIS transported from water bodies outside of
Ohio; the dispersal of established, reproducing AIS populations in Ohio to other water
bodies within the state; and the colonization of AIS populations within water bodies.
The State of Ohio recognizes that to accomplish these goals, it must coordinate with
jurisdictions inside and outside the state and build its strategies upon sound science.
Therefore, mechanisms will be established to ensure that all strategies developed and
implemented by the State under this plan are (1) done in cooperation with federal
agencies, local governments, interjurisdictional organizations and other entities; (2)
based upon the best scientific information available; and (3) conducted in an
environmentally-sound manner.
The five goals of the SMP address:
Goal - 1 Leadership
Goal - 2 Prevention
Goal - 3 Early Detection and Rapid Response
Goal - 4 Control and Management
Goal - 5 Research and Education
Goal 1 - Leadership: Provide leadership for AIS issues in Ohio among local, state,
and federal agencies as well as other organizations in order to effectively address
Objective 1.1: Coordinate all AIS management programs and activities within Ohio and
establish multi-state cooperation and coordination within the Great Lakes and
Mississippi River regions as well as nationally.
Strategy 1.1a: Coordinate the OAISC to address AIS issues in Ohio. The
Committee will be comprised of government, industry, university, and private
groups and will meet annually to address relevant AIS issues.
Strategy 1.1b: Partner with AIS management programs in nearby states through
regional organizations (e.g., Great Lakes and Mississippi River Basin Panels)
and national organizations (e.g., Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force and
Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies) to ensure that AIS efforts in Ohio
remain relevant and current; are based in the most recent science; and
coordinated with regional, national, and local programs.
Strategy 1.1c: Identify all sources of funding available and evaluate their utility
for addressing Ohio’s priority AIS issues. Identify the current funding capacity
and identify priority resource needs and new funding opportunities. In
cooperation with other partners, work with the Governor’s Office and Legislature
to establish a permanent funding mechanism for AIS management activities.
Identify funding gaps and identify currently funded programs that are lower
priority or not meeting their goals so that resources can be reallocated.
Goal 2 - Prevention: Identify AIS vectors and focus efforts on preventing the
introduction and spread of AIS into Ohio.
Objective 2.1: Establish a comprehensive process to identify AIS of greatest concern
that are not yet present in Ohio waters and prioritize highest-risk introduction pathways.
Strategy 2.1a: Identify and rank, by short- and long-term risk assessment, the
species or groups of species of greatest concern and conduct an analysis to
determine the level of risk associated with their introduction. The species list will
include species in the U.S. but not established in Ohio as well as species not yet
in the U.S.
Strategy 2.1b: Using the prioritized list of AIS with the greatest potential to
invade Ohio waters, identify existing and potential pathways that would facilitate
introductions of these species. Prioritize highest-risk pathways for future
legislation, rules, research, and control efforts.
Strategy 2.1c: Work with government and non-government stakeholders to
develop a science-based, comprehensive screening system for evaluating risks
associated with the introduction of all non-native aquatic species.
Objective 2.2: Identify potential prevention strategies for addressing AIS of
greatest risk and high-risk introduction pathways.
Strategy 2.2a:, Evaluate the effectiveness of existing management and
regulatory tools (incorporating pathway analysis) for preventing the introduction
of priority AIS into Ohio by identifying potential gaps and improve existing tools.
Develop and implement specific strategies and plans to reduce the likelihood of
both intentional and unintentional introduction of harmful AIS through high-risk
Strategy 2.2b: Identify "ecologically sensitive" aquatic resource areas that are
free of AIS, and enhance protection through the (1) identification of potential
introduction pathways and (2) establishment of additional precautionary
measures including educational outreach and enforcement.
Strategy 2.2c: Identify BMPs, codes-of-conduct, and potential certification
options for key industry and user groups (e.g., pet and aquarium trades, water
gardens, aquaculture industry, research community, commercial shipping,
recreational boating, transportation industry, and bait retailers and suppliers) to
help keep the priority AIS out of Ohio.
Goal 3 - Early Detection and Rapid Response: Implement early detection and rapid
response actions so that newly introduced AIS can be located quickly and
Objective 3.1: Enhance coordination within Ohio to detect new invasions, as well as
range expansions of AIS within Ohio. Prioritize early-detection efforts and increase
knowledge and expertise to enhance these efforts.
Strategy 3.1a: Assemble a focused committee of agency, municipal, NGO, and
academic professionals who survey aquatic organisms as part of their monitoring
and research activities and have them evaluate current early-detection programs,
identify gaps, and make recommendations for improved monitoring of priority
Strategy 3.1b: Develop a list of experts within agencies, academia, NGO, and
contractors that can help identify AIS and develop contract arrangements if
Strategy 3.1c: Create a regional “watch” list for species that have potential to
enter Ohio.
Strategy 3.1d: Identify high “invasion likelihoodareas for targeted early
detection surveying.
Strategy 3.1e: Establish cooperative policies with states sharing watersheds for
coordinated early detection efforts.
Objective 3.2: Create a master inventory of Ohio AIS that is regularly maintained,
updated, and accessible.
Strategy 3.2a: Create a compilation of AIS in Ohio held by various groups (local,
county, state, federal, and private organizations). Identify inventory gaps, and
develop strategies to address deficiencies.
Strategy 3.2b: Integrate Ohio AIS location information into the United States
Geologic Surveys Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database.
Objective 3.3: Implement Ohio’s Rapid Response Plan (Appendix A) for the eradication
of newly detected AIS under predetermined conditions.
Strategy 3.3a: Implement Ohio’s RRP in high risk systems where there is a high
likelihood that eradication efforts will be effective.
Goal 4 - Control: When feasible, control or manage AIS that have or may have
significant impacts in Ohio.
Objective 4.1: Prioritize AIS on which to focus control efforts and explore and utilize the
various methods available to control these populations.
Strategy 4.1a: Implement scientific analyses to prioritize control efforts for both
species and sites and consider the long-term, cost-effectiveness of all proposed
strategies against the “no-action” alternative.
Strategy 4.1b: Implement control strategies that are based on the best available
scientific information and conducted in an environmentally sound manner.
Coordinate control strategies with federal agencies, local governments,
interjurisdictional organizations, and other appropriate entities. Establish
protocols that will provide guidance in designing and implementing control and
eradication strategies.
Strategy 4.1c: Evaluate potential incentive programs or assistance for private
landowners for the control of invasive species and restoration of impacted
Strategy 4.1d: Develop means of modifying human activities in areas of AIS
infestations to help prevent their spread.
Goal 5 - Research and Education: Increase research efforts on AIS, and educate
the general public and individuals involved in related business, trade, research,
recreation and government sectors about AIS issues.
Objective 5.1: Establish and coordinate an Ohio AIS research network by building on
existing state, federal, and university programs.
Strategy 5.1a: Identify all current AIS research needs and potential network
members and prioritize the research specific to Ohio’s freshwater habitats.
Objective 5.2: Increase public awareness of AIS impacts and strategies that can be
implemented to reduce the establishment and spread of AIS in Ohio.
Strategy 5.2a: Target outreach efforts and prioritize key audiences (e.g., live
organism trades and aquatic user groups) to promote understanding of invasive
species dispersal pathways and risks.
Strategy 5.2b: Maintain a comprehensive and current AIS website and work to
develop other types of media to inform the public of AIS issues.
Objective 5.3: Target policy makers and legislative staff for outreach efforts.
Strategy 5.3a: Provide educational briefings on the threats, economic and
ecological impacts, and solutions to AIS invasions in Ohio for decision makers
and legislators. Keep legislators and decision makers informed and updated on
the progress of Ohio AIS management efforts.
Addressing prevention and control of AIS requires coordination of policies and programs
at many levels of government. The following overview describes the basic role of federal,
regional, and state government in implementation of the federal Nonindigenous Aquatic
Nuisance Prevention and Control Act of 1990 (NANPCA, Public Law 101-646) and the
National Invasive Species Act of 1996 (NISA, Public Law 104-332). It also includes an
assessment of Ohio’s existing laws and programs that address prevention and control of
Federal Role
Nonindigenous Aquatic Nuisance Prevention and Control Act (NANPCA): NANPCA
calls upon states to develop and implement a comprehensive SMP to prevent
introduction and control the spread of AIS. Section 1002 of NANPCA outlines five
objectives of the law, as follows:
1. Prevent unintentional introduction and dispersal of nonindigenous species into
waters of the United States through ballast water management and other
2. Coordinate federally conducted, funded or authorized research, prevention
control, information dissemination and other activities regarding the zebra mussel
and other aquatic nuisance species;
3. Develop and carry out environmentally sound control methods to prevent,
monitor and control unintentional introductions of nonindigenous species from
pathways other than ballast water exchange;
4. Understand and minimize economic and ecological impacts of nonindigenous
aquatic nuisance species that become established, including the zebra mussel;
5. Establish a program of research and technology development and assistance to
States in the management and removal of zebra mussels.
NANPCA was primarily a response to the Great Lakes invasion of the zebra mussel,
which has caused extensive ecological and socioeconomic impacts. Although the zebra
mussel issue played a key role in prompting passage of the legislation, NANPCA was
established to prevent occurrence of new unintentional introductions of AIS, and to limit
dispersal and adverse impacts of invasive species currently inhabiting United States
Section 1201 of the Act established the national Aquatic Nuisance Species ask Force
(ANSTF), co-chaired by the US Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The Act charges the ANSTF with developing and
implementing a program for waters of the United States to prevent introduction and
dispersal of aquatic nuisance species; to monitor, control and study such species; and to
disseminate related information. The ANSTF is composed of 13 Federal and 13 ex-
officio members. It is supported by six regional panel and numerous committees. The
ANSTF also provides national policy direction as a result of protocols and guidance that
have been developed through its standing and ad-hoc committees.
National Invasive Species Act: NISA (1996) amended and expanded NANPCA,
mandating regulations to prevent the introduction and spread of AIS into the Great Lakes
through ballast water. Initially in response to round goby, it also authorized the dispersal
barrier demonstration on the upper Mississippi watershed that is the current centerpiece
of efforts to prevent silver and bighead carps from invading the Great Lakes. NISA
authorized additional funding for AIS research, and required ballast water management
programs to demonstrate technologies and practices to prevent nonindigenous species
from being introduced.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: The USFWS’s Aquatic Invasive Species Program is
housed within the Fisheries and Habitat Conservation Program’s Division of Fisheries
and Aquatic Resource Conservation. The Branch of Aquatic Invasive Species
essentially houses three functions:
1. The FWS Aquatic Invasive Species Program The AIS Program seeks to
prevent the introduction and spread of AIS, rapidly respond to new invasions,
monitor the distribution of and control established invaders, and foster
responsible conservation behaviors through its national public awareness
campaigns (Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers and Habitattitude).
2. Administration of Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force The Branch of AIS
builds capacity, coordinates, and implements AIS prevention and control
activities authorized under the Nonindigenous Aquatic Nuisance Prevention and
Control Act of 1990 (NANPCA, as amended by the National Invasive Species Act
(NISA) of 1996), including: co-chairing and administering the ANSTF, supporting
Regional Panels, providing grants for State/Interstate ANS Management Plans,
and implementing a National AIS program.
3. Injurious Wildlife Evaluations and Listings The AIS Program supports the
Injurious Wildlife Provisions of the Lacey Act through an ongoing process of
evaluating species and possibly listing them as injurious through the rulemaking
The AIS Program has worked to prevent populations of invasive species like invasive
carp and zebra quagga mussels from entering or spreading into the United States.
Priority containment (boat inspection and decontamination), early detection and rapid
response (snakehead eradication and Chicago Sanitary Shipping Canal),
interjurisdictional coordination and planning (Quagga/Zebra Mussel Action Plan and
100th Meridian), and regulatory (injurious wildlife listing of black and silver carp) and
non-regulatory actions (Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers!) have occurred across many
jurisdictions. Through the actions of the AIS program, a national AIS network has been
built including 39 states, 6 Regional panels, over 1,000 participants in two national
public awareness campaigns and many other partners that has planned, directed and
accomplished significant regional and landscape level invasive species prevention and
management resource outcomes. The AIS Program serves as the nation’s front line for
prevention of new aquatic invasive species by regulating imports of injurious wildlife,
facilitating behavioral change and managing pathways to limit the introduction and
spread of invasives (awareness campaigns and ballast water), and developing
monitoring programs for invasion hotspots to facilitate early detection and rapid
U.S. Forest Service (USFS): The mission of the USFS is to sustain the health, diversity,
and productivity of the Nation’s forests and grasslands to meet the needs of present and
future generations. The USFS strives nationally, regionally, and locally to reduce,
minimize, or eliminate the potential for introduction, establishment, spread, and impact of
aquatic and terrestrial invasive species (including plants, pathogens, vertebrates,
invertebrates, fungi, algae, etc.) across all landscapes and ownerships. The Forest
Service plays an important national and regional role with the Aquatic Nuisance Species
Task Force, including serving on several Regional ANS Panels. USFS invasive species
management specialists are stationed at national, regional, and local offices throughout
the country.
The USFS National Invasive Species Management Policy (Forest Service Manual
FSM 2900) provides direction to all National Forests and Grasslands to work with local,
State, Tribal, and other partners to address aquatic and terrestrial invasive species
threats. This national policy emphasizes importance of integrating USFS invasive
species activities to expand prevention, early detection and rapid response, control,
restoration, cooperation, education and awareness, and mitigation activities across all
National Forest System programs areas. Among other requirements, the policy directs
all National Forests and Grasslands to cooperate with State governments and Tribes to
implement and enforce applicable regulations, plans, and guidance on invasive species
management on National Forests and Grasslands, including but not limited to:
1. State regulations related to prevention and control of aquatic and terrestrial
invasive species (including noxious weeds);
2. State regulations associated with utilizing, storing, transporting, or certifying
invasive species-free (and/or noxious weed-free) straw, hay, mulch, gravel,
forage, seed, or other materials; or
3. Statewide aquatic nuisance species management plans, fish and wildlife
management plans, early detection and rapid response plans, or other statewide
or region-wide invasive species management plans.
In southeastern Ohio, the Wayne National Forest covers over a quarter million acres of
Appalachian foothills extending over a variety of aquatic and terrestrial habitats, and land
ownerships. The Wayne NF is a working forest that provides multiple uses and multiple
products to communities. The Ohio AIS Management Plan has included the USFS as a
key federal partner in addressing priority invasive species management activities within
Ohio, particularly in the areas associated with the Wayne National Forest. Under
direction provided in FSM 2900 and other Forest Service requirements, all aquatic and
terrestrial invasive species management activities conducted on the Wayne NF are
integrated to restore and improve watershed condition, protect fish and wildlife
populations and habitat, maintain forest productivity, improve recreational opportunities,
and sustain critical ecosystem services.
There are a few additional pieces of federal legislation that can be used in the prevention
and management of AIS.
Lacey Act: The Lacey Act (1900) largely falls to the USFWS for enforcement. Under its
18USC42 Lacey Act authority the USFWS can list wild animals as “injurious” and thus
illegal for live (for the most part) interstate transport, but the process is lengthy and the
species list is resultantly short, especially regarding fishes. As of 2012, potential AIS
listed as injurious by the Lacey Act (and the date of their listing) are walking catfishes of
the family Clariidae (1970), mitten crabs Eriocheir spp. (1989), zebra mussel (1991),
snakehead fishes of the family Channidae (2002), silver carp (2007), largescale silver
carp Hypophthalmicthys harmandi (2007), black carp (2007), and bighead carp (2010).
Plant Protection Act: The Plant Protection Act (2000) amounts to a comprehensive
consolidation of earlier statutes and is coupled with several related statutes expanding
jurisdiction to non-plant invasive species. Implementation largely falls to the U.S.
Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) to
prohibit, inspect, treat, quarantine, or require mitigation measures prior to allowing entry
or interstate transport. APHIS can impose a relatively rapid response via proclamation,
but that authority is usually invoked in response to pests or threats related to
commercially valuable cultured organisms. For example, in October 2006 in response to
viral outbreaks on the Great Lakes, APHIS imposed a federal order restricting
international and interstate transport of fish species known to be susceptible to the
invasive viral hemorrhagic septicemia (VHS) virus within or out of the at-risk region (i.e.,
states and provinces bordering the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River). The stated
purpose of this order was “to prevent the spread of VHS into aquaculture facilities.”
Asian Carp Prevention and Control Act: Concern over the potential for ecological and
economic damage to the Great Lakes region if invasive carps successfully invade has
prompted several recent pieces of federal legislation. The Asian Carp Prevention and
Control Act (2010) added bighead carp to the Lacey Act’s injurious list and prohibited the
importation and shipment of some other select carp species.
Water Resources Development Act: The Water Resources Development Act (2007)
authorized the Secretary of the Army to construct various projects for improvements to
rivers and harbors of the United States to provide for the conservation and development
of water and related resources. This Act includes maintaining the AIS dispersal barrier
on the upper Mississippi system.
Stop Invasive Species Act: The Stop Invasive Species Act (S. 2317, H.R. 4406) was
introduced in April 2012 to stop invasive carps from destroying the Great Lakes
ecosystem. It would require the expedited creation of a plan to block invasive carp from
entering the Great Lakes through a number of surface water connections across the
Great Lakes region. The act would require the Army Corps of Engineers to accelerate
the release of their final action plan and develop a definitive plan to permanently prevent
invasive carp from entering the Great Lakes. The bill remains in committee.
Asian Carp Regional Coordinating Committee: In 2007 under the direction of
USFWS, the “Asian Carp Working Group,” comprised of several agencies, stakeholders
and partners, submitted the Management and Control Plan for Bighead, Black, Grass,
and Silver Carps in the United States to the ANSTF for approval (Conover et al. 2007).
The Plan was used as the foundation of the Asian Carp Control Strategy Framework,
which was developed by the Asian Carp Regional Coordinating Committee (ACRCC). .
Ballast water: The potential for ballast water introductions of AIS is of international
concern. Policies must be implemented at some jurisdictional level, ideally federally,
because of the interjurisdictional/interstate nature of the shipping industry. NANPCA
initiated ballast water management regulations to limit introductions through
transoceanic shipping. Regulations adopted by the USCG in 1993 apply to all vessels
that have been operating outside the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the U.S. or
Canada, and enter the Snell Lock in New York carrying ballast water. Vessel masters
have three options under these regulations: (1) demonstrate that a ballast exchange was
done at sea beyond the EEZ in a depth exceeding 2,000 meters; (2) retain the ballast
during the vessel’s entire Great Lakes voyage, in which case tanks may be sealed; or (3)
have an alternative environmentally-sound method of ballast water management
approved by the USCG.
The USEPA has issued two draft vessel general permits that would regulate discharges
from commercial vessels, excluding military and recreational vessels. The proposed
permits would help protect the nation’s waters from ship-borne pollutants and reduce the
risk of introduction of invasive species from ballast water discharges.
The draft Vessel General Permit (VGP), which covers commercial vessels greater than
79 feet in length, would replace the current 2008 VGP, when it expires in December
2013. Under the Clean Water Act, permits are issued for a five-year period after which
time USEPA generally issues revised permits based on updated information and
requirements. The new draft Small VGP would cover vessels smaller than 79 feet in
length and would provide such vessels with the Clean Water Act permit coverage they
will be required to have as of December 2013.
A key new provision of the permit is a proposed numeric standard to control the release
of non-indigenous invasive species in ballast water discharges. The new ballast water
discharge standard addressing invasive species is based upon results from independent
USEPA Science Advisory Board and National Research Council National Academy of
Sciences studies. These limits are generally consistent with those contained in the
International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) 2004 Ballast Water Convention.
The new standard is expected to substantially reduce the risk of introduction and
establishment of non-indigenous invasive species in U.S. waters.
Prompted by AIS concerns worldwide, the United Nations’ IMO held its Ballast Water
Convention in 2004. Its requirements will enter into force 12 months after ratification by
30 nations representing 35 percent of world shipping tonnage. Thirty-three member
nations (including Canada but still excluding the United States) representing nearly 25
percent of world shipping tonnage had ratified the convention as of January 2012.
Ultimately, the Convention intends to implement international Ballast Water Performance
Standards in two phases. In Phase I (until January 2016), ballast of qualifying vessels
must discharge fewer than 10 organisms that are greater than 50 μm in length (half the
diameter of an average human hair) per cubic meter of ballast water. This would allow
the discharge of up to 5,000 200,000 organisms depending on vessel size. Phase II
(after January 2016) will require less than one organism per 100 cubic meters of ballast
water, which would still allow discharge of up to 50 2,000 organisms depending on
vessel size.
The IMO’s interim measure calls for Ballast Water Exchange (BWE). The USCG and
Joint Ballast Water Working Group began implementation of BWE on Great Lakes
waters in 2004. In 2008, the St Lawrence Seaway and USCG required ocean-going
vessels to exchange ballast water prior to entering the upper Great Lakes. The USCG
issued its Final Rule on ballast water in March 2012 and it will require oceangoing
vessels to meet the IMO standard, some as soon as 1 December 2013.
Regional Role
Regional AIS Panels: The activities of NANPCA, NISA, and (by extension) the ANSTF
are coordinated through six regional panels; the state of Ohio is represented on two of
those six panels. Section 1203 of NANPCA calls upon the Great Lakes Commission to
convene the Great Lakes Panel on Aquatic Nuisance Species. Similarly, the Mississippi
River Basin Panel of the ANSTF was first convened in 2003 and is hosted by the
Mississippi Interstate Cooperative Resource Association. Official state representatives
must be employees of state management agencies, but broader panel membership is
drawn from diverse federal, state, provincial, and regional agencies. Input from private
sector user groups, Sea Grant programs, academic faculty and staff, and environmental
organizations are also used to ensure that the positions of the panels provide a balanced
and regional perspective on AIS issues. Panel responsibilities for the Great Lakes region
and Mississippi River basin are fivefold: (1) identify priorities for activities within each
relevant basin, (2) develop and submit recommendations to the ANSTF (established via
Public Law 101-646), (3) coordinate aquatic nuisance species program activities within
each basin, (4) advise public and private interests on control efforts, and (5) report to the
ANSTF describing prevention, research, and control activities within each basin.
State Role
State Management Plan for AIS: The comprehensive SMPs for AIS are addressed in
Section 1204 of NANPCA. Section 1204 requires that management plans identify "those
areas or activities within the state, other than those related to public facilities, for which
technical and financial assistance is needed to eliminate or reduce the environmental,
public health, and safety risks associated with AIS." The content of each state plan is to
focus on the identification of feasible, cost-effective management practices and
measures to be used by state and local entities to prevent and control AIS infestations in
a manner that is environmentally sound. As part of the plan, federal activities are to be
identified for prevention and control measures, including direction on how these activities
should be coordinated with state and local efforts. Section 1204 also states that in the
development and implementation of the management plan, the state needs to involve
appropriate local, state, and regional entities, as well as public and private organizations
that have expertise in AIS prevention and control. The SMPs are to be submitted to the
national ANSTF for approval. If the plan meets the requirements of the ANSTF, the plan
becomes eligible for federal cost-share support. Plans may be implemented with other
funds supplied by state and cooperative agencies.
The State of Ohio currently has a number of statutory and regulatory authorities detailed
in both the Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) and Ohio Revised Code (ORC) with which it
can address issues of prevention and control of AIS. These have been developed over
time, generally in response to individual species and concerns as they arose.
Consequently, there is not currently a comprehensive, coordinated, and vigorously
enforced policy framework to deal with invasive species and their impacts. One task
must be to identify gaps in Ohio’s policies and statutes, and develop recommendations
for improvements. Such improvements may entail developing new legislation and
regulations; revising existing authorities; and developing methods for improving
enforcement, coordination, and information dissemination regarding new or existing
The following existing authorities and policies have been identified relative to Ohio’s
management of AIS. Some sections of code are species-specific while others are more
general with respect to species that may invade terrestrial, transitional, or aquatic
Purple loosestrife: The director of the ODA prohibits the sale and propagation of purple
loosestrife pursuant to ORC 927.682. No person or governmental entity may sell, offer
for sale or plant Lythrum salicaria without a permit issued by the director. The director
may issue a permit only for controlled experiments, but may exempt from the permit
requirement any variety demonstrated not to be a threat to the environment (ORC
Wild animal importing, exporting, selling and possession regulation: The state of
Ohio's fishing regulations provide that exotic species of fish i.e., any fish not naturally
found in Ohio watersor hybrids thereof may not be imported, sold or possessed for the
purposes of introduction into any body of water that is connected to or drains into a
flowing stream or other body of water that would allow egress of fish into public waters in
the state. In addition, the possession, sale, and importation of grass carp capable of
reproducing is prohibited. Importers and sellers of grass carp are required to certify that
all grass carp handled are of the sterile triploid variety and must have prior written
authorization from the chief of the DOW to import and sell this variety. It is also illegal to
possess, import, or sell for any purpose at any time live individuals of any of the
following species or their hybrids: walking catfish Clarias batrachus, diploid white
amur/grass carp, silver carp/white bream, bighead carp/bighead amur, black amur/black
carp, round goby, tubenose goby, snakeheads Channa or Parachanna spp., white perch
Morone americana, three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus, sea lamprey, or
the subspecific eastern banded killifish Fundulus diaphanus diaphanus. Exceptions for
such species may be made only for research, by zoos, public aquariums, and public
displays and only after permission is obtained from the wildlife chief. In addition, it is
illegal for any person to possess, import, or sell marron Cherax tenuimanus, yabby C.
destructor, zebra mussel, quagga mussel, or rudd Scardinius erythrophthalmus (OAC
Aquaculture: ORC 1533.632 mandates that the DOW regulate the aquaculture
industry, and allows for the issuance of permits for species which can include
nonindigenous species. Class B species refer to species that are more ecologically
sensitive and Class A species to those that are more common or do not pose a threat.
Class B permits are to be issued on a case-by-case basis, and the chief shall take into
account “the species for which the Class B permit is requested, the location of the
aquaculture production facility, and any other information determined by the chief to be
necessary to protect the wildlife and natural resources of this state." According to rules
promulgated by the DOW, a permit will not be granted until a Division representative
determines the classification of the aquaculture facility based upon level of potential risk
of escapement. Aquatic species or hybrids not native to a watershed or not established
through stocking by the Division will not be considered for approval unless the facility
has no risk of escapement at any time. Two levels of escapement prevention are
required for Class B species and some named hybrids cultured outside their naturally
occurring watersheds as detailed by OAC 1501:31-39-01.D.2.b (ORC 1533.632, OAC
Bait and bait dealers: Rules promulgated by the DOW regulate such sale in
accordance with the Division’s statutory authority to protect and preserve the wild
animals of the state, mostly related to the management of native stocks through
regulation. Specifically related to potential AIS, it is illegal to sell or use as bait “any fish
or minnow not already established in waters of Ohio over which the wildlife chief has
control” (OAC 1501:31-13-04).
Other ODNR Division of Wildlife Authorities: The chief of ODNR’s DOW has general
statutory authority and control over AIS in all matters pertaining to the protection,
preservation, propagation, possession, and management of wild animals and may adopt
rules for the management of wild animals (ORC 1531.08). Specifically, as deemed
necessary, the chief “shall adopt, and may amend and rescind, rules that are necessary
for the administration and enforcement” of the ORC (ORC 1531.10). The Chief also has
the authority to restrict the stocking of aquatic organisms in public waters through OAC
1501:31-13-01-7 which requires individuals stocking any species of fish into waters of
the State to obtain permission from the Chief of the DOW. Waters of the state are
defined as all waters except those private waters that are not connected with other
natural surface waters. In addition, the chief “may adopt, amend, and rescind such rules
as necessary to control or eradicate parasites and diseases of game birds, game
quadrupeds other than captive white-tailed deer, fur-bearing animals, or nonnative
wildlife” on “wholly enclosed preserves” as described in ORC 1533.71 (ORC 1533.79).
Therefore, in instances where it is determined that the introduction and/or spread of
nonindigenous aquatic species is potentially detrimental to the management of the wild
animals of the state, the Division may adopt additional rules to check adverse impacts.
Other Ohio Department of Agriculture Authorities: The ODA has statutory authority
to adopt rules necessary to carry out its responsibilities regarding plant pests (ORC
927.70). No person may harbor any plant pest which has been determined by the
director of agriculture to be destructive or dangerously harmful. “Pest” is defined broadly
as any organism that causes or may cause injury, disease, or damage to any plant part,
or plant product. This apparently could be broadly applied if plants or natural systems
were to be judged to be threatened by a pest species. Thus, broad rule-making authority
exists, but an assessment of the need for additional rules may be required.
In addition, the director of the ODA has authority to label “dangerously contagious or
infectious disease[s]” of animals as those diseases determined “to be of harmful effect
on the animal or poultry industry or the public health and to be capable of transmission
by any means from a carrier animal to a human or to another animal” (ORC 941.01).
This includes diseases of cultured aquatic organisms (including potentially invasive
diseases or diseases of potentially invasive host organisms used in aquaculture) that
may also infect wild populations. The chief of the ODA’s Division of Animal Health is
charged with preventing the spread of “dangerously contagious or infectious disease,
providing for the control and eradication of such disease, and cooperating with the
United States Department of Agriculture in such work” (ORC 940.02).If such a disease is
detected, the director has authority to impose quarantine, including an individual animal
or as by “geographic area” if the director determines such broad quarantine to be
necessary (ORC 941.07). This authority was invoked in 2007 to issue quarantine on
Ohio’s Lake Erie region in response to an outbreak of the invasive fish disease viral
hemorrhagic septicemia among several wild populations of fishes within Lake Erie. The
order prohibited the human transportation of susceptible fishes from the Lake Erie region
as defined by the order.
ODNR Division of Watercraft Authorities: The director of the ODNR has statutory
authority to create state wild, scenic, or recreational river areas along with their corridors
up to one thousand feet from normal waterlines. Beginning in 2009, the chief of ODNR’s
Division of Watercraft was given responsibility to develop “rules governing the use,
visitation, protection, and administration” of such areas. The Division is further charged
with providing conservation education and to “provide for corridor protection, restoration,
habitat enhancement, and clean-up projects” within these areas. While the Division of
Watercraft has rule-making authority with respect to management of lands within wild,
scenic, and recreational river areas, it does not have authority to regulate activities with
respect to species that may be disruptive to the ecosystems being preserved. The ORC
specifically prevents land use restrictions to be imposed by the Division upon private
lands along wild, scenic, or recreational river corridors; however, the Division works with
local governments to ensure that local zoning, flood plain, and forest buffers provide
appropriate protection. The ORC states that the chief or chief’s representative "may
participate in watershed-wide planning with federal, state and local agencies in order to
protect the values of wild, scenic, and recreational river areas" (ORC 1547.81).
Local Governments: Chapter 164 of the ORC details state disbursement of aid to local
government for improvements. Natural resources assistance councils appointed by
public works integrating committees are charged with reviewing various open space
acquisition project proposals, including “acquisition of land or rights in land for parks,
forests, wetlands, natural areas that protect an endangered plant or animal population,
other natural areas, and connecting corridors for natural areas” as well as development
of such land acquisitions to enhance their accessibility by the public. Such projects can
emphasize “the reduction or elimination of nonnative, invasive species of plants or
animals” and “shall not… encourage invasive nonnative species” (ORC 164.22).
Ohio Coastal Management Program: Within the Lake Erie watershed, enforceable
authorities incorporated into the Ohio Coastal Management Program (OCMP: duties and
definitions detailed in ORC 1506) can be enforced against federal agencies through
application of the federal consistency provision (Section 307) of the federal Coastal Zone
Management Act (16 U.S.C. 1541 et.seq.). The consistency provision applies to all
federally conducted, funded, and permitted activities that may affect land or water uses
of the coastal area, as defined by the OCMP, whether or not they occur directly within
the OCMP management boundary. This took effect with implementation of the OCMP
following federal approval by NOAA in 1997.
The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact: The Great
Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact (ORC 1522), while originally
drafted through region-wide collaboration, is implemented at the state level. Passed by
the states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, and Wisconsin in
2008, and amended within Ohio in 2012, the Compact facilitates the interjurisdictional
management of the use of the water resources of the Great Lakes. The compact makes
little mention of AIS. However, communities that have corporate boundaries falling partly
within the basin or partly within two Great Lakes watersheds do create some risk of AIS
transfer. These communities are permitted some exception to the prohibition on water
diversions given that the volume of water diverted from the Great Lakes basin is
returned less an allowance for consumptive use. If some portion of the volume used to
fulfill the replacement criterion originates outside the Great Lakes basin, it must be
treated to meet water quality discharge standards and “to prevent the introduction of
invasive species into the basin” (ORC 1522.4.9).
Research and Education: In addition to exercising its statutory and regulatory
authorities, the state currently fosters extensive research and education/outreach
programs through the ODNR, the OEPA, the Ohio Lake Erie Commission’s Lake Erie
Protection Fund, the Ohio Sea Grant College Program, the Great Lakes Aquatic
Ecosystem Research Consortium, the Great Lakes Regional Research Information
Network, the International Joint Commission’s Council of Great Lakes Research
Managers, the ACRCC, regional panels of the ANSTF, state universities, and others.
Informational efforts focus upon educating recreational water users and commercial
enterprises regarding methods to reduce impacts of human activity related to the
introduction and spread of AIS. Research efforts have focused upon pollutant uptake
mechanisms, potential control methods, and effects of increased water clarity, predator-
prey relationships, and other trophic level interactions. Some research effort has been
made to quantify the economic impacts of AIS on the state or region (e.g., Rosaen et al.
2012, Windle et al. 2008). However, those efforts have been too few to date and have
not been comprehensive simply because the data required to compile a comprehensive
and defensible economic statement are not currently collected.
Control measures for non-native flora as a part of management plans for state-
managed nature preserves and wildlife areas. Each nature preserve and wildlife area
managed by the ODNR, DOW and the Division of Parks & Recreation’s Natural Areas
and Preserves program is governed by a management plan specific to that area. Each
plan incorporates a statement of policy regarding control of invasive plants identified as
problems within the nature preserve or wildlife area. Generally speaking, guidelines call
for manual removal, burning, and treatment with herbicides. Management plans include
provisions for monitoring and assessment to determine the extent of growth and nature
of the disturbance, if any. Management plans and control efforts are tailored to the
specific nature preserve or wildlife area and prescribe the treatment appropriate for each
species depending upon the habitat type, extent of invasion, and management goals for
the area.
Ohio Invasive Plants Council: The Ohio Invasive Plants Council (OIPC) was formed in
2005, this Council represents a broad partnership of agencies, organizations, and
individuals concerned about the threats of invasive plants in Ohio. The mission of OIPC
is to “participate in statewide efforts to address the threats of invasive species to Ohio’s
ecosystems and economy by providing leadership and promoting stewardship,
education, research, and information exchange.” OIPC holds annual meetings, research
conferences, and regional workshops to improve awareness of invasive species. OIPC
has developed a scientifically-based protocol for assessing invasiveness of plant
Gaps in Authorities in Ohio: Event though there are statutes dealing with AIS in Ohio,
many gaps exist that prevent effective management. More comprehensive regulations
are urgently needed to address the movement of live fish for: bait, live food market, and
for stocking private/pay lakes. Ohio will also focus on the movement of AIS through the
pet trade, plant trade, and recreational activities.
All of the strategies listed under the five goals of this plan are important, but when it
comes to implementation there is a need to prioritize strategies based upon the severity
of the problem, the programmatic authority, capability and feasibility to resolve it, and the
cost of the proposed solution. Priority actions in this plan target species and pathways
that cause the most significant economic and/or ecological impacts. The following five
priority actions are listed in order of importance:
1. Coordinate the Ohio Aquatic Invasive Species Committee to address AIS
issues in Ohio. The Committee will be comprised of government, industry,
university, and private groups and will meet annually to address relevant AIS
issues (Goal 1; Objective 1.1; Strategy 1.1a).
2. Evaluate the effectiveness of existing management and regulatory tools
(incorporating pathway analysis) for preventing the introduction of priority AIS
into Ohio by identifying potential gaps and improve existing tools. Develop and
implement specific strategies and plans to reduce the likelihood of both
intentional and unintentional introduction of harmful AIS through high-risk
pathways (Goal 2; Objective 2.2; Strategy 2.2a).
3. Target outreach efforts and prioritize key audiences (e.g., live organism
trades and aquatic user groups) to promote understanding of invasive species
dispersal pathways and risks (Goal 5; Objective 5.2; Strategy 5.2a).
4. Implement control and rapid response strategies that are based on the best
available scientific information and conducted in an environmentally sound
manner. Coordinate control and rapid response strategies with federal agencies,
local governments, interjurisdictional organizations, and other appropriate
entities. Establish protocols that will provide guidance in designing and
implementing control and eradication strategies (Goal 3; Objective 3.3; Strategy
3.3a and Goal 4; Objective 4.1; Strategy 4.1b).
The implementation of Ohio’s SMP will enable us to monitor progress toward the five
goals in the plan. We will be able to select appropriate management actions as well as
make necessary “mid-course” corrections. By incorporating the best scientific and
management knowledge with periodic public evaluation, we will be implementing an
adaptive AIS management program. This process will involve three components: (1)
oversight, (2) evaluation, and (3) dissemination of information.
The OAISC will act as the advisory committee and will examine progress on the plans
goals, objectives and strategies and recommend future plan revisions.
The evaluation effort should not only examine progress toward stated goals, objectives,
and strategies but place a special emphasis on success at identifying funding needs to
accomplish goals and associated tasks. This information will prove useful in future
program planning processes. Evaluation should also incorporate information from those
groups affected by plan implementation through the OAISC.
A report will be produced annually highlighting the progress of our management
activities. This report will include information on the successes in achieving objectives
towards the goals of the AIS Plan, as well as future plans and directions. Successes,
failures, and new directions within Ohio will be evaluated in comparison with other state
and regional plans. Reports will be made available to members of the general public and
local, state, and federal agencies.
Goal 1: Leadership: Provide leadership for AIS issues in Ohio among local, state, and federal agencies as well as other
organizations in order effectively address AIS.
Measure of Success
Lead State
Cooperating Agency or
Estimated State
Objective 1.1:
Coordinate all AIS
management programs
and activities within
Ohio and establish
multi-state cooperation
and coordination within
the Great Lakes and
Mississippi River
regions as well as
Meet annually to
address relevant AIS
Maintain membership on
regional panels and
national organizations.
Attend meetings when
possible and assume
leadership roles when
Identify funding
requirements to secure
funding source for AIS.
Goal 2: Prevention: Identify AIS vectors and focus efforts on preventing the introduction and spread of AIS into Ohio.
Strategic Action
Measure of Success
Lead State
Cooperating Agency or
State Cost
Objective 2.1:
Establish a
process to identify AIS
of greatest concern
that are not yet present
in Ohio waters and
prioritize highest-risk
introduction pathways.
Strategy 2.1a: Identify and rank,
by short- and long-term risk
assessment, the species or groups
of species of greatest concern and
conduct an analysis to determine
the level of risk associated with
their introduction. The species list
will include species in the U.S. but
not established in Ohio as well as
species not yet in the U.S.
List of AIS of greatest
concern for Ohio
Strategy 2.1b: Using the
prioritized list of AIS with the
greatest potential to invade Ohio
waters, identify existing and
potential pathways that would
facilitate introductions of these
species. Prioritize highest-risk
pathways for future legislation,
rules, research, and control efforts.
List of high risk pathways
Strategy 2.1c: Work with
government and non-government
stakeholders to develop a science-
based, comprehensive screening
system for evaluating risks
associated with the introduction of
all non-native aquatic species.
AIS screening system
Goal 2: Prevention: Identify AIS vectors and focus efforts on preventing the introduction and spread of AIS into Ohio
Strategic Action
Measure of Success
Lead State
Cooperating Agency or
State Cost
Objective 2.2: Identify
potential prevention
strategies for
addressing AIS of
greatest risk and high-
risk introduction
Strategy 2.2a:, Evaluate the
effectiveness of existing
management and regulatory tools
(incorporating pathway analysis)
for preventing the introduction of
priority AIS into Ohio by identifying
potential gaps and improve
existing tools. Develop and
implement specific strategies and
plans to reduce the likelihood of
both intentional and unintentional
introduction of harmful AIS through
high-risk pathways.
Close high risk pathways
Strategy 2.2b: Identify
"ecologically sensitive" aquatic
resource areas that are free of
AIS, and enhance protection
through the (1) identification of
potential introduction pathways
and (2) establishment of additional
precautionary measures including
educational outreach and
List of ecologically
sensitive areas and
preventative measures.
Strategy 2.2c: Identify BMPs,
codes-of-conduct, and potential
certification options for key
industry and user groups (e.g., pet
and aquarium trades, water
gardens, aquaculture industry,
research community, commercial
shipping, recreational boating,
transportation industry, and bait
retailers and suppliers) to help
keep the priority AIS out of Ohio.
Offer Hazard analysis and
critical control points
(HACCP) training for
selected user groups.
Goal 3: Early Detection and Rapid Response: Implement early detection and rapid response actions so that newly
introduced AIS can be located quickly and eliminated.
Strategic Action
Measure of Success
Lead State
Cooperating Agency or
State Cost
Objective 3.1:
Enhance coordination
within Ohio to detect
new invasions, as well
as range expansions of
AIS within Ohio.
Prioritize early-
detection efforts and
increase knowledge
and expertise to
enhance these efforts.
Strategy 3.1a: Assemble a
focused committee of agency,
municipal, NGO, and academic
professionals who survey aquatic
organisms as part of their
monitoring and research activities
and have them evaluate current
early-detection programs, identify
gaps, and make recommendations
for improved monitoring of priority
Comprehensive AIS
monitoring program.
Strategy 3.1b: Develop a list of
experts within agencies,
academia, NGO, and contractors
that can help identify AIS and
develop contract arrangements if
Expert AIS list
Strategy 3.1c: Create a regional
“watch” list for species that have
potential to enter Ohio.
AIS watch list.
Strategy 3.1d: Identify high
“invasion likelihood” areas for
targeted early detection surveying.
List of high risk areas for
AIS invasions.
Strategy 3.1e: Establish
cooperative policies with states
sharing watersheds for
coordinated early detection efforts.
Cooperative agreements
with adjacent states.
Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky,
West Virginia, Pennsylvania
Goal 3: Early Detection and Rapid Response: Implement early detection and rapid response actions so that newly
introduced AIS can be located quickly and eliminated (Continued).
Strategic Action
Measure of Success
Lead State
Cooperating Agency or
State Cost
Objective 3.2: Create
a master inventory of
Ohio AIS that is
regularly maintained,
updated, and
Strategy 3.2a: Create a
compilation of AIS in Ohio held by
various groups (local, county,
state, federal, and private
organizations). Identify inventory
gaps, and develop strategies to
address deficiencies.
List of AIS location
Strategy 3.2b: Integrate Ohio AIS
location information into the United
States Geologic Surveys
Nonindigenous Aquatic Species
Ohio information integrated
into NAS database.
Objective 3.3:
Implement Ohio’s
Rapid Response Plan
for the eradication of
newly detected AIS
under predetermined
Strategy 3.3a: Implement Ohio’s
RRP in high risk systems where
there is a high likelihood that
eradication efforts will be effective.
Successful implementation
of Ohio RRP.
case basis
Goal 4: Control: When feasible, control or manage AIS that have or may have significant impacts in Ohio.
Strategic Action
Measure of Success
Lead State
Cooperating Agency or
State Cost
Objective 4.1:
Prioritize AIS on which
to focus control efforts
and explore and utilize
the various methods
available to control
these populations.
Strategy 4.1a: Implement
scientific analyses to prioritize
control efforts for both species and
sites and consider the long-term,
cost-effectiveness of all proposed
strategies against the “no-action”
Prioritized list of control
Strategy 4.1b: Implement control
strategies that are based on the
best available scientific information
and conducted in an
environmentally sound manner.
Coordinate control strategies with
federal agencies, local
governments, interjurisdictional
organizations, and other
appropriate entities. Establish
protocols that will provide
guidance in designing and
implementing control and
eradication strategies.
Successful control
Strategy 4.1c: Evaluate potential
incentive programs or assistance
for private landowners for the
control of invasive species and
restoration of impacted
Private lands AIS control
Strategy 4.1d: Develop means of
modifying human activities in
areas of AIS infestations to help
prevent their spread.
Abatement strategies
Goal 5: Research and Education: Increase research efforts on AIS, and educate the general public and individuals involved
in related business, trade, research, recreation and government sectors about AIS issues.
Strategic Action
Measure of Success
Lead State
Cooperating Agency or
State Cost
Objective 5.1:
Establish and
coordinate an Ohio AIS
research network by
building on existing
state, federal, and
university programs.
Strategy 5.1a: Identify all current
AIS research needs and potential
network members and prioritize
the research specific to Ohio’s
freshwater habitats.
Prioritized list of research
Objective 5.2:
Increase public
awareness of AIS
impacts and strategies
that can be
implemented to reduce
the establishment and
spread of AIS in Ohio.
Strategy 5.2a: Target outreach
efforts and prioritize key audiences
(e.g., live organism trades and
aquatic user groups) to promote
understanding of invasive species
dispersal pathways and risks.
Successful outreach
Ohio Sea Grant
Strategy 5.2b: Maintain a
comprehensive and current AIS
website and work to develop other
types of media to inform the public
of AIS issues.
Updated web site
Objective 5.3: Target
policy makers and
legislative staff for
outreach efforts.
Strategy 5.3a: Provide
educational briefings on the
threats, economic and ecological
impacts, and solutions to AIS
invasions in Ohio for decision
makers and legislators. Keep
legislators and decision makers
informed and updated on the
progress of Ohio AIS management
Knowledgeable decision
ACRCC. 2010. 2011 Asian Carp Control Strategy Framework. Asian Carp Regional
Coordinating Committee.
Bur, M. T., D. M. Klarer, and K. A. Krieger. 1986. First records of a European cladoceran,
Bythotrephes cederstroemi, in Lakes Erie and Huron. Journal of Great Lakes Research 12:144
Conover, G., R. Simmonds, and M. Whalen, editors. 2007. Management and control plan for
bighead, black, grass, and silver carps in the United States. Asian Carp Working Group, Aquatic
Nuisance Species Task Force, Washington, D.C.
Drury, K. L. S. and Rothlisberger, J. D. 2008. Offense and defense in landscape-level invasion
control. Oikos 117:182190
Kwon T. D., S. W. Fisher, G. W. Kim, H. Hwang, and J. E. Kim. 2006. Trophic transfer and
biotransformation of polychlorinated biphenyls in zebra mussel, round goby, and smallmouth
bass in Lake Erie, USA. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 25(4):10681078.
Lovell, S. J. and S. F. Stone. 2005. The economic impacts of aquatic invasive species: A review
of the literature. NCEE Working Paper no. 05-02. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
National Center for Environmental Economics, Washington, D.C.
Martin Associates. 2011. The Economic Impacts of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway
System. Martin Associates, Lancaster, PA.
Mills, E. L., J. H. Leach, J. T. Carlton, and C. L. Secor. 1993. Exotic species in the Great Lakes:
A history of biotic crises and anthropogenic introductions. Journal of Great Lakes Research
Ricciardi, A. 2001. Facilitative interactions among aquatic invaders: is an “invasional meltdown”
occurring in the Great Lakes? Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 58:2513
Rosaen, A.L., E.A. Grover, C.W. Spencer, and P.L. Anderson. 2012. The Costs of Aquatic
Invasive Species to Great Lakes States. Anderson Economic Group LLC, East Lansing, MI.
Southwick Associates. 2007. Sportfishing in America: An economic engine and conservation
powerhouse. Produced for the American Sportfishing Association (with funding from the
Multistate Conservation Grant Program), Alexandria, VA.
Starnes, W. C., J. Odenkirk, and M. J. Ashton. 2011. Update and analysis of fish occurrences in
the lower Potomac River drainage in the vicinity of Plummers Island, MarylandContribution
XXXI to the natural history of Plummers Island, Maryland. Proceedings of the Biological Society
of Washington 124(4):280309.
Steinhart, G. B., E. A. Marschall, and R. A. Stein. 2004. Round goby predation on smallmouth
bass offspring in nests during experimental catch-and-release angling. Transactions of the
American Fisheries Society 133:121131.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1994. Great Lakes Fishery Resources Restoration Study: Report
to Congress (Draft Report). ANS Digest: vol. 1, no. 1. U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and
Wildlife Service, Washington, D.C.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and U.S. Census Bureau. 2006. National Survey of Fishing,
Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation. U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife
Service and U.S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Washington, D.C.
U.S. Office of Technology Assessment. 1993. Harmful non-indigenous species in the United
States OTA-F565. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
Windle, P. N., R. H. Kranz, and M. La. 2008. Invasive species in Ohio: Pathways, policies, and
costs. Union of Concerned Scientists, Cambridge, MA.
Winslow, C. J. 2010. Competitive interactions between young-of-the-year smallmouth bass and
round goby. PhD dissertation, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH.
Aquatic Invasive Species (or Aquatic Nuisance Species) Animals, plants, or other organisms
that adversely affect the habitats they invade economically, environmentally, and/or ecologically.
Such invasive species may disrupt recreation, economy, and/or ecology by dominating a region.
Ballast water Any water used to manipulate the trim and stability of a ship or boat.
Best management practices A method or technique that has consistently shown results
superior to those achieved with other means, and that is used as a benchmark.
Diploid The natural state of having paired sets of chromosomes in a cell or cell nucleus
allowing an animal to reproduce sexually.
Exotic See “nonindigenous.”
Exclusive Economic Zone The sea zone prescribed by the United Nations Convention on the
Law of the Sea over which a state has special rights. It stretches from the seaward edge of the
state's territorial sea out to 200 nautical miles from its coast.
Nonindigenous A plant, animal, or other organism that is not native to a region.
Plankton Small organisms that drift with water currents. Phytoplankton (including algae) and
zooplankton (very small animals, like water fleas) form the basis of aquatic food webs.
Triploid The state of having three sets of chromosomes in the cell or cell nucleus that prevents
reproduction. Triploidy is induced in some managed, stocked animals.
Vector/Pathway The path by which an organism can travel.
Watershed The entire drainage basin of a water body or region including all living and
nonliving components.
ACRCC - Asian Carp Regional Coordinating Committee
AIS - Aquatic invasive species
ANSTF - Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force
BMPs - Best Management Practices
BWE - Ballast Water Exchange
DOW - Division of Wildlife
EEZ - Exclusive Economic Zone
IMO - International Maritime Organization’s
NANPCA - Nonindigenous Aquatic Nuisance Prevention and Control Act
NGO - Non-government organizations
NISA National Invasive Species Act
NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
OAC - Ohio Administrative Code
OAISC - Ohio Aquatic Invasive Species Committee
OCMP - Ohio Coastal Management Program
ODA - Ohio Department of Agriculture
ODNR - Ohio Department of Natural Resources
OEPA - Ohio Environmental Protection Agency
OIPC - Ohio Invasive Plants Council
ORC - Ohio Revised Code
RRP Rapid Response Plan
SMP - State Management Plan
US United States
USACE - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
USCG - U.S. Coast Guard
USEPA - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
USFWS United States Fish & Wildlife Service
USGS United States Geologic Survey
VGP - Vessel General Permit
VHS - Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia
Pete Mohan
Akron Zoological Park
Jennifer Hillmer
Cleveland Metroparks
Mike Durkalec
Cleveland Metroparks
Linda Sekura
Cleveland Museum of Natural History
Doug Warmolts
Columbus Zoo and Aquarium
Dave Smith
Freshwater Farms of Ohio
Don Arcuri
Great Lakes Fish Commission
Mike Matta
Great Lakes Fish Commission
Stephen Blessing
Green Vista Water Gardens (and ONLA)
Rick Graham
Izaak Walton League
Glen Nekvasil
Lake Carriers Association
Jennifer Windus
Ohio Invasive Plant Council
Jeff Tyson
ODNR Division of Wildlife
John Navarro
ODNR Division of Wildlife
Kevin Kayle
ODNR Division of Wildlife
Natalie Pirvu
ODNR Division of Watercraft
Kristy Meyer
Ohio Environmental Council
Ben Rich
Ohio Environmental Protection Agency
Brian Hall
Ohio Environmental Protection Agency
Christopher Winslow
Ohio Sea Grant
Tory Gabriel
Ohio Sea Grant
Sarah Orlando
Ohio Sea Grant
Jeff Thomas
Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission
Jim Wentz
Silvertip Productions
John Stark
The Nature Conservancy
Lauren Pintor
The Ohio State University
Brian Zimmerman
The Ohio State University
Marc Kibbey
The Ohio State University
Kristin Stanford
The Ohio State University
Eugene Braig
The Ohio State University
Matt Misicka
The Ohio State University
David Glover
The Ohio State University
Brian Zimmerman
The Ohio State University
Jim Wentz
Silvertip Productions
Jay Hemdal
Toledo Zoo
Jeromy Applegate
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Jo Ann Banda
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Executive Summary..…….………………………………………………………………………………………….
Scope and Applicability……….……………...….………………………………………………………………..
Applicable Plans………..………..………………..……………..…………………………………………………….
Geographic Limitations…..……..…..……………….……..…………………………………………………….
List of Acronyms and Abbreviations….…………………………………………………………………………
Appendix A: Aquatic Invasive Species Reporting Worksheet..…….………….
Appendix B: Contacts for Invasive Species Information in Ohio.…………….
Appendix C: Aquatic Invasive Species “Watch List”………………………………..
Appendix D: Aquatic Invasive Species Risk Assessment Worksheet..........
Appendix E: Incident Command System for Aquatic Invasive Species
Rapid Response………………………………………………………………………………………
Preventing introductions is the foremost aim of aquatic invasive species (AIS) management, and is
crucial to avoid irreversible consequences of introductions. Early detection and effective rapid response
are crucial to prevent establishment and minimize the ecological and economic impacts of an AIS
introduction. Rapid response measures are implemented to confirm presence of reported AIS, evaluate
efficacies of new approaches for control, and/or reduce or eliminate AIS populations within a given area.
Considerable preparation is necessary and can be initiated in advance of the need to implement a rapid
AIS response effort. To the extent possible, managers will need partner agreements, funding, ability to
comply with regulatory requirements, protocols and procedures, and response training. The Ohio
Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife (DOW) has developed this Rapid Response
Plan (RRP) to guide internal response actions and coordinate response actions with partner agencies
during AIS response.
Addressing prevention and control of AIS requires coordination of policies and programs at many levels
of government. Federal, regional, and state governments all have roles in implementation of this plan.
The State of Ohio also details a number of statutory and regulatory authorities in both the Ohio
Administrative Code and Ohio Revised Code to address issues of prevention and control of AIS. Most of
this authority lies within the ODNR, Ohio Department of Agriculture, and the Ohio Environmental
Protection Agency.
Scope and Applicability
The State of Ohio straddles two major watersheds. The northern third of Ohio lies within the Great
Lakes basin, and the southern two-thirds of the State is part of the Mississippi River basin. Both of these
basins have been significantly impacted by AIS, with many of the most significant invasions occurring
within the last 30 years. Coordinating rapid AIS response operations will involve numerous response
agencies and jurisdictions. A synchronized effort across the jurisdictions within the State of Ohio will be
Applicable Plans
To the extent practicable, AIS response operations shall be consistent with federal, state, and local
plans, including this RRP that represents the ODNR’s response plan. Implementation of this RRP will
proceed in conjunction with the Ohio AIS State Management Plan and the Ohio Invasive Carp Tactical
Geographic Limitations
The geographic scope of this AIS Plan encompasses the land and waters governed by the State of Ohio.
Generally, ODNR DOW has responsibility to control AIS. AIS issues that have the potential to expand
beyond Ohio boundaries will necessitate the involvement of other agencies including adjacent states,
the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec, the US Fish and Wildlife Service, and U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency Region V.
The rapid response action steps given below should be followed chronologically, but the process may
end at varying points depending upon the details of each specific situation. Action 1 commences upon
receiving a report of an AIS.
Action 1: Report find to appropriate personnel.
Action 2: Is the report an unknown or high-threat species?
Action 3: Identify/verify the species.
Action 4: Conduct risk assessment to determine if the species is a candidate for rapid response.
Action 5: Assess rapid response options.
Action 6: Decide whether to use Incident Command System (ICS).
Action 7a: Plan and implement the response (Not using ICS).
Action 7b: Plan and implement the response (using ICS).
Action 8: Create an after-action report and begin adaptive management.
The discovery of a new non-native species, or a new population of an established non-native species
that has moved outside of its known distribution, is considered an introduction. Preventing
introductions is the foremost aim of aquatic invasive species (AIS) management, and is crucial to avoid
irreversible consequences of introductions. Eradication of an established, widespread AIS is costly and
unlikely (Lodge et. al 2006). If AIS are not eradicated, efforts to limit their distribution and abundance
can become perpetual and costly (e.g., Sea Lamprey control in the Great Lakes). Unfortunately,
prevention measures are not foolproof, and even the best efforts will not stop all introductions.
Early detection and effective rapid response are crucial to prevent establishment (National Invasive
Species Council (NISC 2008) and minimize the ecological and economic impacts of an AIS introduction
(California Department of Fish and Game 2008). The sooner a new introduction is detected, the greater
the probability of a successful systematic response effort while the population is still localized (NISC
2003). In many cases, actions must occur quickly to be effective, possibly within only a few days of the
introduction. Successful rapid response therefore depends on effective early detection, monitoring, and
AIS reporting programs for alerting managers to new introductions. Government officials and natural
resource managers must be prepared and committed to take rapid and effective action following a
report of an AIS introduction (Smits and Moser 2009). The purposes of rapid response measures may
vary depending on the AIS, but generally these measures are implemented to confirm presence of
reported AIS, evaluate efficacies of new approaches for control, and/or reduce or eliminate AIS
populations within a given area.
Considerable preparation is necessary and can be initiated in advance of need to implement a rapid AIS
response effort. To the extent possible, managers will need partner agreements, funding, ability to
comply with regulatory requirements, protocols and procedures, and response training.
The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife (DOW) has developed this Rapid
Response Plan (RRP) for AIS to guide internal response actions and coordinate response actions with
partner agencies during AIS response. The RRP provides a flexible framework for response and
operational guidance to protect Ohio aquatic ecosystems and ensure the health and safety of all
involved parties.
This RRP does not address issues of prevention, early-detection monitoring, post-response monitoring,
or reporting systems. It focuses on actions following a report of possible introduction of AIS and
provides general information regarding the major components of any rapid response effort.
The authority to address prevention and control of AIS requires coordination of policies and programs at
many levels of government. Federal, regional, and state governments all have roles in implementation
of the federal Nonindigenous Aquatic Nuisance Prevention and Control Act of 1990 (NANPCA, Public Law
101-646) and the National Invasive Species Act of 1996 (NISA, Public Law 104-332). The State of Ohio
also details a number of statutory and regulatory authorities in both the Ohio Administrative Code (OAC)
and Ohio Revised Code (ORC) to address issues of prevention and control of AIS. Most of this authority
lies within the ODNR, Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA), and the Ohio Environmental Protection
Agency (OEPA).
The authority has developed over time, generally in response to individual species and concerns as these
arose. Consequently, no comprehensive, coordinated, and vigorously enforced policy framework is in
place to deal with invasive species and their impacts. The following existing authorities and policies have
been identified regarding Ohio’s management of AIS. Some sections of code are species-specific while
others are more general with respect to species that may invade aquatic ecosystems. The following
provisions in OAC and ORC are pertinent:
OAC 1501:31-19-01 (ODNR): Wild animal importing, exporting, selling, and possession
regulation. Ohio's fishing regulations specify that exotic species of fish or hybrids thereof may
not be imported, sold, or possessed for the purposes of introduction into any body of water
connected with or draining into a flowing stream or other body of water that would allow egress
of fish into public waters in the State. The statute also addresses possession, sale, and
importation of certain species.
ORC 1533.632, OAC 1501:31-39-01 (ODNR): The code mandates that the ODNR DOW regulate
the aquaculture industry with respect to issuance of permits for nonindigenous species.
OAC 1501:31-13-04 (ODNR): Bait and bait dealers. Rules promulgated by DOW regulate such
sales in accordance with the DOW’s statutory authority to protect and preserve the wild animals
of the State, mostly related to management of native stocks through regulation. Specifically
related to potential AIS is illegal selling or using as bait “any fish or minnow not already
established in waters of Ohio over which the wildlife chief has control.”
Control measures for non-native flora constitute part of management plans for state-managed
preserves and wildlife areas. Each preserve and wildlife area managed by the ODNR DOW, and the
ODNR Division of Parks and Recreation Natural Areas and Preserves is under a management plan specific
to that area. Each plan incorporates a statement of policy regarding treatment of nonnative flora
identified as problems within the preserve or wildlife area. Generally speaking, guidelines call for
manual removal, burning, and treatment with herbicides. Management plans include provisions for
monitoring and assessment to determine the extent of growth and nature of the disturbance, if any.
Management plans are tailored to the specific preserve or wildlife area, and prescribe treatment
appropriate for each species depending upon the habitat type, extent of invasion, and management
goals for the area.
Several authorities in addition to those cited above could be used to help control introduction and
spread of nonindigenous species. ODNR DOW’s Chief has general statutory authority and control over
AIS in all matters pertaining to protection, preservation, propagation, possession, and management of
wild animals, and may adopt rules for management of wild animals (ORC 1531.08). Specifically, as
deemed necessary, the Chief “shall adopt, and may amend and rescind, rules that are necessary for the
administration and enforcement” of the ORC (ORC 1531.10). The Chief has the authority to restrict
stocking of aquatic organisms in public waters per OAC 1501:31-13-01-7, which requires that individuals
stocking any species of fish into Ohio waters obtain permission from the Chief. Waters of the state are
defined as all waters except those private waters that are not connected with other natural surface
waters. In addition, the Chief “may adopt, amend, and rescind such rules as necessary to control or
eradicate parasites and diseases of game birds, game quadrupeds other than captive white-tailed deer,
fur-bearing animals, or nonnative wildlife” on “wholly enclosed preserves” as described in ORC 1533.71
(ORC 1533.79). Therefore, where introduction and/or spread of nonindigenous aquatic species have
been determined potentially detrimental to management of wild animals of the State, the DOW may
adopt additional rules to prevent or minimize adverse impacts.
The ODA has statutory authority to adopt rules necessary to carry out its responsibilities regarding plant
pests (ORC 927.70). No person may harbor any plant pest determined by the Director of ODA to be
destructive or dangerously harmful. “Pest” is defined broadly as any organism that causes or may cause
injury, disease, or damage to any plant part or plant product. This authority could possibly be broadly
applied if plants or natural systems are judged threatened by a pest species.
In addition, the ODA Director has authority to label as “dangerously contagious or infectious diseases” of
animals those diseases determined “to be of harmful effect on the animal or poultry industry or the
public health and to be capable of transmission by any means from a carrier animal to a human or to
another animal” (ORC 941.01). This includes diseases of cultured aquatic organisms (including
potentially invasive diseases or diseases of potentially invasive host organisms used in aquaculture) that
may also infect wild populations. The ODA’s Division of Animal Health Chief is charged with preventing
the spread of “dangerously contagious or infectious disease, providing for the control and eradication of
such disease, and cooperating with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) in such work”
(ORC 940.02). If such a disease is detected, the director has authority to impose quarantine, including of
an individual animal or of a “geographic area” if the director determines such broad quarantine
necessary (ORC 941.07). This authority was invoked in 2007 to issue quarantine on Ohio’s Lake Erie
region in response to an outbreak of the invasive fish disease viral hemorrhagic septicemia (VHS) among
several wild populations of fishes, both native and AIS, within Lake Erie. The order prohibited transport
of susceptible fishes by humans from the Lake Erie region as defined by the order.
The ODNR Director has statutory authority to create state wild, scenic, or recreational river areas along
with their corridors up to 1,000 feet from normal waterlines. Beginning in 2009, ODNR’s Division of
Watercraft Chief was given responsibility to develop “rules governing the use, visitation, protection, and
administration” of such areas. The Division is further charged to provide conservation education and to
“provide for corridor protection, restoration, habitat enhancement, and clean-up projects” within these
areas. While they have rule-making authority with respect to management of lands within wild, scenic,
and recreational river areas, it does not have authority to regulate activities with respect to species that
may disrupt the ecosystems being preserved. The ORC specifically prevents imposition of land use
restrictions by the Division upon private lands along wild, scenic, or recreational river corridors;
however, the Division works with local governments to ensure that local zoning, flood plain, and forest
buffers provide appropriate protection. The ORC states that the Chief or Chief’s representative "may
participate in watershed-wide planning with federal, state, and local agencies in order to protect the
values of wild, scenic, and recreational river areas" (ORC 1547.81).
Chapter 164 of the ORC details state disbursement of aid to local government for improvements.
Natural resources assistance councils appointed by public works integrating committees are charged
with reviewing various open space acquisition project proposals, including “acquisition of land or rights
in land for parks, forests, wetlands, natural areas that protect an endangered plant or animal
population, other natural areas, and connecting corridors for natural areas,” as well as development of
such land acquisitions to enhance public accessibility to these. Such projects can emphasize “the
reduction or elimination of nonnative, invasive species of plants or animals” and “shall not… encourage
invasive nonnative species” (ORC 164.22).
Within the Lake Erie watershed, enforceable authorities incorporated into the Ohio Coastal
Management Program (OCMP) (duties and definitions detailed in ORC 1506) can be invoked against
federal agencies through application of the federal consistency provision (Section 307) of the federal
Coastal Zone Management Act (16 United States Code [U.S.C.] 1541 et.seq.). The consistency provision
applies to all federally conducted, funded, and permitted activities that may affect land or water uses of
the coastal area, as defined by the OCMP, whether or not they occur directly within the OCMP
management boundary. This took effect with implementation of the OCMP following federal approval
by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in 1997.
The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact (ORC 1522), while originally drafted
through region-wide collaboration, is implemented at the state level. Passed by the States of Illinois,
Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, and Wisconsin in 2008, and amended within Ohio in
2012, the Compact facilitates inter-jurisdictional management of the use of the water resources of the
Great Lakes. The compact makes little mention of AIS. However, communities with corporate
boundaries falling partly within the basin or partly within two Great Lakes watersheds do pose some risk
of AIS transfer. These communities are permitted some exception to the prohibition on water diversions
given that the volume of water diverted from the Great Lakes basin is returned, less an allowance for
consumptive use. If some portion of the volume used to fulfill the replacement criterion originates
outside the Great Lakes basin, it must be treated to meet water quality discharge standards and “to
prevent the introduction of invasive species into the basin” (ORC 1522.4.9).
In addition to exercising its statutory and regulatory authorities, the State currently fosters extensive
research and education/outreach programs through ODNR, OEPA, the Ohio Lake Erie Commission’s Lake
Erie Protection Fund, the Ohio Sea Grant College Program, the Great Lakes Aquatic Ecosystem Research
Consortium, the Great Lakes Regional Research Information Network, occasional programs of the
International Joint Commission’s Council of Great Lakes Research Managers, the Asian Carp Regional
Coordinating Committee , regional panels of the Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force, state universities,
and others. Informational efforts focus upon educating recreational water users and commercial
enterprises regarding methods to reduce impacts of human activity related to introduction and spread
of AIS. Research efforts have focused upon pollutant uptake mechanisms, potential control methods,
and effects of increased water clarity, predator-prey relationships, and other trophic-level interactions.
Some research effort has been expended to quantify economic impacts of AIS on the State or region
(e.g., Rosaen et al. 2012, Windle et al. 2008).
The State of Ohio straddles two major watersheds. The northern third of Ohio lies within the Great
Lakes basin, and the southern two-thirds of the State is part of the Mississippi River basin. Both of these
basins have been significantly impacted by AIS, with many of the most significant invasions occurring
within the last 30 years. The Great Lakes have a long history of AIS introductionsboth intentional and
unintentional. As of 2014, more than 190 introduced species have been reported in the Great Lakes
basin (i.e., Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, St. Clair, Erie, Ontario, and their connecting channels and
water bodies within their respective drainages) (Mills et al. 1993, Ricciardi 2001, Ricciardi 2006).
Specific to Ohio, the United States Geological Survey listing of nonindigenous aquatic species
(http://nas.er.usgs.gov/queries/SpeciesList.aspx?group=&state=OH&Sortby=1) currently lists 113 AIS
within the following taxonomic Groups: bryozoans, coelenterate, crustaceans, fishes, mammals,
mollusks, and reptiles. High-profile AIS include the zebra and quagga mussels, Sea Lampreys, Round
Goby, and invasive carps.
Coordinating rapid AIS response operations will involve numerous response agencies and jurisdictions.
A synchronized effort across the jurisdictions within the State of Ohio will be crucial. This AIS Plan
applies to and is in effect for the following cases:
A new non-native species is discovered in aquatic areas under the exclusive management
authority of the State of Ohio.
A new population of an established non-native species is discovered in aquatic areas outside of
its known distribution area.
Of particular note are AIS which may present an imminent and substantial danger to public health or
welfare. The ODNR is committed to joint operations with the federal agencies and adjoining state
jurisdictions having authority to conduct AIS response activities. This concept is consistent with and
expands upon existing emergency preparedness and response systems and doctrine such as the
National Response Framework and National Incident Management System.
To the extent practicable, AIS response operations shall be consistent with federal, state, and local
plans, including this AIS RRP that represents the ODNR’s response plan. Additionally, compliance with
incident-specific Environmental Assessments (EA) and Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) may also
be required.
Implementation of this RRP will proceed in conjunction with the Ohio AIS State Management Plan and
the Ohio Invasive Carp Tactical Plan within the State of Ohio prior to or following a rapid response
The Midwest Region of the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) has developed a draft Categorical
Exclusion that, if approved, would cover AIS rapid response actions. A categorical exclusion, if approved,
would expedite compliance with National Environmental Policy Act. However, until that approval occurs,
programmatic EAs or EISs are needed, minimally, to justify actions supported by use of USFWS funds.
Even after development and approval of a programmatic EA or EIS, development and approval of a short
addendum may be necessary (along with release of it to the public for comment, prior to a decision to
act, in the case of a Programmatic EIS).
The Endangered Species Act (ESA) directs all federal agencies to work to conserve endangered and
threatened species and to use their authorities to further the purposes of the ESA. Section 7 of the ESA,
called "Interagency Cooperation," is the mechanism by which federal agencies or other entities funded
by a federal agency (action agency) ensure the actions they take, including those they fund or authorize,
do not jeopardize the existence of any listed species.
This RRP encompasses the land and waters governed by the State of Ohio (Figure 1). Generally, ODNR
DOW has responsibility to control AIS. Issues that have the potential to expand beyond Ohio boundaries
will necessitate the involvement of other agencies including adjacent states, the Provence of Quebec,
the US Fish and Wildlife Service, and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Region V.
Figure 1. Ohio watershed boundaries and major waterways.
The rapid response action steps given below and diagramed in Figure 2 should be followed
chronologically, but the process may end at varying points depending upon the details of each specific
situation. In addition, this plan is designed to complement and be used in conjunction with other
existing plans (e.g., Ohio’s State Management Plan, Ohio’s Invasive Carp Tactical Plan, and the DOW
Fisheries Tactical Plan). The RRP flowchart in Figure 2 is intended to accompany the narrative section of
the RRP below but can also be used as a summary/overview of the RRP actions. Action 1 commences
upon receiving a report of an AIS.
Figure 2. Aquatic Invasive Species Rapid Response Action Steps.
Action 1: Report find to appropriate personnel
Reports of invasive species come from a wide variety of sources, including the general public, partner
organizations, and state agencies. The agency receiving the report will record the information listed
below on the AIS Reporting Worksheet (Appendix A) and, if necessary, use Appendix B: Contacts for
Invasive Species Information in Ohio, to direct the report to the proper state agency staff. Reports of
high-priority species from the Aquatic Invasive Species Watch List (Appendix C) should be confirmed as
having been received by appropriate staff to ensure timely response and so that the information is not
inadvertently lost. Information should be recorded on the Aquatic Invasive Species Reporting Worksheet
(Appendix D) by/from the person submitting a report of a new invasive species.
Action 2: Is the report an unknown or high-risk species
When an AIS report is received, the appropriate staff (as determined from Action 1 above) uses their
best professional judgment to determine threat level and priority. When high-threat priority species
(Appendix C) are reported from a credible source with an appropriate level of documentation (photos,
detailed description, etc.) then species identification and verification (Action 3) is initiated:
High-threat/priority reports may include invasive species that represent previously known invasive
species from Ohio but are also:
Outlier populations/occurrences invasive species that may already be present in Ohio, but are
being reported in a unique, new regional location (i.e., first occurrence for the Lake Erie
watershed, etc.);
Threats to rare and endangered native species and/or habitat; or
A leading edge of an expanding invasive species.
If the reported species does not meet the above criteria, no further rapid response action is taken using
this procedure. The outcome of this action should be reported back to the original person or entity that
submitted the report. The report may be noted, recorded, or shared with other entities, as appropriate.
Action 3: Identify/verification of the species
Once it has been determined that a report is for a high-threat priority species, the appropriate
personnel, as identified in Appendix B, will facilitate verification of the report and/or specimen. In some
cases, Action 3 can occur in collaboration with the risk assessment in Action 4.
Newly reported AIS must be verified by an expert who is recognized by the responding agency. When
possible and deemed necessary, specimens should be verified by a second expert and voucher
specimens should be retained and stored properly for future analysis. A site visit may also be necessary
for species identification/verification if a specimen or sufficient evidence was not provided. In some
instances, the information provided from the initial report in Action 1 may be enough to properly
identify a species and verify its existence. This is particularly true if a voucher specimen is provided by
the original reporter. Proper permitting should be obtained for federal or state restricted and prohibited
invasive species during this action.
If the reported species is confirmed to be a native species (false-positive report) or a known occurrence
of AIS, then no further rapid response action is taken. Similarly, if the species is unable to be found or
located as reported, the responding agency may use best professional judgment to end the response
action or conduct a more thorough search. The report may be noted in a log to track common
misidentifications and other reporting trends. Results from this action may be communicated to
relevant partners and stakeholders, as appropriate.
Initial communication with key partners, stakeholders, and other appropriate entities should be
considered during this action. For example, if the reported AIS have been verified to be an invasive plant
species regulated under the federal noxious weeds list or an injurious wildlife species regulated under
the Lacey Act, the USDA and/or the USFWS should be notified. Entities with jurisdictional and/or
management authority for the location of the infestation should also be considered for contact during
this action. In some cases, property owners may need to be contacted for permission so that verification
can occur. A press release or other public notification should also be considered after positive
verification has occurred to facilitate additional detections, aid in containment and limiting the spread of
the invasion, and raising awareness about the issue.
Action 4: Risk Assessment - Conduct risk assessment to determine if the species is a candidate for
rapid response
Confirmation of a new occurrence of a high-threat priority AIS in the state or watershed will result in a
risk assessment of the invasion and specific situation. In some cases, this process can occur in
collaboration with Action 3 above. AIS reports being considered as part of this action are deemed to
represent high-threat priority AIS (Appendix C). The specific details of a particular occurrence or invasion
(magnitude, location, etc.), will inform the decision about whether a rapid response is feasible and
necessary. The risk assessment conducted as part of Action 4 is intended as an information gathering
process to determine the potential environmental, economic, or human health threat, and evaluate if
the AIS and the particular details of the occurrence make it a candidate for a rapid response. There are
some quantitative and concrete criteria that can be used for the assessment; however, best professional
judgment of the circumstances will be used to determine if a response is appropriate and can
realistically minimize the AIS threat.
The appropriate personnel, with the assistance from other sources if needed, will conduct the risk
assessment and record related details on the Aquatic Invasive Species Risk Assessment Worksheet
(Appendix D). The following factors may be used:
Is the species a new invasion to the state or to a geographic location within the state?
Is the species known to cause significant impacts in its native range and/or is the species known to
be invasive outside of its native range?
Is there knowledge of the source of introduction and risk of reintroduction or further spread?
Was the invasion detected early?
Is the infestation small and localized?
Can the species be quarantined/contained while control measures are planned and implemented?
Is there acceptance that not responding will have serious impacts?
Is the location public or directly connected to public resources (i.e., public land or water)?
Following the risk assessment, the invasion should be classified as either low risk or high/unknown risk.
If the outcome is low risk, the occurrence is noted but no further rapid response action is taken using
this plan. If the outcome is high or unknown risk, proceed to Action 5.
Results from this action may be communicated to relevant partners and stakeholders, per the discretion
of the responding agency. Nearby property owners (individual and/or associations), municipalities (city,
township, county), and other relevant parties should be considered. Many of these entities may be
valuable resources for conducting the risk assessment and may be able to provide information that
might otherwise not be available to the responding agency.
The lead agency should also consider a press release during this action to raise awareness for the issue
and stay in front of misinformation, rumors, and general questions. The press release should include
mention of the initial report, confirmation of species identification, biological information, and
appropriate results from the risk assessment in Action 4. Lastly, the press release should also give a
general description of the next steps (“assess response options,” etc.), and provide a point of contact for
questions and additional information.
Action 5: Assess rapid response options
To determine the appropriate response options, previously obtained scientific information on the
species and the infestation will be used to evaluate response availability and feasibility. The agency with
jurisdictional authority and/or the appropriate personnel, with the assistance from other sources as
appropriate, will assess the response options using best professional judgment. This assessment may
include (but is not limited to) answering additional questions such as:
Are known successful treatment/response options available?
Are there serious environmental issues or regulatory hurdles that will lead to delays or greatly
increase the cost of the response?
Are there threatened or endangered species present?
Are the AIS in a high priority natural community?
Are there social or economic reasons to treat?
Are there concerns with infrastructure or human safety?
If permits are needed, can they be obtained in a timely manner?
Is there a need for law enforcement or investigation associated with the infestation?
What are the unintended or non-target impacts of the response options?
Does the response require multiple uses or long-term control?
Is there adequate physical access to the site?
Will permission be necessary and available from local landowners?
What are the current funding conditions for response efforts?
Can response efforts be conducted by agency staff, or will response efforts require contract
assistance (or both)?
Are there opportunities for collaboration with stakeholders and partner agencies?
While some response options are focused on eradication, it is important to also consider options such as
biological control, monitoring, and education and outreach efforts. If eradication is not feasible or
desirable, alternate options may be useful for preventing further spread of the AIS or raising awareness
in other locations that could potentially become invaded. In some instances, no rapid response may be
feasible or available and, therefore, no further rapid response action may be taken. The results of Action
5 should be shared with appropriate partners, federal agencies, local municipalities, property owners,
and other relevant entities to ensure consistent and accurate sharing of information. Once the
assessment of response options is complete, proceed to Action 6.
Action 6: Response level - Decide whether to use ICS
The first step in planning a response is to determine if an Incident Command System (ICS) is appropriate.
Certain response scenarios can benefit from a highly coordinated and structured format, such as an ICS.
An ICS is a systematic tool used for the command, control, and coordination of emergency responses
and is commonly used by federal and state agencies to respond to emergency events such as floods,
fires, and other high-threat situations. See Appendix E for more details on an ICS and how to implement
the system for AIS rapid response.
As with many of the above actions, determining whether or not to use an ICS in a response to AIS is
ultimately decided using best professional judgment. Specific factors to consider include:
Are federal resources or federal agencies involved?
Is the response jurisdictionally or operationally complex? (Multiple agencies involved several
levels of authorities, AIS invasion and response crosses state/federal borders, etc.)?
Is the response action outside of the “routine operations” of the responding agency?
Is chemical control part of the response action?
What is the scale of the response action (local, regional, statewide, etc.)?
Is there a significant threat to public health and safety?
AIS rapid response that does NOT involve an ICS typically includes a response that is within routine
operations of the lead responding agency and is jurisdictionally simple (only one agency has clear
If an ICS will NOT be used for response planning and implementation, proceed to Action 7a. If an ICS will
be used, proceed to Action 7b.
Action 7a: Planned Assessment - Plan and implement the response (Not using ICS)
This action involves the logistical and operational planning and implementation for the chosen response
and is performed by an AIS core team that includes fish management program administrators and other
key staff within the agency with jurisdictional authority and with assistance from other sources as
appropriate. While Action 7a does not involve ICS protocols, some elements of an ICS may be used
where applicable. For example, it may be beneficial to appoint an incident commander and a command
team for decision making.
In general, planning and implementing AIS rapid response without using an ICS should:
Follow standard decision support and chain of command protocols of the lead responding
agency and
Follow standard lead responding agency policies for communication, safety, operations,
logistics, equipment, personnel, and finance/spending.
The AIS core team should be notified of rapid response planning and implementation. Additionally,
communication should continue with any of the entities contacted during the previous actions to keep
everyone updated and informed of progress. A second press release may be issued during this action to
notify constituents and the general public of the rapid response process and progress.
Once rapid response has been implemented, proceed to Action 8.
Action 7b: ICS - Plan and implement the response using ICS
This action uses the ICS to plan and ultimately implement a rapid response. For more details about AIS
rapid response involving an ICS, refer to Appendix E. The following are general steps/guidelines for AIS
rapid response that involve ICS:
Planning Phase:
Appoint Incident Commander (IC)/Unified Command (UC).
IC/UC review of all previous information obtained during Actions 15.
IC/UC refers to ICS flowchart to determine current status within “Planning P.”
Proceed as directed by IC/UC following the "Planning P" (appoint appropriate officers,
Develop an Incident Action Plan (see Appendix E).
Implementation Phase:
Carry out the Incident Action Plan following the “Planning P” (see Appendix E).
Follow policies developed by IC/UC and appropriate ICS officers.
Follow protocols and procedures developed by, and under the direction of, IC/UC and
appropriate ICS officers.
Once ICS rapid response planning and implementation is complete, proceed to Action 8.
Action 8: Create an after-action report and begin adaptive management
An after-action report will be produced after each response to summarize and document the process
from the initial report of the invasion through the conclusion of the response implementation. While a
full after-action report is only needed for responses that continue beyond Action 4, other reports of AIS
that end prior to Action 4 should still be documented for future reference and decision support.
Adaptive management is a process for continually improving management policies and practices by
learning from the outcomes of operational programs. Adaptive management is crucially important to
the implementation of a rapid response to AIS. Ideally, adaptive management will include an evaluation
of response effectiveness, mitigation and/or restoration of treatment areas, an assessment of
reintroduction risks, and post-procedure monitoring. Additionally, education and outreach efforts
should continue during the adaptive management phase of the RRP to help articulate/communicate
outcomes of the response.
California Department of Fish and Game. 2008. Draft rapid response plan for aquatic invasive species in
California in California aquatic invasive species management plan. 136 pp. + appendices.
Lodge, D.M., S. Williams, H. MacIsaac, K. Hayes, B. Leung, L. Loope, S. Reichard, R.N. Mack, P.B. Moyle,
M. Smith, D.A. Andow, J.T. Carlton, and A. McMichael. 2006. Biological invasions: recommendations for
policy and management [Position Paper for the Ecological Society of America]. Ecological Applications
Mills, E. L., J. H. Leach, J. T. Carlton, and C. L. Secor. 1993. Exotic species in the Great Lakes: A history of
biotic crises and anthropogenic introductions. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 19(1):154.
NISC (National Invasive Species Council). 2003. General guidelines for the establishment and evaluation
of invasive species early detection and rapid response systems. Version 1. 16 pp.
NISC (National Invasive Species Council). 2008. 2008 2012 National Invasive Species Management
Plan. 35 pp.
Ricciardi, A. 2001. Facilitative interactions among aquatic invaders: is an “invasional meltdown”
occurring in the Great Lakes? Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 58:25132525.
Ricciardi, A. 2006. Patterns of invasion in the Laurentian Great Lakes in relation to changes in vector
activity. Diversity and Distributions 12:425433.
Rosaen, A.L., E.A. Grover, C.W. Spencer, and P.L. Anderson. 2012. The Costs of Aquatic Invasive Species
to Great Lakes States. Anderson Economic Group LLC, East Lansing, MI.
Smits, J. and F. Moser, editors. 2009. Rapid response planning for aquatic invasive species: a template.
Mid-Atlantic Panel on Aquatic Invasive Species. 43 pp.
Windle, P. N., R. H. Kranz, and M. La. 2007. Invasive species in Ohio: Pathways, policies, and costs. Union
of Concerned Scientists, Cambridge, MA.
AIS: Aquatic Invasive Species
DOW: Division of Wildlife
EA: Environmental Assessment
EIS: Environmental Impact Statement
ESA: Endangered Species Act
IC: Incident Commander
ICS: Incident Command System
OAC: Ohio Administrative Code
OCMP: Ohio Coastal Management Program
ODA: Ohio Department of Agriculture
ODNR: Ohio Department of Natural Resources
OEPA: Ohio Environmental Protection Agency
ORC: Ohio Revised Code
NANPCA: Nonindigenous Aquatic Nuisance Prevention and Control Act
NISC: National Invasive Species Council
RRP: Rapid Response Plan
US: Unified command
USDA: United States Department of Agriculture
USEPA: United States Environmental Protection Agency
USFWS: United States Fish and Wildlife Service
VHS: Viral hemorrhagic septicemia
Appendix A: Aquatic Invasive Species Reporting Worksheet
Aquatic Invasive Species Reporting Worksheet
Reporters contact information
Type of invasive species being reported (circle one):
Aquatic Plant
Common name:
Scientific name:
Physical description (approximate size, color, density, etc.):
Was specimen obtained (Yes/No):
Was photograph taken (Yes/No):
Date of observation:
Location of observation (county, township, water body):
Coordinates (latitude/longitude):
Additional location details (habitat, environmental conditions, etc.):
Appendix B: Contacts for Invasive Species Information in Ohio
Contacts for Invasive Species Information in Ohio
Aquatic Invasive Species
Email and Phone
Aquatic Invasive Species Program
Questions on overall Aquatic Invasive Species Program
and Ohio’s Aquatic Invasive Species State Management
John Navarro
Aquatic Invasive Plants
General questions about aquatic plant identification and
early detection, rapid response, and monitoring
Chemical Control - Questions on the chemical control of
aquatic species, permitting, and submerged plant
Mechanical Removal - Questions about mowing and
other forms of mechanical control, permitting, and Great
Lakes Shoreline management.
Phragmites Questions about identification and the
control of invasive phragmites.
Bob Ford
Aquatic Invasive Animals
Questions about invasive carp identification, status in
Ohio, Ohio’s Invasive Carp Management Plan, other fish
(e.g. snakehead) and aquatic animals (e.g. crayfish).
John Navarro
Great Lakes Regional Coordination
Questions on Great Lakes coordination, restoration, and
Jeff Tyson
Ballast Water
General questions on Ohio’s ballast water program and
Ohio’s Section 401 certification.
Paul Novak
Appendix C: Aquatic Invasive Species “Watch List”
Aquatic Invasive Species “Watch List”
Fish and other Aquatic Animals
Asian carps
o Silver Carp (Hypophthalmicthys molitrix)
o Bighead Carp (Hypophthalmichthys noblis)
o Black Carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus)
o Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella)
Northern Snakehead (Channa argus)
Red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkia)
Any unknown fish or aquatic animal (e.g., other crayfish or mussel)
Aquatic Plants
Parrot feather (Myriophylumm aqauticum)
European frog-bit (Hydrocharis morsus-ranae)
Flowering rush (Butomus umbellatus)
Brazilian elodea (Egeria densa)
Hydrilla (Hyrdrilla verticillata)
Water chestnut (Trapa natans)
Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes)
Water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes)
Any other unidentified invasive plant
Appendix D: Aquatic Invasive Species Risk Assessment
Aquatic Invasive Species Risk Assessment Worksheet
1) Is the species a new invasion to the state or to a geographic location with the state
2) Is the species known to cause significant impacts in its native range and/or is the species
known to be invasive outside of its native range (Yes/No)?
3) Is there knowledge of the source of introduction and risk of reintroduction or further
spread (Yes/No)?
4) Was the invasion detected early (Yes/No)?
5) Is the infestation small and localized (Yes/No)?
6) Can the species be quarantined or contained while control measures are planned and
implemented (Yes/No)?
7) Is there acceptance that not responding will have serious impacts (Yes/No)?
8) Is the location public or directly connected to public resources (i.e., public land or water)
Appendix E: Incident Command System for Aquatic
Invasive Species Rapid Response
The Incident Command System (ICS) is a standardized, on-scene, all-hazards incident
management approach that:
Allows for the integration of facilities, equipment, personnel, procedures, and
communications operating within a common organizational structure.
Enables a coordinated response among various jurisdictions and functional
agencies, both public and private.
Establishes common processes for planning and managing resources.
The ICS is flexible and can be used for incidents of any type, scope, and complexity because it
allows users to adopt an integrated organizational structure to match the complexities and
demands of single or multiple incidents at varying scales. In AIS rapid response situations, an ICS
provides a systematic approach to guide departments and agencies at all levels of government,
non-government organizations and the private sector to work together seamlessly.
In Ohio, if a rapid response to newly reported AIS is determined to be appropriate for ICS (see
Action 6 in Rapid Response Plan for Aquatic Invasive Specie), the ICS organizational structure,
planning, and implementation details below will be used.
The ICS organizational structure has five major functional elements (Figure 1) - command,
operations, planning, logistics, and finance/administration - and develops in a modular fashion,
as needed, based on the size and complexity of the incident. As deemed necessary, the Incident
Commander (IC) may appoint a Safety Officer, Liaison Officer, and Public Information Officer
(PIO) collectively known as the “Command Staff.” The “General Staff” may consist of an
Operations Chief, a Planning Chief, a Logistic Chief, and a Finance\Administrative Chief, or any
necessary combination of these positions. The IC is ultimately responsible for establishment and
expansion of the ICS organization, based on needs and requirements of the response.
The organizational structure of the AIS RRP personnel can impact the efficiency and
effectiveness of overall AIS response operations, including staffing and resource decisions.
Using an ICS as the core organizational framework, the IC can establish Sections, Branches,
Groups, Units, and Strike Teams based on incident demands. Each of these functional divisions
should be managed by a Chief, Director, Supervisor, or Leader. The management span of control
for any one individual should not be less than three or exceed seven direct reports.
Figure 1: Basic ICS Organizational Structure
Incident command is accomplished using one of two approaches. When an incident (priority AIS
invasion), occurs within a single jurisdiction, and without jurisdictional or functional agency
overlap, a single IC is designated with overall incident management responsibility by the
appropriate jurisdictional authority. However, when a rapid response involves multiple
jurisdictions, a single jurisdiction with multiagency involvement, or multiple jurisdictions with
multiagency involvement, establishment of a UC allows agencies with different legal,
geographic, and functional authorities and responsibilities to work together effectively without
affecting individual agency authority, responsibility, or accountability.
A UC is essentially the shared responsibility of command among several Incident Commanders.
Attributes and responsibilities of a UC Unified Command are identical to an Incident
Commander. Indicators that the response should be managed by a UC include when an incident:
Crosses geographic boundaries (e.g., two states)
Involves various governmental levels (e.g., federal, state, local)
Impacts different functional responsibilities
Includes different statutory responsibilities
Has some combination of the above
If you can answer “yes” to all four of the following questions for the particular type of incident
that you are responding to, then a UC is appropriate:
Does my organization have jurisdictional authority or functional responsibility under a
law or ordinance for this type of incident?
Is my organization specifically charged with commanding, coordinating, or managing a
major aspect of the response?
Does my organization have the resources to support participation in the response or
Does the incident or response operation impact my organization’s area of
An AIS rapid response can span multiple geographic or functional authorities and require use of
UC. By working together as a team under UC, all agencies with jurisdictional authority or
functional responsibility for the incident jointly provide management direction through a
common set of incident objectives and a single planning process. Under UC, a single agency may
still be designated as the overall lead, and that agency’s official or pre-established
representative is identified as the IC for incident management.
Centralized, coordinated incident action planning is used to guide all response activities and
specify communications management objectives throughout the entire ICS organization.
Management by objectives is accomplished through a systematic planning process that:
1. Sets overall priorities within assigned geographical area
2. Determines appropriate strategies for use in achieving priorities
3. Develops and issues assignments, plans, procedures, and protocols
4. Establishes specific, measurable tactics or tasks in support of defined strategies
5. Allocates critical resources based on priorities
6. Ensures objectives are met and strategies are followed
7. Documents results to measure performance and facilitates corrective actions.
The systematic operation of AIS rapid response actions may require a repetitive schedule to
promote internal and external continuity during and following staffing transitions. During each
operational period, situation reports help staff understand the incident situation and
responders’ efforts. The Incident Action Plan (IAP) establishes goals for future operational
periods. Figure 2 illustrates the initial typical ICS initial operational cycle (“Planning P”).
Subsequent cycles skip the initiation procedures and resources are continuously identified and
distributed based on guidance from the IC, Operations Section Chief, and the IAP.
Figure 2: ICS “Planning P”
An IAP is the central tool for conveying planning and operational instructions for all response
participants and should provide a clear statement of objectives and actions, a basis for
measuring work effectiveness and progress, and a record of accountability. The level of detail
required in an IAP varies according to the size and complexity of the response. Regardless of the
number of response partners, a single IAP should be generated by the IC/UC. The following
explains the planning process required to develop an IAP.
The IAP is prepared by the Planning Section with direction from the Command Staff and input
from the appropriate Sections, Branches, and Units of the General Staff. It should be written at
the outset of response and revised continually. The goals and objectives are laid out and
reviewed by each section, based on its objectives. Each section is responsible for the following
items to produce the IAP:
Incident Command/UC
o Incident objectives and strategy
o Overall management and strategy
Planning Section
o Leadership of planning meeting and operation shift briefing
o Preparation of the IAP
Operations Section
o Determination of resource requirements
o Determination of division boundaries
o Determination of tactics
o Determination of Division/Group work assignments for Operations personnel
Logistics Section
o Determination of logistical objectives
o Determination of logistical staging areas and facilities
o Determination of logistical assignments and progress
o Determination of re-deployable resources accountability
o Determination of in-transit resources status
o Assurance that Logistics Section can support the IAP
Finance Section
o Determination of cost implications of incident objectives
o Assurance that IAP is within the financial limits established by the IC
The contents of the IAP include all of the following:
Event name The name of the response event, typically based on location of the most
heavily impacted area and the type of event (example: “Operation Grand Haven Goby”)
Date/time prepared The day/time the IAP was prepared
Operational period The timeframe the IAP covers
General control objectives - A prioritized list of measureable tasks to be accomplished in
the specified operational period
Status updates Objectives completed during past operational periods, resource
Organization and chain of command Written description of the
organizational/command structure
Safety/hazard information
Demobilization instructions/plans
The following job descriptions may serve as guidelines for selecting individuals to fill each
Command and General Staff position. While not an exhaustive list, the “desired attributes”
highlight important skills and personality characteristics that should be considered when
appointing individuals to positions. Once the IC chooses his/her staff, the list of primary
responsibilities may help the staff to understand their role in the ICS rapid response process.
Incident Commander
Desired Attributes: Proven leader, experienced in risk management, strong communicator
Primary Responsibilities:
Determine incident priorities
Establish incident objectives
Manage tactical operations
Assure safety of responders and public
Identify and order the necessary resources to accomplish objectives
Keep organization briefed
Evaluating contingencies
Operations Section Chief
Desired Attributes: Leader, gives clear direction, conscientious
Primary Responsibilities:
Manage tactical operations
Ensure tactical operations are conducted safely
Maintain close communications with the IC/UC
Identify required tactical resources to accomplish response objectives
Planning Section Chief
Desired Attributes: Strong facilitator and communicator
Primary Responsibilities:
Keep everyone working together
Provide current, accurate situation status and concise briefings in support of the ICS
process meeting schedule
Accurately track all resources
Facilitate the planning process by conducting timely meetings and working closely with
the Operation Section Chief, Logistics Section Chief, and Command Staff
Ensure thorough documentation of all key decisions
Establish and maintain a complete list of things that must be accomplished, ensuring
that each item on the list is assigned to the appropriate ICS element (e.g., Operations,
Logistics, etc.)
Logistics Section Chief
Desired Attributes: Experienced in logistical support, detail-oriented, propensity for customer
service and teamwork
Primary Responsibilities:
Anticipate incident’s potential for growth and plan resource and personnel
requirements accordingly
Develop and implement a resource ordering and tracking process
Ensure an effective communication network is in place to support incident operations
Support development of the IAP
Ensure that Command and General Staff are aware of excessive costs
Ensure appropriate demobilization (e.g., account for property and services, properly
dispose of hazardous materials)
Finance/Administration Section Chief
Desired Attributes: Experienced in finance/administration, detail-oriented, organized
Primary Responsibilities:
Ensure the proper completion of response cost-accounting documentation
Coordinate and manage response budgets and cost estimates
Provide financial support for contracting services, purchases, and payments
Project the “burn rate” of funding and advise the IC/UC when a ceiling must be
Maintain a daily inventory of all purchases
Forward all invoices to the appropriate agency processing center for payment
Liaison Officer
Desired Attributes: Interpersonal skills, highly organized, knowledge of local stakeholders,
communications skills via phone, in person, and by electronic means
Primary Responsibilities:
Provide agencies and organizations with a schedule for incident and determining their
information needs
Keep the IC/UC informed on issues dealing with assisting agencies, cooperating
agencies, stakeholders
Coordinate with the Public Information Officer
Coordinate VIP visits
Coordinate outreach efforts (e.g., community meetings)
Oversee external messages to stakeholders
Serve as contact point for stakeholders, politicians and their staff, government agencies,
nongovernmental agencies, industry partners
Identify public and private concerns related to the incident
Maintain master list of contact numbers
Public Information Officer
Desired Attributes: Experienced in public affairs, communications savvy
Primary Responsibilities:
Support the public communications needs of the IC/UC
Gather and disseminate incident information (e.g., number of responders)
Work closely with the Liaison Officer to inform public and stakeholders
Assist in establishing and implementing communications requirements such as holding
press conferences, disseminating press releases, answering media queries
Attend command meetings to exchange information with the IC/UC and to get approval
of information to be released
Ensure that the response organization is kept informed on the overall response efforts
Coordinate media activities with the Command and General Staff (especially the
Operations Section Chief)
Determine need to develop an Outreach Plan
Safety Officer
Desired Attributes: Understands regulations, risk management skills, technical expertise
Primary Responsibilities:
Work with the Operations Section Chief to identify and mitigate safety hazards
associated with planned strategies and tactics
Participate in the planning process
Identify hazardous situations associated with the incident
Participate in the development of the IAP
Exercise authority to stop or prevent unsafe tactics
Investigate accidents and injuries that have occurred in the incident areas
Develop appropriate safety plans for the response
Monitor compliance with safety requirements
For more information on the ICS please go to: http://www.fema.gov/incident-command-system