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AWWA State of the
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Established in 1881, the American
Water Works Association (AWWA) is
the largest nonpro t, scientifi c, and
educational association dedicated to
providing solutions to manage the
worlds most important resource
water. With approximately 50,000
members and 5,000 volunteers, AWWA
provides solutions to improve public
health, protect the environment,
strengthen the econom y, and enhance
our quality of life.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
METHODOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Purpose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
WATER INDUSTRY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
State of the Water Industry . . . . . . 15
PART 3—ISSUES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
System Stewardship . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Water Resources Management . . . 32
Value of Water (Resources/
Systems and Services). . . . . . . . . . . 41
Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Workforce Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Other Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
PART 4—CONCLUSIONS. . . . . . . . . . . 51
REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
APPENDIX A—2015 State of the
Water Industry Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Responses by Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
APPENDIX C—2015 Health of
the Industry Responses by Location . . . 62
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Executive Summary
AWWA has been formally tracking issues and
trends in the water industry since 2004 through
the State of the Water Industry (SOTWI) study.
AWWA continues to conduct this annual sur-
vey in order to:
Identify and track significant challenges
facing the water industry
Provide data and analysis to support water
professionals as they develop and commu-
nicate strategies to address current issues
Discover and highlight potential problems
or concerns on the water industry’s horizon
Inform decision makers and the public of
the challenges faced by the industry
In September 2014, emails were randomly sent
to a general list of AWWA members and con-
tacts inviting participation in the 2015 SOTWI
survey. A total of 1,747 respondents completed
a majority of the survey. Because the amount of
self-selection bias is unknown, no estimates of
error have been calculated.
Some of the major findings of this study are:
The current health of the industry as rated
by all respondents was 4.5 on a scale of 1 to
7, down slightly from the 2014 score of 4.6;
this score has fallen into a range of 4.5 to 4.9
since the survey began in 2004.
In looking forward five years, the sound-
ness of the water industry was expect-
ed to decline to 4.4 from the 2014 score of
4.5 (again out of 7.0); this score has fallen
into a range of 4.4 to 5.0 since the survey’s
The top five most important issues were
identified as follows:
1. Renewal and replacement (R&R) of aging
water and wastewater infrastructure
2. Financing for capital improvements
3. Long-term water supply availability
4. Public understanding of the value of
water systems and services
5. Public understanding of the value of
water resources
There is a gap between the financial needs
of water and wastewater systems and the
means to pay for these services through
rates and fees. Nine percent of all respon-
dents felt that water and wastewater utili-
ties are not at all able to cover the full cost of
providing service, including infrastructure
R&R and expansion needs, through cus-
tomer rates and fees. More striking, sixteen
percent of all respondents are concerned
that utilities will not be able to cover the
full cost of providing service in the future.
Thirty percent of utility employees re-
sponded that their utilities are currently
struggling to implement full-cost pricing,
up from 28 percent in 2014. In addition,
38 percent of respondents think they will
struggle to cover the full cost of service in
the future, up from 35 percent in 2014.
Concerning infrastructure R&R, the most
important issue was establishing and fol-
lowing a financial policy for capital rein-
vestment. Other critical concerns in this
area are prioritizing R&R needs and jus-
tifying R&R programs to ratepayers and
oversight bodies (board, council, etc.)
Forty three percent of utility respondents
reported declining total water sales (ei-
ther a >10 year or <10 year trend) while
29 percent of respondents reported their
total water sales were flat or little changed
in the last 10 years. In all, this means that
three-quarters of utilities are facing the is-
sues associated with low or declining water
demand that can dramatically impact cost
recovery, i.e., pricing water to accurately re-
flect its true cost.
The most reported cost recovery strategies
from utility employees were (1)shifting more
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
of the cost recovery from consumption-based
fees to fixed fees within the rate structure,
(2)changes in growth- related fees, (3) shift-
ing rate design to increasing block-rate struc-
ture, and (4)increasing financial reserves.
When asked “How prepared do you think
your utility will be to meet its long-term
water supply needs,” 11 percent of utili-
ty personnel indicated their utility will be
challenged to meet anticipated long-term
water supply needs, up from 10 percent in
Regarding management of groundwater re-
sources, the most important issues identified
through the SOTWI Survey were (1) de-
clining groundwater levels, (2) watershed/
groundwater protection, and (3) ground-
water regulations.
Seventy two percent of respondents felt the
general public has a poor or very poor un-
derstanding of water systems and services
(up from 70 percent in 2014), and 61 percent
felt the general public has a poor or very
poor understanding of water resources (up
from 59 percent in 2014). Similarly, 66 per-
cent of respondents felt residential custom-
ers have a poor or very poor understanding
of water systems and services up (up from
65 percent in 2014), while 59 percent felt the
general public has a poor or very poor un-
derstanding of water resources (up from
56percent in 2014).
The top three current regulatory con-
cerns were identified as (1) chemical spills,
(2)point source pollution, and (3) combined
sewer overflows.
The 2015 SOTWI report provides specific guid-
ance on where the industry feels investments
are most needed and where action would be
most beneficial. Water professionals must work
collectively to develop sound and sustainable
solutions to the issues identified in this report
and to then disseminate and implement them
at the local and regional levels where water-
related decisions are mostly made. Public input
and proactive community involvement are
essential to the success of this process.
AWWA provides a forum for innovation and
leadership in the water industry by not only
identifying and tracking important water issues
but also by focusing the efforts and contribu-
tions of its dedicated volunteers and members
to develop information and guidance to protect
the worlds most important resource—water.
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Part 1Purpose and Methodology
AWWA supports the water industry by provid-
ing solutions to effectively manage the world’s
most important resource—water. AWWA first
developed the SOTWI survey and report in
2004 to
Identify and track significant challenges
facing the water industry
Provide data and analysis to support water
professionals as they develop and commu-
nicate strategies to address current issues
Discover and highlight potential problems
or concerns on the water industry’s horizon
Inform decision makers and the public of
the challenges faced by the industry
AWWAs annual SOTWI survey encourages
reflection on the water industry’s current and
future challenges and priorities, allowing
participants to serve as a voice for their col-
leagues. This industry-wide self-assessment
provides information to support many of the
water community’s common values including
safeguarding public health, supporting and
strengthening communities, and protecting the
environment. Figure 1 highlights these values
and how they are realized.
The SOTWI survey population includes all
water professionals, i.e., those with an under-
standing and appreciation of the issues facing
the entire water industry. The SOTWI survey
classifies participants based on which of the
following categories best describes the type of
organization they work:
Drinking water utility
Wastewater utility
Combined water/wastewater utility (may
include other services too)
Water wholesaler reuse/reclamation utility
Stormwater utility
Consulting firm/consultant
Manufacturer of products
Manufacturer’s representative
Technical services/contractor
Regulatory authority/regulator
Nonutility government (municipal,
federal, etc.)
University/educational institution
Financial industry (ratings agency, investor/
fund rep., etc.)
Law firm/attorney
Nonprofit organization
Safeguard Public Health
Safe drinking water
Fire protection
Water pollution control
Support and Strengthen Communities
Adequate and reliable supplies
Appropriate water quality
Appropriate prices (nancial sustainability)
Protect the Environment
Adequate and reliable supplies
Appropriate water quality
Efcient use of supplies for minimum
impacts (environmental sustainability)
Figure 1. Water Industry Values
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Throughout the SOTWI study, AWWA made
deliberate efforts to anticipate and minimize
errors due to coverage, sampling, nonresponse,
and measurement. Coverage errors can result
when members of the survey population have
an unknown nonzero chance of being included
in the sample. Sampling errors can result if data
is collected from only a subset instead of all
members of the sampling frame, which is the
list from which a sample is to be drawn in order
to represent the survey population. The 2015
SOTWI sample frame consisted of a general
list of AWWA members and contacts. Because
the bulk of AWWA members reside in North
America, the survey primarily reflects water
industry concerns in the United States, Canada,
and Mexico.
A survey sample consists of all units of a popu-
lation that are drawn from the sample frame for
inclusion in the survey. To minimize coverage
errors, the sample for the 2015 SOTWI Survey
was distributed with the goal to provide uni-
form response from states and provinces. Indi-
viduals from the categories in the following
list were randomly selected from AWWAs full
contact list using a generic randomization func-
tion, and the survey was sent to them via email.
To avoid bias, AWWA membership was not
considered in the survey distribution, meaning
it was sent to members and nonmembers alike.
1. All North American utilities (water,
wastewater, combined, etc.)
2. All North American service providers
3. All North American partner agencies
and institutions
4. All Canadian individual members
5. All Mexican individual members
6. All International individual members
7. U.S. individual members as by state with
the goal of producing uniform response
rate by state population
In September, 2014 initial email invitations
were sent to 99,354 randomly selected email
addresses, based on the criteria previously
described. On Sept. 23, 2014, a follow-up email
was sent to this same group. After removing
wholly incomplete responses (i.e., surveys sub-
mitted with no responses at all), the total num-
ber of respondents responding to the 2015
SOTWI survey was 1,747. See Appendix A for
the full 2015 SOTWI survey and Appendix B
for a summary of the location specific response
The data have not been weighted to reflect the
demographic composition of any target popu-
lation. Because the population size (i.e., water
professionals in North America) is not well-
defined and the amount of self-selection bias
is unknown, no estimates of error have been
calculated. For figures summarizing multiple
survey responses, the number of respondents
(n) as reported or shown in headings reflects
the question that returned the lowest number
of respondents of all the questions asked.
Figure 2 shows the total number of respondents
based on their designated current career; all
categories received responses. Approximately
53 percent of respondents (922) indicated they
worked for a utility, while 47 percent (817) were
not directly employed by a utility. The top 5
total responses by career type are as follows:
1. Combined water/wastewater utility:
29% (501)
2. Drinking water utility: 22% (386)
3. Consultant/consulting firm: 18% (312)
4. Government/regulatory agency: 5% (89)
5. Manufacturer of products: 5% (83)
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Figure 2. Number of respondents for the 2015 SOTWI survey by career category (n = 1,747)
Figure 3 shows the age distribution of the
2015 SOTWI survey respondents. The largest
response was from the age range 5564 (30 per-
cent) while the smallest was the age range <25
(2 percent). The age distribution of respondents
was slightly skewed to those who have likely
been water professionals for a longer period of
time, but overall there was reasonable represen-
tation in all age range categories.
The Water Industry Sector. Industry. Community. Profession. These terms
are commonly used interchangeably, but which is the most appropriate?
From an economic perspective, Sectors are top-level descriptors that
divide an economy into a broadly similar functions such as finance and
insurance, manufacturing, construction, or utilities. Within each economic
sector, there is further segmentation into industries. For example, within
the utilities sector, there are electric utilities, gas utilities, and water utili-
ties. Professionals working in the water industry ensure the safe and reli-
able delivery of water, wastewater, reuse, and stormwater services. These
water professionals form a community of leaders that generally shares the
same values of safeguarding public health, supporting and strengthening
communities, and protecting the environment as described in Figure 1.
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Figure 3. Number of respondents for the 2015 SOTWI survey by Age (n=1,746)
Figure 4 provides an overview of the number of
water service connections or collection system
connections served by the utility-career partic-
ipants, of which there were 678 total responses.
Those responding for combined systems were
instructed to use the larger between their sys-
tems’ water and wastewater connections. The
population served by a water or wastewater
system can be estimated by multiplying the
number of connections by 3.5, i.e., there are
approximately 3.5 people are served for each
Utility personnel consist of the following career
Water utility
Wastewater utility
Combined water/wastewater utility
Water wholesaler
Reuse/reclamation utility
Stormwater utility
The largest group of utility respondents served
more than 150,000 connections (meaning popu-
lations greater than approximately 500,000 peo-
ple), while the smallest number of respondents
served between 100,001 to 150,000 connections.
For this survey, small utilities are those that
serve 3,000 or less connections (service popula-
tions of less than approximately 10,000 people).
Ninety percent of the utility personnel who
responded worked for public utilities, while
10percent worked for private utilities.
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Figure 4. Summary of 2015 SOTWI respondents working for a utility by the number of service
connections their utility serves (n= 678)
Any others industry challenges rating at least “very important” but not listed (please
Access to external government funding (for small systems in Canada), affordable
insurance, bulk purchasing initiatives, and affordable debt financing.
Concern that increasingly stringent MCLs (for THMs, for example) will unneces-
sarily elevate costs (and rates).
Infrastructure condition assessment and remaining life determination.
We cannot under estimate the effects of drought and the importance of year-
round conservation. We must diversify our industry and attract new workers to
replace retiring ones. We are already competing with the oil & gas industry who
typically pay more than we do.
Excerpt from open-ended questions
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Part 2State of the Water Industry
The results of the 2015 SOTWI survey are bet-
ter understood against the backdrop of the
waterscape” in North America. As the report
is published, the populations of the Canada,
Mexico, and the United States continue to grow
as shown in Figure 5 although the growth rate
has been leveling off in recent years. For a view
of the current North American population den-
sity, see Figure 6.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(USEPA) provides drinking water system infor-
mation through the federal version of its Safe
Drinking Water Information System. Table 1
provides the number of U.S. community water
systems in 2014 based on the size of the service
population. A community water system pro-
vides water for human consumption through
pipes or other constructed conveyances to at
least 15 service connections or serves an aver-
age of at least 25 people year-round.
Figure 5. Populations (in millions) in North America by Year (created from Google Public Data,,
dq140926b-eng.htm?HPA, and
population-of-mexico/ accessed 12/12/14)
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Table 1. U.S. community water system summary (USEPA 2015)
Very Large
>100,000 Total
Number of
28,595 13,727 4,936 3,851 426 51,535
% Total
55 27 10 7 0.8 100
4,738,080 19,688,745 28,758,366 109,769,304 137,250,793 300,205,288
% Total
1.6 6.6 10 37 45.7 100
166 1,434 5,826 28,504 322,185 5,825
Figure 6. North American population density (Britannica Online for Kids
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
As shown in Figure 7, the total number of com-
munity water systems has decreased over the
last four years by 1,338 or 2.5 percent over this
time period. This change reflects an overall
decrease in the number of smaller systems (Very
Small and Small, see Table 1 for definitions) and
an increase in the number of larger systems
(Large and Very Large). These changes gener-
ally support the understanding that urbaniza-
tion and regionalization are increasing.
In late 2014 the United States Geological Survey
released its summary of water use in the United
States through Circular 1405: Estimated Use of
Water in the United States in 2010 (USGS2014).
Figure 8 shows the amount of water with-
drawals across the U.S. from 1950 to 2010. It is
interesting to note that water use in the United
States in 2010 was 13 percent less than in 2005
and was at the lowest level since before 1970.
Most of this decrease occurred because of lower
fresh surface water withdrawals. Of the water
withdrawals in 2010 (355 billion gallons/day or
BGD), approximately 12 percent was used for
public supply (42 BGD); 32 percent was used for
irrigation (115 BGD); and 45 percent was used
for thermoelectric power (161 BGD). Also the
USGS report stated that the average domestic
per capita water use in 2010 was reported to be
88 gallons/day.
Figure 7. Number of community water systems by year (USEPA 2015)
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Figure 8. Water withdrawals in the United States 1950-2010, (USGS 2014)
USEPA tracks the number of operational waste-
water treatment facilities every four years
through its Clean Watersheds Needs Survey
(CWNS). The most recent data available as pub-
lished in 2008 is shown in Table 2, which pro-
vides a summary of the number of wastewater
treatment facilities by flow. USEPA is expected
to deliver the CWNS 2012 Report to Congress
and provides data to the public via the USEPA
website in early 2015.
Statistics Canada provides Canadian system
information through its Human Activity and
the Environment data tracking efforts. Table 3
provides a summary of drinking and waste-
water plants in Canada for public facilities serv-
ing communities of 300 or more people. This
summary does not include federal systems or
facilities administered by Indian and North-
ern Affairs Canada. Table 4 presents the pop-
ulations in Canadian provinces and territories
served by various source waters.
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Table 2. U.S. wastewater system summary (USEPA 2008)
Existing flow range
Number of
Total existing
flow (MGD)
Present design
capacity (MGD)
0.000 to 0.100 5,703 257 490
0.101 to 1.000 5,863 2,150 3,685
1.001 to 10.000 2,690 8,538 13,082
10.001 to 100.000 480 12,847 17,267
100.001 and greater 38 8,553 10,344
6 - -
TOTAL 14,780 32,345 44,868
Alaska, North Dakota, Rhode Island, American Samoa, and the Virgin Islands did not participate in the CWNS 2008
Other—Flow data for these facilities were unavailable
Table 3. Canadian drinking water and wastewater system summary (Statistics Canada 2009)
Population served
Number of
drinking water
Number of
sewage treat-
ment plants
300to500 364 390
501to5,000 1,226 1,272
5,001to50,000 337 366
More than50,000 91 85
Total 2,018 2,113
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Table 4. Canadian population served by drinking water plants for various water sources
(Statistics Canada 2009)
Provinces and Territories
Population Served by Water Source
water Groundwater
Groundwater under
the direct influence
of surface water Total
Newfoundland and Labrador 379,755 28,096 412,091
Prince Edward Island 0 63,807 0 63,807
Nova Scotia 500,351 71,370 4,500 576,221
New Brunswick 224,393 140,923 15,604 380,920
Quebec 6,165,044 935,925 83,763 7,184,732
Ontario 9,708,702 1,288,678 234,390 11,231,770
Manitoba 841,893 110,680 13,754 966,327
Saskatchewan 658,470 139,162 10,155 807,787
Alberta 3,093,062 98,341 47,322 3,238,725
British Columbia 3,500,600 449,046 25,413 3,975,059
Yukon - 27,096 3,500 30,596
Northwest Territories 40,511 - 0 40,511
Nunavut - - - -
Canada (TOTAL) 25,149,570 3,353,524 442,641 28,945,736
Documentation of the number of Mexican water
and wastewater systems and water use was not
available at the time this report was written.
State of the Water Industry
As has been done since the beginning of the
SOTWI survey, the 2015 version asked partici-
pants for their opinion of the current and future
health of the water industry by responding to
the following questions using a scale of 1 to 7
where 1 = not at all sound and 7 = very sound.
In your opinion, what is the current overall state
of the water industry?
Looking forward, how sound will the overall
water industry be five years from now?
Figure 9 shows the average scores to these two
questions from 2004 to present. The current
health of the water industry as rated by all
respondents was 4.5 out of 7.0, down slightly
from the 2014 score of 4.6. However, this score
falls into the range of 4.5 to 4.9, which has been
observed since the beginning of the survey.
Although the minimum error associated with
these responses cannot be estimated, there is
little difference in the water industry health
scores over the last several years. The consis-
tency of these scores suggests that the water
and wastewater industry is resilient in the face
of the local, national, and external crisis that
often impact other sectors and industries.
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Figure 9. Health of the water industry – all respondents (rating scale: 1 to 7)
In five years, the soundness of the water indus-
try is expected to decline to 4.4 from the 2014
score of 4.5 out of 7.0. While leaving aside
potential statistical differences, the current and
forward-looking trends reflect respondent atti-
tudes that the soundness of the water industry
is just a little lower than the historical averages
of 4.7 for the current perception and 4.6 for the
future perception.
In 2008 (during the start of the global recession),
the current and forward-looking assessments
of the water industry’s soundness changed so
that the expectation of future soundness was
less than the current state (i.e., things will be
slightly worse or no better in the future).
In addition to asking about the overall state
of the water industry’s soundness, the 2015
SOTWI survey also posed the following ques-
tions to better capture perspectives on regional
soundness, again using a scale of 1 to 7 where
1= not at all sound and 7 = very sound:
In your opinion, what is the current state of the
water industry in the region where you work
most often?
Looking forward, how sound will the water
industry be five years from now in the region
where you work most often?
Figures 10 and 11 show the soundness of the
overall water industry as reported by those
working in the United States and Canada,
respectively. In terms of the current soundness,
both show small decreases over last year, down
to 4.5 from 4.6 for U.S. respondents and down
to 4.6 from 4.7 for Canadian respondents. The
United States also maintains its trend of a rel-
atively pessimistic future outlook (in compar-
ison to the overall sample) with an expected
average soundness score of 4.4 in 2020. In con-
trast, Canadian participants continued their
relatively optimistic outlook for the future with
an average soundness score of 4.7 for 2020.
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Figure 10. Health of the water industry – U.S. respondents (rating scale: 1 to 7)
Figure 11. Health of the water industry – Canadian respondents (rating scale: 1 to 7)
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
As shown in Table 5, the regional soundness
scores were higher in all cases than the over-
all scores by the same groups. The reasons for
this are not immediately apparent, but one
explanation is that people may have a better
understanding of the water and wastewater
systems in the areas where they work while the
water-related news and information from out-
side of their work region is generally negative,
leading to more negative perceptions regarding
the overall industry.
Table 5. Overall and regional perceptions of the water industry soundness for total, U.S., and
Canadian respondents (rating scale: 1 to 7); present (2015) and in 5 years (2020)
Overall Regional
2015 2020 2015 2020
All respondents 4.5 4.4 4.6 4.6 1,740
U.S. respondents 4.4 4.3 4.6 4.5 1,530
Canadian respondents 4.6 4.7 5.0 5.0 173
The average scores for the health of the water
industry on a scale of 1 to 7 for the present year
(2015) and five years from now (2020) are pro-
vided in Table 6 for each career category. Few
respondent groups indicated they thought the
health of the industry would be better in five
years, with most expecting a slight decrease
in the soundness of the future water industry.
Leaving aside issues of statistical differences,
the regional soundness scores for most groups
were higher than the corresponding overall
scores, again most likely reflecting the negative
information delivered on a broader scope from
outside the region they understand the best.
The average scores for the water industry’s
health on a scale of 1 to 7 for the present year
(2015) and in five years (2020) are broken out
by respondent age in Table 7. There is little
difference in these scores, with young profes-
sionals (i.e., those in the categories “Younger
than 25” and “2534”) indicating a slightly more
optimistic outlook for the future. But again, the
somewhat low number of responses may have
led to errors from coverage, sampling, and/or
Appendix C presents the average scores for the
health of the water industry on a scale of 1 to 7
for the present year (2015) and in five years (2020)
based on the region where participants work
most often. Montana and Georgia returned the
same average scores as all participants (2015 =
4.6, 2020 = 4.5 as shown in Figure7), so those
with higher scores could be considered more
optimistic while those with lower scores could
be considered more pessimistic.
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Table 6. Overall and regional soundness of the water industry by career category (scale: 1 to 7);
present (2015) and in 5 years (2020)
Career Category
Overall Regional
2015 2020 2015 2020
Laboratory 4.8 5.2 5.0 5.4 14
Technical services/contractor 4.8 4.7 4.7 4.9 27
Drinking water utility 4.6 4.5 4.8 4.7 383
Water wholesaler
4.6 4.3 4.8 4.4 22
Regulatory authority/regulator
4.6 4.3
4.8 4.6
Retired 4.5 4.4 4.4 4.4 28
Combined water/wastewater utility 4.5 4.4 4.7 4.6 500
Law firm/attorney 4.5 4.5 5.0 5.0 2
Nonutility government 4.5 4.4 4.5 4.4 58
Wastewater utility 4.4 4.4 4.2 4.3 32
Distributor 4.4 4.5 4.5 4.5 15
Manufacturer’s representative 4.4 4.5 4.4 4.4 15
University/educational institution 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 54
Nonprofit organization 4.4 4.1 4.9 4.8 25
Consulting firm/consultant 4.3 4.2 4.4 4.4 312
Reuse/reclamation utility 4.3 4.3 4.4 5.0 7
Manufacturer of products 4.2 4.5 4.4 4.5 83
Other (please specify) 4.2 4.0 4.3 4.3 69
Financial industry 4.0 4.3 4.7 5.3 3
Stormwater utility 3.7 3.3 3.0 3.3 3
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Table 7. Health of the water industry by age category (scale: 1 to 7); present (2015) and
in 5 years (2020)
Age Range 2015 2020 Count
Younger than 25 4.4 5.0 15
25–4 4.6 4.8 204
35–44 4.5 4.4 308
45–54 4.5 4.4 480
55–64 4.6 4.4 518
65 and older 4.6 4.4 144
Prefer not to answer 4.4 4.4 16
Any others rating at least “very concerned” but not listed (please specify):
Better regulatory protection against large scale unknown contaminant storage
and spills is critically needed.
Groundwater quality degradation (i.e. salt movement due to overdraft)
Copper and heavy metals in stormwater runoff will be a big issue in the next
The issue of wastewater reuse. It should be required in many instances, yet it is
rarely discussed in certain areas of the country.
Excerpt from open-ended questions
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Part 3—Issues
To determine the issues that currently impact
the water industry, respondents were asked to
rate the importance of several challenges on a
scale of 1 (unimportant) to 5 (critically import-
ant). These issues, as ranked by 2015 SOTWI
survey respondents, are shown in Table 8. In
addition to the average scores, the percentage of
respondents who scored the issue as critically
important (i.e., 5 on the scale of 1 to 5) is also
presented in Table 8.
Table 8. Issues facing the water industry as ranked by all respondents (n = 1,641)
Rank Category
% Ranked
Renewal and replacement of aging water and wastewater
2 Financing for capital improvements 4.46 57
3 Long-term water supply availability 4.44 58
4 Public understanding of the value of water systems and services 4.37 52
5 Public understanding of the value of water resources 4.28 46
6 Watershed/source water protection 4.21 45
7 Cost recovery (pricing water to accurately reflect its true cost) 4.11 36
8 Emergency preparedness 4.05 33
9 Water conservation/efficiency 4.03 37
10 Compliance with future regulations 4.00 33
11 Groundwater management and overuse 4.00 33
12 Compliance with current regulations 3.98 31
13 Drought or periodic water shortages 3.95 34
14 Asset management 3.94 26
15 Acceptance of future water and wastewater rate increases 3.93 27
16 Water loss control 3.93 25
17 Talent attraction and retention 3.90 27
18 Energy use/efficiency and cost 3.88 20
19 Data management 3.88 26
20 Aging workforce/anticipated retirements 3.87 33
21 Improving customer, constituent, and community relationships 3.81 24
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Rank Category
% Ranked
22 Certification and training 3.80 23
23 Expanding water reuse/reclamation 3.79 31
24 Cyber–security issues 3.77 26
25 Physical security issues 3.61 20
26 Wastewater resource recovery 3.56 16
27 Acceptance of current water and wastewater rates 3.55 14
28 Energy recovery/generation 3.51 14
29 Climate risk and resiliency 3.47 19
30 Price and supply of chemicals 3.44 10
31 Stormwater management and costs 3.41 11
32 Fracking/oil and gas activities 3.34 21
33 Affordability for low-income households 3.24 12
34 Workforce diversity 2.91 7
The most important issue to respondents in
2015, renewal and replacement of aging water and
wastewater infrastructure, is the same top issue
from the last several years of surveys (previ-
ously called the state of water and sewer infrastruc-
ture). A comparison of the top ten issues from
2014 and 2015 is presented in Table 9. New to the
top ten in 2015 were water conservation/efficiency
(current #9, prev. #15) and compliance with future
regulations (current #10, prev. #14). Dropping
out of the top ten from 2014 were groundwater
management and overuse (prev. #6, current #11)
and drought or periodic water shortages (prev. #8,
current #13).
Table 10 shows the most important issues
impacting the water industry as ranked by util-
ity and nonutility employees. There were 909
utility employee respondents and 768 nonutil-
ity employee respondents. The first six issues
are the same for both groups.
Table 8. Issues facing the water industry as ranked by all respondents (n = 1,641) (continued)
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Table 9. Top 10 issues facing the water industry as ranked by all respondents in 2014 and 2015
Rank 2015 2014
1 Renewal and replacement of aging water and
wastewater infrastructure
State of water and sewer infrastructure
2 Financing for capital improvements Long-term water supply availability
3 Long-term water supply availability Financing for capital improvements
4 Public understanding of the value of water
systems and services
Public understanding of the value of water
5 Public understanding of the value of water
Public understanding of the value of water
systems and services
6 Watershed/source water protection Groundwater management and overuse
7 Cost recovery Watershed protection
8 Emergency preparedness Drought or periodic water shortages
9 Water conservation/efficiency Emergency preparedness
10 Compliance with future regulations Cost recovery
Table 10. Issues facing the water industry as ranked by utility and nonutility respondents
Rank Utility Employees Nonutility Employees
1 Renewal and replacement of aging water and
wastewater infrastructure
Renewal and replacement of aging water and
wastewater infrastructure
2 Financing for capital improvements Financing for capital improvements
3 Long-term water supply availability Long-term water supply availability
4 Public understanding of the value of water
systems and services
Public understanding of the value of water
systems and services
5 Public understanding of the value of water
Public understanding of the value of water
6 Watershed/source water protection Watershed/source water protection
7 Cost recovery (pricing water to accurately
reflect its true cost)
Water conservation/efficiency
8 Emergency preparedness Groundwater management and overuse
9 Compliance with current regulations Cost recovery (pricing water to accurately
reflect its true cost)
10 Compliance with future regulations Drought or periodic water shortages
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
System Stewardship
Of the top 10 issues facing the water industry
identified in the 2015 SOTWI survey, half of them
including four of the top five pertain to system
stewardship or how water and wastewater sys-
tems are operated, maintained, and replaced.
Renewing and replacing aging infrastructure,
financing for capital improvements, and cost
recovery (i.e., pricing water to accurately reflect
its true cost) are important financial aspects of
system stewardship and have long been a major
concern in the industry. These issues continue
to be important because many water and waste-
water systems built and financed by previous
generations are approaching or have exceeded
their useful lives. Because of past budgeting
approaches that may have included inadequate
revenues to fully cover costs, some municipal
utilities have deferred necessary maintenance
and replacement. Even systems that have acted
as good stewards by planning for the renewal
or replacement of their assets can sometimes
find it difficult to secure reasonable funding for
capital projects and/or to win public support
for these necessary efforts.
AWWA maintains that the public can best be
provided water services by self-sustaining
enterprises that are adequately financed with
rates and charges based on sound accounting,
engineering, financial, and economic princi-
ples. Revenues from service charges, user rates,
and capital charges (e.g., impact fees and sys-
tem development charges) should be sufficient
to enable utilities to provide for the full cost of
service including:
Annual operation and maintenance
Capital costs (e.g., debt service and other
capital outlays)
Adequate working capital and required
Full-cost pricing, i.e., charging rates and fees
that reflect the full cost of providing water and/
or wastewater services, should include renewal
and replacement costs for treatment, storage,
distribution, and collection systems. Some util-
ities have previously kept their rates low by
minimizing or ignoring these costs; however, as
the useful lives of their systems draw to a close,
current managers and the communities they
serve are forced to address these costs, some-
times through painful and unexpected rate
increases. Issues related to equity and afford-
ability must be considered as rates are adjusted,
and each system has its own unique rate- setting
challenges based on location and history.
To understand the current state of full-cost
pricing for utilities, all 2015 SOTWI study par-
ticipants were asked “In general, how able are
water and wastewater utilities to currently
cover the full cost of providing service, includ-
ing infrastructure renewal and replacement
and expansion needs, through customer rates
and fees?” To anticipate how circumstances
may change in the future, participants were
also asked the following question: “Given the
future infrastructure needs for system renewal
and replacement and expansion, how able will
water and wastewater utilities be to meet the
full cost of providing service through customer
rates and fees?” The responses to these ques-
tions are shown in Figure 12.
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Figure 12. Responses (as % of total) from all participants regarding whether water and waste
water utilities can cover the full cost of providing service (n = 1,507)
As shown in Figure 12, 9 percent of respondents
(up from 8 percent in 2014) felt that water and
wastewater utilities are not at all able to cover
the full cost of providing service. More striking,
16 percent of respondents (up from 15 percent
in 2014) are concerned that utilities will not be
able to cover the full cost of providing service
in the future. Only 3 percent of respondents
felt that utilities are currently able to cover the
full cost of providing service, and only 2 per-
cent believed they would be able to do so in the
future (both down from 4 percent and 3 per-
cent, respectively, in 2014). Overall, respondents
clearly feel that full-cost pricing is currently a
challenge and one that will increase in magni-
tude moving forward.
Full-cost pricing is in many ways a very local
issue, so to explore the issue at this level utility
personnel were asked, “Is your utility currently
able to cover the full cost of providing service(s),
including infrastructure renewal and replace-
ment and expansion needs, through customer
rates and fees?” They were also asked, “Given
your utility’s future infrastructure needs for
renewal and replacement and expansion, do
you think your utility will be able to meet the
full cost of providing service(s) through cus-
tomer rates and fees?” Responses are provided
in Figure 13.
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Figure 13. Responses (as % of total) from utility personnel regarding whether the utility they work
for can cover the full cost of providing service (n = 644)
As shown in Figure 13, the results from utility
employees is more positive for their own utility
than the general perception of all utilities cap-
tured in Figure 12; however, the results are not
exactly encouraging. Combining those who are
not at all able and those that are slightly able, 30
percent of utilities are currently struggling to
implement full-cost pricing, up from 28 percent
in 2014. In addition, 38 percent of respondents
think they will struggle to cover the full cost of
service in the future, up from 35 percent in 2014.
From the results in Figure 13, the most notable
is that 9 percent of respondents felt that their
utilities were currently not at all able to cover
the full cost of providing service, and that fig-
ure increases to 16 percent for the future. Only
17 percent of respondents felt that their utili-
ties were currently fully able to cover the cost
of providing service through rates and fees, a
percentage expected to decrease to 12 percent
in the future. These results clearly demonstrate
the industry feels there is a gap between the
financial needs of water and wastewater sys-
tems and the means to pay for these services
through rates and fees.
To understand the importance of the various
elements that comprise infrastructure renewal
and replacement challenges, all participants
were asked how they would rate several options
on a scale of 1 to 5. As shown in Table 11, the most
important issue was ”establishing and follow-
ing a financial policy for capital reinvestment,
with 43 percent of respondents rating this issue
as critical (i.e., 5 out of 5). There appears to be
a strong grouping of the first seven categories,
which were all ranked critically important by
more than 30 percent of respondents. Several of
these issues are centered on communication, an
issue that is discussed more fully in later sec-
tions of this report.
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Table 11. R&R Challenges as ranked by 2015 SOTWI respondents (n = 1,474)
Rank Category
% Ranked
1 Establishing and following a financial policy for capital reinvestment 4.31 43
2 Prioritizing R&R needs 4.24 40
3 Justifying R&R programs to ratepayers 4.24 42
4 Justifying R&R programs to oversight bodies (board, council, etc.) 4.22 42
5 Establishing and maintaining specific R&R reserves 4.20 37
6 Coordinating R&R with other activities 4.12 37
7 Developing/implementing asset management programs 4.00 31
8 Defining appropriate levels of service 3.75 19
9 Obtaining R&R funding via federal, state, or territorial grants 3.73 25
10 Obtaining R&R funding via bonds 3.71 19
11 Addressing declining water sales 3.68 22
12 Obtaining R&R funding via federal, state, or territorial loans 3.61 19
13 Pay-as-you-go R&R funding 3.29 13
14 Obtaining R&R funding involving public–private partnerships 3.25 11
15 Obtaining R&R funding by taxation (e.g., property taxes) 2.95 8
To explore the current water and wastewater
financing environment, utility personnel were
asked “If you can make an assessment, how
would you rate your utility’s current access to
capital for financing infrastructure renewal/
replacement projects?” As shown in Figure 14,
53 percent of respondents reported that their
utility’s access to capital was as good or better
than at any time in the last five years, up from
46 percent in 2014. Only 11 percent reported
that their utilitys access to capital was as bad
or worse than at any time in the last five years,
down from 17 percent in 2014. Because inter-
est rates are currently low and may remain so
for some time (at least in the U.S.), these results
show that in general the capital markets for
financing water industry projects are relatively
good and trending positively in comparison to
previous years.
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Figure 14. Responses (as % of total) from utility personnel regarding their utility’s access to
capital (n = 574)
As was intended with the introduction of
more efficient appliances and water conser-
vation education, residential and industrial
water demands (i.e., public supply) have been
declining in the United States (AWE 2012).
This important accomplishment is reflected
in the estimated U.S. water-use data shown
in Figure 8, which shows relatively constant
water withdrawals going back to 1975 while
the population steadily grew over this same
period. Public water supply, which made up
only 12percent of the total water used in the
United States actually declined 5 percent from
2005 to 2010 to 42 billion gallons per day (BGD)
of the total 355 BGD. In terms of trends, water
for public supply has remained in a range of 35
to 45 BGD since 1985 even as the population has
increased by approximately 70 million people
during the same time period.
Although more efficient water use is a major
goal of the industry, in areas where customer
growth is slow or nonexistent, declining water
use decreases operating revenue and impacts
how costs are recovered through rates and
charges. In some cases, utilities must explain to
customers that their rates must go up even as
their community uses the same or less water.
This is a clear example of the need for ongoing
and effective communication between utilities
and their customers and community members
so that all can understand a systems regular
operations, maintenance, and infrastructure
R&R needs.
In order to explore this issue, utility staff mem-
bers were asked a series of questions about their
utilities’ trends in water sales. Results regarding
trends in total water sales as shown in Figure15
reveal that 43 percent of utility respondents
reported declining total water sales (either a
>10 year or <10 year trend) while 29 percent
of respondents reported their total water sales
were flat or little changed in the last 10 years.
Taken together, this means that three-quarters
of utilities are facing the issues associated with
low or declining water demand. Only 23 per-
cent of utility personnel reported their utility
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
saw an increasing trend in total water sales
(either a >10 year or <10 year trend), while 5 per-
cent reported no trend at all.
Results from utilities regarding their trends in
per account water sales are shown in Figure 16.
Even though the results for total water sales
were dramatic, 47 percent of utility respon-
dents reported their utility was experiencing
declining per account water sales (either a
>10year or <10 year trend) while 33 percent of
respondents reported flat or little change in per
account water sales.This means that 80 percent
of utility respondents must address issues asso-
ciated with low or declining water demand on
a per account basis. Only 14 percent of utilities
reported increasing per account water sales
(either a >10 year or <10 year trend), while 6 per-
cent reported no trend at all.
Figure 15. Responses (as % of total) from utility personnel regarding their utility’s trend in total
water sales (n = 589)
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Figure 16. Responses (as % of total) from utility personnel regarding their utilitys trend in per
account water sales (n= 545)
As mentioned previously, declining water sales
can impact a utility’s approach to cost recovery
(the #7 overall issue from the 2015 SOTWI sur-
vey). Cost recovery refers to pricing water and
wastewater services to accurately reflect their
true costs. Utility staff members were asked
about how their utilities are responding to their
cost recovery needs in the face of changing
water sales and consumption patterns; results
are shown in Figure 17. For this question, util-
ities could respond to multiple approaches.
The most used options from this group were
as follows: shifting more of the cost recovery
from consumption-based fees to fixed fees
within the rate structure (25 percent), changes
in growth-related fees, i.e., system develop-
ment charges, impact fees, or capacity charges
(19 percent), shifting rate design to increasing
block-rate structure (15 percent), and increasing
financial reserves (13 percent). Only 9 percent of
the total responses indicated no changes were
As water and wastewater utilities deal with sys-
tem stewardship issues, some are beginning to
consider alternative management approaches
including public-private partnerships (P3), con-
solidation, and privatization. Figure 18 shows
the results from utility employees regard-
ing whether their utilities are considering or
implementing any of these options. More than
80 percent of utility staff members reported
their utilities are not considering any of these
options; however, 20 percent of utility respon-
dents reported their utilities are considering,
planning to use, or are already involved with
P3s. Also shown in Figure 18, 19 percent of
utility respondents reported their utilities are
considering, planning to use or are already
involved with consolidation while 12 percent
are exploring or have already implemented
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Figure 17. Responses (as % of total) from utility personnel regarding how their utilities are
responding cost recovery needs (n = 828 total responses)
Figure 18. Responses (as % of total) from utility personnel regarding how their utilities are
approaching public-private partnerships, consolidation, and privatization (n = 519)
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Water and wastewater system managers and
other community leaders face the challenge of
optimizing water and wastewater infrastruc-
ture investments, balancing system upgrades
to maintain service life goals and meet regula-
tory requirements, and trying to anticipate new
technologies and forthcoming regulations. This
requires significant planning and coordination
from all areas of the utility, with financial pro-
fessionals and engineers hopefully working
together during the process. Buy-in and partic-
ipation from local government and community
stakeholders where needed are important to
Systems designed for past water quality and
water availability conditions need to consider
and plan for future conditions that include
greater uncertainty. Many previous infrastruc-
ture projects received external subsidies that
are not available in the current political envi-
ronment. Because of the long-term nature of the
necessary investments, utilities need to adopt a
forward-looking and holistic approach to sys-
tem stewardship.
As water infrastructure is renewed or replaced,
mutually beneficial opportunities may arise to
introduce environment-enhancing solutions. In
conjunction with traditionally engineered solu-
tions, the use of green infrastructure, i.e., sys-
tems that employ natural hydrologic features,
can potentially provide additional environmen-
tal and community advantages, especially in
the area of stormwater mitigation.
Water Resources
Respondents highly rated several issues related
to water resources management in the 2015
SOTWI survey, including long-term water sup-
ply availability (#3 most important issue, see
Table 8), watershed/source water protection
(#6 most important issue), water conservation/
efficiency (#9 most important issue), ground-
water management and overuse (#11 most
im portant issue), and drought or periodic water
shortages (#13 most important issue).
Long-Term Water Supply Availability
The current main challenge of water resource
management, namely long-term water supply
availability, is the result of the full allocation,
and in some cases over-allocation, of local water
resources in areas with growing populations.
Communities need to establish how much water
they have, how much water they need, and how
they will meet these future needs. Some areas
are reaching the limits of their current supply
options and are seeking additional water wher-
ever it can be found, e.g., conservation, desali-
nation, and reuse. In addition, some already
water-limited areas may also be susceptible to
further water stress from climate change.
In an attempt to quantify the issue of long-
term water supply availability, utility person-
nel were asked the question “How prepared
do you think your utility will be to meet its
long-term water supply needs?” The summary
presented in Figure 19 shows that 11 percent of
utility personnel indicated their utility will be
challenged to meet anticipated long-term water
supply needs (i.e., not-at-all or only-slightly pre-
pared), up from 10 percent in 2014. In addition,
57 percent of respondents indicated that their
utilities are very or fully prepared, down from
59 percent in 2014.
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Figure 19. Responses from utility employees regarding how prepared their utility is to meet its
long-term water supply needs (n = 645)
Drought/Water Shortages
In contrast to long-term water supply, which
over time can be impacted by climate change,
near-term water supply needs can be dramati-
cally affected by water shortages resulting from
drought. Following several dry years, many
areas in North America may again face drought
conditions in 2015. This is likely why “drought
or periodic water shortages” was the #13 most
important issue identified by the 2015 SOTWI
survey. To gauge the extent of water shortages,
utility personnel were asked the following
How many years in the last decade has your util-
ity implemented voluntary water restrictions?
How many years in the last decade has your util-
ity implemented mandatory water restrictions?
Responses from utility staff members sum-
marized in Figure 20 reveal that the majority
of respondents’ utilities have had either 0 or 1
period of voluntary restrictions (58 percent),
and either 0 or 1 period of mandatory restric-
tions (77 percent). Surprisingly, 9 percent of
respondents reported their utility has had vol-
untary restrictions in each of the last 10 years,
and 7 percent reported their utility has had
mandatory restrictions in each of the last 10
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Figure 20. Responses from utility employees regarding how prepared their utility is to meet its
long-term water supply needs (n = 543)
To understand the state of water shortage pre-
paredness amongst utilities, staff members
were asked “Does your utility have a drought
management or water shortage contingency
plan?” The responses summarized in Figure21
reveal that 80 percent of utility respondents
indicated their utility had such a plan or that
one was in development.
Surprisingly, 20 percent of respondents reported
their utility did not have a drought manage-
ment or water shortage contingency plan, up
from 15 percent in 2014. Communities typi-
cally do not consider the potential impacts of a
water shortage until one seems likely to occur.
In addition to water supply issues, drought can
also affect water quality when drought (where
impacts can develop) is followed by flooding
(where those impacts are realized).
As communities evaluate their water short-
age preparedness, a better understanding of a
regions sustainable water supply can be eval-
uated. In addition to reliability during water
shortages, utilities and the communities they
serve can also evaluate and/or determine their
policies and practices for water conservation
and alternative water supplies such as desalina-
tion of brackish groundwater or seawater, non-
potable reuse, potable reuse, and stormwater
capture and reuse.
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Figure 21. Responses from utility personnel regarding whether their utility has a drought manage-
ment or water shortage contingency plan (n = 576)
Water Conservation
A common public perception is that water con-
servation means restricting or curtailing cus-
tomer use as a temporary response to drought.
Though water use restrictions are a useful
short-term drought management tool, most
utility-sponsored water conservation programs
emphasize lasting long-term improvements in
water use efficiency while maintaining quality
of life standards. Water conservation, very sim-
ply, is doing more with less, not doing without
(AWWA 2006).
To understand the status of conservation plan-
ning amongst utilities, staff members were
asked if their utilities have water conserva-
tion programs. The responses summarized in
Figure 22 show that the majority of respon-
dents’ utilities have a water conservation pro-
gram (72percent), with an additional 8 percent
reporting their plans are in development. Only
20 percent of respondents reported their utility
did not have a water conservation program.
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Figure 22. Responses from utility personnel regarding whether their utility has a water conserva-
tion program (n=626)
In addition to water conservation, another non-
traditional source of water supply is seawater
or brackish groundwater. Utility participants
were asked if their utilities were considering
desalination of either brackish ground water or
seawater to augment existing drinking water
supplies. Of the 510 responses, 10 percent
responded that their utility is considering some
sort of desalination project while 2.5 percent
responded that their utility currently has some-
thing in development.
Groundwater Management
Groundwater management and overuse was
identified as the #11 most important issue in
the 2015 SOTWI survey (see Table 8). As a result
of potentially diminishing levels of recharge,
more use of groundwater in response to
drought and surface water shortages, and the
varying regulatory requirements for ground-
water use, groundwater management issues
are expected to become more significant in the
immediate future.
To understand which aspects are the most
important, all participants were asked to rate
the importance of several groundwater man-
agement issues on a scale of 1 (unimportant)
to 5 (critically important). The results shown in
Table 12 reveal that, of the options presented,
declining water levels were the greatest con-
cern with 41 percent of respondents who con-
sidered this water supply issue critical. The next
most important issue, watershed/groundwater
protection, addresses concerns with water qual-
ity. The remaining groundwater management
issues presented in Table 12 revolve around the
policies and practices that impact groundwater
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Table 12. Groundwater management challenges as ranked by 2015 SOTWI respondents (n = 1,382)
Rank Category Score
% Ranked
1 Declining groundwater levels 4.09 41
2 Watershed/groundwater protection 4.01 34
3 Groundwater regulations 3.82 26
4 Agricultural use of groundwater 3.79 27
5 Monitoring and reporting groundwater
3.75 23
6 Restrictions on groundwater pumping 3.72 24
7 Oil and gas activities 3.63 28
8 Reclaimed water for groundwater recharge 3.55 17
9 Groundwater pricing 3.35 11
Utility personnel were asked “Is your utility cur-
rently facing any issues related to oil and gas
activities including fracking (select all that
apply)?” The results shown in Figure 23 show
that the vast majority of respondents reported no
issues at their utilities (78 percent). The two of
the most significant issues associated with oil
and gas activities are concerned with water qual-
ity protection, specifically groundwater con-
tamination (7 percent) and surface water
con tamination.
Figure 23. Responses from utility SOWTI survey participants regarding whether their utility is
currently facing any issues related to oil and gas activities including fracking (n = 446)
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Climate Change
For the water industry, potential outcomes of cli-
mate change include increasing temperatures/
increasing evaporation, changing precipitation
patterns (frequency, duration, and intensity),
changing patterns of extreme weather events,
and rising sea levels. Taken separately or in
combination, these phenomena can result in
the following challenges for the water industry:
Degraded water quality and subsequent
treatment challenges
Reduced snowpack and groundwater
Stormwater management challenges
Coastal flooding from increased sea level
and/or storm surges
Saltwater intrusion into coastal aquifers
Increased frequency, duration, and extent
of floods, droughts, and wildfires
Loss of wetlands and coastal ecosystems
Increased risk to infrastructure (at the sur-
face and underground)
All 2015 SOTWI survey participants were asked
the following question: “Overall, how prepared
do you think the water sector is to address
any impacts associated with potential climate
variability?” As shown in Figure 24, the great-
est number of respondents thought the water
industry is moderately prepared to address
climate change (44 percent). Somewhat trou-
bling, 47 percent thought the industry is not at
all or only slightly prepared to address climate
change impacts, while only 1 percent thought
the water industry is fully prepared.
To better understand the cascading conse-
quences of potential climate change outcomes,
water managers will need an expanded infor-
mation base. They must be properly prepared
to make informed decisions under uncertain
conditions to reduce vulnerabilities. The devel-
opment of contingency and energy manage-
ment plans can address a wide range of climate
scenarios, and such comprehensive planning
efforts can lead to recommendations on water
supply scenarios and related pricing strategies
(WUCA 2010). However, managers also need
better approaches that incorporate downscaled
global climate model results into regional and
local water utility planning.
Figure 24. Responses from all SOWTI survey participants regarding how prepared the water
sector is to address any impacts associated with potential climate variability (n = 1,411)
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Utility personnel were asked “Does your util-
ity include potential impacts from climate vari-
ability in your risk management or planning
processes?” Responses are shown in Figure 25.
The majority of utility personnel (54 percent)
responded that their utilities do not include
potential impacts from climate variability in
their risk management or planning processes.
However, 46 percent responded that their util-
ity does include climate change in their plan-
ning processes (up from 25 percent in 2014).
Water Reuse
As water supplies become more strained and
water-scarce areas look to meet the demands
of development, shortages from droughts, or
ecological imperatives, utilities may consider
demand-side options such as increased con-
servation efforts, restrictions, or improving
water loss control. On the supply side, the use
of reclaimed water can significantly reduce the
demands placed on limited conventional water
supplies. The value of high-quality reclaimed
water, properly treated to appropriate stan-
dards, can serve as a sustainable supplement
to a regions water supply portfolio. Reclaim-
ing water from wastewater effluent for indirect
potable uses such as replenishing drinking
water sources, maintaining aquifer levels or
increasing stream flow may be viable options
with appropriate levels of treatment and safe-
guards to protect public health. A small but
increasing number of utilities are considering
direct potable reuse.
Many rivers have changed over the years as
upstream discharges of wastewater effluent
have resulted in unplanned indirect potable
reuse for downstream users, many of whom
rely on conventional filtration and disinfec-
tion for public health protection. Discharge
permits intended to make rivers and streams
fishable and swimmable” do not typically
account for downstream potable water treat-
ment requirements.
Figure 25. Responses from utility SOWTI survey participants regarding whether their utility
includes potential impacts from climate variability in risk management or planning
processes (n = 446)
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
To better understand the current status of water
reuse in North America, utility staff members
were asked if their utilities are considering any
forms of reuse; the specific questions were as
Is your utility considering nonpotable reuse to
augment existing irrigation water supplies?
Is your utility considering indirect potable reuse
to augment existing drinking water supplies?
Is your utility considering direct potable reuse
to augment existing drinking water supplies?
A summary of the responses is shown in
Figure 26 shows that the majority of utility
personnel responded that their utilities are not
considering any form of reuse. Of these reuse
options, nonpotable reuse to augment irrigation
was the most popular option with 19 percent of
utility respondents reporting their utility was
considering it, and 5 percent reporting plans
were already in development. Thirteen percent
of utility respondents reported their utility was
considering indirect potable reuse, and 3.2per-
cent reported plans were already in develop-
ment. For direct potable reuse, 7 percent of
utility respondents reported their utility was
considering it, and 2.6 percent reporting plans
were already in development.
In addition to reclamation of wastewater, sev-
eral utilities have explored capturing, treating,
and reusing stormwater specifically to augment
potable water supplies. Utility participants
were asked if their utilities were considering
desalination of either brackish ground water
or seawater to augment existing drinking
water supplies. Of the 527 responses, 7.6 per-
cent responded that their utility is considering
a stormwater reuse project while 2.7 percent
responded that their utility currently has some-
thing in development.
Figure 26. Responses from utility employees regarding whether their utility is considering non-
potable reuse, indirect potable reuse, or direct potable reuse to augment existing water
supplies (n = 492-544)
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Value of Water (Resources/
Systems and Services)
Results of the 2015 SOTWI survey highlight the
industry’s concern over the public’s understand-
ing of water systems and resources (the #4 and
#5 most important issues in 2015, respectively).
The water industry has acted collectively to
inform the public of the value of water services
and resources for decades. However, while
the concepts of safeguarding public health,
ensuring customer satisfaction, and protecting
the environment are popular, the public (or a
vocal minority) frequently does not support the
required levels of funding to support safe and
reliable water service. Effectively communicat-
ing infrastructure challenges to customers and
key decision makers is vital, yet the industry
has historically struggled in this area.
To better understand the lack of understand-
ing of the value of water resources and sys-
tems from various subgroups, the 2015 SOTWI
survey asked all study participants to rate the
understanding of the following groups on a
scale of 1 (very poor) to 5 (very good):
General public
Residential customers
Nonresidential customers (industrial/
Public officials
The specific questions asked were:
How would you rate the following groups un-
derstanding of the value of water resources (i.e.,
the various forms of water and its sources)?
How would you rate the following groups un-
derstanding of the value of water systems and
services (i.e., the physical infrastructure and the
various activities required to provide water and
wastewater services)?
The results presented in Figure 27 (systems and
services) and Figure 28 (water resources) reveal
that water professionals thought each of the five
groups had a worse understanding of water
systems and services in comparison to their
understanding of water resources. Respon-
dents felt that public officials had the best over-
all understanding of both systems and services
and resources while nonresidential customers
(industrial/commercial/institutional) had the
second best grasp of these issues. Media was
third. Respondents felt that the general public
had the worst understanding of water systems
and services and resources with residential
customers close behind.
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Figure 27. Water industry professionals’ perceptions of various groups understanding of the value
of water systems and services (n=1,621)
Based on these findings, 72 percent of respon-
dents felt the general public has a poor or very
poor understanding of water systems and ser-
vices (up from 70 percent in 2014), and 61 per-
cent felt the general public has a poor or very
poor understanding of water resources (up
from 59 percent in 2014). Similarly, 66 percent
of respondents felt residential customers have
a poor or very poor understanding of water
systems and services (up from 65 percent in
2014), while 59 percent felt the general public
has a poor or very poor understanding of water
resources (up from 56 percent in 2014).
None of these results or short-term trends is
positive for water utilities, which need pub-
lic support to effectively manage systems and
resources. Utility leaders often face a difficult
communication challenge as they explain their
systems’ needs, the associated costs, and the
way these costs are balanced equitably through
rate structures and financing plans. If the gen-
eral public is unaware of the value of water sys-
tems and the cost of maintaining them, public
officials may be less willing to support neces-
sary investments – and associated rate increases
– for fear of losing constituent support.
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Figure 28. Water industry professionals’ perceptions of the various groups understanding of the
value of water resources (n=1,621)
Opportunities for input and involvement are
essential to public understanding and accep-
tance of utility programs and projects. The
format and depth of involvement will vary
according to individual utilities, communi-
ties, and issues. Opportunities for involvement
must, however, be meaningful, inclusive, and
clearly linked to the decision-making process.
Current and future regulatory compliance were
both highly rated issues in the 2015 SOTWI
survey, coming in as the #10 most import-
ant issue (future compliance) and #12 most
important issue (current compliance). Address-
ing required changes to ongoing and future
planning, treatment, and monitoring often
results in increased operation and maintenance
costs and capital needs.
All survey participants were asked about their
levels of concern regarding the water indus-
try’s ability to comply with current regulations;
responses are summarized in Table 13. Scores
were on a scale of 1 (not at all concerned) to 5
(extremely concerned). Current regulations
regarding chemical spills, point source pollu-
tion, and combined sewer overflows were the
top three areas of concern identified in the 2015
SOTWI survey. Concern over chemical spills
likely increased due to a number of recent
high-profile incidents in North America.
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Table 13. Current Regulatory Concerns of the Water Industry (n = 1,446)
Rank Current Regulatory Concern Score
% Ranked
1 Chemical spills 2.97 14
2 Point source pollution 2.89 12
3 Combined sewer overflows 2.81 12
4 Disinfection by-products 2.75 10
5 Arsenic 2.32 6
6 Radionuclides 2.25 6
7 Lead and copper 2.22 4
8 Perfluorinated compounds such as perfluorooctanoic acid
(PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS)
2.21 5
In addition, all survey participants were asked
about their concern over the water industry’s
ability to comply with potential future regu-
lations, and their responses are summarized
in Table 14. Scores are on a scale of 1 (not at all
concerned) to 5 (extremely concerned). Future
regulations regarding pharmaceuticals and
hormones, security and preparedness, and non-
point source pollution were the top three areas
of future regulatory concern.
What do you think the water sector could do to improve the overall understanding of
the value of water systems, services, and resources?
Transparency in finances and treatment systems costs.
Allocate resources educating the elected officials and public at large as high
Need of better board members, proactive residents, and news media needs to
feature water related stories from time to time. To keep it in front of the public.
I think residents understand where their water comes from locally, but have no
concept of what’s involved to maintain distribution and transmission systems.
Public education is critical to accept costs that reflect this effort. Perhaps
drought in many parts of the country will force the public to confront this issue.
Excerpt from open-ended questions
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Table 14. Future regulatory concerns of the water industry (n = 1,393)
Rank Future Regulatory Concern Score
% Ranked
1 Pharmaceuticals and hormones 3.05 18
2 Security and preparedness 3.04 14
3 Nonpoint source pollution 2.95 14
4 Disinfection by-products 2.82 11
5 Point source pollution 2.80 11
6 Unknown chemical or hydrocarbon spills 2.79 14
7 Combined sewer overflows 2.70 11
8 Chemical storage tanks 2.66 11
9 Algal Toxins 2.64 11
10 Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) 2.64 9
11 Chloramines 2.49 8
12 Hexavalent Chromium 2.40 8
13 Perfluorinated compounds such as PFOA and PFOS 2.40 9
14 Arsenic 2.39 8
15 Lead and copper 2.34 6
16 Perchlorate 2.32 6
17 Fluoride 2.28 7
18 Legionella 2.24 7
19 Radionuclides 2.22 6
20 Manganese 2.15 5
21 Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) and other nitrosamines 2.09 6
22 Chlorate 2.04 5
23 Selenium 2.00 5
24 Molybdenum 1.90 5
25 Vanadium 1.89 5
26 Naegleria fowleri 1.83 7
27 Strontium 1.77 4
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Workforce Issues
Workforce issues continue to be concerns for
the water industry with talent attraction and
retention rated as the #17 most important issue
(down from #12 in 2014), aging workforce/
anticipated retirements rated as the #20 most
important issue (down from #17 in 2014), and
certification and training as the #22 most
important issue (down from #18 in 2014). The
water industry seems to continuously face dif-
ficulty in recruiting, training, and retaining
skilled employees, especially for small systems.
Likewise, a large number of water industry
employees are nearing or currently eligible for
retirement; this group represents a significant
amount of institutional knowledge that could
be lost without proper succession planning and
process documentation.
All 2015 SOTWI participants were asked, “Over-
all, how prepared do you think the water sector
is to address issues related to talent attraction
and retention in the next five years?” Responses
are provided in Figure 29. Only 1 percent of 2015
SOTWI respondents indicated that the water
industry was fully prepared to address issues
related to talent attraction and retention in the
next five years, the same percentage as in 2014.
The challenge of talent attraction and retention
is highlighted by the 14 percent or respondents
who thought the industry is not at all prepared
(compared to 15 percent in 2014) and the 40 per-
cent who thought it was only slightly prepared
(compared to 35 percent in 2014). In summary,
more than half of respondents have a negative
perception of the water industrys preparation
for talent attraction and retention.
All 2015 SOTWI participants were also asked
Overall, how prepared do you think the water
sector is to cope with any expected retire-
ments in the next five years?” The summary
of responses provided in Figure 30 reveals
that just 2 percent of 2015 SOTWI respondents
indicated that the water industry was fully pre-
pared to cope with any expected retirements
in the next five years while 10 percent thought
the industry not at all prepared and 32 percent
thought it was only slightly prepared.
Figure 29. Responses from all SOTWI survey participants regarding how prepared the water
sector is to address issues related to talent attraction and retention in the next five
years (n =1,406)
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Figure 30. Responses from all SOWTI survey participants regarding how prepared the water
sector is to cope with any expected retirements in the next five years (n =1,396)
Finally, all 2015 SOTWI participants were asked
Overall, how prepared do you think the water
sector is to address issues related to certification
and training in the next five years?” Responses
are provided in Figure 31. The majority of 2015
SOTWI respondents (82 percent) indicated that
the water industry was at least moderately
prepared to address issues related to certifica-
tion and training in the next five years, although
this is down from 82 percent who responded
this way in 2014. Only 4 percent thought the
water industry is not at all prepared and 17 per-
cent thought it was only slightly prepared.
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Figure 31. Responses from all SOWTI survey participants regarding how prepared the water
sector is to address issues related to certification and training in the next five years
(n = 1,471)
Other Issues
Big Data
As the era of “big data” progresses, water and
wastewater utilities have the ability to collect
and analyze large quantities of information
about their systems and customers. Utility staff
members were asked about their utilities’ big
data strategies, and a summary of the results is
provided in Figure 32. The majority of respon-
dents indicated their utility does not have a big
data strategy (52 percent). However, the other
48 percent are in various stages of exploration,
implementation, or operation. Of the groups
reporting their utility has a big data strategy,
26 percent reported that it was well communi-
cated to them, 11 percent reported it was poorly
communicated, and 11 percent reported it had
not been communicated at all.
To understand where big data strategies and
associated data mining were taking root, utility
staff members were asked the following ques-
tions. Results are shown in Figure 33.
Is your utility using data mining techniques to
better understand its customers?
Is your utility using data mining techniques to
better understand its water and/or wastewater
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Figure 32. Responses from utility employees regarding whether their utility has a big data
strategy (n = 480)
Figure 33. Responses from utility employees regarding how their utility was using data mining
(n = 466)
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
As Figure 33 shows, more utilities currently
appear to be using their big data strategies/
data mining techniques to better understand
their water and/or wastewater system (32 per-
cent) in comparison to those using data mining
techniques to better understand their custom-
ers (21 percent). With regards to development,
an almost equal percentage of respondents
reported their utilities would be developing
data mining techniques to better understand
their water and/or wastewater system (13 per-
cent) as those who plan to use data mining
techniques to better understand their custom-
ers (14 percent).
Large-Scale Phenomena
To understand the potential impacts of several
large-scale phenomena on the industry, all 2015
SOTWI participants were asked to rank them
using the following scale:
1. Significant negative impact
2. Slight negative impact
3. No impact at all
4. Slight positive impact
5. Significant positive impact
Table 15 provides a ranking of the large-scale
phenomena provided to participants and a
differential, which is the average score minus
3, which is the median potential score reflect-
ing no impact. These results show that water
industry professionals think that housing mar-
kets, bond markets, and business/industrial
activities will have a slight positive impact on
the industry. However, inflation, terrorism, and
pollution are expected to have more significant
negative impacts.
Table 15. Potential impacts to water industry from large-scale phenomena (n = 1,446)
Rank Category Differential*
1 Housing markets 0.04
2 Bond markets 0.04
3 Business/industrial activities 0.04
4 Stock markets -0.05
5 Energy production -0.13
6 Urbanization -0.29
7 Unemployment -0.33
8 Population growth -0.37
9 Agriculture -0.41
10 Social instability -0.44
11 Wealth inequality -0.54
12 Political instability -0.61
13 Inflation -0.64
14 Terrorism -0.71
15 Pollution -0.87
A positive differential means a positive impact, a differential of 0 means no impact, and a negative differential means a
negative impact
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Part 4—Conclusions
Water is a vital component for all societies, and
access to safe and sufficient drinking-water is a
primary characteristic that distinguishes devel-
oped and undeveloped countries. For more
than a century, North America’s water indus-
try, which includes potable water, wastewater,
reuse, and stormwater, has increased its techni-
cal, managerial, and financial proficiency while
improving public health and environmental
protection. While some systems still struggle to
meet the expectation of continuous safe drinking
water and clean water discharges, the majority
of water systems in North America are dealing
with issues of system and resource stewardship
along with effectively communicating the wide-
range of needs in these two areas.
The overall successes of water professionals
should continue to be a source of pride and inspi-
ration; however, the current State of the Water
Industry survey highlights several important
challenges including the costs of system steward-
ship, water resource development and protec-
tion, and effective stakeholder communication.
In addition to facing these mostly long-term
problems, shorter-term water shortages related
to drought and localized source water protec-
tion issues such as chemical spills continue to
plague watersheds across North America, and
the impacts that these events will ultimately
have on awareness of water issues could be sig-
nificant. As communities recognize their limited
and precious supplies, water will become ever
more important in shaping our communities as
they adapt and grow.
It is difficult to specifically account for the rel-
atively stagnant perceptions of the industry’s
soundness as identified in this report, however,
water leaders should take these trends as a call to
action. As they address today’s important issues
and prepare to tackle those on the horizon, water
industry professionals should promote their suc-
cesses and transfer newly created knowledge to
their peers to reinforce an atmosphere of contin-
uous improvement. On the path toward financial
sustainability, water providers should strive to
implement fair rates and fees that reflect the total
cost of water services including infrastructure
renewal and replacement. Regarding environ-
mental sustainability, the water industry contin-
ues to minimize its footprint through the efficient
use of supplies and resources. Indeed, water pro-
fessionals ongoing commitment to these values
unites the water community as a vital compo-
nent of modern society in developed nations.
The 2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry
Report is intended to serve as a foundation for
action and further discovery. Water profession-
als continue to meet society’s expectations for
safe and clean water by developing and imple-
menting solutions that solve new and ongo-
ing challenges. The quality of water services in
Canada, Mexico, and the United States remains
consistently high, but the larger message that is
repeated consistently throughout this report is
that communities must address the water infra-
structure and resource management challenges,
otherwise the reliability and resiliency of water
systems, the health of the environment, the pros-
perity of the economy, and the safety of water
will be increasingly at risk.
The continued credibility of the water profes-
sion requires open and ongoing communica-
tion that establishes relationships and creates
a framework for understanding, trust, and
cooperation. AWWA will continue to serve as
a bridge organization, uniting the worlds of
science and research, policy, and practice to
address the issues identified in this report. With
more than 50,000 members and more than 3,000
volunteers, AWWA is the community for water
professionals to create and exchange knowledge
to solve these challenges.
If you participated in the 2015 State of the Water
Industry survey, the Association thanks you,
and if you wish to participate in the 2016 survey
scheduled to occur in September, 2015, please be
sure your contact information is current or create
an AWWA login at
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
AWE. 2012. Declining Water Sales and Util-
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Sales-and- Revenues.aspx
AWWA/RFC (American Water Works Associa-
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20082012. Water and Wastewater Rate Sur-
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2010, and Water and Wastewater Rate Survey
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AWWA. 2006. AWWA Manual of Water Supply
Practices—M52, Water Conservation Pro-
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Denver, CO: AWWA.
AWWA. 2012. 2012 Buried No Longer Report.
Denver, CO: AWWA. http://www.awwa.
Beckwith, Homer E. 1964. Economics of Leak
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Britannica Online for Kids. 2015. North Amer-
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Copley, John G. 1964a. Progressing Toward
AWWAs Objectives Source. Journ. AWWA, 56
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Copley, John G. 1964b. Then as Now—Better
Men for Better Service. Journ. AWWA, 56 (7):
CR (Committee Report). 1964. Developments in
Saline-Water Conversion, 1963. Committee
Report, Journ. AWWA, 56 (3): 358–360.
CPR (Committee Progress Report. 1964. Edu-
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AWWA, 56 (12): 15011532.
Dyer, Garvin H. 1964. Quality of Management
Today. Journ. AWWA, 56 (7): 826831.
FAO. 2013. Food and Agriculture Organization
of the United Nations AQUASTAT database:
main/index.stm; accessed 7/3/2013.
Google Public Data. 2013:
Accessed 11/15/2013.
Hudson, W.D. 1964. Reduction of Unaccount-
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LaDue, Wendell R. 1964. Future Trends. Journ.
AWWA, 56 (2): 163168.
Longman, William M. 1964. Improvement of
Customer Relations Through Public Opinion
Surveys. Journ. AWWA 56 (5): 563568.
McLeod, Robert J. 1964. Methods of Personnel
Recruitment and Selection. Journ. AWWA, 56
(9): 1111–1116.
Nelson, Samuel B. 1964. Recruitment of Better
Men. Journ., 56 (7): 836–841.
Porter, Charles L. 1964. Management of a Small
Water Utility. Journ. AWWA, 56 (5): 549–557.
Statistics Canada. 2009. Environment Accounts
and Statistics Division, special tabulation.
Table 3.4 Drinking water plants and sew-
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ulation served, 2009: http://www.statcan.;
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Plants (16-403-X), Table 2-1 http://www.stat-
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Statistics Canada. 2013: Canadas total popu-
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htm ; accessed 11/27/13.
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
USCB (United States Census Bureau). 2013.
2012 National Population Projections: Sum-
mary Tables Washington D.C: USCB. h t t p : //
Accessed 11/15/2013.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(USEPA). 2008. Clean Watersheds Needs Sur-
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pdf. Accessed 7/3/2013.
USEPA. 2010. Clean Watersheds Needs Survey
2008, Report to Congress. EPA-832-R-10-002.
Washington D.C.: USEPA.
USEPA. 2015. Safe Drinking Water Information
System database, Federal version (SDWIS-
FED). Washington D.C.: USEPA. http://water.
sdwisfed/index.cfm ; accessed 2/1/2015.
USEPA. 2013. Drinking Water Infrastructure
Needs Survey and Assessment. Fifth Report
to Congress, Office of Water. EPA 816-R-13-
006 Washington D.C.: USEPA. http://water.
USGS. 2014. Estimated Use of Water in the
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World Bank. 2013. Population growth (annual
SP.P OP.G ROW. Accessed 11/27/13.
WUCA (Water Utility Climate Alliance). 2010.
Decision Support Planning Methods: Incor-
porating Climate Change Uncertainties into
Water Planning. http://www.wucaonline.
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Appendix A2015 State of the Water
Industry Survey
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry
AWWA annually surveys water professionals to gauge their perceptions of the industry and to
identify and track significant trends. This survey should take 10 to 20 minutes to complete. Indi-
vidual responses are held strictly confidential.
Thanks in advance for your contribution to this collective effort and for supporting AWWAs mis-
sion to provide solutions to effectively manage the world’s most important resource.
Q: In which one of the following states or terri-
tories do you work most often (grouped by
country: Canada, U.S., Mexico)? If outside of
North America please enter the country in the
space provided?
Q: What is your age?
Younger than 25
65 and older
Prefer not to answer
Q: Which one of the following best describes the
type of organization you work for?
Drinking Water Utility
Wastewater Utility
Combined Water/Wastewater Utility (may in-
clude other services too)
Water Wholesaler
Reuse/Reclamation Utility
Stormwater Utility
Consulting Firm/Consultant
Manufacturer of Products
Manufacturers Representative
Technical Services/Contractor
Regulatory Authority/Regulator
Nonutility Government (municipal, federal,
University/Educational Institution
Financial Industry (ratings agency, investor/
fund rep., etc.)
Law Firm/Attorney
Nonprofit Organization
Other (please specify)
Q: In your opinion, what is the current overall
state of the water industry?
1 = Not at all sound 2 3 4 5 6 7 = Very sound
Q: Looking forward, how sound will the overall
water industry be ve years from now?
1 = Not at all sound 2 3 4 5 6 7 = Very sound
Q: In your opinion, what is the current state of the
water industry in the region where you work
most often?
1 = Not at all sound 2 3 4 5 6 7 = Very sound
Q: Looking forward, how sound will the water
industry be ve years from now in the region
where you work most often?
1 = Not at all sound 2 3 4 5 6 7 = Very sound
Q: Please rate the importance of the following in-
dustry challenges on a scale of 1 (unimportant)
to 5 (critically important).
1 = Unimportant 2 = Slightly important
3 = Important 4= Very important 5 = Critical Dont know
Financing for capital improvements
Improving customer, constituent, and com-
munity relationships
Expanding water reuse/reclamation
Aging workforce/anticipated retirements
Public understanding of the value of water
systems and services
Watershed/source water protection
Data management
Water conservation/efficiency
Affordability for low-income households
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Long-term water supply availability
Public understanding of the value of water
Groundwater management and overuse
Workforce diversity
Renewal & replacement of aging water and
wastewater infrastructure
Emergency preparedness
Asset management
Climate risk and resiliency
Fracking/oil and gas activities
Drought or periodic water shortages
Stormwater management and costs
Acceptance of current water and wastewater
Acceptance of future water and wastewater
rate increases
Cost recovery (pricing water to accurately re-
flect its true cost)
Compliance with current regulations
Compliance with future regulations
Physical security issues
Cyber-security issues
Price and supply of chemicals
Energy use/efficiency and cost
Energy recovery/generation
Water loss control
Wastewater resource recovery
Talent attraction and retention
Certification and training
Any others rating at least “very important” but not
listed (please specify):
Q: How would you rate the following group’s un-
derstanding of the value of water systems and
services (i.e., the physical infrastructure and
the various activities required to provide water
and wastewater services)?
1 = Very poor 2 = Poor 3 = Average 4 = Good
5 = Very good Dont know
General public
Residential customers
Nonresidential customers (industrial/
Public officials
Q: How would you rate the following group’s un-
derstanding of the value of water resources (i.e.,
the various forms of water and its sources)?
1 = Very poor 2 = Poor 3 = Average 4 = Good
5 = Very good Dont know
General public
Residential customers
Nonresidential customers (industrial/
Public officials
What do you think the water sector could do to
improve the overall understanding of the value of
water systems, services, and resources?
Q: In general, how able are water and waste water
utilities to currently cover the full cost of pro-
viding service, including infrastructure renew-
al & replacement and expansion needs, through
customer rates and fees?
1 = Not at all able 2 = Slightly able 3 = Moderately able
4 = Very able 5 = Fully able No opinion/dont know
Q: Given the future infrastructure needs for sys-
tem renewal and replacement (R&R) and ex-
pansion, how able will water and wastewater
utilities be to meet the full cost of providing
service through customer rates and fees?
1=Not at all able 2 = Slightly able 3 = Moderately able
4 = Very able 5 = Fully able No opinion/dont know
Q: Infrastructure R&R encompasses several issues;
how would you rate the importance of the fol-
lowing areas with regards to the challenge of
renewing or replacing aging water and waste-
water infrastructure?
1 = Unimportant 2 = Slightly important
3 = Important 4= Very important 5 = Critical Dont know
Justifying R&R programs to oversight bodies
(board, council, etc.)
Justifying R&R programs to ratepayers
Obtaining R&R funding via bonds
Obtaining R&R funding involving public-
private partnerships
Obtaining R&R funding via federal, state, or
territorial loans
Obtaining R&R funding via federal, state, or
territorial grants
Obtaining R&R funding by taxation (e.g.,
property taxes)
Pay-as-you-go R&R funding
Establishing and following a financial policy
for capital reinvestment
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Establishing and maintaining specific R&R
Addressing declining water sales
Developing/implementing asset manage-
ment programs
Defining appropriate levels of service
Prioritizing R&R needs
Coordinating R&R with other activities (e.g.,
road repair, redevelopment, etc.)
Any others rating at least “very important” but not
listed (please specify):
Q: Overall, how prepared do you think the water
sector is to address any impacts associated with
potential climate variability?
1 = Not at all prepared 2 = Slightly prepared
3 = Moderately prepared 4 = Very prepared
5=Fully prepared No opinion/dont know
Q: Overall, how prepared do you think the water
sector is to address issues related to certication
and training in the next ve years?
1 = Not at all prepared 2 = Slightly prepared
3 = Moderately prepared 4 = Very prepared
5=Fully prepared No opinion/dont know
Q: Overall, how prepared do you think the water
sector is to cope with any expected retirements
in the next ve years?
1 = Not at all prepared 2 = Slightly prepared
3 = Moderately prepared 4 = Very prepared
5=Fully prepared No opinion/dont know
Q: Overall, how prepared do you think the water
sector is to address issues related to talent at-
traction and retention in the next ve years?
1 = Not at all prepared 2 = Slightly prepared
3 = Moderately prepared 4 = Very prepared
5=Fully prepared No opinion/dont know
Q: How concerned are you over the ability of the
water sector to comply with current regulations
in the following areas?
1 = Not at all prepared 2 = Slightly prepared
3 = Moderately prepared 4 = Very prepared
5=Fully prepared No opinion/dont know
Lead and copper
Perfluorinated compounds such as PFOA and
Disinfection by-products
Combined sewer overflows
Point source pollution
Chemical spills
Any others rating at least “very concerned” but not
listed (please specify):
Q: How concerned are you about future water sec-
tor regulations in the following areas?
1 = Not at all concerned 2 = Slightly concerned
3 = Moderately concerned 4 = Very concerned
5 = Extremely concerned No opinion/dont know
Lead and copper
Hexavalent chromium
Pharmaceuticals and hormones
Perfluorinated compounds such as PFOA and
Naegleria fowleri
Disinfection byproducts
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
Security and preparedness (cyber, physical,
and emergency response)
Algal toxins
NDMA and other nitrosamines
Combined sewer overflows
Point source pollution
Nonpoint source pollution
Chemical storage tanks
Unknown chemical or hydrocarbon spills
Any others rating at least “very concerned” but not
listed (please specify):
Q: Please rate the importance of the following
groundwater management issues.
1 = Unimportant 2 = Slightly important 3 = Important
4=Very important 5=Critically important Dont know
Monitoring and reporting groundwater
Groundwater pricing
Reclaimed water for groundwater recharge
Restrictions on groundwater pumping
Declining groundwater levels
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Agricultural use of groundwater
Groundwater regulations
Watershed/groundwater protection
Oil and gas activities
Any others rating at least “very important” but not
listed (please specify):
Q: What impact (positive or negative) do you think
the following large-scale phenomena will have
on the overall water industry in 2015? [page 1
of 2]
1 = Significant negative impact
2 = Slight negative impact 3 = No impact at all
4 = Slight positive impact
5 = Significant positive impact Don’t know
Housing markets
Stock markets
Bond markets
Business/industrial activities
Energy production
Political instability
Social instability
Population growth
Wealth inequality
Any others with significant impact but not listed
(please specify):
End for nonutility career groups; the follow-
ing question sets are provided to the utility
personnel based on previous answers.
The following questions refer specifically to the
utility you work for.
Q: Is the utility you work for publicly or privately
1 = Publicly owned 2 = Privately/investor owned
Q: Please select your utilitys number of water
service connections or collection system con-
nections. If your utility provides both services,
use the greater number of connections (water
vs. wastewater). The number of connections can
be estimated by (population served) divided by
3.5. If possible, please include an estimate of
the number of connections in areas receiving
wholesale water service in this count.
0 to 3,000
3,001 to 10,000
10,001 to 25,000
25,001 to 50,000
50,001 to 100,000
100,001 to 150,000
Over 150,000
Q: Is your utility currently able to cover the full
cost of providing service(s), including infra-
structure R&R (sic) and expansion needs,
through customer rates and fees?
1 = Not at all able 2 = Slightly able 3 = Moderately able
4 = Very able 5 = Fully able No opinion/dont know
Q: Given your utility’s future infrastructure needs
for R&R and expansion, do you think your util-
ity will be able to meet the full cost of providing
service(s) through customer rates and fees?
1 = Not at all able 2 = Slightly able 3 = Moderately able
4 = Very able 5 = Fully able No opinion/dont know
Q: Which of the following best describes any trend
in your utilitys total water sales?
>10 year trend of declining total water sales
<10 year trend of declining total water sales
Flat or little change in total water sales
<10 year trend of increasing total water sales
>10 year trend of increasing total water sales
No specific trend
Not applicable
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Q: Which of the following best describes your
utilitys trend in per account water sales?
>10 year trend of declining per account water
<10 year trend of declining per account water
Flat or little change in per account water sales
<10 year trend of increasing per account water
>10 year trend of increasing per account water
No specific trend
Not applicable
Don’t know
Q: How is your utility responding to its cost recov-
ery needs in the face of changing water sales/
consumption patterns? (choose all that apply)
No changes needed
Shifting more of the cost recovery from
consumption-based fees to fixed fees within
the rate structure
Shifting rate design to increasing block-rate
Shifting rate design to decreasing block-rate
Incorporating seasonal rates
Changes in growth-related fees (i.e., system
development charges, impact fees, or capa city
Revenue diversification
Increasing financial reserves
Implementing rate stabilization reserves
Not applicable
Don’t know
Other (please specify)
Q: Is your utility considering or currently involved
in a public-private partnerships (P3)?
Not considering a P3 at this time
Considering a P3 but not committed
Planning to use a P3
Already involved in a P3
Don’t know
Q: Is your utility considering or currently involved
in consolidation with another utility?
Not considering consolidation at this time
Considering consolidation but not committed
Planning to consolidate
Already consolidated
Don’t know
Q: If your utility is publically owned, is it consid-
ering privatization?
Not considering privatization at this time
Considering privatization but not committed
Planning to privatize
Already private
Don’t know
Q: If you can make an assessment, how would you
rate your utilitys current access to capital?
Worse than any time in the past 5 years
As bad as any time in the past 5 years
Similar to most of the past 5 years
As good as any time in the past 5 years
Better than any time in the past 5 years
Can’t assess/don’t know
Q: Does your utility include potential impacts
from climate variability in your risk manage-
ment or planning processes?
In development but not implemented
Don’t know
Q: How prepared do you think your utility will be
to meet its long-term water supply needs?
Not at all prepared
Slightly prepared
Moderately prepared
Very prepared
Fully prepared
Don’t know
Not applicable
Q: Does your utility have a water conservation
In development but not implemented
Don’t know
Not applicable
Q: Does your utility have a drought management
or water shortage contingency plan?
In development but not implemented
Don’t know
Not applicable
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Q: How many years in the last decade has your util-
ity implemented voluntary water restrictions?
Drop down: 0 to 10
Q: How many years in the last decade has your util-
ity implemented mandatory water restrictions?
Drop down: 0 to 10
Q: Is your utility considering desalination of ei-
ther brackish groundwater or seawater to aug-
ment existing drinking water supplies?
In development but not implemented
Already implemented
Not possible (no brackish groundwater or sea-
water options)
Don’t know
Not applicable
Q: Is your utility considering nonpotable reuse to
augment existing irrigation water supplies?
In development but not implemented
Already implemented
Don’t know
Not applicable
Q: Is your utility considering indirect potable reuse
to augment existing drinking water supplies?
In development but not implemented
Already implemented
Don’t know
Not applicable
Q: Is your utility considering direct potable reuse
to augment existing drinking water supplies?
In development but not implemented
Already implemented
Don’t know
Not applicable
Q: Is your utility considering urban stormwater re-
covery for nonpotable or potable reuse?
In development but not implemented
Already implemented
Don’t know
Not applicable
Q: Water and wastewater utilities have the abili-
ty to collect and analyze large quantities of in-
formation about their systems and customers.
Which of the following best describes your util-
itys “big data” strategy?
We have a big data strategy and it has been
well communicated to me.
We have a big data strategy but it has been
poorly communicated to me.
My utility has a big data strategy, but it has
not been communicated to me.
My utility does not have a big data strategy.
I dont know whether or not my utility has a
big data strategy.
Q: Is your utility using data mining techniques to
better understand its customers?
In development but not implemented
Don’t know
Q: Is your utility using data mining techniques to
better understand its water and/or wastewater
In development but not implemented
Don’t know
Q: Is your utility currently facing any issues relat-
ed to oil and gas activities including fracking
(select all that apply)?
Potential for groundwater contamination
Potential for surface water contamination
Water quantity/use issues (such as timing)
Induced seismic activity
No issues at this time
Don’t know
Other (please specify)
Thank you for participating in the
2015 State of the Water Industry Survey.
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
State, Territory,
or Other Respondents
AB 33
BC 21
MB 7
NB 7
NL 1
NS 9
NT 0
NU 0
ON 76
PE 1
QC 9
SK 10
YT 0
United States of America
AL 20
AK 3
AZ 45
AR 13
CA 211
CO 37
CT 13
DE 3
State, Territory,
or Other Respondents
DC 9
FL 75
GA 26
HI 8
ID 11
IL 55
IN 37
IA 28
KS 20
KY 18
LA 13
ME 14
MD 35
MA 28
MI 46
MN 37
MS 9
MO 25
MT 8
NE 14
NV 18
NH 10
NJ 43
Appendix B—2015 SOTWI Survey
Responses by Location
Below are the number of responses from states and territories. The question they responded to was,
“In which one of the following states or territories do you work most often (grouped by country:
Canada, U.S., Mexico)? If outside of North America please enter the country in the space provided.
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
State, Territory,
or Other Respondents
NM 15
NY 58
NC 49
ND 4
OH 50
OK 17
OR 40
PA 37
PR 8
RI 7
SC 20
SD 5
TN 23
TX 119
UT 17
VT 6
VI 1
VA 52
WA 38
WV 4
WI 34
WY 8
AG 0
BN 1
BS 0
CM 0
CP 0
CH 0
State, Territory,
or Other Respondents
CL 0
DU 0
DF 0
GT 0
GR 0
JA 0
MX 2
MC 0
MR 0
NA 0
OA 0
PU 0
QE 0
QR 0
SL 0
SI 0
SO 1
TB 0
TM 0
TL 0
VE 0
YU 0
ZA 0
Total respondents reporting their location with these
options = 1,723
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Appendix C2015 Health of the
Industry Responses by Location
On the following page are the responses by states and territories to the questions below regarding
the overall and regional health of the water industry using a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 = not at all
sound and 7 = very sound for the present year (2015) and five years from now (2020):
In your opinion, what is the current overall state of the water industry?
Looking forward, how sound will the overall water industry be in five years?
© 2015 American Water Works Association
2015 AWWA State of the Water Industry Report
Overall Regional
Overall Regional
2015 2020 2015 2020 2015 2020 2015 2020
United States United States (continued)
HI 5.4 5.1 5.5 5.5 PA 4.4 4.4 4.6 4.6
MS 5.0 4.9 5.0 4.9 SD 4.4 4.4 4.8 4.8
CO 4.9 4.4 5.1 4.6 WA 4.4 4.2 4.9 4.7
RI 4.9 4.6 5.0 4.9 WI 4.4 4.2 5.0 4.9
AL 4.9 4.7 4.7 4.5 NY 4.3 4.3 4.7 4.6
CT 4.8 4.8 5.3 5.1 DC 4.3 4.1 4.6 4.7
AR 4.8 4.5 5.2 5.1 AZ 4.3 4.2 4.4 4.2
UT 4.8 4.4 5.5 5.5 OK 4.3 4.1 4.1 3.9
WY 4.8 4.6 4.8 4.8 CA 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3
OH 4.7 4.5 4.7 4.7 OR 4.3 4.2 4.8 4.8
TN 4.7 4.8 4.8 4.7 WV 4.3 3.8 4.5 3.8
NE 4.7 4.6 5.3 5.2 NJ 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.3
LA 4.7 4.3 4.8 4.7 MA 4.2 4.3 4.8 4.8
NC 4.7 4.6 4.9 4.8 IN 4.0 3.9 4.2 4.2
DE 4.7 5.0 5.3 5.7 MO 4.0 3.9 4.3 4.2
MT* 4.6 4.5 4.5 4.9 ME 3.9 3.9 4.6 4.1
GA* 4.6 4.5 4.6 4.5 PR 3.8 4.3 3.5 4.0
VA 4.6 4.4 4.9 4.6 NM 3.7 3.9 3.5 3.9
NV 4.6 4.4 4.4 4.3
MN 4.6 4.4 4.9 4.8
MD 4.6 4.7 4.5 4.6
FL 4.6 4.4 4.6 4.5
KS 4.6 4.3 4.6 4.4
SC 4.6 4.4 4.8 4.9
ID 4.5 4.1 5.0 5.0 MB 5.3 5.4 5.4 5.7
NH 4.5 4.2 4.8 4.6 AB 4.8 4.7 5.0 4.9
ND 4.5 4.5 4.3 4.3 ON 4.7 4.8 5.1 5.1
MI 4.5 4.2 4.5 4.5 QC 4.6 5.1 4.4 4.4
IA 4.5 4.1 4.9 4.5 SK 4.6 4.2 4.8 4.6
IL 4.5 4.2 4.6 4.6 NS 4.6 5.1 5.0 5.0
KY 4.4 4.2 4.8 4.9 NB 4.4 4.4 5.0 5.3
TX 4.4 4.1 4.4 4.3 BC 4.2 4.4 4.8 4.9
Average overall scores for the entire sample: 2015 = 4.6, 2020 = 4.5