Eurographics Conference on Visualization (EuroVis) 2021
R. Borgo, G. E. Marai, and T. von Landesberger
(Guest Editors)
Volume 40 (2021), Number 3
Animated Presentation of Static Infographics with InfoMotion
Yun Wang
, Yi Gao
, Ray Huang
, Weiwei Cui
, Haidong Zhang
, and Dongmei Zhang
Microsoft Research Asia
Nanjing University
Figure 1:
(a) An example infographic design. (b) The animated presentations for this infographic show the start time, duration, and animation
effects applied to the visual elements. InfoMotion automatically generates animated presentations of static infographics.
By displaying visual elements logically in temporal order, animated infographics can help readers better understand layers of
information expressed in an infographic. While many techniques and tools target the quick generation of static infographics, few
support animation designs. We propose InfoMotion that automatically generates animated presentations of static infographics.
We first conduct a survey to explore the design space of animated infographics. Based on this survey, InfoMotion extracts
graphical properties of an infographic to analyze the underlying information structures; then, animation effects are applied to
the visual elements in the infographic in temporal order to present the infographic. The generated animations can be used in
data videos or presentations. We demonstrate the utility of InfoMotion with two example applications, including mixed-initiative
animation authoring and animation recommendation. To further understand the quality of the generated animations, we conduct
a user study to gather subjective feedback on the animations generated by InfoMotion.
CCS Concepts
Human-centered computing Visualization design and evaluation methods;
1. Introduction
Combining diverse visual elements, infographics have become a per-
vasive means of improving the comprehension of complex informa-
tion. Enhanced by well-crafted animations, infographics can present
contents progressively and narratively to facilitate perception of
information [Fis10]. In addition, creative animations can guide view-
ers’ attention and improve user engagement [CRP
16]. Professional
designers and artists create animated infographics to expand the
influence of content. Non-experts such as marketers and government
agencies also leverage animations to create informative, aesthetic,
compelling, and impressive presentations. However, the design of
animated infographics requires tremendous effort [ARL
17]. Creat-
ing an elaborate animated infographic involves multiple steps. One
needs to carefully plan the timings and effects of animations.
Consider a hypothetical example in which a nutritionist, Diana, is
preparing a presentation to illustrate Mediterranean diet (Figure 1a).
To leave a great impression to the audience, she goes through design
examples of animated infographics, and imagines an animation like
this: First, the central icon and title show. Then, every slice of the
donut spin clockwise one by one. When the slice is spinning in,
the links wipe in at the same time. For each slice, when the links
are completely shown, the icons, numbers, and descriptions should
gradually appear one by one. To implement the animation design,
she needs to carefully draw out a timeline to arrange the start time
points for each animation (Figure 1b), and apply animation effects
© 2021 The Author(s)
Computer Graphics Forum © 2021 The Eurographics Association and John
Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Yun Wang et al. / Animated Presentation of Static Infographics with InfoMotion
to each visual element. If the resulting animation is not satisfactory
enough, she needs to repeat this process iteratively through trial and
error. The entire process can be tedious and laborious. Non-expert
users without an animation design background may not have clear
animation designs in mind and be hindered by such complicated
settings. They may compromise by simply using a monotonous
animation design, e.g., adopting the same effect and showing all the
elements at once, though they might intend to create more elaborated
ones with abundant animation effects and carefully designed time
arrangements to display and convey their messages.
Visual elements in an infographic compose information structures
implicitly. For example, in Figure 1, an assembly of slice, percent-
age, icon, etc., composes one repeating unit. With similar visual
representations, each unit presents a single part of the whole story,
and at the same time, they are combined to tell the whole story. By
manually coding of 965 infographics, researchers [LWL
20] find
the majority (64.1%) of infographics contain clear narrative flows.
People inject visual hints to imply narrative flows and relations of
visual elements. One step further, we aim to infer semantic roles
of each visual element in these static infographics and organizing
them into information structures, so that we can arrange animation
sequences and effects accordingly.
In this paper, we propose an automatic approach of animation
design, InfoMotion, that recognizes underlying structures of static
infographics and further applies animation sequences and effects,
based on the underlying information structures, to enhance presen-
tations of infographics. First, we conduct a survey on real-world
designs of animated infographics and summarize the design of an-
imation into design primitives to compose information structures.
Then, we propose InfoMotion, a technique that generates animated
presentations of static infographics. InfoMotion infers information
structure from a static infographic by analyzing visual properties of
the elements; presentation orders and animation effects are arranged
to animate the visual elements. We report quantitative evaluations
of our structure inference on 120 infographic examples. We demon-
strate the utility of InfoMotion with two example applications, i.e.,
mixed-initiative animation authoring and animation recommenda-
tion. We further conduct a user study to gather subjective feedback
on the animations generated by InfoMotion and understand the dif-
ferences between auto-generated animations and animations crafted
by designers. Participants shown no preference on the 12/18 anima-
tion pairs generated by InfoMotion and crafted by designers.
2. Related Work
2.1. Infographics
Infographics have gained increasing interest among researchers
in the field of visualization. Combining data content and visual
embellishments, infographics can engage and impress users eas-
ily [BMG
10, HKF15, BVB
13, WSK
19]. Researchers have ex-
plored automated approaches to understand infographics from the
perspective of visual importance [BKO
17], personality [ZCL18],
and quality [FWD
21]. Recently, Lu et al. [LWL
20] ana-
lyze the presentation flow of static infographics leveraging indexes
(numbers and letters) extracted from bitmap images. Inspired by this
work, we further propose an algorithm to reconstruct information
structures so as to enable animation arrangement for static info-
graphics. On a related note, Thompson et al. recently summarize the
design space of animated visualizations [TLLS20]. However, the
study only focuses on summarizing low-level primitives of anima-
tion design. There is a lack of empirical studies to understand how
animation creators present infographics gradually to reveal informa-
tion. To this end, we collect a dataset of animated infographics and
analyze the design space of presenting animated infographics.
Authoring tools and automated generation techniques have
been proposed to assist in creating more expressive visualizations
21]. For example, Data Illustrator [LTW
18] and Charticula-
tor [RLB19] help with the design of bespoke visualizations through
data binding applied to vector graphic properties. Researchers have
also proposed design tools for expressive infographics with im-
ages, icons, and hand-drawn shapes. For example, DDG [KSL
DataInk [XHRC
18], and InfoNice [WZH
18] enable data bind-
ing with custom shapes, hand-drawn shapes, and icons, images,
and texts, respectively. Automated approaches are also explored to
generate infographic data stories, e.g., organizing data facts into
fact sheets [WSZ
20], generating infographics from natural lan-
guage statements [CZW
20], or extracting timeline templates from
infographic images [CWW
19]. While the authoring of static info-
graphics is well-studied, there is no existing technique or tool that
supports the animating of expressive visualizations or infographics
with rich design elements such as icons and embellishments. In our
work, we propose InfoMotion to generate animated presentation of
static infographics.
2.2. Animation Design in Visualization
Animations are commonplace in visualization and have been re-
searched for a long time. Early work by Tversky et a. [TMB02]
finds although animations might not be effective for data analysis,
they are attractive in presentations. Animations can serve a wide vari-
ety of purposes in presentations, such as revealing data relationships,
helping with orientation, catching attention, etc [CRP
16, BS90].
In the context of visual analytics, animated transition techniques
have been adopted to keep users oriented during changes and manip-
ulations of complex datasets, such as dynamic networks [BPF14],
streaming data [HVF13], multidimensional data [EDF08], and doc-
ument histories [CDBF10]. To improve the tracking of moving
objects, researchers have explored animation strategies such as stag-
ing [CRP
20], trajectory bundling [DCZL15], and temporal distor-
tion [DBJ
11]. Described as visually pleasing and engaging, anima-
tion is also an effective method of vividly telling stories to improve
understandability and enhance user experience [HR07,ARL
15] .
For example, Ruchikachorn et al. [RM15] propose teaching visu-
alizations by linking a new one to another more familiar one and
change through animated morphing; Kim et al. [KCH19] design
animated visualizations to convey common aggregation operations;
Wang et al. [WCL
16] design animated narrative visualization to
present video clickstream data.
More recently, Ge et al. [GZL
20] and Kim et al. [KH20] propose
high-level languages that enable users to specify the animations
for data charts. Although the proposed techniques also generate
animated graphics for static ones, they focus on data charts that are
represented by well-structured forms (data-enriched SVG or Vega-
© 2021 The Author(s)
Computer Graphics Forum © 2021 The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Yun Wang et al. / Animated Presentation of Static Infographics with InfoMotion
lite), where the roles (e.g., marks, axes) of each visual element (e.g.,
lines, circles) are clearly assigned. However, the visual elements in
an infographic are usually not structured semantically. Likewise, we
propose information structures that animations can be organized
and arranged accordingly.
InfoMotion takes a reverse-engineering way to construct infor-
mation structures. While existing work on reverse-engineering vi-
sualizations constructs visualization structures by analyzing vector
graphics [SKC
11, SHL
16, PH17, JKS
17, WTD
20], they only
target standard chart templates such as bar charts and line charts.
InfoMotion more flexibly identifies repeating units and construct
information structures to cover a variety of infographics. Through
this way, different animation strategies can be further configured to
cater various needs of expressive animated presentations.
Authoring tools have sought to empower people to create ani-
mated infographics. Commercial tools such as Flourish [flo20] and
Visme [Vis20] support animations through a template-editing man-
ner, where system developers need to create animated infographic
templates in advance. DataClips [ARL
17] similarly provides a set
of templates for users to craft data-driven video. However, with
the template-editing approach, the number of templates limits the
richness of resulting animations. The animations created with a
particular tool may look similar. Presentation tools like PowerPoint,
provide more flexible templates (e.g., SmartArt) with information
structure embedded. Users can configure animations by choosing
effect options (i.e., all at once, one by one, and as one object). How-
ever, it is still a closed system where users cannot add new templates.
When InfoMotion is leveraged by the developers of template-editing
tools, animation templates can be created automatically from static
infographics; when InfoMotion is integrated into authoring tools, it
can empower the tools to generate animation design candidates and
help users create animated presentation easily.
3. Survey of Animated Infographic Presentations
Infographics are a composition of visual elements. The variety of
visual elements is rich. Within an infographic design, the author
may use different icons, colors, and texts to convey information.
To ease the interpretation of data and information, infographic au-
thors may inject visual hints to guide readers to trace the reading
flows [DMM04]. Lu et al. [LWL
20] found that 64.1% infograph-
ics of a large infographic dataset with 965 infographics contain
clear narrative flow, where visual elements are organized into higher
level visual units to convey messages. Because of the complexity of
"other" infographics, as a first step, we scope our research on this
majority type of infographics that enumerate information pieces in
parallel or sequentially.
An effective animated presentation of infographics arranges the
appearance of visual elements in temporal order to guide users’ atten-
tion and convey data and information clearly and logically [CRP
which, however, involves a lot of low-level controls over visual ele-
ments. Our goal with InfoMotion is to facilitate the easy creation of
meaningful animations while striking a balance between flexibility
and expressiveness. Therefore, we first conduct a survey to under-
stand common design practices in animated infographics crafted by
human designers that organize visual elements into effective and
meaningful animation sequences.
History of Architecture
Figure 2:
An example infographic design. The design includes (a)
title, (b) main body, and (c) footnote. (d) is one of the repeating
units and (e) is one of the connectors. The element groups of this
infographic include (f) unit title group, (g) unit description group,
(h) unit index group, (i) unit icon group, and (j) background group.
3.1. Dataset Collection
We collected animated infographics in different forms, including
data videos, animation source files such as PowerPoint files, and
online animation tutorials. We searched through animated info-
graphic examples from video resource sites such as
and We also searched via Google for animated info-
graphics and downloaded presentation template files in the form of
PowerPoint and Keynote slides. We use keywords including the com-
binations of “infographic”, “animation”, “tutorial”, “presentation”,
“infographic PowerPoint template”, “infographic After Effects tem-
plate”, etc. We manually went through search results and selected
the infographics that fit into the scope of our survey. Overall, we
collected 203 animated infographic designs. Among the designs we
collect, 69.5% are from animation design templates (PowerPoint
and Keynote slides), and 30.5% are from real world videos and GIFs.
We used an open coding strategy and conducted a multi-pass man-
ual coding of the 203 animation designs and iteratively improved
the taxonomy through multiple rounds of discussion among three
3.2. Information Structure
To understand how to animate static infographics, we need to ana-
lyze static infographic designs and build the information structures.
An infographic design is composed of a set of visual elements, such
as textboxes, shapes, and images, with visual properties, such as
width, height, shape, color, etc. Here, we summarize key attributes
to describe the
information structure
of an infographic design with
an example design (Figure 2):
Repeating Units
: Multiple visual elements that are combined and
repeated to show parallel or sequential structure in an infographic.
The units usually have similar designs and are placed to certain
positions to imply the relations. For example, Figure 2d is one of
the repeating units.
Element Groups
: An element group contains semantically simi-
lar elements that belong to different repeating units and contribute
© 2021 The Author(s)
Computer Graphics Forum © 2021 The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Yun Wang et al. / Animated Presentation of Static Infographics with InfoMotion
(c) (d)(a) (b)
Figure 3:
The repeating units in infographics are categorized into four layout patterns: (a) Linear layout [con19,tim18, tut17]; (b) Radial
layout [mil18, 6op19, 9op19]; (c) Segmented layout [pro19, rou19,pen19]; (d) Freeform layout [tim19,bal18,map18].
to the design of each repeating unit. The elements in an element
group are usually visually similar. For example, the unit title el-
ement group have all the unit titles, which have the same fonts;
the unit icon element group have all the unit icons, which have
similar color and sizes.
Unit Layout
: The spatial arrangement of visual elements is usu-
ally carefully chosen. The locations of repeating units in an info-
graphic determines the unit layout of the infographic. Generally,
the unit layout determines the presentation order.
: Some infographic designs may contain specific or-
der themselves. Animations are then applied in a particular order
based on infographic designs. These infographics have connec-
tors like lines, arrows to connect visual elements and express
their relations. Then the designs can clearly convey the logic
connections and reading orders of the infographics.
Semantic Tags
: The roles of visual elements in an infographic
design. For example, textboxes are used as titles (Figure 2a),
footnotes (Figure 2c), etc., for an infographic.
3.3. Infographic Unit Layout
Designers place visual units into different layout patterns, forming
information sequences. Figure 3 shows four main styles of info-
graphic unit layouts we found in our dataset:
Linear Layouts
(86; 42.36%) are mostly seen in infographic
designs. All the infographic units are arranged into a horizontal,
vertical, or diagonal line. Different from segmented layouts, the
inner layout of each unit should be the same for linear layouts.
Radial Layouts
(49; 24.14%) refers to the layouts of an info-
graphic with visual units placed together forming an arc or a
circle. It is also a common design in infographics.
Segmented Layouts
(33; 16.26%) refers to layouts when units
are arranged in a zigzag manner. Usually, the direction of the units
is reversed successively. For example, they may be placed on both
sides along a center line. They can also be placed in horizontal,
vertical, or diagonal ways.
Freeform Layouts
(35; 17.24%) are layouts when the units are
not put in regular patterns. For example, in the first infographic
design in Figure 3d, the text descriptions follow the curved arrows.
Other infographics with clear structure may also have random
layouts for the units. For example, when the units are placed on a
map, they may not form clear layouts. Designers may use arrows
or other visual elements to indicate the internal logic structures
of the elements.
3.4. Animated Presentation Design
We further study the arrangement of temporal animation sequences
for each visual element. Overall, we observe most animations follow
common reading order, e.g, starting from the up-left corner to the
bottom-right corner, based on the layouts. Another major style shows
animations following content semantics. For example, they may
show the title, subtitle, and then the core part.
Animation designers follow the information structure to group
the elements inside the units and apply animations to them as a
whole. Similar to previous research on narrative structures [HKL17],
animation designers develop three main styles for the structured
information (Figure 4). (1)
(20; 9.85%): The ani-
mations are applied to the whole structure of the infographics and
are shown all at once. (2)
By repeating units
(170; 83.74%): The
infographics are divided into similar or repeating units to compose
the infographic structure. This method prioritizes the unit relations
of the elements. Where units are shown one by one and the ele-
ments in a unit tend to appear together. (3)
By element groups
(13; 6.40%): This method prioritizes the element relations across
units. Similar elements are shown together. For example, all the unit
titles may appear at first and all the unit descriptions may follow.
Designers sometimes show visual elements by element groups. For
example, designers may show the titles of each unit at first and then
the detailed descriptions together.
For those with connectors (97; 47.78%), we categorize the se-
quences into five types (1)
(33; 34.02%): Connec-
tors in the infographic are shown first, and then the units, which
is usually applied to connectors passing through all the units; (2)
(5; 5.15%): Units in the infographic are shown first,
and then connectors; (3)
(51; 52.58%): Connectors and
units are shown one by one alternately. (4)
2.06%): Embellishments in the infographic are shown first, and then
other components; (5)
All at once
(6; 6.19%): Major components
are shown all at once.
© 2021 The Author(s)
Computer Graphics Forum © 2021 The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Yun Wang et al. / Animated Presentation of Static Infographics with InfoMotion
(b)(a) (c)
Figure 4:
Visual elements are arranged temporally into stages, cor-
responding to the sequences of animations: (a) elements are shown
concurrently; (b) elements are presented by repeating units; (c)
elements are presented by element groups.
Animation pacing, which is usually adopted to arrange animations
into temporal stages and improve understandability and engagement
[TLLS20], is commonly designed for infographics animated by
repeating units and by element groups. Overall, there are three
different styles of animation pacing:
(175; 86.21%):
Animations are merged into groups or units to and shown one by
one. Animation effects can also be different or the same.
(20; 9.85%): Animations are shown all at once. Designers can
apply one animation effect for all infographic components or apply
different animation effects for different components at the same
(8; 3.94%): All animations start at different times
and each animation starts with a constant temporal delay after the
previous one.
4. InfoMotion
Following animated infographics design practices, we propose In-
foMotion, a technique that generates animated infographics auto-
matically from static infographic designs. We describe two stages,
namely, structure inference and presentation arrangement, to gen-
erate animated presentations. At the structure inference stage, Info-
Motion analyzes the visual elements and infers underlying informa-
tion structures from the graphical properties of the visual elements
(width, location, color, shape, etc.). At the presentation arrangement
stage, presentation orders and animation pacing can be arranged
based on design practices summarized from the survey.
The infographic designs are usually in the form of graphic de-
sign files, in the format of vector image (e.g., svg, pdf, ai, ppt,
etc.), and consist of visual elements, including text boxes, icons,
shapes. InfoMotion takes static vector infographics as input and
parses the infographic designs into a set of visual elements (e.g.,
textboxes, shapes, and icons) and their properties (e.g., position,
color, and size). Although many vector images support the annota-
tion of groups, such as <g> tags in SVG files, they can be unreliable
and introduce mistakes. Therefore, we treat infographic inputs as a
bag of unstructured visual elements. Taking the properties of these
visual elements, InfoMotion goes through multiple stages to infer
information structures. After that, InfoMotion arranges animation
sequences and applies animation effects to the visual elements. The
animations can be further synthesized by different applications and
rendered to the users. The output of InfoMotion is an abstract speci-
fication of the animations. Infographic designs are organized into
structures consisting of visual elements. Animations are applied to
each visual element. For each animation, we describe animation
start time and animation effect type. Design tools can directly follow
the animation specification to add animations for static infographics.
4.1. Structure Inference
The repeating units that are composed of visual elements usually
have similar designs and are placed in certain positions to imply the
relations. However, it is not easy to identify the elements composing
the units. Visual embellishments with various designs may appear at
any position in an infographic. To tackle these problems, we design
a bottom-up approach to analyze the structure of infographics. Our
approach starts by (1) finding repeating (similar) element groups that
are used across repeating units, which are constitutive of repeating
units. Then we (2) organize those elements into repeating units to
model the information structure of the infographic designs. Finally,
we (3) recognize infographic connectors and add semantic tags to
complete the structure inference that enables flexible animation
4.1.1. Finding Similar Elements
Repeating units are designed with regularity to achieve a pleasing
visual effect. Visual elements across units are usually similar but not
exactly the same. For example, sibling shapes in an element group
may have the same size, but with different colors; sibling textboxes
may have different contents, lengths, but the same font. Identifying
them requires considerations of different similarity measurements.
Therefore, the goal of the first step is to filter the elements that are
most probably inside the repeating units. We first group similar ele-
ments into clusters
< C
. For simplicity, we adopt a set
of heuristic strategies to identify similar elements for different ele-
ment types. For shapes, we extract their paths, and further categorize
the path of the shapes into a set of basic shapes [SANC17, LDH11].
Shape similarity between two visual elements is measured with the
shape type, widths, and height; Icon/image similarity is measured
with width and height; Textbox similarity is measured with font size
and textbox width (if there are multiple rows of text). Clustering
techniques (e.g., hierarchical clustering) can also be adopted.
After that, we infer the number of repeating units from the size
of clusters base on our observations from our survey: if the number
of repeating units is
, the elements across units form clusters
of similar elements of size
. Reversely, the
elements in each
cluster contribute to the N repeating units in the infographic. For
example, in Figure 5, the visual elements in the design can be put
into eight clusters based on the similarity (Figure 5a.1-3), including
six rectangles, six text boxes, six icons, etc., meaning the number
of repeating units is most probably six (
N = 6
). We compute the
size of each cluster
S = {size(C
and find
the commonest size
N = mode(S)
, meaning that many clusters have
N similar elements.
4.1.2. Identifying Repeating Units
After extracting many clusters, we assign them to repeating units
(Figure 5b.1-3). To divide them into units, we take advantage of
the regularity and proximity principle [LWL
20] adopted by most
designers from our survey: (1)
: Elements are placed in
regular and harmonious patterns across units. The layout patterns
should be similar across element groups. We can merge elements
into units based on the coordinate positions if two groups have
similar layouts. For example, if similar elements are all in horizontal
© 2021 The Author(s)
Computer Graphics Forum © 2021 The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Yun Wang et al. / Animated Presentation of Static Infographics with InfoMotion
Figure 5:
Structure inference process: InfoMotion first decomposes
the visual elements in an infographic (a.1), extracts visual properties
(a.2), and clusters similar elements (a.3). Then it identifies repeating
units by finding one cluster with the commonest cluster size (b.1,
N=6), merging other clusters with sizes of N (b.2) and greater than
N (b.3). Finally, it attaches layouts (c.1) and semantic tags for the
elements (c.2) and output the information structure.
layouts, we sort the elements based on horizontal positions and put
them into units one by one. (2)
Element Proximity
: Designers avoid
crossing and long distance for relative elements. Infographic designs
without standard layouts usually leverage proximity to enhance
perception – elements within a unit are more likely placed close to
each other.
The algorithm that merges clusters into units works as follows
(Algorithm 1): we first identify the layout type of every cluster of
) = N
by classifying them into one of the four layout types
(Figure. 3). We take the most frequent layout type as the overall
unit layout (Line 3, Algorithm 1). Then we try to merge clusters of
) >= N
one by one into units by layout or proximity (Line
8-12, Algorithm 1). When the clusters’ layouts are identified and
the same with the units’ layout, and the sizes of the clusters are of
we naturally try to merge them into the
units by layout; otherwise,
we merge them by proximity. When elements are merged by layout,
they are sorted according to their positions and added to the units
accordingly. When elements are assembled by proximity (please
Algorithm 1 Merge Cluster
1: procedure MERGECLUSTER(clusters, n)
2: units []
3: unitLayout mostFrequentLayout(clusters)
4: unitCands filter(clusters,c c.len n)
5: others filter(clusters, c c.len < n)
6: u unitCands.pop()
7: while u 6= NULL do
8: layout detectLayout(u)
9: if layout == unitLayout and u.len == N then
10: assembleResult assembleByLayout(units,u)
11: else
12: assembleResult assembleByProximity(units,u)
13: if assembleResult == NULL then
14: add u to others
15: else
16: add assembleResult.selected to units
17: if assembleResult.le f t.len n then
18: add assembleResult.le f t to tail of unitCands
19: else
20: add assembleResult.le f t to tail of others
21: u unitCands.pop()
return (unitLayout, units, others)
find more details about the algorithm of merging by proximity in
the supplementary material), we calculate the distance between
the elements in the new cluster and existing units, and put each
element in the cluster into correct units. To ensure proper merging
into units, we further leverage element regularity across units by
calculating standard deviations of the distances between current
units and the newly added elements. The standard deviation should
be lower than a threshold
to avoid grouping by mistakes. The
default value of
is set to 0.04 based on our experiments. When
the clusters are of
) > N
, we take out the elements to be
merged to the units, and check whether the remaining elements are
still of
) >= N
. It is common that the remaining elements
can still contribute to the units. We put them back to the tail of
candidate clusters. If the remaining elements are of size less than
, we put the remaining elements to the set of
. Finally,
elements that cannot be successfully merged into units
will be further considered as connectors, embellishments, or other
components in the next step.
4.1.3. Recognizing Connectors and Semantic Tags
After organizing elements into repeating units, we can further iden-
tify connectors between units and determine sequences. Connectors
are a special type of repeating unit. We search through visual ele-
ments of line or arrow shapes that fall in the region between any two
units. We attach the layout tags to the infographics (Figure 5c.1).
We further add semantic tags (e.g., title, icon, image, footnote, and
background, etc.) for the infographic components to enable flexible
animation arrangements based on heuristic rules (Figure 5c.2). First,
we add semantic tags for the elements left out from the repeating
units and connectors as global level infographic components, like
title, description, background, and footnotes. For example, we assign
© 2021 The Author(s)
Computer Graphics Forum © 2021 The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Yun Wang et al. / Animated Presentation of Static Infographics with InfoMotion
textboxes at the bottom with smaller font sizes as footnotes and
textboxes with larger font sizes as titles. Then, we also add semantic
tags to the visual elements within a unit with similar heuristics.
Usually, elements within a unit act as unit titles, unit icons, unit
background, etc. The semantic tags can be easily extended to make
the role categories finer.
4.2. Presentation Arrangement
With information structure inferred, InfoMotion arranges the pre-
sentation orders and animation pacing that are applied to the visual
elements based on the design patterns summarized in our survey.
Animations should be arranged into temporal sequences logically.
Showing all animations one by one can be cluttered and unfocused,
while showing animations at the same time can be overwhelming
and hard to follow.
4.2.1. Animation Sequence
Presentation Order.
The presentation order of the animated info-
graphics are configurable parameters for users to choose. We pro-
vide three design strategies to arrange the sequence of animations.
Animation designers can choose from any of the three presenta-
tion orders to arrange the presentations: (1) Animation based on
sequences: For infographics with obvious sequence indexes, we
follow the original orders of the infographics. We go through text
boxes to check whether there are strong indicators of presentation
orders, such as number indexes (1-10) or letter indexes (A-Z). If
there are connectors and the connectors are with directions such as
arrows, we follow the directions of connectors to assign a sequence
for the units. (2) Animation sequence based on common reading
order: infographic components within an infographic design may
not have clear dependencies or logical orders. We provide choices
of reading orders (e.g., from left to right, from top to bottom, clock-
wise or counterclockwise) based on the layout of an infographic to
arrange animation sequences. (3) Animation based on semantic tags:
many designs adopt a semantic order. For example, the title appears
first, followed by the subtitle. The footnotes appear last. For those
without a clear sequence pattern, this approach can be taken. Based
on the semantic tags, it is easy to adjust content sequences. Besides
these default choices, more sequence options can also be provided
to users.
Based on the two ways of arranging the elements summa-
rized in our survey, (i.e., by repeating unit, and by element group),
InfoMotion supports three pacing strategies based on our survey, i.e.,
one-by-one, all-at-once, and staggering, which can be applied to
merge animations into several stages. For example, InfoMotion can
stagger repeating units/element groups, and show elements within
units or groups all at once. By default, InfoMotion chooses “by
repeating units”, and repeating units are also shown “one by one”,
which is the most popular way from our survey. Within each unit,
visual elements are shown in a “staggering” manner with 10% over-
lapping. By setting these parameters, we can compute the sequence
and start time of showing visual elements. These parameters can
be adjusted by different application scenarios and user preferences
according to the needs.
4.2.2. Animation Effects
InfoMotion further applies animation effects for each visual element.
However, from our survey, we do not observe obvious design pat-
terns of choosing animations. Moreover, there is no consensus on
the taxonomy of animation effects. For example, animation creating
tools such as Adobe After Effects allow users to have low-level
controls over objects, while presentation tools like Keynote and
PowerPoint animate static object by injecting preset animations.
Similar to [GZL
20], InfoMotion borrows the taxonomy of preset
effects used in presentation tools and tries to balance expressiveness
and conciseness.
Following this taxonomy, we identify more than 20 animation ef-
fects applied to the infographics from our dataset, including fade and
wipe that are most frequently used. Other effects like path, stretch,
swivel, and wheel appear only 1 or 2 times in our dataset. With our
dataset, we explore a data-driven method to build an element-effect
model. Through this way, we can further understand whether de-
signers have similar considerations when adopting animation effects.
We select six common animation styles, namely, fading, floating,
zooming, wiping, flying, and splitting, as general choices for the
effects, covering 95.5% of the effects in the dataset. In total, we
extract 461 visual element-animation effect pairs.
We train a random forest model (with more details described in
the supplementary material) to recommend top-k ideal effects for
the visual elements [rf20]. Random forests are an ensemble learning
method of constructing a multitude of decision trees at training time
and outputting the majority vote from these individual trees as final
predictions. The parameters for each element include element width,
element height, element shape, unit layout, and element position. We
calculate the accuracy of animation prediction if the animation effect
in one test case is included. The average accuracy of cross validation
is 86.98% (k=3), 73.69% (k=2), and 65.8% (k=1). Depending on
the flexibility of animation design environments, animation design
applications can recommend top-1 or top-k animation effect(s) to the
users. When users need to modify the animation effect for a given
component, applications can recommend a ranked list of effects.
This enables users to easily modify the animation effects based on
their personal preferences.
5. Evaluation
5.1. Experiments on Structure Inference
To evaluate the infographic structure inference algorithm, we take
the animated infographics analyzed in Section 3 from real-world
designers. We manually preprocess the files to remove animations
from the source files and excluded the animations that cannot be
decomposed (e.g., videos, GIFs), adding up to 120 infographic
designs. The 120 designs contain 45.83% (55) linear, 18.33% (22)
radial, 22.50% (27) segmented, and 13.33% (16) freeform layouts.
Among them, 46.67% (56) have connectors while 53.33% (64) do
not have connectors. We have manually tagged the infographic
elements into similar element groups and repeating units. We further
tagged connectors if the infographics contain.
We compare the automatically analyzed infographic structure
(element groups and repeating units) with manually labeled ones.
© 2021 The Author(s)
Computer Graphics Forum © 2021 The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Yun Wang et al. / Animated Presentation of Static Infographics with InfoMotion
Figure 6: Failure cases [sli19, pre18] from structure inference. Re-
peating units are hard to identify when (a) designers adopt uncom-
mon layout or (b) repeating unit designs are not similar enough.
The criteria for judging success are (1) the number of units are
correct, (2) the element groups containing only similar elements that
are tagged by humans. We mark the case as “correct” if elements
missed out are embellishments, meaning that the embellishments
are not repeated across units and they are very easy to be fixed. From
the 120 designs, we got 94 success cases, reaching an accuracy of
78.33%. Overall, our algorithm can successfully identify infographic
structure in various design cases. We further report our success rates
regarding different aspects as follows.
Infographic Layout.
From the layout perspective, the accuracy
of InfoMotion reaches 83.64% (46/55) for linear, 86.36% (19/22)
for radial, 62.96% (17/27) for segmented, and 75% (12/16) for
freeform layouts.
InfoMotion reaches an accuracy of 73.21% (41/56)
for infographics with connectors and 82.81% (53/64) for those
without connectors.
For failure cases (Figure 6), there are two common problems:
(1) The layouts do not fall into common layout types, resulting in
failures of sequencing units. For example, the textboxes in Figure
6a are placed along an arbitrary curve. The shapes and directions
cannot be parsed with InfoMotion. When infographic structures
are not correctly inferred, applications can provide interfaces that
users can inject correct structures through user interfaces to generate
animations accordingly. (2) Designers may adopt very different
visual elements across repeating units. When there is only one or
even no similar elements, it is hard to get an anchor element with the
algorithm. Consequently, it is harder to identify repeating units from
the design (e.g., Figure 6b), resulting in failure. Taking the bubbles
with different sizes and colors as an example, InfoMotion cannot
judge which ones were repeated.
5.2. Example Application
We demonstrate the utility of InfoMotion with applications in the
form of PowerPoint add-in
. We choose PowerPoint for three rea-
sons: (1) PowerPoint is one of the most popular presentation au-
thoring tools for general users to create infographics and present
data stories. Users can take advantage of this existing workflow to
generate animations and enhance their presentations automatically.
(2) A large number of static and animated infographics are designed
by designers using PowerPoint. The VSTO tools [VST20] enables
the extraction of visual properties from the PowerPoint slides and
the attachment of animations to the infographic designs. (3) We take
the taxonomy of PowerPoint preset effects to recommend animation
InfoMotion can be implemented as a standalone application. Af-
ter computing the animations applied for different shapes, animated
infographics can be further synthesized. InfoMotion can also be inte-
grated smoothly into the workflow of other infographic design tools,
which can help users easily extend static designs into animated ones.
We believe InfoMotion opens up new opportunities for infographic
animation design and authoring.
Mixed-Initiative Animation Authoring.
InfoMotion can be
used to create a mixed-initiative animation authoring experience.
Users can design and import static infographics in the form of Pow-
erPoint slides. Once an infographic is designed, users can click on
the InfoMotion button to show a design panel of the animations.
Users can modify the groupings based on their needs through the
design panel (Figure 7a). They can also adjust the sequence by mov-
ing up and down the element groups. After that, users can click
the “Add animation” button on the design penal to apply animation
effects to the visual elements. They can also configure presentation
order and animation pacing through the design panel. Users can
click “Play” or “Preview” button in PowerPoint to review the ani-
mation effects. If they want to modify the animations, they can also
leverage the InfoMotion Designer to select a group of objects on
canvas. As such, users can easily select elements and fine-tune the
animation configurations at any granularity. Integrating InfoMotion
in a mixed-initiative authoring tool preserves human creativity but
eases the repetitive efforts in creating animations.
Animation Recommendation.
Another possible usage of Info-
Motion is to recommend many animated infographic designs based
on one static infographic. Users no longer need to imagine anima-
tion effects before they start to design. They just need to choose
the animations that they prefer most. This can reduce the barrier of
using animations, which can be especially useful for novice users.
As shown in Figure 7b, when a user completes the design of an
infographic, with just one click, InfoMotion shows a list of anima-
tion design candidates. The design candidates are generated through
the combinations of different animation settings, such as animation
sequence, staging, and effects. Users can choose one from the can-
didates and further adjust the animation designs to fine tune the
5.3. User Study
We conduct a user study to gather subjective feedback and under-
stand the quality of the InfoMotion-generated animated infograph-
ics, by comparing them with the designer-crafted ones randomly
selected from the animated infographic tutorials in our survey.
We recruited 32 participants (19 male, 13 female,
aged from 23 to 52) from a local tech company. The participants
include data analysts, researchers, engineers, program managers,
and intern students. They are general users who need to present data
and communicate insights through slide decks in their daily work.
All of them have used presentation tools like PowerPoint or Keynote
to create animated presentations. Five of them had experience with
© 2021 The Author(s)
Computer Graphics Forum © 2021 The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Yun Wang et al. / Animated Presentation of Static Infographics with InfoMotion
(a) (b)
Figure 7:
Sample applications: (a) A PowerPoint add-in that supports mixed-initiative animation authoring; (b) Another add-in that supports
animation recommendation for one static infographic. It provides multiple animation design candidates for users to choose.
graphic design tools such as Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. No
participant reported vision impairments.
Study Design.
To avoid users paying attention to the graphical
designs of the infographics, we conduct a pair-wise within-subject
comparison study between two groups of animations. (1) Auto-
generated group: With the prototype applications (Section 5.2) at
hand, we prepare the study stimuli by randomly selecting info-
graphic templates in the form of PowerPoint files, which might
indicate the high-quality of the animated infographics. Then we
manually remove all the animation actions, resulting in 18 static
infographic designs. We run InfoMotion for each static infographic
and pick the top-ranked generated animated infographic for the
study. (2) Designer-crafted group: the original animated infograph-
ics corresponding to the auto-generated animations naturally form
the designer-crafted group. We calculate the number of mouse clicks
in the tutorial videos that demonstrate the authoring process of the
animations without design iterations. The average number is 73.6
clicks (max = 176, min = 13, median = 56), excluding the clicks
for static infographic design, which could be more difficult if the
resulting designs are indefinite, and the users are non-experts. This
indicates the complexity of the animation design tasks and the ef-
forts involved to author these animations from static infographic
The participants rated their preferences between the
two groups of animations with a 7-point bidirectional Likert-scale.
Each participant performed 18 trials. In each trial, the participants
were shown a pair of animated infographics. The sequence of the
two animations and the 18 pairs was shuffled and users were not
informed that half of them are auto-generated until they completed
rating. The participants were asked to view pairs of animations by
clicking the “preview” button for animations when viewing a Power-
Point file. For each pair, we used 7-point bidirectional Likert-Scale
ranging from “the first one is strongly better” to “the second one
is strongly better” to understand users’ preference between the two
animations. During the study, participants were encouraged to think
aloud or write down their reasons for choices. After the completion
of the ratings, the participants were told that half of the animations
are automatically generated. We conducted a semi-structured inter-
view to review and discuss the considerations involved during their
ratings and asked them to complete a short demographic survey.
Subjective Ratings.
All participants completed the ratings with
roughly 10-15 minutes in total. We collected a total of
32×18 = 576
ratings. The median of all ratings is
with the scale
. Figure
8 shows the percentages and absolute numbers of subjective ratings
ranging from -3 to 3 provided by the participants for each animation
pair (AP). Both the median values and the p-values obtained from
the Wilconxon test on whether the medians equal to 0 are also listed
for each pair. After applying Bonferroni correction to set the signifi-
cant value at
c = 0.05/18
, 13 out of the 18 tests yield non-significant
p-values (
p > c
), which indicates that participants shown no prefer-
ence over the designer-crafted and machine-generated animations
in the majority of the trials. The participants showed statistically
significant preference on five human-generated infographics (AP1,
AP4, AP9, AP10, AP15). A detailed investigation over those pairs
suggests that humans perform better than machines when complex
or context-dependent animations are required. For example, the
main body of one infographic (AP10) is a cartoon pencil made up
of multiple rectangles. While the auto-generated animation shows
the pencil segment by segment, the designer-crafted one shows the
pencil as a whole. The other examples (AP1, AP4, AP9, AP15) uses
multiple shapes to mimic layers, shadows, and depth of real-world
Qualitative Observations.
The overall reactions from the partic-
ipants were promising. Most participants felt it is more engaging
to watch animations than static infographics. As P9 said, “I think
the difference between these pairs is not much. All of them are much
better than static ones.Participants did not realize that half of the
cases were machine-generated. After knowing that half of them were
automatically generated, many of the participants felt surprised, with
one saying “Can you let me know which ones are automatically
generated? It is not easy to guess.Another participant mentioned,
“Hard to imagine they are generated with just one click!”
Through the interview, we also learn lessons from users’ prefer-
ences of animation designs. First, users have different preferences
of animation ordering. Some of them preferred to adopt a common
reading order (e.g., left-to-right, up-to-down), while some others
© 2021 The Author(s)
Computer Graphics Forum © 2021 The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Yun Wang et al. / Animated Presentation of Static Infographics with InfoMotion
-100% 60%
Disagree Somewhat
Neutral Somewhat
Agree Strongly
[M=-1.0, P<0.001]
[M= 0.0, P=0.640]
[M= 1.5, P=0.034]
[M=-2.0, P=0.001]
[M=-0.5, P=0.128]
[M=-0.5, P=0.843]
[M= 0.0, P=0.036]
[M= 1.0, P=0.025]
[M=-1.0, P<0.001]
[M=-2.0, P<0.001]
[M= 0.5, P=0.764]
[M= 1.5, P=0.006]
[M= 1.0, P=0.008]
[M= 1.0, P=0.012]
[M=-2.0, P=0.003]
[M= 0.0, P=0.793]
[M= 0.0, P=0.786]
[M= 0.0, P=0.166]
AP 1
AP 2
AP 3
AP 4
AP 5
AP 6
AP 7
AP 8
AP 9
AP 10
AP 11
AP 12
AP 13
AP 14
AP 15
AP 16
AP 17
AP 18
Figure 8:
User ratings for the 18 animations pairs for each in-
fographic design: from strongly prefer designer-crafted ones to
strongly prefer auto-generated ones.
prefer to show the theme first. For example, P2 preferred up-to-
down order because “it is easy to follow with my eyes”, while P18
preferred theme-first order because “I prefer (unit) titles shown first.
This indicates the importance of applications to have a user interface
for users inject their preferences. Another interesting finding is the
usage of redundancy. Some designers may highlight elements by
flickering or bouncing for a short time, applying more than one
animation effects to the same shape to emphasize some parts of the
infographics, while the automatic-generated animations apply one
animation for each visual element by default. The redundancy makes
some of the human-designed animations lively and attractive, while
machine-generated ones seem a bit rigid. Some participants (2/32)
thought the animations (designed by humans) are nonsensical and
too superfluous. One participant said, “This one should be reduced.
I don’t want to watch this bubble flickering for such a long time”,
while some other participants (2/32) mentioned these animations
were interesting and attractive.
6. Discussion
Benefits and Drawbacks of Automatic Generation
The creation
of animated infographics is time-consuming even for professional
designers. Users need to take a great amount of time assigning
timings and effects one by one to each visual element. InfoMo-
tion can save these manual efforts and make it possible to generate
delicate animations in one click even for non-designers. However,
the automatically generated animations are not perfect and cannot
be as creative as the animations made by top designers. For exam-
ple, designers sometimes design more creative animations based on
physical properties (e.g., balls falling under gravity, clouds floating
in the air, papers tearing apart). Current design of InfoMotion only
considers abstract shapes. To make these designs possible, we need
to further understand graphical objects with real-world meanings to
make animations more attractive and natural.
Animation Designing vs. Authoring
Most common visualiza-
tion authoring tools assume that users want to author, instead of
design a visualization [SLR
19]. In other words, the authoring tools
assume users have a specific design in mind or sketched on paper.
However, it is very hard for users to sketch animations on paper.
With traditional animation authoring tools, users have to imagine
in mind, which restricts the exploration of animation design space.
As illustrated in Section 5.2, the automatic method has changed the
authoring process of animation design in two ways. With just a few
clicks, users can start from many draft animations. They can even
easily compare among multiple design prototypes in parallel and
get inspiration from the generated designs.
Animated Infographic Design Paradigms
The current design
of the animation generation considers the direct generation of in-
fographics from static ones. To better exploit human ingenuity and
creativity, other design paradigms can also be explored. Supported
by our information model, we can consider a 1-to-many way – to
transfer the animation design from one unit to another, or even one
infographic to another infographic with similar layouts and struc-
tures. This approach leaves out the labor-intensive parts but injects
human’s creativity to the creation of animations.
Based on the repeating units, InfoMotion does not
support more complex and advanced infographic-style diagrams,
visualizations, and tables that encode size, length, position, and color
of the units with data fields. The encoding scheme varies across chart
types. For example, pyramid charts have different colors and shapes
for each unit. Gantt charts may use color and length to encode
numerical value or duration. Therefore, the repeating patterns may
not be easy to detect without further knowledge of chart types.
Another limitation is the number of cases we adopt for evaluation.
Although a number of animated infographic videos and GIFs could
be collected, source files that can be converted to vector images are
not easy to gain. In the future, we plan to invite human users to
produce more animations from the static designs for more detailed
comparison analysis. Similarly, the performance of the decision tree
model is highly related to the animations we collect. We hope to
collect more animations to improve the model in the future.
7. Conclusion and Future Work
In this paper, we contribute an automated approach to present an-
imated infographics from static infographic designs. Through an
analysis of existing animated infographic designs, we summarize
common patterns in real-world design practices. Based on the anal-
ysis, InfoMotion can model the information structures, compose
the visual elements into animation sequences, and apply a set of
animation effects. To illustrate the usage of InfoMotion, we develop
example applications in the form of PowerPoint add-ins, which au-
tomatically attaches various built-in animation effects to the visual
elements in a slide. We further conduct a user study to compare ani-
mations generated by InfoMotion with the ones crafted by designers.
Our study shows the results of automatic generated infographic
designs are promising in terms of animation quality.
We believe InfoMotion opens new avenues and encourages more
research on the authoring and generation of animated infographics.
In the future, we plan to develop an animated infographic platform
that can take multiple infographic design forms as input and help
users generate and publish enjoyable infographic videos. We also
plan to generate and recommend animated infographics directly
from datasets or text information based on advanced infographic
generation techniques.
© 2021 The Author(s)
Computer Graphics Forum © 2021 The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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