2021 - 2024
SIGNATURES................................................. ii
PREAMBLE................................................... iii
I. TERM OF THE AGREEMENT............................ 1
II. RECOGNITION...................................... 1
III. MANAGEMENT RIGHTS................................ 2
IV. DEFINITIONS...................................... 2
V. ASSOCIATION RIGHTS............................... 5
VI. TEACHER RIGHTS................................... 10
VII. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES............................. 20
VIII. IMPASSE.......................................... 24
IX. TEACHING CONDITIONS.............................. 24
X. LEAVES........................................... 35
XI. TRANSFERS/VACANCIES.............................. 45
XII. ASSIGNMENTS/REASSIGNMENTS........................ 47
XIII. TEACHER APPRAISAL............................... 51
XVII. MISCELLANEOUS.................................... 61
XVIII. COMPENSATION..................................... 61
XIX. SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT............................... 67
TEACHER SALARY SCHEDULE.................................... 70
APPENDIX................................................... 72
INDEX...................................................... 79
This agreement represents a contract entered into by the above
parties following extended deliberate discussions and negotiations in
regard to wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment.
Section 1. Effective Date
This agreement will be effective as of August 1, 2021, and
will remain in effect until July 31, 2024.
Section 2. Successor Contract/Reopeners
The parties agree that negotiations on a successor contract
will begin on a date mutually agreeable to both parties at least
sixty (60) calendar days prior to the termination date of this
contract, or at another mutually agreeable time.
Both parties agree to reopen negotiations at least 60 calendar
days prior to July 31, 2022, and July 31, 2023, or at another
acceptable time, on any mutually agreed upon items, on any five
sections proposed by the Association, on any five sections
proposed by the Board, teacher salary schedule, supplement salary
schedule, and fringe benefits.
Both parties agree to reopen negotiations on those sections of
this contract which have expired or have become invalid during
the life of this contract through legislative action, court
decisions, or Florida State Board of Education administrative
The parties agree to meet for problem solving on mutually
agreed-upon items at a mutually agreed-upon date and time.
Section 3. Severability Clause
If any provision of this contract or any application of this
contract is held to be contrary to law, the provision or
application will be invalid, except to the extent permitted by
law. All other provisions or applications will continue in
effect for the term of the contract.
Section 4. Ratification
Ratification of amendments to this agreement will be
accomplished by a majority vote of both PERC certified unit
members and the School Board of Alachua County.
Section 1.
The Board recognizes the Association as the exclusive
bargaining representative for all personnel in the bargaining
unit. The Board will not negotiate with any teacher organization
other than the Association for the duration of this contract.
The bargaining unit will consist of:
Included: Classroom teachers, school media specialists,
guidance and other counselors (including occupational
specialists), school deans, school psychologists, special
projects teachers, teachers on special assignment, resource
teachers, part-time teachers employed on one-half (1/2) time
basis or greater, assistant principals devoting less than one-
half (1/2) time to administrative duties, and any title not
listed as excluded which requires certified personnel paid on the
teacher salary schedule.
For membership in the bargaining unit, the term adult
education teacher will refer to employees whose duties require
direct instruction of students one-half (1/2) time or greater in
any of the following programs:
Alachua County Continuing Education for Pregnant Teens
(ACCEPT), Vocationally Integrated Program (VIP), Vocational/ESE,
Vocational Agriculture, Adult Secondary Education (ASE), English
Spoken as the Other Language (ESOL), Adult Vocational and Jail.
Excluded: Employees classified as administrative or
managerial personnel and not paid on the teacher salary schedule;
or if paid on the teacher salary schedule, who are assigned
administrative duties on a one-half (1/2) time or greater basis
if such duties involve formal evaluation of those described above
as included within the certified unit; the Superintendent,
Assistant and Deputy Superintendents; directors, coordinators,
supervisors and other titles not included in the teacher salary
schedule; principals, assistant principals (unless assigned less
than one-half (1/2) time duties); substitute teachers not paid on
the teacher salary schedule; and part-time teachers employed for
less than one-half (1/2) time.
The Board, on its own behalf and on the behalf of the
District, hereby retains and reserves unto itself all powers,
rights, authority, duties, and responsibilities conferred upon
and vested in it by the laws and the Constitution of the State of
Florida and the United States except as modified by the specific
terms and provisions of this Contract.
Section 1.
The term teacher will refer to all persons within the
recognized bargaining unit.
Section 2.
The term classroom teacher will refer to employees whose duties
require direct instruction of students one-half (1/2) time or
Section 3.
The term Board refers to the School Board of Alachua County,
Florida, its authorized agents and/or its designees.
Section 4.
Unless otherwise specified, the term day will mean the working
day of teachers included in the bargaining unit, excluding
holidays and weekends, as distinguished from calendar days which
reflect the normal passage of time.
Section 5.
The term School District will refer to the School District of
Alachua County.
Section 6.
The term parties will refer to the Board and the Association.
Section 7.
The term media specialist will refer to a teacher, certified
by the state as a media specialist or librarian, whose primary
responsibility is the maintenance and operation of a school media
Section 8.
The term school dean, behavioral resource teacher or
behavioral specialist will refer to all teachers whose primary
duties require monitoring the maintenance of student and school
welfare as outlined in the Code of Student Conduct, through
direct supervision of students and implementation of authorized
disciplinary procedures.
Section 9.
The term counselor will refer to all persons who are certified
by the state as school counselors and whose duties require the
provision of guidance and counseling services and the coordination
of other student services.
Section 10.
The term curriculum resource teacher will refer to all
teachers who meet appropriate certification requirements and are
designated by the principal as curriculum resource teacher and
whose duties include, but are not limited to, acting as a
resource for and assisting teachers and coordination and
monitoring of all curriculum areas, but will not include
supervisory or evaluative responsibilities.
Section 11.
The term school psychologist will refer to all properly
certified persons designated by the Board as school
psychologists, and whose duties include, but are not limited to,
psychological evaluations and consultations.
Section 12.
The daily rate of pay is that amount resulting from dividing
total salary by the number of days the teacher is under contract.
The hourly rate of pay is that amount resulting from dividing
the daily rate of pay by the number of hours worked each day.
When a teacher is paid their daily or hourly rate for work
related to an area for which they received a supplement, the
supplement will be included in calculating their total salary.
Section 13.
The term mileage refers to the amount of reimbursement per
mile authorized for payment to employees by the Florida
Section 14.
The term seniority will be determined by the following consec-
utive order:
(a) Length of continuous service a teacher has taught in the
district exclusive of extended leaves other than for injury or
illness in the line of duty;
(b) Length of continuous time of service a teacher has taught
in the district inclusive of leaves;
(c) Total years of teaching service in the district;
(d) Initial time the teacher reported to work in the
(e) Time of official Board appointment; and
(f) Most qualified person who is appropriately certified.
Section 15.
The term transfer will refer to an employee-initiated change
in work location, school site, or teaching assignment.
Section 16.
The term reassignment will refer to a Board-initiated change
in work location, school site, or teaching assignment.
Section 17.
The term teaching assignment refers to the classes, courses of
study, grade levels, or work responsibilities a teacher is
scheduled to teach or carry out.
Section 18.
The term planning refers to the time spent in lesson
preparation and evaluation by a teacher.
The term team planning refers to the time spent in lesson
preparation, conferencing, and evaluation by a group of teachers
on common students and/or curriculum.
Section 19.
The term faculty meeting refers to a school meeting of the
general teaching population at which attendance is required.
Only the principal or acting principal may call a faculty
Section 20.
The terms they, their and them are used herein as nongender
specific pronouns.
Section 21.
The term Association refers to the Alachua County Education
Association, its authorized agents, and/or its designee.
Section 22.
Unless otherwise specified, the term year of experience will
mean at least one day more than half a full-year work assignment,
which currently is ninety-nine working days each school year,
which is equivalent to 742.50 hours.
Section 23.
Elementary teacher will refer to teachers employed at an
elementary school.
Section 24.
The term duty assignment will refer to the routine supervision
of students by a teacher.
Section 1. Exclusive Rights
The Association rights of this contract will be the exclusive
rights of the Alachua County Education Association.
Section 2. Right to Organize
Every teacher in the Association bargaining unit will have the
right to freely organize, join, participate and actively support
the Association.
Section 3. School Calendar
The Association and the Superintendent or their designee will
develop a tentative school calendar(s) including those items
commonly found in the districtwide twelve-month school calendar(s).
This calendar(s) will be submitted to the Board before March 1 for
its consideration and will include an indication of the desires of
teachers in relation to the calendar(s). Calendars may be for more
than one (1) year.
Should the Board determine that it is necessary to change the
calendar(s), the Association and the Superintendent or their
designee will develop tentative calendar(s) modifications and
negotiate the impact of these modifications on members of the
bargaining unit and submit the changes in the calendar(s) for
Board approval. The Board retains its powers as set forth in
Florida Statutes.
Section 4. Dues Deduction
The Association will have the right to dues deduction and to
uniform membership assessments in the following manner:
(a) Any teacher eligible for membership in the Association
may request dues deduction for Association dues in equal
installments according to the pay frequency selected by the
teacher beginning in the month following the date of
(b) Association dues deduction and discontinuances will be
made on forms provided by the Association. The Association will
confer with appropriate agents of the Board in devising the
format of the forms;
(c) Association dues deduction may be cancelled upon written
request to the Association by any teacher previously authorizing
them. Cancellation will take place within thirty calendar days
of the written request for cancellation;
(d) The Board will remit to the Association each month, in a
timely manner, the proceeds of payroll deductions for Association
(e) Complete dues revisions will be processed by the Board no
more than one time in any fiscal year. If more than one dues
revision is processed in any fiscal year, the Association agrees
to reimburse the Board for all costs incurred; and
(f) The Association will hold the Board harmless in any
matter involving Association dues deduction or assessments.
Section 5. Facilities, Meeting
The Association will be permitted use of school buildings for
district meetings. Details, including approval of use, will be
arranged with the principal. In the event equipment is needed
for such meetings, details, including approval of use, will be
arranged with the principal. A rental charge and service costs
may be assessed not in excess of the minimum rate imposed by
facilities rental regulations in effect at the time of use.
Association members at each school may meet during the teacher
workday once each month to conduct Association business. Such
meetings will not be held during the student day. The time of
such meetings will be mutually agreeable to the principal and the
Section 6. School Concerns Committee
There will be a School Concerns Committee in each school
center. The senior representative at each worksite will hold an
election during pre-planning to elect the Committee. The three
(3) to five (5) members of the committee will be composed of and
chosen by Association members at the school center.
(a) The School Concerns Committee and the school principal
will meet on matters of local concern. Such meetings will be on
a regularly scheduled basis, not less than once per month. Both
parties will collaborate on matters of concern to discuss and
implement reasonable solutions, but no party may be required to
take action on matters discussed. The committee will choose a
recording secretary who will keep and distribute minutes to the
faculty and staff. Meetings may be rescheduled or cancelled on
mutual agreement of the School Concerns Committee and the school
principal. Other parties may be invited to participate, as
(b) The parties agree to cooperate in providing inservice
training to School Concerns Committees and Administrators
designed to increase and improve problem solving at the school
level. Participation in training sessions will be voluntary.
Training sessions will normally be held after the student day.
Section 7. Meetings, Superintendent
The Superintendent or designee and the President of the
Association or their designee will meet on a regularly scheduled
monthly basis to discuss the implementation or maintenance of
this contract and/or other matters of concern to either party.
An agenda of general concerns to be discussed will be exchanged
between the Superintendent or designee and the President of the
Association or designee no later than three days prior to the
scheduled meeting to enable the parties time to prepare for the
discussion of such concerns and to invite appropriate
participants to the meeting. Failure to timely deliver the agenda
may be cause for either party to cancel the meeting.
Section 8. Meetings, Faculty
The school rep and principal will collaborate to select a
place on the agenda of each meeting involving the total school
faculty, or in instances in which small group faculty meetings
are held in lieu of total school faculty meetings, for the
purpose of making announcements.
Section 9. Meetings, Pre-School Planning
During preschool planning, the Association, upon request, will
be granted one continuous hour during one workday to conduct
Association business. The time will be scheduled by mutual
agreement of the Association and the principal and may exceed one
hour upon mutual agreement.
Section 10. Meetings, Board Agenda
Upon ten (10) calendar days advance request to the Superinten-
dent, the Association will be given a place on the agenda of
regular and special Board meetings devoted to general business.
This section will not prevent the Association from requesting
that it be added to the agenda as an item in the nature of
emergency business. Such a request will not be unreasonably
denied by the Superintendent.
Section 11. Bulletin Board
The Association will have the exclusive use of a bulletin
board at each school center. The bulletin board will be located
in the faculty room or in another area frequented by all teachers
in the school. The bulletin board space will contain no less
than fifteen square feet (approximately 3 x 5 feet).
The location of existing bulletin boards will not be changed
except by agreement of the chief association representative and
the principal. Representatives of the Association will be
responsible for posting and removing materials, and assuring that
posted items have Association identification.
Section 12. Distribution, Material/Information
The Association will be permitted use of teacher mail boxes
and school board email for the distribution of materials and
information related to Association business provided that the
Association will be responsible for distributing such items. The
only exception to this section is for public political
campaigning by the Association and the Board.
Section 13. Mail, Truck Use
The Board agrees to the following provision with the
stipulation that should the Board be found in violation of United
States Postal Service rules and regulations and/or the Private
Express Statutes that the Association will hold the Board
harmless and will assume all responsibility for fines, fees, or
back postage imposed on the Board and/or legal fees incurred by
the Board as a result of such findings. Should the Board be
ordered to cease and desist from providing such services by the
United States Postal Service or court of competent jurisdiction,
such service will cease immediately.
(a) The Association will be permitted reasonable use of the
interschool mail system for items pertaining to administration of
the contract between the Board and ACEA and joint Board and ACEA
projects, task forces and programs, provided items are properly
addressed and packaged. Copies of Association items distributed
through the interschool mail system will be available to the
office of the Superintendent at the time they are distributed.
(b) The Association office will be a regularly scheduled
pick-up and delivery stop on the interschool mail system.
Section 14. Distribution, Board Agenda
Notification of the posting of the regular and consent agendas
and the Board minutes will be available to the Association
electronically no less than five calendar days prior to Board
The non-confidential agenda support data will be available to
the Association at the administration offices. This package will
be updated as Board member support materials are updated.
Section 15. Workday Visitation
During the regular workday, an authorized representative of
the Association may visit personnel within the school provided
the visit does not interfere with nor disrupt normal school
activities. Upon arrival, the Association representative will
report their presence and the purpose of their visit to the
principal or their designee. In order to assure identification,
the Association will provide a list of authorized representatives
which will not exceed fifteen persons at any given time. The
names will be listed by title of the person and purpose of the
visit. This list may be modified by the Association as needed.
When the list is modified, ample notice will be forwarded to the
Superintendent or their designee, giving sufficient time for
principals to be notified. When requested, the union
representative will also provide appropriate identification and
follow local school sign-in, sign-out procedures. Failure to do
so may be grounds for refusal of the visit. Permission to visit
personnel within the school will not be unreasonably denied.
Section 16. Association Leave
The Board agrees that the Association will be granted up to a
total of one hundred (100) days leave per year to provide
released time for Association members to conduct Association
business. Such leave will be treated as personal leave with pay
and will require prior approval of the Association and at least
ten days prior notification of the Superintendent or their
designee. The Association will reimburse the Board for all days
used under this section at the prevailing substitute teacher pay
scale. Approval of the Superintendent or their designee is
required for any teacher who uses more than five (5) such days
during any school year. Approval will not be unreasonably
denied. Normally, there will be no more than one teacher from
each school on leave under the provisions of this section on any
one day. Personal leave in this section will not be interpreted
as relating to personal leave in other sections of this contract.
Section 17. District Financial Data
At the Association’s request, the district agrees to furnish
the Association copies of any information provided by the
Superintendent to the School Board concerning the financial
resources and financial condition of the district, including its
budget, monthly and annual financial reports, information
relative to members of the bargaining unit, pupil enrollment,
attendance data, etc.
Section 18. Board Policies
Current Board policies are available on the district’s
website. New written policies, and any additions, deletions,
or changes in policies will be provided to the Association,
via e-mail and available online at least one week before First
Section 19. Districtwide Committees
The Association will be notified by the Superintendent or
their designee of the formation of districtwide committees which
will include teachers.
The Association will provide, within twenty (20) days of
notification, a list of nominees equal to the total number of
teachers to be placed on the committee. The Board will choose at
least one-half of the teachers on the committee from that list.
Should the Association not provide such a list within 20 days,
the Board will choose members from the instructional staff. Upon
selection of the committee members, the Association will receive
a list of the members of each committee and a schedule of
committee meetings once they have been established.
Section 20. Association Business
With the approval of the principal, Association representatives
may leave campus to conduct Association business after the student
day. Approval will not be unreasonably denied.
Section 21. Officer Release Time
Upon request, up to three (3) Board employees, who are members
of the ACEA or its affiliates, will be treated as employees on
special assignment. The Association agrees to reimburse the
Board for the costs of the continuation of the existing payroll
service. Under unusual circumstances, such assignment may be on
a less than full-time basis when arrangements are made to the
mutual satisfaction of the Superintendent and the Association.
Said employee(s) and the ACEA shall enter into an
indemnification and hold harmless agreement with the Board
agreeing to indemnify and hold harmless the Board, its agents and
employees, from and against any and all claims and causes of
action of whatever nature arising out of or relating to the acts
or omissions of the officer while acting on special assignment.
This indemnification and hold harmless agreement shall include
attorney fees and court costs incurred by the Board, its agents
and employees, in connection with the defense of any said claim
or cause of action. If said employee is employed by the ACEA
less than full-time, this agreement will only be in effect while
the employee is employed by the ACEA.
Section 22. Distribution, Contracts
Within forty-five days after the ratification by both parties,
the Board will provide the Association with 300 printed copies of
this contract and 300 copies of subsequent amendments to the
Association. The Board will also make the full contract and
subsequent amendments available on the district’s website in a
single PDF format containing a table of contents and a search tool.
The form and quality of the copies of this contract will be
mutually acceptable.
Section 23. Job Descriptions
Copies of the district’s job descriptions are available on the
district’s website.
Section 24. Employee Orientation
The Association will be placed on the agenda of new employee
orientation, including the induction program for all employees
eligible for membership for a period of thirty (30) minutes.
Section 25. Professional Development
The Association and the district office of professional
development will collaborate to provide approved in-service and
in-service certification points for instructional personnel at
the ACEA building.
The Association may collaborate with the district office of
professional development to plan for and provide an approved in-
service workshop for the improvement of communication between the
Association and administration. Principals and their building
reps will be encouraged to attend as a team. Certification
points will be awarded after successful completion.
Section 1. Private/Personal Life
The private and personal life of any teacher is the concern of
only that individual unless it interferes with the effective
performance of their prescribed duties. The Board will not
require a teacher to participate in religious activities.
Section 2. Activities After the Normal Workday
Except in the instance of required attendance at the school's
annual open house or when teachers have requested that a teacher
conference/planning day be held in the evening, teachers may use
their professional judgment to determine their participation at
other activities after the normal workday. A high school may
hold an additional open house at the beginning of the second
semester, if there are major changes in student/teacher
schedules. Teachers will be notified in writing at least ten
(10) days prior to the annual open house meeting.
Section 3. Notification of Inquiries/Investigations
To the extent permitted by law, the Superintendent or designee
will notify teachers within one (1) day of inquiries and/or
investigations pertaining to the teacher made to the school
system by outside agencies.
If a complaint is made by a parent, student, or other
individual regarding an employee’s conduct that involves a
student and could result in disciplinary action or a negative
evaluation of the employee, a meeting shall be conducted between
the teacher and their administrator to discuss the complaint.
When disciplinary action is being taken, the evidence relied on
to support the action will be provided to the employee upon
The Superintendent or designee will notify teachers of formal
written/notarized complaints pertaining to the teacher made to
the Human Resources Division through the procedures established
by the Human Resources Division. Teachers will receive
notification within one (1) day and all related documentation, to
the extent permitted by law, within a reasonable amount of time.
Section 4. Liability, Student Transport
Teachers will be covered by the Board's liability program when
they are transporting students as part of their assigned or
related duties, or when reasonable professional judgment dictates
that a student or students need to be transported because of a
dangerous or potentially dangerous situation. Teachers will seek
and secure administrative approval, when possible, prior to
transporting students. Teachers will not be required to
transport students unless such transport would be a normally
expected activity for the position which they hold.
Section 5. Personnel File, Notification/Examination
District personnel files are public records subject to
sections 119.07 and 1012.31, Florida Statutes. Upon prior
notification to the district personnel office, a teacher or their
duly authorized designee will be permitted to examine their
entire personnel file, including confidential information. A
teacher will sign for and receive a copy of each item placed in
their personnel file at the time it is filed. No materials will
be used against a teacher in a written disciplinary proceeding
unless the teacher has received a copy of the information prior
to the proceeding.
A disciplinary meeting which results in a documented verbal
warning/reprimand will be removed from an employee’s Human
Resources Division personnel file after a period of one (1) year
if no further infractions of the same nature have occurred.
Section 6. Nonrenewal/Dismissal
If the principal does not intend to recommend a teacher
for reappointment, the teacher will be informed in writing no
later than April 15. If April 15 falls on a weekend or
holiday, the prior business day will be the written nonrenewal
Principals will be sent a list of teachers who have been
non-renewed and who are eligible for reappointment, no later
than May 20. To be eligible for reappointment, the teacher
must have an overall Effective or Highly Effective evaluation
and no certification deficiencies. An updated, final list
will be sent to principals on or about June 11.
Dismissal during the term of an annual contract shall be
for just cause unless it is during the initial (probationary)
contract during which period just cause is not required under
Florida law.
Section 7. Association Representation, Disciplinary Conference
When called to any disciplinary meeting with an administrator,
a teacher will be informed when they ask what the meeting is
When a teacher, who is a member of the Association, is
involved in circumstances which they believe could lead to a
written warning, written reprimand, suspension, nonrenewal,
dismissal, or return to probationary status contract, that
teacher may have Association representation at any conference
between an administrator and the teacher which relates to the
matter. An administrator who is considering such disciplinary
action against a member of the bargaining unit will give the
employee written notice, including the reasons for concern, no
less than 24 hours prior to the conference. Such notice will be
hand delivered or sent by certified mail.
Nothing in the above will be considered as preventing the
administrator from conducting an initial fact-finding conference
or investigation to determine the facts in the case. Should the
initial complaint or fact-finding conference warrant further
action, the principal will notify the involved teacher within 24
hours to discuss the complaint with the teacher. A teacher may
refuse to provide or sign written statements without
representation present.
Section 8. AC/PSC, Suspension/Dismissal
A teacher, excluding teachers on continuing contract, may be
suspended or dismissed at any time during the term of the
contract for just cause. Whenever charges are made against a
teacher, the Board may suspend the teacher. Such suspension will
be with pay for a period not to exceed ninety (90) calendar days,
pending completion of a hearing on charges leading to suspension.
Suspension with pay will not apply to a teacher charged with
being absent without leave or who engages in activities
prohibited by Florida Statutes, Chapter 447.
The Board will notify the teacher in writing of the charges
and will provide a hearing on the charges, if requested. No
teacher will be denied the right to counsel, to cross-examine
witnesses, to rebut charges against them, to present witnesses in
their own defense, or to testify or adduce evidence in their own
defense. If charges are not sustained, they shall be immediately
reinstated, and their back salary shall be paid. When a teacher
is notified in writing of such charges, they will have 15 days,
excluding school holidays, from receipt of the notice to demand,
in writing, a hearing to be conducted at the Board’s election in
accordance with section 1012.33(6)(a), Florida Statutes. Any
such decision adverse to the teacher may be appealed by the
teacher pursuant to section 120.68, Florida Statutes, provided
such appeal is filed within 30 calendar days after the decision
of the Board.
Section 9. CC, Suspension/Dismissal/Return to Probationary Status
(a) A teacher who is under continuing contract may be
dismissed or returned to probationary status for another 3 years
at the discretion of the Board, at the end of the school year,
when a recommendation to that effect is submitted in writing to
the Board on or before April 1 of any school year, giving good
and sufficient reasons therefore, by the Superintendent. The
teacher will be duly notified in writing at least ten (10) days,
excluding school holidays, prior to the filing of the written
recommendation with the Board, and such notice shall include a
copy of the charges and the recommendation to the Board. The
Board shall proceed to take appropriate action. Any decision
adverse to the teacher shall be made by a majority vote of the
full membership of the Board. Any such decision adverse to the
teacher may be appealed by the teacher pursuant to section
120.68, Florida Statutes, provided such appeal is filed within 30
calendar days after the decision of the Board.
(b) A teacher who is under continuing contract may be suspended
or dismissed at any time during the school year provided that the
charges against them must be based on immorality, misconduct in
office, incompetency, gross insubordination, willful neglect of
duty, drunkenness, or being convicted or found guilty of, or
entering a plea of guilty to, regardless of adjudication of guilt,
any crime involving moral turpitude. Whenever such charges are made
against a teacher, the Board may suspend the teacher. Such
suspension will be with pay for a period not to exceed ninety (90)
calendar days, pending completion of a hearing on charges leading to
the suspension. Suspension with pay will not apply to a teacher
charged with being absent without leave or who engages in activities
prohibited by Florida Statutes, Chapter 447.
The Board will notify the teacher in writing of the charges
and will provide a hearing on the charges, if requested. No
teacher will be denied the right to counsel, to cross examine
witnesses, to rebut charges against them, to present witnesses in
their own defense, or to testify or adduce evidence in their own
defense. If such charges are not sustained, they shall be
immediately reinstated, and any back salary shall be paid. In
cases of suspension by the Board or by the Superintendent, the
Board shall determine upon the evidence submitted whether the
charges have been sustained and, if said charges are sustained,
either to dismiss the teacher or fix the terms under which said
teacher may be reinstated. If such charges are sustained by a
majority vote of the full membership of the Board and such
teacher is discharged, their contract of employment shall be
thereby cancelled. Any such decision adverse to the teacher may
be appealed by the teacher pursuant to section 120.68, Florida
Statutes, provided such appeal is filed within 30 calendar days
after the decision of the Board.
Section 10. Contract Status
A teacher who has continuing contract status prior to July 1,
1984, or professional service contract status prior to July 1,
2011, will be entitled to retain such contract and all rights
arising therefrom in accordance with existing laws, rules of the
State Board of Education, or any laws repealed by legislative
action, unless the employee voluntarily relinquishes their
Section 11. PSC, Return to Annual Contract/Dismissal
A teacher's professional service contract shall be renewed
each year unless
1. the teacher receives
two consecutive annual performance evaluation ratings
of unsatisfactory; or
two annual performance evaluation ratings of
unsatisfactory within a 3-year period; or
three consecutive annual performance evaluation
ratings of needs improvement or a combination of
needs improvement and unsatisfactory; or
2. the Superintendent, after receiving the required
recommendations, charges the teacher with unsatisfactory
performance and notifies the teacher in writing. The following
procedures shall apply:
a. Upon delivery of a notice of unsatisfactory performance,
the evaluator must confer with the teacher, make recommendations
with respect to specific areas of unsatisfactory performance and
provide assistance in helping to correct deficiencies within a
prescribed period of time.
b. The teacher shall be placed on performance probation for
90 calendar days following the receipt of the notice of
unsatisfactory performance to demonstrate corrective action.
School holidays and school vacation periods are not counted when
calculating the 90 calendar days. During the 90 calendar days,
the teacher must be evaluated periodically and apprised of
progress achieved and must be provided assistance and inservice
training opportunities to help correct the noted performance
deficiencies. At any time during the 90 calendar days, the
teacher may request a transfer to another appropriate position,
with a different supervising administrator. Such requests will
not be unreasonably denied.
c. Within 14 days after the close of the 90 calendar days,
the evaluator must assess whether the performance deficiencies
have been corrected and forward a recommendation to the
Superintendent. Within 14 days after receiving the evaluator’s
recommendation, the Superintendent must notify the employee who
holds a professional service contract in writing whether the
performance deficiencies have been satisfactorily corrected and
whether the Superintendent will recommend that the Board continue
or terminate their employment contract. If the teacher wishes to
contest the Superintendent’s recommendation, they must, within 15
days, excluding school holidays, after receipt of the
Superintendent's recommendation submit a written request for a
hearing. The hearing, shall be conducted at the Board’s election
in accordance with one of the following procedures:
1) A direct hearing conducted by the Board within 60
calendar days after receipt of the written appeal. The hearing
shall be conducted in accordance with Chapter 120, Florida
Statutes. A majority vote of the full membership of the Board
shall be required to sustain the Superintendent's recommendation.
The determination of the Board shall be final as to the
sufficiency or insufficiency of the grounds for termination of
employment; or
2) A hearing conducted by an administrative law judge
assigned by the Division of Administrative Hearings of the
Department of Management Services. The hearing shall be
conducted within 60 calendar days of receipt of the written
appeal in accordance with Chapter 120, Florida Statutes. The
recommendation of the administrative law judge shall be made to
the Board. A majority vote of the full membership of the Board
shall be required to sustain or change the hearing officer's
recommendation. The determination of the Board shall be final as
to the sufficiency or insufficiency of the grounds for
termination of employment.
d. A teacher's professional service contract may be renewed
each year by letter, referencing the teacher's current contract
status. This procedure in no way diminishes the rights bestowed
by a professional service contract.
Section 12. Academic Freedom
The parties agree that the exercise of academic freedom and
professional judgment by teachers is essential to maintaining a
productive learning environment. The parties also agree that
teachers have the right to utilize professional judgment in
regard to choosing the methodology and teaching strategies to be
Further, the parties agree that professional judgment and
academic freedom may be necessary to meet the needs of individual
students. Teachers are encouraged to be innovative in utilizing
multiple techniques in order to enhance instruction. Such
methods must serve a demonstrated educational purpose and must
not impair the teaching process. The teacher will consult with
the principal prior to implementing extreme or unusual
The parties acknowledge the Board's responsibility to
establish course and curriculum objectives. Nothing in this
section shall limit the Board's right to adopt programs and
materials to be used in the District.
If a teacher's teaching materials are formally challenged by a
member of the community or a group of citizens and an investigation
results, the Association will have the opportunity to be represented
in the investigation. The teacher(s) involved will be notified of
the procedures and will have the right to defend the challenged
material and/or its use.
Section 13. Resignation, Withdrawal
A teacher may be permitted to withdraw a written resignation
with the approval of the Superintendent. If a teacher wishes to
have a conference with their principal concerning the resignation
after its submission, the principal will hold such a conference.
The teacher will have seven (7) days within the current school
year after their resignation is submitted by the principal to the
School Board office in which to request the withdrawal of the
Section 14. Disciplinary Action, Inappropriate
Administrators will not reprimand a teacher in the presence of
students, parents, other faculty, or staff members. Witnesses
present at the teacher's and/or administrator's request will not
constitute violation of this section.
Section 15. Legal Defense
If civil or criminal action(s) is brought against a teacher
for acts or omissions arising out of and in the scope of their
employment or function, the Board may provide legal defense for
the teacher. The teacher will be obligated to request such a
defense from the Board in writing within ten (10) days of notice
of charges, and the Board will respond in writing within a
reasonable time from receipt of the teacher's written request.
The teacher will waive any claim to costs (including legal
fees) unless such a request is made and the Board declines to
provide the service. If the Board agrees to provide legal
defense, it shall approve the attorney to be employed.
In the event the Board fails to provide such legal service,
the Board will provide for reimbursement of reasonable expenses
for legal services for teachers who are charged with civil or
criminal actions arising out of and in the course of the
performance of assigned duties and responsibilities upon
successful defense of the teacher. However, in any case in which
the teacher pleads guilty or nolo contendere, or is found guilty
of any such action, the teacher will reimburse the Board for any
legal services which the Board may have supplied.
Section 16. Assault/Battery
Any case of assault and/or battery by anyone upon a teacher in
connection with an exercise of legitimate teacher authority will
be reported to the principal who will investigate and report the
incident to a representative of the Board. A representative of
the Board will notify the Association and confer with the teacher
to advise them of their rights and responsibilities with regard
to the matter. Criminal charges will normally be filed in such
cases. A representative of the Board will offer to assist the
teacher in pressing such charges as are appropriate. A student
who deliberately and knowingly strikes a teacher will be
suspended from school and shall be recommended for expulsion.
Nothing contained in this section shall prohibit a teacher
from contacting the proper legal authorities and filing charges
against the person or persons who assaulted and/or battered the
teacher. No punitive actions shall be taken by any administrator
against any teacher who exercises their legal rights under this
In order to decrease incidences of assault and/or battery,
teachers will be notified by the principal when a student with a
known history of violent behavior is placed in their class.
Section 17. Royalties
The Board waives all rights to royalties from and other privi-
leges afforded for materials, tapes, publications, or other
educational aids produced by a teacher, provided the teacher
neither produces nor develops such materials, tapes,
publications, or educational aids during the normal workday. The
teacher will not utilize Board equipment, materials, facilities,
or personnel in development or production of such materials.
Field testing of such materials may be conducted within the
individual teacher's classroom with the prior written permission
of the principal, provided that such materials are consistent
with the overall instructional objectives of the class, course,
and/or grade level. Permission to field test will not be
unreasonably denied. Nothing in this section will deny a teacher
permission to make application to have materials field tested
under existing Board Policy.
Materials produced by a teacher and used countywide will
contain acknowledgment of the teacher's contribution.
Section 18. Access to Classroom
Teachers will have access to the classrooms to which they are
assigned during the normal workday. With the approval of the
principal, teachers will have access to school facilities at
other times. Principals will not unreasonably deny such access.
Section 19. Job Sharing
The parties endorse the concept of employee job sharing under
the following conditions:
a. Teacher participation is voluntary;
b. Principal approval is required;
c. Hours and responsibilities must be outlined in writing
and approved by the participating teachers and their principal;
d. Hours and responsibilities must be designed so as to
provide both teachers with at least the total time worked
necessary to gain a years’ experience for salary and retirement
e. The Superintendent will maintain final approval of job-
sharing programs;
f. Proposals for job sharing should be developed and
submitted for approval by May 1 of the year prior to the
proposals becoming effective;
g. When possible, each teacher will agree to substitute for
the other teacher when absent. The teacher will receive their
regular rate of pay for the time spent substituting;
h. The two teachers who agree to job sharing will determine
in what manner the Board’s insurance premium cost will be
distributed. The contribution will not exceed the equivalent of
the Board’s contribution for one employee.
Section 20. Pre-School Planning, Meetings
The administration will provide a tentative schedule of pre-
school planning required meetings, team and department meetings
which teachers are required to attend, and inservice training for
teachers. The schedule will be distributed to teachers at least
five (5) days prior to the first day of pre-school planning.
During pre-school planning, individual and team/department
teacher preparation time will be given the highest priority (at
least 51%) and required meetings and inservice will be kept to a
Section 21. Emergency Closing/Notification
Whenever circumstances necessitate the closing of a school or
schools for emergency reasons and Florida law or SBE rule dictate
that the day(s) must be rescheduled, teachers directly affected
by the possible rescheduling will be polled by the Association
and the results made known to the Administration prior to the
day(s) being rescheduled by the Board.
Uniform procedures will be established to notify staff members
about the closing of a school or schools for emergency reasons.
These procedures will be shared with staff members during
Section 22. Parent/Teacher Conferences
Teachers will not be required to interrupt lessons to
participate in parent/teacher conferences. Parent/teacher
conferences will normally be scheduled no earlier than the day
following a parental request unless an earlier time is agreed to
by the teacher. Teachers will be provided 24 hours’ notice of
scheduled conferences, except in cases of emergency mutually
agreed to by the principal and the teacher.
A teacher may end a conference between the teacher and the
parent if the parent or any individual is abusive. The teacher
shall report the incident to the principal and request
rescheduling of the conference with administrative participation.
During this rescheduled conference or subsequently rescheduled
conference(s) the teacher may request that the conference(s) be
stopped and rescheduled if any individual is abusive. The
administrator participant(s) will not unreasonably deny such a
Abusive behavior will include but will not be limited to:
threat(s) of violence, assault(s), shouting and/or the continuing
use of profane language and obscene gestures.
Section 23. Classroom Visits, Non-School Personnel
It is the intent of the administration and teachers that
visits to a teacher's room during student contact time by non-
school personnel occur only in emergency situations or consistent
with section 1003.572, Florida Statutes. Classroom visits by
non-school personnel will be scheduled by the teacher or through
the office with the teacher's consent.
Any non-school personnel who interrupts a teacher's class
without prior consent of the teacher will be reported to the
office and, at the teacher's request, all reasonable efforts will
be made to remove the non-school personnel from the teacher's
Section 24. Chairpersons/Team Leaders, Selection
Department chairpersons, grade level chairpersons, and team
leaders will be selected annually by the members of the
departments, grade levels, or teams they represent. Should a
vacancy occur after the school year ends, the team will select a
new chairperson or team leader by the end of pre-planning for the
coming school year. If a chairperson or team leader fails to
meet their obligations, they shall be replaced by the principal
until the team elects a replacement.
In cases where no members of a department, grade level or team
volunteer to be the chairperson or team leader, the principal
will designate that person. If a person is not elected by the
end of pre-planning, the principal shall select the chairperson
or team leader for the year.
Section 25. Communicable Disease/Health Screening Test
Both parties agree that it is in the best interest of teachers
and students to be free from communicable disease.
When recommended by the chief medical officer of the Alachua
County Health Department, and upon recommendation of the School
Health Advisory Council, the Board may require teachers to
present evidence of freedom from a particular communicable
disease. No teacher shall be compelled to submit to any test
without a written statement of the need for such a test from the
School Board.
Under these conditions, medical screening tests will be
provided to teachers at no cost. Screening means presumptive
identification of disease by tests that can be easily and rapidly
given to apparently healthy persons. The tests will normally be
conducted by Alachua County School nurses or Public Health nurses
at the school site within the workday, under the supervision of a
licensed physician.
A teacher with a history of positive reaction to a screening
test will be allowed to submit a physician's statement or medical
history in lieu of undergoing the screening test.
A teacher declining to submit to a screening test on religious
grounds will suffer no disciplinary action from the Board.
Teachers who choose to have the screening tests performed by
their private physicians will be responsible for the costs
This section shall not be used to screen teachers or employees
for HIV or AIDS related diseases. Employees shall not be
screened for HIV or AIDS.
Section 26. Participation in Institutes/Conferences
The nomination and appointment of eligible teachers to
participate in skills or subject area institutes shall be done in
a manner which allows equal access to the process.
Section 27. Cell/Telephone Calls
Telephone calls to a teacher’s classroom will occur only in an
emergency or during non-instructional time.
Cell telephone use by teachers for personal reasons is
permitted only during non-instructional time or in an emergency
Section 28. Monitoring of Wireless Communication Devices
If a teacher, pursuant to School Board Policy 5136, Student
Use of Personally-Owned Wireless Communication Devices (WCDs),
allows the use of personal WCDs in their classroom and makes
reasonable effort to monitor student use of those WCDs, then
teachers will not be held responsible for student misuse of
personally owned wireless communication devices.
Section 29. Breast Feeding
The district shall provide a reasonable break time for a
teacher to express breast milk for their nursing child each time
such employee has the need to express milk; and a place, other
than a bathroom, that is shielded from view and free from
intrusion from coworkers and the public, which may be used by a
teacher to express breast milk. Nothing in this section shall
preempt State law that provides greater protections to employees
than the protections provided for under this subsection.
Section 30. School Choice
Employees who apply to have their children attend a school
other than the one for which they are zoned, under Policy 5120.03
School Choice, or Policy 5120.04 Assignment Exceptions, will
be given first priority before other requests are considered.
Section 1.
Purpose: The purpose of this procedure is to secure at the
lowest possible administrative level equitable solutions to
problems which arise under this contract. Both parties agree
that these procedures will be kept as informal and confidential
as may be appropriate at any level of this procedure.
Section 2.
Definitions: The terms defined here will have reference only
to the grievance procedures section of this contract.
(a) Contract Grievance: This term will refer to a written
allegation by a grievant that a section(s) of this contract has
been violated as it relates to them.
(b) Complaint Grievance: An allegation by a grievant that
Board policies, practices and/or administrative procedures have
been violated. Board policies, practices, and administrative
procedures are subject to the informal level, Level I, and Level
II of the grievance procedure. The informal level and Level I
may be waived if mutually agreed by the grievant and the
Superintendent or their designee. A grievance of this nature
will be processed using a separate form mutually agreeable to the
Association and the Board, but in no case will a grievant file a
contractual grievance and a complaint grievance based upon the
same event or occurrence. By mutual agreement, a complaint
grievance may be treated in an informal manner.
(c) Investigative Grievance: An allegation by a grievant
that pertinent and objective evidence does not exist to support
the findings of the investigative committee.
(d) Grievant: This term will mean a teacher(s) eligible for
Association membership or the Association, if appropriate, who
files a grievance.
(e) Employers: This term will refer to the School Board and
its agents.
(f) Days: This term will refer to working days exclusive of
holidays and weekends. Should a grievant work less than a 252-
day contract year initiate the grievance procedure with less than
five days remaining in the contract year, calendar days will
govern timelines.
Section 3.
Representation: All teachers will have the right of Association
representation at each step of the grievance procedure, if they
desire and the Association agrees. If the Association agrees to
represent the grievant, no grievant may be required to discuss any
grievance if the Association representative is not present. Copies
of the employer's decision given at any step beyond the informal
level of the grievance procedure will be delivered to the
A grievant will not be represented by any person who might be
required to take action, or against whom action might be taken in
order to adjust the grievance, or by a representative of any
other employee organization.
Section 4.
Nondiscrimination: There will be no discrimination against
any teacher based upon that teacher's initiating, processing, or
participating in any way in the grievance procedure, including
the written notice of an informal discussion.
Section 5.
Time Limits: Grievances should be processed rapidly. Time
limits set forth in this procedure will be considered maximums,
unless mutual written agreement to extend them is made by the
grievant and/or the Association and the office of the
Section 6.
Released Time: Grievances will be processed after normal
working hours, except at the informal level, or by mutual agree-
ment. When grievances are processed during the workday, the
grievant and their witnesses will be provided released time.
Section 7. Informal Discussion:
(a) In the event a teacher believes there is a basis for a
grievance, the individual will first discuss the grievance with
the building principal or immediate supervisor. No grievance
will be processed until such informal discussion has been held.
The teacher will initiate the discussion by notifying the
building principal or worksite supervisor in writing. The
written notification shall provide the worksite supervisor or
principal with a minimum of the topic of the discussion and may
also include more detailed information with the goal of quickly
resolving the matter at the informal discussion level. This
notification will occur within ten (10) days after the grievant
knew, or should have known, of an occurrence leading to the
possible grievance. A meeting will be conducted within ten (10)
days after receipt of the written notification from the teacher.
The time may be extended by written mutual agreement between the
parties. If a decision cannot be reached at the informal
discussion, the grievant will be notified within ten (10) days of
the decision reached.
(b) In the event a teacher believes there is a basis for a
grievance based on a violation of Policies 2260, “Non-
Discrimination and Access to Equal Educational Opportunity”,
3122, “Non-discrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity”, or
3362, “Anti-Harassment”, the teacher shall have 60 days, instead
of five days, in which to initiate discussion with the worksite
supervisor. Such grievances shall continue to be governed by the
remaining provisions of Article VII of the Instructional
Contract, not Policy 3470, Grievance Procedure.
Section 8.
Level I: After the results of the informal discussion with
the building principal or immediate supervisor, and if a
grievance still exists, the grievant may, on a form mutually
acceptable to the Board and the Association, invoke the formal
grievance procedure within five (5) days of receiving the
decision. This form will contain the name of the grievant, the
act or occurrence leading to the grievance, the specific
section(s) of the contract allegedly violated, and a recommended
action to adjust the grievance. A copy of the grievance form
will be delivered to the principal, the designated
representative, or the immediate supervisor, who will have five
(5) days after receipt of the grievance in which to hold a
conference with the grievant and to give a written decision. The
conference may be mutually waived if the grievant and the
principal or supervisor feel it would not be helpful in resolving
the grievance.
Section 9.
Level II: If the grievance is not settled to the grievant's
satisfaction, or if a written decision is not submitted within
the designated time limit at Level I, the grievant may move the
grievance to Level II by written notice to the Superintendent or
their designated representative within ten (10) days after
receipt of the response or the end of the designated time period.
The Superintendent or their designee will have ten (10) days
after receipt of the grievance in which to hold a conference. A
written decision will be issued within ten (10) days of the Level
II conference.
Section 10.
Level III: If the grievance is not resolved at Level II to
the grievant's satisfaction, or if a written decision is not
submitted within the designated time limit of Level II, the
grievant and/or the Association may move the grievance to binding
arbitration in accordance with the American Arbitration
Association (AAA) Rules by notifying the Superintendent in
writing within twenty (20) days of receipt of the response or the
expiration of the time specified at Level II.
Section 11.
Costs: The costs for the services of an arbitrator, including
per diem charges, actual necessary travel, subsistence expenses
and the cost of the hearing room, will be borne by the parties in
equal amounts. If the Association finds the grievance without
merit, the grievant may move the grievance to arbitration without
Association approval. In such case, costs will be borne equally
by the Board and the grievant.
Section 12.
Withdrawal of Grievance: Nothing in this contract will
preclude the withdrawal of a grievance at any point in the
process by the grievant and/or the Association.
Section 13.
Expedited Conference: If a grievance is filed which cannot be
processed prior to the end of the fiscal term and which, if not
resolved, could cause irreparable harm to the grievant, the
Association or grievant may request an expedited conference.
Such a request will be granted. An expedited conference will
begin at Level II, will be given priority over other grievances,
and will not be unreasonably delayed.
Section 14.
Confidentiality of Grievances: No record of grievances will
be placed in the permanent personnel file of any grievant except
as it may be necessary to establish that an adjustment of
grievance has been made in favor of the grievant. Grievances
will be kept confidential to the extent permitted by law.
Section 15.
Non-Association Grievances: Any teacher will have the right
to present grievances to the Board in accordance with the
grievance procedure. Such grievances may be adjusted without the
intervention of the Association, but no adjustment will be
inconsistent with the terms of this contract. The Association
will be given an opportunity to be present and make statements
concerning the grievance or adjustment beginning at Level I, even
if the grievant does not desire Association representation. The
Board and its designee assume no responsibility for involving the
Section 16.
Selection and Powers of an Arbitrator for Binding Arbitration:
The parties will jointly attempt to select an arbitrator who is
mutually acceptable. If the parties cannot agree upon an
arbitrator within ten (10) days from notification that the
grievance is being moved to Level III, the arbitrator will be
selected through the services of the American Arbitration
Association. The rules of the American Arbitration Association
will apply to arbitration proceedings. An arbitrator will limit
their decision to the terms of this agreement and will not have
the power to add to, subtract from, modify, or alter such terms
either directly or by implication. The arbitrator will confer
with the representative(s) of the Board and the Association, will
hold hearings promptly, and will speedily issue a decision after
the date of the close of the hearings or final submissions. The
arbitrator's decision will be in writing and will set forth
findings of fact, reasons and conclusions on the issues
submitted. The decision of the arbitrator will be submitted to
the Board and the Association and will be final and binding upon
the parties.
Section 17.
Association Grievance: The Association may file grievances at
Level II if there is an alleged violation of the term of the
agreement, recognition and/or unit inclusion, Association rights,
a specific item requiring or granting Association involvement or
representation, or improper administration of the grievance procedure.
In the event that an impasse is reached during the course of
negotiations, the parties agree to mediation as a means of
attempting resolution of the item(s) in dispute. The initial
recourse will be to petition the Federal Mediation and
Conciliation Service (FMCS) for a mediator. If agreement is not
reached by the parties, the impasse will proceed under Public
Employees Relations Commission (PERC) guidelines.
If the parties agree in writing to waive the appointment of a
special master, the parties may proceed directly to resolution of
the impasse by the legislative body.
Section 1. Lounge, Staff
The Board agrees to make available in each school at least one
(1) staff lounge which is reasonably furnished and vented. The
lounge(s) will not be open to students. Existing combination
lounges/workshops will not be considered a violation of this
Section 2. Rest Rooms
The Board agrees to make appropriate rest room facilities
available for the exclusive use of the faculty and staff. The
Board agrees that these facilities will be kept clean and
appropriately supplied.
Section 3. Storage, Personal Items
Each teacher will be provided with an area or space in which
to work which provides security for the storage of personal items
normally carried by a teacher. Additional secure storage areas
will be provided for large or unusual personal items brought to
the work site by a teacher. The nature of the area(s) may vary
depending on local conditions and facilities. When such personal
items are not in use, it will be the teacher's responsibility to
place them in the secure storage area. When new teacher desks
are purchased, they will be equipped with functioning locks and
Section 4. Office Space
(a) In cases where a teacher, other than itinerant, is
assigned to teach in more than one room, an area in the school
will be set aside to serve as that teacher's office space. Every
reasonable effort will be made to provide such teachers with a
desk, file cabinet and supply storage area, at least one of which
will be lockable, in this office space. This office space will
provide sufficient access to electrical usage as is required to
perform the teacher’s job. In addition, teachers will be
guaranteed computer access with internet connections during non-
instructional time. This access could be in the computer lab or
media center.
(b) The Board will provide guidance counselors with an office
which permits privacy of conversation with students and which is
equipped with a telephone.
Section 5. Meetings, Commercial
Teachers will not be required to attend meetings for
commercial demonstrations which are directed to personal sales to
teachers. Solicitation by sales personnel in the school will not
be required during the teacher workday including faculty
Section 6. Financial Responsibility
Teachers will not be held financially responsible for
textbooks, supplies, equipment, or funds which have been stolen
or lost by other persons. Teachers will be expected to exercise
reasonable control, under the direction of the principal, of
textbooks, supplies, equipment, or funds.
Teachers will comply with district and local school audit
requirements after they have been furnished a copy of the
requirements. Materials necessary for teacher compliance with
audit requirements will be furnished to teachers upon request.
Compliance with audit requirements will fulfill the teacher's
responsibility in regard to funds collected.
A teacher will not be required to participate in fund-raising
Section 7. Environment
In order to maintain the optimal learning environment for
students, top priority will be given by the District to the
following items:
(a) Unsafe Conditions: Teachers will report potentially
unsafe conditions in the classroom or other teaching areas to the
principal. The principal or their designee will investigate, as
soon as feasible after the teacher has made the report, and take
action to correct conditions which are hazardous or potentially
dangerous. If the principal or their designee determines that
the condition creates an immediate danger to the teacher(s)
and/or students, they will take immediate action to prevent harm
to the teachers or students. The teacher(s) will be informed of
the action(s) which has been taken.
(b) Temperature: Classes will not normally be held in
unheated classrooms when the temperature in the classroom drops
below 63°F (17°C)for an extended period of time. In classrooms
without functioning air conditioning, fans will normally be
provided by the Board. If the temperature in classrooms exceeds
82°F (28°C), reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate the
classes in other areas of the school. Temperatures will be
measured at the most interior wall of the classroom. Such
movement must have prior approval of the principal. Both parties
recognize that energy conservation measures may create changes in
climate control conditions.
(c) Toxic/Harmful Vapors: Employees who are sensitive to
vapors produced by maintenance, renovation, or repair projects
and cannot be moved to another area free of the toxic or harmful
vapor, shall be granted paid illness-in-the-line-of-duty for the
duration of the project producing the harmful vapors or given an
alternative assignment during the time when injury may result.
(d) Maintenance: The Board will make reasonable efforts to
maintain classrooms, other learning areas, and areas used for
extracurricular activities in clean condition and in good repair.
Teachers will not be required to perform the custodial or
maintenance duties necessary under this section.
(e) Renovation/Repair: Good faith efforts will be made to
schedule major maintenance, renovation, and repair projects at
times so as to minimize the disruption of instruction. The
administration and teachers will work cooperatively to lessen the
impact of these disruptions on students' learning. A minimum of
five days’ notice, when possible, will be given when planned
projects of facility repair, maintenance, or painting which may
disrupt normal classroom activities will occur. Normally
provisions will be made to move students and school site
employees from areas or classrooms undergoing maintenance,
renovation, or projects which produce toxic or harmful vapors.
(f) Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ): The District shall
investigate complaints of harmful indoor environmental quality
and take measures to reasonably accommodate employees if
The District will establish a joint Indoor Environmental
Quality (IEQ) Committee composed of four teachers appointed by
the Association and four administrative or professional/technical
employees appointed by the Superintendent. This committee will
be given a copy of the results of the IEQ investigation conducted
by District staff/consultants along with any remedial actions
that have been recommended to the Superintendent or designee.
If it is determined by the Superintendent or designee that the
environment under investigation is detrimental to the health,
safety, or well-being of employees, the affected employees will
be relocated to other facilities until the detrimental condition
is abated. Teachers will be notified of the findings of the
Superintendent or designee and of any corrected action.
Section 8. Substitute Teachers
The administrative staff will provide a certified substitute
from outside the instructional staff of the school when a classroom
teacher or media specialist is absent unless the teacher agrees to
other arrangements prior to the absence. Appropriately certified
and qualified substitutes will be given first consideration. If
appropriately certified and qualified substitutes are not
immediately available, qualified substitute teachers who are
familiar with the school and the students' needs will be considered
next. A teacher will report an anticipated absence as soon as they
know it will occur. Teachers will provide preparations/plans for
use by the substitute teachers. Allowance will be made for
instances of teacher illness or emergency which preclude
availability of regular preparations/plans for use by a substitute.
Recognizing that unforeseen situations may arise, teachers will
maintain, in a designated area, emergency preparations/plans for at
least one day for use by the substitute teachers. For a period not
to exceed three (3) days, resource teachers not in self-contained
classrooms are excluded from this section. Only in emergency
situations where students are unsupervised may a classroom teacher
be asked to cover another teacher's class until a substitute can be
located. This duty should be rotated equitably. A teacher has the
right to refuse to substitute; such refusal will not reflect
negatively on the teacher’s appraisal or result in any form of
It is the responsibility of the administrative staff to secure
coverage for assigned duties when a teacher is not on campus for
an approved reason or is required to attend school-related
meetings or trainings scheduled during times that the teacher is
normally supervising students or teaching.
No teacher will be denied sick leave based on the availability
of substitutes.
When it is known that a guidance counselor or school psychologist
is to be absent for more than five (5) student days, arrangements
will be made for a continuation of services if feasible.
Substitute teachers are expected to assume the normal duties and
responsibilities of the teacher for whom they are substituting,
when such information has been provided. Teachers are normally
expected to make such information available.
Section 9. Teaching Materials/Textbook
(a) Each teacher will be provided with supplies, textbooks,
and teaching materials including the appropriate technological
hardware and software to teach the course(s) assigned. Each
classroom teacher will be provided with a copy of the teacher's
edition(s) of the basic text(s) used by the teacher in each
course to which they are assigned and, if feasible, appropriate
manuals for technological hardware and/or software assigned to
the teacher. No teacher will be required to purchase supplies,
textbooks, materials, or equipment from personal funds. Every
reasonable effort will be made to provide these materials by the
first day of preplanning. A teacher will notify the principal
when they receive faulty, unusable, or defective supplies or
materials. Such notification will normally occur within one
month of the receipt of such materials or supplies. The monies
allotted to a teacher or department for supplies and materials
will not be reduced if these faulty, unusable, or defective
supplies or materials are returned and credited to the school. A
committee composed of an equal number of teachers chosen by the
Association and administrators chosen by the Superintendent may
be formed to advise the Assistant Superintendent for Business
Services in this area.
(b) Selection of texts and materials for programs to be
implemented on a countywide or multi-school basis will be done by
a committee of administrators, affected teachers, and resource
personnel. Selection of texts, library books, teaching materials,
supplies, and equipment for use by an individual school will be
done by the faculty and administration of that school and will be
consistent with the student needs of that school.
(c) The principal and the certified media specialist(s) will
cooperatively develop a plan to distribute, inventory, and catalog
teaching materials which are to be distributed through the media
center via the automated instructional materials system.
(d) Media equipment will be available in each school for
teacher use. The Board will provide a maintenance program for
media equipment, but minor adjustments or repairs may be made in
the school.
(e) Where each classroom of a school is not adequately
furnished for the proper utilization of media equipment,
reasonable efforts will be made to provide a suitably equipped
room or area.
(f) Equipment necessary for preparation/duplication and
presentation of normal teaching materials will be available for
use in each school. The Board will provide a maintenance program
to keep such equipment in good repair. Minor adjustments and/or
repairs may be made at the school.
(g) When a new class(es) is formed, allocation of supplies
and materials will be done in a manner which recognizes the need
for the new class(es) to receive a base line level approximating
that available to other similar classes. When a teacher is new
to the district or school, the principal or their designee will
discuss supply and material needs with the teacher and attempt to
secure reasonable supplies and materials for classroom use by the
Section 10. Media Services, Committee
The Board will provide funds for coordinated county media
services including updating audiovisual materials, audiovisual
material loans and delivery, electronic maintenance, and other
services generally associated with the Instructional Media
Services. In addition, it is agreed that a committee of
Association-selected certified media specialists will meet with
representatives of the Board at least yearly to develop
recommendations for improving media services.
Section 11. Telephones
Telephones, including long distance access, will be available
for school business use and for personal emergencies.
Arrangements will be made to allow confidential phone calls in an
appropriately private area(s) if the need arises. Personal long
distance telephone calls will be made only with the approval of
the principal, and will not be charged to the school or Board.
When schools undergo major remodeling or when new schools are
built, provisions will be made to provide a telephone per each
department and/or grade level.
Section 12. Workday
The starting and ending times for teachers during normal
working days and planning days which occur during the school year
shall be determined by the principal after discussion of these
times with the faculty. The decision will be announced during
(a) Length: A teacher will use their professional judgment
in determining the length of their workday in excess of the
normal instructional day. The normal instructional day for
teachers will be seven and one-half (7 1/2) continuous hours.
(b) Duty-Free Lunch: Every teacher will be provided time
during the normal instructional day at their school center for a
thirty (30) minute duty free lunch period.
1. If the principal, after consulting with the teachers
involved, determines that pre-kindergarten through primary age
severely handicapped students require lunchroom supervision by
their teachers, they shall request volunteers to perform the
duty. If, after consulting with the involved teachers, the
principal determines that teachers are not needed to supervise
pre-kindergarten through primary age severely handicapped
students, they will inform the teachers involved of their
determination and of the fact that if they so choose to eat with
their students they will not receive a supplement for voluntary
lunchroom duty.
2. Any teacher accepting voluntary lunchroom duty
assignment will receive a supplement equal to the teacher's
regular hourly rate for thirty minutes per day the duty is
performed. A teacher's regular hourly rate of pay is determined
by dividing their daily rate of pay by seven and one-half (7 1/2)
hours. In elementary schools, a teacher may be expected to
escort their students to the serving line before taking their
lunch break. This will not be interpreted as requiring that a
teacher eat breakfast or lunch with their students unless they
desire to do so.
(c) Contact Time: A middle school and high school teacher's
normal student contact time per day will be five contact periods
in a six period day, and will not normally exceed 250 contact
minutes per day, except as otherwise stipulated in Article XVIII,
Section 19. Student contact time needed for attendance taking
and announcements is exempt from the provisions of this
paragraph. This period of time will be no more than ten minutes.
(d) Planning: By the 2019-2020 school year, in elementary
and center schools, teachers will have planning time during the
student academic day at least four (4) days per week for a total
of a minimum of one hundred eighty (180) minutes per normal
student week. The period specifically assigned as a planning
period will not normally be utilized for activities other than
planning. The time after the student academic day will be used
for planning with the exception of faculty meetings, trainings,
and parent conferences which include IEP, 504, EPT, and EP
meetings. Elementary teachers' planning time may be
noncontinuous, but if noncontinuous, it will be scheduled in time
blocks of no less than 30 minutes. In schools where team
planning is necessary, the members of the team will determine how
much of the assigned planning time will be used for team
In cases where art, physical education, media and music
classes are scheduled at the elementary school, the regular
teacher is not required to remain with the special teacher. This
period will be used as a preparatory/planning period by the
regular teacher. In cases of emergency, a teacher may be
requested to remain with the special teacher.
Elementary, center and K-8 school teachers will have not less
than one extended block of time each week for the completion of
professional responsibilities. At reasonable intervals and with
prior written notice of at least five (5) days, a portion of such
time may be designated for administrative use to include required
inservice, student data chats, or a faculty meeting. These
meetings will not exceed a combined total of 180 minutes per
month. Principals will ensure that teacher planning time will be
given the highest priority and required meetings and inservices
be kept to a minimum each month. An individual school center may
exempt itself from the provisions of this section with the
concurrence of both the School Board and the Executive Board of
the Association.
In schools in which a teacher is assigned five periods of
instruction in a six period day, as far as is practical the
teacher may designate one period as their planning period. Both
parties agree that circumstances may, from time to time, require
additional kinds of duty assignments. Such assignments will
neither be unreasonably made nor unreasonably refused and, except
in emergencies, will be made only after consultation with the
faculty. All such assignments will be consistent with Article
IX, Section 12(g). Such assignments will not normally include
the kinds of duties not previously assigned to teachers at a
particular school. The period specifically assigned as a
planning period for the middle and high school classroom teachers
will not normally be utilized for activities other than planning.
Non-classroom based teachers will use their professional judg-
ment in scheduling their planning time within the normal instruc-
tional day so as to cause the least disruption of instruction.
(e) Evening Classes: At schools where evening classes are
part of the regular curriculum, the principal will seek
volunteers who are certified to teach such classes. An evening
class is defined as a class which begins at or after 6:00 p.m.
Should no certified teacher volunteer, the principal may assign a
certified teacher from the school's faculty to teach such a
class. A teacher teaching an evening class will be assigned
their two non-student contact periods between their teaching
assignments for the regular instructional day and the evening
assignment, making their instructional day as continuous as
possible. In no event will the break in their instructional day
exceed two hours.
(f) Shortened Day:
1. In recognition that professional responsibilities
and obligations may on occasion necessitate teachers working
beyond the normal workday, teachers are permitted to leave school
at the end of the student day on school days immediately
preceding the weekend, a holiday, or student vacation day as long
as students are not left unsupervised. Arrangements will be made
which are appropriate to the individual school to insure that
teachers needed to supervise students on these days are given
comparable release time on other days. Any shortened day for
teachers under this provision will not be construed as infringing
upon teacher planning time.
2. To allow adequate time for completing records and
paper work at the conclusion of the school year, for the last
three (3) days of student attendance teachers will be provided
additional time within the normal workday.
(g) Duty Assignments: Teachers will not be required to
supervise students longer than fifteen (15) minutes from the
student dismissal time except in unusual circumstances where
student safety is a concern. Duty assignments when necessary
will be kept to a minimum and rotated on an equitable basis.
Section 13. Planning/Conference Day
(a) Teacher planning days will be six hours exclusive of
lunch. Teachers who take leave on a planning day will be charged
for six (6) hours leave. Teacher planning days are designed to
permit additional planning, preparations, parental conferences,
inservice training, professional exchange of ideas, appraisal
conferences, and other school-related business to be conducted
when teachers do not have direct responsibility for students.
Principals will ensure that teacher planning time will be given
the highest priority and required meetings and inservices be kept
to a minimum.
(b) Principals will provide teachers with no less than five
(5) days’ notice of any required activity to occur on a planning
day. Scheduling and duration of lunch periods will be determined
after input from the faculty.
(c) A school may decide to hold a parent/teacher conference
afternoon/evening in lieu of any teacher planning day. The
principal and a majority of teachers must agree to the
afternoon/evening session(s) and the format to be used. However,
if a majority of the teachers vote for the afternoon/evening
conference option, the principal will accommodate that vote at
least once during the school year. Those teachers not
participating will work the regularly scheduled planning day.
The afternoon/evening session(s) must be for a total of six (6)
hours. The principal and teachers will schedule their dinner
break, if needed, to maximize parent/teacher conference time.
But, in no case should parent/teacher conference time total less
than six (6) hours.
Section 14. Class Size
Both parties recognize that class size may vary because of
local conditions, student needs, program organization and state
constitutional law. They agree, however, that good faith efforts
will be made to avoid excessive class size. In no case will
class size be used as a punitive measure.
The Board agrees to comply with the class size requirement as
mandated by law.
As a goal, the Board will strive to provide the ratio of
students to resource and special teachers (counselors, deans,
media specialists, special teachers, school psychologists, etc.)
necessary to meet current accreditation standards of the Southern
Any teacher who feels that their class size is excessive may
file with the principal a written request for an evaluation of
the situation. If the teacher is not satisfied with the decision
of the principal, they may request a conference with the
principal and the Superintendent or designee who will make a good
faith effort to resolve the problem.
If the Class Size Amendment to the Florida Constitution is
repealed or altered so that any section of the student population
is not addressed, then the Board agrees as a goal to provide the
following pupil-teacher ratios:
Grades Ratio
K-3 24:1
4-6 26:1
7-8 26:1
9-12 24:1
The ratio shall be determined at each school, by grade level,
by period and by dividing the actual number of students by the
number of general classroom teachers actually teaching during
each period.
Section 15. Preparations, Teacher
(a) A good-faith effort will be made to group and regroup
students at the elementary level to limit the preparations
required and levels taught to a reasonable number. Such
groupings will be done in an educationally sound manner.
(b) Both parties further agree that in departmentalized
middle and high schools of more than 1,000 students, teachers of
English/Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, and Math will not
be assigned more than three separate course code numbers unless a
teacher requests, in writing, additional courses be assigned. In
departmentalized middle and high schools under 1,000 students, a
good faith effort will be made to avoid assignment of more than
three separate course code numbers. In no case will the number
of separate course code numbers be used as a punitive measure.
Junior/senior high school teachers will be required to teach no
more than three separate course code numbers per day.
When local school conditions permit, additional planning time
may be scheduled for teachers assigned to teach three or more
unrelated academic classroom assignments.
(c) Any teacher who feels that a good-faith effort is not
being made to limit the number of preparations and the number of
separate courses assigned may file with the principal a written
request for an evaluation of the situation. If the teacher is not
satisfied with the decision of the principal, they may request a
conference with the principal and the Superintendent or designee
who will make a good faith effort to resolve the problem.
Section 16. Meetings, Faculty
There will be no more than an average of two faculty meetings
per month, excluding those held in pre- and post-school planning.
Faculty meetings shall only be held on and contiguous with the
workday. The principal or their designee is responsible for the
faculty meeting agenda. Teachers may recommend, and the
principal will normally include, topics of discussion for the
faculty meeting agenda. When the principal prepares an agenda or
tentative list of items to be included in a faculty meeting, the
agenda will normally be posted prior to the meeting. Reasonable
efforts will be made to expedite the length of faculty meetings.
In no case shall a faculty meeting extend the workday by more
than fifteen (15) minutes unless the extension is agreed upon by
a majority vote of the faculty.
Section 17. Grading Periods/Grades
(a) The length of the grading period will be set by the Board
for each level (elementary, middle, high) countywide. Teachers
will be notified of the grading period interval during preschool
planning and, except for emergency conditions, shall submit grade
reports on the dates specified.
(b) The Board agrees to utilize district computer facilities
to the greatest extent practical in the preparation of grades.
Such utilization shall be educationally and professionally sound.
It is the expectation that teachers will post assignment grades
to the parent portal of the Student Information System throughout
the grading period, to demonstrate their commitment to
communication with students’ families regarding individual
student progress. The District will inform parents about access
to the parent portal of the Student Information System so that
they can monitor students. Except for the final grading period,
provided appropriate materials are made available, teachers’
grades shall be entered into the computer for processing no later
than 11:59 p.m. on the fourth (4th) working day after the end of
the grading period. For the final grading period, teachers’
grades shall be entered by the last day of post planning. In
senior high schools the final grades of seniors will be submitted
for processing one day after the senior examinations so as to
afford adequate time to monitor graduation requirements.
(c) If a principal determines that a student's course grade
should be changed, the principal will inform the teacher of the
change and reasons for the change. An administrative change in a
grade will not be made without prior consultation with the
teacher. If the grade change occurs during the summer months
when teachers are not at school, a sincere attempt will be made
to contact the teacher prior to the grade change. Grade changes
will indicate, on the student's permanent records, the name of
the person making the change and date the change was made.
Section 18. Intercom
Classes will not normally be interrupted for non-emergency
reasons. When it is necessary for the normal operation of the
school, the intercom will be used during the first and last five
minutes of a class period.
Section 19. Psychologists, School
(a) Good-faith efforts will be made to maintain current
working conditions of psychologists. Should program
considerations require changes, the Superintendent or designee
will discuss such changes with the psychologists prior to
implementing the changes and will solicit alternative ways to
address program needs.
(b) School psychologists will be provided appropriate
materials in sufficient quantity to allow for professional
performance of assigned responsibilities. Good-faith efforts
will be made to provide a work location at each assigned school
which is adequate to allow for the professional conduct of
interviews and testing.
(c) School psychologists will be assigned one day during a
normal work week to complete required reports and paperwork.
Psychologists may be required to respond to emergencies during
that day.
Section 20. Personality Inventories
Teachers will not be required to participate in personality
Section 21. Leaving Campus
(a) Subject to the approval of the principal or designee, a
teacher may leave the campus of their particular school if
appropriate arrangements are made to insure that students are not
left unsupervised. Approval is required for each circumstance or
situation. The principal or their designee will not unreasonably
deny such a request. A teacher will use this privilege only in
unusual circumstances.
(b) Subject to prior approval of the principal or their
designee, a teacher may be off the campus of their particular
school during the normal workday. This absence may include a
student contact period when a peer voluntarily agrees to teach the
instructional period for which the teacher is absent from school
and when the absence will not normally require a replacement
teacher for more than one instructional period. Under these
circumstances, a teacher will be charged sick leave only for the
amount of time missed in such absences. Approval is required for
each circumstance or situation. The principal or their designee
will not unreasonably deny such a request. A teacher will use this
privilege only in unusual circumstances.
Section 22. Leaving Campus, College
With prior approval of the principal, teachers will be allowed
to leave after the student day and prior to the close of the
regular workday to attend college classes at no loss of pay or
accumulated leave.
Section 23. Lesson Plans
Lesson plans will be available to school-based administrators
upon request. When plans are requested, evidence based feedback
will be given to the teacher within a reasonable amount of time.
Teachers who teach a combination grade level or subject level
within the same period will be required to turn in lesson plans for
only one grade or subject level. Principals may request the specific
grade or subject level lesson plans that they wish to review.
Section 24. Medical Procedures
(a) Under ordinary circumstances, only properly trained
employees will be asked to perform medical procedures or to
dispense medication to any student. The Board will assume legal
responsibilities when an employee is asked to perform medical
procedures or to dispense medication to any student.
(b) Nonmedical school district personnel shall not perform
invasive medical services which require special medical
knowledge, nursing judgment and nursing assessment. The
procedures include, but are not limited to:
1. Sterile catheterization.
2. Nasogastric tube feeding.
3. Cleaning and maintaining a tracheostomy and deep
suctioning of a tracheostomy.
(c) Nonmedical personnel shall be allowed to perform health-
related services upon successful completion of child-specific
training by a registered nurse, a licensed practical nurse, a
physician licensed pursuant to chapter 458 or chapter 459, or a
physician assistant certified pursuant to chapter 458 or 459.
All procedures shall be monitored periodically by a nurse. These
procedures include, but are not limited to:
1. Cleaning intermittent catheterization.
2. Gastrostomy tube feeding.
3. Monitoring blood glucose.
4. Administering emergency injectable medication.
(d) For all other medical services not listed in paragraphs
(b) or (c), a registered nurse, a licensed practical nurse, a
physician licensed pursuant to chapter 458 or chapter 459, or a
physician assistant certified pursuant to chapter 458 or 459
shall determine if nonmedical school district personnel shall be
allowed to perform such services.
(e) Under ordinary circumstances, teachers shall not be asked
to toilet or diaper any student. The parties recognize that
variations may occur in dealing with handicapped children, but
reasonable effort shall be made to relieve classroom teachers of
these duties. Reasonable effort shall also be made to relieve an
employee of diapering or toileting a student of a gender
different than the employee's gender if the student has started
to develop secondary sexual characteristics.
Section 25. Inclusion, Training/Assistance
If a severely handicapped student is placed in a regular or
standard support class, appropriate assistance, as identified in
the student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP), will be made
available to assist the teacher in meeting the needs of the
special student. When assigning such a student, the principal
shall consider the needs of the student, appropriateness of
available space, staff qualifications, and available resources.
Teachers to whom the child may be assigned will be given an
opportunity to attend the IEP meeting for the child prior to the
assignment to discuss the needs of the child, staff concerns,
available resources, and special assistance which may be needed.
In no case shall placement be delayed in violation of laws,
regulations, or the district plan for providing services to such
Section 26. Media Center Security
In schools in which the media center is required to open prior
to regular school hours and/or remains open after regular school,
media specialists and the principal will meet to develop a
mutually agreeable method of emergency communication or security
protection during times prior to or after regular school hours.
Section 1. Sick Leave, Accrual
(a) A teacher employed on a full-time basis shall be entitled
to four (4) days of sick leave as of the first day of employment
each contract year. Additional sick leave days will be earned at
the rate of one per month to a maximum equal to the number of
months under contract.
(b) Sick leave may not be used until it is earned and
credited to the teacher. Other than the initial four days, sick
leave will be credited at the end of the month in which it is
earned. Teachers employed in the extended school year program
and teachers employed one-half (1/2) time or greater during the
regular school year will earn and use sick leave in direct
proportion to the time employed. Accrual and use of sick leave
will be prorated to the nearest hour.
(c) Unused sick leave days accumulated by a teacher prior to
an approved leave of absence will be credited to the teacher upon
their return from leave.
(d) The total unused portion of the annual sick leave
allowance will be permitted to accumulate.
Section 2. Sick Leave, Use
(a) Sick leave may be used for personal illness of the
teacher or for death or serious illness in the teacher's
immediate family. Immediate family as used here will include:
the spouse, child or stepchild of the teacher; the parents,
grandparents, or grandchildren of the teacher or their spouse;
the spouse of any child or stepchild of the teacher; the brother
or sister of the teacher or their spouse; the aunt or uncle of
the teacher or their spouse; and any other person who is, or has
been dependent upon the teacher or upon whom the teacher has been
dependent. Personal leave days will be granted for the death or
serious illness of other close relatives.
(b) Sick leave will be charged only for actual time missed.
(c) Sick leave used on a teacher planning day will be charged
six (6) hours.
(d) A teacher may authorize transfer to their spouse, child,
parent, or sibling who is also a district employee, of accrued
sick leave, providing that the transfer relates to an illness or
injury of the person to whom the leave is transferred. The
person receiving the transfer may not use the donated sick leave
until they have exhausted all of their accrued leave. Donations
may be in amounts of five (5) or more days, or the remainder of
the employee’s sick leave balance if less than five (5) days, and
shall not be covered by terminal leave payouts.
Section 3. Sick Leave, Personal
A teacher may use up to six (6) days of sick leave as personal
leave with pay. The teacher will make a good faith effort to
notify the principal or their designee at least twenty-four (24)
hours prior to taking such a leave. Such leave may not be
available if it is known that more than ten (10) percent or five
(5) teachers maximum in a single school will be absent on the day
requested, except that approval will not be withdrawn for
personal leave approved three (3) or more days in advance of the
date the leave is to be used. Such leave will be granted based
upon those first notifying the principal or their designee and
will not be used to extend school holidays or weekends except in
unusual situations or with at least a two (2) weeks notification.
A teacher will not take personal leave during the first and
last week of the student school year, during state or national
assessment testing or on a day they have scheduled a field trip
except in an emergency situation. A teacher taking personal
leave during a teacher workday will make prior arrangements with
the principal for handling scheduled parent conferences.
Personal leave will be charged only for actual time missed and personal leave taken on a
teacher planning day will be charged six (6) hours.
Section 4. Compassionate Leave Program
The Compassionate Leave Program is hereby established as a
mechanism for accepting from qualified employees the voluntary
donation of time from annual accumulated sick leave or vacation
leave. Compassionate Leave may be utilized by eligible employees
who need extended time off due to a catastrophic, serious health
condition or life-altering event of an employee or a member of the
employee’s immediate family, or for someone residing within the
employee’s household, for whom the employee is the primary
caregiver. Exclusions include, but are not limited to, normal
pregnancy, any injury covered by Worker’s Compensation, or mental/
nervous conditions, chemical dependency, alcoholism, or related
conditions. The following criteria will govern the creation,
maintenance, and use of the Compassionate Leave Program:
1. Recipient must have been a regular employee of the
district for at least one (1) full year prior to the current fiscal
year and must have used all available sick leave and vacation leave
prior to receiving donated leave.
2. Donors are eligible to donate creditable time they have
earned as long as the employee retains a minimum of ten (10) days
of available leave after the donation is deducted. An employee may
donate their accrued sick leave or vacation leave in increments of
one-half or full days to another Board employee.
3. The leave will be donated to a specific employee at the
time the donation takes place. Donors will have the option of
remaining anonymous.
4. Donations will be on first received from donor, first
transferred to recipient.
5. The recipient will receive the donated sick leave or
vacation leave at their rate of pay; the authorizing employee will
donate the leave at their rate of pay.
6. The recipient must complete an application for
Compassionate Leave Program which will contain:
a. Employee name.
b. Employee identification number.
c. Beginning and ending dates of leave requested (if
d. Last day of available paid leave.
e. Explanation regarding the circumstances surrounding
the reason for the leave.
f. Physician’s Statement Form providing documentation
of the injury, illness or accident, or other
appropriate documentation for which the leave is
7. The maximum number of days that may be received under
this program will be equal to the number of workdays remaining in
the recipient’s contract year.
8. Subject to a renewed physician’s statement, up to one (1)
additional contract year may be received through donation.
9. Any transferred sick leave or vacation leave that is not
used as anticipated shall be returned to the authorizing employee,
upon the recipient’s return to work. In the case of multiple
donors, the unused leave will be returned to the authorizing
employee on a last-in, first-out basis.
10. Employees who have provided notice of separation from
employment may not donate unused leave balances. Any donated leave
that has not been used at the time of donor’s separation from
employment will be removed from recipient’s account.
Section 5. Maternity/Child Rearing
(a) A teacher may continue to work during their pregnancy
provided they are able to perform their normal teaching duties.
(b) As may be required for other medical conditions, the
Superintendent may require a physician's statement indicating the
medical cause which necessitates the use of sick leave.
(c) Upon exhaustion of accumulated sick leave and/or upon
application, the teacher will be granted personal leave without
pay for the recommended recovery time or, if desired by the
teacher, the remainder of the school year in which the child is
(d) Personal leave without pay for child-rearing purposes may
be granted for the remainder of the year and/or the year
following the birth or adoption of a child. Such leave shall not
normally be taken by both parents at the same time. However,
when both parents are employed by the district, one parent may
share accumulated sick leave with the other parent before either
parent has to take unpaid leave.
Section 6. Military
(a) A teacher who volunteers for military service or who is
drafted will be eligible for military leave. Military leave will
be granted for a period not to exceed four (4) school years. A
teacher on military leave who desires to return to the system
must notify the Superintendent in writing within thirty (30) days
of discharge from active duty.
(b) Teachers will be entitled to military leave without loss
of pay or leave for up to 240 hours per year in order to
participate in required training exercises by Reserve or National
Guard units. In the event of a formal call-up, a teacher who is a
member of the reserve component of the Armed Forces of the United
States or the Florida National Guard will be granted leave without
pay for the period of required duty.
(c) In the event of a formal call-up, teachers may receive
credit for one (1) year of experience for every year of duty.
(d) If a teacher previously went on military leave but did not
receive credit for years of experience, the teacher may request
credit for additional years beginning with 2016-2017 school year.
(e) The teacher must present documentation for the leave to
the Human Resources Division by July 31, 2016, or upon return from
military leave.
Section 7. Illness-In-Line-Of-Duty
A teacher who is absent from work because of personal injury
received in the discharge of their duties or because of a
communicable disease contracted in the course of employment,
shall be entitled to illness-in-line-of-duty leave with pay for a
period of ten days per school year. Requests for additional
illness-in-line-of-duty leave with pay will be considered by the
Board on an individual basis. Such leave will not be
unreasonably denied. Teachers will be covered by the workers'
compensation insurance carried by the Board.
A teacher on illness-in-the-line-of-duty leave will continue
to accrue experience for purposes of the salary schedule and
shall be credited with a day's experience for every day that
teacher is on illness-in-the-line-of-duty leave. This change
shall be retroactive to the 1990-91 fiscal year. For a period
not to exceed one (1) year per illness or injury the Board will
contribute sufficient funds to the Florida Retirement System or
the Teacher Retirement System so as to provide a day of
experience in the retirement system for every day, up to one (1)
year, the teacher is on illness-in-the-line-of-duty leave.
The Board will continue its current practice of supplementing
workers' compensation pay for an individual for a period not to
exceed one (1) year per illness or injury. After one year, the
teacher may utilize accrued sick leave in conjunction with the
workers' compensation in order to assure that the teacher's take-
home pay will not be reduced during the time they are on illness-
in-the-line-of-duty leave.
The Board will provide individual health and life insurance
coverage for a teacher on illness-in-the-line-of-duty leave at no
cost to the teacher.
Section 8. Jury Duty
When required to report for jury duty, or for litigation
arising out of the discharge of their duties, or when subpoenaed
as a witness, not involving their personal litigation, a teacher
will be granted the appropriate leave with pay. Such leave will
be granted to a maximum of fifteen (15) days. If necessary,
additional leave with pay may be approved by the Board. When
appearances are required for situations other than those listed
above, the Board will grant personal leave without pay. The
teacher may, in all cases, retain any payment received for such
Section 9. Political Office
A leave of absence without pay for a period of six weeks will
be granted to a teacher, upon request, for the purpose of
campaigning for their personal election to public office. A
teacher elected or appointed to public political office will be
granted, upon request, a leave of absence without pay for
additional time to serve one full term in office.
Section 10. Temporary Duty Elsewhere (TDE)
(a) Temporary duty elsewhere leave may be granted by the
Board for a teacher to attend professional meetings, conferences,
workshops, or other such meetings outside the county. Such leave
will be related to improvement of job performance and will
normally be with pay and may include per diem.
(b) Temporary duty elsewhere leave may be granted teachers
for the purpose of presenting at professional meetings,
conferences, convocations. Such leave will be related to the
teachers' area of responsibility and will normally be with pay
and may include per diem.
(c) In-county assignment leave with pay will be granted to
teachers participating in the following types of activities:
district-sponsored program reviews, Board committee meetings, and
district level or supervisory job interviews including school
(d) In-county assignment leave may be granted by the Board
for a teacher to attend professional meetings, conferences,
workshops, or other such meetings in the county. Such leave will
be related to improvement of job performance and will normally be
with pay.
Section 11. Professional
(a) Professional leave without pay on an extended basis may
be granted to teachers with three or more years of continuous
service, including approved leaves of absence, for the purpose
of: advanced schooling, Board approved additional training,
educational travel, research, program development or publication.
In such cases, the teacher will submit an outline of the planned
activity. Such leave will normally be for no more than one
school year, but may be extended upon request. Such leave will
not be available for the purpose of accepting full-time
employment. When possible, requests for such leave shall be
initiated no later than July 1.
(b) During pre-and/or post-school planning, or any teacher
workday, a teacher may be granted professional leave without pay
for up to four (4) days when attendance and/or travel is required
for maintaining and/or updating certification. Such leave will
be requested in writing in advance with a description of the
circumstances. Personal leave may be used in lieu of
professional leave if such leave is available.
Section 12. Personal Leave, Without Pay
(a) Teachers are entitled to personal leave without pay for
health reasons. Such leave will normally be for no longer than
one school year but may be extended upon request. Requests for
extension will normally be on a semester basis. Upon request, a
teacher whose reason for extended personal leave without pay is
job related may continue on leave beyond normal limits for the
purpose of maintaining their right to purchase health insurance
at group rates. A physician's statement may be required for
approval of personal leave without pay for health reasons.
(b) Extended personal leave without pay is available upon
request to teachers who have three (3) years or more continuous
service in the district. Normally personal leave without pay
requests will not be for more than one school year, but may be
extended for one more year with the approval of the Board. Such
leave will not be available for the purpose of accepting
employment. When possible, requests for such leave for the first
year will be initiated no later than July 1. When possible,
requests for such leave for the next year will be initiated no
later than April 1.
Section 13. Sick Leave Bank
A. The parties agree to establish an Instructional Sick
Leave Bank in accordance with the conditions described below.
B. Any teacher employed one-half time or greater will be
eligible to join the Sick Leave Bank after one year of employment
in the district. A teacher must have been a member of the Sick
Leave Bank for a minimum of one year to be eligible to receive
sick leave bank benefits.
C. The purpose of the Sick Leave Bank will be to protect its
members from personal catastrophic illness, accident, or injury.
Catastrophic is defined as an accident or illness that is sudden,
unexpected, and of severe consequences to the teacher. It is a
life-threatening injury or illness of a teacher which totally
incapacitates the teacher and keeps them from work, as verified
by a licensed physician, and forces the teacher to exhaust all
leave time earned by that teacher, resulting in the loss of
compensation to the teacher. Conditions that are short-term in
nature, including, but not limited to, common illnesses and
common injuries such as common broken arm, common knee surgery,
common hysterectomy, will not be considered catastrophic.
Chronic illnesses or injuries, such as cancer or major surgery
with complications which are long-term in nature and require long
recuperation periods, may be considered catastrophic.
D. The Sick Leave Bank committee will be formed consisting
of three (3) teachers and one alternate appointed by the
Association and three (3) members and one alternate appointed by
the Superintendent or designee. Membership terms will be
staggered. The committee shall determine how many days, if any, a
member may receive from the Sick Leave Bank. The committee will
utilize the procedures and guidelines developed by the Sick Leave
Guidelines Committee for considering applications for use of the
Sick Leave Bank including, but not limited to:
1. a standard application form;
2. provision for medical documentation of need;
3. provision for monitoring eligibility of a teacher;
4. provision for monitoring of days in the Bank and
determination of when a replenishing of the Bank may be needed;
5. provision of standard forms for participation in or
withdrawal from the Bank by a teacher;
6. provision for investigation of possible abuse of
the Bank;
7. provision for furnishing the parties with status
reports on the condition of the Bank at least quarterly; and
8. provision concerning the confidentiality of the
medical documentation as required by law.
E. Changes in procedures for administration of the Sick
Leave Bank will be subject to approval of the Association and the
Board's representative.
F. Participation in the Sick Leave Bank will be voluntary
and will be indicated on a standard form as provided for above.
G. The maximum contribution to the Sick Leave Bank by an
individual will be one day except as needed to replenish the
Bank. Should the Bank need replenishment, an additional day(s)
may be assessed of persons desiring to continue participation.
Teachers without sick leave days may continue to be members of
the Bank by pledging the next day of sick leave earned.
H. Any eligible teacher may join the Sick Leave Bank by
donating one day of their accumulated sick leave days, provided
the teacher has a minimum of four sick leave days accumulated
prior to participation.
I. Eligibility for participation in the Sick Leave Bank will
be open during Open Enrollment.
J. Use of days from the Bank will be subject to the
following conditions:
1. The claim must be based on a personal and
catastrophic illness, injury, or accident.
2. Prior to eligibility, a teacher must exhaust all
accumulated sick and vacation, leave except for the ten days
required for mandatory closings/breaks during the year.
3. A teacher is eligible to receive a maximum of one
hundred days from the Bank during their employment with the
School Board. Days will be allocated in increments of up to
twenty-five (25) in the event the teacher does not need the
maximum. To receive additional days after the first allocation,
a note from the treating physician stating the need still exists
must be submitted.
4. A teacher otherwise eligible for full disability
retirement will not utilize the Sick Leave Bank.
K. Allegations of abuse of the Sick Leave Bank will be
investigated by the committee, which will submit a report of its
investigation to the Board and the Association, including a
recommendation for appropriate action, if any. The Board will
consider the report and recommendations prior to taking such
action on the matter as it deems proper.
L. A denial of a teacher’s application is binding and cannot
be appealed; however, the applicant may reapply at a future date.
Section 14. Sabbatical Leave
The parties agree that sabbatical leaves may be approved for
one or two semesters duration if funding is available.
Application will be made through submission of a letter with
completed leave form to the Superintendent or designee. Any
teacher who has been satisfactorily employed in the district for
at least six (6) years, excluding extended school year, preceding
the leave is eligible to apply for sabbatical leave, if such
person is not within five (5) years of normal retirement. Salary
for sabbatical leave shall be 50% of the teacher's salary,
excluding supplements other than advanced degree supplements.
Health insurance for the teacher will be paid by the Board while
on such leave.
A committee of three (3) teachers appointed by the Association
and three (3) administrators appointed by the Superintendent will
determine which applicants are recommended. To be considered for
a year-long sabbatical (two semesters) or for a sabbatical leave
for the upcoming first semester, applications must be received by
the district personnel office no later than March 1 of each year.
Applications for sabbatical leave for the second semester must
be received by the district no later than the second day of pre-
planning of the school year in which the sabbatical is desired.
Application deadlines may be waived on an individual basis by the
President of the Association and the Superintendent or designee.
Applicants awarded sabbatical leave for a full year will be
notified no later than fifteen (15) days prior to the close of
post school planning. Successful applicants for second semester
sabbatical will be notified within three weeks of the closing
date for applications.
The committee will consider seniority, purpose of leave,
program of study, and needs of the district in selecting those
applicants for recommendation to the Superintendent.
Compensation from fellowships, scholarships, and stipends
shall not exceed the difference between the regular salary and
the salary for sabbatical leave.
The program of graduate study pursued must be on a full-time
basis and be leading toward a graduate degree or further
certification in a K-12 teaching field. Any change in this
program must be approved in advance by the Superintendent or
designee. The program must be pursued in an accredited
institution of higher learning and a transcript of courses
completed shall be provided the district within 45 days following
the teacher's return from leave.
A teacher receiving a sabbatical shall apply for certification
changes if the degree program followed is not in an area for
which they are already certified.
Further, to be considered, a teacher must agree to reimburse
the district for its total actual cost if the teacher does not
complete two (2) years of service for a teacher who has been
granted leave for two semesters and one (1) year of service for a
teacher who has been granted leave for one semester upon return
from leave. Reimbursement will be made within sixty (60) days
after leaving the district. Reimbursement will not be required
if the teacher is unable to render the required service because
of death, or physical or mental disability of the teacher, or
with the approval of the Board.
A teacher may be awarded a sabbatical leave to pursue a
program of Independent Professional Research. The program of
Independent Professional Research must be on a full-time basis
and will be viewed as a contribution to the teacher's subject
area or to the educational profession. The teacher must submit a
plan of study which will include the following:
a. Purpose of study;
b. Set of goals and objectives;
c. Proposed benefit to the district;
d. Proposed benefit to the teacher;
e. Proposed benefit to the educational profession;
f. Travel plans and purpose of travel, if part of program;
g. Plans for implementation of results.
A teacher who receives sabbatical leave for Independent
Professional Research will, upon returning to the district,
submit a written report on their research, including an
evaluation of sections (a.) through (g.) above, to the
Superintendent or designee and may be required to give a workshop
based on the results of their research. Such report shall be
made part of the teacher's personnel file.
A teacher returning from a two semesters sabbatical leave will
not be eligible for another sabbatical leave until they have
taught in the district for six (6) years subsequent to returning.
A teacher returning from a one-semester sabbatical leave will not
be eligible for another sabbatical leave until they have taught
in the district for three (3) years subsequent to returning.
Following the completion of a sabbatical leave, a teacher
shall be returned to the same or comparable position. The leave
period will not constitute creditable service for movement on the
salary schedule or accrual of sick leave. A teacher on
sabbatical leave will not accrue or use any other leave for the
time they are on sabbatical leave.
A teacher who terminates their sabbatical leave after formally
accepting the offer and prior to completion of the leave may be
required to reimburse the Board for costs. They will be returned
to the same or comparable position.
The number of sabbatical leaves granted annually will not
exceed one percent (1%) of the total bargaining unit as of the
June payroll in the preceding year.
Section 15. Leave, Return to Duty
(a) A teacher on continuing contract or professional service
contract returning from leave of absence will retain their
contract status upon returning from leave.
(b) A teacher on continuing contract or a professional
service contract returning from leave or extended leave will be
given a teaching position, if desired, in the same school to
which they were previously assigned if a vacancy exists for which
the teacher is certified. If no vacancy exists, they will be
assigned to a comparable position within the district.
(c) A teacher on an annual contract returning from leave
within the same school year will be assigned to a teaching
position, if desired, in the same school to which they were
previously assigned if a vacancy for which the teacher is
certified exists. If no vacancy exists, they will be assigned to
a comparable position within the district.
(d) A teacher on annual contract granted leave(s) which might
extend beyond the school year in which the leave was begun will
be given the same consideration for reemployment as other
teachers on an annual contract who are not on leave.
Reappointment of teachers under this provision will be based upon
prior teaching experience, appraisals, certification, program
needs and/or racial composition of the faculty.
(e) Teachers returning from leaves of absence will retain
full credit for years of teaching service prior to their leave.
Section 16. Deadlines
(a) Unless otherwise designated in the contract, all requests
for leave, retirement and resignation will normally be initiated
no later than July 1 if the leave, retirement or resignation is
to be effective with the first semester and no later than
November 1 if the leave, retirement or resignation is to be
effective with the second semester.
(b) Teachers will not normally vacate a position without
adequate notice. A teacher leaving their position without first
being released from their contract or agreement by the School
Board shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Education
Practices Commission.
Section 1. Transfers
(a) All requests for transfers will be initiated through the
Human Resources Division. Appropriate certification, appraisal
requirements, seniority and program needs at both schools will be
considered in transfer requests. Staff racial composition at both
schools may be considered, but no decision will be based on an
individual’s sex, race, religious faith, or sexual orientation.
(b) Currently employed teachers who have been at their
current school for at least four (4) years and have scored Highly
Effective or Effective on the three (3) previous years’ final
evaluations will be given a restricted transfer window each year
to apply for positions in the coming school year.
These teachers who have been at their current school for at
least four (4) consecutive years and have scored Highly Effective
or Effective on the three (3) previous years’ final evaluations
must fill out a Transfer Request Form by the Transfer Request Form
deadline. The Human Resources Division will send out the form and
deadline to teachers via email. Once vacancies are posted, the 4+
teacher must apply for the position(s) using the online application
system in order to be considered for a transfer within the
restricted transfer window. The restricted transfer window will be
open the workday following the distribution of non-renewal letters.
All known vacancies shall be posted during the priority transfer
window. The restricted transfer window will remain open for 15
days. If after ten (10) days no priority transfer applicants have
applied for an advertised classroom teaching vacancy at a specific
school site, that school site may begin filling for that classroom
teaching position with other applicants.
A list of these priority transfer applicants will be available
to the Association. During this restricted transfer window, at
least 33% of the classroom teaching vacancies at each worksite
must be filled with the priority transfer applicants prior to
hiring anyone else.
The following formula will apply for the hiring of transfer
applicants at each worksite: 1-3 vacancies will hire a minimum
of one (1) applicant from the priority transfer applicant list;
4-6 vacancies will hire a minimum of two (2) applicants from the
priority transfer applicant list. Job offers that are refused do
not constitute a vacancy filled.
This does not apply if there are no currently employed
teachers who are appropriately certified requesting a transfer.
At the conclusion of the restricted transfer window, all transfer
applicants will continue to be given priority consideration in
the filling of remaining positions or vacancies.
(c) Teachers may apply for transfer to a newly created
position or a vacancy as soon as posting occurs.
(d) Rejection of transfer applications will not be made for
punitive reasons.
(e) Teachers requesting a transfer will not be discriminated
against in regard to extended school year employment.
Section 2. Vacancies, Posting
(a) The Board will post a list of known teaching vacancies
for the coming school year on the Alachua County Public Schools’
internet web site. Vacancies will be posted, excluding positions
scheduled to be filled by budgetary instructional staff. All
vacancies will be posted in the week following staffing
allocation meetings and updated daily.
(b) The Board agrees that it will not fill new part-time
positions until qualified, currently employed part-time teachers
have been notified of the new position and allowed to apply.
Current procedures for posting vacancies will satisfy this
notification requirement. When qualifications are substantially
equal, currently employed part-time teachers will be given
preference in hiring over applicants not currently employed.
Section 3. Vacancies, Non-Teaching
(a) If a vacancy or new position occurs in the district which
requires certified personnel other than teachers, the Board will
publicize the vacancy by posting the job and an appropriate job
description, which will include the work location, when possible,
on the Alachua County Public Schools’ internet web site at least
five (5) calendar days or at least 4 working days prior to
consideration of the applications. The job description will
contain the required and desirable qualifications for the
position as well as a description of duties and general salary
range. A description of how to apply will also be included. No
applicant will be eliminated because of race, sex, or religious
faith or sexual orientation. All other factors being equal,
current employees will receive priority consideration.
(b) Reorganization of existing staff to fill district level
supervisory or administrative positions and filling vacancies for
the Superintendent's immediate staff (those reporting directly to
the Superintendent) are exempt from posting requirements.
(c) The filling of vacancies for school site administrators
and principal interns will be completed in accordance with the
Board's approved Human Resources Development Plan. All
interviewed applicants will be notified of their status regarding
inclusion or exclusion in the pool.
Section 4. Transfer Procedures, Coming School Year
(a) Teachers may apply for a transfer to a new vacancy for
the coming school year as soon as it is posted. Reasons for the
request need not be given.
(b) Applicants for transfers will utilize the online
application system. Principals will utilize the online system to
identify and interview transfer applicants.
Section 5. Transfer Procedures, Current School Year
Notice of teaching vacancies, including work location, which
occur during the school year will be posted on the Alachua County
Public Schools’ internet web site for no less than five (5) days
prior to the position being filled on a permanent basis. A teacher,
with no significant deficiencies on their most recent appraisal and
who is appropriately certified, may apply for transfer to the vacant
position. Appropriately certified, currently employed teachers
making such a request will be given priority consideration.
Teachers may apply for transfer to be effective during the current
school year. Reasons for the transfer application will be given upon
request. Reasonable efforts will be made to honor such requests.
Section 6. ESY Employment
(a) The principal at each school will post anticipated
extended school year positions on or before May 15. Teacher
applications for the anticipated extended year positions will be
filed with the principal on or before May 30 and applicants will
normally be notified of the tentative assignment on or before the
last day of post-planning.
(b) Extended school year teaching appointments will be
recommended by the principal. The principal will give first
consideration to properly certified and qualified teachers who
have experience teaching the subject area and who are employed in
their school for the coming year. Only teachers employed in the
district for the following year will be employed in extended
school year positions.
(c) If extended school year positions are available after all
certified and qualified applicants within the bargaining unit
having experience teaching the subject area have been considered,
those vacancies will be offered to other teachers in the
bargaining unit. If no certified and qualified teachers are
available from within the bargaining unit, teachers from outside
the bargaining unit may be employed.
(d) For the purpose of extended school year employment
eligibility, teachers receiving a transfer will be considered a
faculty member of the school from which they are transferring.
(e) Extended school year positions to be filled from within
the staff of the school will not be considered as vacancies.
(f) No teacher may be required to accept employment beyond
the normal contracted-for period of employment.
Section 1. Assignment/Reassignment, Superintendent
(a) The Superintendent will make personnel assignments and
reassignments within the district with the approval of the Board.
Vacant positions may be filled by transfer when such transfers
meet certification and program needs. Racial staffing ratio may
be a consideration.
(b) The Superintendent or designee will discuss a change in
assignment with the teachers directly involved. When an
assignment involves moving from one school to another, ten (10)
days written notice will be given to the teacher(s) involved.
Such written notice may be waived during the first two (2) weeks
of school or in an emergency. When changes in school site occur
during the regular school year, the teacher(s) involved will be
provided assistance in moving. Upon request, planning time not
to exceed three days may be arranged by the principal. This
request will not be unreasonably denied.
(c) Reassignments will not be made for punitive reasons.
(d) Reassignments will be handled in a professional manner.
Section 2. Reduction In Force
When a reduction in the number of students in a school or in
courses or programs within a school necessitates a reduction in
force, teachers at the school will be retained based upon holding
a Professional Service Contract or a Continuing Contract and the
performance evaluations of teachers within the affected program
area(s). Staff racial composition of both schools may also be a
If the teacher being reassigned is on a professional service
contract or continuing contract and holds at least a bachelor's
degree from an accredited institution, they will first be
reassigned within their certification area. If no such position
is available, they will be reassigned out of field and given a
maximum of two (2) years to gain certification in another area.
The new certification area will be determined after discussion
with the Human Resources office. Any teacher who would qualify
for retirement within two (2) years will be permitted to teach to
acquire the needed service.
Section 3. Transfer To Former School
A teacher who has been reassigned, due to a reduction in the
number of students in a school or in courses or programs within a
school, will have an opportunity to request a transfer back to
the former school, if a vacancy occurs in their certification
It will be the teacher's responsibility to notify the Human
Resources Division of their interest in returning to their former
school. Upon such a request, the teacher will be given priority
consideration for placement within their certification area at
their prior school site. This provision will be in effect for
one year after the effective date of the reassignment.
If the vacancy occurs prior to the beginning of the school
year in which the reassignment was to have become effective, the
teachers will be given the opportunity to accept or reject the
position before other candidates are considered.
If the vacancy occurs for the school year immediately
following the effective date of the reassignment, the teacher
will be given the opportunity to request a transfer to their
former school. The requesting teacher will be given priority
consideration for placement within their certification area at
their prior school site, and will be interviewed prior to the
building administrator recommending other candidates for
If a position within the teacher's certification area(s) is
offered and the teacher rejects it, the Board is no longer
obligated under this section of the contract.
In no case shall an employed teacher be reassigned or
displaced so as to provide a position for a previously reassigned
teacher from that school.
In no case shall a teacher, who is not certified in an area,
be reassigned as to displace a teacher certified in that area who
is on professional service or continuing contract.
Section 4. Assignments, Tentative
Teachers remaining at a school site will be given their
tentative teaching assignments for the following school year
five (5) days prior to the last day of post planning. Teachers
will be notified of changes in their tentative assignment(s) as
they occur. Teachers will be notified of tentative semester
assignments three (3) weeks prior to the beginning of the
semester. Nothing contained herein will prevent earlier notice
if the tentative schedule has been developed by the principal.
Tentative teaching assignments will contain both courses and
grade levels.
Teachers will be notified of a change in their tentative
teaching assignment(s) as soon as feasible after finalization of
Section 5. Assignment, Changes During Regular School Year
Changes in teaching assignments within the regular school year
may be made after consulting with the teacher(s) involved and
soliciting alternative solutions to the problem. Changes in
teaching assignments will mean changes in the classes, courses,
or grade levels taught. An appropriately certified teacher(s)
who volunteers for the change(s) in teaching assignment(s) will
be given priority consideration. Changes in teaching assignments
will not be used as a punitive measure. When changes in teaching
assignments occur during the regular school year, the teacher(s)
involved will be provided assistance in moving or other
arrangements necessitated by the change. At the teacher's
request, planning time not to exceed three days may be arranged
by the principal. This request will not be unreasonably denied.
Section 6. Assignment, Out-of-Field
(a) Reasonable efforts will be made to assign each teacher
within the scope of their certification. When an in-school
teaching assignment out of field becomes necessary, the faculty
will be made aware of the need and volunteers will be considered.
If the out-of-field assignment is still necessary, it will be
discussed with the teacher(s) involved and alternatives
(b) When a teacher is assigned out-of-field teaching duties
and is required to become certified in that area of assignment,
the Board will, upon request, provide a written statement, for
tax or other purposes, that the teacher was required to obtain
such certification in order to retain their position.
(c) The Board agrees to provide the necessary inservice
components or to help defray the costs of certification for any
teacher assigned out of field and required by the Board to become
certified in that field. Such costs will be subject to the
following limitations:
1. Upon presentation of evidence of successful completion of
the course(s), the Board will reimburse the teacher for tuition
and required fees and books only.
2. The Board will reimburse the teacher only if the teacher
receives prior written approval from the Human Resources Division
authorizing the reimbursement of tuition fees for the specific
course(s) necessary for certification.
3. The teacher will teach in the district for one year
following receipt of new certification or reimburse the Board for
total money expended. Reimbursement will not be required if the
teacher is unable to render the required service because of
death, or physical or mental disability of the teacher.
Section 7. Assignment, Split Grade Level
Before a split grade level class(es) is (are) formed in an
elementary school, the principal will consult with the teachers
involved and solicit alternative solutions.
A principal will consider other staff members for assignment
to a split grade level class before assigning the class to a
teacher who had a split-level class the previous year. A teacher
will not normally be required to teach a split grade level
class(es) for two (2) consecutive years.
Section 8. Non-Renewed Teacher Consideration
Teachers non-renewed due to budgetary concerns will be placed
on an applicant list by current school and certification. As
positions become available, teachers on this list will be given
priority (interview) consideration in their area of
certification, before the hiring of certified personnel from
outside the district. The length of service in the district will
be considered. However, it will not be the sole criteria for
rehiring. Other factors such as minority representation to
provide racial and ethnic balance within a school will be
included. All reasonable efforts will be made to place a teacher
at the same school to which they were assigned the previous
school year. Should no vacancies exist in an area for which the
teacher is certified, they may be offered placement in an area
closely related to their area of certification. Any teacher not
rehired by the beginning of the school year will remain on the
list until the end of the year. If a teacher rejects placement,
the Board will have no further obligation to extend this right to
other vacancies.
The Board and the Association will work together to develop
and implement an out-placement program for any teacher who was
non-renewed under this section.
Section 9. Temporary Appointment
Replacement of personnel taking leaves of absence for one (1)
year or less will normally be done by temporary appointment.
Personnel employed under temporary appointment will be made aware
of the temporary nature of their appointment prior to their
acceptance of the position.
Section 10. Return from Principal Internship
A teacher returning to the classroom from the principal
internship program will be given a teaching position, if desired,
in the school to which they were previously assigned if a vacancy
exists for which the teacher is certified. If no vacancy exists,
they will be assigned to a comparable position within the
Section 11. Induction Program
Except as specified elsewhere in this agreement, a beginning
teacher in the Board-approved Induction Program is entitled to
the same rights afforded any first year teacher.
Beginning teachers will be assigned a mentor coach to
support them throughout the school year.
Section 1. Administrative Responsibility
(a) Appraisal of a teacher's performance is an administrative
responsibility. Written appraisal will include, as applicable, a
statement of areas of strength and areas needing improvement.
Statements made in areas needing improvement will be based upon
evidence that is shared with the teacher in a timely manner and
will include a statement of improvement desired, specific
recommendations of how to attain such improvement, a time line
and plan for improved performance, and what consequences, if any,
may occur if improvements are not achieved.
(b) Prior to indicating on the Alachua County Teacher
Appraisal Instrument that the teacher is receiving an overall
Unsatisfactory or Needs Improvement, the principal or appropriate
supervisor will inform the teacher in writing during a conference
concerning performance. The principal or appropriate supervisor
will schedule a follow-up meeting to develop a corrective action
plan as detailed in Article XIII, Sections 2 and 4.
(c) If a teacher is assigned classroom duties outside the
scope of their certification, appraisal of such a teacher will
reflect that assignment and the appraiser will take into account
lack of training in the area of assignment. When a teacher is
assigned outside the scope of their certification, the appraisal
will not reflect negatively upon performance in the subject
matter for which the teacher is not certified.
(d) Except in cases where teachers are receiving a supplement
to perform extra duties or otherwise have responsibilities beyond
the normal work day, teachers will only be appraised based on
their performance during the contractual day.
Section 2. Procedures
(a) Teachers will be informed of the evaluation procedures
during pre-planning. Teachers who are participating in the
Beginning Teacher Program will be apprised of the requirements
in the Board approved Beginning Teacher Program.
(b) Teachers who received an overall Effective or Highly
Effective on the previous year’s evaluation will have a minimum
of two (2) observations during the current school year. The
observations will include pre-observation and post-observation
conferences and will be scheduled on a mutually agreed upon date
and time.
(c) Teachers who received an overall Unsatisfactory or Needs
Improvement on the previous year’s evaluation and teachers whose
first semester observation may lead to a final evaluation of less
than Effective will have an appraisal conference with the
principal to collaboratively develop a written corrective action
plan. The teacher may ask for additional support to assist in
this plan. The teacher and evaluator will meet on mutually
agreed upon times to document progress on the corrective action
plan. Formal observations will be scheduled on a mutually agreed
upon date and time.
(d) Teachers who are newly hired will have a mid-year
evaluation conference with the principal or appropriate
(e) All teachers will receive specific evidence and feedback
that is shared in snapshots, formal observations, mid-year
appraisals, and other written correspondence.
(f) Annual contract teachers, who receive at the conclusion
of their current contract year of teaching in Alachua County, an
Effective or Highly Effective annual principal appraisal and who
received, at the conclusion of the two preceding years of
teaching in Alachua County, an annual principal appraisal of
Effective or Highly Effective will have their contract renewed
for the following school year. If no vacancy should occur at the
teacher’s currently assigned school site, the teacher will be
given a contract for the following school year at schools where
vacancies occur in their certification. No person with a
temporary certificate will be hired from outside the district
until all teachers who meet this criteria are placed, based on
teacher certification criteria for the vacant position.
The district personnel department will provide to the
Association, upon the Association’s request, a current list of
these rehires, vacancies, and placements for teachers as they
occur. The Board and the Association will work together to
develop and implement a communication plan wherein the rehired
teachers will receive frequent updates on their status. This
process for the rehire of Effective or Highly Effective annual
contract teachers will not apply to any teacher requesting DROP
(g) Teachers hired after the beginning of the instructional
year will normally have a minimum of six (6) weeks before the
schedule of a formal observation. The number of observations for
teachers hired after the beginning of the school year may be
adjusted to reasonably conform with the length of time the
teacher is employed.
(h) The district appraisal committee will develop district
lesson plan guideline recommendations that aligns to the annual
appraisal instrument, optimize student learning, and ensure
quality time for teaching.
(i) Final teacher evaluations will be based upon three (3)
components with the indicated weightings as follows: principal
appraisal of instructional practices 33 percent; student
performance data component 34 percent; and participation in
lesson study 33 percent. A teacher may choose not to participate
in Lesson Study and, in that case, would forfeit the points for
that component.
Each teacher will receive an overall rating of Highly
Effective, Effective, Needs Improvement, or an Unsatisfactory
based upon the total number of points accrued on the three (3)
components. The following cut-off scores will apply based on
conversion to a one hundred (100) point scale:
Teacher Classification
Total Point
Highly Effective
≥70 but <86
Needs Improvement (Developing, <3 years
≥60 but <70
Section 3. Forms
(a) The forms for teacher observation, mid-year, and/or
final appraisal are posted in Alachua County Instructional
Improvement System (ACIIS) or, upon request, a hard copy may be
provided by the worksite administrator. These items will not be
altered for the term of this agreement except by mutual agreement
of the parties.
(b) Observation and appraisal reports for all instructional
personnel will be on the Alachua County forms.
(c) The parties recognize that teachers in certain positions
may have duties which are not appropriately appraised using the
general observation and appraisal forms. Job specific appraisal
forms for such positions will be developed after consultation
with the teachers involved. Prior to implementation of the
appraisal forms, the Association shall have an opportunity to
review the forms and to recommend changes. Timeframes for
appraisal shall not be changed for job specific appraisals.
(d) Self-appraisal is voluntary. A teacher may include a
self-appraisal form as part of their personnel file.
Section 4. Timelines
Administrators will schedule in writing (via email or the
online employee evaluation tool) all formal teacher observations at
a mutually agreed upon date and time. An initial planning
conference will be held with each teacher at least ten (10) days
prior to the scheduled initial observation visit each year. The
teacher or the principal may request this conference be person-to-
person. The conference will be to review appraisal criteria and
the expectations of both the administrator and the teacher. The
post observation conferences will be person-to-person and occur
with ten (10) days of the observation. The evaluator will make
available the results of formal observations and administrator
evaluations to teachers at least 24 hours prior to a conference to
discuss said results. If changes are made to the administrator
portion of the evaluation, the revised form will be made available
to the teacher prior to finalization. Final evaluations must occur
prior to the last day of school for students.
Appraisal schedules for teachers will be determined by these
Teachers in the Beginning Teacher Program will be observed and
appraised as set forth in the Board approved Beginning Teacher
Teachers who are newly hired or on annual contract with three
(3) years or less experience will be observed at least once each
semester for a total of not less than 50 minutes. The first
observation visit will occur prior to November 1. A second
observation visit will occur not later than March 15.
Newly hired teachers will be evaluated twice a year. Mid
Year evaluation will be conducted prior to the end of the first
semester and will include a person-to-person conference. The
final evaluation will be conducted prior to the last day of
school for students.
Newly hired Teachers will be observed and evaluated by the
Annual contract teachers with four (4) or more years of
experience, Professional and Continuing contract teachers who
received an overall EFFECTIVE or HIGHLY EFFECTIVE on the previous
year’s evaluation, will have a minimum of two (2) observation
visits during the current school year. The first observation visit
must occur prior to the end of the first semester. The second
observation visit must occur prior to May 1.
Final evaluation must occur prior to the last day of school
for students.
Teachers who received an overall NEEDS IMPROVEMENT or
UNSATISFACTORY on the previous year’s principal’s portion of the
evaluation will have an initial appraisal conference with the
principal within the first ten (10) days of the new school year
to discuss general performance expectations and will
collaboratively develop a written improvement plan. Teachers
will have a minimum of three (3) formal observation visits with
additional observation visits scheduled as needed. The
observation visits will include pre and post observation visit
conferences within ten (10) days of the observation. The first
observation visit will occur prior to October 15. The second
observation visit will occur prior to December 5. The third
observation visit will occur prior to March 31.
Teachers who received an overall NEEDS IMPROVEMENT or
UNSATISFACTORY on the previous year’s principal’s evaluation will
be evaluated three (3) times a year. Mid Year evaluation will be
conducted prior to the end of the first semester and a person-to-
person conference will be held to review it. The final evaluation
will be conducted prior to the last day of school for students.
Teachers whose first semester observation may lead to a final
evaluation of less than EFFECTIVE will have an appraisal
conference with the principal within ten (10) working days to
discuss the evidence collected in the formal observation and the
plans for necessary improvement. A written action plan will be
collaboratively developed.
Teachers who are working under a written improvement plan may
request the additional support of instructional coaches or
curriculum teacher specialists.
Additional conferences will be held as necessary to provide
evidence and feedback related to the teacher's performance.
It is strongly recommended that the appropriate
administrator complete an observation at any time an area of
weakness is recognized or believed to exist.
Section 5. Observation
Observation of teachers for purposes of appraisal may be both
formal and informal but no appraiser will attempt to conceal an
observation from the teacher, whether formal or informal. All
observational classroom data is transparent and available to
teachers at any time. Administrative observational concerns will
be shared with the teacher either electronically or in hard copy.
The school intercom system will not be utilized for teacher
appraisal purposes.
Section 6. Beginning Teacher Program
A teacher new to the profession will be appraised in accordance
with the mutually agreed upon Beginning Teacher Program requirements.
Section 7. Disagreement
(a) Disputes that arise at the beginning of the appraisal
process and cannot be settled collaboratively between the teacher and
Administrator will be referred to the Superintendent or designee.
The decision of the Superintendent or designee will be binding.
(b) The teacher and the appraiser will meet to discuss the
appraiser’s appraisal of the teacher according to the timelines
in Article XIII, Section 4. In the event a teacher disagrees
with the appraisal, they may schedule an additional conference
with the appraiser within ten days to further discuss the
appraisal. The appraiser and the teacher will sign the appraisal
form before it is placed in the teacher's permanent personnel
file in the Personnel Office. Such signature by the teacher will
indicate only that the teacher has read the appraisal and does
not necessarily indicate agreement with its contents. A copy of
the completed appraisal will be provided to the teacher at or
before the time they are to sign the form. Teachers will not be
requested to sign incomplete appraisal forms, provided they call
the incomplete portion to the attention of the administrator
during the appraisal conference.
(c) The teacher will also have the opportunity to provide
additional material and/or refute in writing any items within 30
calendar days of receiving the appraisal. If a teacher provides
evidence that refutes any item in the Instructional Framework,
the evaluator may make necessary corrections to the appraisal.
Any additional material or refutation will be attached to the
appraisal retained by the principal and to the copy placed in the
teacher's permanent personnel file.
(d) If the appraiser and teacher are in major disagreement
over an appraisal report, the teacher may request that an
additional observation and appraisal be done. The teacher may
select the additional observer, who will be a supervisor or other
administrator. With the requested observer's consent, such
requests will be honored.
(e) If a teacher disagrees with the reliability of the student
test data component of the Alachua County Teacher Appraisal final
evaluation, that teacher may request a meeting with a district
representative to explain how the test data was used in
calculating the final student performance component. Any errors
that are discovered will be corrected and reflected on the final
evaluation within 90 days of district receipt of student test
data results.
Section 8. Deficiencies, Inservice
If deficiencies have been noted to a teacher, a principal may
recommend that the teacher participate in a specific inservice
component and may require that attendance within the workday.
Should it become impossible to schedule the required inservice
during the normal workday, the teacher will be provided the
opportunity to attend the specific inservice training after the
normal workday, however the teacher shall receive a stipend equal
to their hourly rate of pay for every hour of required attendance
beyond the normal workday.
Principals may also require group teacher participation during
the workday in inservice components to meet the needs of the
school or district, such as for implementation of a new program
or for curriculum or school improvements. Should such group
inservice be required, the principal will discuss the needs with
the staff and will give advance notice of such inservice.
Teacher Center inservice programs are available to teachers
without cost.
Section 9. ATAP
The parties agree to continue the Alachua Teacher Assistance
Program (ATAP) as a jointly sponsored program for peer assistance.
The ATAP Program is included as Appendix C of this agreement.
Section 10. Resignation/Leave
If a teacher resigns or takes a leave of absence, the
principal will normally hold a formal appraisal conference at
least one week prior to the effective date of the leave or
Section 11. Appraiser-Teacher Changes
If teacher or administrative changes occur during the school
year which result in appraiser-teacher changes, teachers involved
will be notified as soon as possible. If requested, teachers
will be granted a change in their appraiser at the end of each
school year.
Section 12. Principal Intern
A principal intern may be required, as part of their training,
to observe and appraise teachers. Teacher participation will be
voluntary. Should the appraised teacher disagree with the
appraisal, the teacher may request that the intern's appraisal
not be placed in their personnel file or that an appraisal by the
principal be made and attached to the original appraisal made by
the intern. Such requests will be honored. All participants
will work together to make this a positive learning experience
for the intern.
Section 13. Appraisal Committee
(a) The Association and the Superintendent agree to form a
Teacher Appraisal Committee. The committee shall be composed of
five teachers, appointed by the Association, and five
administrators, appointed by the Superintendent. The committee
shall elect two of its members to serve as co-chairpersons and
one committee member will serve as recording secretary. The
minutes will be disseminated and approved at each meeting. The
district Appraisal Committee will meet a minimum of three times
per year. Additional Meetings may be scheduled upon mutual
agreement by the co-chairs. Both parties may include additional
members to attend Appraisal Committee meetings, but only the
appointed members may vote.
(b) The committee will be charged with an annual review of
the current collective bargaining agreement language with respect
to teacher appraisal, current observation and appraisal forms and
will make any recommendations as needed.
Section 14.
Teacher Appraisal shall be conducted in accordance with
Florida Statute § 1012.34 and other applicable laws and state
Section 1.
Instructional aides may be employed to assist teachers.
Section 2.
Teachers who are assigned an instructional aide may be
involved in the interviewing of an applicant for the position,
and may be expected to assist in orienting the aide and in
training them in performance of instructional-related activities.
Teachers who become aware of instructional-related deficiencies
in assigned aides will report such deficiencies to the principal.
A principal will investigate and take such action as is deemed
necessary to correct the situation. The principal will report to
the referring teacher any action taken.
Section 3.
Aides may be used to temporarily supervise students in the
absence of a teacher if the principal or their designee approves
their use.
Section 4.
Teacher aides will be under the direct supervision of a
certified teacher and will not be responsible for permanent
teaching responsibilities.
Section 1. Membership
The Association will provide the Board with a list of teachers
and career service personnel qualified to serve on the
Professional Development (CREATE) Council, from which the Board
will appoint teacher and career service council members. The
initial list will be given to the Board by the Association no
later than July 20 of each year so appointments can be made by
the Board on or before September 1. If vacancies occur, the
Association will submit names(s) to fill the vacancy(ies).
Section 2. Terms of Office
The term of office of each Council member will be not more
than three years.
Section 3. Responsibilities
The Professional Development (CREATE) Council will plan and
make recommendations to the Board regarding inservice programs of
the district, based on the expressed needs of teachers and career
service personnel. The recommendations will also include
consideration of available funding.
Section 1. Policies and Procedures
(a) Board-adopted policies concerning student discipline will
be available through the district web-site. Notification of
proposed additions, deletions, and other changes to the policies
will be available through the district’s web site beginning with
the scheduled first reading and will be sent to the Association
(b) Board-adopted policies and procedures that are outlined
in the district Student Code of Conduct will be enforced
district-wide. Local application of these policies and
procedures will be developed by the principal and the Building
Level Discipline Committee, but the principal will retain final
responsibility in matters of student discipline, subject to Board
direction. The Building Level Discipline Committee membership
will be composed of the principal or designee and teachers
selected annually by the members of the departments, grade
levels, or teams they represent.
(c) The principal and the Building Level Discipline Committee
at each school will develop a written program of student
discipline. The implementation of the written program is the
responsibility of the principal.
(d) A committee of five teachers, appointed by the Association,
will annually review the Code of Student Conduct and make
recommendations for changes to the Superintendent or their designee.
The recommendations, if any, shall be made by February 1 of each
school year.
Section 2. Grossly Disruptive Student
(a) Appropriate action will be taken to remove or to make
special provisions for a grossly disruptive student. Grossly
disruptive behavior will include: assault on staff or students,
threat(s) of violence, willful disregard of a teacher's directions,
malicious vandalism, possession of weapons of any type, continuing
use of profane language or obscene gestures, and instigation of
violence or mass disobedience to legitimate directions.
(b) When a teacher sends a grossly disruptive student to the
office, the principal or their representative will provide
written feedback to the teacher with regard to the present action
concerning the student's behavior. The teacher may request a
conference with the principal or their representative and the
student's parent(s)/guardian(s) prior to the student being
returned to their classroom. A grossly disruptive student will
not normally be returned to the classroom where they exhibited
the grossly disruptive behavior until the teacher has received
the feedback.
(c) A teacher may remove a student from their class:
1. Who has been documented by the teacher to repeatedly
interfere with the teacher’s ability to effectively communicate
with the students in the class or with the ability of the
student’s classmates to learn.
2. Or whose behavior the teacher determines is so
unruly, disruptive, or abusive that it seriously interferes with
the teacher’s ability to effectively communicate with other
students in the class or with the ability of the student’s
classmates to learn.
The principal may not return a student who has been removed by
a teacher from the teacher’s class without the teacher’s consent,
unless the Placement Review Committee established herein
determines that such placement is the best or only available
alternative. The teacher and Placement Review Committee must
render decisions within five (5) days of the removal of the
student from the classroom.
(d) Each school shall establish a Placement Review
Committee(s) to determine if a student is to be returned to a
teacher’s class after that student has been removed by the
teacher and the teacher has withheld consent for that student to
be returned to the teacher’s class.
Committee membership shall include the following:
One at large teacher and an alternate composed of and
chosen by ACEA members, one member of the school staff selected
by the principal and one teacher selected by the teacher who has
removed the student. The alternate teacher will serve if the at
large teacher is unavailable.
A teacher, who removed a student from their class and who has
withheld consent for the return of that student to their class,
shall not serve on the committee when the committee makes its
decision regarding the return of the student.
If the Placement Review Committee’s decision is contrary to
the decision of the teacher to withhold consent to the return of
the removed student to the teacher’s class, the teacher may
appeal the committee’s decision to the Superintendent or
The Placement Review Committee(s) will be selected during pre-
school planning. Each school’s faculty shall also determine the
following during pre-school planning:
1. The number of Placement Review Committees needed at
each school.
2. The terms of office of the members of the Placement
Review Committee(s).
3. The method the instructional staff will use in the
selection of the Placement Review committee(s) members.
4. The appropriate form a teacher is to use to document
the behavior which resulted in the teacher having the student
removed from their classroom.
(e) Any teacher who permanently removes 25 percent of their
total class enrollment through the Placement Review Committee
shall be required to complete professional development to improve
classroom management skills. Any required training under this
provision shall be free of cost to the teacher and shall normally
occur during the normal workday. If the required training cannot
occur during the normal workday the teacher may attend the
specific training after the normal workday, however the teacher
will receive a stipend equal to thier hourly rate of pay for
every hour or fraction of an hour of required attendance beyond
the normal workday.
Section 3. Recommendation for Discipline
The principal or their designee shall consider the
recommendation for discipline made by a teacher, when the
recommended consequence is consistent with the Code of Student
Conduct. The principal or their designee shall respond by
employing the teacher’s recommended consequence or a more serious
disciplinary action if the student’s history of disruptive
behavior warrants it. If the principal or their designee
determines that a lesser disciplinary action is
appropriate, the principal or their designee should consult with
the teacher prior to taking disciplinary action.
Section 4. False Accusations Against a Teacher
A principal will make a recommendation for expulsion or
reassignment to a second chance school for any student found to
have intentionally made false accusations that jeopardize the
professional reputation, employment or professional certification
of a teacher or member of the school staff, according to the
school district Code of Student Conduct.
Section 5. Immediate Assistance
A teacher may request and will receive immediate assistance if
a student becomes uncontrollable or in case of emergency.
Section 6. Notification
(a) A teacher may send a student to the principal or the
principal’s designee if the student is involved in a disturbance.
The teacher will notify the office immediately when a student is
(b) When a teacher sends a student to the office for
discipline, the teacher will be notified, according to the
school's written program of student discipline, of the action
taken. Notification will normally occur within twenty-four
(c) Under normal circumstances, no classroom teacher will be
expected to supervise any student(s) who were sent to the office
for discipline.
(d) When disciplinary action is taken against a student, the
student's advisor will normally receive prompt notification of
such action.
Section 7. Personal Defense
The safety of staff and students is of paramount importance.
Therefore, when a teacher receives a personal threat of bodily
harm coupled with an apparent, present ability to cause the harm,
the teacher may take appropriate action in defense of their
Section 8. Exclusion
(a) At the request of a teacher, the principal or their
representative may authorize the exclusion of a student from
school activities or field trips at which less strict student
supervision is expected. The request will not normally be
denied. However, if denied, the principal or their designee will
provide for additional supervision.
(b) When, in their professional judgment, it is necessary to
exclude a student from class for reasons of health and/or safety,
the teacher will make the recommendations to the principal. Such
recommendations will not be unreasonably denied. This section
will not be used to exclude disruptive students.
Section 9. Damage, Personal Property
When, as a result of a physical altercation in the performance
of thier normal duties, damage is incurred to a teacher's
personal property, such damage shall be reimbursed by the Board.
Notification of such damage shall be made in writing within 24
hours to the Principal.
Student Intern
Student teaching assignments including the assignment of
students in the University of Florida Pro-teach or similar
programs will be made on a voluntary basis. A minimum of three
years of teaching experience will normally be required before a
teacher may supervise a student teacher/participant. Principals
will consider teacher requests for student teachers/participants
prior to the placement of student teachers/participants. A
teacher will not be assigned a student teacher/participant
without their prior knowledge and consent. Teachers accepting
interns must have completed state required clinical educator
training prior to being assigned an intern.
Section 1. Insurance, Health/Life
(a) The parties agree that for the life of this contract
employee health and life insurance coverage will be as mutually
agreed by the parties, and that the Board will continue to pay
the employee portion of the premium for each eligible teacher.
Any future increase in the cost of insurance will be paid by the
Board from funds that might otherwise be available for salaries
and other benefits and will be considered a part of the overall
compensation package.
(b) Consistent with state law, teachers who retire from the
system and their eligible dependents can maintain the group
health and life insurance at the individual’s expense. Teachers
on approved leave will also be afforded this opportunity.
Section 2. Cafeteria Plan
The Board agrees to offer a benefits plan commonly referred to
as a "cafeteria plan." The amount of the Board contribution, if
any, shall be subject to negotiation.
Section 3. Insurance Committee
There will be an insurance committee to evaluate available
coverage and make recommendations to the Board, including any bid
specifications which may be needed. Upon request of the Board,
the committee may also serve in a liaison capacity with the
insurance carrier(s) and the Insurance Risk Management Department
on matters of concern to teachers and other staff. The committee
will be appointed annually and composed of three teachers; one
Education Support Professional; and either one currently employed
bargaining unit member or one ACEA member who has retired from
the district and maintained the district’s insurance into
retirement selected by the Association; and the Board’s Risk
Manager; three administrators; and one Professional/Technical
employee selected for appointment by the Superintendent. Anyone
filling an unexpired term will be appointed for the duration of
the term.
In view of the rapid changes taking place in the insurance
markets today, the insurance committee, in addition to the duties and
responsibilities described above, will on an annual basis, before
health provider contract renewal, review the coverages in place and
discuss the adequacy of same. Should changes that would be
advantageous to the group become available during the course of the
year, the committee will endeavor to incorporate these changes into
the plan. In addition, the committee will develop a long-term plan
that will consider issues of cost, availability and feasibility, as
well as innovative and creative ideas. Any recommended changes to
the plans will be accompanied by a cost analysis report that will
look at long-term consequences of making such a change. Thereafter,
a recommendation shall be forwarded to the Board.
The administration will be responsible for the initial
investigating of claims problems experienced by employees.
Should the problem not be resolved to the employee's
satisfaction, the employee may request the assistance of the
committee in resolving the claim.
Section 4. Hourly Rates, EY/Adult Ed
Instructional personnel who participate in the additional hour
of reading instruction will receive their current hourly rate of
pay for time worked and an additional one (1) hour pay weekly to
compensate for additional plan time.
Section 5. Mileage
A teacher will be paid mileage for use of a personal vehicle
when assigned school or school-related activities as follows:
(a) District-wide program reviews;
(b) School duties assigned by the principal other than those
for which a teacher is supplemented and other than those
specified in accordance with Article VI, Section 2;
(c) Required meetings or workshops;
(d) Additional mileage from base school when a teacher is
assigned to more than one school per day.
Section 6. Parking Fees
The Board agrees to reimburse teachers who are, as part of
their teaching assignment, required to pay parking fees such as
at Shands Teaching Hospital. When teachers are assigned to a
work location without free parking within a reasonable distance,
such as Shands Teaching Hospital, the Board will reimburse the
teacher for the actual cost of parking or for an appropriate
parking decal. Teachers will discuss the cost of the decal with
their immediate supervisor prior to purchasing the decal.
Section 7. Terminal Pay
For purposes of terminal pay for accrued sick leave and
accrued vacation pay paid at retirement, or upon death of the
employee, the daily rate of pay will be computed by dividing the
total salary, excluding supplements, by the number of days the
teacher must be on the job to earn the annual salary for the
(a) Terminal pay for accumulated sick leave will be granted
to a teacher at normal retirement or to their beneficiary if
service is terminated by death. Such terminal pay will be
determined as described below:
1. During the first three years of service in Florida,
the daily rate of pay multiplied by 35% times the number of days
of accumulated sick leave;
2. During the next three years of service in Florida,
the daily rate of pay multiplied by 40% times the number of days
of accumulated sick leave;
3. During the next three years of service in Florida,
the daily rate of pay multiplied by 45% times the number of days
of accumulated sick leave;
4. During and after the tenth year of service in
Florida, the daily rate of pay multiplied by 50% times the number
of days of accumulated sick leave.
5. During and after the thirteenth (13th) year of
service in Florida, the daily rate of pay will be multiplied by
the total number of days of accumulated sick leave.
(b) For purposes of terminal pay for accrued sick leave and
accrued vacation pay paid at retirement, or upon death of the
teacher, the daily rate of pay until June 30, 1994, will be
computed by dividing the total salary, including degree
supplements, by the number of days the teacher must be on the job
to earn the annual salary for the year.
(c) Rates for payouts for leave accrued after February 1,
1996, shall be calculated by dividing the employee’s annual
salary by 196 days or 252 days depending upon whether the
employee’s contract is for ten (10) or twelve (12) months. Use
of accrued leave shall be on a “last-in, first-out” basis.
(d) For employees hired on or after July 1, 1995, terminal
pay for accrued vacation leave may not exceed a maximum of 60
days of actual payment.
Section 8. Advanced Degree
All adjustments to salary as a result of the receipt of an
advanced degree will be made within one month after satisfactory
verification of the degree. Teachers hired after July 1, 2011
will be paid a supplement for an advanced degree only if the
advanced degree is in their area of certification. Payment may
be retroactive during the current year to date the degree was
awarded. All advanced degree documentation must be received in
the Personnel Office by June 30. Teachers applying for
adjustments will be responsible for providing appropriate
documentation to the Board.
Section 9. Normal Contract Year
The normal teacher contract year will be for 196 days which will
include 180 student contact days. Six of the 196 days will be paid
holidays. The paid holidays will be Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day,
Christmas Day, Martin Luther King's Birthday, Veterans’ Day, and
Memorial Day. Should a paid holiday fall on a weekend, those that
fall on Saturday will be celebrated on the preceding Friday, those
that fall on Sunday will be celebrated on the following Monday.
A teacher must be regularly employed at the close of the
payroll period during which these holidays would fall to be
eligible to receive these paid holidays.
This section will not be interpreted as foreclosing stipends
for participation in workshops which fall on days designated as
Section 10. Early Retirement
The parties agree to continue the existing early retirement
plan based on a minimum age of 55 years and 25 years of
experience in the Florida Retirement System. Beginning July 1,
2009, through June 30, 2013, to be eligible for early retirement,
the fifteen years immediately preceding retirement must be as an
employee of the School Board of Alachua County. Board approved
leave may be included as part of the fifteen year requirement.
Beginning with the 1989-90 school year, teachers on Plan E of the
Teacher Retirement System will become eligible for early
retirement under this section.
(a) Beginning July 1, 2013, the early retirement plan will be
closed to new enrollees.
(b) A teacher who retires under the early retirement
provision of the contract will be required to sign an
agreement that they will not be re-employed by the School
Board of Alachua County for three (3) years from the date
of retirement.
Section 11. Pay Options
(a) Teachers will have the option of receiving salary and
supplement payments in 20 or 24 equal installments.
(b) Beginning January 1, 2011, all teachers must utilize
direct deposit of regular payroll checks.
Section 12. Payroll Deductions
(a) Upon written authorization from a teacher, the Board will
provide up to three payroll deduction positions on teacher
payroll checks for economic services programs sponsored by the
Association. One of these is for ACEA dues. The Association
will hold the Board harmless in any matter dealing with such
deductions and will, upon request, provide to the Board
information concerning the economic services programs.
(b) Teachers will be provided the opportunity for concurrent
participation in more than one tax deferred annuity program.
Section 13. Supplements
(a) The parties agree that teachers receiving supplements for
additional duties shall be paid according to the schedule
attached as Appendix A of this contract.
(b) Supplements are paid in recognition of accepted duties
beyond the normal teacher day. There will be no discrimination
brought against any teacher based upon a teacher’s refusal to
accept a supplemental position.
(c) Teachers receiving a supplement(s) will be provided a
copy of the form recommending supplement(s) which will include
the amount(s) to be paid and an outline of responsibilities. The
Principal will provide the teacher a copy of the supplement
recommendation and an outline of job responsibilities as soon as
practical. Should a teacher resign or otherwise be unable to
complete the duties for which they received a supplement(s), the
salary supplement(s) will be prorated on an equitable basis. If
disagreement arises over the proration which cannot be resolved
and the teacher requests a review, a tripartite review panel
consisting of one person each chosen by the parties and a third
person receiving similar supplement(s) chosen by the
representatives of the parties, will review the matter and
determine an equitable resolution for proration which will be
binding on the parties.
(d) Supplements for extra duty will be paid in equal
installments over the time the supplemented activity occurs or in
a lump sum at the conclusion of the activity, at the request of
the teacher.
(e) Qualified applicants from a given school faculty will
receive first consideration for supplemented positions available
at the school. Qualified district employees who volunteer will
be considered prior to accepting individuals from outside the
school system.
Section 14. Year of Experience, Halftime Teacher
Commencing with the 1990-91 school year, teachers who are
appointed for two consecutive years at .50 will have earned one
year of experience for salary purposes.
Section 15. Personal Leave Buy Back
Any teacher who
(a) uses no more than seven (7) days combined sick
leave/personal leave in a year, of which no more than three (3)
days may be personal leave, in one school year may elect to be
compensated for up to two (2) personal leave days at 80% of the
teacher's daily rate of pay; or
(b) uses no more than five (5) days combined sick
leave/personal leave in a year, of which no more than two (2)
days may be personal leave, in one school year may elect to be
compensated for up to four (4) personal leave days at 80% of the
teacher's daily rate of pay.
Such compensated for days will be deducted from the teacher's
sick leave accrual. The Board will buy a maximum of four (4)
days each year. To qualify, the teacher must submit such a
request in writing no later than May 1. Contribution to the Sick
Leave Bank will not be included for purposes of this section.
This section applies only to regular work year, excluding
extended school year.
Section 16. Overpayment/Underpayment
(a) It is the intent of the Board that all teachers' payroll
check stubs accurately reflect the correct information. Should a
teacher receive an overpayment or underpayment, the Board will
notify the teacher immediately, in writing, of such overpayment
or underpayment; should a teacher discover an overpayment or
underpayment, the teacher will notify the Board, in writing. The
Board shall respond to such notice within five workdays.
(b) In all instances of overpayment, the Board will work with
the teacher to develop a reasonable schedule of repayment.
Reimbursement to the Board will be made within twelve months of
overpayment notification. Underpayments will be reimbursed to
the teacher no later than the next regular paycheck.
(c) The Board will reimburse the teacher for bank fees
incurred as a result of the Board’s underpayment error of
contract salary. Reimbursement to the teacher will be made no
later than the next regular payroll following the Board’s receipt
of documentation of such fees.
Section 17. Sick Leave Estimate
Teachers will receive an estimate of accumulated sick leave
each month. The estimate will appear on or accompany a teacher's
salary check.
Section 18. Employment Beyond Regular School Year
Teachers may, at the discretion of the appropriate supervisor,
be offered employment opportunities beyond the regular school
year, not addressed elsewhere in this contract.
Section 19. Extra Period
When a principal determines that an additional teaching
period(s) is needed in a specific course offering or the duties
of another regular position are needed during an additional
period, the principal will post the position and request
volunteers. Should no in-field teacher volunteer, the principal
may appoint an out-of-field qualified volunteer. Among the
factors to be considered in the selection of teachers for such an
assignment shall be the following:
(a) areas of certification;
(b) prior teaching assignments;
(c) supplemental positions held;
(d) teacher's most recent evaluation;
(e) prior additional teaching period assignments.
A full-time teacher who is selected to teach an additional
period(s) or who is assigned the duties of another regular
position during an additional period will receive their regular
salary plus a supplement of one divided by the number of periods
normally taught by full-time teachers at that school. The
percentage derived will be multiplied times their daily rate of
pay for the additional period. No teacher will be assigned more
than one extra period under this paragraph.
Section 20. Camp Crystal
A teacher who takes students on a school-sponsored trip to
Camp Crystal which requires the teacher to be away from home
overnight will receive their meals at Camp Crystal at no cost to
them. Participation in a school-sponsored trip to Camp Crystal,
which requires the teacher to be away from home overnight, is
voluntary. A teacher who is responsible for primary care of
another individual after normal work hours will be able to leave
Camp Crystal at the end of their normal workday. Neither
teaching assignments nor appraisals will be adversely affected by
a teacher's non-participation in overnight trips to Camp Crystal.
Section 21. Principal Intern
A teacher in the principal internship program will be paid on
the teacher salary schedule. A teacher's salary will not be less
than his current salary including supplements.
Section 22. Fingerprinting Costs
Any fingerprinting and/or criminal background check of any
currently employed teacher required as the result of changes in
Florida or Federal Statutes shall be provided free of cost to the
teacher by the School Board.
Section 1. Membership
Teacher members on the School Advisory Councils will be chosen
by the teachers in an election conducted by the Association's
Faculty Representatives. Should a teacher member vacancy occur
at any time, the principal will notify the Association’s Faculty
Representative prior to the next scheduled School Advisory
Council meeting so that an additional election can take place.
ESP members on the School Advisory Councils will be chosen by the
ESPs in an election conducted by the Association's Worksite
Representatives. The election and nominations may occur during
an announced meeting of all eligible staff members at each school
or in separate announced meetings of teachers and ESPs. The
parties recognize that this election process may vary if agreed
upon by the principal and Association Faculty Representatives.
Attendance at this meeting(s) shall be limited to staff members
eligible for membership in their respective bargaining units.
The principal or their designee will be involved in counting of
the ballots. Nothing contained herein shall prevent the
principal from reviewing SAC composition needs and procedures
with the staff prior to balloting.
Section 2. Input
a. A complete list of members, meeting dates, agendas and
minutes for the SAC will be posted and maintained on the school
website. Agendas will be posted at least three (3) days prior to
the scheduled meeting. Draft minutes for each meeting will be
posted no later than ten (10) days after the meeting occurred.
Changes to membership or meeting dates will be updated in a
timely manner and announced to all stakeholders.
b. Teachers and ESPs at a school site will be provided an
opportunity for input into the School Improvement Plan prior to
the plan being submitted to the Board. It is the responsibility
of their elected representatives on the Council to provide for
such input. School climate surveys provide valuable information
for the School Improvement Plan. In order to have maximum
participation and meaningful input for the school climate survey,
all teachers and ESPs will have anonymity in completing their
survey with respect to their responses.
Section 3. Copies
An opportunity to review the draft of the School Improvement
Plan shall be provided to staff prior to its submission to the
district for review. The staff will be provided access to copies of
the School Improvement Plan prior to its submission to the Board.
Section 4. Waivers
Any request for a waiver of provisions of the Collective
Bargaining Agreement between the Association and the Board shall
be submitted in writing to the Superintendent or their designee
and the President of the Association for disposition on or before
April 15. Such a request must be part of a School Improvement
Plan. The actual request must be presented in writing and also
approved by the faculty and the SAC prior to March 15 and must be
mutually agreed upon by the Association's Executive Board and the
School Board on or before May 1 for the waiver to be granted.
Failure to act by either party shall be considered an approval.
Approved waivers may be effective for one (1) year or for less
than one year.
Any request for a waiver of Department of Education Rules
which directly impact terms and conditions of employment must be
mutually agreed upon by the Association's Executive Board and the
School Board for the waiver request to be further pursued. If
the Association does not respond within ten (10) workdays, it may
be assumed to have accepted the request for a waiver of the above
Department of Education Rules.
Section 5. Training
The Board will offer the necessary training to assist each
School Advisory Council in preparing the School Improvement Plan.
Section 6. Release Time
The Board will provide release time for the employee members
of the School Advisory Councils to attend SAC meetings and
training sessions held during the normal workday. Employee
members of the School Advisory Councils shall not be required to
attend SAC meetings beyond their normal workday. With mutual
agreement between the Principal and the SAC employee member prior
to the scheduled SAC meeting, a teacher will be permitted to come
to school later and/or leave school earlier for attendance at SAC
meetings held beyond the normal workday so long as students are
not left unsupervised and the teacher’s professional obligations
are met. The time by which the day(s) is shortened will be no
longer than the length of time of the SAC meeting.
Section 7. Incentive Plan
Prior to the Board implementing an incentive plan a committee,
of five (5) teachers chosen by the Association, five (5)
administrators chosen by the Superintendent, and five (5) persons
chosen by the Board, will meet and develop recommendations for
the incentive plan. The Board and the Executive Board of the
Association must jointly approve any incentive plan which
directly impacts the terms and conditions of employment prior to
its implementation.
ATAP Consulting Teacher
$ 5,340
Art Teachers
Band Auxiliary Units Sponsor
Band (MS)
Band, Marching and Concert (HS)
Band Director, Assistant
Camp Crystal Overnight Trip (Teacher)
Camp Crystal More Than One Overnight Trip (Teacher)
Cheerleader Sponsor, Varsity
Cheerleader Sponsor, JV
Chorus Sponsor (30 students, 4 activities) (MS/HS)
Class Sponsor, Junior
Class Sponsor, Senior
Club Sponsor
Coordinator of Traffic Safety Center
Behavioral Resource Specialist/Dean Middle School, Full-Time
Behavioral Resource Specialist/Dean High School, Full-Time
Department Head or Title 1 Lead Teacher:
2-4 persons
5-9 persons
10+ persons
Department Chairperson, Assistant (10 or more teachers in a dept.
Drama Sponsor (3 productions, include 1 major)
Elementary/Middle Flexible Activity Supplement
Enrollment of 0 - 300
Enrollment of 301 -500
Enrollment of 500+
Elementary Music (30 students, prorated based on 4 activities)
Forensics Sponsor (4 activities)
Future Educators of America Sponsor (MS/HS)
Health, Safety, and Wellness Trainer
Newspaper Sponsor
Peer/Mentor Teacher
Pre-collegiate Coordinator
Psychologist, Lead
Robotics, Lead Sponsor
Safety Patrol Sponsor
Science Fair Sponsor
Speech Language Pathologists (Grandfathered Bachelors)
Speech Language Pathologists (Certification)
Sports Ability Games Coordinator
Student Activities Director
Teacher Specialist/Seminar Leader
Career & Technical Student Organizations Sponsor
High School Land/Animal Lab
School Site Technology Support
Yearbook Sponsor (MS)
Yearbook Advisor (HS)
Non Instructional
Collective Bargaining
$ 1,213
Chief Negotiator
Assistant to Chief Negotiator
Hearing Officer
Peer Principal
Supplements for extra duties are paid based on classification (exempt or non-exempt)
receive a supplement for additional duties in the same
manner as prior years. Non-exempt positions must be limited to the number of hours
available for extra duty and will be paid twice a year (December and June) or at the
conclusion of the activity. Non-exempt employee may NOT work more than the
allotted number of hours to perform the additional duties. Hours are determined by
dividing the total supplement by $15.00.
Athletic Business Manager
Athletic Director
Athletic Faculty Sponsor
Baseball, Head
Assistant Baseball
Baseball, JV
Baseball, 9th Grade
Basketball, Head
Basketball, Assistant
Basketball, JV
Basketball, 9
Basketball, 9th Grade Girls
Cross Country
Football, Head
Football, Offensive Coordinator
Football, Defensive Coordinator
Football, Assistant and 9th Grade
Football, Head JV
Lacrosse, Head
Lacrosse, Assistant
Lacrosse, JV
Soccer, Assistant Varsity (HS)
Soccer, JV
Assistant Softball
Softball, JV
Softball, 9th Grade Girls
Assistant Swimming
Tennis, Head
Tennis, JV
Track, Head
Track, Assistant or JV
Volleyball, Head
Assistant Volleyball
Volleyball, JV
Volleyball, 9th Grade Girls
Weightlifting, Head
Weightlifting, Assistant
Wrestling, Head
Wrestling, Assistant
Wrestling, JV
Middle School Sports
Special Olympics Coordinator
Special Olympics (Lanier)
Ten percent (10%) of the current supplement will be awarded to each teacher/coach for advancement to and
participation in each level of competition above the district level. Football is the only sport for which coaches receive
an extra 10% compensation for district playoffs. This additional supplement applies only to those teachers/coaches
who have been properly appointed to coach the team which is participating in the playoffs.
It is the intent of the Board to provide a drug-free workplace. The unlawful manufacture,
distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance or alcoholic beverage is
prohibited in the workplace. Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and
including termination.
Pursuant to the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and Board Policy 3139.02, Violation of Local,
State, or Federal Laws, employees shall abide by the terms of this policy and shall notify the
Superintendent or his/her designee of any arrest or conviction under a criminal drug statute not
later than forty-eight (48) hours after such arrest or conviction.
Employees are prohibited from engaging in the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing,
possession, or use of a controlled substance and/or alcohol in the workplace. Violation of this
prohibition shall result in appropriate disciplinary action up to and including termination and
referral for prosecution. In job sensitive areas, such as transportation, illegal drug use or
excessive alcohol use leading to criminal action may be the basis for discipline.
"Workplace" is defined as the site for the performance of work done in connection with
employment. This includes any place where work for the Board is performed, including a school
building or other school premises, any vehicle owned by the Board or a vehicle used to transport
students to and from school or school activities, off school property during a school-sponsored
activity, event, or function, such as a field trip or athletic event, where students are under the
jurisdiction of the Board.
A copy of the Board's drug-free workplace policy will be provided to employees upon initial
employment. Each employee will sign a statement to indicate receipt and understanding of the
drug-free workplace policy and that statement will be retained in the employee's personnel file.
The drug-free workplace policy may be posted at each worksite.
Pre-employment drug abuse screening examinations shall be required to prevent hiring
individuals who use drugs or individuals whose use of drugs indicates a potential for impaired or
unsafe job performance or for high risk positions such as bus drivers.
Employees in job classifications which require an annual physical will be required to submit to a
drug screening as part of the annual physical.
As a condition of continued employment, current employees shall submit to drug screening
when reasonable suspicion exists to believe that an employee is using a substance that is
impairing the employee and/or his/her job performance. Reasonable suspicion is:
A. aberrant or unusual behavior observed by the employee's worksite supervisor;
B. observed alcohol/drug use during working hours;
C. observation of physical symptoms commonly associated with substance abuse
such as:
1. impairment of motor functions;
2. slurred speech;
3. incoherent or irrational mental state;
4. drowsiness;
5. smell of alcohol or marijuana;
6. extreme weight loss;
7. red eyes;
8. running nose or sniffing;
9. frequent or extreme mood changes;
10. lack of physical coordination;
11. frequent absences or lateness;
12. unexplained absence from assigned work;
13. deterioration in dress and/or grooming;
14. deterioration in work performance;
15. other marked, unexplained changes in personal behavior.
When a reasonable suspicion exists, the Superintendent's designee shall be contacted. The
employee will be provided an opportunity to explain his/her condition. The employee will be
provided with information regarding available drug counseling, rehabilitation, assistance
program, and leave options. One rehabilitation contract including drug testing may be agreed
upon. Failure to participate in a treatment program following a positive drug screening will result
in disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Due process will be followed.
All testing shall be conducted by a laboratory certified by the State of Florida as a medical and
urine drug testing forensic laboratory which complies with the Scientific and Technical Guidelines
for Federal Drug Testing Programs and the Standards for Certification of Laboratories engaged in
drug abuse and mental health administration of the U.S. Department of Health and Human
The procedures established by the laboratory shall be followed in administering drug tests to
Refusal to submit to drug testing when reasonable suspicion exists may result in disciplinary
action up to and including termination.
Employees who seek voluntary assistance for substance abuse may not be disciplined for seeking
assistance. Employees shall be subject to all employer rules, regulations, and job performance
standards with the understanding that an employee enrolled in a rehabilitation program is
receiving treatment for an illness.
Employees who return to work after completion of a rehabilitation program shall be subject to
follow-up drug testing with no advance notice. Any employee who refuses the drug test or
subsequently tests positive may be disciplined up to and including termination.
Random testing of employees shall not be conducted.
All drug testing, with the exception of employee requested tests, shall be at the expense of the
Drug testing results will be treated in a confidential manner. Written notification of Board
employees who are in grant-funded positions and who are convicted of drug violations, will be
made to Director, Grant and Contracts Service, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland
Avenue, SW (Room 3124, GSA Regional Office Building No. 3), Washington, D.C. 20202-4605.
F.S. 440.101, 440.102
34 C.F.R. Parts 85, 86, 104
Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1986
20 U.S.C. 3171 et seq.
Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973
29 U.S.C. 705(20), 794, 794a
34 C.F.R. 34-86.201
20 U.S.C. 86-201
20 U.S.C. 701-706 Rehabilitative Act 1973
20 U.S.C. Omnibus Transportation Testing Act of 1991
20 U.S.C. 3224A
41 U.S.C. 701 et seq., Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988
Adopted 7/17/07
Revised 5/3/11
Revised April 2005
Purpose and Overview:
It is the intent of the Alachua County Teacher Assistance Program to involve teachers in the
responsibility of maintaining teaching standards at the highest level. Teachers will share the responsibility
for identifying teachers in need of assistance, providing expertise and peer support in the role of
Consulting Teacher, offering professional judgment with regard to the identified teacher’s performance,
and recommending further action to be taken. Teacher participation in the Alachua County Teacher
Assistance Program is voluntary.
The Teacher Assistance Program is composed of a variety of steps and procedures. A periodic
review of the entire process is recommended to ensure its effectiveness and efficiency.
Administrators within the district are to be oriented to the assistance program and its operation
prior to the beginning of each school year. This will be part of the Administrator Appraisal training and
will be included in the appraisal notebook.
Simultaneous to the orientation of administrators, the ACEA will assume the responsibility of
orienting representatives from each school in the procedures of the assistance program during the first
two weeks of school.
District Coordinating Council Membership
Assigned by Superintendent
Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources
Three (3) principals one from each level
One additional district representative
Assigned by ACEA
One official of ACEA
Three (3) teachers one from each level
One teacher representative from special areas
One at large ACEA representative
Members will be appointed for a two (2) year term
Additional terms are optional
Members unable to attend meetings on a regular basis will be replaced.
School Site Membership
ACEA representative will conduct the election at the school site.
Faculty will elect one to three (1-3) spokespersons at the beginning of the school year to consult
with the principal about possible candidates for assistance.
Must be a member of ACEA
Will serve for a term of two (2) years
Responsibility of the District Coordinating Council:
Hold annual orientation meeting during the month of September
Hold meetings as needed
Review and approve job description for the Consulting Teacher as identified by the Human
Resource Department
Conduct an orientation meeting for interested applicants for the role of Consulting Teacher
Screen and approve candidates as members of the pool of Consulting Teachers
Implement formal application process
Check references
Provide training for approved Consulting Teachers which will include but is not limited to:
Overview of ATAP
Role of Consulting Teacher
Record-keeping requirements
Interpersonal conferencing skills
Identification of available resources
Observation technique training
Procedures for writing a Professional Development Plan
Review assistance referrals made jointly to the Coordinating Council by the school principal and a
faculty spokesperson (s).
Develop an ATAP information packet including a list of approved Consulting Teachers.
Appoint a Consulting Teacher in collaboration with the ATAP candidate.
Facilitate a meeting between the Consulting Teacher, ATAP teacher, and the school principal.
Process for Identification of Assistance
Teacher candidate for ATAP may make self-referral.
Principal notifies faculty spokesperson (s) about the need to place a teacher in ATAP.
Principal and faculty spokesperson (s) agree that a candidate needs assistance. If a unanimous
decision cannot be reached, the decision will be made by the Assistant Superintendent of Human
Resources, within ten (10) working days or less.
Process for Initiating the Assistance Program
Principal and faculty spokesperson (s) agree to inform the teacher of the impending
recommendation. The teacher will decide whether to have the faculty spokesperson (s) in the
Principal and faculty spokesperson (s) will notify the Coordinating Council of their decision.
Recommendation for assistance must be approved by the Assistant Superintendent for Human
ATAP Teacher candidate will have an opportunity to meet with the facilitator of the Coordinating
Council and if requested may meet with the Coordinating Council to discuss procedures of the
program and be provided with a written overview.
Within five (5) working days of this meeting the teacher will notify the Coordinating Council of
his/her decision to participate, unless the Coordinating Council agrees to extend the time.
Coordinating Council will review the recommendation for assistance.
Coordinating Council will determine if assistance is needed.
Coordinating Council will notify the teacher of its decision in writing.
If the referred teacher refuses participation in ATAP, Florida law and district procedures will apply.
A teacher may withdraw from the program at any time by writing a letter to the Coordinating
If a teacher does withdraw, the Consulting Teacher will make a final observation before writing
the final report.
All documentation relating to a teacher’s participation in ATAP will be kept confidential to the
extent permitted by law.
Qualifications of the Consulting Teacher
Five years of teaching experience, two in Alachua County.
Not currently teaching in Alachua County (preference given to retired SBAC teachers).
Received satisfactory on teacher evaluations.
Has held Professional Services Contract.
Resume must be in personnel file in the Human Resource Department.
Responsibilities of the Consulting Teacher
Hold informal meeting to meet the candidate and discuss the process.
Begin assistance during pre-planning if possible.
Spend a minimum of forty-five (45) days during the school year assisting the teacher in his/her
classroom. (This is intended to be a full school year program.)
Submit an initial report to the Coordinating Council and the school principal within two (2) weeks.
Submit regular progress reports every three (3) weeks to the Coordinating Council and the school
ATAP Final Report
The Consulting Teacher will make a recommendation to the Coordinating Council when assistance
should be terminated.
The Consulting Teacher will complete a report within two (2) weeks of notifying the Coordinating
Council of the recommendation to terminate.
The report shall consist of the following:
Summary of objectives, interventions, and outcomes.
Specific recommendations to the Coordinating Council.
Other documentation as appropriate.
The Consulting Teacher will provide copies of the final report to:
Coordinating Council Liaison as designated by the Superintendent
ATAP Teacher
School Principal
Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources Department.
The Coordinating Council will meet to review the final report. Attendance at this meeting shall
Majority of Coordinating Council members
Consulting Teacher
School Principal
ATAP Teacher, at his or her option
The Coordinating Council will forward the final report with the Council’s recommendation to the
Superintendent’s office within ten (10) working days following the review of the final report.
For participants who receive an overall unsatisfactory, Florida law applies.
The ATAP Teacher may file a response to the final report. It will be attached to the final report.
The Superintendent will take final action in each case within ten (10) working days.
Academic freedom.............................. VI-12 15
Adult education, bargaining unit.............. II-1 2
Adult education, hourly rate.................. XVIII-4 62
Agenda, Board................................. V-10 7
Agenda, Board, distribution................... V-14 8
Agenda, faculty meetings...................... V-8 7
Aides, deficiencies........................... XIV-2 57
Aides, general................................ XIV-1 56
Aides, orientation/training................... XIV-2 57
Aides, student supervision by................. XIV-3 57
Aides, supervision of......................... XIV-4 57
Alachua Teacher Assistance Program (ATAP)..... XIII-9 55
Amendment ratification........................ I-4 1
Annual contract (see probationary contract)
Assault on teacher............................ VI-16 16
Appraisal, administrative responsibility..... XIII-1 50
Appraisal, changed administrator/teacher..... XIII-11 56
Appraisal, committee......................... XIII-13 56
Appraisal, deficiencies/inservice............ XIII-8 55
Appraisal, disagreement/signatures........... XIII-7 54
Appraisal, exit (resignation/leave).......... XIII-10 56
Appraisal, expectations...................... XIII-2(a) 51
Appraisal, forms............................. XIII-3 52
Appraisal, new teacher....................... XIII-2(d) 51
Appraisal, observation....................... XIII-5 54
XIII-6 54
Appraisal, out of field teacher.............. XIII-1(c) 51
Appraisal, philosophy........................ XIII-1 50
Appraisal, beginning teacher................. XIII-2 51
XIII-4 53
XIII-6 54
Appraisal, principal intern.................. XIII-12 56
Appraisals, procedures....................... XIII-2 51
Appraisal, reappraisal....................... XIII-7 54
Appraisal schedule........................... XIII-4 53
Appraisal scope.............................. XIII-1 50
Appraisal, Teacher Assistance Program (ATAP). XIII-9 55
Appraisals, timelines........................ XIII-4 53
Assignment (See Teaching Assignment).......... XII-1-11 47-50
Association, definition....................... IV-21 4
Association, board meetings................... V-10 7
Association, employee orientation ............ V-24 10
Ass'n business during workday................. V-5 6
V-15 8
V-21 9
Association business, paid leave.............. V-16 8
Association business, pre-planning............ V-9 7
Association officers' leave................... V-21 9
Association reps, authorized leave............ V-16 8
Association reps, leave campus................ V-20 9
Association reps, visiting schools............ V-15 8
Association rights............................ V-1 5
Association use of buildings.................. V-5 6
Audiovisual area.............................. IX-9(e) 27
Audiovisual equipment......................... IX-9(d) 27
Bargaining unit:
Employees excluded....................... II-1 2
Employees included....................... II-1 1
Beginning Tchr Prog (see Prof Orientation Prog)
Behavioral Specialist (Dean).................. IV-8 3
Board meetings, association................... V-10 7
Board, definition............................. IV-3 2
Breast Feeding................................ VI-29 20
Building comm (see School Concerns Committee)
Bulletin boards, Ass'n........................ V-11 7
Cafeteria plan................................ XVIII-2 61
Calendar, school.............................. V-3 5
Camp Crystal Lake, teacher participation...... XVIII-20 66
Campus, permission to leave................... IX-21 33
IX-22 33
Cell Telephone Use............................ VI-27 19
Certification required, out-of-field teacher.. XII-6 49
Chairperson/Team Leader Selection............. VI-24 18
Class size.................................... IX-14 31
Classroom teacher, definition................. IV-2 2
Classrooms, access............................ VI-18 16
Classrooms, maintenance....................... IX-7(d) 25
Classrooms, temperature....................... IX-7(b) 25
Classrooms, visits............................ VI-23 18
Committee, insurance.......................... XVIII-3 61
Committee, school concerns:
Inservice................................ V-6 6
Meetings................................. V-6 6
Membership............................... V-6 6
Committee, supplies/materials................. IX-9 27
Committees, districtwide...................... V-19 9
Communicable diseases......................... VI-25 18
Compensation.................................. XVIII 61-68
Conference, parent/teacher.................... VI-22 17
Conference, selection......................... VI-26 19
Continuing contract, other districts.......... VI-10 13
Continuing contract, retention after leave.... X-15 44
Continuing contract, rights................... VI-9 12
Contract distribution......................... V-22 10
Contract provisions, severability............. I-3 1
Contract, reopeners........................... I-2 1
Counselor, definition......................... IV-9 3
Curriculum resource teacher, definition....... IV-10 3
Daily rate of pay, definition................. IV-12 3
Data, District Financial...................... V-17 9
Day, definition............................... IV-4 2
Dean, school, definition (Behavioral Specialist) IV-8 3
Deficiencies, teacher......................... XIII-8 55
Adult education teachers................. II-1 1
Association.............................. IV-21 4
Behavioral specialist.................... IV-8 3
Board.................................... IV-3 2
Classroom teacher........................ IV-2 2
Counselor................................ IV-9 3
Curriculum resource teacher.............. IV-10 3
Daily rate of pay........................ IV-12 3
Day...................................... IV-4 2
Dean....................................... IV-8 3
Elementary teacher ...................... IV-23 5
Faculty meeting.......................... IV-19 4
Gender................................... IV-20 4
Media specialist......................... IV-7 3
Mileage.................................. IV-13 3
Parties.................................. IV-6 3
Planning................................. IV-18 4
Reassignment............................. IV-16 4
School district.......................... IV-5 2
School psychologist...................... IV-11 3
Seniority................................ IV-14 4
Teacher.................................. IV-1 2
Teaching assignment...................... IV-17 4
Team planning............................ IV-18 4
Transfer................................. IV-15 4
Year of experience....................... IV-22 5
Department chairpersons....................... VI-24 18
Disciplinary action, inappropriate............ VI-14 15
Disciplinary conference, teacher representation VI-7 12
Discipline, student (see student discipline)
Dismissal, student early...................... IX-12(f) 30
Dismissal, teacher............................ VI-6-11 11-14
Drug Free Workplace........................... APPENDIX B 74
Dues deduction................................ V-4 5
Duty assignments.............................. IV-24 5
IX-12(g) 30
Early dismissal, student...................... IX-12(f) 30
Elementary teacher, definition ............... IV-23 5
Emergency school closing...................... VI-21 18
Employee orientation ......................... V-24 10
Employment, other............................. XVIII-18 66
Evaluation (See Appraisal)
Evening classes............................... IX-12(e) 30
Experience credit, 50% teacher................ XVIII-14 65
Extra period.................................. XVIII-19 66
Extended year employment...................... XI-6 46
Extended year salaries........................ XVIII-4 62
Facilities, meeting........................... V-5 6
Faculty meeting, agenda....................... V-8 7
Faculty meeting, definition................... IV-19 4
Faculty meetings, number and length........... IX-16 33
Financial responsibility, stolen property..... IX-6 24
Financial responsibility, personal property... XVI-9 60
Fingerprinting costs.......................... XVIII-22 67
Fund raising activities....................... IX-6 24
Gender, definition............................ IV-20 4
Grade changes................................. IX-17(c) 32
Grade level chairpersons...................... VI-24 18
Grading period................................ IX-17 32
Arbitration.............................. VII-16 23
Association.............................. VII-17 23
Confidentiality.......................... VII-14 23
Costs.................................... VII-11 22
Definitions.............................. VII-2 20
Expedited hearing........................ VII-13 22
Informal discussion...................... VII-7 21
Level I procedure........................ VII-8 22
Level II procedure....................... VII-9 22
Level III procedure...................... VII-10 22
Non-Association.......................... VII-15 23
Nondiscrimination........................ VII-4 21
Purpose.................................. VII-1 20
Released time............................ VII-6 21
Representation at conferences............ VII-3 20
Time limits.............................. VII-5 21
Withdrawal of............................ VII-12 22
Guidance counselors' offices.................. IX-4(b) 24
Hazardous conditions.......................... IX-7 25
Health screening tests........................ VI-25 18
Holidays...................................... XVIII-9 63
Impasse procedures............................ VIII 23
Inclusion, training........................... IX-25 35
Induction Program............................. XII-11 50
Inservice, school concerns committee.......... V-6 6
Inservice, required........................... XIII-8 55
Institute, selection.......................... VI-26 19
Insurance committee........................... XVIII-3 61
Insurance program............................. XVIII-1 61
Insurance, retired teachers................... XVIII-1(b) 61
Intercom...................................... IX-18 33
Inquiries, teacher............................ VI-3 10
Investigation, teacher........................ VI-3 10
Job descriptions.............................. V-23 10
Job sharing................................... VI-19 17
Layoff/Reduction in Force
Reemployment............................. XII-2 47-48
Seniority................................ XII-2 47-48
Adoption................................. X-5(d) 37
Association business..................... V-16 8
Association officers..................... V-21 9
Child-rearing............................ X-5 37
Compassionate Leave...................... X-4 36
Illness in line of duty.................. X-7 38
In-county assignment..................... X-10(c,d) 39
Jury..................................... X-8 39
Maternity................................ X-5 37
Military................................. X-6 38
Military, short term..................... X-6 38
Personal................................. X-3 36
Personal, buy-back....................... XVIII-15 65
Personal, without pay ................... X-12 40
Political office......................... X-9 39
Professional (TDE)....................... X-11 39
Sabbatical............................... X-14 42
Temporary Duty Elsewhere................. X-10 39
Leave, prior credit........................... X-15(e) 44
Leave, reinstatement:
Continuing or prof. services contract.... X-15(a,b) 44
Annual contract.......................... X-15(c,d) 44
Leave, replacement personnel.................. XII-9 50
Leave, retirement and resignation deadlines... X-16 44
Leave, sabbatical............................. X-14 42
Leave, sick:
Accrual.................................. X-1 35
Accumulation............................. X-1 35
Bank..................................... X-13 40
Estimate of.............................. XVIII-17 66
Part-time teachers....................... X-1(b) 35
Personal................................. X-3 36
Pregnancy related........................ X-5 37
Unused................................... X-1(c) 35
XVIII-7 62
Use of................................... X-2 35
Leave, temporary duty elsewhere............... X-10 39
Legal defense................................. VI-15 15
Lesson plans, availability.................... IX-23 34
Lesson plans for substitutes.................. IX-8 26
Lunchroom duty................................ IX-12(b) 28
Mail boxes, teacher........................... V-12 7
Mail, truck, Ass'n use........................ V-13 7
Maintenance, scheduling of.................... IX-7(d,e) 25
Management rights............................. III 2
Media Center, security........................ IX-26 35
Media services, committee..................... IX-10 28
Media specialist, definition.................. IV-7 3
Medical procedures............................ IX-24 34
Meetings, commercial demonstrations........... IX-5 24
Meetings, faculty............................. IX-16 32
Meetings, required after hours................ VI-2 10
Meetings, superintendent and association...... V-7 6
Mileage, definition........................... IV-13 3
Mileage payment............................... XVIII-5 62
New class formed.(materials).................. IX-9(g) 27
Nonrenewal.................................... VI-6 11
Non-renewed, teacher consideration............ XII-8 50
Nonrequired activities........................ VI-2 10
Office space.................................. IX-4 24
Overpayment, underpayment..................... XVIII-16 65
Parent/teacher conferences.................... VI-22 17
Parent/teacher conferences, afternoon/evening. IX-13(c) 30
Parking fees and decals....................... XVIII-6 62
Parties, definition........................... IV-6 3
Part-time vacancies........................... XI-2(b) 45
Paychecks, direct deposit..................... XVIII-11(b) 64
Paychecks, frequency.......................... XVIII-11(a) 64
Payroll deduction............................. XVIII-12 64
Personal life, teacher's...................... VI-1 10
Personality inventories....................... IX-20 33
Personnel records examination................. VI-5 11
Planning, conference day...................... IX-13 30
Planning, definition.......................... IV-18 4
Planning days, hours.......................... IX-13 30
Planning time................................. IX-12(d) 29
Policies...................................... V-18 9
Preparations, number.......................... IX-15 31
Pre-planning, required meetings............... VI-20 17
Principal intern, assessing teachers.......... XIII-12 56
Principal intern, return from................. XII-10 50
Probationary contract, non-renewal............ VI-6 11
Probationary status, CC and PSC............... VI-9,11 12-14
Professional Development...................... V-25 10
Professional Development (CREATE) Council..... XV 57
Professional service contract, renewal........ VI-11 13
Professional service contracts granted........ VI-10 13
Psychologist.................................. IV-11 3
IX-19 33
Psychologists, materials...................... IX-19(b) 33
Ratification.................................. I-4 1
Reappointment, annual contract................ VI-6 11
Reassignment.................................. IV-16 4
XII-1-2 47-48
XII-3 48
Recognition of bargaining unit................ II-1 1
Reduction in personnel, general............... XII-2 47
Reprimand..................................... VI-7 12
Reprimand, privacy of......................... VI-14 15
Required meetings............................. VI-2 10
Resignation, withdrawal of.................... VI-13 15
Resignation deadline.......................... X-16 44
Rest rooms, teacher........................... IX-2 24
Retirement, early............................. XVIII-10 64
Retirement deadline........................... X-16 44
Royalties, Board waiver....................... VI-17 16
Safety hazards................................ IX-7 25-26
Salaries, schedule ........................... 69
Salaries, hourly.............................. XVIII-4 62
Salary adjustments, advanced degrees.......... XVIII-8 63
Salary distribution, frequency (pay options).. XVIII-11 64
Salary, half-time teacher (year of experience) XVIII-14 65
Schedule, contract year....................... XVIII-9 63
School buildings, Ass'n use of................ V-5 6
School choice ................................ VI-30 20
School concerns committee..................... V-6 6
School district, definition................... IV-5 2
School Improvement............................ XIX-1-7 67-68
School psychologist, definition............... IV-11 3
Seniority, definition......................... IV-14 4
Sick leave (see Leave, sick)
Sick leave, terminal pay for.................. XVIII-7 62
Staff Lounge.................................. IX-1 24
Stolen property/financial responsibility...... IX-6 24
Storage, secure............................... IX-3 24
Student contact............................... IX-12(c) 29
Student discipline:
Classroom disturbance.................... XVI-5 60
Damage, personal property................ XVI-9 60
Exclusion................................ XVI-8 60
False accusation against teacher......... XVI-4 60
Grossly disruptive student............... XVI-2 58
Notification, teacher.................... XVI-6 60
Recommendation for discipline............ XVI-3 59
Policies and procedures.................. XVI-1 57
Principal authority...................... XVI-2 58
Self-defense, teacher's.................. XVI-7 60
Student teacher assignments................... XVII 61
Subject area institutes....................... VI-26 19
Substitute teachers........................... IX-8 26
Supplements................................... XVIII-13 64
Supplement schedule........................... 71
Suspension, teacher........................... VI-8, 9, 11 12-14
Tax sheltered annuities....................... XVIII-12(b) 64
Teacher, definition........................... IV-1 2
Teacher, personal property damage............. XVI-9 60
Teacher dismissal............................. VI-6-9, 11 11-14
Teacher preparations.......................... IX-15 31
Teachers' right to organize................... V-2 5
Teaching assignment, additional periods....... XVIII-19 66
Teaching assignments, changes during year..... XII-5 49
Teaching assignment, definition............... IV-17 4
Teaching assignments, out of field............ XII-6 49
Teaching assignments, unrelated............... IX-15 31
Teaching assignments, split grade level....... XII-7 49
Teaching assignments, tentative............... XII-4 48
Teaching materials:
Acknowledgement/Royalties................ VI-17 16
Challenged............................... VI-12 15
Provision of............................. IX-9 27
Rights................................... VI-17 16
Selection of............................. IX-9 27
Team leaders.................................. VI-24 18
Team planning, definition..................... IV-18 4
Team planning, time limit..................... IX-12(d) 29
Telephones for teacher use.................... IX-11 28
Tentative assignments......................... XII-4 48
Term, master contract......................... I-1 1
Terminal pay.................................. XVIII-7 62
Textbooks, teacher's edition.................. IX-9(a) 27
Textbooks, selection.......................... IX-9(b) 27
Toileting/diapering, students................. IX-24(e) 34
Definition............................... IV-15 4
General.................................. XI-1-6 44-47
Transportation of students.................... VI-4 11
Truck mail, Ass'n use......................... V-13 8
Vacancies..................................... XI-1-6 44-47
Vacancies, part-time.......................... XI-2(b) 45
Waivers....................................... XIX-4 68
Warning, written.............................. VI-7 12
Wireless Communication Devices, monitoring VI-28 19
Work area, teacher............................ IX-4 24
Workday, duty free lunch...................... IX-12(b) 28
Workday, activities........................... VI-2 10
Workday, hours................................ IX-12 28
Workday, shortened............................ IX-12(f) 30
Workday, starting/ending...................... IX-12 28