Aspects of AJAX
Aspects of AJAX
Published online at
By Matthias Hertel, 2005-2007
Version 1.2 published 1. May 2007
Aspects of AJAX
About this book
This book is about an AJAX Framework and an AJAX Engine for JavaScript,
XML, SOAP, WSDL und ASP.NET using standard Web Services on the
This book is containing the updated articles and samples from my Blog
"Aspects of AJAX", available at
with some new and rewritten articles.
The implementation of the Samples, the AJAX Engine and a lot of web
controls can be found on
The License
This book and all the articles on my blog are licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution 2.0 License that can be found at
The software itself is licensed under a BSD style license that can be found at
State of this book
This book is still not finished and will be updated and extended from time to
You will find more information when reading the Blog or downloading a new
copy of this book. There are still a lot of aspects undocumented or
State of the Software
The AJAX engine is working fine in many projects I do myself and I’ve heard
about and you can use it where ever you want. The license model I’ve chosen
to publish the information and the source code allows also a commercial use
of it.
For ASP.NET a set of web controls are available that make using the AJAX
technology a lot easier because of the declarative approach that comes with
using web controls.
For JAVA the AJAX Engine is available without any tag-libraries.
Since 2006 also other “new” a.k.a. Web 2.0 topics where added.
April 2007
Aspects of AJAX
The basic elements for an application using the AJAX technologies,
JavaScript and the XMLHttpRequest object, are not difficult to understand
and there are many articles on the web that show how to use this object and
declare that being AJAX. I think there are a lot more topics that should be
understood and talked about.
The right selection from the available technologies as well as a suitable
abstraction in using these elements is important for the success of the
realization of an application. One main goal behind the architecture of the
AJAX engine was to build an AJAX framework that you can reuse every time
you want some asynchronous processing or when you need a smart way to
refresh information on the current web page.
When targeting applications with some hundred sides and WebServices and
with in sum about a thousand methods the developer must have a clear and
simple kind and pattern for coding the JavaScript code on the client to avoid
errors and to not think about the implementation details. Only by using a
simple approach a good quality and maintenance can be achieved.
The idea of the AJAX engine on the client is the simplification of the
implementation of the code that we need for implementing a specific
functionality on the client. Like with the WebService framework of ASP.NET
on the server the details of communication over SOAP on the client are
completely hidden from the developer and also the recurring code portion is
only realized once in a central place. Also all details about the different
implementations of the XMLHttpRequest object in Internet Explorer or the
Firefox browsers are hidden from your code.
By using web controls or tag-libraries again a higher level of abstraction and
more productivity for the developer can be reached. Because these web
controls have to deploy JavaScript code to the client to avoid round-trips and
enable the local functionality in the browser the JavaScript technology,
especially JavaScript Behaviors are a substantial part of an AJAX
The visual effects library adds some more polished User interface elements
that can be used together with AJAX or as standalone client side components.
Aspects of AJAX
About this book............................................................................2
The License............................................................................2
State of this book....................................................................2
State of the Software ..............................................................2
Index ..........................................................................................4
History ........................................................................................7
Asynchronous programming ..........................8
Why we need asynchronous programming.......................................9
Old style programming ............................................................9
Old style programming using HTML...........................................9
Asynchronous programming in the browser ................................... 12
How it’s done and why it doesn’t work..................................... 12
Asynchronous programming on the server............................... 15
Native AJAX Programming ...........................16
The XMLHttpRequest Object................................................... 17
AJAXing the CalcFactors Example............................................ 17
Client-Server Protocols ................................20
Best Practices for a WebService implementation....................... 20
SOAP was made for AJAX....................................................... 21
Using WebServices in AJAX applications ........................................22
A SOAP client for JavaScript......................................................... 25
Good tools for analyzing network problems.............................. 28
Generating JavaScript Proxies in ASP.NET................................ 29
Generating JavaScript Proxies in JAVA..................................... 30
Proxy Generator supported datatypes...................................... 31
The AJAX Engine ..........................................33
Overview.............................................................................. 33
AJAX Actions.............................................................................. 36
AJAX Action Reference...........................................................36
Starting an AJAX Action ......................................................... 37
Handling Exceptions.............................................................. 38
Examples that use the AJAX Engine directly................................... 40
The AJAX prime factors sample...............................................40
A auto-completion textbox and lookup for city names................ 41
An AJAX Engine for Java.............................................................. 43
JavaScript & ajax.js............................................................... 43
WebServices......................................................................... 43
XSLT / WebService Proxies.....................................................43
Download............................................................................. 43
AJAX and Forms .........................................................................44
AJAX Form Services...............................................................45
Sample for AJAX Forms..........................................................46
Use web services with multiple parameters in the AJAX Engine... 48
Application Aspects..................................................................... 50
Model View Controller (MVC) Pattern - Thinking in patterns ....... 50
Developer’s productivity – Layers of abstraction........................ 52
Aspects of AJAX
Less waiting on AJAX...................................................................53
Thinking in components...............................................................55
Building AJAX Controls...........................................................55
JavaScript Behaviors....................................56
The Behavior mechanism....................................................... 56
Building AJAX Controls...........................................................56
Delivering JavaScript functionality...........................................56
Browser specific proprietary behaviors..................................... 57
The JavaScript behavior mechanism.............................................. 59
A step by step instruction....................................................... 59
Building the JavaScript Behavior Basics.................................... 59
Integration into the ASP.NET framework.................................. 61
Building JavaScript Behaviors - Properties, Attributes and
Event handling......................................................................65
Details of JavaScript Behavior Definitions.......................................68
The common JavaScript include file.........................................69
Cross Browser JavaScript............................................................. 71
Introduction......................................................................... 71
JavaScript Prototypes ............................................................ 71
JavaScript Prototypes in Mozilla/Firefox ...................................72
Prototypes with HTML objects ................................................ 72
Firefox compatibility .............................................................. 73
Conclusion ........................................................................... 73
Building JavaScript enabled web controls ....74
Delivering controls to the browser........................................... 74
Registering Script includes .....................................................75
Registering Script includes without a form element................... 75
HTML Code .......................................................................... 77
Programming the Behaviour................................................... 77
Registering the script includes ................................................ 77
Integration into ASP.NET .......................................................78
Connecting Controls.....................................79
The Page Properties mechanism................................................... 80
The Connection Test Sample.................................................. 80
Simple Controls using page properties..................................... 80
The Back Button Problem of AJAX applications............................... 83
What the back button does - and why not ............................... 83
The favorite problem............................................................. 83
Meaningful urls..................................................................... 84
An Implementation................................................................85
AJAX enabled web controls ..........................87
AJAX Actions inside JavaScript Behaviours ............................... 87
Using AJAX enabled controls in ASP.NET Forms........................ 88
The Samples ........................................................................ 89
Custom Validation AJAX Control Sample ........................................91
Displaying huge tables using AJAX................................................ 93
The DataTablePager Control................................................... 94
Aspects of AJAX
The DataTable Control........................................................... 94
The TableData WebService ....................................................94
Tuning the TableData............................................................ 95
An AJAX enabled bible reader....................................................... 96
A Walk-Through.................................................................... 96
Technology .......................................................................... 97
Treeview AJAX Control ................................................................99
An AJAX based Tree View for the Bible.................................. 101
Visual Effects Library .................................103
Why AJAX needs visual effects.............................................. 103
HTML + CSS Shadow Effect with real transparency....................... 104
HTML elements with rounded corners ......................................... 106
Simple sliding sample to move HTML elements around.................. 108
Drag and drop HTML objects around using CSS and JavaScript ...... 109
PopUp Information.................................................................... 112
Building a AJAX enabled popup control........................................ 114
Some HTML and http basics .......................115
Caching with AJAX applications............................................. 115
Listings ......................................................118
~/ajaxcore/GetJavaScriptProxy.aspx ..................................... 118
~/ajaxcore/wsdl.xslt............................................................ 119
~/ajaxcore/ajax.js............................................................... 122
~/controls/jcl.js .................................................................. 132
JavaScript Proxy Reference........................138
The proxies and service objects............................................ 138
DataConnections Reference .......................140
Links ..........................................................141
Tools................................................................................. 141
Behaviors........................................................................... 141
Cross Browser implementation tips........................................ 141
Standards .......................................................................... 141
WebServices....................................................................... 142
JavaScript .......................................................................... 142
Aspects of AJAX
I really started programming in 1977
by building a 1 MHZ 6502 board
using assembly op-codes.
I started programming for the Web back in 1998 by learning early versions
of HTML and JavaScript and using the browsers of these years. I was head
of development of a company building an ERP system for the German
market and saw the chance to use web technologies for the next version.
When IE 5.0 (and later IE 5.5) was released by Microsoft together with the
XMLHttpRequest ActiveX object we saw the chance to build an ERP client
layer with a rich user experience inspired by Outlook Web Access and the
early SOAP specifications. By using a SOAP-based synchronous background
data mechanism instead of the common http round-trip using form elements
we reached the look & feel of regular desktop applications by using web
technologies. We never had a specific name for that piece of our technology.
One of the biggest concerns we had to master was productivity of the
developers. We had no huge budget and only 2 years to come out with the
first major version... and the project was successful.
When the name AJAX was born early in 2005 the asynchronous way of
program flow was new to me. I had many experiences with synchronous
JavaScript programming and with synchronous calling WebServices from the
browser and this works fine in intranet scenarios where the network just
works as expected. Also it is very simple to write down a function that uses
the server when calls come back with the result immediately.
When working asynchronously the code gets split into individual pieces of
callback methods and event handlers and that may lead to "ugly" readable and
highly fragmented code. I searched for something in the available technology
stack that helps against this situation and found a declarative way of bundling
AJAX coding fragments and settings together as you will see in the AJAX
actions you can read about here.
Beyond the basic AJAX programming using JavaScript on the client and
WebService endpoints on the server I also show here how to build
WebControls that go further in simplifying the work for the programmer. In
the end you can get a good productivity.
Aspects of AJAX
Asynchronous programming
Asynchronous programming
This first part is about the problems that arise in simple but long running
application tasks and processes and the possible solutions to that general
problem. In the end we see how asynchronous programming can be done in
web applications.
The mechanism shown here are part of the principles used by AJAX and other
Web 2.0 technologies.
If you are an advanced JavaScript programmer already you might already
understand how to split long running actions into smaller pieces and working
with timers and internal event handlers so you just skip this chapter and start
with the chapter Native AJAX Programming.
Aspects of AJAX
Asynchronous programming
Why we need asynchronous programming
With the introduction of the mouse as input tool the event driven
programming won an outstanding meaning in the realization of applications.
Programming input sequences and loops for the repetition of tasks in up-to-
date programs is no more accepted by the users.
Old style programming
To illustrate this I realized a HTML page this way of programming as we
would have it done in beginning of the 80's (at that time in Microsoft basic on
Apple II computers and with line numbers and goto).
// calc prime factors
var inputText, outputText;
var prime; // try this factor (only primes will match!)
var number; // product of the remaining factors
while (true) {
outputText = "";
inputText = window.prompt("Please enter a number (or 0 to exit):", "")
if ((inputText == null) || (inputText.length == 0) || (inputText == "0"))
prime = 2; // start with 2
number = parseInt(inputText);
while ((number > 1) && (prime * prime <= number)) {
if (number % prime != 0) {
// try the next factor (slowly)
prime += 1;
} else {
// found a factor !
outputText = outputText + " " + prime;
number = number / prime;
} // if
} // while
if (number > 1) {
// the last factor (a prime) is here.
outputText = outputText + " " + number;
window.alert("The factors of " + inputText + " are:" + outputText);
} // while
Do you expect that web applications are realized in such a way or that they are
present in this way the user? - I dont! Those times are over luckily.
Old style programming using HTML
Even if one really uses HTML as the in- and output formula the situation
doesnt really change:
Aspects of AJAX
Asynchronous programming
The JavaScript coding behind this kind of application is almost the same. The
big difference is that instead of coding menus or loops with requests for user
input we find an event driven approach.
<title>Prime factors calculator</title>
<h1>Prime factors calculator</h1>
<th><label for="inputField">Please enter a number:</label></th>
<td><input id="inputField"> <input type="button" value="Calc"
id="Button1" name="Button1"></td>
<th><label for="outputField">The factors are:</label></th>
<td><input id="outputField" size="60" disabled="disabled"></td>
<p>try 12313123123123 or 12313123123123123123 for long running calculations ! </p>
<script type="text/javascript">
// calc prime factors
function CalcPrimeFactors() {
var inputText, outputText;
var prime; // try this factor (only primes will match!)
var number; // product of the remaining factors
document.getElementById("outputField").value = "wait...";
outputText = "";
inputText = document.getElementById("inputField").value;
if ((inputText == null) || (inputText.length == 0) || (inputText == "0"))
prime = 2; // start with 2
number = parseInt(inputText);
while ((number > 1) && (prime * prime <= number)) {
if (number % prime != 0) {
// try the next factor (slowly)
prime += 1;
} else {
// found a factor !
outputText = outputText + " " + prime;
number = number / prime;
} // if
} // while
if (number > 1) {
// the last factor (a prime) is here.
Aspects of AJAX
Asynchronous programming
outputText = outputText + " " + number;
document.getElementById("outputField").value = outputText;
} // CalcPrimeFactors
<hr />
<p>This sample uses HTML and Javascript synchronously.</p>
<p>This page is part of the <a
<hr />
Aspects of AJAX
Asynchronous programming
Asynchronous programming in the
How it’s done and why it doesn’t work
Complicated and long running functions have the unpleasant characteristic,
that during their execution all the other activities are standing still. In
particular really long running functions represent a genuine problem and
therefore both browsers the Microsoft Internet Explorer and Firefox are
offering the possibility of a brutal termination of execution.
The way out of this dilemma is possible when using a parallel execution of the
calculation of the factors and the handling of all user interface events like
In the Browser and with the assistance of JavaScript there is only a very much
limited way of parallel execution with the assistance of a timer and events
possible. However the problems and the realizations of such parallel
algorithms must be suitable for this. When a JavaScript function runs then the
Events from the user inputs are no longer directly processed and the
application appears blocked again.
Splitting a long running task into multiple shorter tasks and why it doesnt help
Implementing this idea in a browser can be done in the following approach:
With every keystroke a timeout (_timer) is registered to trigger the
calculation of the factors. The chosen timeout is just a little bit longer than
the time a normal user needs in-between typing the characters. If a new
character is typed in, the running timeout is canceled and a new timeout is
started. The calculation of the factors remains identical and the look & feel
of the application doesn’t change.
Here is the JavaScript implementation of this approach:
<script type="text/javascript">
var _num = "";
var _timer = null;
function StartCalcPrimeFactors() {
var inputText = document.getElementById("inputField").value;
if (_num != inputText) {
if (_timer != null)
document.getElementById("outputField").value = "wait...";
_num = inputText;
_timer = window.setTimeout("CalcPrimeFactors()", 300, "javascript");
} // if
// calc prime factors
function CalcPrimeFactors() {
var inputText, outputText;
var prime; // try this factor (only primes will match!)
var number; // product of the remaining factors
This is not a real parallel execution of
two threads but some kind of pseudo
asynchronous programming that can
be realized by using JavaScript.
Using multiple threads inside a
Browser by using JavaScript only
cannot be done today.
Aspects of AJAX
Asynchronous programming
_timer = null;
outputText = "";
inputText = document.getElementById("inputField").value;
if ((inputText == null) || (inputText.length == 0) || (inputText == "0"))
prime = 2; // start with 2
number = parseInt(inputText);
while ((number > 1) && (prime * prime <= number)) {
if (number % prime != 0) {
// try the next factor (slowly)
prime += 1;
} else {
// found a factor !
outputText = outputText + " " + prime;
number = number / prime;
} // if
} // while
if (number > 1) {
// the last factor (a prime) is here.
outputText = outputText + " " + number;
document.getElementById("outputField").value = outputText;
} // CalcPrimeFactors
For guaranteed short running functions this kind of the implementation is
acceptable for the user because the page locks itself while calculating not after
every keystroke. The delay in the case, that the calculation is executed is
hardly noticed and an input of a further character or a click with the mouse is
executed only some milliseconds later.
But with long running functions like with the calculations of the factors of a
large number a problem will arise with the time the function needs to finish.
I know 2 Methods of solving this:
1. Divide the long running function into several smaller functions
2. Real parallel execution with the assistance of a server (let's AJAX)
For sure it is possible to changed many algorithms in such a way so that
instead of a long running method several shorter steps are lined up. With the
sample of the computation of the prime factors this is also possible.
The timer is used in very short timeout intervals to check a new prime number
<script type="text/javascript">
var _num = "";
var _timer = null;
var prime; // try this factor (only primes will match!)
var number; // product of the remaining factors
var outputText;
function StartCalcPrimeFactors() {
var inputText = document.getElementById("inputField").value;
if (_num != inputText) {
if (_timer != null)
Aspects of AJAX
Asynchronous programming
document.getElementById("outputField").value = "wait...";
_num = inputText;
prime = 2; // start with 2
number = parseInt(inputText);
outputText = "";
_timer = window.setTimeout("CalcPrimeFactors()", 50, "javascript");
} // if
} // StartCalcPrimeFactors
// calc prime factors
function CalcPrimeFactors() {
_timer = null;
if (number == 1) {
// finished. all factors found
outputText = outputText + " finished.";
document.getElementById("outputField").value = outputText;
} else if (prime * prime > number) {
// the last factor (a prime) is here.
outputText = outputText + " " + number + " finished.";
document.getElementById("outputField").value = outputText;
} else {
// Debug: window.status = prime;
if (number % prime != 0) {
// try the next factor (a little bit faster)
prime += (prime == 2 ? 1 : 2);
} else {
// found a factor !
outputText = outputText + " " + prime;
document.getElementById("outputField").value = outputText;
number = number / prime;
} // if
_timer = window.setTimeout(CalcPrimeFactors, 0, "javascript");
} // if
} // CalcPrimeFactors
However, the result is very discouraging because the running time of a
complete computation rises up with an intolerable factor so far, that the
practice fitness is no longer given.
Beside the problem that everything runs more slowly exists also the problem
that local variables cannot be used any more. All information about the
current state must be stored in global variables to be available for the next
step. That is not very useful kind of programming and again reminds me of
the "good old times" of the 80's.
Using multithreading
All the different ways of implementation up to here are not using any parallel
execution at all. That is because JavaScript is not offering any mechanism for
starting threads or for controlling a parallel execution. Here the browser
platform fails completely.
The server platforms on the other side do offer this kind of approach.
Particularly with regard to multiple users requesting for information web
servers do have a built-in mechanism for parallel execution based on unrelated
Aspects of AJAX
Asynchronous programming
parallel incoming requests. AJAX uses this fundamental feature of web
servers as you will see.
On the client only 2 events will remain and must be processed one after the
The event that starts processing:
This event is started by the user for example by clicking a button or
typing a key.
The event that ends processing.
This event is started on the client when the operation s finished on the
server and when the result of the server side execution is available in the
On the server the real work is implemented and will execute independent of
the client.
The mechanism we need between the client and the server to get the complete
work done synchronized is passing 2 messages around: one that initiates the
execution on the server and one that comes back to the client with the result of
the server’s work.
Asynchronous programming on the server
On the server asynchronous programming is also possible. During the
composition of an answer to a Web server request multiple threads can be
started in parallel to gather different information parts that will be combined
into the (only) answer for the client. Some web server platforms (ASP.NET,
Java ...) can be used for this. This kind of programming does not have to do
ANYTHING with AJAX but can be used in combination with it.
Aspects of AJAX
Native AJAX Programming
Native AJAX Programming
When using an AJAX style of programming the old, classic approach
programming functionality must be given up. There is no form submit any
more that posts all the client state to the server and requests for a complete
new page description using HTML.
Instead of loading several pages until the functionality is done only one page
is loaded and will stay in the browser until the end of functionality. With the
Ajax model the execution of this web page is processed in 3 different phases:
Phase 1: Loading the page
During this synchronously implemented phase the client loads the "static" part
of the application. That corresponds to displaying a form or a list without any
concrete data. (We will see later that it makes a lot of sense in some scenarios
to include a first set of data into this first page loading reduce the time until
the user can use it and to achieve content recognition for search spiders.)
The code for the page is assembled and delivered to the browser. It makes no
big difference if plain HTML, generic JavaScript or JavaScript includes are
The http answer of this first call can be delivered in many situations with a
hint for the client that the local browser cache can be used to store the page
for a while and therefore the server will not be asked again for this code. The
displaying of a page in this situation is very fast and efficiently because the
bytes are retrieved from the local cache and no network delays occur.
Phase 2: Loading data from the server using AJAX techniques
This phase is used for retrieving more information from the web server and
then combining it into the already delivered html. This can be repeated several
times while the initial page is still loaded.
That can be the current list of the emails, (Outlook Web ACCESS, GMail) or
the data changed since the last call (GMail) or additional information to a
search word (Google Suggest).
There are also non HTML/JavaScript solutions possible. Google Maps uses
variable URLs with parameters on image objects to retrieve the bitmaps that
are part of the current shown map.
The AJAX model must be considered in both loading phases. In the first
phase the necessary (JavaScript) code must be delivered. In the second phase
this code must be used to get the information from the server.
Phase 3: Interaction with the page using AJAX techniques
Web applications need a mechanism to push information back to the server.
The most known and old solution to this is the mechanism of the built-in
<form> element that allows to post back the information stored in <input>
elements to the server. The answer from the server contains a complete new
page that will be displayed.
In contrary the AJAX solution to this is to collect and transfer the pure
information that is needed by the server and to retrieve from the server some
new information that can be integrated into the already loaded page.
Aspects of AJAX
Native AJAX Programming
We will see how this can be done by using the built-in XMLHttpRequest
object. The more comfortable solution will be shown later by using a
The XMLHttpRequest Object
There are multiple mechanisms available that can be used to call the server
without totally refreshing the current page:
An invisible <iframe> element or a frameset with an invisible frame. The
url of this element is set to a specific value containing all parameters.
A <script> element is used to include some script fragments from a
dynamic location (not a static JavaScript file). The server creates some
JavaScript and by executing the script the results of the call are embedded
into the page
The XMLHttpRequest object is used.
The AJAX Engine always uses the XMLHttpRequest approach because. It is
available in most up to date browsers and (I hope) will soon be accepted as a
standard. Have a look at
There you can find a good reference too.
AJAXing the CalcFactors Example
The core algorithm of the example, the computation of the prime factors of a
number, can also be implemented quite simply on the server. A url with the
number in a parameter is requested from the server and the http answer will
return the list of factors. The JavaScript method from CalcFactorsAsync1.htm
can be converted quite easily into C# source code and can be called using a
URL like this:
The source code of this server processing:
<%@ Page Language="C#" Debug="true" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.IO" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Xml" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Xml.Xsl" %>
<script runat="server">
private string CalcPrimeFactors(string inputText) {
string outputText = String.Empty;
UInt64 prime; // try this factor (only primes will match!)
UInt64 number; // product of the remaining factors
if ((inputText == null) || (inputText.Length == 0) || (inputText == "0"))
return("no number given.");
prime = 2; // start with 2
number = UInt64.Parse(inputText);
while ((number > 1) && (prime * prime <= number)) {
if (number % prime != 0) {
// try the next factor (slowly)
prime += 1;
} else {
// found a factor !
outputText = outputText + " " + prime;
number = number / prime;
} // if
Aspects of AJAX
Native AJAX Programming
} // while
if (number > 1) {
// the last factor (a prime) is here.
outputText = outputText + " " + number;
} // CalcPrimeFactors
string ret = CalcPrimeFactors(Request.QueryString["number"]);
That is the simple version of the function for the computation of the prime
factors. The more complex variant of the code from CalcFactorsAsync2.htm
is not needed. Thus programming is simplified for the server-side execution
again and massive multithreading is part of http servers from the ground up.
To start such a request from the client a quite simple code is sufficient:
var xmlObj = null;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest){
// If IE7, Mozilla, Safari, etc: Use native object
xmlObj = New XMLHttpRequest()
} else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
// ...otherwise, use the ActiveX control for IE5.x and IE6
xmlObj = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
}"GET", "http://localhost/CalcFactors/Request.aspx?number=" + inputText,
outputText = xmlObj.responseText;
The first part retrieves one an XMLHttpRequest object through one of the
various methods. The last 3 lines establish a connection to the server transfers
the parameter and retrieves the result.
If you tried the samples using a client side calculation you may notice the
faster response for calculation a computation. Its faster because the C# code
on the server runs a lot better then any JavaScript code on the client.
JavaScript is still interpreted and therefore slower. The response is faster in
spite of using a network transfer for computing.
Aspects of AJAX
Native AJAX Programming
Doing it asynchronous
So we can call the server. The answer of this call can, as we know, take up
some long (cpu) time and the send() method waits for the answer of the
server. During this time and with the above implementation the client does
freeze and user input events do not execute. Again we have a locking
synchronous situation.
Sending the parameters and receiving of the answer therefore must be
implemented in 2 different methods so that in the meantime the events of the
keyboard and the mouse in the browser can execute.
The XMLHttpRequest object (here used through the xmlObj variable) must be
defined in a global scope so it will be still available and not garbage collected
at the time of the transmission of the result. The result will not be available
immediately and a new function RetrievePrimeFactors is needed:"GET", "CalcFactorsRequest.aspx?number=" + inputText, true);
xmlObj.onreadystatechange = RetrievePrimeFactors;
This function will be called when the result is present and the field for the
result will be updated:
function RetrievePrimeFactors() {
var outputText;
if ((xmlObj != null) && (xmlObj.readyState == 4)) { //COMPLETED
// The result is the whole body of the response
outputText = xmlObj.responseText;
xmlObj = null;
document.getElementById("outputField").value = outputText;
} // if
} // RetrievePrimeFactors
With this implementation we reach the kind of the Browser application that
can be called an AJAX application. No real XML is used until know but in the
end the same result is achieved.
Do we need XML?
Many web application calling themselves as AJAX applications do not use
XML for any data transfer between the client and the server.
Some use the kind of request I use up to here that is often called a REST
request. Another approach is to use a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
syntax for the data to be transferred and both approaches can be combined.
An indirect AJAX approach is also very well known. This approach uses
specific marked HTML regions inside a classic page and requests the server
for updates on parts of the currently loaded page. This reduced the bytes on
the network but still transfers design and data together.
My interest is in introducing the standard WebService mechanism and in a
clear separation between html code and the data of the application.
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
Client-Server Protocols
When searching the web for true AJAX samples (I don’t call pure client side
scripting an AJAX sample – but some people do) you may see that there are
as many protocol definitions as there are samples and frameworks. Even if
they mention to use JSON on the network layer the samples differ in many
ways. I see no specific standard that is bound to AJAX web applications.
Seeing this situation I asked myself why not to use WebServices because I
had a lot of experience with SOAP and already had implemented a SOAP
client in JavaScript some years ago.
Best Practices for a WebService implementation
Using a WebServices client is not so hard to do if you have a layer that takes
care of building the valid XML for the network layer so the client should be
implemented as you expect or know it from other platforms and languages by
providing a stub function on the client that. You can use this local function
from JavaScript to call the corresponding function on the server and pass the
parameters. This is called a RPC network layer.
When using the (non-multitasking) JavaScript interpreter in the browser there
is need for an asynchronous mechanism too. It’s because waiting for an
answer a call to a server can fail in many ways:
Packets my get lost.
The network may be unreliable
The server may be overloaded
… and many more pitfalls.
Its even worse, because when calling a server from the browser using the http
protocol there are some limitations you cannot get around:
You can only call the server that is serving the page that is displayed
when using the XMLHttpRequest object.
Only 2 simultaneous calls can be used as specified in the http protocol
The timeout the network stack is using by default is too long so you need
to cancel long running requests before the network stack does so if you
want responsive applications.
Using the SOAP protocol has also very important advantage over using
<script> tags or JSON objects together with the eval function because you can
specify and check what data types you expect to send and receive using a
specific function.
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
SOAP was made for AJAX
I ran over the blog of Dave Winer and his post from Sun, Sep 12, 1999 titled
"An end to the Über-Operating System".
... The purpose of both specs [SOAP and XML-RPC] is to enable scripted web
applications to cross operating system boundaries.
Of course the term AJAX was not known then but I thing that "scripted web
applications that cross operating system boundaries" is a good definition of
AJAX. By using SOAP there even is more XML on the wire than with AJAX
applications using a JSON or plain text transport protocol?
Ask yourself: what is or should be the standard protocol for AJAX
applications when retrieving data from the server? - By using SOAP many
aspects of a transport layer have been discussed (data types, attachments ...)
and there are even more upcoming standard extensions for it (security, routing
The only thing that I really miss is a built-in native SOAP client in browsers.
The (deprecated) SOAP spec from 1999:
I think that this doc is one of the most influencing documents I've read. It
disappeared from the Microsoft site and Does anybody
know who feels responsible for achieving historical documents from the
Thanks to Don Box, Dave Winer and all the other founders and protagonists
of SOAP.
XML, WebServices, SOAP and
WSDL are still used as hype-words
and sole people still think that these
protocols can solve all problems.
I personally know they fit the situation
where I use them in AJAX web
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
Using WebServices in AJAX applications
There are still some disadvantages with many available AJAX frameworks on
the web and also with my preceding implementation:
For every function you want to implement a special page must be
The URL may exceed a length of more than a few 100 chars and will
bring up problems.
The implementation on the server consists of code fragments used for the
communication of parameters and the return value together with the
application specific code.
We need to implement a big part of the framework ourselves, for example
parsing the parameters and converting them to the native types. This
seems to be an easy job but there have been security leaks in (too simple)
AJAX implementations.
Here it is obvious that using the server side communication infrastructure of
WebServices brings in some huge advantages:
The same functionality can also be used from other WebService enabled
applications like Excel.
Multiple methods can be implemented together in one class so it is
possible to choose the right granularity for bigger collections of
You can use data types
There is exception handling (more on this later)
A proxy can be created for the client that enables an easy implementation
of calling a server side method. (more on this soon)
The existing SOAP and WSDL standards in the current available version
(Spring 2005) are perfect usable on http and https connections. The
circumstances for transferring html over http are identical and usable
without any problems for web services.
The actual discussions about extending the WebService Infrastructure
with security features and routing soap messages are not needed and
SOAP is as secure as the web is in this scenario.
The core implementation of the WebService infrastructure can be reused.
This part should be highly stable and security issues (buffer overflows
etc.) should be cleared by the big manufacturers like Microsoft, SUN,
IBM, BEA, and the AJAX Engine just gets the benefits from this.
WebServices can be implemented very easily in ASP.NET so I prefer this
platform in my samples but also port the core part if it to the JAVA
platform to see how platform independent the Engine is.
The implementation of a WebService for the calculation of the prime
factors can be found in CalcService.asmx in this sample website. The core
implementation is the same as in Request.aspx.
<%@ WebService Language="C#" Class="Service" %>
using System;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Services;
using System.Web.Services.Protocols;
[WebService(Namespace = "",
Description="A WebService for the calculation of prime factors.")]
[WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]
public class Service : System.Web.Services.WebService {
The i
mplementation of the AJAX
engine is done in JavaScript only and
has to take care of the different
browser platforms but is independent
of the server platform because the
protocol is standardized.
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
[WebMethod(Description="Calculate all prime factors of a given number.")]
public string CalcPrimeFactors(string inputText) {
string outputText = String.Empty;
UInt64 prime; // try this factor (only primes will match!)
UInt64 number; // product of the remaining factors
if ((inputText == null) || (inputText.Length == 0) || (inputText == "0"))
return (null);
prime = 2; // start with 2
number = UInt64.Parse(inputText);
while ((number > 1) && (prime * prime <= number)) {
if (number % prime != 0) {
// try the next factor (slowly)
prime += (prime == 2UL ? 1UL : 2UL);
} else {
// found a factor !
outputText = outputText + " " + prime;
number = number / prime;
} // if
} // while
if (number > 1) {
// the last factor (a prime) is here.
outputText = outputText + " " + number;
return (outputText);
} // CalcPrimeFactors
} // class
The special thing here, compared to the previous sample using Request.aspx
with an http GET command, is that the functional characteristics of the server
side operation gets clear. There is no need for the programmer to care about
the details of the communication
Because there no usable SOAP client available in the current browsers there is
more overhead in the JavaScript programming in the browser for
implementing the SOAP protocol as far as we need it. There is in deed a
SOAP interface available in Firefox but this implementation is not working
correctly and is only partial implemented.
Fortunately the assembling of the SOAP request and analyzing the result is
also possible by building strings that contain the valid XML code and
transferring if to the server with the well known XMLHttpRequest Object.
Here is some sample code that directly calls a WebService:
// call the server using the SOAP encoding
xmlObj = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
xmlObj.Open("POST", "http://localhost/CalcFactors/Service.asmx", true);
xmlObj.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8");
xmlObj.onreadystatechange = RetrievePrimeFactors;
var soapText = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>"
+ "<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=''>"
+ "<soap:Body>"
+ "<CalcPrimeFactors xmlns=''>"
You should use the JavaScript proxies
instead of hand-coding calls to the
server every time. It’s far more robust
and easier to use.
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
+ "<inputText>" + inputText + "</inputText>"
+ "</CalcPrimeFactors>"
+ "</soap:Body>"
+ "</soap:Envelope>";
// the response is inside the <CalcPrimeFactorsResult> tag
outputText = xmlObj.ResponseText;
p = outputText.indexOf("<CalcPrimeFactorsResult>");
if (p > 0) {
outputText = outputText.substr(p+24);
outputText = outputText.substr(0, outputText.indexOf("<"));
} // if
This implementation is only used to show how the SOAP protocol works but
has no error handling and lacks of being robust.
This implementation can be found in the page CalcFactorsServerSoap.htm on
the sample website. It only works for IE.
The server side code gets dramatically simplified when using WebServices.
For the client there also exists a good solution and another level of abstraction
that makes implementing AJAX calls really easy.
Implementing AJAX can even be simpler than in this sample. We don’t have
to care about SOAP and directly using the XMLHttpRequest object. Have a
look at the AJAX Engine.
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
A SOAP client for JavaScript
Calling a server from JavaScript is a fundamental part of AJAX applications.
Using WebServices with SOAP and WSDL is easy if proxy objects and
methods are available in the browser.
From the languages and programming environments like C, the .NET CLR
and Java we are know proxy generation mechanisms based on IDL and RPC
for a long time. These generated classes and files enable the programmer to
call a server-side method by calling a local method with the same name. The
implementation of the network transfer is taken off your application code.
If you want to implement a communication from JavaScript to WebServices
using SOAP it is very important to use an approach that needs only a small
amount of code. Complex and long scripts tend to be buggy.
This Proxy generator can be used on its own but is also part of the
AJAXEngine framework.
Some AJAX implementations use their own way to transport the information
between the client and the server. This implementation uses the standard
SOAP protocol and works on Internet Explorer and the Firefox browser.
How it works - in short
WebServices can be described by using the formal description standard for
WebServices called WSDL (WebService Description Language). Everything
we need to know for calling a WebService is available in this XML formatted
Based on this service description it is possible to generate JavaScript source
code that contains methods and some descriptive information. Because WSDL
is formatted in XML the transformation can be done by using the XSLT
The transformation itself is really simple. The real implementation is inside
the wsdl.xslt file.
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
Using the proxy
To make these proxy functions work a common JavaScript include (ajax.js)
file and a file that generates the WebService specific code must included.
<script type="text/javascript" src="ajax.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="getjavascriptproxy.aspx?
The implementation of the real communication details are implemented in the
ajax.js file. A variable namedproxies” is created as an empty JavaScript
Object and this is the only one global variable that we need. The individual
proxies are then attached to this Object to minimize the naming conflicts that
may occur.
The second script include now retrieves the WSDL description of the
WebService and generates the specific JavaScript for this service containing
local proxy methods that just can be called to execute the corresponding
method on the server.
Asynchronous calls
Calling a server-side method may look like this:
// hook up a method that gets the response
proxies.CalcService.CalcPrimeFactors.func = displayFactors;
// now call the server
// The return value is passed to this function as a parameter
function displayFactors (retVal) {
document.getElementById("outputField").value = retVal;
} // displayFactors
Here you see an asynchronous call. The function CalcPrimeFactors() returns
immediately and the client side scripting continues. After some milliseconds
(or longer) the server will send back the result of the called method of the
WebService and the value will be passed to the hooked up method as a
Synchronous calls
There is also a synchronous version that can be used. In this case the func
attribute must remain unset or null and the result of the server-side method is
directly returned from the client side method call. This kind of calling the
server may block for some milliseconds because no user-events like typing or
clicking are processed during the call.
proxies.CalcService.func = null; // no hook up function !
// call the server and return the result.
var f = proxies.CalcService.CalcPrimeFactors(12);
Implementation details
Here is a sample extract of the code that is generated for the client to shows
how the mechanism works.
The include file ajax.js generates the global object named “ajax:
var proxies = new Object();
Per WebService an object named like the WebService is attached to the ajax
object to hold the service specific information like the url and the namespace
of the WebService:
// JavaScript proxy for webservices
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
// A WebService for the calculation of prime factors.
proxies.CalcService = {
url: "http://localhost:1049/CalcFactors/CalcService.asmx",
ns: ""
} // proxies.CalcService
For each WebService method a function on the client is created that mirrors
the method on the server. The information we need to build up the full SOAP
message is attached to the function object as attributes.
// Add 2 numbers.
proxies.CalcService.AddInteger = function () {
return(proxies.callSoap(arguments)); }
proxies.CalcService.AddInteger.fname = "AddInteger";
proxies.CalcService.AddInteger.service = proxies.CalcService;
proxies.CalcService.AddInteger.action = "";
proxies.CalcService.AddInteger.params = ["number1:int","number2:int"];
proxies.CalcService.AddInteger.rtype = ["AddIntegerResult:int"];
Simple Caching
The proxy implementation also offers a client-side caching feature. An
approach that leads to less traffic on the net because repeating the same calls
can be prevented.
The Http caching features, instrumented by using HTTP headers do not help
in these situations because the request is not an http-get request and there is
always a payload in the http body. Caching must therefore be realized by
some scripting on the client.
The caching feature in the JavaScript WebService proxy implementation can
be enabled by calling the method proxies.EnableCache and passing the
function that should further use caching. There is a button in the
CalcFactorsAJAX.htm sample to show how to enable this:
By calling this method a JavaScript object is added that stores all results and
is used to prevent a call to the server if an entry for the parameter already
exists inside this object. This is not a perfect solution, but it works under the
following circumstances:
The parameter must be a string or number that can be used for indexing
the properties of a JavaScript object.
The cache doesn't clear itself. It can be cleared by calling EnableCache
once again.
Only methods with a single parameter are supported.
Analysing problems
With proxies.service.function.corefunc is an entry point in the core
implementation of the proxies object available that may be helpful when
analyzing problems.
To set up a debug output in an alert box that displays the response of a
WebService call use:
proxies.CalcService.CalcPrimeFactors.corefunc = proxies.alertResult;
If the full response text of the received SOAP message is needed you can use:
proxies.CalcService.CalcPrimeFactors.corefunc = proxies.alertResponseText;
Instead of attaching a special function for the further processing of the
response of a WebService Call it is possible to just hook up the window.alert
function to display the result.
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
proxies.CalcService.CalcPrimeFactors.func = window.alert;
I recommend always attaching a function for handling possible exceptions, at
least while developing. When calling a WebService asynchronously there will
be no executing code that can catch an exception so you must provide a
method in this case.
proxies.CalcService.CalcPrimeFactors.onException = proxies.alertException;
Good tools for analyzing network problems
If there are still problems with the communication of the SOAP messages I
recommend using an http monitor tool like Fiddler:
If you prefer to implement by using the Firefox browser I recommend the
debugger named “firebug” that has a good network tracing functionality built
in. There you can see most of the communication details and it has a fantastic
feature for analyzing the timing situations when the page gets loaded. You can
install it from
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
You can find the source of the
wsdl.xslt file in the listings at the end
of this book or online.
Generating JavaScript Proxies in ASP.NET
Retrieving a WSDL description is very easy when implementing in ASP.NET.
The URL of the WebService can be used with an attached WSDL Parameter:
The proxy generator can retrieve this XML document by using an
HttpWebRequest. By using a XSLT transformation it is now very simple way
to implementing a WSDL to JavaScript compiler.
// GetJavaScriptProxy.aspx
private string CreateClientProxies (string url) {
if ((url != null) && (url.StartsWith("~/")))
url = Request.ApplicationPath + url.Substring(1);
if (url.EndsWith(".asmx", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
url = url + "?WSDL";
Uri uri = new Uri(Request.Url, url);
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(uri);
req.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
// req.Proxy = WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy; // running on the same server !
req.Timeout = 6 * 1000; // 6 seconds
WebResponse res = req.GetResponse();
XmlReader data = XmlReader.Create(res.GetResponseStream());
XslCompiledTransform xsl = new XslCompiledTransform();
System.IO.StringWriter sOut = new System.IO.StringWriter();
xsl.Transform(data, null, sOut);
return (sOut.ToString());
} // CreateClientProxies
The complex part lies in writing the right transformations. Inside the
wsdl.xslt file you can find the templates of the JavaScript code that define
these proxy objects. Instead of generating another XML document this
transformation produces plain text that is valid JavaScript code.
The complete GetJavaScriptProxy.aspx source code
wsdl.xslt source code
JavaScript Proxy sample code
You can see the actual generated JavaScript proxy by loading the url:
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
Generating JavaScript Proxies in JAVA
This AJAX Engine was originating implemented for the ASP.NET 2.0
Platform. When porting the code to Java the only real re-implementation
needs to be done in GetJavaScriptProxy:
Here is the core part of the code:
String url = request.getScheme() + "://" + request.getServerName()
+ ":" + request.getServerPort() + request.getContextPath();
String service = request.getParameter("service");
if ((service != null) && (!service.startsWith("/")))
url += "/";
url += service;
ServletContext ctx = pageContext.getServletContext();
String xsdlFile = ctx.getRealPath("ajaxcore/wsdl.xslt");
TransformerFactory tFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
Transformer transformer = tFactory.newTransformer(new StreamSource(xsdlFile));
transformer.transform(new StreamSource(url), new StreamResult(out));
You can see that most of the work is done inside the XSLT transformation
using wsdl.xslt and wsdl.xslt can be used without changes.
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
Proxy Generator supported datatypes
Simple datatypes
Up to now only those methods where supported that where converting of the
parameters and result values was not necessary. This applies to strings and
With this version the datatypes defined on the server and the WSDL are
passed to the client so that the datatypes can be converted using JavaScript at
runtime. In the generated proxy code, the listing of the names of the
parameters is now extended by an optional specification of the datatype.
Without this the values are treated as strings.
In the HTML object model, the JavaScript datatypes are not well supported.
The value that is displayed inside an HTML input field is always a string,
even if it’s containing only digits. So when calling the proxy functions all the
parameters are also accepted as JavaScript strings and converted (if possible)
to the right types.
XML data
Passing XML documents was implemented to make it possible to pass
complex data. In the supported browser clients the XMLDocument Object
from Microsoft or Firefox and on the server the .NET XmlDocument class can
be used.
A method has to be is declared in C# like this:
public XmlDocument Calc(XmlDocument xDoc) {
return (xDoc);
} // Calc
The proxy functions also accept the XML document as a string type. In this
case, the contents of the passed string is passed directly to the server any must
for this reason contain a valid XML document without the declarations any
without any "XML processing Instructions" like <? ... ?>.
With this datatype it is possible to pass complex data directly to the server an
there is no need to define a method with many parameters if using this
datatype. If the data scheme is extended with new fields it will not be
necessary to give a new signature to the WebService.
The disadvantage of this approach is that the content of the XML document
cannot be validated by the WebService infrastructure because there is no
schema for this part of the conversation available.
The implementation of the call
The transmission of the SOAP/XML Messages can be implemented using the
appropriate XMLHttpRequest object that is available in many state-of-the-art
browsers today. This implementation was (until now) tested with Internet
Explorer and Firefox.
/// <summary>Get a browser specific implementation of the XMLHttpRequest object.</summary>
function getXMLHTTP() {
var obj = null;
// from
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
// if IE7, Mozilla, Safari, etc: Use native object
obj = new XMLHttpRequest()
} else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
// ...otherwise, use the ActiveX control for IE5.x and IE6
try { objx = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { }
if (objx == null)
try { objx = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { }
} // if
} // getXMLHTTP
This object is implemented in different technologies, depending on the
available technologies in the browsers. It was first developed by Microsoft in
the Internet Explorer as an ActiveX control and the Mozilla developers re-
implemented it by providing the same methods and properties. A call can be
done using the following sequence of methods:"POST", p.service.url, true); // async call
x.setRequestHeader("SOAPAction", p.action);
x.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8");
x.onreadystatechange = p.corefunc; // hook up a method for the result processing
x.send(soap); // send a soap request
More details and some more internal description can be found in ajax.js
include file.
Datatype mappings
XML datatypes
Alias in the
JavaScript Datatype
string string / null String
int, unsignedInt,
short, unsignedShort,
unsignedLong, s:long
int Number (parseInt)
double, float float Number (parseFloat)
dateTime date Date
boolean bool Boolean
System.Xml.XmlDocument x In Mozilla / Firefox:
In Internet Explorer:
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
The AJAX Engine
The basic elements for an application using the AJAX technologies JavaScript
and XMLHttpRequest are not difficult to realize. However, the selection from
the available technologies as well as a suitable abstraction in using these
elements is important for the success of the realization of an application. One
main goal behind the architecture of this AJAX engine was to build an AJAX
framework that you can reuse every time you want some asynchronous
processing or when you need a smart way to refresh information on the
current web page will help a lot.
When targeting applications with some hundred sides and WebServices and
with in sum about a thousand methods the developer must have a clear and
simple kind and pattern for coding the JavaScript code on the client to avoid
errors and to not think about the implementation details. Only by using a
simple approach a good quality and maintenance can be achieved.
So the main idea of this AJAX engine on the client is the simplification of the
implementation of the code, which is needed for a specific function on the
client. Like with the WebService framework of ASP.NET on the server the
details of communication over SOAP on the client are completely hidden
from the developer and also the recurring code portion is only realized once in
a central place. Also all details about the different implementations of the
XMLHttpRequest object in Internet Explorer or the Firefox browsers are
hidden from your code.
The blue print of the AJAX engine has the following connected components:
HTML form and elements
The static or dynamically provided HTML of objects e.g. < input > elements
become for the interaction with the user used.
Buttons & Events
The buttons and events that start the AJAX functionality must only call a
simple JavaScript function. This can be used for example using inline code in
an onclick attribute. This starts then the processing of the steps that should be
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
AJAX actions
For the call of the server-side functionality parameters must be retrieved and
the result must be processed on the Client. These elements together form a
AJAX action.
AJAX functions
AJAX functions are the basic steps that together form a AJAX functionality
which is supported by a slim and efficient JavaScript framework that hides the
browser specific details from the implementation.
Web methods and proxies
The proxy framework is used on the client to call the server-side methods.
The individual methods to call a WebService is generated by a WSDL to
JavaScript Compiler and the core functionality for building SOAP messages is
available in ajax.js.
The AJAX engine
The execution of the individual steps of an AJAX functionality using timer
and XMLHttpRequest objects is coordinated and supervised by the AJAX
engine. The methods for the implementation of the AJAX engines are
available in ajax.js.
Also the AJAX engine needs only one variable with the name ajax to be
declared in the global namespace to minimize name conflicts.
In many cases it is importantly for the implementation of actions that they
occur one after the other by using a queue mechanism. This is also
necessary from a network perspective because with HTTP connections only
2 simultaneous requests per server should be made at a time.
Therefore the AJAX engine implements a queue. Using some attributes on the
AJAX actions it is possible to control the way how the existing entries are
treated when starting of a new action.
The communication between the client and the server is realized by using the
standard WebServices infrastructure with SOAP messages and WSDL
services descriptions instead of building a new server-side mechanism for
good reasons.
Writing a server side framework must not be done. There are already a lot
of them but the WebService based on SOAP and WSDL is widely
accepted as a standard.
Before implementing a new proprietary core feature with a high
complexity I think it makes sense to search for existing technology in the
common frameworks that I can rely on.
I use ASP.NET in my engine to build the server side part. Because I
expose only WebServices to the client-side AJAX engine it should be
possible to port this part of the overall application architecture to another
server platform if needed.
Writing server-side ports can be a nightmare regarding security. Many
security risks of the past years came through open ports that do not work
as expected and could be used for different purpose.
By just NOT implementing a server side communication framework I
leave this task to Microsoft. – Of course it is still necessary to write good
and secure code inside the methods.
I havent found a situation until now where WebServices do not fit into
the architecture.
You cannot avoid using some global
variables when implementing
JavaScript in the browser but using as
few as possible and structuring the
storage by using more complex objects
helps getting compatible.
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
The technologies around SOAP and WSDL are at a solid usable level but
also still evolving. I expect to see a native universal service client in
browser type applications and I hope we will not have to use the basic
XMLHttpRequest Object in the future and will participate in this
evolving when building web applications.
(Mozilla/Firefox has already a built-in but very buggy object to do this
and Microsoft has as COM object part of the Office suite).
The pages and include files
The initial load of a web application using AJAX is a regular HTML GET
operation. In the samples you see plain *.htm or *.aspx files that have a
constant html output.
ASP.NET Web Forms and ASP.NET Web Controls are not used to reflect any
POSTed information or the state of the client. Also no session variables are
The common JavaScript functions, the JavaScript proxy code we see next and
the control specific functions we use later are downloaded by fetching static
JavaScript include files or dynamically generated static JavaScript code.
Because the initial content is static the server and the browser can be enabled
to cache these files and give the user a fast response.
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
AJAX Actions
Using the web service proxy functions directly from JavaScript code is one
option for building AJAX enabled web pages. With this approach you have all
the flexibility and power with data types and multiple parameters that you
might need.
On the other side you will have to write a lot of JavaScript code for each
scenario that you have to implement. AJAX actions will bring you another
layer of abstraction that reduces a lot of the complexity of AJAX by reducing
the amount of code.
Using the AJAX Engine is done by defining AJAX Actions that are used on
the loaded page. Here is a simple sample:
// declare an AJAX action
var action1 = {
delay: 200,
prepare: function() {
return (document.getElementById("inputField").value);
}, // prepare
call: proxies.CalcService.CalcPrimeFactors,
finish: function (p) {
document.getElementById("outputField").value = p;
}, // finish
onException: alertException
} // action1
You can see that the logical steps of an action are written in the source code
step by step as they will be executed even if there are timers and callback
methods used to implement it behind the scene. This makes it easy to follow
the idea of each action. It is possible to write inline JavaScript code as well
as linking to existing available functions.
Declaring this object is easy when using the JSON
syntax extended with
some functions for describing complex JavaScript objects.
AJAX Action Reference
Every action on the page is described with the assistance of an object that
holds all information together. The properties of this object are:
This property defines a function that is used directly before sending the SOAP
of package to the server. This function has to return the data that is used as the
argument of the call to the server. If this function is not defined then a server-
side method without parameters is called.
The option that was passed to the ajax.Start function is also available in the
prepare function as a parameter.
This property refers to a function that was generated by the proxy generator to
a WebService.
This property defines a function that will retrieve the result of the call. This
property may be zero.
Notation and can be used to build
complex objects at runtime.
It’s not a class definition mechanism!
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
The option that was passed to the ajax.Start function is also available in the
prepare function as a parameter.
action.onException(ex, option)
This property defines a function that is called in the case of an exception. This
property may be zero.
The option that was passed to the ajax.Start function is also available in the
prepare function as a parameter.
action.delay : [msec]
This property defines the time in milliseconds how long the call should be
delayed. This is useful together with events that are triggered very often and
in a fast order. The default value of 0 deactivates this functionality and the
action starts immediately.
action.timeout : [sec]
This property defines the time in seconds how long the call to the server can
last before it is canceled on the client. When this time runs off without an
answer from the server the http connection is closed. The default value of 0
deactivates this functionality.
A timeout of more than approx. 60 seconds does not work well because http
requests can be terminated by the network layer before this time.
With some additional flags you can specify how pending actions are handled.
action.queueClear : [bool]
This property can be set to true to specify that the queue with the pending
actions is cleared before the new action is entered. An already running action
will not be stopped. The default value is false.
action.queueTop : [bool]
This property can be set to true to specify that the action is entered into the
queue in front of all other pending actions. The default value is false.
action.queueMultiple : [bool]
This property can be set to true to specify that an action can be queue more
than once. The default value is false.
In the samples you can see that it is not necessary to write functions before
assembling them into the action object. The implementation of a function is
also possible using inline code.
Important Note: The last property of a definition of a JavaScript object
MUST NOT have a trailing comma. The otherwise quite tolerant Microsoft
Internet Explorer complains of this error during the Firefox tolerates this. I
lost some hours not seeing a comma like this.
Starting an AJAX Action
ajax.Start(action, option)
By calling the Start function of the global ajax object a defined action will be
With the option parameter it is possible to define an option for a specific
execution that will be passed to various functions that are defined through the
action definition. This value is stored into the queue of the AJAX engine
together with the fist parameter specifying the action.
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
When the prepare and finish methods are executed as well on handling en
exception, this value is passed as an additional parameter. By using this value
it is possible to store a context of an action. That may be for example a HTML
object that started the action. Because all methods have access to it, it is now
possible to use the same action definition for multiple fields, forms or other
situations. Without this parameter it was necessary to implement the direct
access to the HTML objects inside the prepare and finish methods.
This method cancels the execution of the currently running action. If a timeout
value is specified in the action options this method is called automatically.
This method cancels the execution of the currently running and all the
pending actions.
Handling Exceptions
Also in AJAX architectures failures in the communication and in the
execution may raise errors. Fortunately when using a WebServices based
framework these cases are also defines in the SOAP communication protocol.
The answer to a call to a WebService in the SOAP format will under normal
conditions return the result of the method:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=
<CalcPrimeFactorsResponse xmlns="">
<CalcPrimeFactorsResult>2 2</CalcPrimeFactorsResult>
In the case of an error the information about the failure of the server-side
execution will be passed back to the client.
In the simplest case this information is shown to the user but also other
reactions may be appropriate like reloading the whole page.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=
<faultstring>Server was unable to process request. ---&gt;
Input string was not in a correct format.</faultstring>
<detail />
The client-side implementation allows the handling of the exceptions that
occur at the level of the WebService proxies an on the level of the AJAX
In both cases there is an onException event available and a specialized
method handling these exceptions can be plugged in. This method gets passed
the thrown exception as a parameter and can organize the further functionality
of the page.
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
There is usable method defined in ajax.js that can be used for showing
This method shows the exception object in a readable format using an alert
box. This method can be used in proxies.service.method.onException as well
as in action.onException.
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
Examples that use the AJAX Engine
The AJAX prime factors sample
Here is the prime factors calculation sample, but now using the AJAXEngine.
You will see that the amount of scripting on the client is again reduced to
effectively 2 lines of coding for the prepare and finish methods and some lines
of parameters and the include for the WebService proxy.
The first sample that shows how to use the AJAX engine can be found in the
files CalcFactorsAJAX.htm (Client) and CalcService.asmx (Server). With this
sample the principle steps can be analyzed easily.
The connection to the already known WebService is done by using the proxy
<script type="text/javascript" src="GetJavaScriptProxy.aspx?service=CalcService.asmx"></script>
The HTML code contains 2 input elements that are used for the
communication with the user.
The import element with the id inputField is editable and used to enter a
number that should be split into the prime factors. The event onkeyup was
chosen for triggering the AJAX action.
This event is not only triggered by entering characters but by the special keys
like backspace, delete or Ctrl+C for pasting a new value.
With IE, there is also the event onpropertychange available that suits better
our needs here but the FireFox browser doesn’t implement this and there is no
standard event defined for being triggered immediately on any value changes.
The field with id outputField is deactivated and is used to show the calculated
prime factors.
<td><input id="inputField" onkeyup="ajax.Start(action1)"></td>
<td><input id="outputField" size="60" disabled="disabled"></td>
The AJAX action is declared inside the JavaScript block and there is no other
programming necessary except this.
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
You can see within the methods prepare and finish how to exchange the
values with HTML Elements.
The call method is setup by linking to the local method of the generated proxy
and exceptions are displayed by using a simple alert box.
The delay parameter is set to 200 msec. This time was chosen after some
empirical timing measurements (using myself) and was found being
appropriate. When one of the testing people entered a number this time wasnt
exceeded between entering the digits and the action was indeed executed at
the end of entering the whole number.
If the action was stared already by entering a digit and when another digit was
entered before the delay time was over then the first action was removed from
the queue, the second identical action was entered into the queue and the timer
was started again.
// declare an AJAX action
var action1 = {
delay: 200,
prepare: function() { return (document.getElementById("inputField").value); },
call: proxies.CalcService.CalcPrimeFactors,
finish: function (p) { document.getElementById("outputField").value = p; },
onException: proxies.alertException
} // action1
Looking at this script you can imagine the actual flow of the action. This is a
big advantage for everyone that needs to analyze, extend or fix a broken
implementation, because all the functionality is not spread over the source
code into several methods, callback functions and timer events but kept
together in this JavaScript object.
A auto-completion textbox and lookup for city names
This is another sample using the AJAX Engine to lookup names of cities from
a huge server side list and proposing them for completion. You can see the
AJAX related sources here.
The HTML objects and the JavaScript code we need to display the popping up
field and handling the various keyboard events is lengthier and you can find it
in the sources if you like to analyze it. Later we will build a ASP.NET web
control that makes reuse of this code quite easier.
In this implementation you can see how to load and display data fragments
from a huge dataset on the server by using an AJAX action.
On the server, there is a huge list of German towns and cities in the file
orte.txt. If you would include this information into the page as a list of
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
OPTION elements for a SELECT element you would have to download about
400.000 bytes of additional HTML code – too much. Instead a simple INPUT
field is combined with the possibility to search in this dataset.
The WebService that implements this lookup functionality can be found in
OrteLookUp.asmx and, again, has no AJAX specific implementations. The
method gets one parameter passed that contains the first characters of a
possible name of a city and returns up to 12 found entries of the list back to
the client.
The connection to this WebService is done by using the proxy generator:
<script type="text/javascript" src="GetJavaScriptProxy.aspx?service=OrteLookup.asmx"></script>
This lookup method must be called in several situations: The code on the
client that display the list and the completion of the current entered text is
somewhat complex and most of the JavaScript of this page is about that. The
call ajax.Start(LookupAction) that can be found several times starts the action.
The action itself is implemented very compact in one place and you can see
that a not a lot of coding is necessary because the AJAX engine handles a lot.
var LookupAction = {
delay: 100,
prepare: function() { return (document.getElementById("inputField").value); },
call: proxies.OrteLookup.OrteStartWith,
finish: function (val) {
var fld = document.getElementById("inputField");
var dd = createDropdown(fld);
FillDropdown(dd, val);
if (isIE)
onException: proxies.alertException
} // LookupAction
Looking at this script you can again see the actual flow of the action and there
is no need to implement several JavaScript methods outside of the definition.
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
An AJAX Engine for Java
This AJAX Engine was originating published in 2005 for the ASP.NET 2.0
Platform and is now partly also available in JAVA. This engine can be ported
very easily because it relies on web standards that are available on many
platforms and in many languages. For porting the AJAX framework to the
Java platform the Proxy generator that is executed on the server must be re-
implemented. This might look complicated but it isn’t because the most part
of the generation is done by using an XSLT transformation that can be reused
without any changes.
JavaScript & ajax.js
A huge part of the coding is done using JavaScript on the client. This code
needs shared by both projects and is always exchangeable.
The asynchronous calls from the page in the browser to the server are
implemented using the SOAP standard. On the server we only need Standard
WebServices. Both platforms, ASP.NET and Java support the bottom up
implementation of WebServices and we just need to write simple methods that
get called from the client.
XSLT / WebService Proxies
To enable a communication from the client side, the server uses the WSDL
definitions that can be generated from WebServices on both platforms and
transforms them to proxy objects using JavaScript.
The retrieval of the WSDL and for the transformation is ported and needs only
about 30 lines of code that you can find in
~/ajaxcore/GetJavaScriptProxy.aspx or ~/ajaxcore/GetJavaScriptProxy.jsp.
The definition of the translation itself is coded using an XSLT definition in
the file ~/ajaxcore/wsdl.xslt that is also identical on both platforms.
The core AJAX Engine needs nothing else than these 3 building blocks.
The download is available on my web side: in the download section containing an
eclipse project. I use right now: Eclispe 3.1.2 with the Webtools plug-in 1.0,
Java 1.4.2.x, Tomcat 5.5 incl. the compatibility jar and Axis 1.2.1
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
AJAX and Forms
The good old HTML form element is used by many web pages for the
communication of the data from forms. This mechanism was developed to
work without any JavaScript or XML and long before AJAX.
Its a typical scenario in web applications that they have some more or less
static forms with input fields for displaying and editing data values. Therefore
a concept to handle form situations is also needed in a AJAX engine.
This part is about the programming we need on the client. It’s implemented in
JavaScript and uses intensively XML documents. Some words about the
extensions in the Proxy Generator as well as the implementation on the server
will follow. Some samples can already be found on the samples WebSite.
Classical approach and drawbacks
The mechanism behind form element works since the beginnings of HTML to
send the data that is entered or changed by the user back to the WebServer.
The format used by these postings has nothing in common with XML but uses
for in many cases a URL like format defined by the mime type application/x-
www.form-urlencoded. With the upcoming XHTML 2.0 definition also a
XML Format and some more advanced form functionalities will be available.
But all these good news are not supported by the wide spread browsers
available today.
A direct access to the data inside a HTML Form in a whole does not exist in
the browser nor in JavaScript. But of course the individual elements can be
accessed one by one. The values that are shown to the user are normally
included inside the HTML code that is sent from the server to the client.
Collecting the values and sending them back to the server is hard coded to the
submit action of the form that normally downloads new HTML Code and
displays them in the window,
Its obvious that this approach doesnt fit into the processing of AJAX. The
graphical elements of the form and the data is not separated properly.
Using Form Data
One way to realize an access to the data in a HTML form for AJAX
applications is to use JavaScript. The include file ajaxForms.js was written to
enable the developer to handle this effectively and without using long scripts
in every form but to help with a collection of methods.
The goal of this approach is to distinguish between the data of the form
represented as a XML document and the HTML elements that are used to
display and edit the data.
To define a form on a HTML page you need a HTML Element that contains
all the form elements. This encapsulating element can be a DIV tag.
All the input fields, checkboxes, textareas and select objects with a name that
are inside this HTML element are considered holding data in the appropriate
object properties. This data is the assembled into a XML document with a
data root element by using the names of the HTML elements as the names of
the inner tags.
This HTML code ...
<div id="frm" style="margin: 2px; padding: 2px; border: solid 1px green">
<p>F1: <input name="F1" value="one by one"></p>
<p>F2: <input type="checkbox" name="F2"></p>
<p>T1: <textarea name="T1" style="width: 400px; height: 80px">some
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
<p>S1: <SELECT name="S1">
<option value="10">ten</option>
<option value="11">eleven</option>
<option value="12" selected="selected">twelve</option>
<option value="13">thirteen</option>
... corresponds to this XML document:
<F1>one by one</F1>
The data of a form is now available as a single value and therefore fits well
into the existing functionalities of the AJAX engine.
In AJAX applications it is a typical that the same HTML Form is reused
several times before getting and displaying new HTML code from the server
so we also need methods for the reverse data flow that puts the data of an
XML document back into the HTML form.
AJAX Form Services
The implementation of the AJAX Form Services, that allows an efficient
implementation of forms can be found in the JavaScript include file
Again, only one global object named ajaxForms is defined to minimize
possible name conflicts. Attached to this object the following methods are
data = ajaxForms.getData(obj)
This method searches all INPUT, TEXTAREA and SELECT elements that
are contained inside the passed object and uses their values to build up the
elements of a XML document.
The obj parameter can be passed using the id of a formula or as a reference to
a HTML Object.
This result of this method is a XmlDocument object.
ajaxForms.setData(obj, data)
This method transfers all values from data into the corresponding INPUT,
TEXTAREA and SELECT elements of the HTML form. All HTML elements
that are part of the form but have no value in data will be cleared or
The obj parameter can be passed using the id of a formula or as a reference to
a HTML Object.
The data parameter can be passed as a XML text of a XmlDocument object.
This method also calls clearErrors at the end (see below).
All HTML INPUT, TEXTAREA and SELECT elements that are part of the
form are cleared or unchecked.
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
The data parameter can be passed as a XML text of a XmlDocument object.
All HTML INPUT, TEXTAREA and SELECT elements that are part of the
form get their initial value that is coded inside the
The obj parameter can be passed using the id of a formula or as a reference to
a HTML Object.
AjaxForms implements a mechanism to display exceptions that are thrown by
the server nearby the fields that causes them. If exceptions are handled by
ajaxForms.processException() all ArgumentException are detected.
To enable the developer how the exception text is shown SPAN elements
tagged with the css-class AJAXFORMEXCEPTION can be defined inside the
form. The text of the exception is then inserted into this Element and can be
formatted by using a CSS rule.
<span class="AJAXFORMEXCEPTION" name="LOANVALUE"></span>
This method clears all exception texts inside the form.
Sample for AJAX Forms
This sample implements the processing of data of a form using the AJAX
engine and the AJAX Forms.
AJAX also brings some advantages to this kind of application on the
validation and calculation of formula data. Instead of "sending" the data and
retrieving new to be displayed HTML an asynchronous communication only
transfers the data part of the form using XML documents.
The supplementing functions necessary for the handling of AJAX Forms it is
necessary to include the ajaxforms.js scripts in the HEADER of the page.
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
<script type="text/javascript" src="ajaxForms.js"></script>
The connection to the corresponding WebService is done by using the proxy
<script type="text/javascript" src="GetJavaScriptProxy.aspx?service=_Kreditcalc.asmx"></script>
In this example the validation of the input values and the calculation of the
new values are together implemented in the same method. The
communication of the values between the client and the server uses the XML
format defined by ajaxForms.js module. The two functions ajaxForms.getData
and ajaxForms.setData that implement the transfer of the data from the XML
format to the HTML of objects therefore can be used directly in the setup of
the actions.
The function ajaxForms.processException can be used to handle and display
the exceptions that occur within validating the passed data.
If a wrong or missing value is detected inside the passed form data the server
should throw an ArgumentException using the name of the element as the
name of the wrong parameter.
This name is then passed to the client using an exception return package.
ProcessException then recognizes that an ArgumentException was thrown
and shows the error text beside the input field. To show these texts, a SPAN
element is used for each field inside the form:
<span class="AJAXFORMEXCEPTION" name="LOAN“></span>
The Form
The layout of the form and the data together with the format of the XML
document is specified by the HTML code of the page. The DIV element with
id frm (having a green border) is used as a container for all fields of the form.
Inside this object you can find the INPUT elements like:
<input id="loan" name="LOAN" value="100000">
<input name="MONTHLYREPAY" disabled="disabled">
The Actions
The first functionality on the server implements the calculation a simple credit
case. On the left side of the form some values like the loan amount and the
rates can be modified by the user. These values are used to calculate the
monthly payment, the duration of the credit and the totals of payment that are
displayed on the right side of the form.
For that purpose all the data of the form is send over the network to the server
as a XML document as well as the result of the calculation.
The first action uses the functions getData und setData from ajaxForms.js and
needs no further programming.
// declare an AJAX action
var action1 = {
delay: 200,
prepare: ajaxForms.getData,
call: proxies.KreditCalc.Calc,
finish: ajaxForms.setData,
onException: ajaxForms.processException
} // action1
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
The second implemented method on the server gets the same XML document
information as the first method but returns a XML Document containing the
monthly balance of the credit.
The code on the client is the responsible for displaying the chart by using the
special local implemented method displayAmortization. Here the XML
document passed back from the server is transformed into a HTML document
fragment by using a XSLT transformation on the client. This transformation
uses a lot of small blue and red images that are sized and positioned as needed
to make the chart look like it should.
Because the transformation is done on the client only about 23% of the
necessary HTML code is transferred over the network. The XSTL is retrieved
only once and is cached on the client.
var action2 = {
name: "Amortization",
delay: 800,
prepare: ajaxForms.getData,
call: proxies.KreditCalc.Amortization,
finish: displayAmortization,
onException: proxies.alertException
} // action2
Starting the actions
To start the asynchronous actions again the onkey event is used. In this
sample 2 actions are started by one event. Because both actions have a delay
time specified they will stay in the queue and will be removed and started
again when another key is pressed before the delay time is over.
The second parameter on starting the actions is used to reference the AJAX
onkeyup="ajax.Start(action1, 'frm');ajax.Start(action2, 'frm')"
Use web services with multiple parameters in the AJAX
While it is possible to use web methods with multiple parameters when using
the web service proxies layer directly, the AJAX engine level is only
supporting one parameter - but there is a small trick that help you out of this
situation. Because the AJAX engine knows about all the asynchronous steps
that have to be done to complete the whole functionality of a complete AJAX
functionality it might make sense to use a WebService with more than a sinle
You can find a sample that simply adds 2 integers at
The prepare function is normally used for retrieving the client-side parameter
from the html objects. Because we need more than one parameter we just do
nothing here but returning the context object.
The call function, that is called next is not just pointing to the proxy function
of the method of the web service but needs some more code. It retrieves all
the parameters itself and then calls the proxy method WebService. The trick is
that the mechanism that handles asynchronous result messages is not hooked
up correctly and must be patched by using 2 lines of code for the regular and
the exception case:
proxies.CalcService.AddInteger.func =;
proxies.CalcService.AddInteger.onException =;
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
Now the call will be processed asynchronously and the result value will be
passed to the finish function as usual.
Here the complete code that declares the AJAX action:
// declare an AJAX action
var action1 = {
delay: 200, // wait for multiple keystrokes from fast typing people
// the prepare function just returns the context object (if any)
// and makes it available to the call function.
prepare: function(obj) { return (obj); },
// the call is not pointing to the webservice proxy directly but calls it using several
call: function (obj) {
var n1 = document.getElementById("n1").value;
var n2 = document.getElementById("n2").value;
proxies.CalcService.AddInteger.func =; // patch
proxies.CalcService.AddInteger.onException =; // patch
proxies.CalcService.AddInteger(n1, n2); // and call
// the result will now be processed as usual.
finish: function (p) { document.getElementById("outputField").value = p; },
onException: proxies.alertException
} // action1
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
Application Aspects
The examples on AJAX I’ve explained up to now had to point out special
aspects of the technical design and the implementation. They correspond to
the "Bottom UP" method and are about the base components JavaScript,
XMLHttpRequest, XML and the asynchronous processing - the aspects that
give AJAX its name.
However, it is not the goal to play some technological games but to realize,
improved or modernized a complete application with the assistance of the
AJAX engine. The use of AJAX technologies fortunately does not need any
principle proceeding at the level of the application but starts at the level of
There are 2 major directions of thinking I found useful to getthe big picture”
of an AJAX enabled or an AJAX using web application.
The first direction is identifying useful patterns in the architecture. This helps
to sort the responsibilities of the individual parts of the architecture.
The other direction is to have a look at the “developers productivity” we need
to enable a team of developers to build web applications in a give and
acceptable time frame.
Model View Controller (MVC) Pattern - Thinking in patterns
Thinking about the structure and the layering of the components of solutions
is important for software architects. It’s about getting the right distance to a
concrete implementation, detecting the principles and unnecessary deviations.
Sometimes those thoughts exceed this range and lead into almost religious
discussions about holy principles.
Discussing the Model-View Controller (MVC) is one of those topics that
describes the distribution of objects and functionalities of a application with a
user interface on a high level. There are books about I and a also the material
on the web is very detailed.
Because AJAX style applications is for many developers a new kind of
modeling web applications I have collected some of my thought on this topic.
Here I want to look and analyze the existing AJAX Engine and not build a
ideal optimal AJAX architecture.
Definition of MVC
There are many different definitions for the Model-View-Controller Pattern
(google it). I stay with the short one that can actually be found at Wikipedia:
Model: This is the domain-specific representation of the information
(data and methods) on which the application operates.
View: This renders the model into a form suitable for interaction,
typically a user interface element.
Controller: This responds to events, typically user actions, and invokes
changes on the model or view as appropriate.
The Model part of the architecture all is relatively easy to discover in the
WebServices. Here all functional aspects should be discoverable. There are of
course also functional aspects in the User Interface but this code is
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
implementing a more comfortable way of interaction and handles topics of the
Based of the role this code takes over in the whole architecture some typical
aspects very similar to the SOA architecture of the model can be identified.
Here some keywords:
Independent of HTML objects
No culture or language specific implementations
Manipulating and storing data
Checking and securing of the parameters of the webmethods.
Reliable algorithms and functionalities
The View part can be localized in the realization of the User Interface by
using HTML objects and some supplement JavaScript methods.
The base functionality of the HTML objects like editing values in input fields
is covering a lot but also a lot of the JavaScript implementation in the pages of
my samples for example the LookUp List and displaying graphics is part of
the view.
UI Events
Active elements like input fields
Layout elements and decorative additions
Converting of numbers and date formats to strings
Methods to support the working
But where is the Controller part in a AJAX application and how does it work
A simple answer is obvious: The AJAX Engine. Beside the WebService and
the HTML there are only script include files left to implement this part. The
proxy methods for the WebServices can be defined as part of the network
Page Controller
When comparing the traditional ASP.NET Web Forms with the MVC pattern
the page-controller term is used very often. When comparing the 2 most used
approaches ASP.NET and Struts you can easily see that the server side
implementation only covers the collaboration of the objects of a single page.
The transitions between the pages are not really supported with a structure by
ASP.NET 1.1. Hyperlinks or Redirect statements are used on the server and
some problems have to be solved for transferring information from one page
to the next one. With ASP.NET 2.0 it is possible to have 2 pages in memory
at once and transferring data is easier to implement but this is no solution for
controlling the global flow of a web application.
Struts mixes up both aspects what may end in complex struts-config.xml files.
Both approaches for realizing web applications are described and compared
regarding the MVC pattern in
as well as in
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
When realizing an AJAX application the controller is shifted to the client and
is implemented in JavaScript. Like with ASP.NET is can control only the
activities of the one loaded page because all local information is lost when
navigation to another page and a new UI and controller is built up. This is the
reason why some AJAX applications have only one active URL using a
complex page or framesets.
I have to compare this situation with the 2-tier application architecture of the
90’s. Here the controller also was implemented on the (fat) client and the
server added data and methods (SQL connections and stored procedures).
Developer’s productivity – Layers of abstraction
If you have to lead a team of a dozen developers that have to build a huge and
complex web application you will need a set of specialized knowledge and
people with very different skills. You will have database specialists, front-end
designers and people that know a lot about the processes that have to be
implemented just to name a view. Now you might think about using AJAX
technology in you application you will add another very special technology
into that team.
There are some ways to handle this in real life, now in year 2005:
You have an extraordinary and fabulous team, which also understands
that extra technology.
You identify a member of your team who does all the AJAX specific
tasks and keeps all the deep secrets of it away from the other developers
You buy a framework, AJAX engine of components from a company that
can give you support and will provide you with updates.
If you can choose the first option – be glad!
You might choose the third option and pay some money to the people that can
implement all the AJAX code you need. Not a bad option! There are already
some commercial frameworks available and sure all others will follow and put
will adopt someAJAX or “Web 2.0” functionality.
Microsoft will also ship a framework (no license fee, but still learning and
support) in a few months, called “atlas”.
If you choose the second option you can get a lot of good work and a quick
start from some open source frameworks (and I hope also with parts from my
AJAX engine). In this scenario it is important to have a clear separation of the
responsibilities and building components that capsulate the specific AJAX
details is the best approach I found for that.
The JavaScript proxies for the WebServices are a first step to get away from
programming with the XMLHttpRequest object directly and to deal with xml
nodes that build the SOAP protocol. You just use a client side method to call a
server side method.
The AJAX Engine again brings a layer of abstraction that enables your
developers to write down the AJAX µ-process in an almost linear coding style
even if it gets executed by using several events, callback functions, timers, a
queue and caching mechanism. The shown linear programming style by
defining the AJAX action object is quite easier to understand.
Both elements of the AJAX engine are a layer of an abstraction that make it
easier to build AJAX applications and makes your team faster.
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
Less waiting on AJAX
It's a psychological phenomenon that waiting takes less time as long as
something happens.
I'm sure you have seen all these nice rotating arrows, bouncing points or bars
that are commonly used for situations where a progress bar should appear to
tell the user that it's time for waiting like spinning a globe in IE or the rotating
points in Firefox, on the windows start up screen on or even
in windows media edition. It can also be as simple as the [Loading...] text that
is used by the Google-Mail user interface.
On you can easily generate "AJAX-" animated gif files I
thought it is time to implement a few lines into the AJAX Engine.
The right place to start displaying a progress indicator is just before starting
the webservice call to the server. Here I call StartProgress().
But it also has to be hidden after anything happens that ends the action like
when the return value is there, an exception happens or when the timeout
timer strikes. To identify these places I searched the code for the ajax.current
gets cleared. There I call EndProgress();
The first implementation was straight forward creating and removing a html
element. After some testing I found that this costs me more time than the real
call over the internet and in many situations immediate responses got slower
and that's definitively not that what I wanted to achieve.
In the end I came to the following solution:
The StartProgress function only sets a flag (ajax.progress) to true and
starts a timer (ajax.progressTimer) with a timeout of 220 msec.
This time was chosen by some testing and many server calls do not last so
long and therefore need no progress indicator.
When the timer strikes it calls the ajax.ShowProgress function. Here I
implement the real code that creates the HTML element or just shows an
existing one again.
The EndProgress function clears the flag and also starts the timer but with
some less waiting.
When the timer strikes after a call has finished the existing object is just
This architecture has some advantages. First the progress indicator is not
shown when short calls are made and when multiple calls are made one after
the other it is not hidden. This can save a lot of flickering.
Here are the specific new functions:
// ----- show or hide a progress indicator -----
// show a progress indicator if it takes longer...
ajax.StartProgress = function() {
ajax.progress = true;
if (ajax.progressTimer != null)
ajax.progressTimer = window.setTimeout(ajax.ShowProgress, 220);
} // ajax.StartProgress
// hide any progress indicator soon.
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
ajax.EndProgress = function () {
ajax.progress = false;
if (ajax.progressTimer != null)
ajax.progressTimer = window.setTimeout(ajax.ShowProgress, 20);
} // ajax.EndProgress
// this function is called by a timer to show or hide a progress indicator
ajax.ShowProgress = function() {
ajax.progressTimer = null;
var a = document.getElementById("AjaxProgressIndicator");
if (ajax.progress && (a != null)) {
// just display the existing object = document.documentElement.scrollTop + 2 + "px"; = "";
} else if (ajax.progress) {
// find a relative link to the ajaxcore folder containing ajax.js
var path = "../ajaxcore/"
for (var n in document.scripts) {
s = document.scripts[n].src;
if ((s != null) && (s.length >= 7) && (s.substr(s.length -7).toLowerCase() == "ajax.js"))
path = s.substr(0,s.length -7);
} // for
// create new standard progress object
a = document.createElement("div"); = "AjaxProgressIndicator"; = "absolute"; = "2px"; = document.documentElement.scrollTop + 2 + "px"; = "98px"; = "16px" = "2px"; = "bottom";"#51c77d";
a.innerHTML = "<img style='VERTICAL-ALIGN:bottom' src='" + path + "ajax-loader.gif'> please
} else if (a) { = "none";
} // if
} // ajax.ShowProgress
If you want to see how it looks like you can use the old prime factor sample.
Try some long the numbers like: 98798798789878987. You might see it only
if someone else is stressing the server too - It seems to be a powerful machine
:-) and prime factors get calculated fast even with my stupid algorithm.
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
Thinking in components
The next level of abstraction brings you again a huge amount of productivity.
Now, with components, web controls or tag libraries that again encapsulate
the AJAX actions you can build complex AJAX enabled web sites by
combining some pre-coded controls. If you have to code many web pages that
share common functionality you can identify these needs and pay for building
your special controls. You will find the productivity by those developers that
use these components.
Building AJAX Controls
In many cases we can wrap a special AJAX functionality into a control
instead of coding the JavaScript code into the page itself. To reach a high
percentage of reusability those components are realized outside of the
individual pages and are parameterized for their concrete usage.
There are some advantages by doing that.
When implementing conventional (old style) web forms you are familiar with
using controls together with html elements to build up the whole page. If we
build AJAX into new or existing controls the web programmer can continue
to build the pages using the well known techniques. Also the form editors
with the rich UI experience can be used again.
AJAX functionalities can be used together with the standard executing
mechanism of posting form data to the server. In a web form an AJAX control
can validate the current content of a HTML form in the background and guide
the user before a regular positing of the form data starts the transaction or
The LookUp example that was introduced at OrteLookup.htm
in the second
parts of the samples is using the AJAX engine directly. You can also find a
LookUp Control sample page
in the collection of the AJAX Controls in the
third part of the samples that does the same thing but is reusable on other
The amount of JavaScript code that has to be loaded on the client for the
LookUp control is only about 18 kByte for the AJAX engine and the
additional code for handling the selection list not very large.
It helps however to save a multiple of this size on the network transfer
because the data portion does not have to be sent completely to the client. The
JavaScript code that is extracted into a separate file is also transferred only
once when reloading of the pages saves several times.
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
wordBehavior was introduced
by the DHTML Behavior technology
developed by Microsoft for IE 5.x and
later and the XBL technology
implemented in the Mozilla browser
JavaScript Behaviors
The Behavior mechanism
The common idea behind the behavior implementations is using HTML (or
XUL) to implement an object model that defines a client-side component
and to add the functionality for this component by using a separate and
reusable JavaScript definition file.
CSS attributes can be used in conjunction with behaviors to specify how the
objects are displayed.
With this separation of concerns we get a well organized infrastructure for the
scripting on the client without the need for maintaining JavaScript code
fragments in many places.
Building AJAX Controls
JavaScript Behaviors are a key technology for building reusable html
components or controls with a rich functionality attached to them without
relying on any vendor specific proprietary implementations. Beside
implementing the JavaScript that builds the implementation of the
functionality some more problems should be solved.
When using AJAX functionality or if you want to enrich your web pages with
client side functionality you also have to deal with the complexity of
standardizing and reusing JavaScript code on the client. The JavaScript
Behaviors mechanism is offering a solution for this client side architectural
To extend the reusability of components on a server side platform almost
every web server framework offers a way of declaring server side tags or
server side elements that will produce some valid html for the client. In this
chapter I will use ASP.NET user controls and C# as the server side
framework. These kinds of components are easy to implement and adapt.
They offer already enough possibilities compared with ASP.NET Web
Controls that must be implemented as classes but we also have to implement
real web controls in some cases.
Because the core mechanism of JavaScript Behaviors is implemented in
JavaScript and is running on the client platform it can easily be ported to other
server side platforms and languages.
By using some naming conventions the implementation and the organization
of the files on the server will become transparent and easy to understand.
Delivering JavaScript functionality
HTML pages without any more than HTML offer only a limited functionality
and allow only displaying information and filling out forms. As a result
HTML pages are often extended by using JavaScript for handling input
validation, reacting on clicks or bringing optical effects.
But when it comes to reuse once-written functionalities there is no built-in
concept to HTML and JavaScript except the flat programming model of
include files. Copying the source code around is the often used response to
this weakness but will lead into unsupportable huge web sites.
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
When tailoring functionality into components the JavaScript methods that
make up these components can be placed in separate files, one file for each
component type. When using multiple different JavaScript Behaviors then
multiple JavaScript include files are downloaded to the client; one for each
type but only one when using the same behavior multiple times. These files
have static content only and can be marked as cacheable for the browser so
reloading the same file will result in cache lookups and not in reloading the
from the server. This brings down network traffic and can efficiently speed up
the initial loading of a page.
This approach is preferred over putting all the behaviors into a single file or
sending the JavaScript code together with the page source code to the client.
This technique has nothing (not yet) to do with AJAX because it is a general
usable implementation for reusing JavaScript code for components. Also, this
technique has also nothing to do with ASP.NET and can easily be ported to
Java based server because it only uses the client-side (browser) available
HTML objects and JavaScript.
It will be the client side functionality for the upcoming AJAX controls and it
fits perfectly into a server-side HTML controls framework that enables also
the reusing of HTML code fragments.
Browser specific proprietary behaviors
Both most used browsers, Internet Explorer from Microsoft and the
Mozilla/Firefox from the Mozilla foundation, have both their own and
incompatible way to allow reusing JavaScript functions and HTML on a
component level
Internet Explorer
The Microsoft implementation was introduced with the Internet Explorer 5.5
to encapsulate functionality that extends the standard implementation of
HTML elements. This can be done by implementing COM interfaces (in C++)
or by writing script in *.hta files.
The Mozilla project introduces another technology called XUL that is used to
define the User Interface for the applications of this suite.
XBL (Extensible Binding Language) is part of this technology and is used do
define the bound behavior.
Common to both solutions is the big advantage over global script include files
that the functionality is bound and accessible through a specific HTML object,
can be bound to multiple objects and support specific methods, attributes and
event handlers.
Will a standard become true?
There are many ideas about a standardization of a custom behavior of existing
or new html tags. Here is a list of w3c drafts that show how many different
approaches where submitted:
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
HTML Components (1998)
Behavioral Extensions to CSS (1999)
XBL - XML Binding Language (2001)
XML Binding Language (XBL) 2.0 (2006)
Common to all these approaches is that the specific details are implemented
by using JavaScript and the HTML Object model (DOM).
Before one (or another) behavior mechanism will become a standard at least
some years will pass so we have to look for a cross browser way of
implementing it.
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
The JavaScript behavior mechanism
As mentioned before, the basic idea behind the JavaScript Behavior
mechanism is using HTML elements for defining an object model of the
component and using JavaScript to implement the functionality. Here is a
small picture of the situation:
You can see that the outer HTML element that can have inner HTML
elements will be bound to the Behavior that is specified in JavaScript.
There are properties, events, public and private methods that make up the
Behavior object that is specified by using the JSON syntax.
A step by step instruction
The easiest way to understand building a new client side component by using
the JavaScript behavior mechanism is to do follow a step by step sample. It is
first implemented without using any server side help by only implementing
JavaScript in a plain html file. Then the JavaScript Behavior is modeled and at
last it is migrated into an ASP.NET user control.
There are 2 advantages when working this way. First you can focus on the
JavaScript implementation from the beginning and can avoid the typical cache
issues when using included JavaScript files and second you can see some of
the reasons where Behaviors take advantage over plain JavaScript
The sample functionality I use to show this is a simple dice (German: Würfel).
It basically consists of defining new properties, specific methods and event
handlers by building a JavaScript prototype object for each behavior. Also a
common binding functionality is needed that attaches these definitions to a
HTML object after the page is loaded. Script include files can be used to bring
the prototype objects into the pages.
You can download all files from
Building the JavaScript Behavior Basics
1. Coding it all in one place
The best place for writing a new control is inside a single HTML file that
contains all the fragments that you will separate later into different locations:
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
A JavaScript tag that includes the common behavior loading mechanism
<script type="text/javascript" src="../controls/jcl.js"></script>
in the <head> element.
A CSS section inside the <head> element that will hold all the style rules
that we will later move out into the common css file. You can code all the
css rules into the html elements first if you like. Later you should not
include any CSS code inside the rendered html elements mo make some
personalization and style adoption easier.
The <script type="text/javascript"> element that will contain the
JavaScript behavior definition using a object notation in the JSON coding
style and the statement for binding the JavaScript behavior object to the
HTML element.
A HTML object structure that will be used for rendering the new control.
This should be a single outer element that may contain complex inner
HTML elements. Give it a unique id that can be used to identify the first
And a small <script type="text/javascript"> element that will cause to
bind the defined Behavior to the HTML element.
The advantage of using this intermediate development state is that you can hit
F5 in the browser and can be sure that all your code will reload as expected.
You also will not have any timing problems that may happen when JavaScript
or CSS files are cached locally. You need no server side functionality so a
*.htm file is fine for now.
<html xmlns="">
<title>Ein Wuerfel</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jcl.js"></script>
<style type="text/css">
.Wuerfel {
border: solid 2px green; width:40px; height:40px; overflow:hidden;
cursor: pointer; background-color:#EEFFEE;
font-size: 30px; padding:20px; text-align: center;
<script type="text/javascript">
var WuerfelBehaviour = {
onclick: function(evt) {
Wuerfel1.innerText = Math.floor(Math.random()*6)+1;
} // WuerfelBehaviour
<div id="Wuerfel1" class="Wuerfel" unselectable="on">click</div>
<script defer="defer" type="text/javascript">
jcl.LoadBehaviour("Wuerfel1", WuerfelBehaviour);
The file wuerfel_01.htm contains an implementation in this state.
2. replacing all hard-coded references
If you want to make it possible to use the same control multiple times on the
same page then you must avoid using hard coded ids or names. The only place
where you should find the id of the outer HTML element is inside the first
parameter of the jcl.LoadBehaviour function call.
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
All the other references should be replaced by using the "this" reference.
The other thing you should take care too are the parameters / attributes that
you want to use together with the new control. You should define the as
attributes in the outer HTML element and as properties of the JavaScript
behavior definition. There should not be any constants inside the JSON
If everything is well done you can make a second copy of the outer HTML
element with a new id and can bind the same behavior definition to it. Both
elements should now work as expected independently. Check also if the
parameters work as expected.
The file wuerfel_02.htm
contains an implementation in this state.
3. separating the behavior code
The next step is to extract the core of the behavior into a new *.js file and
reference this file by using a new <script type="text/javascript"
src="wuerfel.js"></script> in the <head> element.
The advantage of a separate file for the behavior definition is that the
implementation can be cached by the browser independently from the
individual use and If the control is reused in different pages you can see
dramatic performance improvements.
The file wuerfel_03.htm
and wuerfel.js file contain an implementation in
this state and wuerfel.js has also got some more functionality.
4. separating the CSS style definitions
The style of the new control should not be coded inline into the html code but
should be separated into some css statements. So I use a classname for the top
element of the control by using the name of the behavior. If you have special
inner elements they can be prefixed by the same name or you might use css
selectors by specifying the outer and inner class names. Sample:
div.TreeView .do { ... }
div.TreeView .dc { ... }
Because the css statements are usually much smaller then the JavaScript code
for a control I do not extract the css statements into separate files but include
them all in a single css file for all the controls I've done. The *.css files are
cached by the browser so loading them from the server doesn't occur too
Integration into the ASP.NET framework
Now it's time to reduce the complexity of USING the new control for
developers by using the rich features of a server framework.
1. converting to a ASP.NET User Control (*.ascx)
Now it's time to switch from a *.htm file to a *.aspx file because you will
need some server side functionality now.
Rename the file and add a <%@ Page Language="C#" %> statement at the
top of the page. In Visual Studio you will have to close the file and reopen it
to get the full editor support for the right server side languages.
The html code and the javascript statement that binds the JavaScript Behavior
of the new control is copied into the new User Control file wuerfel.ascx
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
The id attribute that is rendered for the client should not be hardcoded to a
static value. The UniqueID can be used and will produce the given id if one is
specified in the *.aspx page.
<div id="<%=this.ClientID
%>" class="Wuerfel" unselectable="on">click</div>
<script defer="defer" type="text/javascript">
jcl.LoadBehaviour("<%=this.ClientID %>", WuerfelBehaviour);
Now it is easy to include the new control into the page by dragging the
wuerfel.ascx file into a blank page while using the Design mode. The code
will look like this:
<uc1:Wuerfel ID="Wuerfel1" runat="server" />
and a reference to the used control will also be generated:
<%@ Register Src="Wuerfel.ascx" TagName="Wuerfel" TagPrefix="uc1" %>
Open this file by using the browser and have a look to the source code that is
delivered to the client - it will look very similar to what you had before. Again
you can check whether everything is fine by pasting the <uc1:Wuerfel...>
element several times. Visual Studio will automatically generate different ids
so all elements work independent.
2. using the script including mechanism
You still have to take care of including the right JavaScript include in the
<head> of your page. Now we also get this work done automatically. The
advantage is that you do not have to take care of using the right include files
and you will never forget to remove them when a control is removed from the
In the *.aspx page the <head> element must be marked with runat="server"
In the *.ascx file some server side programming is needed inside a <script
runat="server"> tag:
protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e) {
if (Page.Header == null)
throw new Exception("The <head> element of this page is not marked with
// register the JavaScripts includes without need for
a Form.
if (!Page.ClientScript.IsClientScriptBlockRegistered(Page.GetType(), "CommonBehaviour")) {
Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page.GetType(), "CommonBehaviour", String.Empty);
((HtmlHead)Page.Header).Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<script type='text/javascript'
+ Page.ResolveUrl("jcl.js")
+ "'><" + "/script>\n"));
} // if
if (!Page.ClientScript.IsClientScriptBlockRegistered(this.GetType(), "MyBehaviour")) {
Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "MyBehaviour", String.Empty);
((HtmlHead)Page.Header).Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<script type='text/javascript'
+ Page.ResolveUrl("Wuerfel.js")
+ "'><" + "/script>\n"));
} // if
} // OnPreRender
Have a look at the files wuerfel_04.aspx and wuerfel.ascx.
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
3. using a global registration for the control
When dragging a User Control onto a page the UserControl is registered for
this page by using a server site Register tag.
<%@ Register Src="Wuerfel.ascx" TagName="Wuerfel" TagPrefix="uc1" %>
There is no real problem with that automatic stuff but if you copy HTML code
around from one page to another you always have to take care of copying
these Register tags as well.
Fortunately there is another solution that registers User Contols globally in the
web.config file and needs no Register tags.
Open the web.config file you can find in the root of your web application and
locate the <configuration><system.web><pages><controls> region. Here you
can add a add element:
<add src="~/controls/LightBox.ascx" tagName="LightBox" tagPrefix="ve"/>
You can find many samples in the web.config file of the AJAXEngine demo
web site project and there is a good post on this topic in Scott Guthrie's blog
4. converting to a ASP.NET Web Control (*.cs) implementation
When writing simple controls without nested other controls there is no need to
convert a UserControl into a WebControl. You need this step only when the
control will be used as a wrapper to more HTML code that is declared on the
web page and not within the control itself. If you download the complete
source code of the AJAX Engine project you can find some advanced
implementations using ASP.NET Web Controls in the APP_Code folder.
Writing WebControls and designers for Web Controls is not covered here.
Building JavaScript Behaviors - Properties, Attributes and
The way parameters are passed to the behavior implementation is some kind
of tricky:
1. you write down a parameter into the *.aspx source file when using an
instance of the control on a page.
2. when the page is called from the server the parameter is passed to the
server side control.
3. the parameter is then written out into the response (html) stream and
send to the client.
4. when the behavior is attached to the html element it is made
available to javascript.
5. the behavior implementation is using the parameter by using
There are some traps and tricks on the way.
Take care of uppercase characters in the parameter name. Parameters with
uppercase characters work fine on the server but using them on the client
breaks the xhtml format spec. You can use lowercase parameters on the server
and the client and you don't get confused when writing code for the server
platform and the client platform the same time.
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
If you want to make a parameter available to the server control you have to
add a public property or a public field to the class.
Using public fields is working fine but Visual Studio will not help with
intellisense then so I prefer using a encapsulated private field using a public
private string _datatype = String.Empty;
public string datatype {
get { return _datatype; }
set { _datatype = value; }
} // datatype
public string working_but_no_intellisense = String.Empty;
Passing null through a parameter just doesn't work because you cannot specify
an attribute for a xml or html tag with a null value. I am using empty strings
If no attribute value is specified in the source code you need to define a
default value. The easiest is to assign the default value to the private server
field declaration and always render the attribute into the response stream.
The Firefox browser makes a big difference between attributes of a html
element and a property of an object so when attaching a behavior to a html
element all the attributes are copied into object properties.
Don't use any reserved words you know from C#, VB.NET, JAVA,
JavaScript, HTML or the DOM specification as a name and don't start a name
with "on" because this naming convention is used for identifying event
1. Adding a parameter to the dice sample server control
The sample up to now is only showing random numbers from 1 to 6. A new
parameter named "maxnumber" should make it possible to get random
numbers between 1 and any positive number greater than 2.:
private int _maxnumber = 6;
public int maxnumber {
get { return _maxnumber; }
set { _maxnumber = value; }
} // maxnumber
This parameter is not needed on the server side and we just pass it to the client
through a html attribute:
<div id="<%=this.ClientID %>" class="Wuerfel" maxnumber="<%=this.maxnumber %>"
You can find this implementation in wuerfel2.ascx.
2. Adding a parameter to the behavior
On the client side we need to declare that parameter as well. The given
assignment will always be overwritten be the attribute the server adds to the
html element.
And then we must use.
// parameter to set the maximum number
maxnumber : 6,
// find a random number
var n = Math.floor(Math.random()*(this.maxnumber-1))+1;
You can find this implementation in wuerfel2.js.
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
Implementing event handlers was
simplified with the first 2007 version.
There is no more the need for the
special coding to get the compatible
event object.
3. Using the new feature
Now the new parameter can be used on any wuerfel2 tag:
<uc1:Wuerfel2 ID="Wuerfel2" maxnumber="42" runat="server" />
You can find it in Wuerfel_05.aspx.
Event handling
Methods for event handling
The methods that are used to handle events from the mouse, keyboard or
system are identified by their name prefix "on". When the behavior is
bound to the HTML element these methods are not just copied over from
the JavaScript behavior declaration to the html element but are wrapped by
a special function that looks like
function() {
return method.apply(htmlElement, arguments);
This wrapper is generated automatically for all methods of the behavior that
start with the 2 characters "on" to ensure that the JavaScript "this" pointer is
pointing to the htmlElement the method belongs to. This really simplifies
writing event code. Keep in mind that this special attachment of methods for
events is based on this naming convention so don't name other methods of the
control this way.
Simple Events
The first sample already used an event (onclick) and registered a method to
calculate a new random number for the dice.
// classical event handler implementation
onclick: function(evt) {
evt = evt || window.event;
var src = evt.srcElement;
src.rolling = 50;
src.count = 0;
Because the “this” pointer is adjusted to the htmlElement we can use it instead
of finding the right element through the event property srcElement:
// simpler event handler implementation
onclick: function(evt) {
this.rolling = 50;
this.count = 0;
Global Events
Sometimes it is not possible to implement an event code by using this simple
on__ naming scheme because the event that the behavior needs is not thrown
to the htmlElement of the behavior.
If you are interested in global events you need to attach a method by using the
AttachEvent method that is available through the jcl object. Don't use the
on___ naming scheme for this method:
jcl.AttachEvent(document, "onmousedown", this._onmousemove);
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
If you are not interested in these events all the time the handler can be
detached by calling:
jcl.DetachEvent(document, "onmousemove", this._onmousemove);
Mouse Events
Mouse events are a little bit special when implementing a drag & drop
scenario. The onmousedown will always be raised on the element that will be
dragged around but the other 2 events mousemove (while dragging) and
onmouseup (when dragging ends and the drop occurs) may be raised on any
other element on the page or even on the document object itself. Because the
event "bubbles up" we can get all the events by attaching these 2 methods to
the document object.
The sample at VBoxDemo.aspx
is using the VBox.js behavior that allows
changing the width of the vertical separation by dragging the line between the
left and right content.
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
Details of JavaScript Behavior Definitions
The behavior functionality must be bound to the HTML object by calling one
method only:
LoadBehaviour("TimerSample", TimerSampleBehaviour);
The magic” work behind the LoadBehaviour() method is to loop though all
elements of the given JavaScript object and assigning each of them to the
HTML object.:
Methods. Starting with "on" are assumed to be event handlers and are
attached using the browser specific methods for attaching events. Only
the bubbling phase of the event is used because it is implemented by both
Other methods are just bound to the HTML object as function objects.
All the other objects are assigned if there is not already an assigned
property existing on the HTML object. These objects are shared for all
HTML objects that are bound to the same behavior.
Using complex properties in Behavior definition
When defining complex objects (arrays, structures) inside the JavaScript
prototype you have to pay attention to the fact that these objects are shared
among all HTML objects using this prototype. If individual complex
objects are needed it is better to create and assign them in the "init" method.
The jcl.CloneObject method is available and may help to get a real copy of
a complex object that is declared inside the JSON object that builds the
Behavior definition.
The init method
A method named "init" can be defined in the JavaScript prototypes to
implement special needs after the methods, event handlers and properties are
bound to the HTML object. This method is automatically called by the
LoadBehaviour method.
The "init" method is called when the onload event is raised for the window
The term method
Another method named "term" can be defined in the JavaScript prototypes to
implement a method that is called just before a page unloads. There is a real
need for implementing code just before all HTML and JavaScript objects are
thrown away in Microsoft Internet Explorer, because there is a well known
problem with the memory management used by the HTML DOM and
JavaScript. Both object libraries do have their own garbage collector
implementation and in some cases circular references between objects of both
worlds are not properly detected and memory will not get freed and useless
memory consumption is the unwanted result.
The best solution against this “design weakness” is to set all references of
JavaScript variables to HTML elements to null in this method.
There is also a great tool and some more background information available
that helps to detect this kind of memory leak named Drip available at
You can find a sample using Clone
Object inside the LookUp Behavior.
Here this method is used to get a copy
of an action definition that is declared
inside the Behavior definition. This
enables the usage of multiple instances
of the same behavior on a page.
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
Defining event handlers
All defined elements of the Behavior Definition object that start with the 2
chars “on” are treated as event handlers. This special naming convention is
needed because most event handlers need a reference to the event object
that contains most of the details on the current executed event.
These methods get passed the event object as a parameter and will be
executed in the context of the behavior.
To access the root object of your component you can use the this reference.
When you need to access the object that got the event you can find it by using
evt.srcElement. Here is a typical start sequence of an event handler:
onmouseover: function(evt) {
var obj = evt.srcElement;
A new behavior can inherit all details from an existing behavior. This
mechanism is useful for building several JavaScript Behaviors that all share
the same basic functionality. Here is a sample:
// this is a basic behavior definition for menubars
var EditMenubarBehavior = {
inheritFrom: MenubarBehavior,
init: function() {;
By specifying the inheritFrom attribute the LoadBehaviour method will
copy all properties, methods and event handlers from the referenced behavior
to the specified html object before copying the new properties, methods and
event handlers.
In the init method you should call the init method of the referenced behavior
before continuing the initialization of the new features.
The common JavaScript include file
The AJAX Controls are using the JavaScript behaviors and therefore need all
the common include file "~/controls/jcl.js " that implements the loading
mechanism and most of them are implemented by using a specific include file
containing the specific JavaScript behavior prototype code of one behavior.
var isIE = (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") > 0);
The variable isIE is defined globally and is set to true if an Internet Explorer is
the current browser so it is easy to detect the browser specific JavaScript
implementations that we have to make for IE.
var jcl = {...}
The variable jcl is used to hold all functions of the behavior loading
Because many controls need to share some local information to get
synchronized a mechanism called “Data connections” is also implemented in
this file and available through jcl.DataConnections.*.
Another reason for this include file is to implement a compatibility layer for
FireFox/Mozilla that emulates some useful IE methods and properties.
Dont use names for your properties
that start with “on” to avoid conflicts
with the event attaching mechanism!
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
A naming convention
When defining properties and methods there is no reserved word in JavaScript
that declare them local or global available. I used the naming convention that
property and method names that start with an underscore character should not
be referenced from outside of the include file.
Enabling the caching of JavaScript files
Because JavaScript files are static the can be cached by the browser in the
local cache directory to speed up the reloading of the same page multiple
I saved all these *.js files and all the other files of the controls in the
~/controls directory. There are many references to these files that are hard-
coded to this directory so if you rename it, it will cause some problems.
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
Cross Browser JavaScript
If you have to implement a Web application that intensively uses JavaScript
for some client side effects or some AJAX like features, and if you have to
support more than Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0, then you might find here a
not widely known trick to make your programming easier by implementing a
small compatibility layer.
Both browsers, Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla/FireFox, do have a
lot of functionalities as defined by the standards HTML, CSS and JavaScript,
and some of them are really useful for implementing some functionality on
the client. Because there are some extensibility features available on these
different platforms, it is possible to extend one browser with methods and
properties that are not available in the other one out of the box.
JavaScript Prototypes
The JavaScript language interpreters included in the browser platforms offer
almost identical functionalities. There is no real need to use this feature to
bring some missing functionalities to one of the platforms, but it is an
interesting feature anyway and it gives you the chance of extending both
The object types of JavaScript, better called intrinsic objects of JavaScript
(String, Number, Array, … ) that are part of the JavaScript language have an
extensibility mechanism by using the available prototype property.
By attaching new functions to the prototype, you make this method available
to all objects that derive from that type.
The following sample adds a trim() method to all string objects that eliminates
all leading and trailing blanks and returns a new string with the remaining
characters (if any):
String.prototype.trim = function() {
return (this.replace(/^[\s\xA0]+/, "").replace(/[\s\xA0]+$/, ""));
To use this function, you will use the following syntax:
var s = " Hello World ";
var txt = s.trim(); // returns only "Hello World"
You can use this extensibility feature in Internet Explorer and
Mozilla/FireFox to add new methods and (readonly) properties to the intrinsic
objects, but there is no cross browser way to capture the access to properties
of those objects.
You might think that it is also possible to add a global method trim(s) that
uses a parameter and the return value to do the same thing, but you might get
in conflict with other variables or methods from different libraries using the
same name. You can also add a trim method to the Array object that handles
array items, without getting a conflict.
Some general information about the prototype property can be found at
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
JavaScript Prototypes in Mozilla/Firefox
The Mozilla/Firefox platform also offers a proprietary but very useful
extension model that allows to also implementing properties on the JavaScript
intrinsic objects. Here I added a weight property that returns the sum of the
char codes of a string:
function () {
var w = 0;
for (var n = 0; n < this.length; n++)
w += this.charCodeAt(n);
return w;
You can use this property on any string:
var s = "ABC";
var n = s.weight; // will return 198
The __defineGetter__ and __defineSetter__ are unique features to
Mozilla/FireFox and you can find some (still few) samples on the internet by
searching through Google for these keywords.
Prototypes with HTML objects
JavaScript objects and HTML objects are completely different kinds of
objects when using the Microsoft Internet Explorer but with Mozilla/FireFox,
these objects share a common implementation. So, the feature we look at now
is only available in Mozilla/FireFox.
The Internet Explorer, for example, supports a innerText property on many
HTML objects like span, div, p, … that can be used to safely access and set
the text of an HTML object.
Mozilla/Firefox, in contrary, uses the textContent property that is part of the
newer DOM Level 3 standard to do the same thing.
Now you can use the extensibility features of Mozilla/FireFox to emulate an
innerText property on all HTML objects and you can eliminate all conditional
scripting across your JavaScript programs:
var isIE = (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") > 0);
if (! isIE) {
function () { return(this.textContent); });
function (txt) { this.textContent = txt; });
You just have to include this script in one of your common JavaScript include
The ~/controls/jcl.js file implements some usable wrappers to Microsoft
specific features and makes them available in Firefox too:
innerText Gets and Sets the inner text of HTML nodes.
Returns a XMLDocument object from the inner text
that should be XML.
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Behaviors
ttachEvent Attach event handlers to HTML objects.
etachEvent Detach event handlers from HTML objects.
window.event Return the actual executing event object.
event.srcElement Return the target node of the executing event.
event.cancelBubble Stop the propagation of the current event.
event.returnValue Set the return value of the current event.
Return a single node from an XML element by using
an XPath expression.
xmlobj.text Return the inner text of an XML element.
Firefox compatibility
When implementing JavaScript that’s working with both browsers (IE and
Firefox) you take care of the compatibility issues.
I fixed some minor things:
The parentElement attribute of the HTML DOM should not be used. Use
parentNode instead.
The firstChild attribute might get a text node in Firefox that is skipped or
not existing in IE. Whitespace should not be used between a parent node
and the fist child node.
The onscroll event it is not documented but works as expected in Firefox.
Great !
Dont forget to test!
If you ever thought that writing cross browser compatible JavaScript is hard to
do, you now have a chance to build your layer of compatibility and make your
script more readable and easier to maintain, and get rid of the conditional code
fragments spread all over your web application.
This approach helps a lot but is not the definitive solution. A lot of people
(including myself) hope that the current and upcoming standards will get
implemented in all browsers. It's better to use these features, when available
on multiple platforms. There are also good samples of proprietary Microsoft
Internet Explorer features that are so useful that Mozilla/Firefox did
implement them. The most popular sample to this is the XMLHttpRequest
object that allows AJAX like cross browser implementations.
Some good reading URLs for browser compatibility hints:
Aspects of AJAX
Building JavaScript enabled web controls
User Controls can be found in the
~\controls folder and Web
Controls can be found in the
~\App_Code folder.
Building JavaScript enabled
web controls
When using ASP.NET on the web server some things become easier because
it brings a built-in framework for reusing HTML code fragments, building
controls and components and managing some useful things around it. I will
use some features of the page model, ASP.NET user controls and Web
Controls here to make it easy building AJAX Controls.
Together with the JavaScript Behaviours that are used to build the client side
the ASP.NET Controls on the server is a solid basis for building AJAX
There are good articles on the web that explain how to build this kind of
controls and there are a lot of samples too. Most of these examples don’t use
client side functionality but rely on the usual reload mechanism by using
forms. There are some tricky things around when building controls that need
the specific JavaScript on the client too.
User Controls
The very useful functionality of ASP.NET User Controls is the possibility of
writing often needed HTML code only once in an *.ascx file and reuse it as
often as needed by writing only referencing tags into the ASP.NET pages.
Web Controls
Some things are hard to be done when using User Controls. Especially when
the Control is only a framing element for more inner HTML objects User
Controls cannot be used easily. In this case Web Controls are used to
implement the specific tag that have to be implemented as special classes, are
easier to be implemented so you can find both technologies in the samples.
When using Web Controls or User Controls in ASP.NET pages it is necessary
to declare the namespace, tag name and implementation of any server tag that
is used. When including a reference by dragging a control onto the page this
directive is included at the top of the page. If you use the same tags multiple
times in your web application you can also use the declaration mechanism that
is available through the web.config file in the web application root folder. So
if you do not find the declarations have a look at web.config.
Delivering controls to the browser
Delivering a JavaScript enabled control to the client consists of the following
The global JavaScript include file jcl.js must be present on the client. It
must be included once by referencing to it using a <script> element in the
header of each page.
The JavaScript include file of the control that contains the control’s
Behaviour implementation must be present on the client. It must be
included once only even if multiple controls of the same type are used on
the same page.
The control’s html code has to be included for every instance. The
parameters that are specified in the server side declaration have to be
Aspects of AJAX
Building JavaScript enabled web controls
brought to the client for make them available to the Behaviour
The JavaScript Behavior must be bound to the generated HTML element
by calling the jcl.LoadBehaviour method once for every instance of the
Of course it is possible to bring all these components to the client without
using a web control but some server side logic implemented by the
programmer who implements the control can help hiding these details from
the programmer who uses the control.
Registering Script includes
A very useful server-side functionality of ASP.NET Web Forms is the way
how controls can control that a JavaScript include file is needed for a
control to work successfully. The function "RegisterClientScriptBlock" that
is available on the Page object as well as on the new
Page.ClientScriptManager object in ASP.NET 2.0 can be used to specify
some html code that will be included inside a HTML form element before
all other HTML content.
With "IsClientScriptBlockRegistered" it is possible to check if a include file
is already registered.
Using this a mechanism is perfect for building AJAX Controls because the
web programmer needs not to know about the control specific JavaScript
include files that must be included for a Control to work properly. He can just
include the AJAX controls at the right place and everything else gets
magically done.
"<script type='text/javascript' src='"
+ Page.ResolveUrl("~/controls/jcl.js ")
+ "'><" + "/script>\n"));
When having a HTML form element on the page the form element will
automatically include all the submitted scripts before all other contained
HTML content.
Registering Script includes without a form element
Using this trick, it makes no difference whether a HTML form element exists
in the page or not. This is important especially for AJAX applications because
If you want to use ASP.N
ET version
1.1 you need only include a HTML
form element before all other HTML
code to get the includes into the page.
This doesn't mean that the AJAX
Controls must be inside the form
element, they also may be positioned
after an empty form element.
Aspects of AJAX
Building JavaScript enabled web controls
the avoid using any form functionality and get rid of reloading the whole
When using ASP.NET 2.0 you can use a little trick to get the HTML script
tags for the include files added to the end of the HTML head element.
The <head> element must be marked with "runat=server" to make this trick
work. If the "runat=server" is missing on the page the Page.Header object will
be set to null and it is not possible to dynamically add new nested controls.
// register the JavaScripts includes without need for a HTML form.
if (!Page.ClientScript.IsClientScriptBlockRegistered(Page.GetType(),
"CommonBehaviour")) {
"CommonBehaviour", String.Empty);
Page.Header.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(
"<script type='text/javascript' src='"
+ Page.ResolveUrl("~/controls/jcl.js ")
+ "'><" + "/script>\n"));
} // if
The RegisterClientScriptBlock function is called by using an empty string
value. This makes it possible to detect within other controls, that the
JavaScript file is already included. The first instance of a control is the one
that effectively includes this marker and additionally includes a LiteralControl
that contains the script file reference.
Because the jcl.js file is required by all the web controls it is important that
the same type and name is use in every control. I use Page.GetType() and
CommonBehaviour for jcl.js.
For the JavaScript files that contain the Behaviour implementations the
controls type is used through this.GetType() and the name is always
The script fragment that binds the Behaviour to the html element is included
into directly just after rendering the html code of the control:
<script defer="defer" type="text/javascript">
jcl.LoadBehaviour("<%=this.UniqueID %>", PropInputBehaviour);
Specifying parameters that control the specific functionality of the AJAX
Control are part of the specific source code of a page by using attributes on
the tag of the control:
<ajax:Lookup ... LookUpService="OrteLookup" ... />
What you see here is NOT HTML code but a descriptive declaration of
rendering some HTML code here. When using ASP.NET User Controls these
attributes do not get automatically rendered as HTML attributes. Instead the
ASP.NET framework matches them to properties of the class that builds the
control on the server. So any attribute that is used as a parameter must also be
defined as a field or property of the controls class to make the value available
on the server.
<%@ Control Language="C#" ... %>
<script runat="server">
public string lookupservice = "DefaultService.asmx";
To make it available on the client the values of these members must then be
written out in the HTML code that is generated by this control:
Aspects of AJAX
Building JavaScript enabled web controls
<input ... lookupservice="<%=this.lookupservice %>" ... />
The consequence of this is that the default-values for parameters that are not
specified in the source code must be specified in the initialization of the class
members and that values assigned to in the JavaScript prototype objects are
always overridden.
Writing specific HTML code for a User Control is simply done by writing it
down at the end of the *.ascx file. It can be as complex as you like it to be.
Be sure to also add the unique id of the control into the generated HTML
id="<%=this.UniqueID %>"
An ASP.NET User control doesnt automatically create an outer HTML
object. It is also possible to generate multiple objects in a row. In this case the
JavaScript behavior is attached to the object that is assigned the unique id.
If you need a reference to another web resource you can use the ResolveUrl
method of the Page object:
src="<%=Page.ResolveUrl("~/controls/images/drop.gif") %>"
Programming the Behaviour
The specific JavaScript behavior that should be used to implement the client-
side functionality for a User Control should be implemented in a separate
JavaScript include file. This is not strictly necessary but is good for the overall
performance because it can be cached in the browser.
I use the same name as the *.ascx file for this control specific include file and
place them all into the ~/controls folder.
To attach the behavior to the html object a small JavaScript fragment is also
part of the rendered HTML code:
<script defer="defer" type="text/javascript">
jcl.LoadBehaviour("<%=this.UniqueID %>", LookUpBehaviour);
Registering the script includes
Before the HTML text is send to the client all the JavaScript include files that
are needed by the control must be registered on the page. This can be done in
the OnPreRender method:
protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e) {
// register the JavaScripts includes without need for a Form.
if (!Page.ClientScript.IsClientScriptBlockRegistered(Page.GetType(),
"CommonBehaviour")) {
"CommonBehaviour", String.Empty);
((HtmlHead)Page.Header).Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(
"<script type='text/javascript' src='"
+ Page.ResolveUrl("~/controls/jcl.js")
+ "'><" + "/script>\n"));
} // if
if (!Page.ClientScript.IsClientScriptBlockRegistered(this.GetType(),
Aspects of AJAX
Building JavaScript enabled web controls
"MyBehaviour")) {
"MyBehaviour", String.Empty);
((HtmlHead)Page.Header).Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(
"<script type='text/javascript' src='"
+ Page.ResolveUrl("~/controls/LookUp.js")
+ "'><" + "/script>\n"));
} // if
} // OnPreRender
All the code fragments can be found in many web controls implemented in the
~/controls/*.ascx and the ~/App_Code/*.cs files.
Integration into ASP.NET
No Form element
AJAX controls are built for NOT posting back, submitting the changes the
user did to the server by using the HTML form element and reloading the
whole page. That’s why we want AJAX in our web applications. In contrary,
ASP.NET controls are made for exact this kind of client-server interaction and
therefore are most of the time placed inside a HTML form element. Because
we do not use autopostback functionalities nor do we directly implement some
script to call form.submit() we do not get problems with a possible existing
HTML form element.
If you plan to extend your existing ASP.NET Web Forms with AJAX
Controls which is one of the scenarios I want to support – you will need this
HTML form element. If you build new web pages without using the server
side functionality of ASP.NET web forms you can eliminate this HTML form
element completely.
The Return key
One thing will disturb users when a form element is present: pressing the
<return> or <enter> key in an input field is (like F5) reloading the page. All
information that came to the page since the time it was loaded and displayed
by using some asynchronous communications will be lost too.
Pressing return on input-fields outside a HTML form element normally has no
visible effect because the return character will not be added to the value of the
HTML input element.
There is a simple trick built into the jcl.js file that can help you to get around
this situation. By capturing all keypress events and test if return was pressed,
it is possible to cancel the keypress event early and prevent the automatic call
of the submit functionality.
To enable this trick for the input fields they just must have an attribute
"nosubmit" set to "true". You can add this attribute to the HTML code or add
it to the JavaScript behavior bound element too.
Aspects of AJAX
AJAX enabled web controls
Connecting Controls
Separating and encapsulating the functionality into components helps to build
a reusable framework. But most components do not exist alone but must be
linked to other elements.
The classical approach
When using the standard built-in controls of ASP.NET you will use the events
that are exposed on buttons, fields and the page and write small methods that
response to these events. Inside these event handlers you reference to other
objects directly because they are part of the page or control class or by using
their id or at runtime using a search method.
These handlers are executed by using a submit() of the HTML form element -
a post-back situation that should not happen in AJAX applications. We need a
solution on the client side of the application in JavaScript.
You can also follow this approach on the client by writing event handlers and
attaching them to the native HTML events of the HTML objects.
The drawback of these architecture is that when using complex controls the
object that exposes this event might be an inner part of the control without an
id or maybe not existing while the page is still loading.
If you want to follow this approach you can use jcl.AttachEvent. This is a
method from jcl.js include file that you can use for this purpose and that
works across the browser platforms and that allows multiple event
Even when you know all inner details of the actual control you might not want
to use that knowledge because you will give away the chance to extend or re-
implement a control without also changing all the implementations on the
The WebPart approach
With Sharepoint and the ASP.NET 2.0 WebPart Framework came another
mechanism of connecting components by using a provider-subscription
pattern. Components can register themselves for publishing (provider) or
consuming (subscription) a specific property-value. Every time when the
value of a property changes in a provider all controls that registered a
subscription for this property are informed about that.
There are some advantages for this approach:
It works even if the controls that build up a page are not known at
compile-time. (Sharepoint)
Multiple controls can easily publish the same property.
Multiple controls can easily consume the same property.
We do not need any browser- or object-specific events.
The IDs of the objects must not be known.
You see that this is a higher level approach that fits better into the problem
space of component based pages and portals and it can in addition be
combined with the eventing model of the native HTML objects.
Aspects of AJAX
AJAX enabled web controls
All the available methods can be
found in the reference section of this
The Page Properties mechanism
In the framework there is a lightweight mechanism implemented that is very
similar to the WebPart approach and can be used to publish and subscribe to
named properties that are available on the page level. All the methods of this
mechanism are available through the jcl.DataConnections object.
A JavaScript Object can register itself as a provider, as a consumer or for
jcl.DataConnections.RegisterProvider(theObj, theName);
jcl.DataConnections.RegisterConsumer(theObj, theName);
To change the value of a property the Raise method can be used:
jcl.DataConnections.Raise(theName, theValue);
To receive a notification when a property has changed the GetValue method
of the registered object is called. A simple implementation may look like this:
GetValue: function (propName, propValue) {
this.value = propValue;
}, // GetValue
The names of the properties are always converted to lowercase characters so
they should only be compared by after a toLowercase conversion.
Based on this mechanism a solution for theBack Button Problem” is also
available by using the PropHistory control.
The Connection Test Sample
This sample uses 3 kinds of controls implemented with JavaScript Behaviours
to show (and test) the implementation and usage of the client side controls
connections. There are 3 properties used in this sample (x, y and z) that can be
modified by 2 different Controls and that are visualized by a simple bar chart.
Simple Controls using page properties
PropInput Control
This control renders a HTML input element that is extended by a JavaScript
Behaviour to raises a change of its value to the property that is specified by
the "name" attribute. It is used by implementing:
<ajax:PropInput runat="server" name="x" />
This control also registers itself as a consumer to display the actual value
when changed by another control.
This control implements is a horizontal moveable rectangle that acts as a
slider. It can be used to change a property value that is specified by the
"name" attribute in the range from 0 to 100.
This control also registers itself as a consumer to display the actual value
when changed by another control.
Aspects of AJAX
AJAX enabled web controls
<ajax:PropHSlider ID="PropHSlider1" runat="server" name="x" />
This control implements a simple bar chart to display multiple values. The
names of the properties are displayed below the bars. The chart itself is
implemented by using a table layout with some inner <div> elements with a
blue background color.
The names of the values can be specified by the "properties" attribute by
using a semicolon separated list of names.
The max displayable number can be specified by the "maxvalue" attribute.
This value is used as a scale factor for the display.
<ajax:PropBarChart ID="barchart" runat="server" properties="x;y;z" maxvalue="100" />
This control logs every change of any property and lists the
new value on the page inside a region. When developing a
new control that uses page properties, this little log can help
a lot.
Aspects of AJAX
AJAX enabled web controls
Aspects of AJAX
AJAX enabled web controls
The Back Button Problem of AJAX
A lot of people already wrote about this topic. Search "AJAX BACK
BUTTON PROBLEM" on a search portal and you can find a lot of stuff about
But there are still aspects that haven't been talked about a lot.
Let me explain that the problem is old, well known, not an AJAX specific
problem and after all: technically solved.
What the back button does - and why not
Still some people think that the web is a mass of pages pointing to each other
using hyperlinks. While navigating along these hyperlinks every visited page
is recorded into a local list often called "history". The original idea was to
support this list of pages with some functionality.
When framesets came into the browser model this simple idea got the first
scratch because when you use hyperlinks that change only the content of a
frame the url doesn't change. The url that you can see in the address is not the
only information you need to restore a browser situation.
Up to here the back button still works in the browsers, because they also
record this extra information together with the url - at least when working
with the browser history functionality.
Then there are web servers that found a (not so) wonderful trick to use forms
for navigating from one page to another and things get complicated.
Hyperlinks can be used to submit the content of a form (including the current
browser state) back to the server which then returns the next or the modified
page. A problem on this approach is that the same url (, main.aspx,
main.jspx, main.php, ...) can be reused for the whole application.
Here the back button also has to record all the data that was posted to the
server so it can be re-posted when the user wants to go one or more pages
This kind of request cannot in generally be distinguished by the server from
clicking the same button of a form twice and often there are filters available
on the server to redirect these requests to another page.
And this is why navigating back using the back button of the browser often
doesn't work.
And this is why many applications start a new window at the beginning
without displaying the navigation bar that includes the back button.
And this is why many users like the back button on the mouse or keyboard
And this is why the web doesn't work like this (too often).
The favorite problem
As with the history list a very similar problem exists with the favorites and
with web urls stored in files. When you save a current page to your favorites
list you might think that this helps you coming back to this page but if the
server needs post information or the page is built using frames you might
Aspects of AJAX
AJAX enabled web controls
become disappointed because this kind of information is not stored in
The IE implements a special *.url file type that is created when using the IE
built in "Add to favorites..." command that contains extra information about
the current urls of the frames and maybe more.
But the *.lnk file type that is created when dragging an URL from the IE
address bar to the desktop as well as the url file that is created by
Mozilla/Firefox doesn't hold this information.
What's the problem?
The problem with the back button existed long before AJAX applications
became widely known. The core of the problem is about building a web
application that works by using meaningful urls whether using frames or not
and enabling the usage of the history and favorites feature of the existing
AJAX applications do have the same problem like those applications doing
everything through a single url: it's meaningless and you cannot rely on any
posted information because it just doesn't exist.
So what we all have to do is giving our applications meaningful urls.
Meaningful urls
Not every click should change the url and in many applications there is no
clear "back" situation. If you browse your mail inbox for example a click to
open a message may be a clear "navigate to" situation. When you delete the
message by using a click on a button the main UI might navigate for you to
the next message in the list. But where is the "back" position now - on the
deleted mail?
You can also argue that moving on to the next mail is neither forward nor
back but something like up and down and back will always bring you back to
the list view you started.
So what I want to say is that the (forward and) back direction is often very
application or problem specific. With AJAX you have the chance to model
these situations the way you like and the way that is the best for your
application and you are not bound to the GET and POST requests done by
hyperlinks and forms.
I use the url as a textual key to the global addressable state of an Ajax
application. By moving some information into the url and reading this
information out of the url when a page loads or the urls changes, there is a
clear interface between the Ajax page and the external world that can be used
for storing browser history, favorites and links.
The back problem is technically solved
If you look for a good article on how to implement a technical solution to the
problem have a look at the article "AJAX: How to Handle Bookmarks and
Back Buttons" by Brad Neuberg
... by tricking IE
The Mozilla/Firefox solves this problem really straight forward and it works
as expected.
Aspects of AJAX
AJAX enabled web controls
When using the method window.location.replace(newHash) only the current
URL is changed.
By assigning a new value to the window.location.hash property a new entry in
the history list is created.
The IE is very confused about URL-hash values hat do not really point to
existing anchors and does not record any history and needs an invisible iframe
with a page coming from the same server. It's a little bit tricky to get all
situations working and you can see the current implementation by looking
into the JavaScript implementation of the PropHistory Behaviour. Have a look
at the source:
An Implementation
The AJAXEngine already has a client side state mechanism (Page Properties
or DataConnections) I introduced in September 2005 that stores key-value
pairs. Instead of building a new API and leave it to the AJAX application to
call a method to change the URL you only have to declare what page
properties should be used in the URL. When a Page Property's value changes
the URL is updated automatically and when the URL changes all connected
controls will get informed about it.
When one of the properties, that define a state that should be persisted to the
history changes, a new history entry is recorded.
All you need to do to make it work is to include the PropHistory control:
<ajax:PropHistory runat="server" stateList="version,book,chapter" propList="vers" />
I've added 2 attributes to the PropHistory web control that can be declared to
avoid some scripting on the page:
stateList specifies the page properties that together form the current state of
the page. A change to the value of any of these properties will cause a new
entry in the history of the browser.
propList specifies the page properties that are persisted in the hash part of the
url so that hyperlinks will work.
The implementation takes care of the fact that all properties in the statList
must also be part of the url but you don't have to specify them again in the
propList attribute.
If you need some default-values that will be used when no values are given by
the URL then script them like this:
<script defer="defer" type="text/javascript">
// set default values:
jcl.DataConnections.Load("version", "luther1912");
jcl.DataConnections.Load("book", "1");
jcl.DataConnections.Load("chapter", "1");
jcl.DataConnections.Load("vers", "1");
The sample comes from the Bible reader application:
When you navigate through the verses of a chapter, only the URL gets
changed. The navigation to a new book, version or chapter a new entry in the
history stack is created.
Aspects of AJAX
AJAX enabled web controls
You now also can use URLs to jump directly to some important content.
Donald E. Knuth likes reading any book chapter 3 verse 16 and specially
An important verse of the Da Vinci code story by Dan Brown is
Aspects of AJAX
AJAX enabled web controls
AJAX enabled web controls
Writing an AJAX enabled control (here AJAX Control) is as easy as writing
another AJAX enabled web applications. The only difference lies in the kind
of separating HTML, JavaScript and the clueing stuff like AJAX actions and
server calls into the right places so that the control can be reused in other
If you just want to separate a part of your application so that other members of
the team can work on it separately then you can place all the code of the
control into the User Control’s *.ascx file.
AJAX Actions inside JavaScript Behaviours
The AJAX Action that is used by the Control can be declared as a part of the
Behaviours prototype object. In the LookUp Control you can find the
_fillAction property that is the declaration object of the AJAX action.
// declare an AJAX action to the lookup service
_fillAction: {
delay: 100,
prepare: function(fld) { fld.savevalue = fld.value; return (fld.value); },
call: "proxies.ServerInfo.GetDetails",
finish: function (val, fld) {
if (fld.savevalue != fld.value) {
ajax.Start(fld._fillAction, fld); // again
} else {
var dd = fld.CreateDropdown(fld);
fld.FillDropdown(dd, val);
} // if
}, // finish
onException: proxies.alertException
}, // _fillAction
If you only have one single instance of the Control on the page you will not
get into trouble. If there are multiple instances of the Control on the same
page these actions definitions will be shared by all controls so you better make
a copy of it using the jcl.CloneObject function because they will use different
Aspects of AJAX
AJAX enabled web controls
The reference to the WebService should also be set in the init function after
the page was loaded because it is not guaranteed whether the WebService
proxies are already setup correctly when the behavior is attached.
this._fillAction = jcl.CloneObject(this._fillAction); = proxies[this.lookupservice].GetPrefixedEntries;
Because the action object and the finish function are both declared inside the
Behaviour element the finish method cannot declared/referenced directly
because the outer JavaScript object is not known at this time.
The AJAX engine has a workaround for this case. You can just use a string
instead of a function pointer for the call, prepare and finish references. These
strings are evaluated and will be replaced by the function reference when the
action is started for the first time.
Using AJAX enabled controls in ASP.NET Forms
The use of web forms is for many web applications the most important
functionality. They rely very much on it because it was implemented by all
old browsers they also the modern ones still provide this functionality.
Using AJAX functionalities in your web applications doesn't mean that
everything needs to be re-implemented. With the AJAX functionality these
applications can easily be extended with controls using asynchronous
functionalities in the background without breaking up the existing
applications structure:
Validate values immediately on the server after the user exits the field
without reloading the form.
Help the user to find the right value by extending a field with a specific
lookup function.
Show or hide a field, depending of already entered values.
Fill fields in the form, depending of already entered values.
Fill the OPTIONS of HTML SELECT elements depending of already
entered values.
Common to these scenarios is that a pure client-side implementation is often
hard to do or impossible because some data is required and this data is not
available on the client directly. On the server in contrary, the information is
available and is in classical Web Forms used to validate the input of the user
before accepting and executing the functionality.
If you integrate AJAX controls into your existing web applications it is
possible to make your forms more responsive and give faster feedback and
help to the user. The processing of the Web Form can stay as it is by
submitting the data of the form to the server and reloading or redirecting the
page after the server side processing is done.
Aspects of AJAX
AJAX enabled web controls
The Samples
Validator Demo
This sample shows how to validate the actual input
of field values in a form while the user enters the
data into the fields. Here an email address is
validated by using a server-side DNS lookup that
checks whether the host part of an email address is
known on the web.
Table Data
This sample uses several AJAX enabled controls to load tabular data from the
server. The data for visible rows is automatically loaded when scrolling down
the table or by selecting another page of the available data.
This technique enables using huge data tables on pages without using
complete server round trips.
Cascading select elements (“Bible Reader”)
Cascading Select elements is a standard situation where AJAX technology can
decrease the amount of HTML code when loading the page by also restricting
the possible input to the valid combinations
This sample shows how to populate OPTION elements of a SELECT element
dependent of other values without reloading the whole form.
Tree View AJAX Control
This AJAX enabled control shows a tree of data.
The only thing that you need to implement is a
WebService that is called for retrieving the sub
nodes of a given node.
Aspects of AJAX
AJAX enabled web controls
AJAX LookUp Element
A web control that suggest input values by
completing the already typed text.
The suggestion is implemented by using a huge
server side list of many cities in Germany a list
that is definitively too large to be downloaded to
clients and used in Select Option elements.
AJAX PopUp Element
This sample see shows how additional information
can be retrieved from the server and displayed in an
html popup.
This implementation is enabling a popup on
hyperlinks and is displaying some information
about the server.
Aspects of AJAX
AJAX enabled web controls
Custom Validation AJAX Control Sample
The ASP.NET Web Forms offer a collection of validation controls out of the
box to check the values in the fields of a form. The validation process takes
place in 2 situations:
When the form data is sent back to the server a specific server-side
functionality of the control or the page is called.
When the user changes the value of a field and leaves the field a specific
client-side function is called.
Now, with the help of AJAX and the possibility of asynchronous calls to the
server in the background a third kind of validation can be implemented
without great effort and combines the power of the server side processing with
the better user experience of the immediate verification in the client.
When the user changes the value of a field and leaves the field a specific
WebService can check the value.
The implementation is straight forward. We use the built-in CustomValidator
control to attach a client side function:
<input autocomplete="off" id="EMAIL_IN" runat="server" name="EMAIL" />
<asp:CustomValidator ID="CustomValidator1" runat="server"
ErrorMessage="Please enter a valid e-mail address."
The client-side validation function that is used by the control as specified by
the ClientValidationFunction attribute always leaves the arguments.isvalid
flag set on true (default) to hide any shown error and then start the Ajax action
with the source object as parameter.
function validateEMail(source, arguments) {
ajax.Start(validateAction, source);
} // validateEMail
The AJAX action needs to be declared and is based on some implementation
details of the client-side validation mechanism:
var validateAction = {
delay: 0,
prepare: function (source) {
// from the Validator Common JavaScript
call: proxies.ValidatorDemo.ValidateEMail,
finish: function (val, source) {
// from the Validator Common JavaScript
source.isvalid = val;
if (! val)
Page_IsValid = false;
onException: proxies.alertException
} // validateAction
There is nothing data-verification specific here except the link to the
WebService we use to validate e-mail addresses so the declaration can be
reused for different purpose.
The integration of the Ajax action is a little bit tricky as you can see because
the validation process of the built-in validation controls of ASP.NET do not
Aspects of AJAX
AJAX enabled web controls
expect any asynchronous processing but wants an immediate decision to be
taken and the Validation Summary sometimes does not update correctly.
The WebService itself can do what ever it wants to do. In my sample I use the
DNS class to resolve the domain name and check if it exists. That cannot be
done by the client and is a sample for the power you have on the server
available, but not on the client on its own.
Aspects of AJAX
AJAX enabled web controls
Displaying huge tables using AJAX
There are many implementations available in the ASP.NET framework to
display tabular data. Most of them send the content of the table to the client as
a part of the page including all the other parts of the page. If it comes to mass
data situations the implementations offer a mechanism to navigate through
pages containing a smaller set of the records and sending the whole page
again and again.
Here comes another approach that offers paging and scrolling even with huge
datasets without refreshing the page that uses AJAX calls to a WebService to
fetch the data.
If you have followed this documentation you can easily identify the AJAX
part of the sample. Most of the JavaScript you can see on the client is written
to handle all the events and the HTML DOM operations.
In fact it's a 3 steps approach:
1. When the page loads an empty table that acts as the template is downloaded
to the client. No data integration is needed for this phase to finish.
2. Then a query is started by passing some parameters to the WebService that
selects all the rows that should be displayed and returns a unique ID for each
3. Then a row gets visible the data of this row is fetched from the server using
another WebService call that returns a XML document for each row.
The amount of data that is transferred has some overhead in the case of the
first page that is displayed but if you scroll down to the next page by using the
scrollbars or the page navigation buttons, only the new row data is fetched
from the server - far less than a whole page refresh. It gets better when you
scroll back to a region or page that was already displayed because the data is
already on the client and can be displayed without requesting the server at all.
Aspects of AJAX
AJAX enabled web controls
Also when you request another set of records by using another sort criteria all
the rows that are already known on the client can they can be displayed
without fetching them again from the server.
As you can imagine, using this approach it is possible to send huge tables to a
client without the need to send all record data immediately.
First select some data using one of the 3 Select buttons. You can now page
through the recordset or (by favorite) press the all-button and scroll through
the table. You can see the lazy loading of the table rows.
The implementation consists of a WebService, 2 Web Controls and the AJAX
Engine that does the asynchronous communication and the caching.
The DataTablePager Control
The DataTablePager is the client side controller of the MVC pattern and is an
AJAX Control that implements the AJAX action for retrieving the dataset on
the client side. This control acts together with additional buttons as the client-
side controller of the whole implementation.
There are some methods available that can be used by additional buttons to
load a specific view or to clear the actual data.
Buttons can use these functions to select by supplying a filter and a sorting
The events that are triggered by scrolling the table also use methods of this
control to fetch data from the server.
The DataTable Control
The DataTable control is the client side view of the MVC pattern and is
responsible for building up a table that displays the record data fetched from
the server formatted by the format given by the template row.
When the page load the template gets saved and when new rows are added
this template is copied for every row that should be displayed.
Right now there is only a very simple template processing functionality
implemented that can only display columns as simple text and the template is
constructed on the server by interpreting the cols attribute of the datatable tag.
Every time a row gets visible a fetching the data is initiated by calling the
DataTablePager Control's FetchRow Method.
When data comes back from the server the AJAX Action will call the
DataTable Control's FillRow method to fill up the corresponding row with the
record data.
The TableData WebService
The WebService that brings the data and the functionality is located at:
The WebService that is used by the AJAX Actions of the DataTablePager
Control is the server side model of the implementation.
To bind all 3 elements together only some lines of coding are needed and the
sample page itself, containing the controls and the WebService’s proxy, has
only some specific attributes that must be set. – Have a look.
Aspects of AJAX
AJAX enabled web controls
Tuning the TableData
After realizing the first working version of TableData I found several things
that did not work as expected so I published a better version with some
The first, non optimized version is still available at
It retrieved the row from the WebService one row each time. The time that is
needed to update a page full of visible rows was only a second or two when
developing on my local system but is about 4-6 second on the real internet.
The reason for this slow down is the time a package needs to be transferred
from the client to the server and back. You can use the tracert command
(tracert line tool to verify this timing. You can see
how long an almost empty package needs to be transferred and that is
extremely longer than a package that doesn't leave a development machine.
Reducing the number of packages is the key and I decided to bundle the Fetch
call for all newly visible rows together into a singe call to the server.
When trying to reuse the controls on a different project I found that I need
more parameters to make them portable. The name (alias) of the service that is
used for selecting and fetching the data is now configurable.
Aspects of AJAX
AJAX enabled web controls
An AJAX enabled bible reader
The sample is already an AJAX application and more than just a small
technology driven demo page that shows how to use a specific control or
piece of code.
I started working on this application to show how it all works together and to
see where we need common functionality and what features we need within
the controls.
A Walk-Through
The reader can be started just by opening a window with the given URL. The
page loads completely and starts with one of the available versions (of course)
on the first book, first chapter, first verse: "In the beginning...".
You can select one of the server-side installed bibles by using the first select
sf_kjv_strongs_rev1b: An English version of the bible.
en_gb_KJV2000_1: A more modern English version of the bible.
luther1912: A German version of the bible.
biblehebr: A Hebrew version of the bible.
Yes, its right to left - Does it look right?
I see some differences between FireFox and IE.
Maybe anyone can help on that topic!
In the second select box you can choose one of the available book. Some
bibles provide names for the books, others don't and you have to use the given
numbers. The New Testament starts with book 40.
In the third select box you can choose the chapter you want to read and in the
forth select box you can finally choose the verse.
As you change the values of these select boxes you will see that the select lists
will be updated automatically so that only valid entries are available. If you
choose a book, the list of chapters will be updated, if you choose a chapter,
the list of verses will be updated...
In the big text box below the text of the selected verse will be shown.
Aspects of AJAX
AJAX enabled web controls
It is possible to change the version without changing the selected book,
chapter and verse so you can easily switch between German and English or
different English versions.
Below the text boxes are 2 buttons that enables the forward and backward
navigation cross all book and chapter boundaries in a given version.
You navigate across multiple 5 MByte sized books. Fast!
Cascading Select Elements
The 4 select boxes at the top of the page are dynamically linked together by
raising and listening to some page-level data connections. Together they form
the cascading 4-level specification of the available verses.
Here, the AJAX Select box control is used together with an AJAX action and
some JavaScript code. The chapter select box is defined by
<ajax:Select id="ChapterSelect" runat="server" pageproperty="chapter" style="width: 120px">
and the JavaScript code just below it reacts on changes of the version or the
book. The AJAX Action is used to fetch all the Chapters from the server by
using the BibleData WebService and the ListChapters method.
<script defer="defer" type="text/javascript">
var obj = document.getElementById("ChapterSelect");
obj.GetValue = function(prop, value) {
if (((prop == "version") || (prop == "book")) && (jcl.DataConnections.GetPropValue(prop) !=
value)) {
ajax.Start(this.ChapterAction, this);
}; // GetValue
jcl.DataConnections.RegisterConsumer(obj, "*");
obj.ChapterAction = {
delay: 10,
prepare: function(obj) {
key = jcl.DataConnections.GetPropValue("version")
+ ";" + jcl.DataConnections.GetPropValue("book");
return (key); },
call: proxies.BibleData.ListChapters,
finish: function (value, obj) {
if (obj.selLast == true)
obj.options[obj.options.length-1].selected = true;
obj.selLast = false;
onException: proxies.alertException
}; // ChapterAction
Very similar scripts can be found for the other 2 cascaded select boxes.
Retrieving the Vers Text
To fetch the text of a verse from the server, another AJAX action, named
VersTextAction is used. The 4 properties version, book, chapter and verse are
retrieved and passed to the BibleData WebService and the GetVers function.
The returned text is then written into the text area.
obj.VersTextAction = {
delay: 10,
function(obj) {
key = jcl.DataConnections.GetPropValue("version")
+ ";" + jcl.DataConnections.GetPropValue("book")
Aspects of AJAX
AJAX enabled web controls
+ ";" + jcl.DataConnections.GetPropValue("chapter")
+ ";" + jcl.DataConnections.GetPropValue("vers");
return (key);
}, // prepare
function (value, obj) { = ((jcl.DataConnections.GetPropValue("version") == "biblehebr") ? "rtl"
: "ltr");
obj.innerHTML = value;
}; // VersTextAction
A very similar AJAX Action is used to look for a Prolog Text that might be
describing the current book. The rest of JavaScript programming is for the
sequential navigation through the verses, chapters and books.
On the Server an ASP.NET WebService, written in C# with 5 methods is used
to deliver all the data that is needed by the Bible Reader Web page.
The entire source you need for this application has only about 15 kByte of
text. You might not get any application of this functionality with less coding.
Programming AJAX Web Applications can be easy and without a lot of
source code if you choose the right technology and level of programming.
Aspects of AJAX
AJAX enabled web controls
Treeview AJAX Control
Hierarchically structured data can be found in various places on this world.
File systems, network structures, dependencies, organization charts, bill of
materials etc. are hierarchical by nature or by design or can be viewed to be
(I personally think that the reason behind the fact that so many structures are
hierarchically organized is that more complex structures are too chaotic to be
understood easily.)
Displaying hierarchical data as trees is relatively easy to be implemented and
you can find many implementations with ASP.NET Controls on the web. But
when it comes to mass data situations (like the content of a file system) it is
almost impossible to load the complete tree at. A simple paging approach, that
is known from huge table-data doesn't fit for structured data.
Displaying this kind of data of a good place for using the AJAX technology
and the architecture of my AJAX controls is also used here. The best solution
is to load and open only the root level of the tree when loading the page and to
load all sub-levels when the user wants to dig down by clicking a folder.
Already loaded sub-levels can stay at the client until the page gets reloaded.
The AJAX engine can be used to solve the server call in the background very
easily by using a WebService that can be queried for sub-level data. With
JavaScript and the XMLHttpRequest object this data can be requested from
the server. The returned xml is then transformed into html code by using a
XSLT transformation to display all the new found nested items.
1. Defining a contract
The AJAX control, after being loaded is using a WebService for retrieving the
list of sub-nodes (folders and files) from a given node (the user clicks). A
WebService that can be used for this purpose has a very simple interface with
only a single method. The parameter is used with a key that uniquely defines a
already known folder node and the return value is a structure with the folders
and files under that node.
Aspects of AJAX
AJAX enabled web controls
The unique key of a node can be described by a path string and the return
value is typed as a XML document:
public XmlDocument GetSubNodes(string path);
Every folder and every file must have a name that must be unique among the
sub nodes of a folder and we can concatenate these names as we usually do
for file systems to get an overall unique identifying string.
The returned XML has the form:
<folder name="[name of the folder]" title="[some more text]" />
<file name="[name of a file]" title="[some more text]" />
There can be as multiple files and folders in any order.
2. Implementing a WebService
The WebService implementation we need is very simple. I've published a
version that loads a XML file and uses this data source.
3. Javascript and HTML: building a tree layout
There are many <table> - based sample implementations for tree structures on
the web. I use a very simple approach here that works fine but supports the
indenting of sub nodes, but no lines in front of the icons that uses <div>-
elements. Here is the basic structure of a folder with the container of the sub
<div class="du" name="foldername"><span class="ft">foldertitle</span></div>
<div class="subframe"></div>
The click event is captured at the root level and has to do the following things:
identify the clicked folder object (<div> with class=[do|dc|de|du])
hiding (do) or showing (dc) the container with the subnodes
or starting an AJAX action (du) that loads the subnodes
4. The AJAX action
The context parameter of the only Ajax action we need is the node of the
folder with the still unknown sub nodes.
The prepare function builds the path string for this folder.
The asynchronous call will return the xml document that is passed to the
finish method.
In the finish method we transform the returned xml document into the html
wee need by using a simple xslt transformation that can be found inline in the
file of the page.
All we have to code for that is an AJAX Action:
// Retrieve the sub-nodes of a given folder.
ExploreAction: {
delay: 10,
queueMultiple: true,
function(src) {
var path = "";
var root = jcl.FindBehaviourElement(src, TreeViewBehaviour);
while ((src != null) && (src != root)) {
if (src.className == "subframe") {
src = src.previousSibling;
} else if (src.className == "do") {
Aspects of AJAX
AJAX enabled web controls
path = "/" + + path;
src = src.parentNode;
while (path.substr(0,2) == "//")
path = path.substr(1);
return (path);
call: "proxies.TreeView.GetSubNodes",
function(data, src) {
jcl.FindBehaviourElement(src, TreeViewBehaviour).ExtendTree(src, data);
onException: proxies.alertException
}, // FetchAction
That's still a lot of code, so we build a Control to get that coding off from our
daily work by implementing a control.
5. The AJAX control
All the coding up to here should be covered by the AJAX Control so the
developer only adds this control with the following attributes:
<ajax:TreeView runat="server" title="Cities of USA" service="WebServiceAlias" />
The title attribute is the label shown on the root folder.
The service attribute is the alias name of the web service that serves the data
of the tree
The complete implementation can be found in the 2 files that build the AJAX
Control and the JavaScript behavior: TreeView.ascx and TreeView.js that can
be found in the controls folder.
An AJAX based Tree View for the Bible
I just published another Page displaying an English Bible using an AJAX Tree
View Control. It just took me half an hour, including some other
Aspects of AJAX
AJAX enabled web controls
Have a Look at
Aspects of AJAX
Visual Effects
Visual Effects Library
Why AJAX needs visual effects
Implementing a web based application by using AJAX techniques is about
improving the backside, will enable the right user experience and will make
your application work the way it should.
If you want that your application really looks like AJAX you also have to give
your application a modern design together with all kinds of visual effects.
That will really impress also the non-technical users!
Don't you think that this is nonsense? - I did for some time last year but I had
to change my mind - at least a little bit.
If you travel across the web sides of the commercial AJAX frameworks you
will find on almost every site a bunch of visual effect libraries that are
technically not bound to asynchronous JavaScript and XML nor xmlhttp.
Commercial frameworks like backbase or frameworks like do
offer visual effects side by side with AJAX functionality.
Some of the effects shown here are really stupid eye-catcher effects.
Web applications that do not use xmlhttp but do asynchronous image loading
are seen as AJAX applications.
Articles about AJAX do mix up client-server communications with visual
effects. A sample on that:
Another article: AJAX Rounded Corner Tutorials at
Another article: Ajax Workshop 2 - Building Tabbed Content at
... and you can find a lot more of them
Visual effects are definitively an important aspect for AJAX applications
today. Maybe the "market" will learn the technical difference in some near
future. Maybe a "get-it-all-together" solution is the right approach for the
So here is a list of visual effects and other "cool" looking stuff. Some of these
effects can also be used in any other html based application; some of them
will use AJAX. I'll explain the HTML+CSS+JavaScript that make the effect
but I will also bring the higher level approach using ASP.NET web controls
that makes using them really easy.
AJAX applications look great! :-)
So here comes a library of visual effects. From time to time I will add another
one and you will find them also on the demo side at
see Examples -> Visual Effects.
Aspects of AJAX
Visual Effects
HTML + CSS Shadow Effect with real
If you want to give your objects a kind of 3D feeling then you might want
to use shadows for those objects that are placed upon the web page.
Using special graphics
An often solution for a shadow effect is to use table layout around the main
content and arrange a set of graphics around the right and bottom border.
You can get really wonderful shadow dropping effects using this approach but
because semi transparent images are not very well supported on IE you will
have to pay attention to the background color you use on the page and have to
mix it into your shadow images.
Using a Microsoft IE specific CSS filter attribute
When using the IE only you can also us one of the wonderful filter effects that
are available in this browser. Just add a CSS filter attribute like that:
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.dropShadow(Color=AAAAAA,offX=8,offY=8,positive= true);
If you use IE that you can see these shadows on the entry page for the visual
effects library. These shadows are also drawn by using solid colors.
Using CSS opacity
Here is a better solution that really resembles a kind of shadow because the
text and graphics in the shadow are really displayed in dimmed light. The clue
to this effect is a built-in opacity CSS graphics effect that is available IE,
Mozilla, Firefox - but in different way.
In Internet Explorer: style="filter: alpha(opacity= 50)"
The IE notation of the opacity effect is using a proprietary CSS attribute
named filter that can be used to add various effects to a HTML element.
Here we use the alpha filter.
In Mozilla/Firefox: style= "-moz-opacity:0.5"
The Mozilla / Firefox provides a proprietary css attribute named -moz-
opacity that allows specifying a opacity value.
In Opera: style= "opacity:0.5"
The Opera browser also has a proprietary css attribute named opacity that
allows specifying an opacity value.
These 3 CSS attributes can be combined together and every browser ignores
all the attributes that are unknown:
style="filter: alpha(opacity= 50); -moz-opacity:0.5; opacity: 0.5"
The HTML shadow object
This effect must be applied to rectangle region with a fixed width and height
that is over the main content by using an absolute position by using the same
size as the html part that is dropping this shadow.
Here is a simple sample that uses this trick. You can see it live at
The good about this solution is, that no graphics are used and that the shadow
does not hide the text below but only seems to dim the available light.
Aspects of AJAX
Visual Effects
The outer div element is used to do the absolute positioning of the whole
The first inner <div> element is the object that has the opacity effect
applied. It is positioned some pixel to the right and down by using an
absolute positioning (relative to the containing <div>) too.
The Content is placed inside the second inner <div> element that must
have a relative position without any offset to be displayed above the
shadow object.
Here is the plain HTML code:
<div class="VEPart" style="position: relative; width: 120px; top:-90px; left: 40px;">
<div class="VEShadow" style="position: absolute; left: 10px; top: 10px;
width: 120px; height: 84px; background-color: black;
filter: alpha(opacity=30); -moz-opacity: 0.3; opacity: 0.3;"> </div>
<div class="VEContent" style="position: relative; height: 80px;
background-color: #FFFFDD;"> I am flying above the text and dropping a shadow.</div>
You can see how it looks like on the demo website at
Aspects of AJAX
Visual Effects
HTML elements with rounded corners
HTML elements up to now have always a rectangle shape. In the upcoming
CSS3 standard (still a proposal) there might be also other border shapes
available including rounded corners by specifying a border radius. But we
do not have to wait to get this visual effect shown up.
The trick that is shown here to get the usual rectangle corners into a round
shape is to use a collection of thin HTML elements to build a non rectangle
The simplest solution to this is to use <div> at the top and bottom and arrange
them like this:
Why not using a client side solution
The Rico framework for example is offering a client-side method to round the
<div id='roundDemo' style='width:300px'>Insert content here.</div>
<script>Rico.Corner.round('roundDemo', {corners:'tl br',bgColor:'#adba8c'});</script>
By using a JavaScript solution on the client to generate these elements every
div element can be transformed to a rounded corner look. The disadvantage of
this approach is that there is always a delay and maybe a light flickering
because the page will get rendered twice because the borders will be expanded
by adding the additional elements.
Why not using graphic elements
I've also seen solutions that use 4 specific corner graphics. The drawback
about this approach is that the colors of these images must correspond exactly
to the colors of the other html elements. If you want to change your style then
you must change the images too. Again here will be a light flickering because
images are often loaded after displaying the page for the first time so it doesn't
look very perfect.
A server-side solution
It is also possible to generate all the additional html elements on the server.
This adds some html tags and some more data to the http response when the
page gets loaded but also eliminates a lot of JavaScript or images.
For ASP.NET I've written a web control that derives from asp:Panel that does
the same and avoids the flickering:
<ajax:RoundedArea runat='server' id='any' width='300'>Insert content here.</ajax:RoundedArea>
You can see a live sample of it at
Aspects of AJAX
Visual Effects
Aspects of AJAX
Visual Effects
view source code online
Simple sliding sample to move HTML
elements around
Moving HTML objects to new positions is not hard to implement. You can
use absolute positioning and just set the style attributes left and top to the
new values but it doesn't look cool if the objects use this kind of hyper
speed: the eyes cannot follow and there may be a confusing effect of a
sudden rearrangement.
Moving objects more slowly can be simulated by moving them using
several steps and only a small distance at once. All we need is a timer to start
the next step after the current position is rendered, a little bit of algebra and a
heuristic to find the right distance for one step.
Because no local variables can be used when executing timer scripts we
declare 4 global variables that hold all the information we need when the next
step is to be started:
var slidingTimer = null; // the current running timer object
var slidingTarget = null; // the moving object
var slidingLeft = null; // the target left position
var slidingTop = null; // the target top position
Starting a sliding movement can be done by calling the startSlidePos function
with 3 parameters: the object that should be moved, the new left and the new
top coordinate. You can also refer the object by using the unique id.
onclick="startSlidePos('i', 10, 270)"
Every timer event now calculates the remaining vector but takes no more than
20 pixel length or a third of it whatever is shorter. Only if the target is very
close the object will be positioned exactly:
// calc the remaining vector
dx = slidingLeft - left;
dy = slidingTop - top;
// calc the movement length along the vector
len = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
delta = Math.min(20, len/3);
if (len <= 2) {
// snap exactly
left = slidingLeft;
top = slidingTop;
} else {
left += Math.round(dx * delta / len);
top += Math.round(dy * delta / len);
} // if
Using this calculation the movement gets slower at the end when the target
is almost reached.
Aspects of AJAX
Visual Effects
Drag and drop HTML objects around using
CSS and JavaScript
If you want to enable a custom page layout for the user or a drag & drop
functionality in your solution you need a mechanism that enables moving
html objects around. Here is a cross browser compatible solution that
enables moving of HTML objects.
Attaching the mouse events
Three events must be captured to drag objects around:
This event starts the moving scenario and you need to attach a method to this
It is sometimes necessary not to move the object that got this event but to
identify a specific parent object that also contains other content elements. In
this demo sample the title area of a web part is used to drag the whole part
around. In the method that is attached to this event the parentNode references
are searched until an html object is found that is marked with the className
Then current mouse offset to the left upper corner of the moving object is
calculated. This is because you will not start dragging by using a exactly
known single point of the object.
Now that we know that a specific object should be dragged around the 2 other
events must be monitored and 2 other methods are attached to them.
This event will be thrown multiple times and we will move the object arround
by using the new mouse coordinates given each time the event gets fired.
This event will be thrown at the end when the user wants to place the object at
the new position by releasing the mouse button.
The first event can be caught on specific objects that enable the moving. I use
the CSS class "VEMover" to mark these elements and attach a move cursor.
The object that is moves is marked by using the CSS class "VEPart" that
contains the VEMover.
The 2 other events should be caught on the document level because they will
not be thrown always on the object that initiates the moving especially when
the mouse pointer is moved very fast.
Because we need a reference to the object that is moved around the
onmousedown event also saves a reference to the object by using properties of
the MoverBehaviour element like a global variable so we can find the object
again when onmousemove and onmouseup events are caught.
A simple moveable object
<div class="VEPart" style="width:180px;height:90px">
<div class="VEMover">::: move me</div>
I can be moved.
Aspects of AJAX
Visual Effects
view source code online
The JavaScript implementation
To make the implementation easier I use my JavaScript Control Library that
enables writing compatible behaviors for HTML objects. All we need here is
to include the 9 kByte jcl.js file and attach the behavior to the VEMover
The MoverBehaviour implements the 3 event handlers:
var MoverBehaviour = {
mo: null, // reference to the movable obj,
x: 0, y: 0,
// ----- Events -----
onmousedown: function (evt) {
evt = evt || window.event;
}, // onmousedown
// track mouse moves. This handler will be attached to the document level !
_onmousemove: function (evt) {
evt = evt || window.event;
}, // onmousemove
// track mouse button up. This handler will be attached to the document level !
_onmouseup: function (evt) {
evt = evt || window.event;
}, // onmouseup
// ----- Methods -----
MoveStart: function (evt) {
// find the moving part (position:absolute or class="VEPart")
var mo = this;
while ((mo != null) && (mo.className != "VEPart"))
mo = mo.parentNode;
if (mo == null)
return; // don't move = mo;
// calculate mousepointer-object distance
mo.x = mo.y = 0;
obj = mo;
while (obj != null) {
mo.x += obj.offsetLeft;
mo.y += obj.offsetTop;
obj = obj.offsetParent;
} // while
mo.x = evt.clientX - mo.x;
mo.y = evt.clientY - mo.y;
// make the moving object globally evailable when mouse is leaving this object.
jcl.AttachEvent(document, "onmousemove", this._onmousemove);
jcl.AttachEvent(document, "onmouseup", this._onmouseup);
}, // MoveStart
MoveIt: function (evt) {
var mo =;
if (mo != null) {
var p = (evt.clientX - mo.x) + "px";
if (p != = p;
p = (evt.clientY - mo.y) + "px";
if (p != = p;
} // if
// cancel selecting anything
evt.cancelBubble = true;
Aspects of AJAX
Visual Effects
evt.returnValue = false;
}, // MoveIt
MoveEnd: function () {
var mo =;
if (mo != null) { = null;
jcl.DetachEvent(document, "onmousemove", this._onmousemove);
jcl.DetachEvent(document, "onmouseup", this._onmouseup);
} // if
} // MoveEnd
} // MoverBehaviour
jcl.LoadBehaviour("moveme", MoverBehaviour);
The MoverBehaviour is also available as a separate include file if you want to
follow my advice of reusing behaviors by separating them into a JavaScript
include file. I will have a typical WebPart sample soon and will use the mover
functionality there again.
Aspects of AJAX
Visual Effects
PopUp Information
PopUp windows and PopUp boxes can be used to show additional
information or help text on specific region, buttons, links or words on the
page. Move the mouse-cursor over some of the blue, bold words in the text
of the sample page to see it in action.
The html and CSS code that is used to implement a popup is using some
<div> elements and some graphics.
<div id="popUp" style="width: 220px;">
<img src="../controls/images/point.gif" style="position:relative;top:1px;z-
index:1;display:block; border: 0px; margin-left: 20px">
<div style="position:relative;">
<div class="VEShadow" style="height:80px"></div>
<div style="position:relative;border: solid #203050 1px; padding: 4px;height:70px;
More information is displayed when the mouse is over the keyword for some time.
Starting a popUp
The popup implementation exists only once on a page and is registered for the
whole document. To identify html objects that will cause a popup to be shown
the new attribute poptext is used. Every object that has this property set will
cause a popUp to be shown.
This attribute alone will not help a lot because the user also needs some hint to
see that there is some information available when pointing with the mouse at
it. To have a consistent look & feel I use a span element and the classname
<span class="VEKeyword" poptext="More details is available here.">[more]</span>
The current CSS definition for this class is
.VEKeyword {font-weight:bold;color:#203050;cursor:pointer}
and it can be found in the central css file (view source) I use for this site.
Positioning the popUp
When displaying the popUp element an absolute position is used to place it
nearby the object that should be explained.
First the method _absolutePosition is calculating the absolute position of the
object by walking the offsetparent hierarchy up the hierarchy. This method is
returning a JavaScript object with the values top left width and height.
This position together with the text that should be displayed is the used by the
_create method.
If a popUp is displayed for the first time a new object is created and gets the
id="VEPopUp". Later when another popup is needed this object will be
Delaying the popup
When the mouse enters the region of an object the popup should not displayed
immediately to avoid flickering but after some time (I choose 300 msec.) the
popUp should appear. When the mouse pointer moves on to another element
before this time is over no popUp should appear.
Aspects of AJAX
Visual Effects
When using web controls they
have to be registered on each
page or global for the whole web
application. To avoid repeating
the declarations on every page
and for using the same
namespace-alias every time I add
the registration to the web.config
file of this site.
2 methods are registered to the 2 events onmouseover and onmouseout. The
onmouseover event starts a timer by using a timeout that will then start the
show method. If the mouse leaves the element in this time the timer is killed
before the popup is shown.
Using a shadow
By re-using the shadow effect
the popUp element appears to fly over the
normal surface of the page.
Building a JavaScript Behaviour
The sourcecode for the popup mechanism can be found in the popup.js
all you have to do is including this file on every page. This file contains a
JavaScript Behaviour element that will be attached to the document object. Be
sure that the jcl.js file that implements attaching the event handlers is also
To make the integration of the popup mechanism into existing pages easy for
you and to support the design view of the development environments the
mechanism is also wrapped into a web control implemented in popup.ascx
Just include this control in the page or master page. It takes care of also
including the jcl.js file.
The 2 layout versions
The popup always has the width of 220px. The height depends of the text that
is displayed.
When the keyword is on the left of the page the popup is extended to the right.
When the keyword is on the right of the page the popup is extended to the left
to avoid displaying it outside the current view.
Aspects of AJAX
Visual Effects
Building a AJAX enabled popup control
When fetching the extra information costs a lot of resources (CPU, memory
or time) on the server or is more than just a few words it is better to not
include it into the page all the time but get it from the server when the user
requests for it. This scenario is perfect for using the AJAX technology.
Using the AJAX engine
To get the information from the server we need a web service with one
method that gets a key string as parameter and returns the popup
information. We can trust this method so far that we can rely that it is
returning valid html code.
The timer object that we need to delay the popup a little bit can be completely
replaced by using the delay option of the AJAX engine.
The onmouseover event code only needs to start the AJAX engine after
checking for a valid html object.
ajax.Start(AJAXPopUpBehaviour.action, obj);
The action that describes the AJAX mechanism for the popUp keeps all the
elements of the asynchronous execution together. It prepares the server call be
fetching the url of the hyperlink, calls the GetDetails method on the server and
then finishes the action by showing the popUp control.
action: {
delay: 300,
queueMultiple: false,
prepare: function(obj) { return (obj.href); },
call: "proxies.ServerInfo.GetDetails",
finish: "",
onException: proxies.alertException
Using a Web Control
But it still can be easier by using a web control:
<ajax:PopUp runat="server" id="ajaxpopup1"
infomethod="proxies.ServerInfo.GetDetails" />
The method that returns the information to the client is made availale to the
client by including the WebService and creating a JavaScript proxy:
<script type="text/javascript"
Implementing the sample web control
On the client a JavaScript Behavior is used that is included into the page by
the web control that is executed on the server.
Aspects of AJAX
HTML and http Basics
Some HTML and http basics
Caching with AJAX applications
AJAX applications offer better response times and are faster (or at least seems
to be faster) that traditional web applications.
The main reason behind this is the separation of the initial page loading from
the loading of additional data and the absence of reloading this page again and
again when the data of the page changes.
Loading the page the first time works by using conventional call of a URL
using the http-get mechanisms. Calling the server in the background by using
asynchronous requests using the XMLHttpRequest object is the second and
often repeated part.
Caching can help to speed up both kinds of server requests and the best results
can be bought out by preventing calls to the server.
Caching the initial page download
The page that is downloaded by navigating to the URL can be improved most
effectively using the client-side cache features of the web browser. After
adding the right http headers the browser will not ask the server for the
specified time for new versions of the url-resource and will rely on the bytes
that can be found in the client-side cache. Some things must be taken care of
to make this working properly.
There is a very useful tool for windows from Eric Lawrence called fiddler.
He also wrote a good article on tuning and the http protocol:
Another article on this topic that is worth reading:
The initial page download MUST NOT contain any data or information
that changes frequently or must be available to the client very soon after
it changes.
If any change of this data is initiated by a click or any other action on the
client it is possible to force a request in this case even if the cache period
has not ended yet. In this case you can live with a long caching period
and an immediate change of the page.
The page MUST be designed to be a (almost) static resource from the
view of the client.
It however can vary for different users. When delivering personalized
versions, the caching proxy servers as well as the caching features of the
server must be turned off.
The smaller, the faster.
I do not recommend using huge graphics and many inline style attributes.
The Google applications show, that building fast web applications
without many graphics is possible.
Use include files for JavaScript and CSS-files.
Include files can be cached too on the client and can also be shared
among different pages. It is good to use include files with common
Aspects of AJAX
HTML and http Basics
functionality or styles. Rarely ore once-only include files slow down the
Use only lowercase character in URLs.
It is not obvious to windows users that page.aspx and Page.aspx are two
different resources on the web. Even if the server (IIS and ASP.NET)
treats these resources as equal, the client will retrieve and store them
twice. The fact that makes them different is the kind of writing in the
references in HTML tags "src" and "href" attributes.
Because I am never sure how a reference is written in other places I
prefer using lowercase character only.
Use the right http headers.
For the IE there are the 2 special cache specific attributes pre-check and
post-check that should be set correctly so that the IE does NOT even ask
for a version but silently uses the version of the resources found in the
client cache.
Caching the asynchronous requests
After the page is loaded there are more requests to the server now by using
asynchronous calls in the background using the XMLHttpRequest objects.
When calling long running methods on the server for example complex SQL
retrievals or expensive calculations is possible to instruct the server to cache
the results and returning them without executing the same methods multiple
In ASP.NET you can use the CacheDuration property on the WebMethod
attribute to specify the number of seconds the result may stay in the web
server cache.
A simple sample on this can be found in the article at:;en-us;318299
The advantage in this approach is that all clients share the same cache and if
there are multiple clients requesting the same service you might get very good
response times.
It’s also possible to cache on the client. An approach that leads to less traffic
on the net because repeating the same calls can be prevented. Http headers do
not help in these situations because the request is not an http-get request and
there is always a payload in the http body. Caching must therefore be done by
some scripting on the client.
The caching feature in the JavaScript WebService proxy implementation can
be enabled by calling the proxies.EnableCache method and passing the
function that should further use caching. I added a button to the
CalcFactorsAJAX.htm sample to how to enable show this:
Also the TableData.aspx sample uses caching to prevent retrieving the same
records multiple times.
By calling this method a JavaScript object is added that stored all results and
is used to prevent a call to the server if an entry for the parameter already
exists inside this object.
This is not a perfect solution, but it works under the following circumstances:
The parameter must be a string or number that can be used for indexing
the properties of a JavaScript object.
Aspects of AJAX
HTML and http Basics
The cache doesnt clear itself. It can be cleared by calling EnableCache
once again.
Only methods with a single parameter are supported.
Caching works good into AJAX applications and speeds up by preventing
calculations downloads and web server calls.
Aspects of AJAX
<%@ Page Language="C#" Debug="true" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.IO" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Net" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Xml" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Xml.Xsl" %>
/// 19.07.2005 white space removed
/// 20.07.2005 more datatypes and XML Documents
/// 04.09.2005 XslCompiledTransform
<script runat="server">
private string FetchWsdl(string url) {
if ((url != null) && (url.StartsWith("~/")))
url = Request.ApplicationPath + url.Substring(1);
Uri uri = new Uri(Request.Url, url + "?WSDL");
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(uri);
req.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
// req.Proxy = WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy; // running on the same server !
req.Timeout = 6 * 1000; // 6 seconds
WebResponse res = req.GetResponse();
#if DOTNET11
XmlDocument data = new XmlDocument();
XslTransform xsl = new XslTransform();
System.IO.StringWriter sOut = new System.IO.StringWriter();
xsl.Transform(data, null, sOut, null);
XmlReader data = XmlReader.Create(res.GetResponseStream());
XslCompiledTransform xsl = new XslCompiledTransform();
System.IO.StringWriter sOut = new System.IO.StringWriter();
xsl.Transform(data, null, sOut);
return (sOut.ToString());
} // FetchWsdl
string asText = Request.QueryString["html"];
if (asText != null) {
Response.ContentType = "text/html";
} else {
Response.ContentType = "text/text";
} // if
string fileName = Request.QueryString["service"];
if (fileName == null)
fileName = "CalcService";
// get good filenames only (local folder)
Aspects of AJAX
if ((fileName.IndexOf('$') >= 0) || (Regex.IsMatch(fileName,
@"\b(COM\d|LPT\d|CON|PRN|AUX|NUL)\b", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)))
throw new ApplicationException("Error in filename.");
if (! Server.MapPath(fileName).StartsWith(Request.PhysicalApplicationPath,
throw new ApplicationException("Can show local files only.");
string ret = FetchWsdl(fileName);
ret = Regex.Replace(ret, @"\n *", "\n");
ret = Regex.Replace(ret, @"\r\n *""", "\"");
ret = Regex.Replace(ret, @"\r\n, *""", ",\"");
ret = Regex.Replace(ret, @"\r\n\]", "]");
ret = Regex.Replace(ret, @"\r\n; *", ";");
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<xsl:stylesheet version='1.0' xmlns:xsl=''
// wsdl.xslt
// The WSDL to JavaScript transformation.
// Copyright by Matthias Hertel,
// This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Germany License.
// See
// - - - - -
// 19.07.2005 optional documentation
// 20.07.2005 more datatypes and XML Documents
// 20.07.2005 more datatypes and XML Documents fixed
// 03.12.2005 compatible to axis and bea WebServices. Thanks to Thomas Rudin
// 07.03.2006 Now this xslt is independent of the alias used for the namespace of XMLSchema in
the wsdl.
// Thanks to António Cruz for this great trick.
// 31.03.2006 Bug on xml types fixed.
// 19.11.2006 supporting (old) RPC encoding.
// 26.11.2006 better serializing complex objects
<xsl:strip-space elements="*" />
<xsl:output method="text" version="4.0" />
<xsl:param name="alias">
<xsl:value-of select="wsdl:definitions/wsdl:service/@name" />
<xsl:variable name="XSDPrefix"
select="name(//namespace::*[.=''])" />
<xsl:template match="/">
// javascript proxy for SOAP based web services
// by Matthias Hertel
/* <xsl:value-of select="wsdl:definitions/wsdl:documentation" /> */
<xsl:for-each select="/wsdl:definitions/wsdl:service/wsdl:port[soap:address]">
<xsl:call-template name="soapport" />
<xsl:template name="soapport">
proxies.<xsl:value-of select="$alias" /> = {
url: "<xsl:value-of select="soap:address/@location" />",
ns: "<xsl:value-of select="/wsdl:definitions/wsdl:types/s:schema/@targetNamespace" />"
} // proxies.<xsl:value-of select="$alias" />
Aspects of AJAX
<xsl:for-each select="/wsdl:definitions/wsdl:binding[@name = substring-
after(current()/@binding, ':')]">
<xsl:call-template name="soapbinding11" />
<xsl:template name="soapbinding11">
<xsl:variable name="portTypeName" select="substring-after(current()/@type, ':')" />
<xsl:for-each select="wsdl:operation">
<xsl:variable name="inputMessageName" select="substring-
after(/wsdl:definitions/wsdl:portType[@name = $portTypeName]/wsdl:operation[@name =
current()/@name]/wsdl:input/@message, ':')" />
<xsl:variable name="outputMessageName" select="substring-
after(/wsdl:definitions/wsdl:portType[@name = $portTypeName]/wsdl:operation[@name =
current()/@name]/wsdl:output/@message, ':')" />
/* inputMessageName='<xsl:value-of select="$inputMessageName" />',
outputMessageName='<xsl:value-of select="$outputMessageName" />' */
<xsl:for-each select="/wsdl:definitions/wsdl:portType[@name =
$portTypeName]/wsdl:operation[@name = current()/@name]/wsdl:documentation">
/** <xsl:value-of select="." /> */
proxies.<xsl:value-of select="$alias" />.<xsl:value-of select="@name" /> = function () {
return(proxies.callSoap(arguments)); }
proxies.<xsl:value-of select="$alias" />.<xsl:value-of select="@name" />.fname =
"<xsl:value-of select="@name" />";
proxies.<xsl:value-of select="$alias" />.<xsl:value-of select="@name" />.service =
proxies.<xsl:value-of select="$alias" />;
proxies.<xsl:value-of select="$alias" />.<xsl:value-of select="@name" />.action =
"\"<xsl:value-of select="soap:operation/@soapAction" />\"";
proxies.<xsl:value-of select="$alias" />.<xsl:value-of select="@name" />.params =
[<xsl:for-each select="/wsdl:definitions/wsdl:message[@name = $inputMessageName]">
<xsl:call-template name="soapMessage" />
proxies.<xsl:value-of select="$alias" />.<xsl:value-of select="@name" />.rtype = [<xsl:for-
each select="/wsdl:definitions/wsdl:message[@name = $outputMessageName]">
<xsl:call-template name="soapMessage" />
<xsl:template name="soapElem">
<xsl:param name="type"/>
<xsl:param name="name"/>
<!-- An annotation to comparisation of the types:
In XPath 1.0 there is no built in function to check if a string matches a specific type
The trick with $XSDPrefix and the 2 following variables help out of this.
Thanks to António Cruz for this great trick.
This condition works on ASP.NET with ms - extensions available:
when test="msxsl:namespace-uri($type)='' and msxsl:local-
This condition works with XPath 2.0 functions available:, (see
when test="namespace-uri-from-QName($type)='' and local-
<xsl:variable name="pre" select="substring-before($type, ':')" />
<xsl:variable name="post" select="substring-after($type, ':')" />
<xsl:when test="$pre != '' and $pre!=$XSDPrefix and $pre!='tns'">
"<xsl:value-of select="$name" />"
<xsl:when test="$post='string'">
"<xsl:value-of select="$name" />"
<xsl:when test="$post='int' or $post='unsignedInt' or $post='short' or
or $post='unsignedLong' or $post='long'">
"<xsl:value-of select="$name" />:int"
Aspects of AJAX
<xsl:when test="$post='double' or $post='float'">
"<xsl:value-of select="$name" />:float"
<xsl:when test="$post='dateTime'">
"<xsl:value-of select="$name" />:date"
<xsl:when test="$post='boolean'">
"<xsl:value-of select="$name" />:bool"
<!-- arrays !-->
<xsl:when test="$type='tns:ArrayOfString'">
"<xsl:value-of select="$name" />:s[]"
<xsl:when test="$type='tns:ArrayOfInt' or $type='tns:ArrayOfUnsignedInt' or
$type='tns:ArrayOfShort' or $type='tns:ArrayOfUnsignedShort' or $type='tns:ArrayOfLong' or
"<xsl:value-of select="$name" />:int[]"
<xsl:when test="$type='tns:ArrayOfFloat'">
"<xsl:value-of select="$name" />:float[]"
<xsl:when test="$type='tns:ArrayOfBoolean'">
"<xsl:value-of select="$name" />:bool[]"
<!-- ASP.NET datasets-->
<xsl:when test="count(./s:complexType/s:sequence/*) > 1">
"<xsl:value-of select="$name" />:ds"
<!-- XML Documents -->
<xsl:when test="./s:complexType/s:sequence/s:any">
"<xsl:value-of select="$name" />:x"
<!-- complex objects -->
<xsl:when test="substring-before($type, ':')='tns' or not($type)">
"<xsl:value-of select="$name" />:ds"
"<xsl:value-of select="$name" />"
<xsl:template name="soapMessage">
<xsl:when test="wsdl:part[@type]">
<!-- SOAP RPC encoding -->
<xsl:for-each select="wsdl:part">
<xsl:call-template name="soapElem">
<xsl:with-param name="name" select="@name" />
<xsl:with-param name="type" select="@type" />
<xsl:if test="position()!=last()">,</xsl:if>
<!-- SOAP Document encoding -->
<xsl:variable name="inputElementName" select="substring-after(wsdl:part/@element, ':')"
<xsl:call-template name="soapElem">
<xsl:with-param name="name" select="@name" />
Aspects of AJAX
<xsl:with-param name="type" select="@type" />
<xsl:if test="position()!=last()">,</xsl:if>
// ajax.js
// Common Javascript methods and global objects
// Ajax framework for Internet Explorer (6.0, ...) and Firefox (1.0, ...)
// Copyright by Matthias Hertel,
// This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Germany License.
// See
// More information on: and
// -----
// 05.06.2005 created by Matthias Hertel.
// 19.06.2005 minor corrections to webservices.
// 25.06.2005 ajax action queue and timing.
// 02.07.2005 queue up actions fixed.
// 10.07.2005 ajax.timeout
// 10.07.2005 a option object that is passed from ajax.Start() to prepare() is also queued.
// 10.07.2005 a option object that is passed from ajax.Start() to prepare(), finish()
// and onException() is also queued.
// 12.07.2005 correct xml encoding when CallSoap()
// 20.07.2005 more datatypes and XML Documents
// 20.07.2005 more datatypes and XML Documents fixed
// 06.08.2005 caching implemented.
// 07.08.2005 bugs fixed, when queuing without a delay time.
// 04.09.2005 bugs fixed, when entering non-multiple actions.
// 07.09.2005 proxies.IsActive added
// 27.09.2005 fixed error in handling bool as a datatype
// 13.12.2005 WebServices with arrays on strings, ints, floats and booleans - still undocumented
// 27.12.2005 fixed: empty string return values enabled.
// 27.12.2005 enable the late binding of proxy methods.
// 21.01.2006 void return bug fixed.
// 18.02.2006 typo: Finsh -> Finish.
// 25.02.2006 better xmlhttp request object retrieval, see
// 22.04.2006 progress indicator added.
// 28.01.2006 void return bug fixed again?
// 09.03.2006 enable late binding of prepare and finish methods by using an expression.
// ----- global variable for the proxies to webservices. -----
/// <summary>The root object for the proxies to webservices.</summary>
var proxies = new Object();
proxies.current = null; // the current active webservice call.
proxies.xmlhttp = null; // The current active xmlhttp object.
// ----- global variable for the ajax engine. -----
/// <summary>The root object for the ajax engine.</summary>
var ajax = new Object();
ajax.current = null; /// The current active AJAX action.
ajax.option = null; /// The options for the current active AJAX action.
ajax.queue = new Array(); /// The pending AJAX actions.
ajax.options = new Array(); /// The options for the pending AJAX actions.
ajax.timer = null; /// The timer for delayed actions.
ajax.progress = false; /// show a progress indicator
ajax.progressTimer = null; /// a timer-object that help displaying the progress indicator not too
Aspects of AJAX
// ----- AJAX engine and actions implementation -----
///<summary>Start an AJAX action by entering it into the queue</summary>
ajax.Start = function (action, options) {
ajax.Add(action, options);
// check if the action should start
if ((ajax.current == null) && (ajax.timer == null))
} // ajax.Start
///<summary>Start an AJAX action by entering it into the queue</summary>
ajax.Add = function (action, options) {
if (action == null) {
alert("ajax.Start: Argument action must be set.");
} // if
// enable the late binding of the methods by using a string that is evaluated.
if (typeof( == "string") = eval(;
if (typeof(action.prepare) == "string") action.prepare = eval(action.prepare);
if (typeof(action.finish) == "string") action.finish = eval(action.finish);
if ((action.queueClear != null) && (action.queueClear == true)) {
ajax.queue = new Array();
ajax.options = new Array();
} else if ((ajax.queue.length > 0) && ((action.queueMultiple == null) || (action.queueMultiple
== false))) {
// remove existing action entries from the queue and clear a running timer
if ((ajax.timer != null) && (ajax.queue[0] == action)) {
ajax.timer = null;
} // if
var n = 0;
while (n < ajax.queue.length) {
if (ajax.queue[n] == action) {
ajax.queue.splice(n, 1);
ajax.options.splice(n, 1);
} else {
} // if
} // while
} // if
if ((action.queueTop == null) || (action.queueTop == false)) {
// to the end.
} else {
// to the top
} // if
} // ajax.Add
///<summary>Check, if the next AJAX action can start.
///This is an internal method that should not be called from external.</summary>
///<remarks>for private use only.<remarks>
ajax._next = function (forceStart) {
var ca = null // current action
var co = null // current opptions
var data = null;
if (ajax.current != null)
return; // a call is active: wait more time
if (ajax.timer != null)
return; // a call is pendig: wait more time
Aspects of AJAX
if (ajax.queue.length == 0)
return; // nothing to do.
ca = ajax.queue[0];
co = ajax.options[0];
if ((forceStart == true) || (ca.delay == null) || (ca.delay == 0)) {
// start top action
ajax.current = ca;
ajax.option = co;
// get the data
if (ca.prepare != null)
try {
data = ca.prepare(co);
} catch (ex) { }
if ( == null) {
// no call
} else {
// start the call = ajax.Finish; = ajax.Exception;;
// start timeout timer
if (ca.timeout != null)
ajax.timer = window.setTimeout(ajax.Cancel, ca.timeout * 1000);
} // if
} else {
// start a timer and wait
ajax.timer = window.setTimeout(ajax.EndWait, ca.delay);
} // if
} // ajax._next
///<summary>The delay time of an action is over.</summary>
ajax.EndWait = function() {
ajax.timer = null;
} // ajax.EndWait
///<summary>The current action timed out.</summary>
ajax.Cancel = function() {
proxies.cancel(false); // cancel the current webservice call.
ajax.timer = null;
ajax.current = null;
ajax.option = null;
window.setTimeout(ajax._next, 200); // give some to time to cancel the http connection.
} // ajax.Cancel
///<summary>Finish an AJAX Action the normal way</summary>
ajax.Finish = function (data) {
// clear timeout timer if set
if (ajax.timer != null) {
ajax.timer = null;
} // if
// use the data
try {
if ((ajax.current != null) && (ajax.current.finish != null))
ajax.current.finish(data, ajax.option);
} catch (ex) { }
Aspects of AJAX
// reset the running action
ajax.current = null;
ajax.option = null;
} // ajax.Finish
///<summary>Finish an AJAX Action with an exception</summary>
ajax.Exception = function (ex) {
// use the data
if (ajax.current.onException != null)
ajax.current.onException(ex, ajax.option);
// reset the running action
ajax.current = null;
ajax.option = null;
} // ajax.Exception
///<summary>Clear the current and all pending AJAX actions.</summary>
ajax.CancelAll = function () {
// clear all pending AJAX actions in the queue.
ajax.queue = new Array();
ajax.options = new Array();
} // ajax.CancelAll
// ----- show or hide a progress indicator -----
// show a progress indicator if it takes longer...
ajax.StartProgress = function() {
ajax.progress = true;
if (ajax.progressTimer != null)
ajax.progressTimer = window.setTimeout(ajax.ShowProgress, 220);
} // ajax.StartProgress
// hide any progress indicator soon.
ajax.EndProgress = function () {
ajax.progress = false;
if (ajax.progressTimer != null)
ajax.progressTimer = window.setTimeout(ajax.ShowProgress, 20);
} // ajax.EndProgress
// this function is called by a timer to show or hide a progress indicator
ajax.ShowProgress = function() {
ajax.progressTimer = null;
var a = document.getElementById("AjaxProgressIndicator");
if (ajax.progress && (a != null)) {
// just display the existing object = document.documentElement.scrollTop + 2 + "px"; = "";
} else if (ajax.progress) {
// find a relative link to the ajaxcore folder containing ajax.js
var path = "../ajaxcore/"
for (var n in document.scripts) {
s = document.scripts[n].src;
if ((s != null) && (s.length >= 7) && (s.substr(s.length -7).toLowerCase() == "ajax.js"))
path = s.substr(0,s.length -7);
} // for
// create new standard progress object
a = document.createElement("div"); = "AjaxProgressIndicator";
Aspects of AJAX
126 = "absolute"; = "2px"; = document.documentElement.scrollTop + 2 + "px"; = "98px"; = "16px" = "2px"; = "bottom";"#51c77d";
a.innerHTML = "<img style='vertical-align:bottom' src='" + path + "ajax-
loader.gif'>&nbsp;please wait...";
} else if (a) {"none";
} // if
} // ajax.ShowProgress
// ----- webservice proxy implementation -----
///<summary>Execute a soap call.
///Build the xml for the call of a soap method of a webservice
///and post it to the server.</summary>
proxies.callSoap = function (args) {
var p = args.callee;
var x = null;
// check for existing cache-entry
if (p._cache != null) {
if ((p.params.length == 1) && (args.length == 1) && (p._cache[args[0]] != null)) {
if (p.func != null) {
} else {
} // if
} else {
p._cachekey = args[0];
}// if
} // if
proxies.current = p;
// from
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
// if IE7, Mozilla, Safari, etc: Use native object
x = new XMLHttpRequest()
} else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
// ...otherwise, use the ActiveX control for IE5.x and IE6
try { x = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { }
if (x == null)
try { x = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { }
} // if
proxies.xmlhttp = x;
// envelope start
var soap = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>"
+ "<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=''>"
+ "<soap:Body>"
+ "<" + p.fname + " xmlns='" + p.service.ns + "'>";
// parameters
for (n = 0; (n < p.params.length) && (n < args.length); n++) {
var val = args[n];
var typ = p.params[n].split(':');
if ((typ.length == 1) || (typ[1] == "string")) {
val = String(args[n]).replace(/&/g, "&amp;").replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;");
} else if (typ[1] == "int") {
Aspects of AJAX
val = parseInt(args[n]);
} else if (typ[1] == "float") {
val = parseFloat(args[n]);
} else if ((typ[1] == "x") && (typeof(args[n]) == "string")) {
val = args[n];
} else if ((typ[1] == "x") && (typeof(XMLSerializer) != "undefined")) {
val = (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(args[n].firstChild);
} else if (typ[1] == "x") {
val = args[n].xml;
} else if ((typ[1] == "bool") && (typeof(args[n]) == "string")) {
val = args[n].toLowerCase();
} else if (typ[1] == "bool") {
val = String(args[n]).toLowerCase();
} else if (typ[1] == "date") {
// calculate the xml format for datetime objects from a javascript date object
var s, ret;
ret = String(val.getFullYear());
ret += "-";
s = String(val.getMonth() + 1);
ret += (s.length == 1 ? "0" + s : s);
ret += "-";
s = String(val.getDate() + 1);
ret += (s.length == 1 ? "0" + s : s);
ret += "T";
s = String(val.getHours() + 1);
ret += (s.length == 1 ? "0" + s : s);
ret += ":";
s = String(val.getMinutes() + 1);
ret += (s.length == 1 ? "0" + s : s);
ret += ":";
s = String(val.getSeconds() + 1);
ret += (s.length == 1 ? "0" + s : s);
val = ret;
} else if (typ[1] == "s[]") {
val = "<string>" + args[n].join("</string><string>") + "</string>";
} else if (typ[1] == "int[]") {
val = "<int>" + args[n].join("</int><int>") + "</int>";
} else if (typ[1] == "float[]") {
val = "<float>" + args[n].join("</float><float>") + "</float>";
} else if (typ[1] == "bool[]") {
val = "<boolean>" + args[n].join("</boolean><boolean>") + "</boolean>";
} // if
soap += "<" + typ[0] + ">" + val + "</" + typ[0] + ">"
} // for
// envelope end
soap += "</" + p.fname + ">"
+ "</soap:Body>"
+ "</soap:Envelope>";
// enable cookieless sessions:
var u = p.service.url;
var cs = document.location.href.match(/\/\(.*\)\//);
if (cs != null) {
u = p.service.url.split('/');
u[3] += cs[0].substr(0, cs[0].length-1);
u = u.join('/');
} // if"POST", u, (p.func != null));
Aspects of AJAX
x.setRequestHeader("SOAPAction", p.action);
x.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8");
if (p.corefunc != null) {
// async call with xmlhttp-object as parameter
x.onreadystatechange = p.corefunc;
} else if (p.func != null) {
// async call
x.onreadystatechange = proxies._response;
} else {
// sync call
} // if
} // proxies.callSoap
// cancel the running webservice call.
// raise: set raise to false to prevent raising an exception
proxies.cancel = function(raise) {
var cc = proxies.current;
var cx = proxies.xmlhttp;
if (raise == null) raise == true;
if (proxies.xmlhttp != null) {
proxies.xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { };
if (raise && (proxies.current.onException != null))
proxies.current.onException("WebService call was canceled.")
proxies.current = null;
proxies.xmlhttp = null;
} // if
} // proxies.cancel
// px is a proxies.service.func object !
proxies.EnableCache = function (px) {
// attach an empty _cache object.
px._cache = new Object();
} // proxies.EnableCache
// check, if a call is currently waiting for a result
proxies.IsActive = function () {
return(proxies.xmlhttp != null);
} // proxies.IsActive
///<summary>Callback method for a webservice call that dispatches the response to servive.func or
///<remarks>for private use only.<remarks>
proxies._response = function () {
var ret = null;
var x = proxies.xmlhttp;
var cc = proxies.current;
var rtype = null;
if ((cc.rtype.length > 0) && (cc.rtype[0] != null))
rtype = cc.rtype[0].split(':');
if ((x != null) && (x.readyState == 4)) {
if (x.status == 200) {
var xNode = null;
if (rtype != null)
xNode = x.responseXML.getElementsByTagName(rtype[0])[0];
if (xNode == null) {
Aspects of AJAX
ret = null;
} else if (xNode.firstChild == null) { // 27.12.2005: empty string return values
ret = ((rtype.length == 1) || (rtype[1] == "string") ? "" : null);
} else if ((rtype.length == 1) || (rtype[1] == "string")) {
ret = (xNode.textContent ? xNode.textContent : xNode.text);
} else if (rtype[1] == "bool") {
ret = ((xNode.textContent ? xNode.textContent : xNode.text).toLowerCase() == "true");
} else if (rtype[1] == "int") {
ret = parseInt(xNode.textContent ? xNode.textContent : xNode.text);
} else if (rtype[1] == "float") {
ret = parseFloat(xNode.textContent ? xNode.textContent : xNode.text);
} else if ((rtype[1] == "x") && (typeof(XMLSerializer) != "undefined")) {
ret = (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(xNode.firstChild);
ret = ajax._getXMLDOM(ret);
} else if ((rtype[1] == "ds") && (typeof(XMLSerializer) != "undefined")) {
// ret = (new
ret = (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(xNode);
ret = ajax._getXMLDOM(ret);
} else if (rtype[1] == "x") {
ret = xNode.firstChild.xml;
ret = ajax._getXMLDOM(ret);
} else if (rtype[1] == "ds") {
// ret = xNode.firstChild.nextSibling.firstChild.xml;
ret = xNode.xml;
ret = ajax._getXMLDOM(ret);
} else if (rtype[1] == "s[]") {
// Array of strings
ret = new Array();
xNode = xNode.firstChild;
while (xNode != null) {
ret.push(xNode.textContent ? xNode.textContent : xNode.text);
xNode = xNode.nextSibling;
} // while
} else if (rtype[1] == "int[]") {
// Array of int
ret = new Array();
xNode = xNode.firstChild;
while (xNode != null) {
ret.push(parseInt(xNode.textContent ? xNode.textContent : xNode.text));
xNode = xNode.nextSibling;
} // while
} else if (rtype[1] == "float[]") {
// Array of float
ret = new Array();
xNode = xNode.firstChild;
while (xNode != null) {
ret.push(parseFloat(xNode.textContent ? xNode.textContent : xNode.text));
xNode = xNode.nextSibling;
} // while
} else if (rtype[1] == "bool[]") {
// Array of bool
ret = new Array();
xNode = xNode.firstChild;
while (xNode != null) {
ret.push((xNode.textContent ? xNode.textContent : xNode.text).toLowerCase() == "true");
xNode = xNode.nextSibling;
} // while
} else {
Aspects of AJAX
ret = (xNode.textContent ? xNode.textContent : xNode.text);
} // if
// store to _cache
if ((cc._cache != null) && (cc._cachekey != null)) {
cc._cache[cc._cachekey] = ret;
cc._cachekey = null;
} // if
proxies.xmlhttp = null;
proxies.current = null;
if (cc.func == null) {
return(ret); // sync
} else {
cc.func(ret); // async
} // if
} else if (proxies.current.onException == null) {
// no exception
} else {
// raise an exception
ret = new Error();
if (x.status == 404) {
ret.message = "The webservice could not be found.";
} else if (x.status == 500) { = "SoapException";
var n = x.responseXML.documentElement.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild;
while (n != null) {
if (n.nodeName == "faultcode") ret.message = n.firstChild.nodeValue;
if (n.nodeName == "faultstring") ret.description = n.firstChild.nodeValue;
n = n.nextSibling;
} // while
} else if ((x.status == 502) || (x.status == 12031)) {
ret.message = "The server could not be found.";
} else {
// no classified response.
ret.message = "Result-Status:" + x.status + "\n" + x.responseText;
} // if
} // if
proxies.xmlhttp = null;
proxies.current = null;
} // if
} // proxies._response
///<summary>Callback method to show the result of a soap call in an alert box.</summary>
///<remarks>To set up a debug output in an alert box use:
///proxies.service.method.corefunc = proxies.alertResult;</remarks>
proxies.alertResult = function () {
var x = proxies.xmlhttp;
if (x.readyState == 4) {
if (x.status == 200) {
if (x.responseXML.documentElement.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild == null)
alert("(no result)");
} else if (x.status == 404) { alert("Error!\n\nThe webservice could not be found.");
} else if (x.status == 500) {
// a SoapException
var ex = new Error();
Aspects of AJAX
131 = "SoapException";
var n = x.responseXML.documentElement.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild;
while (n != null) {
if (n.nodeName == "faultcode") ex.message = n.firstChild.nodeValue;
if (n.nodeName == "faultstring") ex.description = n.firstChild.nodeValue;
n = n.nextSibling;
} // while
alert("The server threw an exception.\n\n" + ex.message + "\n\n" + ex.description);
} else if (x.status == 502) { alert("Error!\n\nThe server could not be found.");
} else {
// no classified response.
alert("Result-Status:" + x.status + "\n" + x.responseText);
} // if
proxies.xmlhttp = null;
proxies.current = null;
} // if
} // proxies.alertResult
///<summary>Show all the details of the returned data of a webservice call.
///Use this method for debugging transmission problems.</summary>
///<remarks>To set up a debug output in an alert box use:
///proxies.service.method.corefunc = proxies.alertResponseText;</remarks>
proxies.alertResponseText = function () {
if (proxies.xmlhttp.readyState == 4)
alert("Status:" + proxies.xmlhttp.status + "\nRESULT:" + proxies.xmlhttp.responseText);
} // proxies.alertResponseText
///<summary>show the details about an exception.</summary>
proxies.alertException = function(ex) {
var s = "Exception:\n\n";
if (ex.constructor == String) {
s = ex;
} else {
if (( != null) && ( != ""))
s += "Type: " + + "\n\n";
if ((ex.message != null) && (ex.message != ""))
s += "Message:\n" + ex.message + "\n\n";
if ((ex.description != null) && (ex.description != "") && (ex.message != ex.description))
s += "Description:\n" + ex.description + "\n\n";
} // if
} // proxies.alertException
///<summary>Get a browser specific implementation of the XMLDOM object, containing a XML
///<param name="xmlText">the xml document as string.</param>
ajax._getXMLDOM = function (xmlText) {
var obj = null;
if ((document.implementation != null) && (typeof document.implementation.createDocument ==
"function")) {
// Gecko / Mozilla / Firefox
var parser = new DOMParser();
obj = parser.parseFromString(xmlText, "text/xml");
} else {
// IE
try {
obj = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument");
} catch (e) { }
if (obj == null) {
try {
obj = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
Aspects of AJAX
} catch (e) { }
} // if
if (obj != null) {
obj.async = false;
obj.validateOnParse = false;
} // if
} // if
} // _getXMLDOM
///<summary>show the details of a javascript object.</summary>
///<remarks>This helps a lot while developing and debugging.</remarks>
function inspectObj(obj) {
var s = "InspectObj:";
if (obj == null) {
s = "(null)"; alert(s); return;
} else if (obj.constructor == String) {
s = "\"" + obj + "\"";
} else if (obj.constructor == Array) {
s += " _ARRAY";
} else if (typeof(obj) == "function") {
s += " [function]" + obj;
} else if ((typeof(XMLSerializer) != "undefined") && (obj.constructor == XMLDocument)) {
s = "[XMLDocument]:\n" + (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(obj.firstChild);
alert(s); return;
} else if ((obj.constructor == null) && (typeof(obj) == "object") && (obj.xml != null)) {
s = "[XML]:\n" + obj.xml;
alert(s); return;
for (p in obj) {
try {
if (obj[p] == null) {
s += "\n" + String(p) + " (...)";
} else if (typeof(obj[p]) == "function") {
s += "\n" + String(p) + " [function]";
} else if (obj[p].constructor == Array) {
s += "\n" + String(p) + " [ARRAY]: " + obj[p];
for (n = 0; n < obj[p].length; n++)
s += "\n " + n + ": " + obj[p][n];
} else {
s += "\n" + String(p) + " [" + typeof(obj[p]) + "]: " + obj[p];
} // if
} catch (e) { s+= e;}
} // for
} // inspectObj
// ----- End -----
// jcl.js: JavaScript Common behaviors Library
// -----
// Behaviour loading and DataConnections for AJAX Controls
// Copyright by Matthias Hertel,
// This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Germany License.
// See
// More information on: and
// -----
// 12.08.2005 created
// 31.08.2005 jcl object used instead of global methods and objects
// 04.09.2005 GetPropValue added.
Aspects of AJAX
// 15.09.2005 CloneObject added.
// 27.09.2005 nosubmit attribute without forms bug fixed.
// 29.12.2005 FindBehaviourElement added.
// 02.04.2005 term method added to release bound html objects.
// 07.05.2006 controlsPath added.
// 09.05.2006 Raise only changed values.
// 09.05.2006 Load() and RaiseAll() added to support default-values on page start.
// 03.06.2006 binding to the document enabled for FF.
var isIE = (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") > 0);
var jcl = {
// attach events, methods and default-values to a html object (using the english spelling)
LoadBehaviour: function (obj, behavior) {
if ((obj != null) && (obj.constructor == String))
obj = document.getElementById(obj);
if (obj == null) {
alert("LoadBehaviour: obj argument is missing.");
} else if (behavior == null) {
alert("LoadBehaviour: behavior argument is missing.");
} else {
if ((! isIE) && (obj.attributes != null)) {
// copy all attributes to
for (var n = 0; n < obj.attributes.length; n++)
if (obj[obj.attributes[n].name] == null)
obj[obj.attributes[n].name] = obj.attributes[n].value;
} // if
for (var p in behavior) {
if (p.substr(0, 2) == "on") {
this.AttachEvent(obj, p, behavior[p]);
} else if ((behavior[p] == null) || (behavior[p].constructor != Function)) {
// set default-value
if (obj[p] == null)
obj[p] = behavior[p];
} else {
// attach method
obj[p] = behavior[p];
} // if
} // for
obj._attachedBehaviour = behavior;
} // if
if (obj != null)
}, // LoadBehaviour
/// find the parent node that has the bahaviour attached.
FindBehaviourElement: function (obj, behaviorDef) {
while ((obj != null) && (obj._attachedBehaviour != behaviorDef))
obj = obj.parentNode;
// cross browser compatible helper to register for events
AttachEvent: function (obj, eventname, handler) {
if (isIE) {
obj.attachEvent(eventname, handler);
} else {
obj.addEventListener(eventname.substr(2), handler, false);
} // if
}, // AttachEvent
// cross browser compatible helper to register for events
DetachEvent: function (obj, eventname, handler) {
Aspects of AJAX
if (isIE) {
obj.detachEvent(eventname, handler);
} else {
obj.removeEventListener(eventname.substr(2), handler, false);
} // if
}, // DetachEvent
CloneObject: function (srcObject) {
var tarObject = new Object();
for (p in srcObject)
tarObject[p] = srcObject[p];
}, // CloneObject
// Link all objects with behaviors
List: [],
// ----- Data connections between Controls on the client side. -----
DataConnections: {
// Providers: { },
_consumers: { },
_values: { },
// remember an object to be a provider
RegisterProvider: function (obj, propName) {
// no need for this yet.
// remember an object to be a consumer
RegisterConsumer: function (obj, propName) {
propName = propName.toLowerCase();
if (this._consumers[propName] == null)
this._consumers[propName] = new Array();
// Load a property but do not Raise an event.
Load: function (propName, propValue) {
propName = propName.toLowerCase();
// store actual property value
this._values[propName] = propValue;
}, // Load
// broadcast the change notification of a property
// set force to true to raise an event even if the value has not changed.
Raise: function (propName, propValue, force) {
propName = propName.toLowerCase();
if ((this._values[propName] != propValue) || (force == true)) {
// store actual property value
this._values[propName] = propValue;
// Send to property specific Consumers
var _consumers = this._consumers[propName];
if (_consumers != null) {
for (var n = 0; n < _consumers.length; n++) {
_consumers[n].GetValue(propName, propValue);
} // for
} // if
// Send to wildcard _consumers too
_consumers = this._consumers["*"];
if (_consumers != null) {
for (var n = 0; n < _consumers.length; n++) {
_consumers[n].GetValue(propName, propValue);
} // for
} // if
Aspects of AJAX
// store actual property value
this._values[propName] = propValue;
} // if
}, // Raise
RaiseAll: function () {
for (prop in this._values) {
var val = this._values[prop];
this.Raise(prop, val, true);
}, // RaiseAll
// send the change notification of a property directly to another object.
RaiseDirect: function (obj, propName, propValue) {
if (obj.constructor == String)
obj = document.getElementById(obj);
propName = propName.toLowerCase();
obj.GetValue(propName, propValue);
// store actual property value
this._values[propName] = propValue;
}, // RaiseDirect
// retrieve an actual property value
GetPropValue: function (propName) {
propName = propName.toLowerCase();
}, // GetPropValue
// persist an actual property value into a local cookie
PersistPropValue: function (propName) {
propName = propName.toLowerCase();
window.document.cookie = "jcl." + propName + "=" + escape(this._values[propName]);
} // PersistPropValue
}, // DataConnections
// find a relative link to the controls folder containing jcl.js
GetControlsPath: function () {
var path = "../controls/"
for (var n in document.scripts) {
s = String(document.scripts[n].src);
if ((s != null) && (s.length >= 6) && (s.substr(s.length -6).toLowerCase() == "jcl.js"))
path = s.substr(0,s.length -6);
} // for
}, // GetControlsPath
// init all objects when the page is loaded
onload: function(evt) {
evt = evt || window.event;
for (var n in jcl.List) {
var obj = jcl.List[n];
if ((obj != null) && (obj.init != null))
} // for
// raise all persisted values
var pv = document.cookie.replace(/; /g, ";").split(";");
for (n in pv) {
if (pv[n].substr(0, 4) == "jcl.") {
var p = pv[n].substr(4).split("=");
jcl.DataConnections.Raise(p[0], p[1]);
} // if
} // for
Aspects of AJAX
}, // onload
// init all objects when the page is loaded
onunload: function(evt) {
evt = evt || window.event;
for (var n in jcl.List) {
var obj = jcl.List[n];
if ((obj != null) && (obj.term != null))
} // for
}, // onunload
// allow non-submitting input elements
onkeypress: function(evt) {
evt = evt || window.event;
if (evt.keyCode == 13) {
var obj = document.activeElement;
while ((obj != null) && (obj.nosubmit == null))
obj = obj.parentNode;
if ((obj != null) && ((obj.nosubmit == true) || (obj.nosubmit.toLowerCase() == "true"))) {
// cancle ENTER / RETURN
evt.cancelBubble = true;
evt.returnValue = false;
} // if
} // if
}, // onkeypress
init: function () {
this.AttachEvent(window, "onload", this.onload);
this.AttachEvent(window, "onunload", this.onunload);
this.AttachEvent(document, "onkeypress", this.onkeypress);
} // jcl
// ----- make FF more IE compatible -----
if (! isIE) {
// ----- HTML objects -----
HTMLElement.prototype.__defineGetter__("innerText", function () { return(this.textContent); });
HTMLElement.prototype.__defineSetter__("innerText", function (txt) { this.textContent = txt;
HTMLElement.prototype.__defineGetter__("XMLDocument", function () {
return ((new DOMParser()).parseFromString(this.innerHTML, "text/xml"));
// ----- Event objects -----
// enable using evt.srcElement in Mozilla/Firefox
Event.prototype.__defineGetter__("srcElement", function () {
var node =;
while (node.nodeType != 1) node = node.parentNode;
// test this:
if (node != alert("Unexpected!")
return node;
// enable using evt.cancelBubble=true in Mozilla/Firefox
Event.prototype.__defineSetter__("cancelBubble", function (b) {
if (b) this.stopPropagation();
Aspects of AJAX
// enable using evt.returnValue=false in Mozilla/Firefox
Event.prototype.__defineSetter__("returnValue", function (b) {
if (!b) this.preventDefault();
// ----- XML objects -----
// select the first node that matches the XPath expression
// xPath: the XPath expression to use
XMLDocument.prototype.selectSingleNode = function(xPath) {
var doc = this;
if (doc.nodeType != 9)
doc = doc.ownerDocument;
if (doc.nsResolver == null) doc.nsResolver = function(prefix) { return(null); };
var node = doc.evaluate(xPath, this, doc.nsResolver, XPathResult.ANY_UNORDERED_NODE_TYPE,
if (node != null) node = node.singleNodeValue;
}; // selectSingleNode
Node.prototype.__defineGetter__("text", function () {
}); // text
// ----- End -----
function _getCookie() {
var ret = "";
var docCookie = this.element.document.cookie;
var index = docCookie.indexOf("P2PART=");
if (index >= 0)
ret = docCookie.substring(index+7).split(';')[0];
return (unescape(ret));
} // _getCookie
function _setCookie(aName, Props) {
var p;
try {
p = String(window.location.href).split('/');
p = p.slice(3, p.length-1).join('/');
this.element.document.cookie = aName + "=" + Props + "; path=/" + p + "; expires=" +
} catch (e) {}
} // _setCookie
Aspects of AJAX
JavaScript Proxy Reference
This is the map of the objects and properties that are used for the proxy
functions to work:
The proxies and service objects
Public usable members
Property Usage
proxies.service.function() Calling a server-side method.
proxies.service.function.func This property is used to assign the function that receives the
result of the server call when communicating asynchronously.
proxies.service.function.onException This property is used to assign the function that receives the
exceptions of the communication and server site execution of
the call.
proxies.service.function.corefunc Debugging helper function that should normally be null. See
proxies.EnableCache(func) The function for enabling the caching feature of a specific
server-side function.
proxies.IsActive() This function returns true when a asynchronous call is started
and waiting for the response.
proxies.cancel(raise) This function can be called to cancel the running
asynchronous WebService call. the parameter raise can be set
to false to prevent the raising an exception.
proxies.alertResult A function that can be used to show the result of a SOAP
response as text. See below.
proxies.alertResponseText A function that can be used to show the real text of a SOAP
response. See below.
Aspects of AJAX
proxies.alertException A function that can be used to show eventually thrown
exceptions. This is a simple implementation of passing
exceptions to the user by using an alert message box.
Members set by the proxy generator
Property Usage
proxies.service.url URL of the WebServices.
proxies.service.ns Namespace of the WebServices.
proxies.service.function() A small function is generated thet starts the communication by
calling proxies.callSoap().
proxies.service.function.fname Name of the method.
proxies.service.function.action The Soapaction value of the method, used in the http header.
proxies.service.function.params Array with the names and types of the parameters.
proxies.service.function.service A link back to the service object.
proxies.EnableCache(func) The method for enabling the caching feature.
Private members
Property Usage
proxies.callSoap() This function implements the start of the client-server communication
by sending a SOAP message.
proxies._response() The callback function for the XMLHttpRequest object that dispatches
the response to servive.func or service.onException.
ajax._getXMLDOM() Get a browser specific implementation of the XMLDOM object,
containing a XML document.
proxies.current A property that references the current executed function during a call.
proxies.xmlhttp A property that hold the current active XMLHttpRequest object during
a call.
Aspects of AJAX
DataConnections Reference
DataConnections.RegisterProvider(obj, propName)
An object that provides a property must register itself using this function.
The name of the property set to a '*'-character to register for all existing
DataConnections.RegisterConsumer(obj, propName)
An object that wants to be informed about the values of a property must
register itself using this function.
The name of the property can be specified by a star-character to register for
any properties that exist on the page.
DataConnections.Raise(propName, propValue)
This function must be called to raise the change of a property. All registered
objects for this property get their GetValue method are called immediately.
This function can be used to poll the actual value of a property. This
eliminates the need for implementing a array of the current values of the
properties an multiple controls.
Using this function a property can be persisted into a cookie value and will be
raised when the page loads again. This help a lot for surviving page reloads.
The used cookie is not a permanent cookie so the content will be not available
after the browser was closed.
control.GetValue(propName, propValue)
This function must be implemented by a control to receive the notification
Aspects of AJAX
Drip is a tool that hosts and controls the IE and helps detecting the IE typical
memory leaks:
Fiddler, a http monitor tool:
Firebug; a fantastic debugger for the Firefox browser:
The Mozilla/Firefox specific implementation of behaviors (XML Behaviour
The IE specific implementation of behaviors (Hyper Text Components):
Search for IE behavior implementations using Google:
The Microsoft Atlas framework:
Another Behaviour implementation:
Cross Browser implementation tips
Quirksmode, a site that explains the difference and helps a lot implementing
web sites for different browsers:
A description on how to migrate apps from Internet Explorer to Mozilla:
Curious: the document at contains
a lot of important hints on how to implement cross browser compatible pages
but is itself not cross browser compatible. IE shows a blank page. Read it
using Firefox!
There is also a book available from oreilly:
The Java Script Object Notation web site:
Latest SOAP versions:
JavaScript / ECMA-262 / ECMAScript: http://www.ecma-
The XMLHttpRequest Object Standard specification (Draft in July 2006)
http 1.1 Specification:
Aspects of AJAX
Read about the SOAP Basic Profile at
Read some arguments against the SOAP encoding at
A good article about the “this” keyword and the "Scope in JavaScript" from
Mike West was published at http://digital-
The article “Rethinking JavaScript Objects” of Nicholas C. Zakas at: