Practice Brief
(2023 Update)
Karen Marini Carr, MS, BSN, RN, CDIP, CCDS
Cheryl Ericson, MS, RN, CDIP, CCDS
Margaret M. Foley, PhD, RHIA, CCS
Pamela Hess, DBA, MA, RHIA, CDIP, CCS
Michael Stearns, MD, CPC, CRC, CFPC
Anny Pang Yuen, RHIA, CCS, CDIP, CCDS
Roberta Baranda, MS, RHIA, CHP
Lateka M. Benson, PhD, MHA, RHIT, CCS
Rebecca Conroy Bargfrede, RHIA, CCS-P, MS, SHRM-SCP, CHC
Vicki Buchanan, RHIA, CHPS
Patricia Buttner, MBA/HCM, RHIA, CHDA, CDIP, CPHI, CCS
Angela Campbell, MSHI, RHIA, FAHIMA
Gretchen Catlett, RHIA, CHPS, HCISPP
Tammy Combs, MSN, RN, CNE, CDIP, CCS
Phillip Duong, MS, RHIA, CCA
Brandi Durkin, RHIA
Julie Engelland, RHIT, CCS, CIC
Cherri Fields, RHIT
Sally Gibbs, MA, RHIA, CCS
Ashley Hendry, MBA, MSL, RHIA
Theresa M. Honsey, RHIA
Mary Hopkins, MSHI, RHIA
Shannon Houser, PhD, MPH, RHIA, FAHIMA
April Insco, PhD, RHIA, CHDA, CPHI, CCS
Regina Kraus, RHIA, CDIP
Donna S. Lehner, RHIA, CDIP, CCS
Monica Leisch, RHIA, CDIP, CCS
Carole Liebner, RHIT, CDIP, CCS
Rosann M. McLean, DHSc, MS, RHIA, CDIP
Melany Merryman, RHIA, MSL
Will Morriss, CCS
Vicki Olson, RHIT
Heather Pinske, MBA, RHIA
Casey Richard, MBA, RHIA, CPC, CRC
Dr. Susan H. Richardson, MHSA, RHIA, CPHQ, CHTS-CP
Veronica Richardson, RHIA, CHPS
Reba Sanders, RHIA
Nicole Shearer, RHIA
Elizabeth L. Sheridan, RHIT, CHPS
Gayla Smith, RHIT
Tracy Stanley, RHIT
Rhonda Ward, RHIA
The concept of clinical validation may appear simple; however, its application is complex as medical
conditions may not have universally accepted diagnostic and management criteria. The term clinical
validation is used broadly within the industry. For the purpose of this practice brief, clinical validation will
be discussed as it was defined by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) in the 2011 Statement
of Work (SOW) for the Recovery Audit Program: “Clinical validation is a separate process, which involves
a clinical review of the case to see whether or not the patient truly possesses the conditions that were
(p. 23) Although the SOW for the most recently awarded recovery auditor contract (RAC)
in 2021 specifically states, “clinical validation is prohibited in all RAC reviews,” clinical validation has
become a primary denial tool for many commercial payors.
(p. 23)
Clinical validation should not be confused with clinical practice. Clinical practice refers to the providers
role of diagnosing and treating the patient. Clinical validation pertains to provider documentation and
how it translates into medical codes. It is the organization’s responsibility to ensure all documented
and reported diagnoses are clinically valid. The introduction to the
Official Guidelines for Coding
and Reporting (to be referenced in the remainder of this practice brief as “Coding Guidelines”)
advises, “[a] joint effort between the healthcare provider and the coder is essential to achieve complete
and accurate documentation, code assignment, and reporting of diagnoses and procedures.
(p. 1).
Increasingly, the clinical documentation integrity (CDI) professional is also involved in this process and
acts as an intermediary between the provider and coding professional to concurrently obtain additional
documentation needed to support the accurate reporting of diagnosis and procedure codes on claims.
The importance of consistent, complete documentation in the medical record cannot be
overemphasized. Without such documentation, accurate coding cannot be achieved,
(p.1) states the
Coding Guidelines. Determining if a diagnosis is reportable is often the domain of the coding professional
who collaborates with providers and CDI professionals. The process of determining if a diagnosis/code is
reportable on a claim is different from clinical validation. When a diagnosis is documented in the health
record by the medical provider, the coding professional may consider it reportable based on the Coding
Guidelines, Section I.A.19, but it may not be fully supported by the clinical evidence (clinically valid)
available within the health record.
Clinical validation should not be confused with the validation process used for risk adjustment. The
American Hospital Association (AHA) Coding Clinic® addressed this topic (Second Quarter, 2022, page
30) explaining that risk adjustment coding is not restricted to the codes included on a single claim related
to a specific episode of care; it is based on conditions collected during the calendar year. Regardless
of the payment mechanism being used and the healthcare setting, professional coders must follow
applicable coding guidance for the reporting of diagnoses on a claim. This practice brief seeks to explain
and clarify the clinical validation process.
The Clinical Validation Process
As mentioned above, the clinical
validation process involves a clinical
review of the health record to identify
potential gaps between documented
diagnoses and the corresponding
clinical evidence. Sometimes the gaps
are easily remedied by querying the
provider for additional documentation
to support the diagnosis in question.
At times, the clinical evidence may
be so sparse that when queried, the
provider determines the diagnosis
is not sufficiently supported.
Subsequently, the diagnosis would not
be considered valid and should not
be reported. When this occurs, the
documentation in the health record
should be updated to support the
ruling out of the diagnosis.
In general, all diagnoses documented in the patient’s health record should be substantiated by clinical
criteria accepted by the medical community. When performing a review for clinical validation, a good
practice is to ask if other providers who evaluate this patient, based on the same clinical evidence, would
arrive at the same diagnosis. When defining the clinical validation process for an organization, it is
important to first determine who will perform the clinical validation reviews.
Depending on the needs of the organization, the clinical validation process can be performed by
professionals with a variety of backgrounds (e.g., coding, nursing, physician, CDI, etc.). Clinical validation
reviews require a strong clinical knowledge base and may not be feasible for all CDI and/or coding
professionals without additional training. Ideally, this process is incorporated into the concurrent CDI
professional review process as the reviewer should already be considering clinical indicators when
identifying documentation gaps and/or discrepancies requiring additional provider clarification. The
professional performing clinical validation reviews should possess strong critical thinking skills as well,
especially when using assistive technology. Clinical validation requires an understanding of the complete
clinical picture to validate the technology recommendations and identify false positives that result from
inappropriate pattern recognition. For example, assistive technologies often focus on key phrases in the
health record but may fail to identify conflicting documentation in other parts of the same clinical note,
such as review of systems or physical exam, which nullify the technology suggested diagnosis.
Because the clinical validation reviews are not always clear cut, it may be necessary to create a second
level clinical validation review process. The purpose of a second level clinical validation process would be
to collaborate with denials management to identify diagnoses that may require closer scrutiny due to a
high risk of denial. If an organization cannot provide information regarding clinical validation denials, the
AHIMA Denials Management Toolkit may be referenced as an additional resource. Some diagnoses are
always vulnerable to denial due to a lack of universal consensus as to how the condition should be defined
by the medical community. Other diagnoses may be vulnerable to denials on a case-by-case basis due
to ambiguity or inconsistency within the associated health record. It is recommended that the facility
address and correct the root cause leading to the ambiguity and, if the root cause cannot be corrected,
create a second-level process to allow an in-depth review that includes all clinical notes (e.g., provider,
nursing, therapist, etc.) that may support the clinical validity of the documented diagnosis. As mentioned
above, a strong understanding of clinical indicators is necessary to perform clinical validation reviews.
Determining the clinical validity of a reported condition can be subjective, making it difficult to appeal
a denial. Furthermore, payers and healthcare organizations may have their own clinical validation
criteria, definitions, and thresholds. What is the required threshold necessary to clinically validate a
diagnosis? CMS advises, “As with all codes, clinical evidence should be present in the health record to
support code assignment.
(p. 3) CMS does not define diagnoses unless specified in a National Coverage
Determination (NCD) or Local Coverage Determination (LCD). Otherwise, CMS requires the following:
All entries in the medical record must be complete. A medical record is considered complete if it contains
sufficient information to identify the patient; support the diagnosis/condition; justify the care, treatment,
and services; document the course and results of care, treatment, and services; and promote continuity
of care among providers. With these criteria in mind, an individual entry into the medical record must
contain sufficient information on the matter that is the subject of the entry to permit the medical record
to satisfy the completeness standard.
(p. 2)
Some diagnoses are frequently validated by their treatment (e.g., sepsis, acute respiratory failure, severe
malnutrition, etc.) but others may only require monitoring and/or clinical evaluation. Clinical validation
professionals should question denials based on the requirement that every diagnosis must be treated as
that is in conflict with the Coding Guidelines Section III, which advises that, in the inpatient setting, “only
one of the listed criteria needs to be met, such as requires clinical evaluation, therapeutic treatment,
diagnostic procedures, extended hospital stay, or increased nursing care/monitoring.
Relying on monitoring and clinical evaluation to justify the
reporting of a diagnosis can lead to denials if there is inadequate
documentation to demonstrate that the patient is receiving more
than routine care. For example, a commonly challenged diagnosis
is acute blood loss anemia. This diagnosis may be considered
routine/expected when documented in the health record for surgical
patients having a procedure that routinely requires treatment
with blood products during surgery, such as hip replacement, and
coronary artery bypass. It is also routine practice for many providers
to order a complete blood count for hospitalized surgical patients.
Both examples may result in clinical validation denials unless the
provider specifically states in the assessment and plan why this is
not routine care. Best practice is to educate providers to document
when and why a patient requires more than routine care.
Clinical Definitions and Criteria
Organizations may choose to establish clinical definitions based on professional medical guidelines,
consensus, and evidence-based sources. It is important to note that these clinical definitions serve only
to create standardization within the organization and are not binding with either Medicare or other
payers. It is important to note that not all patients will display the same indicators for a given diagnosis
and not all providers will use the same clinical criteria when diagnosing a condition. When contracting
with payers, organizations should require that Coding Guidelines be followed when reviewing claims to
potentially mitigate future denials. According to these Coding Guidelines, if a diagnosis is documented
it is considered reportable and the coder must report that diagnosis. The AHA Coding Clinic (Fourth
Quarter, 2016, pp. 147-149) Clinical Criteria and Coding Assignment, advises that, if a provider documents
a diagnosis, it will be coded. If a clinical validation reviewer later feels that the diagnosis is not supported
by the clinical findings and documentation within the health record, it is a clinical validation issue and
not a coding error. Additionally, AHA Coding Clinic (Fourth Quarter, 2017, page 110) advises that it is
inappropriate for organizations to automatically omit a diagnosis documented by the provider if it does
not meet any established definition or clinical criteria. Ideally, only diagnoses that are supported by
clinical evidence will be documented within the health record, but that is not always the case.
For example, if the provider has documented a diagnosis of malnutrition based on the patients pre-
albumin level rather than the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN) criteria, it
is still a reportable diagnosis. Many providers have not adopted ASPEN criteria and there is no federal
requirement stating that ASPEN criteria must be utilized by a provider in making the diagnosis of
malnutrition. AHA Coding Clinic (First Quarter, 2020, pp. 5-6) also addressed this topic when asked which
clinical criteria coding professionals should use when reporting a code for malnutrition. The response was
that it is not within the scope of the AHA Coding Clinics to designate which diagnostic criteria should
be used for any condition. Code assignment is based on the provider documentation that the condition
exists and not the clinical criteria they used to make that diagnosis. While coding and CDI professionals
educate providers on the importance of documentation, it is equally important to encourage providers to
emphasize the clinical evidence they relied upon to make the diagnosis.
What is a Reportable Diagnosis?
The Coding Guidelines provide guidance on when a diagnosis is reportable. Regarding coding advice,
there is a hierarchy. Coding conventions (which apply to both the inpatient and the outpatient setting)
within ICD-10-CM take precedent over all other coding advice. The most important coding guideline
that impacts clinical validation is in Section I A.19: Code Assignment and Clinical Criteria of the Coding
The assignment of a diagnosis code is based on the providers diagnostic statement that the
condition exists. The providers statement that the patient has a particular condition is sufficient.
Code assignment is not based on clinical criteria used by the provider to establish the diagnosis. If
there is conflicting medical record documentation, query the provider.
(p. 12)
The statement, “If there is conflicting medical record documentation, query the provider,” was
added to this guidance for fiscal year 2023. The Coding Guidelines do not provide a definition for the
term, “providers diagnostic statement,” leaving it open to some degree of interpretation. It is useful to
supplement this guidance with the AHA Coding Clinic advice (First Quarter, 2014, pp. 11-13) regarding
provider documentation, which advises that the assignment of codes in the inpatient healthcare setting
can be based on the documentation of other providers involved in the care and treatment of the patient if
it is not conflicting.
Inpatient Coding Guidelines and Other Considerations Impacting Inpatient Clinical Validation
Section III of the Coding Guidelines
(p. 107): Reporting Additional Diagnoses, further defines criteria for
reporting diagnoses in the inpatient setting. This guideline advises:
For reporting purposes, the definition for “other diagnoses” is interpreted as additional conditions that
affect patient care in terms of requiring:
For reporting purposes, the definition for “other diagnoses” is interpreted as additional conditions
that affect patient care in terms of requiring:
clinical evaluation; or
therapeutic treatment; or
diagnostic procedures; or
extended length of hospital stay; or
increased nursing care and/or monitoring.
The Uniform Hospital Discharge Data Set (UHDDS) item #11-b defines other diagnoses as ‘all
conditions that coexist at the time of admission, that develop subsequently, or that affect the
treatment received and/or the length of stay. Diagnoses that relate to an earlier episode which have
no bearing on the current hospital stay are to be excluded.
(p. 107)
Any reported secondary diagnosis should meet at least one of the above stated criteria.
Chronic conditions can present another coding and clinical validation challenge. Clinical validation
professionals should reference AHA Coding Clinic for guidance. For example, there are chronic conditions
that are systemic and will affect a patient’s health status throughout their life such as chronic pulmonary
obstructive disease (COPD), hypertension, and diabetes mellitus, among others. In the inpatient setting,
these types of lifelong chronic conditions should be coded even if they are documented as “a history of
(Third Quarter, 2007, pp. 13-14). Additionally, obesity was added as a chronic condition when documented
by the provider since it is always clinically significant (Third Quarter 2011, pp. 3-4). Although these
diagnoses are not typically classified as complications/comorbidities (CC) or major complications/
comorbidities, they can impact risk adjustment. For coding, no further documentation is needed but this
could lead to a clinical validation denial. Best practice would be to educate providers to include relevant
clinical indicators in their documentation for every diagnosis.
Outpatient Coding Guidelines and Other Considerations
Although the concept of clinical validation
continues to expand and evolve in the inpatient
setting, review activities in the outpatient
setting would not typically meet the definition
of clinical validation. Most of the denials in
the outpatient setting are not challenging the
clinical validity of the documented condition but
challenging the reportability of the condition
and the medical necessity of services provided.
Requirements outlined in Medicare NCDs, LCDs
and by commercial payers help the claims
auditor determine if the service is considered
medically necessary and eligible for coverage.
Some organizations may have staff assigned
to validate the diagnosis and documentation
required by a payer to be eligible for coverage
and seek clarification from the provider as
needed, but this is not a clinical validation
It is also important to recognize that the process of abstracting diagnoses for Medicare Advantage and
other risk-adjustment models, which often occurs in the outpatient setting, is a different approach from
traditional clinical validation.. Specifically, these challenges in the outpatient setting are questioning
whether a diagnosis should be reported, not whether the condition exists. CMS publishes the
Record Reviewer
Guidance for Medicare Advantage Recovery Audit Data Validation (RADV)
organizations. Per the introduction, “these guidelines are used by coders to evaluate the medical records
submitted by plans to validate audited diagnoses,” submitted during the RADV medical record process.
(p. 6) It also advises that “the reviewers must first apply their expertise in documentation and official
coding guidelines to each scenario. This guidance does not give advice for specific diagnosis coding.
7) RADV auditors can consider diagnoses in the problem list if they are adequately supported by relevant
clinical indicators:
Evaluate the problem list for evidence of whether the conditions are chronic or past history and
if they are consistent with the current encounter documentation (i.e., have they been changed or
replaced by a related condition with different specificity). Evaluate conditions listed for chronicity
and support in the full health record, such as history, medications, and final assessment.
(p. 42)
This guidance is supported by the AHA Coding Clinic Second Quarter, 2022, pp. 30-31, AHA Coding Clinic
Third Quarter,2021, pp. 32-33 and AHA Coding Clinic Third Quarter, 2020, page 33.
It is important for those performing clinical validation in the outpatient setting to not extrapolate CMS
guidance issued for Risk Adjustment (e.g., CMS-HCC, HHS-HCC) into their process as this guidance is
focused on the validation of the data submitted for a specific risk adjustment calculation model and
not coding guidance related to claim submissions. Coders must follow the instructions and conventions
of ICD-10 coding, Coding Guidelines, and the AHA Coding Clinic when assigning codes for claim
Many auditors, coders, and CDI professionals use the acronyms MEAT (monitor, evaluate, assess, or
treat) or TAMPER™ (treatment, assessment, monitor/medicate, plan, evaluate, or referral) to determine if
a diagnosis is reportable in the outpatient setting. The applicability of these acronyms should be limited
to reporting diagnoses in the setting of risk adjustment. It is important to remember that these acronyms
are not official coding guidance. Regardless of healthcare setting, official coding guidelines will take
precedence over payer-specific requirements or other policies.
Clinical Validation Queries
During a clinical validation review it may be determined that a diagnosis lacks sufficient clinical
indicators based on organizational requirements. These requirements may include but are not limited to:
a documented diagnosis that lacks clinical indicators that are generally accepted by the
medical community
a documented diagnosis that appears to be no longer valid, but the documentation does not
confirm the condition as ruled out/eliminated/resolved
clarification of an uncertain diagnosis that has been copy pasted/copy forwarded from the
history and physical (H&P) to the discharge summary
seeking justification of a documented condition with an atypical patient presentation
In these situations, a clinical validation query will be necessary to support accurate diagnosis reporting.
Organizations should have policies and procedures that clearly define who will perform clinical validation
reviews and issue clinical validation queries. This may be part of the concurrent CDI review process, a
second level review process, and/or the coding process. In addition, organizations should address how the
clinical validity of a diagnosis will be considered during the coding process. Specifically, this policy should
address how to manage the reporting of a diagnosis when a providers response to a clinical validation
query conflicts with the clinical scenario. This may require an escalation process for medical review and
coordination with the denials management team.
Composing a clinical validation query may be a difficult task. It is important to remember that the intent
of the clinical validation query is not meant to question the medical judgement of the provider but to
ensure the documented diagnosis is clinically valid. As with all queries, clinical validation queries are
governed by the practice brief,
Guidelines for Achieving a Compliant Query Practice. However, it
is important to remember that the clinical validation query has a different objective. Often the goal of
a query is to add or further specify a reportable diagnosis while the clinical validation query requests
additional supportive documentation, which may result in the removal of a documented diagnosis.
When constructing the clinical validation query using the multiple-choice format, only reasonable
options should be included in addition to allowing the provider an alternative response (e.g., “other,
other explanation of clinical findings”). The provider may be unable to build upon the clinical evidence
already documented in the health record. When able to do so, however, the provider should include these
additional clinical indicators in the health record which may require an addendum. When providing
alternative diagnoses as response options, the query wording should clearly indicate that, when selected,
they will be reported in lieu of the diagnosis in question (e.g., sepsis ruled out and determined to be
secondary to noninfectious source [SIRS]). See Appendix A for clinical validation query examples.
Educational Considerations
Education for the Clinical Validation Professional
Clinical Concepts: Information related to commonly queried topics including pathophysiology,
pharmacology, diagnostic evaluation, clinical indicators, and treatment modalities, should
routinely be provided.
Organization Specific Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines: Evidence-based clinical
practice guidelines are defined as an “Explicit statement that guides clinical decision making
and has been systematically developed from scientific evidence and clinical expertise to answer
clinical questions; systematic use of guidelines is termed evidence-based medicine.
(p. 92) The
clinical validation professional must have ongoing education on the most current evidence-
based guidelines used for diagnosing and treating various conditions. This should include the
supporting clinical indicators, risk factors, diagnostic testing, and treatment.
Changes in Coding Guidelines, Industry Standards, and Payment Systems: There must be
ongoing education regarding any coding guideline changes concerning diagnosis selection. This
may vary by the healthcare setting and may include (but is not limited to):
° review of the ICD-10-CM/PCS Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting,
° review of the Coding Clinics published quarterly by the AHA,
° review of the National and Local Determinations for Coverage (NDC/LDC),
° annual updates to relevant payment methodologies, and
° updates to industry practice briefs.
Clinical Validation Query Composition: Education regarding proper clinical validation query
composition should be provided.
° The clinical validation query must follow the same guidelines for compliance outlined for
all queries in the latest update to the industry practice brief, “Guidelines for Achieving a
Compliant Query Practice.
° The intent is to clarify the documentation needed to support a diagnosis documented
within the health record for the purpose of accurate reporting and denials prevention.
Education for the Medical Provider
Intent of the Clinical Validation Query: The provider should know that the purpose of the
clinical validation query is to seek alignment between documented diagnoses and relevant
clinical indicators.
Supporting Documentation: When educating the medical provider regarding clinical validation
and the clinical validation query process, documentation best practices should be discussed.
° Document the clinical indicators/criteria used to support the diagnosis.
° If a condition has been ruled out or resolved during admission, clearly note that in the
health record.
° Ensure documentation, including the problem list and discharge summary, accurately
reflects clinically valid diagnoses.
° Ensure clinical findings documented in the review of systems and physical exam support
documented diagnoses.
° Include an explanation supporting atypical presentation—when the provider believes a
particular condition is present despite the absence of the clinical indicators commonly
associated with that condition, such as immunocompromised state, reasons certain
medications cannot be prescribed for the patient, and alternative medications given.
° Provide an explanation as to why the treatment provided may vary from that commonly
associated with the documented condition.
Electronic Health Record Templates: Use caution when using templates that auto populate
fields or add default values that may conflict with the clinical scenario.
At-Risk Diagnoses: Providing real examples of denied claims within the organization may help
convey the importance of high-quality documentation and the clinical validation process.
Implications of the Copy Paste/Copy Forward Functionality: The copy paste/copy forward
functionalities of many electronic health record programs may lead to diagnoses that have been
ruled out to continue to be documented throughout the health record. Specifically, copying and
pasting the H&P into the discharge summary may include diagnoses that were appropriately
uncertain (possible, probable, likely, etc.) at the time of admission but have subsequently been
addressed and may no longer be valid. In the inpatient setting, uncertain diagnoses that are
documented at the time of discharge may be reported, which may lead to a clinical validation
Clinical validation is a process that requires continuous collaboration between providers, CDI, and
coding professionals. Ideally, this process is incorporated into the daily workflow of the CDI and coding
professional. Some organizations may choose to develop internal criteria for specific diagnoses to help
providers and the CDI/coding team stay on the same page. These established criteria, however, are not
binding but instead a reference to guide the team. The goal of this criteria is to promote consistency
among the CDI and coding professionals when identifying diagnoses that may lack clinical evidence
and, therefore, require clinical validation. If a diagnosis is reported as documented but lacks the clinical
evidence within the health record to support it, a clinical validation query should be considered to
mitigate inappropriate reporting. It is important for organizations to establish an internal policy defining
the clinical validation process. When performing clinical validation, it is appropriate to ask whether
other providers, clinical validation reviewers, coding professionals, and auditors would come to the same
conclusion based on the totality of the health record.
Appendix A: Clinical Validation Query Examples
Below are some examples of compliant clinical validation queries. The components of a compliant
query apply to all queries and modes of query communication. These components are outlined in the
Guidelines for Achieving a Compliant Query Practice.
Acute Respiratory Failure Example:
Dr. Jones,
It is documented in the emergency department (ED) note mm/dd/year that this 60-year-old male will be
admitted for COPD Exacerbation. PMH documents “chronic respiratory failure” and advises “the patient
requires continuous home oxygen @ 2L/NC.
The ED provider documents in the assessment “some mild dyspnea but speaking in mostly clear
sentences; respiratory rate = 22 bpm and patient with normal mentation.
ABG drawn in ED on 2L/NC = pH 7.35; pCO2 = 45 mmHg; pO2 = 90 mmHg; HCO3 = 25 mEq/L
Per respiratory therapy note mm/dd/year this patient was placed on O2 3L/NC for 2 hours and then
decreased to 2L/NC.
H&P mm/dd/year documents “acute on chronic respiratory failure (ACRF)” without specifying any
additional clinical indicators.
Please clarify the clinical validity of the documented diagnosis of ACRF:
Ruled out
Confirmed as evidenced by the following clinical indicators (please provide additional
supporting documentation: __________________________________________
Other explanation of clinical findings; ___________________________
Alternative Example:
Dr. Jones,
The H&P documents mm/dd/year: acute on chronic respiratory failure (ACRF). Based on the clinical
indicators provided below, please verify if ACRF is clinically valid?
Patient hasd chronic respiratory failure with acute exacerbation of COPD
Patient has ACRF as evidence by the following clinical indicators: __________________________
Other explanation of findings: _____________
ED note mm/dd/year:
PMH: chronic respiratory failure; requires continuous home oxygen @ 2L/NC.
Some mild dyspnea but speaking in mostly full sentences
RR = 22 bpm; normal mentation
Respiratory therapy note mm/dd/year:
Placed on O2 3L/NC for 2 hours then decreased to 2L/NC
Labs/ABG mm/dd/year:
on 2L/NC = pH 7.35; pCO2 = 45 mmHg; pO2 = 90 mmHg; HCO3 = 25 mEq/L
Encephalopathy Query Example
Dr. Jones,
69-year-old male admitted from SNF for complicated UTI.
ED note mm/dd/year documents “known history of dementia. Family advises patient is known to be
frequently confused, hostile, exhibiting disruptive behavior as consequences of dementia.
H&P mm/dd/year documents “Encephalopathy in the setting of infection.
Per nurses’ notes mm/dd/year: “GCS scores ranging from 12-14; mental status does not change with
treatment of UTI.
After further study and based on these clinical indicators, please clarify the clinical validity of the
documented diagnosis of encephalopathy.
Confirmed as evidenced by the following clinical indicators (please provide additional
supporting documentation): __________________________________________
Ruled out
Other explanation of clinical findings; __________________________________________
Severe Protein Calorie Malnutrition Query Example
Dr. Jones,
Severe protein calorie malnutrition is noted in the H&P mm/dd/year in the problem list and is carried
through to the daily progress notes and the discharge summary. Based on the indicators below, please
clarify the clinical validity of the documented diagnosis of severe protein calorie malnutrition (SPCM) for
this admission?
SPCM clinically valid for this admission as evidenced by the following clinical indicators (please
provide additional supporting documentation): ______________________________
Patient only has a history of SPCM
Other explanation of clinical findings: __________________________________________
H&P mm/dd/year:
Small bowel obstruction with newly diagnosed primary cancer of the small bowel
Well-developed and well nourished; noted to be somewhat underweight
BMI = 18 and Prealbumin = 13.0
Dietary Consult mm/dd/year:
Five percent weight loss in the past month with mild loss of subcutaneous fat from triceps
Patient at 93% of normal weight
Consuming 80% of the estimated energy requirement for the 3 days prior to this admission
Provide Ensure with meals as a supplement
Sepsis Query Example
Sepsis is documented in the H&P assessment mm/dd/year and not carried through to the progress notes
or discharge summary.
Admitting vital signs mm/dd/year: HR 91; RR = 22; BP = 105/50; Temp = 99.1F.
Labs mm/dd/year: WBC = 12.0; Lactic acid = 2.2 mmol/L. Blood culture mm/dd/year – negative x 3
H&P mm/dd/year: PMH of COPD. Alert and oriented. C/O pain with inspiration on right side; advises some
increased SOB. Possible pneumonia noted on CXR. Start IV antibiotics. Repeat CXR in the AM
After further study and the indicators provided, please clarify the clinical validity of the documented
diagnosis of sepsis for this admission.
Sepsis was present on admission as evidence by _________ and resolved during this admission
after treatment
Sepsis was ruled out for this admission after further study.
Other explanations of clinical findings: ________________________________.
1. AHIMA (2017) Pocket Glossary of Health Information Management and Technology (5
AHIMA Press, Chicago, IL.
2. CMS (2009, June 5). CMS Manual System Pub. 100-07 Advises Operations Provider Certification,
transmittal 47, p. 2. Retrieved November 4, 2022, from: R47SOMA.pdf (cms.gov)
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4. CMS (2020, January 1). Contract-Level 15 Risk Adjustment Data Validation. Medical Record
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5. CMS (March 26, 2021). Statement of Work (SOW) for Part A/B Medicare Fee-for Service
Recovery Audit Contractor (RAC) – Region 1. Retrieved January 30, 2023, from: https://www.cms.
6. CMS (2022) ICD-10-CM Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting FY2023, p. 1. Retrieved
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7. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) (2012, July 31). Recovery Audit Program
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