JULY 1, 2021
JUNE 30, 2024
ARTICLE I RECOGNITION ......................................................................................... 2
1.01 Definition of Bargaining Unit ................................................................... 2
1.02 Management Rights of the BOARD ........................................................ 2
2.01 Initiation of Negotiations ......................................................................... 4
2.02 Professional Negotiations Meetings ....................................................... 4
2.03 Negotiation Teams ................................................................................. 4
2.04 Information ............................................................................................. 5
2.05 Recesses ............................................................................................... 5
2.06 Item Agreement ..................................................................................... 5
2.07 Agreement ............................................................................................. 5
2.08 Dispute Resolution - Mediation .............................................................. 5
2.09 Waiver of ORC 4117 Fact Finding Procedures ....................................... 6
2.10 Right to Strike ........................................................................................ 6
2.11 Provisions Contrary To Law ................................................................... 6
2.12 Change in Law During Agreement ......................................................... 7
ARTICLE III NON-DISCRIMINATION ......................................................................... 8
3.01 Non-Discrimination ................................................................................. 8
3.02 Request for Accommodation .................................................................. 8
ARTICLE IV - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE .................................................................... 9
4.01 Grievance Policy .................................................................................... 9
4.02 Definitions .............................................................................................. 9
4.03 Purpose ................................................................................................. 9
4.04 Grievance Procedure ............................................................................. 9
4.05 Withdrawal of Grievance ...................................................................... 11
4.06 Prohibition of Reprisals ........................................................................ 11
ARTICLE V - ASSOCIATION RIGHTS......................................................................... 12
5.01 Dissemination of Information ................................................................ 12
5.02 Use of Facilities and Equipment ........................................................... 13
5.03 ASSOCIATION Meetings With Members ............................................. 13
5.04 BOARD Meetings ................................................................................. 13
5.05 District Committees .............................................................................. 13
5.06 Prohibition of Reprisals ........................................................................ 14
5.07 Right to Representation ....................................................................... 14
5.08 ASSOCIATION Related Meetings ........................................................ 14
5.09 Payroll Deductions ............................................................................... 14
5.10 ASSOCIATION Dues ........................................................................... 15
5.11 Fair Share Fee ..................................................................................... 15
5.12 President Release Time ....................................................................... 17
ARTICLE VI - LIAISON COMMITTEES ........................................................................ 19
6.01 Faculty/Staff Advisory Committee ........................................................ 19
6.02 Superintendent/Association President Advisory ................................... 19
Prohibition of Reprisals ........................................................................ 20
ARTICLE VII - PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL RECORDS ........................................ 21
7.01 Contents of Personnel Records ........................................................... 21
7.02 Access to Personnel Records .............................................................. 21
7.03 Material Placed in Personnel Files ....................................................... 21
7.04 Procedures for Complaints of Record .................................................. 22
7.05 Employee Right to Copies of File Materials .......................................... 22
ARTICLE VIII – EVALUATION ..................................................................................... 23
8.01 Objectives Philosophy of Evaluation .................................................... 23
8.02 Purpose of Evaluation .......................................................................... 23
8.03 Evaluators ............................................................................................ 23
8.04 Evaluation Frequency and Procedure / Teaching Performance ............ 24
8.05 Formal Procedure ................................................................................ 25
8.06 Walkthroughs ....................................................................................... 26
8.07 Evaluation Deficiencies ........................................................................ 26
8.08 Completion of Evaluation Cycle ........................................................... 26
8.09 Off-Cycle Observations ........................................................................ 26
8.10 High Quality Student Data (HQSD) ...................................................... 26
8.11 Professional Growth and Improvement Plans....................................... 27
8.12 Due Process ........................................................................................ 27
8.13 Contract Evaluation Procedures and State Statutes ............................. 27
8.14 Evaluation Committee .......................................................................... 27
ARTICLE IX - VACANCIES, ASSIGNMENTS AND TRANSFERS ............................... 29
9.01 Vacancies and Postings ....................................................................... 29
9.02 Vacancies During the School Year ....................................................... 29
9.03 Shifts in Enrollment/Redistricting .......................................................... 29
ARTICLE X REHIRE RETIREES .............................................................................. 31
ARTICLE XI - DISCIPLINE- NON-RENEWAL- DISMISSALS ...................................... 33
11.01 Discipline ............................................................................................. 33
11.02 Non-Renewal ....................................................................................... 33
11.03 Dismissal ............................................................................................. 34
ARTICLE XII - SENIORITY/REDUCTION IN FORCE/RECALL.................................... 35
12.01 Seniority ............................................................................................... 35
12.02 Seniority List ........................................................................................ 35
12.03 Reduction in Force ............................................................................... 36
12.04 Recall from Suspended Contract Status ............................................... 37
ARTICLE XIII - EMPLOYEE PROTECTION................................................................. 38
13.01 School Discipline Procedures ............................................................... 38
13.02 Assault ................................................................................................. 38
13.03 Accident Reports .................................................................................. 39
ARTICLE XIV - LEAVES OF ABSENCE ...................................................................... 40
14.01 Sick Leave ........................................................................................... 40
14.02 Exhaustion of Sick Leave ..................................................................... 43
14.03 Medical/Disability Leave ....................................................................... 43
Sick Leave Bank (S.L.B.) ..................................................................... 45
14.05 Personal Business Days ...................................................................... 47
14.06 Child Care Leave ................................................................................. 48
14.07 Adoption Leave .................................................................................... 48
14.08 Professional Leave............................................................................... 49
14.09 Fulbright Teacher Exchange Leave ...................................................... 49
14.10 Job Sharing .......................................................................................... 50
14.11 Other Leaves ....................................................................................... 52
14.12 Sabbatical Leave ................................................................................. 53
14.13 Leave for Professional Study ............................................................... 54
14.14 Leave for Teaching Overseas .............................................................. 54
14.15 Office in State and National Professional Organizations ...................... 54
14.16 Absence Not Covered by Leave ........................................................... 54
14.17 Family and Medical Leave.................................................................... 54
ARTICLE XV - WORKING CONDITIONS .................................................................... 58
15.01 School Day .......................................................................................... 58
15.02 School Year ......................................................................................... 58
15.03 Planning/Duty Time Preschool, K-5 ................................................... 58
15.035 Planning/Duty/Scheduling Assemblies Time – 6 .................................. 59
15.04 Planning/Duty/Scheduling Assemblies Time - 7-12 .............................. 59
15.05 High School Preps ............................................................................... 60
15.06 Class Size ............................................................................................ 60
15.07 School Procedures For Employees ...................................................... 60
15.08 Substitutes ........................................................................................... 60
15.09 Facilities for Employees ....................................................................... 61
15.10 Medication ........................................................................................... 61
15.11 Early Release Days.............................................................................. 61
15.12 Professional Rights .............................................................................. 62
15.13 Special Education Teachers ................................................................. 62
15.14 Curriculum Development ...................................................................... 62
15.15 Multiple School Assignment ................................................................. 62
15.16 Drug/Alcohol Free Schools................................................................... 63
15.17 Smoke Free Environment..................................................................... 65
15.18 Employee Job Descriptions .................................................................. 65
15.19 IEP/504 Meetings ................................................................................. 65
15.20 Resident Educator Program ................................................................. 66
15.21 Children of Members………………………………………………………...67
15.22 Remote Instruction…………………………………………………………..67
ARTICLE XVI - INDIVIDUAL EMPLOYEE CONTRACTS ............................................ 68
16.01 Limited Contract Sequence .................................................................. 68
16.02 Continuing Contracts ............................................................................ 68
16.03 Supplemental Contracts ....................................................................... 69
ARTICLE XVII - SALARY SCHEDULE PROVISIONS .................................................. 70
17.01 Salary Schedule and Index .................................................................. 70
17.02 Placement on the Salary Schedule ...................................................... 70
17.03 Supplemental Salary Schedule ............................................................ 71
17.04 Stipends for Curriculum Development and Testing .............................. 72
17.05 Summer School Teachers/Home Tutors/After School Intervention ....... 72
Administrative Detention and Afterschool/Commons Duty ................... 72
17.07 Elementary Required Evening Music Program ..................................... 73
17.08 Art Show .............................................................................................. 73
17.09 Fingerprinting and/or Background Checks ........................................... 73
17.10 Paychecks ........................................................................................... 73
ARTICLE XVIII - FRINGE BENEFIT PROVISIONS...................................................... 74
18.01 Severance Pay ..................................................................................... 74
18.02 Insurance Program............................................................................... 74
18.03 STRS Pick-Up ...................................................................................... 81
18.04 IRS Section 125 Plan ........................................................................... 81
18.05 Mileage Reimbursement ...................................................................... 82
18.06 Tuition Reimbursement ........................................................................ 82
ARTICLE XIX - LENGTH OF CONTRACT ................................................................... 83
19.01 DURATION .......................................................................................... 83
APPENDIX A - SEA GRIEVANCE FORM .................................................................... 84
APPENDIX C - PHYSICIAN'S STATEMENT ............................................................... 88
APPENDIX D - SALARY SCHEDULES ....................................................................... 88
APPENDIX E SUPPLEMENTAL SALARY SCHEDULES.......................................... 96
APPENDIX F -- OFF-CYCLE OBSERVATION REPORT ........................................... 105
APPENDIX H -- OTES IMPROVEMENT PLAN…………………………………………...112
This Agreement made and entered into by and between SPRINGBORO COMMUNITY
It is the intent and purpose of the BOARD and the ASSOCIATION to set forth
herein their agreement on all matters related to wages, hours, terms and conditions of
employment for the employees of the Springboro Community City School District in the
bargaining unit covered by this AGREEMENT. The BOARD and the ASSOCIATION both
acknowledge and recognize that the provisions of Chapter 4117 of the Ohio Revised
Code govern their collective bargaining relationship and that provisions in this Chapter
enable the parties to negotiate for negotiation procedures, terms and other conditions of
employment for the employees in the bargaining unit which are not the same as and/or
are different than and/or at variance from rights, duties, responsibilities or procedures set
forth in the Ohio Revised Code. The BOARD and the ASSOCIATION hereby state that
it is their express understanding and agreement that to the fullest extent permitted by
Chapter 4117 of the Ohio Revised Code, the specific provisions of this AGREEMENT
shall control over any provision of the Ohio Revised Code which might provide for any
different right, procedure or obligation on either the BOARD or the ASSOCIATION or any
employee in the bargaining unit; provided, however, unless a specific provision in this
AGREEMENT does provide such a different right, procedure or obligation, the provisions
of the Ohio Revised Code shall control.
1.01 Definition of Bargaining Unit
(a) The Springboro Community City School District Board of Education,
hereinafter referred to as the "BOARD", recognizes the Springboro
Education Association, OEA/NEA, hereinafter referred to as the
"ASSOCIATION", as the exclusive and sole collective bargaining
representative for all purposes permitted by Chapter 4117 of the Ohio
Revised Code for all certificated/licensed employees under Ohio Revised
Code Title 33 including teachers, counselors, librarians, and school
psychologists but excluding all substitutes, "auxiliary service" employees,
administrative staff and/or supervisory employees, as defined in Chapter
4117 of the Ohio Revised Code, and all other employees of the BOARD.
These exclusions shall include the Superintendent, Assistant
Superintendent, Treasurer, Directors Principals, Assistant Principals,
Coordinator(s), Athletic Director, Business Manager,
Coordinator/Supervisor, and Assistant Athletic Director.
(b) As used in this AGREEMENT, the term "employee(s)" refers to all
employee(s) included in the bargaining unit described above in Section
(c) Association membership is annual with the membership year being
September 1 through August 31. Once a Member enrolls such
membership shall be continuous thereafter for each subsequent
membership year unless the individual cancels their membership.
(d) Any Member who wishes to cancel their membership must notify the
ASSOCIATION Treasurer in writing between August 1
and August 31
A Member may cancel their membership outside of the aforementioned
cancellation period but shall be responsible for the remaining dues, fees,
and assessments of the current membership year pursuant to Section
5.10 of this AGREEMENT and by such cancellation acknowledges that
they are forgoing any rights specifically reserved to Members of the
ASSOCIATION. Members wishing to cancel his/her membership shall be
responsible for the termination of their dues deduction pursuant to Section
5.10 of this AGREEMENT and all relevant OEA Board Policies.
1.02 Management Rights of the BOARD
(a) The ASSOCIATION recognizes the BOARD as the locally elected body
charged with the establishment of policy of public education in the
Springboro Community City School District and as the employer of all
personnel of this school system under State law. The ASSOCIATION
further recognizes that the BOARD has the sole responsibility for the
management and control of all the public schools of whatever name or
character in the District and has the full authority to establish the rules and
regulations by which the District will be governed as provided in the Ohio
Revised Code, except as limited by specific provisions of this Contract.
(b) It is specifically agreed that the BOARD has all management rights set
forth in Section 4117.08 of the Ohio Revised Code.
(c) The term Superintendent used herein shall mean the Superintendent or
his designee.
2.01 Initiation of Negotiations
(a) Professional negotiations shall be initiated in writing by the President of
the ASSOCIATION to the Superintendent or by the Superintendent to the
President of the ASSOCIATION. The initiating party shall include the
(1) Date of request
(2) Purpose of negotiations
(3) Contact person/address for negotiations
(b) If mutually agreed to by the parties, this AGREEMENT or any part thereof
may be renegotiated prior to the termination date of the AGREEMENT.
Negotiations shall begin within fourteen (14) calendar days of the
agreement to re-negotiate on these specific items mutually agreed to
reopen and shall proceed in accordance with the provisions of this Article.
(c) One hundred twenty (120) calendar days prior to the expiration of this
Contract, at the request of either party, negotiations shall commence on a
successor document. At that time, all matters related to wages, hours and
other terms and conditions of employment shall be open for negotiations.
Negotiations shall proceed in accordance with the provisions of this
2.02 Professional Negotiations Meetings
(a) The parties shall meet at a time and place as determined under Section
2.01 for the first negotiations meeting. Negotiations meetings shall be
scheduled during the normal workday of bargaining unit members, unless
otherwise mutually agreed.
(b) Specific written proposals shall be exchanged by the parties at the first
meeting unless otherwise mutually agreed. The party requesting
negotiations shall present and explain its proposals first. The other party
will then present and explain its proposals. Subsequently, no new
proposals shall be considered unless otherwise mutually agreed.
(c) The date, time and place for each subsequent negotiations meeting shall
be determined at the end of each negotiations meeting.
2.03 Negotiation Teams
(a) Each negotiations team shall consist of no more than six (6) people. Each
team may designate a spokesperson and the remaining people may act
as observers or consultants. The observers or consultants shall not
participate in the negotiation discussions unless mutually agreed upon.
Formal presentations may be made by consultants upon specific items
under discussion provided notice is given the day prior to the meeting
naming the person who will make the presentation and the subject of
same. Additional special consultants may be called upon to make formal
presentations with the mutual agreement of the parties.
2.04 Information
(a) The designated representatives of the BOARD and the ASSOCIATION
agree to make available to each other, upon reasonable request and in
reasonable time, all available public information pertinent to the matter or
matters then under consideration.
2.05 Recesses
(a) Either team shall have the right to recess for independent caucus at any
time. Caucuses shall be of reasonable length.
2.06 Item Agreement
(a) The designated representatives of the BOARD and the ASSOCIATION
shall determine at the initial negotiations meeting the procedures to be
used for tentative item agreement.
2.07 Agreement
(a) When a tentative agreement on the entire contract is reached through
negotiations, the outcome will be reduced to writing signed by the
spokesperson of each negotiating team and submitted to the
ASSOCIATION's general membership with a recommendation for
acceptance by the ASSOCIATION's bargaining team and to the BOARD
with a recommendation for acceptance by its team.
(b) The ratification vote by the ASSOCIATION's membership shall be
communicated to the BOARD by the President of the ASSOCIATION in
writing. Upon receipt of written notification that the ASSOCIATION has
ratified the tentative agreement, the BOARD shall meet within fourteen
(14) calendar days to vote on the tentative agreement.
(c) After the AGREEMENT is fully executed by the BOARD and the
ASSOCIATION, the BOARD will have the agreement posted on the
BOARD’S internal website so that all employees in the bargaining unit, all
members of the administrative staff, the ASSOCIATION, and the BOARD
will be able to review it.
2.08 Dispute Resolution - Mediation
(a) In the event that full tentative agreement is not reached at least sixty (60)
calendar days prior to the expiration (or reopener, if applicable) date
specified in the AGREEMENT, the parties mutually agree to utilize the
services of a Mediator designated by the Federal Mediation and
Conciliation Service. So that a Mediator can be promptly designated and
be of assistance to the parties when needed, the parties will no later than
seventy (70) calendar days prior to the expiration (or reopener, if
applicable) date write the appropriate District Director of the Federal
Mediation and Conciliation Service requesting the designation of a
Mediator who could be utilized, if necessary. Either party may request the
services of a Mediator at any time during the sixty (60) calendar day period
prior to the expiration (or reopener, if applicable) date whether or not an
impasse in negotiations exist. However, if full agreement has not been
reached at least forty-five (45) calendar days before the expiration (or
reopener, if applicable) date, the services of a Mediator shall be utilized.
(b) The dispute resolution procedure shall be deemed exhausted either:
(1) at the expiration of the AGREEMENT; or
(2) if the AGREEMENT is extended, when either party declares that
mediation was unable to result in a settlement. In the case of a
contract reopener, the dispute resolution procedures shall be
deemed to be exhausted forty-five (45) calendar days after mediation
services are initiated unless the parties extend this process for a
longer period of time.
2.09 Waiver of ORC 4117 Fact Finding Procedures
(a) The parties expressly hereby waive any right to utilize any mediation or
fact finding procedures prescribed in Chapter 4117 of the Ohio Revised
2.10 Right to Strike
(a) Nothing herein shall prohibit the ASSOCIATION from exercising its right
under Section 4117.14(D) of the Ohio Revised Code, provided the
ASSOCIATION has given the BOARD and the State Employee Relations
Board ten (10) calendar days' prior notice, in writing, of its intent to strike
on or after the expiration date of this Agreement. Such written notice shall
contain the day and time the strike shall commence and shall otherwise
comply with the applicable provisions of the Ohio Revised Code.
2.11 Provisions Contrary To Law
(a) This collective bargaining agreement supersedes and prevails over all
statutes of the State of Ohio, except as specifically set forth in Section
ORC 4117.10 (A), all Civil Service Rules and Regulations, Administrative
Rules of the Director of State Personnel and all policies, rules, and
regulations of the Employer.
(b) If any provision of this Agreement shall be found to be contrary to law by
a court of competent jurisdiction, then that provision shall be deemed
invalid except to the extent permitted by law, but all other provisions hereto
shall continue in full force and effect for the term of the contract. The
parties shall meet within thirty (30) calendar days upon request of either
party to negotiate any necessary change in the Agreement relative to the
affected provision. Said negotiations shall be in accordance with
provisions outlined in this Article.
(c) In the event any language in this AGREEMENT is contrary to law pursuant
to Chapter 4117, the BOARD and the ASSOCIATION intend for that
language to supersede and replace Ohio law where permissible.
2.12 Change in Law During Agreement
(a) If, during the term of this AGREEMENT, there is a change in any state or
federal law which would invalidate any provision of this AGREEMENT, the
parties will meet to negotiate any necessary change in the Agreement
relative to the affected provision within thirty (30) calendar days upon
request of either party and in accordance with provisions outlined in this
3.01 Non-Discrimination
(a) The BOARD and the ASSOCIATION agree that there shall be no
discrimination against any employee based on race, color, creed, age,
sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, national
origin, disability or handicap, marital status, veteran status, political
affiliation and/or union membership/activism, all as in accordance with and
as limited by the provisions of applicable law.
3.02 Request for Accommodation
(a) Any employee requesting any accommodation for any disability shall be
required to furnish the Superintendent with a statement from his/her
physician setting forth the particulars of the disability which requires
accommodation and the recommendation from such physician for the
accommodation(s) necessary.
(b) Upon receipt of such request, the Superintendent shall review the request.
(c) In the event an issue exists as to whether the employee is disabled, as
defined in the Americans With Disabilities Act, such issue shall be deemed
a threshold issue. This issue shall be resolved utilizing the
Grievance/Arbitration provision of this AGREEMENT, subject to the
limitation that the sole issue to be submitted to an arbitrator shall be
whether the employee is disabled as defined in the Americans With
Disabilities Act.
(d) Once the issue of whether the employee is disabled is resolved, the
ASSOCIATION and the Superintendent shall meet to determine what
reasonable accommodation is appropriate.
(e) In the event agreement on a reasonable accommodation cannot be
reached, the employee shall have the right to utilize the
Grievance/Arbitration provisions of this AGREEMENT to resolve the
(f) During the processing of a request for an accommodation, the
Superintendent may, in the exercise of his sole discretion, require any
employee claiming to be disabled and seeking accommodation to be
examined by a physician or physicians selected by the Superintendent for
the purpose of determining whether the employee is disabled and/or what
accommodations may be appropriate under the circumstances present.
(g) The employee is responsible for all expenses incurred from his/her
(h) The BOARD is responsible for all expenses incurred from the physician
selected by the Superintendent.
4.01 Grievance Policy
(a) The BOARD recognizes that in the interest of effective personnel
management, a procedure is necessary whereby each employee can be
assured of a prompt, impartial and fair hearing on his/her grievance. Such
procedure shall be available to each employee and no reprisals, of any
kind, shall be taken against any employee initiating or participating in the
grievance procedure.
(b) The grievant shall have the right to representation by the
ASSOCIATION at each step of this procedure.
4.02 Definitions
(a) Grievance - A grievance is a complaint regarding an alleged violation,
misinterpretation or misapplication of any provision(s) of this Agreement;
(1) If a specific section of this Contract limits the parameters and use of
this grievance procedure, such limitations shall be followed.
(b) Appropriate Administrator - The Administrator at the lowest level who has
authority to consider the grievance.
(c) Grievant - The "grievant" shall mean the employee(s) or the
ASSOCIATION filing the grievance.
(d) Days - The term "days" shall mean working days.
4.03 Purpose
(a) The purpose of the grievance procedure is to secure, at the lowest
possible administrative level, proper solutions to grievances. Both parties
agree that grievance proceedings shall be kept informal at all levels of the
4.04 Grievance Procedure
(a) Step One: Discussion with Administrator
(1) Any employee having a grievance should first discuss such
grievance and identify that he/she is beginning the grievance
procedure with the appropriate Administrator.
(b) Step Two: Written to Administrator
(1) If the discussion does not resolve the grievance to the
satisfaction of the grievant, such grievant shall have the right
to file a written grievance with the appropriate Administrator.
If such grievance is not filed within twenty (20) working days
after the occurrence of the act or the condition which is the
basis of said grievance, said grievance shall be waived. The
written grievance shall be on standard form (Appendix A) and
shall contain a concise statement of the facts upon which the
grievance is based and a reference to the specific provision
of this Agreement allegedly violated, misinterpreted or
(2) Within seven (7) working days of receipt of the grievance, the
Principal or Administrator shall hold a meeting at a mutually
agreeable time to discuss the grievance.
(3) The Administrator shall answer the written grievance within
seven (7) working days after the conclusion of the meeting.
The answer and the reasons for the answer shall be reduced
to writing and copies sent to the grievant, and the
ASSOCIATION. In the event the Administrator fails to timely
answer the grievance at Step 2, the grievant may move to the
next step.
(c) Step Three: Appeal to Superintendent
(1) If the answer of the Administrator does not resolve the
grievance to the satisfaction of the grievant, the grievant may
appeal the grievance in writing to the Superintendent. Failure
to file such an appeal within seven (7) working days from
receipt of the written Step Two answer of the Administrator
shall be deemed a waiver of the right to appeal and the
grievance shall thereafter be void and not subject to further
processing. A meeting shall be scheduled by the
Superintendent, at a mutually agreeable time, within seven (7)
working days after the receipt of the appeal. The grievant
shall be advised in writing of the time, place and date of such
hearing and shall have the right to be represented at such
meeting by the ASSOCIATION.
(2) The Superintendent shall answer the appeal of the grievance
within seven (7) working days after the conclusion of the Step
Three meeting. The Step Three action and the reasons for
the answer shall be reduced to writing and copies sent to the
grievant, the Step One Administrator, and the ASSOCIATION.
In the event the Superintendent fails to timely answer the
grievance at Step Two the grievant may move to the next step.
(e) Step Four: Arbitration
(1) The ASSOCIATION may, within ten (10) working days after
the issuance of the Step Three answer, demand arbitration in
accordance with the rules and regulations of the American
Arbitration Association; provided, however, it does not have
the right to appoint an arbitrator who is not mutually agreeable
to the parties. When issued in accordance with these
procedures, the opinion and award of the arbitrator shall be
final and binding upon the parties. The arbitrator shall not
have the power to add to, subtract from, or modify this
Agreement. The arbitrator has the authority to determine
arbitrability if such an issue exists. Cost for the services of the
arbitrator, including per diem expenses and actual and
necessary travel expense, shall be borne equally by the
4.05 Withdrawal of Grievance
(a) A grievance may be withdrawn at any level without prejudice or record.
However, if the grievance is withdrawn after arbitration has been
requested, and the withdrawal is not pursuant to a settlement of the
grievance, the ASSOCIATION shall bear the costs of said cancellation.
4.06 Prohibition of Reprisals
(a) An employee who participates in these grievance procedures shall not be
subjected to discipline or reprisal because of such participation. A copy
of the grievance shall not be filed in the employee's personnel file but shall
be maintained by the Superintendent in a separate grievance record file.
5.01 Dissemination of Information
(a) The ASSOCIATION shall have the following sole and exclusive rights:
(1) To use bulletin boards in the employees' workroom(s) for the posting
of official ASSOCIATION announcements or bulletins; provided,
however, this shall not permit the posting of any item concerning any
School Board candidate election.
(2) To use the school mail, email, and mailboxes, provided that all
material distributed to employees shall be sent to the Principal of the
building and to the Superintendent concurrent with distribution.
(3) To have its President furnished with the names and addresses of
newly employed employees following BOARD approval of their
(4) To be given two (2) hours during the general All-Staff Meeting at the
start of the school year.
(5) To written notice from ADMINISTRATION to the ASSOCIATION
President of the date, time, and location of all bargaining unit
member orientations not less than ten (10) calendar days prior to any
orientation meeting.
(6) To be given one (1) hour to meet with newly employed employees
for instruction regarding registration and enrollment in the
(7) To the following bargaining unit member information provided by the
BOARD in an electronic format to the ASSOCIATION President no
later than September 30 of each school year and within twenty (20)
days of any change in information:
Home address
All phone numbers provided to the DISTRICT
Personal email address
Work site
Grade level and/or assignment
Date of hire
Full time equivalent (FTE) status
Employment status (e.g., limited contract, continuing contract)
Type of credential (e.g., provisional, professional, permanent)
An indication of whether the bargaining unit member is
participating in payroll deduction of ASSOCIATION dues.
5.02 Use of Facilities and Equipment
(a) The ASSOCIATION shall have the right to use school rooms and
equipment when such rooms and equipment are not in use and provided
that use is arranged in advance and does not interfere with the school
program, at no cost to the ASSOCIATION, that the purpose is for internal
business of the ASSOCIATION.
5.03 ASSOCIATION Meetings With Members
(a) The President and/or his/her designee(s) may meet with any other
member in the District during their lunch break, before and after the
student day. The President and his/her designee(s) shall notify the
Principal of any visitation to the building.
5.04 BOARD Meetings
(a) Prior to each BOARD meeting, the President of the ASSOCIATION shall
be provided access to the agenda and minutes of previous meetings as
included with the agenda.
(b) The President of the ASSOCIATION or his/her designee shall have the
right to speak at BOARD meetings on any item of concern to members
and at a time designated by the BOARD.
5.05 District Committees
(a) The ASSOCIATION shall have the right to recommend employees to
serve on district-wide committees which require the participation of
employees as established by the BOARD and/or Superintendent. At least
one (1) person on each such committee will be a person mutually
agreeable to the ASSOCIATION and the Superintendent. Such individual
shall be the ASSOCIATION's representative on the committee.
(b) Building level committees shall not be considered "district committees" as
defined in this Agreement. Such committees are only advisory in nature.
Concerns about the activities of building committees may be addressed
in Liaison Committee meetings.
(c) The BOARD and the ASSOCIATION have established a Local
Professional Development Committee (LPDC) in accordance with the
provisions of the Ohio Revised Code. The By-Laws of this LPDC Planning
Committee shall govern the operations of the LPDC. Decisions of the
LPDC shall not be subject to the grievance procedure, but rather to the
appeal process as outlined in the LPDC By-Laws.
5.06 Prohibition of Reprisals
(a) There will be no reprisals of any kind taken against any member by reason
of his/her membership in the ASSOCIATION or participation in any
activities, excluding illegal acts.
5.07 Right to Representation
(a) In the event any Administrator intends to hold a meeting with any
employee during which matters related to the possible discipline, transfer,
non-renewal or termination of the employee is likely to be discussed, the
employee will be advised of such fact prior to the meeting and will be
permitted to bring an ASSOCIATION representative to the meeting. It is
the responsibility of the employee to make arrangements for the presence
of such ASSOCIATION representative. It is understood that any
evaluation/observation pre-conference and/or the initial conference
concerning any "formal observation" or "evaluation" of an employee does
not come within the scope of this provision; provided, however, an
employee may within five (5) calendar days after such an initial
conference at his/her request have a second conference with the
Administrator at which an ASSOCIATION representative may be present
if desired by the employee.
5.08 ASSOCIATION Related Meetings
(a) The local ASSOCIATION President and officially elected delegates or
alternates shall be given leave by the BOARD to attend the annual
NEA/OEA Representative Assemblies. The ASSOCIATION shall be
responsible for paying the cost of the substitute for said delegates.
(b) The ASSOCIATION shall also be allowed to purchase up to five (5) days
release time for the President or any authorized designee by reimbursing
the District for the cost of the substitute.
(c) An ASSOCIATION Member who is elected to state and national offices of
the ASSOCIATION’S affiliated organizations, and has requested leave,
shall be permitted to attend these meetings without loss of pay and a
substitute shall be provided by the ASSOCIATION. Days afforded by this
section shall not exceed seven (7) days without mutual agreement.
5.09 Payroll Deductions
(a) The BOARD shall provide, through its Treasurer, payroll deductions for
the purposes outlined below as a service to the District's employees.
Neither the BOARD nor the ASSOCIATION assumes any obligation,
financial or otherwise, arising out of the provisions of this section. The
individual employee shall indemnify and hold the BOARD and its
Treasurer and the ASSOCIATION harmless for any and all claims,
grievances, arbitration, awards, suits, attachments or other proceedings
arising out of or by reason of any action taken with respect to any payroll
deduction of funds as listed.
(1) Retirement
(2) Withholding tax for National, State or Local Governmental
units, as required by law
(3) Health Care Insurance
(4) Personal Insurance (i.e., Group Life, optional life or other
health insurance)
(5) ASSOCIATION Dues (subject to Section 5.10 below)
(6) Tax Sheltered Annuities
(7) United Way
(8) Credit Union
(9) Any Court-ordered Deduction
(10) Voluntary Political Contributions
(11) SEA Scholarship Fund
(12) Government Bonds
(a) The BOARD shall provide for the voluntary payroll deduction of United
Education Professional dues for any employee authorizing such
deduction. Payroll deduction of dues, fees, and assessments will be
continuous from year to year until the EMPLOYER is notified by the
ASSOCIATION to cease deductions.
(b) Employees desiring to have such dues, fees, and assessments deducted
must sign an authorization form authorizing such payroll deduction.
(c) Dues will be deducted in twenty (20) equal amounts beginning with the
second payday in October for all employees authorizing such deduction,
provided the Treasurer of the BOARD receives the data necessary to
make such deduction prior to September 15th. In the event the necessary
data is not timely received, deductions shall commence on the earliest
payday possible after the data is received. Any employee authorizing
such deduction after the first payroll deduction period shall have the dues
divided equally over the remaining pay periods.
(d) In the event an EMPLOYEE severs employment or terminates their
membership outside of the ASSOCIATION drop window outlined in
Section 1.01 (E), the DISTRICT Treasurer shall deduct all owed and
remaining dues from the EMPLOYEE’S next check immediately following
such notification.
5.11 Fair Share Fee
The ASSOCIATION and the BOARD agree to cease the collection of fair share
fees as outlined in this Section pursuant to the ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court
in Janus v. American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees
(AFSCME), Council 31.
In the event of a ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court or by other constitutional means
reversing the decision in the Janus v. AFSCME case the ASSCIATION and the
BOARD agree that the language outlined in this Section shall be made immediately
(a) Payroll Deduction of Fair Share Fee
The BOARD shall deduct from the pay of employees who elect not to
become or to remain members of the ASSOCIATION, a fair share fee for
the ASSOCIATION’S representation of such nonmembers during the term
of this contract. No non-member filing a timely demand shall be required
to subsidize partisan political or ideological causes not germane to the
ASSOCIATION’S work in the realm of collective bargaining.
(b) Notification of the amount of Fair Share Fee
Notice of the amount of the annual fair share fee, which shall not be more
than 100% of the unified dues of the ASSOCIATION, shall be transmitted
by the ASSOCIATION to the Treasurer of the Board on or about
September 15 of each year during the term of this contract for the purpose
of determining amounts to be payroll-deducted, and the BOARD agrees
to promptly transmit all amounts deducted to the ASSOCIATION.
(c) Schedule of Fair Share Fee Deductions
(1) All Fair Share Fee Payers
Payroll deductions of such annual fair share fees shall commence on
the first pay date which occurs on or after January 15
annually. In
the case of unit employees newly hired after the beginning of the
school year, the payroll deduction shall commence on the first pay
date on or after the later of:
a. Sixty (60) days employment in a bargaining unit position or
b. January 15
(2) Upon termination of membership during the membership year the
Treasurer of the BOARD shall, upon notification from the
ASSOCIATION that a member has terminated membership,
commence the deduction of the fair share fee with respect to the
former member, and the amount of the fee yet to be deducted shall
be the annual fair share fee less the amount previously paid
through payroll deduction.
(d) Transmittal of Deductions
The BOARD further agrees to accompany each such transmittal with a
list of names of the employees for whom all such fair share fee
deductions were made, the period covered, and the amounts deducted
for each.
(e) Procedure for Rebate
(1) The ASSOCIATION represents to the BOARD that an internal
rebate procedure has been established in accordance with Section
4117.09(C) of the revised code and that a procedure for
challenging the amount of the representation fee has been
established and will be given to each member of the bargaining unit
who does not join the ASSOCIATION and that such procedure
shall be in compliance with all applicable state and federal laws and
the constitutions of the United States and the State of Ohio.
(f) Entitlement to Rebate
(1) Upon timely demand, non-members may apply to the
ASSOCIATION for an advance rebate of the fair share fee pursuant
to the internal procedure adopted by the ASSOCIATION.
(g) Indemnification of Employer
(1) The ASSOCIATION, on behalf of itself and the OEA and NEA,
agrees to indemnify the BOARD for any cost or liability incurred as
a result of the implementation and enforcement of this provision
provided that:
a. The BOARD shall give a ten (10) day written notice of any claim
made or action filed against the employer by a non-member for
which indemnification may be claimed;
b. The ASSOCIATION shall reserve the right to designate counsel
to represent and defend the employer;
c. The BOARD agrees to: (1) Give full and complete cooperation
and assistance to the ASSOCIATION and its counsel at all levels
of the proceeding; (2) Permit the ASSOCIATION or its affiliates
to intervene as a party if it so desires, and/or (3) To not oppose
the ASSOCIATION or its affiliates’ application to file briefs
amicus curiae in the action.
d. The BOARD acted in good faith compliance with the fair share
fee provision of this agreement; however there shall be no
indemnification of the BOARD if the BOARD intentionally or
willfully fails to apply (except due to court order) or misapply such
fair share fee provision herein.
5.12 President Release Time
A. If the president of the association has a preschool, K-5 classroom
assignment, he/she shall not be assigned to perform any non-teaching
duties during the workday. This will allow the president to attend to
association business.
B. If the president of the association has a preschool, K-5 assignment, but
without a homeroom, he/she shall have a schedule that includes a daily
period to attend to association business. This period shall be in addition to
the planning time provided in Article 15.03.
C. If the president of the association has a grade 6-12 assignment, he/she shall
have a schedule that includes a daily period to attend to association
business. This period shall be in addition to the planning time provided in
Articles 15.035 and 15.04.
6.01 Faculty/Staff Advisory Committee
A. There shall be a Faculty/Staff Advisory Committee established in each
building which shall be co-chaired by one of the ASSOCIATION’s building
representatives and the Building Principal.
B. The ASSOCIATION shall have representatives on the Faculty/Staff
Advisory Committee in a ratio of one (1) representative for each fifteen
(15) teachers, or fraction thereof, provided that in each building the
ASSOCIATION shall be entitled to a minimum of three (3) representatives.
Such representatives shall be elected by their respective faculties.
C. The intent of the committee is to improve communications between staff
and administration in regard to building problems and programs and to
improve the educational effectiveness of the building. Upon request by
either party, the Faculty/Staff Advisory Committee shall meet to discuss
matters of common interest in the building.
A schedule of potential meetings shall be established at the start of each
school year.
Any agenda of matters to be considered at the regular meetings shall be
distributed to the building staff, including the building administrator, at
least twenty-four (24) hours before any regular meeting. Special meetings
may be scheduled when necessary.
Members may anonymously submit items of concern which they wish
placed on the agenda to any member of the Faculty/Staff Advisory
D. Training will be provided to available members of the Faculty/Staff
Advisory Committees on the district in-service days and as agreed by the
E. Minutes of all meetings shall be kept in a prescribed format and distributed
to the building staff, the Superintendent, and ASSOCIATION president.
All meetings are to be open so that any employee in the building can
attend as an observer.
6.02 Superintendent/Association President Advisory
A. In an effort to further a good working relationship between the parties, the
Superintendent and Association President shall meet periodically as
requested by either party.
B. The purpose of such meetings shall be to discuss issues, concerns or
problems with the intent to develop possible resolutions.
C. Either party may elect to have other employees, officers or consultants
attend, provided advance notice is given to the other.
6.03 Prohibition of Reprisals
(a) No reprisals of any kind shall be taken against any employee participating
in the activities of the Faculty / Staff Advisory Committee or the Labor
Management Committee.
7.01 Contents of Personnel Records
(a) All official personnel records will be filed in the Superintendent's office or
Treasurer's office on a current basis. These personnel records may
(1) Application for employment, including references;
(2) Nomination form;
(3) Copy of latest contract properly signed;
(4) Copy of latest salary notice;
(5) Ohio teaching certificate;
(6) Evaluation(s);
(7) Transcript(s) of college credits showing the official record
of the degree granted, original or certified copy;
(8) Record of military service;
(9) Recommendations/reprimands; and
(10) Other documents properly placed in such file utilizing the
procedure set forth in Section 7.02 and 7.03 below.
7.02 Access to Personnel Records
(a) Each employee will have access to the contents of his/her own personnel
file with the exception of (a)(1) above. This personnel file may be opened
only in the presence of the Superintendent; and a representative of the
ASSOCIATION may, at the employee's request, accompany the
employee in such a review.
(b) Material will be removed from an employee's file by consent of the
Superintendent or, if required by law or pursuant to the decision of an
arbitrator hearing a grievance under this Agreement.
(c) An employee's personnel file shall be deemed confidential and shall not
be open to the public except as required by law. An employee's medical
file shall be deemed confidential information and shall not be open to the
7.03 Material Placed in Personnel Files
(a) An employee will be notified of the placement in his/her personnel file of
any material and will be provided the opportunity to read any such material
prior to its being placed in his/her file. An employee will be given the
opportunity to acknowledge that he/she has read the material by affixing
his/her signature to the copy to be filed. This signature will not indicate
agreement with the content of the material, but indicates only that the
material has been provided to the employee. If the employee declines to
sign the material, this shall be noted on the material placed in the
personnel file. An employee shall have the opportunity to reply to any
material placed in his/her personnel file in a written statement to be
attached to the filed copy. The employee will be given a copy of such
material. Any written reprimand or other disciplinary action of record
except for suspensions without pay taken against an employee shall be
deemed null and void and of no force and effect either three (3) years after
the date of issuance, provided there has been no other discipline during
such three (3) year period, or three (3) years after the date of issuance of
the last discipline of record, whichever is the later date. Records of
suspensions without pay shall be deemed null and void and of no force
and effect either ten (10) years after the date of issuance, provided there
has been no other discipline during such ten (10) year period, or ten (10)
years after the date of issuance of the last discipline of record, whichever
is the later date.
7.04 Procedures for Complaints of Record
(a) Upon receipt of a complaint, the Building Principal or his/her designee, will
investigate the allegations contained therein. Should the Building
Principal, or his/her designee, determine that the allegations are serious
enough to become a matter of record, he/she shall meet with the
employee to discuss the complaint. The employee may be accompanied
by an ASSOCIATION representative. At the meeting the employee shall
be presented with the specifics of the complaint, and shall have the
opportunity to respond to the allegations.
(b) If, upon completion of the investigation, the complaint is merited by the
facts of the case, a written report may be generated. If a report is
generated, a copy will be provided to the employee. If the complainant has
asked that their identity not be identified, no written report shall be
generated solely on the basis of a confidential complaint.
(c) After completion of the investigation, should the Building Principal, or
his/her designee, determine that disciplinary action is necessary, the
procedure set forth in Article XI shall be followed.
(d) Anonymous letters or materials shall not be placed in an employee’s
personnel file.
7.05 Employee Right to Copies of File Materials
(a) An employee shall be entitled to a copy of any material in his/her file
except the material originally supplied to the administration as confidential
prior to employment.
8.01 Objectives Philosophy of Evaluation
a) The Springboro Community School District believes that employee evaluation is
an ongoing process. Evaluations are used to improve the quality of instruction, to
enhance job performance responsibilities and to focus on and emphasize
professional development. Effective student learning is the ultimate goal of
evaluations. It is a continuous, constructive and cooperative process wherein the
individual being evaluated and the evaluator share a joint responsibility to work
together to recognize effective instruction and the means and methods by which
to improve student learning. It is a process meant to commend where
commendation is warranted and create specific professional development plans
and suggest means of improvement when needed. It is also a means for making
decisions regarding employment.
8.02 Purpose of Evaluation
a) To help employees gain a better understanding of the scope of their duties and
responsibilities as reflected in the job description.
b) To increase overall job performance with support from the administrator.
c) To provide employees with feedback necessary to develop a professional growth
or professional improvement plan.
d) To provide a means for making appropriate contract recommendations.
Pursuant to the Ohio Teacher Evaluation System (OTES) as required by Sections
3319.111 and 3319.112 of the Ohio Revised Code, the following procedure will be
utilized for all employees. Additionally, the Ohio School Counselor Evaluation
System (OSCES) will be utilized for the counselors, the Ohio School Library Media
Specialist evaluation and rubric, developed by OELMA, will be utilized for licensed
media specialists, and the Ohio School Psychologists Association developed
evaluation tool will be utilized for school psychologists and related services (SLP,
P/T, O/T) employed by the BOARD.
An employee’s teaching performance shall be assessed based on the OTES
Standards for the teaching profession.
8.03 Evaluators
a) An evaluator shall be a principal or a principal or special education administrator
for speech pathologists, school psychologists, or other related services, employed
under a contract pursuant to Sections 3319.01 or 3319.02 of the Ohio Revised
Code and must hold at least one (1) license named under Division (a), (b), (c), (d)
of Section 3319.22 of the Ohio Revised Code and must be credentialed as stated
in Ohio law.
b) By September 30 of each school year, each building principal will provide written
notice to employees assigned to his/her building which head or assistant principal
will be conducting the annual evaluation.
c) An employee who travels between buildings shall be evaluated by the principal
where he/she spends the majority of his/her time, unless mutually agreed
d) In assessing a teacher’s performance, evaluators will not make judgments, or
otherwise discriminate, on the basis of a teacher’s age, gender identification, race,
ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, marital status, military status,
disability, or ASSOCIATION involvement.
8.04 Evaluation Frequency and Procedure / Teaching Performance
a) Annual Evaluations shall occur for:
1. A teacher in his/her first year of employment with the BOARD;
2. A teacher in his/her second year of employment with the BOARD;
3. A teacher in his/her third year of employment with the BOARD;
4. A teacher who receives an evaluation rating of developing;
5. A teacher who receives an evaluation rating of ineffective.
b) Skilled Evaluation Rating
If an employee’s final evaluation rating is skilled, he/she will be evaluated every
other year.
Additionally, an employee whose final evaluation rating is skilled and therefore not
subject to an annual evaluation, may notify the head principal, via email, by
September 15
of any school year that he/she would like to be formally evaluated
during the year.
c) Accomplished Evaluation Rating
If an employee’s final evaluation rating is accomplished, he/she will be evaluated
every three (3) years.
d) Leaves of Absence
An employee who is scheduled to be on a leave of absence for more than fifty
percent (50%) of the school year shall not be formally evaluated.
e) Notice of Retirement
An employee who submits a notice of retirement by November 1 and such retirement
is approved by the BOARD by December 1 shall not be formally evaluated during
the school year.
f) Sections b and c above apply to all employees, whether or not on a limited or
continuing contract. However, the principal may elect to formally evaluate an
employee during the school year prior to the expiration of the employee’s limited
contract. Said employee shall be notified by September 30 if the principal elects
to evaluate.
8.05 Formal Procedure
a) During an employee’s first and second year of teaching with the BOARD, all
observations shall be scheduled and announced.
b) With the exception of a. above, only the first observation of the school year shall
be scheduled and announced.
c) Two (2) formal observations of at least thirty (30) consecutive minutes shall be
conducted. There shall be at least ten (10) work days between formal
observations. Additional observations may be conducted as determined by the
principal if an ineffective rating is noted on the rubric. The principal will inform the
employee during the post-observation conference following the second
observation if additional observations shall be made.
Notwithstanding the provision above, an employee whose limited contract could
be subject to a nonrenewal, shall be observed at least three (3) times by the
principal. In such cases, the employee shall be informed in advance if an
administrator, other than his/her evaluator, will conduct observations.
d) For announced observations, a pre-observation conference shall occur between
the principal and the employee at a mutually agreeable time. Within ten (10) work
days after the observation, a post-observation conference shall be held between
the principal and employee. The principal shall provide a summary of the evidence
observed to support his/her observations at the conclusion of the conference.
e) Within ten (10) days after an unannounced observation, a post-observation
conference shall be held between the principal and employee. The principal shall
provide a summary of the evidence observed to support his/her observations at
the conclusion of the conference or within ten (10) work days following the
f) All observations shall be completed by May 1 of each year. By May 10, all
summative evaluation reports shall be completed. The employee shall receive the
final formal written evaluation report, which shall include evidence to support the
principal’s analysis and teaching performance designation.
g) The employee may submit any comments/responses concerning the evaluation
he/she deems necessary.
h) All observations, including walkthroughs as described below of teaching
performance, shall be conducted with full knowledge of the employee.
i) Observation and/or evaluation conferences shall not be scheduled the first week of
school, the first day of the second semester for those employees teaching a
semester class, or on the day before or after Thanksgiving, Winter and Spring
j) All conferences shall be scheduled at a mutually agreeable time between the
principal and the employee.
8.06 Walkthroughs
a) In addition to the observations described above, the principal shall use periodic
walkthroughs as a means to observe an employee’s teaching performance. A
walkthrough shall be limited to a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes.
Upon the request of either the employee or principal a meeting shall occur after
the walkthrough to discuss observations.
The teacher shall be provided a report of the walkthrough form electronically.
8.07 Evaluation Deficiencies
a) Formal observations and walkthroughs resulting in an Ineffective rating in any one
of the standards shall result in the principal and employee developing a plan of
action during the post-observation conference. All deficiencies identified by the
principal shall be recorded in the plan of action and shall state the specific
problem(s), the observed evidence to support said problem(s) and
recommendations for improvement.
8.08 Completion of Evaluation Cycle
a) The summative evaluation of an employee shall be based upon performance that
is assessed during the walkthroughs and formal observations that are conducted
for the current school year. The evaluation report shall be completed by May 10
and verified by both parties.
8.09 Off-Cycle Observations
a) In years when the employee is not subject to the formal evaluation because he/she
has received an evaluation rating of accomplished or skilled he/she will be subject
to an off-cycle observation. The principal shall conduct one (1) off-cycle
observation of at least fifteen (15) to thirty (30) minutes. A post-observation
conference shall be held within ten (10) workdays if the principal has a concern to
discuss with the employee and the completed Observation Report, using the
informal observation form in OhioES, shall be discussed. If a post observation
conference is not held, the principal shall notify the employee that his/her
observation is complete on the OhioES system. The process outlined in this
Section shall be completed by May 1
8.10 High Quality Student Data (HQSD)
a) Data obtained from HQSD shall not be used for employment decisions, including
but not limited to, nonrenewal, termination, reduction in force and recall.
b) No evaluation factor shall be impacted solely by student performance on a test or
c) HQSD shall not be aggregated to provide “shared attribution” among teachers in
the District, building, grade, content area, or other group.
8.11 Professional Growth and Improvement Plans
a) Professional growth and/or improvement plans shall be developed in accordance
with BOARD policy and state law.
b) The improvement plan shall utilize the form found in Appendix G of this
8.12 Due Process
a) An employee who disagrees with the summative evaluation rating shall be entitled
to a hearing before the superintendent/designee. The employee shall have the
opportunity to present information, evidence and data that disputes the area of the
evaluation for which he/she objects. The employee will articulate the changes in
the final evaluation report that he/she is requesting.
b) The employee shall be entitled to ASSOCIATION representation at such hearing.
c) The superintendent shall render a decision to the employee’s objections within ten
(10) work days of the hearing.
d) The employee then has the right to grieve procedural errors and/or errors in
student growth measures related to his/her evaluation in accordance to Article 4.
The grievance shall commence at Step Four of the grievance procedure.
8.13 Contract Evaluation Procedures and State Statutes
a) The parties state that it is their express intention and agreement that the evaluation
procedures set forth in this Article are the sole evaluation procedures applicable in
the Springboro Community City School District for the employees in the bargaining
unit covered by this agreement and that such evaluation procedures, where
applicable, comply with the requirements of 3319.111 and 3319.112.
b) The parties agree that should litigation and/or legislation amend and/or appeal any
requirement or provision related to the employees’ evaluation, the Evaluation
Committee shall review said changes and recommend what adjustments, if any,
need to be made to the evaluation policy and/or procedures defined within this
Article. Any alteration to this Article shall require approval/ratification from the
BOARD and the ASSOCIATION membership. Upon approval/ratification the
parties shall enter into a written amendment to the contract.
8.14 Evaluation Committee
a) The ASSOCIATION and the BOARD agree to establish a standing joint Evaluation
Committee for the purpose of regularly reviewing the evaluation procedure and
process, including the evaluation instrument.
b) Committee Composition
1. The committee shall be comprised of four (4) ASSOCIATION members
appointed by the ASSOCIATION President and four (4) members appointed
by the Superintendent. In addition each party may appoint up to one (1) ad
hoc non-voting member to assist and/or attend committee meetings.
c) Committee Operation
1. The committee shall be chaired by a committee member from the
administration with input on the agenda from the association
2. Members of the committee will receive OTES training.
3. The committee will establish by mutual agreement a meeting calendar,
tasks for the committee to complete, and timelines for the completion of
specific tasks.
4. One (1) task of the committee shall be to determine those conditions that
would likely have an adverse impact on student growth measures, such as
long term leaves of absence, the acceptance and mentoring of student
teachers, changes in employee assignments, implementation of the
common core state standards, etc. The committee shall perform this task
over the term of this agreement and shall make recommendations to inform
future contract negotiations.
5. All decisions of the committee will be achieved by consensus.
6. At the initial committee meeting, the committee will develop the ground rules
by which the committee will operate.
7. Members of the committee will receive release time for committee work and
8. The committee shall be authorized to utilize consultant(s). (Examples
include, but are not limited to, educational consultants, software
consultants, credentialing trainers, etc.,) as it deems appropriate. The cost,
if any, shall be borne by the BOARD.
9. Any recommended changes to the provisions in this Article VIII shall be
submitted to the superintendent and ASSOCIATION president. Any
alterations shall require approval / ratification from the BOARD and
ASSOCIATION membership. Upon approval / ratification the parties shall
enter a written amendment to the contract.
9.01 Vacancies and Postings
(a) A vacancy shall be defined as a position within the bargaining unit which
results from a resignation, retirement, death, nonrenewal, or termination that
the administration determines to fill or the creation of a new position.
(b) Vacancies shall be posted for five (5) work days. The notice of vacancy shall
be sent through the internal email system by the Human Resource
Department and posted on the district’s website. The notice shall include the
grade level, academic content area, building and timeline for notification of
interest in the position.
(c) An employee interested in the vacancy shall notify Human Resources by
email within the specified timelines in the posting.
(d) Current employees who are qualified by certificate/license for the position and
who notify Human Resources of their interest in the position will be
considered for the position before individuals not in the employ of the BOARD
are hired. Considered means that an employee will be interviewed by a
building principal/administrator when the employee applies for any position in
that building principal/administrator’s building. The building
principal/administrator does not have to interview the employee in the same
school year if the employee applies for that position again or for any other
position in the building.
(e) The EMPLOYEE may request a meeting with the building
principal/administrator to discuss the reasons for not being selected to fill a
vacant position.
9.02 Vacancies During the School Year
Vacancies occurring during the school year shall be filled with a temporary
employee for the remainder of the school year. The employee filling the position
will be considered temporary and his/her contract will automatically expire and not
be subject to nonrenewal or reduction in force. The position shall then be posted
in the spring as a vacancy as specified in Section 9.01 above.
9.03 Shifts in Enrollment/Redistricting
(a) When a transfer must be made due to a reduction in the number of classes
within a grade level within a building or department, the least senior employee
properly certified/licensed shall be subject to a transfer provided no other
employee from the same grade level or department has volunteered to
transfer to a vacancy.
(b) When a transfer must be made due to redistricting or reassignment of grade
levels to other buildings, all employees shall remain in their current
assignment. Any such employee transferred due to redistricting or
reassignment of grade levels to other buildings shall have the opportunity to
express interest in vacancies as defined in Section 9.01 above.
(c) Under normal circumstances a transfer pursuant to (a) and (b) of this Section
shall occur by May 30
. Transfers after May 30
shall occur only as a result
of other extenuating circumstances.
(d) Prior to a transfer pursuant to (a) or (b) of this Section, the affected Member(s)
may meet with the principal or immediate supervising administrator and/or
the Superintendent or his/her designee to discuss the reasons for the
This Article governs the terms and conditions of employment of individuals who
have retired under STRS rules whom the BOARD may regularly employ in a
position that falls within the bargaining unit.
(a) For initial placement purposes on the salary schedule, the employee will
receive horizontal credit in accordance with the normal rules, with the
further understanding that the employee will be placed at Step 0 of the
appropriate column.
(b) The employee will receive a one-year limited contract of employment (if
employed after the start of the year, such contract will be for the remainder
of that school year). Each one (1) year contract shall automatically expire
upon the completion of the year and it is not necessary for the BOARD to
conduct evaluations in accordance with Ohio Revised Code 3319.111 or
Article VIII or for the BOARD to take formal action to not reemploy the
employee pursuant to Ohio Revised Code 3319.11 or Article XI in order
to terminate the employment relationship. If subsequently reemployed,
the employee will be awarded another one-year limited contract. In no
event will the employee qualify for a continuing contract or multi-year
contract. If reemployed, the employee shall advance one (1) year on the
salary schedule.
(c) Upon employment, the employees will be credited with zero (0) years of
seniority and will not retain or accrue seniority.
(d) The employee shall not be eligible for severance pay upon separation
from employment.
(e) A full-time employee shall be eligible to participate in the District’s
insurance programs offered to bargaining unit members as identified in
Article 18.02 but the BOARD will pay 80% and the employee will pay 20%
of each such benefit. For part-time employees, the BOARD’s share will
be pro-rated based on the employee’s part-time status.
(f) Prior employment in the District is no guarantee of post-retirement
employment or a particular assignment. Employees must apply for each
vacancy for which they wish to be considered, and compete with other
applicants as a part of the selection process.
(g) Employees shall be SEA members or Fair Share Fee Payers as provided
in the Negotiated Agreement.
(h) Employees who are rehired will begin employment with zero (0) days of
accumulated sick leave, and will accrue and accumulate sick leave in
accordance with the provisions of the Negotiated Agreement.
(i) Employees shall not be entitled to tuition reimbursement/professional
development stipend identified in Article 18.06 or the sick leave bank
identified in Article 14.04.
(j) Employees shall be entitled to all other benefits provided by the
Negotiated Agreement unless otherwise limited by specific provisions of
this Article.
(k) The provisions of this Article supersede and prevail over any inconsistent
terms that may appear elsewhere in this Negotiated Agreement or in any
part of the Ohio Revised Code, including but not limited to 3317.13,
3319.08, 3319.11, and 3319.111.
11.01 Discipline
(a) The BOARD/Administration shall have the right to discipline; (e.g., verbal
warning, written warning and/or disciplinary suspension without pay) for
good and just cause. Disciplinary action of any type taken by the
BOARD/Administration shall be subject to the grievance/arbitration
provisions of this Agreement.
(b) The procedures set forth in Sections 4.04 shall be applicable to the
issuance of discipline.
11.02 Non-Renewal
(a) Notwithstanding any provisions of the Ohio Revised Code which requires
otherwise, it is agreed and expressly understood by the BOARD and the
ASSOCIATION that during the term of this AGREEMENT the language in
this section shall be considered the complete and total non-renewal
provisions of the School District.
(b) A recommendation by the Superintendent to the BOARD for the non-
renewal of an employee's regular limited contract shall take into account
the employee's ability or lack thereof, and the degree of professional
competency of the employee, or the lack thereof.
(c) A full written record of evaluation of an employee's professional service
shall be maintained in accordance with the evaluation procedure and such
written record shall be complete prior to any recommendation for the non-
(d) Upon a decision by the Superintendent to recommend non-renewal of an
employee's contract, but prior to the Superintendent's recommendation of
non-renewal to the BOARD, the Superintendent shall notify the employee
in writing of said non-renewal decision, which shall include the reasons for
his recommendation. The employee shall have the opportunity for a
conference with the Superintendent to discuss the reasons for the non-
renewal recommendation. In the event the Superintendent's reasons for
non-renewal are not disclosed in the employee's written evaluation record,
such reasons shall have been properly documented as required by the
provisions of this Agreement. (See Article VII, Section 7.03.)
(e) The Superintendent shall recommend and the BOARD shall act on a non-
renewal recommendation prior to June 1 of the year in which the
employee's contract expires.
(f) Within seven (7) calendar days of receipt of the BOARD's written notice
of non-renewal, the employee may request in writing to the Treasurer of
the BOARD a hearing with the BOARD regarding the contract non-
renewal. Said employee shall be notified within ten (10) calendar days of
the time, date, and place of the hearing which shall be within thirty (30)
calendar days of the request.
(g) The hearing regarding non-renewal must be conducted by a majority of
the BOARD and in executive session unless the BOARD and the
employee mutually agree to hold a public hearing. A record of the hearing
may be taken by either the BOARD or the employee at the expense of the
party taking the record.
(h) The BOARD shall issue a written decision and order to the employee
within ten (10) calendar days of the conclusion of the hearing either
affirming or vacating the BOARD's action of non-renewal. Should the
BOARD vacate the non-renewal, all reference to said non-renewal shall
be expunged from the employee's record.
(i) The employee shall have the right to representation by the ASSOCIATION
at each step of this procedure.
(j) Upon completion of the procedures set forth in this Article, the employee
may use the grievance-arbitration procedures in this Agreement to grieve
procedural but not substantive/merit issues, with the arbitrator having the
authority in an appropriate case to remedy procedural errors only.
(k) The provisions of Section 11.02 shall supersede and replace applicable
provisions of the Ohio Revised Code to include, but not limited to, R.C.
3319.11 and 3319.111.
11.03 Dismissal
(a) The BOARD shall also have the right to terminate the contract of an
employee for just cause. The termination of an employee shall be subject
to the grievance/arbitration provisions of this Agreement.
12.01 Seniority
(a) Seniority shall be defined as the length of continuous full or part-time
service as an employee in the bargaining unit under a limited or continuing
contract in the district.
(b) The accrual of seniority shall begin from the date of regular full-time or
part-time employment as verified by official Board of Education minutes,
and continue for all time the employee is working and receiving regular
paychecks, is receiving Workers' Compensation benefits, or is in military
(c) Time spent on inactive pay status of one or more years, after September
1, 1992 (unpaid leave, suspended contract, or the initial five years of
disability retirement), shall not contribute to the accrual of seniority, but
shall not constitute a break in seniority. Such employees will be given an
adjusted seniority date to reflect the time off work on such unpaid leave,
suspended contract, or disability retirement.
(d) Seniority shall be terminated when an employee resigns, retires, or his/her
contract with the BOARD is terminated or is non-renewed.
If two or more employees have the same seniority or adjusted seniority
date, as computed using the foregoing procedures, or if conflicts develop
over seniority, seniority will be determined:
1. By the date of Board of Education hiring as stated in the BOARD
minutes and then by;
2. Previous days of regular teaching experience outside the employment
of the Springboro School District, then by;
3. Number of days of substitute teaching in the Springboro School
District, then by:
4. Broken by lot using a procedure mutually established by the
12.02 Seniority List
(a) Every employee's name will appear in order of seniority on a list according
to the employees areas of certification or licensure on file in the office of
the Superintendent at the commencement of the second semester of a
school year. Employees who are certified or licensed in more than one
area shall have their names on the list under each category for which they
hold a valid Ohio Department of Education certification or license, and for
which the certificate or license is on file in the office of the Superintendent.
(b) The seniority list shall be compiled by placing at the top of the list in
descending order of seniority, according to respective areas of
certification, those employees serving under continuing contracts.
Employees serving under limited contracts will be placed on the list below
those with continuing contracts, also in descending order of seniority.
(c) The seniority list shall be prepared by the Superintendent no later than
December 1 of each school year. The seniority list shall be reviewed by
the ASSOCIATION President and Superintendent. All disagreements
about the accuracy of the list shall be resolved. The seniority list shall
then be updated with any new certifications or licenses filed with the Office
of the Superintendent and then initialed by the ASSOCIATION President
and the Superintendent, with copies given to each no later than January
31. Once initialed, the seniority list shall be considered final.
12.03 Reduction in Force
(a) When a staff reduction is necessary, based upon reasons established in
Ohio Revised Code 3319.17, the Superintendent shall give written notice
by certified mail of the intent to recommend the suspension of contracts
to the employees so affected and to the ASSOCIATION President. A list
of all those affected shall be given to the ASSOCIATION. The notification
to the employees and to the ASSOCIATION shall be given thirty (30)
calendar days prior to the BOARD meeting at which action will be taken
on the reduction in force in order to allow the ASSOCIATION to confer
with the Superintendent about the reasons for the reduction.
(b) Implementation of a reduction in force shall occur at no other time than
the beginning of a school year, except for reductions made necessary by
the return of an employee from a leave of absence.
(c) For purposes of a reduction in force and, until the 2020-2021 school year,
all employee evaluations shall be deemed comparable with the exception
of an employee whose teaching performance on his/her summative
evaluation is scored a “1.
(d) Reduction(s) shall first be made through attrition resulting from
resignations, retirements, non-renewals, terminations and transfers, with
the vacancies created by such resignations, retirements, non-renewals,
terminations or transfers filled utilizing the procedures set forth in Article
(e) If additional reductions are necessary employees on a limited contract
with a teaching performance summative evaluation score of “1” assigned
to teach in the licensed area affected by the reduction will be reduced on
the basis of least senior first as noted on the seniority list.
(f) Secondly, if additional reductions are necessary, employees on a limited
contract with comparable evaluations in the certification / licensed area(s)
affected by the reduction will be reduced on the basis of least senior, first
to be reduced, by certification / licensed area, as noted on the seniority
(g) If additional reductions are necessary employees on a continuing contract
with a teaching performance summative evaluation score of “1” assigned
to teach in the licensed area affected by the reduction will be reduced on
the basis of least senior first as noted on the seniority list.
(h) If additional reductions are necessary, employees on a continuing contract
with comparable evaluations in the certification/ licensed area(s) affected
by the reduction will be reduced on the basis of least senior, first to be
reduced, by certification / licensed area or position, as noted on the
seniority list.
(i) Employees who are displaced and/or reduced from one teaching area but
who hold a valid certificate / license in another area taught in the District
may exercise their seniority to displace the least senior employee in the
other teaching area; provided an employee on a limited contract shall not
have the right to displace an employee on a continuing contract.
(j) After all reduction/displacement alternatives are exercised the employees
who are unable to exercise such rights will have their teaching contracts
12.04 Recall from Suspended Contract Status
(a) The names of employees whose contracts are suspended or whose work
hours are reduced in a reduction in force will be placed on a recall list for
a period of one (1) year. Thereafter, an employee shall lose his/her right
to recall. Employees on the recall list shall have the following rights:
(1) No new appointments may be made by the BOARD while there are
employees with suspended contracts available who are certified /
licensed to fill vacancies.
(2) Employees on the recall list will be recalled in order of seniority with
employees on a continuing contract recalled before employees with
a limited contract for vacancies in areas for which they are certified /
licensed and a record of same is on file with the Superintendent.
(3) Notice of recall from suspended contract status will be by certified
letter to the last known address of the employee to be recalled. It is
the responsibility of the employee to keep the BOARD informed of
his/her current address. Within seven (7) calendar days of receipt of
the notice, or upon return of the Notice of Recall undelivered by the
post office, the employee notified is required to indicate in writing to
the Superintendent his/her availability for the position. Any
employee who fails to respond within seven (7) calendar days, will
forfeit all recall rights and will be deemed to have resigned his/her
An employee shall have the right to decline to accept one offer of
recall. An employee who declines to accept an offer of recall to a
second position will forfeit all recall rights and will be deemed to have
resigned his/her employment.
13.01 School Discipline Procedures
(a) The BOARD is responsible for adopting a code of student conduct.
(b) The Principal of each building shall develop with his/her faculty and staff
a means of implementing the adopted code of student conduct for his/her
school building that leads to appropriate student discipline.
(c) Rules and regulations governing discipline and procedures for student
control shall be reviewed by the Building Principal periodically with the
(d) A Building Code of Conduct regarding discipline shall be posted on the
BOARD’S website at the beginning of each school year.
13.02 Assault
(a) An employee who has been physically or verbally assaulted shall make
an immediate oral report to the Principal or his designee. The employee
shall make a complete written report of the incident to the Principal as
soon as physically able to do so.
(b) The Principal shall give a full report to the Superintendent who shall
determine if any public authority should be contacted by the District and/or
if proceedings should be initiated by the District against the assailant.
Nothing in this section prohibits the employee from personally initiating
legal action; provided, however, prior to doing so the Superintendent must
be notified.
(c) If court action results from action taken by the Superintendent (as
opposed to civil action initiated by the employee for his/her own benefit)
the employee shall be granted leave of absence with no loss of pay for
the days in court or consultation as may be requested by BOARD counsel,
the County Prosecutor, the Court, or law enforcement officers.
(d) Any employee who is disabled and unable to perform his/her duties due
to an assault upon the employee as certified by the employee's attending
physician to the Superintendent, in writing, shall receive leave up to a
maximum of seventeen (17) work days. Upon request from the
Superintendent, the employee may be required to be examined by a
BOARD-designated physician to verify such disability.
(e) In the event the employee’s physician and the physician selected by the
Superintendent do not agree on any matter, they shall jointly refer the
matter to a third physician mutually acceptable to such physicians who
shall consider the reports of the two physicians, examine the employee, if
necessary, and determine the matter at issue. The determination of this
third physician shall be binding on all concerned and is not subject to
further appeal.
The employee is responsible for all expenses incurred from his/her
The BOARD is responsible for all expenses incurred from the physician
selected by the Superintendent and for the cost of the third physician.
13.03 Accident Reports
(a) In the case of accidents involving students under an employee's
supervision, an accident report shall be filed with the Building Principal;
provided, however, the BOARD shall have the right to waive this
requirement and in lieu thereof to require the employee to submit a
confidential report of the incident to the BOARD's attorney, which report
shall be protected by the attorney-client privilege, by the employee no later
than twenty-four (24) hours after the incident.
(b) Non-confidential reports shall be in writing and provided to the employee's
immediate supervisor.
(c) The employee shall have the right to ASSOCIATION representation in any
meeting involving representatives of the District.
(d) If a liability suit against the employee arises out of the accident, the District
shall provide the employee with counsel and will hold the employee
harmless to the full extent required by the applicable provisions of the Ohio
Revised Code, provided that the Employee was acting within his or her
scope of employment at the time of the accident. If criminal charges
against the employee arise out of, or in the opinion of the BOARD's
attorney may arise out of, the accident, the BOARD may, but shall not be
required to, provide the employee with counsel in such criminal action
proceedings, as the BOARD in the exercise of its sole discretion shall
14.01 Sick Leave
(a) Days of absence authorized under this provision shall be deducted from
the sick leave accumulation.
(b) Each employee shall be entitled to earn one and one-fourth (1-1/4) days
of sick leave for each month under contract up to 15 days per year. The
maximum accumulation of sick leave for full-time employees shall be
three-hundred (300) days
. This limit shall be increased for employees
who are at the maximum up to an additional ten (10) days for personal
leave days unused and converted to sick leave; provided, however
employees who are at the maximum sick leave accumulation at the end
of the school year prior to their date of retirement shall be permitted to use
sick leave which would have been earned during such school year of
retirement before using the accumulated sick leave carried over into the
last school year.
(c) All accumulations of unused sick leave credit heretofore accrued under
prior laws and policies shall remain to the credit of the sick leave account
of each employee on the effective date of this regulation. Upon the
employment of an employee whose employment was in a school district
outside the State of Ohio, the employee may transfer to his sick leave
account in the Springboro Schools up to a maximum of one-hundred and
fifty (150) days of unused/uncashed sick leave as accrued to his/her sick
leave account in his/her former district of employment as certified by
officials of that district. Accrued credits shall be allowed to employees
transferring their employment from other Boards of Education or other
political subdivisions in Ohio, provided such credits have been computed
under the minimum requirements of the laws of the State of Ohio and do
not exceed the local cap on sick leave.
(d) On reporting to duty, each employee shall be credited an advance of five
(5) days' sick leave. A new employee shall not accumulate sick leave until
such time as the sick leave he/she would have accumulated equals the
amount of sick leave he/she was advanced. Thereafter, he/she shall
accumulate sick leave at the rate set forth in 14.01(b) above.
(e) Employees who have been employed in the Springboro Community City
School District for a period of one (1) year or more and who have
consumed all presently accumulated sick leave shall be granted an
advancement of the number of sick leave days the employee will earn to
the end of the current contract year up to a maximum of five (5) days' on
their sick leave to be earned thereafter. Any such employee who thus
receives an advancement of sick leave shall make written application
therefore on a form provided by his/her superior in which he/she shall also
allege an intention to return to the employ of the School District upon
recovery or to pay the value of such days advanced should he/she not
return, such payment to be either by payroll deduction from money due
him/her from the School District or by direct payment. Such application
shall be accompanied by the statement of a physician that he/she will be
physically able to return to his/her assignment upon recovery and shall
also give the anticipated date of return.
(f) The same accrual of one and one-fourth (1-1/4) days per month under
contract shall continue during the use of sick leave, provided the
employee has not been officially separated from the payroll.
(g) Sick leave usage shall be granted for the following:
(1) Absence due to illness, injury or exposure to contagious disease.
(2) Absence due to illness or death in the employee's immediate family.
(3) A birth mother may used a maximum of six (6) calendar weeks of
sick leave and such weeks must be taken within the first six (6)
consecutive calendar weeks immediately following the day of birth.
If the birth is caesarian, the maximum shall be eight (8) calendar
weeks. If additional time is needed, a doctor must provided a written
statement indicating that additional sick leave is necessary.
A Member may use sick leave for absence to aid in the recovery of
their spouse or partner due to the delivery of their baby. The Member
may use sick leave during any of the three (3) calendar weeks
immediately following the day of birth. Additional days may be
granted due to unusual circumstances.
(4) Up to fifteen (15) days of sick leave may be taken at the time an
employee receives an infant (0 to five (5) years old) which is placed
with the employee for adoption.
(5) Definitions:
a. Immediate family - Where sickness is concerned, "immediate
family" shall be defined as spouse, father, father-in-law, mother,
mother-in-law, sister, brother or child. This also includes any
other person living as a dependent in the employee's household.
b. Where death is concerned, "immediate family" shall be defined to
mean father, mother, husband, wife, son, daughter, step-child
(son or daughter of current spouse), father and mother-in-law,
son and daughter-in-law, brothers and sisters, brother and sister-
in-law, aunts and uncles, nieces and nephews, grandparents and
grandparents-in-law, grandchildren and step-parents. The
immediate family shall also include the death of a person the
employee has been supporting, whether a relative or not.
(6) Sick leave usage to attend the funeral of a member of in the
employee's immediate family shall be:
a. five (5) days when due to the death of the employee's father,
mother, spouse, son or daughter; and
b. three (3) days when due to the death of any other member of the
employee's immediate family.
[NOTE: Additional sick leave usage may be used if the employee
is otherwise eligible to use sick leave.]
c. An employee may use one day of sick leave per school year (July
1 to June 30) to attend the funeral of a person not identified as a
Member of the employee’s immediate family.
(7) Sick leave for immediate family not residing in the same household
shall be granted to a maximum of ten (10) consecutive days upon
certification by the employee that the family member is seriously ill
and the employee's presence is required. Such ten (10) days shall
not be deemed leave granted under the Family and Medical Leave
provisions herein (Section 14.17).
(8) An employee may appeal to the Superintendent for special
permission in unusual situations not listed above, such as the serious
illness of a grandchild.
(h) The Superintendent may, in the exercise of his sole discretion, require any
employee using sick leave for ten (10) or more consecutive days in any
school year to be examined by a physician or physicians selected by the
Superintendent for the purpose of confirming that the employee is
disabled and not able to work with or without restrictions/limitations and if
the employee is able to work with restrictions/limitations, to work out the
reasonable accommodations necessary, if possible, to enable the
employee to do so.
In the event the employee’s physician and the physician selected by the
Superintendent do not agree on any matter, they shall jointly refer the
matter to a third physician mutually acceptable to such physicians who
shall consider the reports of the two physicians, examine the employee, if
necessary, and determine the matter at issue. The determination of this
third physician shall be binding on all concerned and is not subject to
further appeal.
The employee is responsible for all expenses incurred from his/her
The BOARD is responsible for all expenses incurred from the physician
selected by the Superintendent and for the cost of the third physician.
(i) Falsification of the sick leave statement could result in the termination of
an employee's contract pursuant to Section 3319.16 Ohio Revised Code.
(j) An employee returning to work following a personal illness which required
absence of ten (10) or more work days may be required to furnish the
Superintendent with a statement from his/her attending physician
certifying the employee's ability to return to active working status. If the
employee's physician is unable to certify that the employee is able to
resume his/her full and normal job duties without limitations, the attending
physician shall provide the full particulars on any limitations/restrictions in
place and the likely duration of such. In the event there are
restrictions/limitations, a meeting will be held with the employee before a
determination is made on whether the employee may/may not return to
active working status. If as a result of this meeting the Superintendent
determines that the employee can return to work with
restrictions/limitations, the Superintendent and the employee will then
work out the reasonable accommodations necessary, if possible, to
enable the employee to do so.
(k) The Superintendent may, in the exercise of his sole discretion, require any
employee returning to active working status following the use of sick leave
for ten (10) or more days to be examined by a physician or physicians
selected by the Superintendent for the purpose of confirming that the
employee is able to return to work with or without restrictions/limitations
and if the employee is able to return to work with restrictions/limitations,
to work out the reasonable accommodations necessary, if possible, to
enable the employee to do so.
In the event the employee's physician and the physician selected by the
Superintendent do not agree, they shall jointly refer the matter to a third
physician mutually acceptable to such physicians who shall consider the
reports of the two physicians, examine the employee, if necessary, and
determine the matter at issue. The determination of this third physician
shall be binding on all concerned and is not subject to further appeal.
The employee is responsible for all expenses incurred from his/her
The BOARD is responsible for all expenses incurred from the physician
selected by the Superintendent and for the cost of the third physician.
14.02 Exhaustion of Sick Leave
(a) Employees who exhaust all sick leave they have earned or have had
credited to their account as an advance or from the sick leave bank who
remain sick and unable to report for work shall automatically, for up to
thirty (30) days, be deemed on leave-without-pay status. During this thirty
(30) day period, the employee must apply for appropriate leave to cover
the absence from work. Failure to properly apply for appropriate leave
during this thirty (30) day period is grounds for termination of the
employee's contract for willful failure to return to work.
14.03 Medical/Disability Leave
(a) Upon application and formal BOARD approval, an employee shall be
granted an unpaid, medical or disability leave of absence in accordance
with Section 3319.13 of the Ohio Revised Code. Said leave shall be for a
period of time not to exceed one (1) year from the effective date of the
leave, but will be extended for an additional period or periods to a
maximum of two (2) total years of medical/disability leave upon
submission of appropriate disability verification. All applications for unpaid
leave shall include a termination date of the leave.
(b) An employee on a school-year medical leave of absence shall verify in
writing by March 15 to the Superintendent his/her desire to return to work
the following school year. If the return date is in the middle of a school
year, the employee shall verify to the Superintendent his/her desire to
return to work within thirty (30) calendar days of the end of the leave.
These timelines may be waived by mutual consent of both parties.
(c) An employee returning to work following an approved medical/disability
leave of absence must furnish the Superintendent with a statement from
his/her attending physician certifying the employee's ability to return to
active working status. If the employee's physician is unable to certify that
the employee is able to resume his/her full and normal job duties without
limitations, the attending physician shall provide the full particulars on any
limitations/restrictions in place and the likely duration of such. In the event
there are restrictions/limitations, a meeting will be held with the employee
before a determination is made on whether the employee may/may not
return to active working status. If as a result of this meeting the
Superintendent determines that the employee can return to work with
restrictions/limitations, the Superintendent and the employee will then
work out the reasonable accommodations necessary, if possible, to
enable the employee to do so.
(d) The Superintendent may, in the exercise of his sole discretion, require any
employee desiring to return to active working status to be examined by a
physician or physicians selected by the Superintendent for the purpose of
confirming that the employee is able to return to work with or without
restrictions/limitations and if the employee is able to return to work with
restrictions/limitations, to work out the reasonable accommodations
necessary, if possible, to enable the employee to do so.
In the event the employee's physician and the physician selected by the
Superintendent do not agree on any matter, they shall jointly refer the
matter to a third physician mutually acceptable to such physicians who
shall consider the reports of the two physicians, examine the employee, if
necessary, and determine the matter at issue. The determination of this
third physician shall be binding on all concerned and is not subject to
further appeal.
The employee is responsible for all expenses incurred from his/her
The BOARD is responsible for all expenses incurred from the physician
selected by the Superintendent and for the cost of the third physician.
14.04 Sick Leave Bank (S.L.B.)
(a) Purpose:
To loan additional days of sick leave to employees who experience
personal accidental injury, surgery or serious illness and have used up all
personal sick leave days.
(b) Provisions of Eligibility:
(1) All employees shall be eligible to be members of the S.L.B.
(2) At the start of each school year, each employee will receive a written
notice of the open enrollment period which will provide an opportunity
to enroll in the bank between September 1 and October 1. Initial
membership will consist of one (1) day sick leave, to be deducted
from the employee's sick leave accumulation and transferred to the
S.L.B. prior to October 1. Any unused days in the Bank will carry
over to the next year.
(3) Membership shall be continuous unless canceled, in writing, to the
Treasurer's Office during the period of September 1 through October
(4) If 50 participants are not enrolled by October 1st, the bank will not be
established for that school year.
(c) Operational Procedures:
(1) Loans will be limited to participating employees for use only in cases
of the employee's own, the employee's spouse or dependent child's
personal illness, injury or non-elective surgery occurring under
unusual, severe or emergency conditions, as determined by the
S.L.B. Board. Normal pregnancy is not an unusual, severe or
emergency condition.
(2) Applications for loans from the Sick Leave Bank must be made on
the Employee Application for Sick Leave Bank Form (Appendix B).
A Physician's Statement (Appendix C) is required with each
application in order to be considered for a loan.
(3) A loan will be considered only after the individual has used all of
his/her accumulated sick leave days, personal leave days, and has
used all possible advances of sick leave days and is not eligible for
disability leave under the Ohio State Teacher Retirement System.
(d) Sick Leave Bank Board
The Sick Leave Loan Bank is to be regulated by a Board consisting of two
(2) teachers to be selected by the ASSOCIATION, and two (2)
administrators to be selected by the Superintendent.
(e) Loan and Payback Procedures
(1) The maximum number of days that a member may borrow is ten
percent (10%) of the total days in the bank at the end of the
enrollment period (October 1).
(2) The member who borrows days will pay back the days at the rate of
fifty percent (50%) of his/her annual accumulated sick leave at the
end of the salary contract year, each year until the total number of
days borrowed has been restored to the bank. Provided, in the event
a member who owes days to the bank ceases for any reason to earn
sick leave days (i.e., retirement, resignation, permanent disability or
death), any days of sick leave at that time to the credit of such
member after first repaying days advanced shall be used to repay
the bank before any sick leave days are cashed in for severance pay
(f) Policy Procedures:
(1) In consideration of the benefits of participating in the S.L.B., each
applicant for membership in the Bank and for benefits from the Bank
shall, as a condition to such application, agree in writing as follows "I
specifically acknowledge and agree that the granting of days from
the S.L.B. shall be at the sole discretion of the S.L.B. Board. All
decisions of the S.L.B. Board will be final and binding and are not
subject to grievance. I further agree to abide by such decision and
to indemnify and hold harmless the Springboro Community City
School District, the Springboro Education Association, the S.L.B.
Board, and all of their agents for any loss they may sustain as a result
of any claim or legal proceedings I may bring against any of them
with respect to a decision made by any of them concerning this
(2) When an employee donates days to the Bank, he/she agrees to
the above-stated rules for administration of the Bank and agrees to
abide by the stated rules.
(3) All decisions of the S.L.B. Board shall be final and binding, and are
not subject to the grievance/arbitration provisions of this
(4) Application for the S.L.B. days must be made to the Human
Resources Department.
(5) The S.L.B. Board shall meet and render a decision within ten (10)
days of receipt of request.
(6) Unused requested days shall be returned to the S.L.B.
(7) The S.L.B. will begin with one (1) day from each contributing
employee. When the fund is depleted below seventy-five (75)
days, each member will be assessed one (1) additional day. The
S.L.B. Board shall be responsible for notifying employees of each
assessment period. Members may donate days above and beyond
this requirement.
(8) Extension of additional days may be applied for in the same
manner as original application.
(9) These guidelines will be reviewed annually by the Sick Leave Bank
Board if requested by either party.
14.05 Personal Business Days
(a) All employees will be credited with three (3) days personal business
absence per year for business and personal reasons with the approval of
the Superintendent. Such absence is not to be counted as sick leave. If
personal days are unused, one day may be carried over to the next school
year. Thus, the maximum number of personal days available in any one
year would be four (4) days.
(b) Application for personal leave shall be signed by the applicant and
submitted in writing to the office of the principal for approval two (2) work
days prior to the day such leave is to be taken. When emergency
situations arise making compliance impossible, the principal shall be
notified with the personal leave form submitted to the principal within three
(3) days after date of absence. Personal leave days shall not be granted
on the last three (3) days of school, the day immediately prior to or
following a school vacation or school holiday, or on any in-service day or
any parent-teacher conference day. With the exception of unforeseen
emergencies, no more than ten percent (10%) of the certified employees
may be granted leave, inclusive of other scheduled and approved leaves,
on any given day, as determined by the principal.
(c) Except in unforeseen emergencies, as determined by the Superintendent,
personal leave days shall not be granted on the first or last day of school,
the day immediately prior to or following a school vacation or school
holiday or on any in-service day or any parent-teacher conference day.
(d) If at the end of each school year an employee has any unused personal
leave days, that employee may carry over one (1) day as described in
paragraph (a) above or that employee may either transfer the unused
personal leave to the employee's sick leave account up to the maximum
accumulation allowed or cash out the unused personal day(s) at a rate of
one-hundred and twenty-five dollars ($125.00) per unused day. For
employees who have the maximum number of sick days accumulated,
unused personal days (maximum of four (4) per year) may be converted
to sick leave days, not to exceed ten (10) additional days. For employees
who cash out the unused personal day(s), the payment shall not be
considered as salary for STRS credit and will be made in July. An
employee must inform the Treasurer in writing of his/her decision about
what that employee wants to do with unused personal days by the teacher
work day at the end of the school year. If an employee fails to notify the
Treasurer by that date, then one personal day will be carried over to the
next school year and any other unused personal days will be converted to
sick leave in accordance with this paragraph.
(e) In calculating the severance pay for an employee eligible for severance
pay, all accrued and unused personal days which the employee has will
be automatically converted to sick leave days before severance pay is
14.06 Child Care Leave
(a) If an employee desires to take unpaid child care leave, he/she shall notify
his/her Superintendent not later than two (2) months prior to the date upon
which he/she plans to start the leave.
(b) The date of return for an employee granted unpaid child care leave shall
coincide with the beginning of a semester, unless otherwise approved by
the Superintendent. The total length of child care leave shall not exceed
one (1) calendar year from the date he/she begins leave unless his/her
return would coincide with the beginning of the following semester.
(c) An employee granted a child care leave shall be returned to his/her
original position, if the leave is for one (1) semester or less. If the leave is
for more than one (1) semester, the employee shall be returned to his/her
original position, if available, or one similar, if the original position is no
longer available. Employees granted a full year of absence, shall notify
the District in writing by April 1, their desire to return to work the following
year. If the employee fails to notify the BOARD of a decision to return by
April 1, then the employee shall be considered to have resigned and the
BOARD shall not have to take any action to accept such resignation.
(d) Leave granted under this section shall be deemed leave granted under
the Family and Medical Leave provisions herein (Section 14.17).
14.07 Adoption Leave
(a) Any employee shall, upon request, receive an unpaid leave of absence
for the adoption of a child. If the child's age is less than the amount
required for enrollment in kindergarten, the leave shall be up to one school
year. Otherwise, the leave shall not exceed one semester.
(b) An employee granted an adoption leave shall be returned to the
employee's original position if the leave is for one school semester or less.
An employee granted an adoption leave for one school year shall be
returned to the employee’s original position, if available, or a similar
(c) Leave granted under this section shall be deemed leave granted under
the Family and Medical Leave provisions herein (Section 14.17).
14.08 Professional Leave
(a) An employee wishing to request professional leave shall do so on the
designated District form at least ten (10) calendar days prior to the
meeting or conference. Said request shall be approved or rejected by the
Principal and Superintendent in advance of the meeting or conference.
(b) Attendance is limited to one employee from a department or office at any
one meeting except as approved by the Superintendent. Presenters shall
have priority in being granted Professional Leave provided approval is
secured prior to the employee agreeing to be a presenter.
(c) Expense Reimbursement:
(1) Travel expenses shall be reimbursed at the then current IRS-
approved mileage rate for reimbursement, or air tourist rates,
whichever is less.
(2) Meal and lodging allowance shall be paid at a per diem rate of not
more than One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150.00) per day provided that
receipts for all expenditures are attached to the designated
reimbursement request.
(3) The meal allowance for one (1) meal during a full one-day workshop
shall not exceed Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) per day, provided that
receipts for all expenditures are attached to the designated
reimbursement request.
(4) Registration fees shall be reimbursed at the advertised conference
rate. When cost of meals is included in the registration fee, no other
voucher for meals will be honored.
(5) Because of budget constraints, professional meeting
reimbursements may be less than the actual anticipated and/or
incurred expenses. The administration shall make the employee
aware of this limitation prior to the approval of the meeting.
14.09 Fulbright Teacher Exchange Leave
(a) An employee with at least five (5) years of continuous employment with
the Springboro Community City School District dating from the employee’s
most recent date of hire may, with permission of the BOARD, be entitled
to take a leave of absence from teaching duties with full salary and
benefits for up to one (1) year to participate in a Fulbright Teacher
Exchange Program.
(b) Participation in the Fulbright Exchange Program shall be subject to the
following conditions:
(1) The year the employee participates in the Fulbright Exchange
Program shall count as a year of service in the Springboro
Community City Schools.
(2) Application for permission to participate must be submitted prior to
September 1 in the year preceding the year in which the leave is to
be taken.
(3) The Fulbright Teacher Exchange Program must approve the
employee’s participation in the program and must provide an
exchange replacement employee to the School District to teach in
the position of Springboro employee granted the leave from assigned
teaching duties at no cost to the BOARD for any wages, benefits or
other expenses of the provided employee.
(4) The employee, who must agree to work for the Springboro
Community City School District for one (1) year following completion
of the program, shall be returned to his/her same position upon
(5) Participation in the Exchange Program shall result in no additional
cost to the District.
(6) The exchange employee shall not be deemed an employee of the
School District but shall be subject to all rules, regulations and
policies of the BOARD, the same as an employee would be bound
by such rules, regulations and policies.
(7) If the exchange employee, for whatever reason, cannot fulfill his/her
responsibilities for the term of the exchange, the Springboro
employee shall return to the District at such time as the exchange
employee leaves the District.
(c) No more than one (1) employee may participate in a Fulbright Teacher
Exchange Program in any school year.
14.10 Job Sharing
(a) An employee who has at least three (3) years of seniority is eligible to
apply for and be granted a shared teaching assignment pursuant to the
conditions set forth in this program agreement.
(b) Two employees who are certified for the same position may be granted,
upon the approval of the Superintendent in the exercise of his sole
discretion, the opportunity to share a single full-time job assignment.
Decisions of the Superintendent with regards to granting or not granting
any application for job sharing by any employees shall not be subject to
review by the BOARD or be the subject of any grievance under the
Grievance Procedure set forth in the basic Collective Bargaining
Agreement between the BOARD and the SEA.
(c) Employees who wish to share an assignment shall submit a written
application to the Superintendent which includes a plan for approval to the
Superintendent no later than March 1 of the year preceding the proposed
job share plan. The plan must include the following elements:
(1) The names of the employees who desire to job share.
The then current job assignments of such employees - building,
grade, subject, team members if a team teaching situation, and all
other relevant particulars of such assignment.
The teaching assignment proposed for the job sharing - building,
grade, subject matter, team members if a team teaching situation,
and all relevant particulars of such assignment.
A statement from each Building Principal affected if the shared staff
or program which is proposed is approved, indicating the position of
each regarding the effect of approving shared staffing on the
educational opportunity for students.
A statement from each team member affected if the shared staffing
program which is proposed is approved, indicating the position of
each regarding the effect of approving the shared staffing proposal
on the educational opportunity for students.
(2) That the plan shall be in effect for one (1) school year.
(3) A full description of the teaching techniques, methods and grading
practices used by each employee, with a full explanation of the steps
the participants will use to insure compatibility of such techniques
and practices.
(4) A full description as to who shall be responsible for teaching the
specific areas of the curriculum, how grades and reports shall be
completed, a means for communication between both employees
and the Building administration.
(d) A job-sharing arrangement shall be for one (1) year increments and must
receive the Superintendent’s approval for continuation from year to year.
(e) Should an employee, both employees or the Superintendent wish to
discontinue the job-sharing assignment for a subsequent school year, the
employee with the greater seniority shall retain the position on a full-time
basis. The employee with the less seniority shall be allowed to transfer to
an open position, if any, and if there is no open position, shall be placed
on a suspended contract basis due to a reduction-in-force and thereafter
be permitted to exercise the rights available to an employee on reduction-
in-force under the applicable provisions of the basic Collective Bargaining
(f) Both employees shall be present for Parent-Teacher conferences.
(g) If during the course of the school year one employee is not able to
continue in the job-sharing assignment, the other employee must assume
the full-time teaching position.
(h) Each employee shall receive a prorated salary based upon the portion of
the total employee duty day worked by each employee applied to the
appropriate step on the salary schedule for each employee and for the
amount of time that he/she is assigned to work.
(i) Sick leave earned prior to working in a job-sharing assignment or while
working in the job sharing assignment shall be earned and used based on
the concept that a day is a day.
(j) If one job sharing employee is absent, the other employee may substitute
for him/her and will receive his/her full daily rate of pay for such days.
(k) The BOARD shall pay a total of 100% of a single or family monthly
premium for the BOARD's portion of the premium cost for
physician/surgical and major medical, dental, vision and prescription drug
benefit program as specified for a full-time employee in Article XVIII. If
both employees desire coverage under such insurance programs, they
shall, as part of their application, agree on the insurance program cost
each shall be responsible for paying so that the total dollars payable by
the BOARD will not exceed the amount the BOARD would have been
required to pay for one full-time teaching employee.
All particulars regarding the insurance coverage to be in effect for the
employees involved in the job sharing must be worked out and agreed to
in advance by the employees, the ASSOCIATION, and the
If during the job-sharing year the circumstances of either of the employees
change and the opportunity to secure insurance coverage becomes
necessary and is available, all concerned shall meet and work out the
particulars to permit the insurance coverage to be provided at no
additional total cost to the BOARD.
(l) The total amount of personal leave the employees involved in sharing a
single assignment shall be eligible to receive is three (3) one-half (½) days
(m) It is specifically understood and agreed that the Superintendent will not
approve any request for a shared teaching assignment unless it is
demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Superintendent that approval of
the application will benefit the educational opportunity for the students
affected by the shared staffing if the application is approved.
14.11 Other Leaves
Days of absence authorized under this section shall be fully paid days unless
otherwise stipulated in each individual leave, and shall not be deducted from
sick leave accumulation.
(a) Jury duty - Absence for jury duty is permissible for any employee during
the term of this Agreement.
(b) Military duty - All employees, who are members of the Ohio National
Guard, the Ohio Defense Corps, the Ohio Naval Militia, or members of
other reserve components of the armed forces of the United States, shall
be granted leaves of absence and pay in accordance with the Ohio
Revised Code.
(c) Court leave - In all cases where employees are subpoenaed or
summoned to appear for grand jury hearings or to appear in any court in
cases which are school related, except cases in which the employee has
the potential to directly receive a benefit or award from the action, they
shall be paid the difference between their witness fee and the normal
salary for the period of absence.
(d) Justifiable Emergency - The Superintendent may authorize absences for
other justifiable emergency situations. The reason for such request shall
be stated in writing.
(e) Fitness for Duty The Superintendent may place an employee on paid
administrative leave and require a fitness for duty examination for
purposes of confirming that the employee is able to work. All expenses
incurred from a physician selected by the Superintendent shall be paid by
the BOARD.
14.12 Sabbatical Leave
(a) An employee who has completed five years of service in the Springboro
Community City School System may, with permission of the BOARD, be
entitled to take a leave-of-absence with part pay, equal to the difference
between the substitute's pay and the employee's expected salary, for one
or two semesters subject to the following restrictions:
(1) Application submitted by March 1 of the school year prior to the
beginning of the leave.
(2) A plan of study in education approved by the Superintendent.
(3) Provide evidence at the conclusion of the leave that the plan was
followed and credit received.
(4) Agree to work for Springboro Community Schools for one year
following completion.
(5) In the event the employee does not return for one (1) year, he/she
shall repay all monies expended on behalf of the employee pursuant
to this section.
(b) No more than two (2) employees may be on sabbatical leave at any one
(c) This section is subject to all other provisions of Section 3319.131 O.R.C.
14.13 Leave for Professional Study
(a) Professional leave without pay will be granted on the basis of one (1) full
semester or one (1) full year. Leave will be granted only for full-time
graduate study or completion of an undergraduate degree. Earned credits
must be filed with the Superintendent prior to reemployment in the
Springboro Community City School System. Upon request, an extension
of one (1) full year of leave may be granted.
14.14 Leave for Teaching Overseas
(a) Written requests for leave of absence without pay may be granted for
exchange teaching in a foreign nation under the federal government's
exchange teacher program or for overseas teaching of dependents of
military personnel; leave will be for two (2) school years and may be
extended for a third year.
14.15 Office in State and National Professional Organizations
(a) Upon request of the S.E.A., an employee elected to a state or national
office of a bona fide professional organization at either state or national
level may be granted a leave of absence without pay not to exceed two
(2) years.
14.16 Absence Not Covered by Leave
(a) Any approved absence not covered by one of the leave provisions of this
article shall be without pay. Each day of such unpaid leave shall be
deducted from an employee's salary at the rate of 1/185th of the
employee's total yearly salary for each day of absence.
14.17 Family and Medical Leave
(a) The parties will comply with the Family and Medical Leave Act, as
amended. The remainder of this Article is included only to guide
bargaining unit members.
(a) Employees who: (1) have been continuously employed for at least one (1)
year; and (2) have either: (a) worked for at least 1250 hours during the
twelve (12) month period immediately preceding the date when the
application to take this leave is filed, or (b) were employed under a "full
time" contract during the twelve (12) month period immediately preceding
the date when the application to take this leave is filed, shall be eligible for
"Family and Medical Leave" in accordance with the Family and Medical
Leave Act, Public Law 103-3.
(b) Family and Medical Leave may be taken by employees who are
temporarily unable to work due to:
(1) birth of a child where the employee is needed to care for such
newborn [Child Care Leave, see Section 14.06];
(2) placement of a child with the employee for adoption or foster care
[Adoption Leave, see Section 14.07];
(3) the need for the employee to care for the employee's spouse, son,
daughter or parent with a serious health condition [Family Care
Leave]; or
(4) serious health conditions of the employee, as defined by the U.S.
Department of Labor's Regulations, that make the employee unable
to perform essential functions of his/her job (with or without
reasonable accommodations for the disability, if such is required)
[employee disability leave].
(c) Child Leave and Adoption Leave taken under this section as Family and
Medical Leave may commence at any time during the one (1) year period
following the date of birth or date of placement for adoption.
(d) No more than twelve (12) weeks of Family and Medical Leave, as such,
will be granted in any twelve (12) month period commencing with the first
day of usage.
(e) In the event both a husband and a wife are employed by the BOARD, the
combined total Family and Medical Leave which can be granted as Child
Care Leave or Adoption Leave is twelve (12) weeks in any one (1) year
(f) Where the necessity for this leave is foreseeable, the employee must give
notice by requesting this Leave, in writing, at least thirty (30) days prior to
the onset of the leave. Such written notice shall be filed with the
Superintendent. In those situations where the employee is unable to give
this thirty (30) day notice, notice of the request for the leave must be given
at the earliest time possible, considering all the circumstances present.
When "family care leave" or "employee disability leave" is foreseeable,
based on planned medical treatment, the employee should try to schedule
such planned medical treatment during non-assigned duty time.
(g) Requests for "family care leave" must be supported by a health care
provider certification verifying that a serious health condition exists and
that the employee is needed to care for the family member and the
estimated time needed for such care.
Requests for "employee disability leave" must be supported by a health
care provider certification verifying that a serious health condition exists
and a statement that the employee is unable to perform the essential
functions of his/her position.
Requests for "intermittent or reduced schedule family care leave" or
"reduced schedule employee disability leave" must be further supported
by medical certification as to the necessity and expected duration of the
leave; and, for planned medical treatments, the dates and duration of each
(h) Employees covered by the medical insurance program set forth in Article
XVIII, Section 18.02(a), at the onset of a leave secured under this section
may continue to participate in the program during the leave on the same
terms and conditions that would have applied had no leave been taken.
The premium portion payable by the employee, if any, is due on the first
day of the month.
(i) Except as specifically required by other provisions of the AGREEMENT
with respect to any other type of leave taken concurrently with leave taken
under this Section, no other employment benefits accrue during a family
and medical leave and no other paid leave benefits will be paid if such
occur during a family and medical leave. The seniority of an employee on
an approved family medical leave of absence shall not be broken, and the
time spent on such leave shall be counted as continuous service for
seniority calculation purposes.
(j) Where there is medical necessity for "intermittent leave" or "reduced
schedule leave" or "family care leave" or "employee disability leave, such
are available, subject to agreement between the BOARD and the
employee. However, the BOARD may require the employee to transfer
for the duration of the leave to an equivalent position that better
accommodates the proposed intermittent or reduced leave schedule, if
such a position exists within the employee's area(s) of certification.
Employee's on an intermittent or reduced leave schedule will have their
salaries reduced to reflect the hours or days missed due to such leave
unless paid leave (e.g., sick leave) is otherwise payable for time off work
on Family and Medical Leave under other provisions of this
(k) Employees with accrued but unused personal days or sick leave days
must use such paid leave first as part of any "family care leave" and/or
"employee disability leave" taken under this Section. A request to use
Family and Medical Leave under this Section shall also be deemed a
request to take any paid leave (e.g., sick leave, personal days) the
employee is eligible to take. Approval to take Family and Medical Leave
also constitutes approval to take such other leave.
(l) Employees who apply for and take a leave of absence under other
sections of this Article (e.g., sick leave, medical/disability leave, child care
leave or adoption leave), which leave is for a reason for which the
employee would also be eligible for Family and Medical Leave under this
section and/or the Family and Medical Leave Act, shall also be deemed
to be on Family and Medical Leave under this section and shall be so
notified by the Human Resource Director’s office.
(m) When returning from a leave under this Section, the employee will be
placed in the same position that he/she held before taking this leave. If
the employee was transferred to accommodate an intermittent leave or
reduced hours leave, the employee will be returned to the position he/she
held before being transferred for accommodation of the intermittent leave
or reduced hours leave. If family and medical leave is taken in conjunction
with child care leave, as provided for in Section 14.06 above, or adoption
leave as provided for in Section 14.07 above, or medical/disability leave
as provided in Section 14.03 above, the provisions of Section 14.03, 14.06
or 14.07, whichever is applicable, shall govern the return to work
conditions for the employee.
(n) The provisions of Section 14.01(j) and 14.03(c) shall also be applicable to
the return of an employee from "employee disability leave" granted under
this Section.
(o) In the event the Family and Medical Leave Act is repealed, this Section
shall be null and void and have no further force and effect.
15.01 School Day
(a) A normal working day for all employees including traveling employees
shall be 7-1/4 hours in length including a duty free lunch period of at least
thirty (30) minutes and a conference/ preparation period. Starting times
and ending times shall be established by the Principal in each building,
but all employees will work a normal working day. Nothing herein should
be construed to require that the starting and ending time for each
employee in a particular building be uniform. Should the district decide to
change starting and ending time for employees, the superintendent will
notify the ASSOCIATION president of the district's intent. Employees will
be given the opportunity to volunteer for an assignment by August 1.
(b) A building principal, district administrator, or supervisor may schedule a
one-hour staff meeting per month. If the meeting lasts more than one hour
or additional meetings are required during the month, employees shall be
compensated pursuant to Article 17.05. Compensation shall be based in
quarter hour increments.
(c) Employees will attend one (1) open house per school year not to exceed
two (2) hours.
15.02 School Year
(a) The work year shall consist of 185 contract days. The equivalent of three
(3) days shall be used for teacher-directed activities (i.e., in-classroom
work day). The teacher-directed activities will be designated as follows:
the equivalent of one (1) full work day for in-classroom preparation/set up
scheduled before the first day of school for students, the equivalent of one
(1) full day in March, with one-half (1/2) of the day for in-classroom work
and one-half (1/2) of the day for employees to complete various activities
in or out of the classroom, and the equivalent of one (1) full day for
classroom close up scheduled after the last day of school for students.
15.03 Planning/Duty Time Preschool, K-5
(a) The normal schedule for each full-time employee shall include at least 200
minutes per week for instructional planning and evaluation conferences,
with at least one (1) planning increment during the student day of not less
than 35 continuous minutes. The normal schedule for each classroom
employee working less than full-time shall include planning time
proportional to the number of hours scheduled to work (e.g., half-time =
100 minutes). In situations where it is impossible to schedule planning
time in accordance with this provision, such deviation will be permitted by
mutual agreement of the Building Principal and the employee with, if
appropriate, additional compensation arrangements.
(b) Scheduled non-classroom duties shall be equitably assigned among all
employees of the building.
(c) When it is necessary to alter the normal school day schedule due to
assemblies, testing, special events, delayed starts, etc., an alternative
schedule will be developed to provide each employee with his/her lunch
and planning time.
15.035 Planning/Duty/Scheduling Assemblies Time 6
(a) The normal schedule for each full-time employee shall include one
uninterrupted forty continuous minute planning period per day for
instructional planning and evaluation conferences. The normal schedule
for each classroom employee working less than full-time shall include a
preparation period proportional to the number of hours scheduled to work.
In situations where it is impossible to schedule planning time in
accordance with this provision, such deviation will be permitted by mutual
agreement of the Building Principal and the employee with, if appropriate,
additional compensation arrangements.
(b) At the start of each school year, the Building Principal will work out with
the Team Leaders the methodology for scheduling assemblies during the
school year. Additionally, when it is necessary to alter the normal school
day schedule due to testing, special events, delayed starts, etc., an
alternative schedule will be developed to provide each employee with
his/her lunch and planning time.
(c) The assignment of homerooms and other non-classroom duty, such as
cafeteria duty, shall be done in an equitable manner within each building.
15.04 Planning/Duty/Scheduling Assemblies Time - 7-12
(a) The normal schedule for each full-time employee shall include one
uninterrupted class period per day to be used for instructional planning
and evaluation conferences. The normal schedule for each classroom
employee working less than full-time shall include a preparation period
proportional to the number of hours scheduled to work. In situations where
it is impossible to schedule planning time in accordance with this
provision, such deviation will be permitted by mutual agreement of the
Building Principal and the employee with, if appropriate, additional
compensation arrangements.
(b) At the start of each school year, the Building Principal will work out with
the Department Chairs and/or Team Leaders the methodology for
scheduling assemblies during the school year. Additionally, when it is
necessary to alter the normal school day schedule due to testing, special
events, delayed starts, etc., an alternative schedule will be developed to
provide each employee with his/her lunch and planning time.
(c) The assignment of homerooms and other non-classroom duty, such as
cafeteria duty, shall be done in an equitable manner within each building.
15.05 High School Preps
(a) Employees teaching in the High School who are assigned four (4) different
and distinct class preparations shall receive $750.00 per year additional
compensation for such additional duty. Employees teaching in the High
School who are assigned five (5) different and distinct class preparations
shall receive $1,000.00 per year additional compensation for such
additional duty.
(b) A different and distinct class preparation is defined as any course offering
which has an approved textbook(s) and/or course of study and requires a
separate, definite lesson plan.
15.06 Class Size
The BOARD will attempt to meet the following student to teacher ratios for
classes except for special areas, such as art, physical education, music and
Kindergarten - First Grade 22:1
Second - Fifth Grade 23:1
Sixth -Twelfth Grade 24:1
15.07 School Procedures For Employees
(a) Each Principal will provide his/her staff and the ASSOCIATION
President with that school's written procedures for staff and students (staff
handbook/student handbook) at the beginning of the school year. Any
change to these procedures distributed after September will, except in
emergency situations, be reviewed with the Faculty / Staff Advisory
Committee prior to implementation.
15.08 Substitutes
(a) Every effort shall be made to secure a substitute in the absence of an
(b) If it becomes necessary to have an employee substitute for an absent
employee, the following selection procedure to determine which employee
shall be required to do so shall be followed:
(1) Prior to the start of each school year, the employees in each building
shall be surveyed to determine which employees assigned to the
building desire to volunteer for substitute teaching duty during the
school year. Employees who indicate a desire to volunteer for such
substitute teaching duty who are available to do so during the period
required will be assigned the substitute teaching duty on a rotating
basis. Included in this rotation assignment shall be the regular
classroom teachers, teachers not assigned to regular classrooms,
special education teachers, and counselors.
(2) If no volunteer is available for the substitute teaching duty, the
Principal shall have the right to require an available employee to
perform the substitute teaching duty. If more than one employee is
available during the period, assignments will be made on a rotating
(c) If an employee (other than an employee supervising a study period) is
required by the Administration to substitute for an absent employee by
taking the full or partial (at least one-half (1/2) of the class) class of such
absent employee, the employee will be paid the hourly rate at the BA Step
0 per period for such work as an add-to pay.
(d) An employee who is entitled to additional compensation pursuant to the
provisions of this Section shall receive a verification of the substitute duty
performed from the Building Principal.
(e) When a substitute is hired, he/she will follow the Employee’s schedule.
However, when the schedule provides for the planning period, said
substitute will be assigned to cover another class rather than assign an
employee to an internal substitution. This requirement to cover another
class shall not apply to a substitute who is scheduled to serve in the same
classroom on consecutive days.
15.09 Facilities for Employees
(a) In each building, employees shall have at least one room of appropriate
size reserved for faculty use.
(b) A telephone shall be made available in each building for personal and
professional use.
15.10 Medication
(a) When the employee is required to administer medication to a student,
the BOARD shall require the parent(s) to furnish a waiver of liability for
said employee and specific instructions regarding such administration.
Except for nurses, employees will not be required to administer any
medical procedures such as catheterization or injection, except as
identified in (b) below, or to render regular hygienic care.
(b) EPIPEN Requirements
All employees shall be trained in the use of the EPIPEN. Training will be
during the workday or in-service day and at the BOARD's expense. After
receiving training, employees will administer necessary first aid.
15.11 Early Release Days
(a) When early release days are scheduled, students will be released one
hour early. Dates for early release days shall be set when the Calendar
Committee meets and develops the calendar for each year.
The agenda for the early release days will be determined for a semester
at a time by the Building Leadership Team (BLT) in each building.
Acceptable activities for early release days include, but are not limited to,
team and/or department meetings, vertical articulation and cross
curriculum meetings and sharing of professional training.
15.12 Professional Rights
(a) No grade given to a student by an employee shall be changed by any
Administrator without prior consultation with the employee.
15.13 Special Education Teachers
(a) Employees teaching in the area of Special Education shall be provided
with two (2) days (or the equivalent) of release time, as arranged through
their Building Principal, for the performance of related duties specifically
associated with their work as a special education teacher such as
preparation of I.E.P.'s evaluation, testing, and assessment
responsibilities. Additional release time may be approved by the Building
Principal as needed.
15.14 Curriculum Development
(a) Employees participating in curriculum development activities shall be paid
an hourly rate or stipend for such work as set forth in Section 17.04 or be
granted release time at the option of the Superintendent.
15.15 Multiple School Assignment
(a) Employees assigned to more than one (1) school shall be provided with
the following time to close, travel and set up.
a. SI to/from Clearcreek 15 minutes
b. SI or Clearcreek to/from Jr. High, High School, Dennis 20 minutes
c. To/from Five Points 30 minutes
d. High School to/from Junior High 15 minutes
Employees shall also be provided a designated parking spot that allows
for easy access to/from the buildings.
(b) Such time shall not be counted as planning time and/or lunch time and
shall not interfere with planning time and/or lunch time.
(c) In no case will an employee be assigned to start a class in one building
that interferes with the end of a class in another building and/or prior to
his/her arrival.
(d) The administration shall be responsible for the coordination of traveling
employees' schedules and for securing substitutes for absent traveling
employees. If there are any changes in a Building schedule, it shall be
the Building Administrator’s responsibility who initiates the schedule
change to notify the other Building Administrator of the change.
Additionally, when there are changes in a building’s schedule,
arrangements shall be made that allows the employee to still have a thirty
(30) minutes duty free lunch.
(e) Planning time per day for traveling employees with multiple building
assignments shall be at least equal to the length of planning time for other
employees at the building at which the traveling employee spends the
greater(est) number of hours per day.
15.16 Drug/Alcohol Free Schools
(a) Purpose
The BOARD and the ASSOCIATION agree that quality education is not
possible in an environment affected by illegal drug use and/or abuse of
alcoholic beverages. The BOARD and ASSOCIATION have established
and agree to maintain a drug/alcohol-free educational setting in full
compliance with federal, state, and local laws, including the Drug-Free
Workplace Act and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act.
(b) Employee Assistance Program
Chemically dependent employees are urged to seek help before their
dependence causes problems with their jobs.
Recognizing that chemical dependency is a treatable illness which should
be dealt with by treatment and education, it is the BOARD's policy to
prevent chemical dependency and/or offer rehabilitation, rather than to
merely discipline employees for substance abuse related problems. To
that end, the BOARD and the ASSOCIATION have formed an Employee
Assistance Committee consisting of at least one representative from
Administration, the SEA bargaining unit, the SCEA bargaining unit, and
that group of employees not represented by either SEA or SCEA, to
monitor the Employee Assistance Program which is available to all
BOARD employees and their dependents.
The BOARD will work with an employee desiring chemical dependency
rehabilitation assistance on a voluntary basis. Applicable group health
plan coverages, sick leave benefits and leaves of absence policies are
available to assist employees who seek rehabilitation. Voluntary
rehabilitation and/or inquiries concerning rehabilitation will not be used as
evidence of a violation of any BOARD policy.
Where rehabilitation is offered by the BOARD in lieu of discipline, such
rehabilitation, if elected, is considered involuntary. Involuntary
rehabilitation shall be available only one (1) time during an employee's
tenure of employment with the BOARD, and shall not be available to any
employee in lieu of termination for operating any motor vehicle on BOARD
business under the influence of alcoholic beverages, or while currently
using illegal drugs.
(c) Drug-Free Awareness
The BOARD will provide educational opportunities for employees to
obtain information on the dangers of substance abuse and resources
available for chemical dependency and rehabilitation. Information on drug
and alcohol counseling, rehabilitation resources, and re-entry programs,
and benefits available to employees in dealing with substance abuse
problems will be maintained in the District.
(d) Drug Testing
Nothing in this section shall be interpreted as requiring an employee to
submit to urinalysis tests for controlled substances; however, it is
understood that the Administration may require such tests to the extent
testing is required by federal or state law. In the event such testing is
required, the parties will meet and confer regarding the facility or facilities
to be used to perform such tests.
(e) Confidentiality
Information provided to administrative personnel concerning medical
problems related to substance abuse or chemical dependency of an
employee shall be considered part of the employee's medical record and
shall be treated as confidential. However, performance problems,
attendance or rules violations will be documented, reported or otherwise
treated as ordinary personnel information even if related to substance
abuse or chemical dependency.
(f) Notification
At the beginning of each school year, all employees will receive a copy of
the Drug/Alcohol Policy which includes the disciplinary sanctions and a
description of the Employee Assistance Program. The annual review of
this section of BOARD Policy will emphasize that compliance is
(g) BOARD Policies
The BOARD may adopt policies, rules and procedures to implement the
terms of this Section.
(h) Prohibited Conduct
The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use,
or being under the influence of alcoholic beverages and/or controlled
substances (illegal drugs) by any employee, during working hours, on
BOARD premises, or at any activity or function sponsored by or related to
employment with the BOARD, is prohibited. "Premises" includes vehicles
owned by, or being driven on behalf of the Springboro Community City
School District, as well as parking lots, playgrounds, and other property
owned by Springboro Community City Schools. "Controlled substance"
refers to drugs subject to federal or state regulation, making their
manufacture, dispensation, distribution, possession or use a crime, this
includes but is not limited to Cannabis, Cocaine, Amphetamines,
Barbiturates, and Heroine. Medications used as prescribed by a treating
physician or dentist are excluded.
(i) Drug-Related Criminal Conviction
Employees convicted (including a guilty or no contest plea) of violating
any federal, state or local criminal drug law, where the violation occurred
during work hours, or on BOARD premises, must report the conviction to
the Superintendent within five (5) business days of a conviction. Where
said criminal offense is a minor misdemeanor, the employee shall be
referred for involuntary rehabilitation in lieu of a 5-day suspension without
pay. Failure to participate in rehabilitation or a subsequent conviction for
minor misdemeanor drug-related offenses will result in a 5-day
suspension without pay. Convictions for offenses other than minor
misdemeanors will result in discipline, up to and including termination, in
accordance with contractual and statutory provisions. Failure to report the
conviction(s) will result in termination.
(j) Penalties
Violations of the BOARD's Drug/Alcohol-Free Schools Policy will result in
discipline up to and including termination, which disciplinary action will be
taken in accordance with contractual and/or statutory provisions.
15.17 Smoke Free Environment
(a) No smoking will be permitted in any school building, on any school
grounds, in any school vehicles and/or while supervising students.
15.18 Employee Job Descriptions
(a) The Superintendent has developed job descriptions for all current jobs
which have been provided to the ASSOCIATION. It is the prerogative of
the Superintendent to develop new job descriptions for bargaining unit
positions. Upon development, the Superintendent shall forward copies of
proposed job descriptions for new positions and/or for positions which are
being revised to the ASSOCIATION President for input prior to formal
creation or revision of said positions.
15.19 IEP/504 Meetings
(a) IEP, ETR, RTI, and/or 504 meetings will typically occur during the normal
school day with release time provided for any employee attending said
(b) If an unavoidable meeting must occur outside the school day due to a
parent schedule, a building principal may direct employees to attend any
IEP, ETR, RTI, or 504 meeting that occurs outside the normal teacher
working day. Any employee who attends any such meetings outside the
normal working day will receive a payment equivalent to the pro-rated
hourly rate in fifteen (15) minute increments at the BA Step 0 per meeting
for each such meeting. The employee shall complete the appropriate time
sheet designating his/her attendance at a meeting. Payment shall then
be issued the next pay period after time sheets are received in the
Treasurer’s office.
15.20 Resident Educator Program
(a) Purpose
The BOARD shall provide the necessary mentor support for any employee
who enters into employment with the BOARD licensed as a resident
(b) Mentor Assignment
(a) A mentor, who will provide formative assistance, will be assigned one
(1) resident educator.
(b) If agreeable to both the mentor and the resident educator the mentor
will be assigned to the resident educator for the duration of the
(c) A substitute will be provided to release both the mentor and the
resident educator from teaching duties up to the equivalent of three
(3) days per year for observation, consultation, assistance and
completion of necessary and required paperwork.
(c) Compensation
(a) Compensation for a mentor assigned to a resident educator in year
one or year two of the program shall be $1,000.00.
(b) Compensation for a mentor assigned to a resident educator in year
three or four shall be $500.00.
(c) The lead mentor, responsible for assigning mentors to resident
educators, providing resources to both the mentors and resident
educators, coordinating the completion and filing of required
paperwork, shall be compensated at $2,600.00.
(d) Training
The BOARD shall make available to all interested members the
appropriate mentor training required by the Ohio Resident Educator
15.21 Children of Members
(a) Members of the bargaining unit who reside within the DISTRICT and
whose children attend the DISTRICT may request to have their child(ren)
placed in the building where the Member works, given that the child(ren)
are placed in the appropriate grade level. Request shall be made in writing
to the Superintendent.
(b) Members participating in this program shall provide transportation for their
child(ren) to and from school. Placement for the child(ren) shall be a year-
long commitment.
15.22 Remote Instruction
(a) In the event that the DISTRICT offers remote and/or online instruction
beyond the 2020-2021 school year, pursuant to Section 4117 of the Ohio
Revised Code, the parties shall meet to negotiate any necessary changes
to the terms and conditions of employment. Negotiations shall be
conducted pursuant to Article II of this AGREEMENT.
16.01 Limited Contract Sequence
(a) An employee serving under a limited contract shall be considered, at the
expiration of his/her present limited contract, for a multi-year limited
contract, providing the following qualifications have been met:
(1) The employee has served at least three consecutive years under
one-year limited contracts.
(2) The employee is recommended on the basis of evaluation for a multi-
year contract by the Superintendent.
(3) Nothing herein shall preclude the BOARD from offering the
employee a one-year contract on the basis of evaluation.
16.02 Continuing Contracts
(a) At the Expiration of a Limited Contract
If an employee, including employees who have attained continuing
contract status elsewhere, becomes eligible for continuing contract status
at the expiration of his/her current limited contract, the BOARD may enter
into a continuing contract with that employee at the commencement of the
School year after the expiration of the employee's limited contract after
such employee becomes eligible, provided that:
(1) No employee shall have a right to a continuing contract unless such
employee has given notice of his/her desire to be considered for a
continuing contract by October 1 of the school year proceeding the
school year for which the employee desires the continuing contract.
(b) During Term of Limited Contract
If an employee, including an employee who has attained continuing
contract status elsewhere, becomes eligible for continuing contract status
before the expiration of his/her current multi-year limited contract, the
BOARD may enter into a continuing contract with that employee at the
commencement of the school year after the employee becomes eligible;
provided that:
(1) the employee notifies the Superintendent, in writing, prior to October
first of the school year during which the employee will become
eligible for a continuing contract that he/she will be completing
his/her requirements and will be eligible for a continuing contract
during the term of said limited contract;
(2) the employee meets all requirements for a continuing contract before
the start of the new contract and evidence of such achievement is on
file with the Superintendent prior to the start of the school year; and
(3) The Superintendent believes that such employee should be issued a
continuing contract and so recommends to the BOARD.
(c) Determinations of the Superintendent and/or the BOARD under this
section are not appealable under the Grievance/Arbitration provisions of
(d) Should the employee fail to provide the written notice required by
paragraph (a) (1), the BOARD may issue the employee a one-year limited
(e) The provisions of this Article specifically supersede the relevant portions
of Ohio Revised Code section 3319.111 and any other conflicting section
of the Ohio Revised Code.
16.03 Supplemental Contracts
(a) The supplemental teaching contract for an extra-duty assignment which
grants additional compensation shall be a limited contract and shall be
separate from and in addition to the regular teaching contract of any
(b) The supplemental teaching contract shall be for one (1) year and shall
automatically expire at the end of the contract year.
(c) Each supplemental teaching contract shall include the specific
supplemental agreement; salary and date(s) of payment; and signatures of
both parties to the contract and the date of the signing of the contract.
(d) The BOARD and ASSOCIATION agree that while supplemental contracts
for athletics are specifically excluded from this Agreement, the above
paragraphs apply to all supplementals, including those for athletics.
17.01 Salary Schedule and Index
(a) The salary schedules are attached to this Agreement as Appendix D.
Effective the 2021-2022 school year, wages will be increased by 2.75%.
Effective the 2022-2023 school year, wages will be increased by 2.50%.
Effective the 2023-2024 school year, wages will be increased by 2.00%
(b) For the 2021-2022 school year only, employees shall receive a one-time
fifteen-hundred-dollar ($1,500.00) stipend. Employees who are first
eligible to retire and are retiring prior to July 1, 2021, shall receive a one-
time fifteen-hundred-dollar ($1,500.00) stipend paid from the DISTRICT’s
general fund.
17.02 Placement on the Salary Schedule
(a) The Superintendent may, in the exercise of his sole discretion, and
notwithstanding any provision in the Ohio Revised Code which might
mandate otherwise, grant up to fifteen (15) full years of teaching
experience credit for salary placement purposes to any employee based
on the prior teaching experience of such certified employee whether such
experience was gained in the State of Ohio or otherwise, or in private or
public schools.
(b) Requirements for receiving credit on the BA+15 Column are 15 graduate
semester hours taken from an accredited university or college after receipt
of the BA/BS degree which are in the field of education or directly related
to the certified employee's present assignment or area of certification.
Requirements for receiving credit on the MA+15 or MA+30 column are 15
or 30 semester hours taken from an accredited university or college after
receipt of the MA degree which are in the field of education or directly
related to the certified employee's present assignment or areas of
(c) The AFROTC instructor shall receive the greater of the approved salary
schedule for his/her training and experience or the minimum instructor's
pay as provided by the approved AFROTC program.
(d) Employees who qualify for lateral movement on the salary schedule shall
be granted such lateral movement:
(1) effective with the new contract year, providing an official university
transcript certifying completion of the work is forwarded to the
Treasurer by October 1; or
(2) effective with the first pay in March, providing an official university
transcript certifying completion of the work is forwarded to the
Treasurer by February 15th.
(e) Each step on the salary schedule represents a full year of service. A full
year of service at a minimum consists of at least one hundred and twenty
(120) days in pay status under a teaching contract during a school year.
Teachers who do not meet this minimum teaching requirement in any year
will not be advanced to the next step during the following school year.
(f) To transition back to step advancement, each employee on active pay
status for at least one hundred and twenty (120) days during the 2012-13
school year shall be granted one step on the salary schedule and continue
to be granted a step each year provided he/she qualifies as specified in
(e) above.
17.03 Supplemental Salary Schedule
(a) The supplemental salary schedule base shall be computed as follows:
(1) 0-3 years experience 13.5% of BA 0
(2) 4-6 years experience 15.5% of BA 0
(3) 7 + years experience 17.5% of BA 0
However, the BOARD and the ASSOCIATION agree that supplemental
contracts for athletics are specifically excluded from the supplemental
salary schedule and that the BOARD may unilaterally change salaries for
athletic supplementals without negotiation or consultation with the
(b) Placement on the supplemental salary schedule shall be according to the
following guidelines:
(1) Years of experience as a paid employee shall be granted for the total
number of years experience in the specific activity/coaching field;
i.e., football, basketball, track, etc.
(2) Assistant coaches appointed to a head coaching position within the
same sport shall be placed at the lowest experience level which
provides a salary higher than their current assistant coach salary
(3) Experience in boys and girls sports shall be treated equally with
regard to experience, providing such experience is within the same
specific activity/coaching field.
(c) Adjustments in Index factors for any supplemental position and/or creation
of new supplemental positions during the term of this Agreement shall be
made if there is mutual agreement between the BOARD and the
(d) Notwithstanding the wage rate specified in Appendix E for the Camp Kern
Counselor, past experience in the positions where experience has not
been applicable shall not be granted. The 1994-95 school year shall be
considered the first year of experience for placement on the salary
(e) Development of “Notices of Vacancy” for supplemental positions shall be
according to the following guidelines:
(1) Notice of Vacancy” postings shall be prepared for all new
supplemental positions prior to posting and filing said positions.
(2) It is the prerogative of the Superintendent to develop ”Notices of
Vacancy“ for bargaining unit positions. Upon development, the
Superintendent shall forward copies of proposed “Notice of Vacancy”
for new supplemental positions and/or positions for which no
vacancy notice exists to the ASSOCIATION President for input prior
to formal implementation.
17.04 Stipends for Curriculum Development and Testing
(a) Notwithstanding any provision in the Ohio Revised Code which might
require otherwise, employees participating in curriculum development
activities as approved by the Superintendent, or employees serving on the
LPDC, shall be paid an hourly rate for each hour worked, which hourly
rate shall not be based on their degree status or longevity. During the
term of this Agreement, the hourly rate payable to employees engaged in
curriculum development activities or serving on the LPDC shall be
computed at .00075 of the BA Step 0 base.
(b) Employees who volunteer to work during the summer in the following
areas shall be paid an hourly rate for each hour worked based upon the
hourly rate at the BA Step 0: (1) Textbook/Course of Study Coding; (2)
Subject Area In-service provided by the District; and/or (3) School-wide
In-service provided by the District.
17.05 Summer School Teachers/Home Tutors/After School Intervention
(a) Notwithstanding any provision in the Ohio Revised Code which might
require otherwise, employees employed to teach in summer school or
employed to teach as home tutors shall be paid an hourly rate for each
hour worked, which hourly rate shall not be based on their degree status
or longevity. During the term of this AGREEMENT, the hourly rate
payable to summer school teachers and home tutors shall be computed
at .00075 of the BA Step 0 base.
17.06 Administrative Detention and Afterschool/Commons Duty
(a) Notwithstanding any provision in the Ohio Revised Code which might
require otherwise, employees employed to supervise or conduct
Administrative Detention activities shall be paid an hourly rate of Twenty
Dollars ($20.00) per hour for each administrative detention session
worked, which hourly rate shall not be based on their degree, status or
17.07 Elementary Required Evening Music Program
(a) Employees who supervise the evening elementary music program shall
be paid at the rate of Forty Dollars ($40.00) per music program
17.08 Art Show
Each art teacher who supervises evening and/or weekend art shows shall be paid
at the rate of $550.00 annually.
17.09 Fingerprinting and/or Background Checks
The BOARD shall pay the fees for all required fingerprinting and/or background
checks as required by the Ohio Revised Code.
17.10 Paychecks
Employees shall receive twenty-four (24) paychecks paid on the fifth (5
) and
twentieth (20
) of each month. All employees will have their checks electronically
deposited (Direct Deposit) to the Financial Institution of their choice.
18.01 Severance Pay
(a) An employee who has been employed in the District for ten (10) years and
who, upon leaving the employment of the District, retires and begins to
receive benefits from the State Teachers Retirement System, State of
Ohio, shall receive severance pay in an amount equal to twenty-five
percent (25%) of the employee's accumulated but unused sick leave,
including personal days converted to sick leave pursuant to other
provisions of this Agreement in excess of the maximum sick leave
accumulation, if appropriate to do so pursuant to such other provisions.
If an employee retires having accumulated the maximum sick leave and
had used less than four (4) total sick leave days during the employee’s
last two (2) years, the employee will be credited with four (4) days of
additional severance pay at the time of retirement. For example, if an
employee’s calculation at twenty-five percent (25%) of accumulated sick
leave equals 68.75 days, four (4) additional days shall be added for
payment totaling 72.75 days.
(b) Solely for the purposes of this Article, an employee with ten (10) years of
service who dies while in active service of the Springboro Community City
School District is deemed to have retired the day prior to his/her death.
(c) Severance pay shall be paid before the end of the calendar year in which
an Employee retires.
18.02 Insurance Program
Any Health, Dental and Vision Insurance provided by this Agreement shall be the
same or substantially similar to the plan currently in effect. However, in the event
of the occurrence of one of the following events, the BOARD may provide another
plan. The events are: the offered plan, or a substantially similar plan, is no longer
available, the plan, or any successor plan, increases in cost by 10% or more; or,
the cost of a substantially similar plan is 10% or more than the cost of the plan
currently in place. Prior to sending out the RFP, the Superintendent shall meet
with the Insurance Committee, which includes the president of the Springboro
Education Association and the president of the Springboro Classified Employees
(a) Health, Dental, and Vision Insurance shall be available for all employees on
the active working payroll who complete the required applications for such
insurance and transmit such applications to the Treasurer of the BOARD on or
before the effective date of this AGREEMENT, who are regular employees
employed by the BOARD, who work at least half-time, and work at least thirty-
six (36) weeks per year or have an annual contract with the BOARD and for
whom such coverage is in effect prior to the effective date of this AGREEMENT.
Appropriate information and application forms will be provided to all new
employees by the BOARD at the time of pre-employment processing, and it is
desirable that such applications be completed and filed at that time if the
employee desires insurance coverage.
(b) Health, Dental, and Vision Insurance shall be available for all employees who
make application for such insurance and/or such employees who are hired after
the effective date of this AGREEMENT, for all such employees who are regular
employees of the BOARD, who work at least half-time, and work at least thirty-
six (36) weeks per year or have an annual contract with the BOARD and who
complete the required insurance forms and have the same filed with the office
of the Treasurer of the BOARD.
(c) Premiums
If there is more than one Health, Dental, or Vision Insurance plan, then the
Board shall pay premiums based upon the following percentage of the least
expensive plan based on the following schedule:
1. Full-time employees (between 30 and 36.25 hours per week)
BOARD PORTION - 80% of the cost of each such benefit, as determined
at least annually by the Insurance Administrator or the insurance provider.
EMPLOYEE PORTION - 20% of the cost of each such benefit, as
determined at least annually by the Insurance Administrator based on
claims experience (single contract or family contract) or the insurance
2. Part-time employees (between 18.125 and 30 hours per week)
BOARD PORTION - 55% of the cost of each such benefit, as determined
at least annually by the Insurance Administrator based on claims
EMPLOYEE PORTION - 45% of the cost of each such benefit as
determined at least annually by the Insurance Administrator based on
claims experience (single contract or family contract) or the insurance
3. Part-time employees (less than 18.125 hours per week)
(d) Health Insurance Coverage (Effective January 1, 2016)
1. Effective January 1, 2016, the Health Insurance Plan will be administered
as a High Deductible Health Plan with a Health Savings Account (HSA) for
all eligible employees who qualify under IRS rules. The plan will maintain
the same covered services and benefits provided by the core medical plan
in effect immediately prior to January 1, 2016. The plan year shall run
January 1
through December 31
2. Deductible
a. The deductible for a single plan shall be $2,000 per plan year.
b. The deductible for an employee plus kids’ plan shall be $4,000 per plan
c. The deductible for a family plan shall be $4,000 per plan year.
3. In-network preventative services as identified by the member’s service
provider shall be covered at one hundred percent (100%) and not subject
to the deductible stated above.
4. Once the deductible in Section 2 above is reached, the member shall be
responsible for a co-payment of ten percent (10%) for all in-network
insurance claims, and a co-payment of $10 for tier 1 prescriptions, $40 for
tier 2 prescriptions, and $60 for tier 3 prescriptions for the duration of the
plan year subject to the out-of-pocket maximum as outlined in Section 5.
5. The maximum out of pocket expense for in-network eligible covered medical
cost in a given plan year shall be $4,000 for a single plan and $8,000 for an
EMPLOYEE plus kids’ and family plan subject to the lifetime maximum.
Once the out-of-pocket maximum is reached, insurance claims, including
prescriptions, shall be paid at one hundred percent (100%).
6. Contribution to Deductible
a. The BOARD’s contribution to an employee’s Health Savings Account is
as follows:
(1) Fifty percent (50%) for plan year January 1, 2019, through
December 31, 2019
a. Single: $1,000
b. Employee + Kids: $2,000
c. Family: $2,000
(2) Fifty percent (50%) for plan year January 1, 2020, through
December 31, 2020
a. Single: $1,000
b. Employee + Kids: $2,000
c. Family: $2,000
b. The BOARD’s contribution shall be made in two (2) payments. The first
payment contribution shall be by the first payroll in January. The second
payment contribution shall be by the first payroll in July.
c. The BOARD will contract with Wright-Patt Credit Union for the HSA
account which will include a debit card with no fees to employees.
However, an employee will be responsible for payment of any fees
associated with opening an account with the Credit Union.
d. Employees may elect to contribute to their deductible through payroll
deduction or lump sum as designated by the employee.
e. Pro-Rata Contribution and Reimbursement:
If an employee leaves the employment with the BOARD prior to the end
of any calendar year (December 31), he/she will be required to reimburse
the BOARD a pro-rata share of the BOARD’s contribution towards his/her
deductible/Health Savings Account. If an employee is aware that he/she
may be leaving prior to December 31 of any year, he/she can make
arrangements with the Treasurer’s office to provide a pro-rata
contribution towards his/her deductible.
Additional pro-rata reimbursement to the BOARD may be necessary if an
employee alters his/her plan during the calendar year, such as changing
from a family to single coverage, altering working hours to less than full-
time or increasing working hours.
The BOARD’s contribution will be adjusted, on a pro-rata basis, should
an employee alter his/her plan during the calendar year, such as
changing from a single to family coverage or increasing working hours to
7. Hardship Advancement
(a) The BOARD agrees to advance up to the full amount of the
employee’s deductible as a loan to the employee if the teaching
employee can demonstrate through documentation extreme
hardship or exigent circumstances. An employee shall be required
to provide a written request for a hardship application/advancement
to the Superintendent and the Treasurer.
An employee shall be required to reimburse the BOARD the amount
of advancement that was the employee’s share of the deductible
through payroll deduction or alternative means within twelve (12)
months of receipt by the teaching staff member of the advanced
funds. A decision by the Superintendent/Treasurer to deny a request
for advancement shall be final and shall not be subject to challenge
through the grievance process contained in this Agreement.
(b) An employee may also notify the Superintendent and Treasurer of
the need to advance the second BOARD contribution payment prior
to the July date if he/she has exhausted the amount of the first
contribution payment ($1,000 for Family and Employee Plus Kids,
$500 for Single.)
8. Premiums
The sharing of premiums shall continue as specified in Section (c) above.
9. Employees enrolled in Medicare and in certain other instances may not
be eligible for a Health Savings Account according to IRS rules. In such
case, the BOARD will make available to said employee a Health
Reimbursement Account (HRA). The plan will pay for eligible claims up
to the amount of the BOARD’s normal contribution, the employee will
then pay the eligible claims to reach the full deductible amount. Eligible
claims over the deductible will then be paid at one hundred percent
(100%) by the plan for the balance of the plan year subject to the lifetime
10. Waiver Incentive
An Employee who is enrolled in the BOARD health insurance plan on
May 1, 2018 is eligible for the following stipends for each year he/she
chooses to discontinue participation in the health care plan:
(a) $5,000 to an Employee enrolled in a family plan who discontinues
with any type of health insurance coverage;
(b) $2,500 to an Employee enrolled in an employee + kids plan who
discontinues with any type of health insurance coverage;
(c) $2,000 to an Employee enrolled in a single plan who discontinues
with any type of health insurance coverage;
(d) $2,000 to an Employee enrolled in a family plan who elects an
employee + kids plan instead;
(e) $3,500 to an Employee enrolled in a family plan who elects a
single plan instead;
(f) $2,500 to an Employee enrolled in an employee + kids plan who
elects a single plan instead
To be eligible for the stipend, an Employee must elect one of the options
in (a) through (f) above during the open enrollment period of each year
and must continue with the elected option for the full duration of the year
(January 1 through December 31).
The stipend will be issued in January of each year, after completing the
full year.
Should an Employee who has elected an option above resign during said
year, he/she will receive a pro-rated amount of the stipend.
Married spouses where both partners are EMPLOYEES of the DISTRICT
or if an EMPLOYEE makes a change to their insurance coverage due to
an adult child no longer qualifying for dependent care pursuant to the
Affordable Care Act shall not qualify for the incentives outlined in this
The stipends stipulated in (a), (b), and (c) above shall be available to any
Employee initially hired before May 1, 2018. However, stipends will not
be available to any Employee employed prior to May 1, 2018 who was
not utilizing the BOARD health insurance plan on said date.
Said stipend is available to a qualifying employee for each year of this
three (3) year agreement. For example, an employee electing to waive
or change his/her insurance plan during the open enrollment period shall
receive the stipend for each year he/she waives or alters his/her choice
in health insurance coverage.
(e) Life Insurance
The following Life Insurance Program shall be provided without cost to the full-
time employees covered by this Agreement.
(1) Life Insurance in the amount of $50,000.00 for all regular full-time
employees who have an annual contract with the BOARD. Life Insurance
in the amount of $40,000.00 for all regular part-time employees who have
an annual contract with the BOARD.
(2) Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance in the amount of
$50,000.00 for all regular full-time employees who have an annual contract
with the BOARD. Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance in the
amount of $40,000.00 for all regular part-time employees who have an
annual contract with the BOARD.
(3) The Life Insurance specified in this Section shall be provided without cost
to all employees who are on the active working payroll on the effective date
of this Agreement, and who are regular employees of the BOARD, who
have an annual contract with the BOARD, and for whom coverage is in
effect immediately prior to the effective date of this Agreement. The
Insurance Program specified in this Section shall also be provided without
cost to all regular employees and/or new employees who are hired after the
effective date of this Agreement, effective on the first day of the month
following the date of this Agreement or the date they commence actual
employment with the BOARD, whichever is the later date, for all regular
employees of the BOARD who have an annual contract with the BOARD.
(f) Dental Insurance
The BOARD will continue to provide dental insurance at the same or
substantially similar coverage to the plan in effect at the time of the contract
ratification. The sharing of premiums shall continue as specified in Section (c)
above. Employees shall have the option to select an improved dental plan
whose specifications shall be shared in advance with the employees.
(g) Vision Insurance
The BOARD will continue to provide vision insurance at the same or
substantially similar coverage to the plan in effect at the time of the contract
ratification. The sharing of premiums shall continue as specified in Section (c)
(h) Insurance Committee
1) An Insurance Committee shall be developed to meet quarterly during the
school year. The members of the committee shall include the SEA
President/designee and four (4) members appointed by the SEA President,
the SCEA President/Co-President and three (3) members appointed by the
SCEA President; four (4) members appointed by the Superintendent.
2) The committee shall work cooperatively to explore all aspects of insurance
including, but not be limited to, reviewing:
Group utilization patterns;
Current trends in cost containment;
Alternative plan options and/or design;
Comparative coverage within the industry.
3) Additionally, the committee shall review offers/quotes from
carriers/providers when the increase in premiums exceeds 10%.
(i) General Provisions
(1) The foregoing Health, Dental and Vision benefits described above shall be
continued for any eligible employee who pays the employee's portion as set
forth in Section c above during any period when such employee is on the
active working payroll, compensated sick leave, compensated leave of
absence granted pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, non-
compensated approved leave of absence of less than thirty (30) days, or for
employees working only during the regular School year and not working
during the Summer break period, until such employee either resign their
employment status or fail to return to active working status at the
commencement of the next school year. Except as otherwise required
under the FMLA, employees on a non-compensated approved leave of
absence of over thirty (30) days' duration, and/or employees or dependents
of employees eligible for COBRA Benefit Continuation Rights who desire to
continue benefit coverage described above past the period for which the
BOARD has agreed to continue benefit coverage for the employee may do
so by paying one hundred and two percent (102%) of the full group premium
for such insurance, as set by the BOARD's Insurance Administrator or the
insurance provider and/or insurance carrier, to the Administrator of the
insurance program and/or the carrier designated by the BOARD and as set
forth in COBRA regulations. In the event coverage is discontinued for any
period, coverage cannot be reacquired through the BOARD until the
employee returns to active working status.
(2) Unless a properly completed application form for any of the benefits
described above is filed with the Treasurer of the BOARD within thirty (30)
calendar days of the date the employee commences active working status,
or returns to active working status from leave, whichever is applicable, or
unless timely application is made for COBRA benefit rights, coverage will
not be available until the next enrollment period and then in accordance with
the limitations contained in the Plan.
(3) In the event an employee desires to change from one type of coverage to a
different type of coverage (e.g., single to dependent), the employee must
follow the procedures specified in the "Master Plan Document". Any change
in coverage shall be governed by the provisions contained in the "Master
Plan Document".
(4) All benefits provided pursuant to this Benefit Program shall be subject to the
conditions set forth in any contract secured by the BOARD or the conditions
set forth in the "Master Plan Document".
(j) For purposes of this Article, the effective date of resignation of any employee
shall be either: (1) the day prior to the commencement of the next school
teaching year; or (2) the effective date of resignation as submitted on the
employee's resignation notification, whichever date shall occur first.
18.03 STRS Pick-Up
(a) The BOARD herewith agrees with the ASSOCIATION to pick up (assume
and pay) contributions to the State Teachers Retirement System upon
behalf of the employees in the bargaining unit using the salary reduction
method as approved by STRS and the IRS on the following terms and
(1) An amount equal to the employee's total contribution will be picked
up and paid on behalf of each employee, including contributions on
supplemental earnings.
(2) The BOARD shall compute and remit all applicable contributions to
STRS based upon annual salaries and any other earned
(3) The pick up percentage shall apply uniformly to all employees of the
bargaining unit and no employee covered by this provision shall have
the option to elect a wage increase or other benefit in lieu of the
BOARD pick up.
(4) Definitions - * Annual salary - the adjusted salary plus the BOARD
pick up of the employee's contribution to STRS.
Adjusted salary - the annual salary minus the BOARD pick up (salary
which appears on the employee's W-2 form).
(5) It is understood by the parties that computation of all supplemental
salaries, extended time salaries, etc., will be computed upon the
annual salary in effect at the time of computation.
(6) Said "pick up" shall not result in additional cost to the BOARD.
18.04 IRS Section 125 Plan
(a) The BOARD has in place a Section 125 Plan pursuant to which the
employee portion of any insurance benefits and employee-paid medical
expenses and employee-paid dependent care expenses may be paid with
"before tax" dollars. The maximum amount which may be placed in this
account during any calendar year for dependent care expenses is in
accordance with IRS rules and regulations.
(b) The administrative cost of the Section 125 Plan shall be paid by the
18.05 Mileage Reimbursement
(a) An employee required by the administration to drive his/her personal vehicle
on School District business shall receive mileage reimbursement for such
driving at the IRS mileage reimbursement rate. All vehicle usage must be
approved in advance by the School administration and reimbursement must be
requested on the appropriate form and approved by the appropriate Building
Administrator for payment.
18.06 Tuition Reimbursement
Employees shall be eligible for reimbursement effective with the 2018-19 school
year for classes taken during the 2017-18 year and summers of 2017 and 2018.
Effective the 2018-2019 school year, the following provisions will apply:
(a) A fund of an annual appropriation of $55,000 per school year will be
established to reimburse employees for tuition reimbursement. Funds will be
distributed equally to employees based on total number of hours taken by all
employees who have met the requirements of (b) below. The reimbursement
shall be for tuition only and will not exceed actual tuition costs. The course
work shall be completed prior to September 1 for the employee to receive
reimbursement for the work done in the previous academic year (September
August). The employee must submit a transcript and receipt for tuition to
the Human Resources Office by October 1. The employee will receive
reimbursement by the first payroll of November if the employee is still under
contract with the Board of Education at that time. A maximum of six (6)
semester or nine (9) quarter hours per year will be eligible for reimbursement.
(b) All course work claimed for reimbursement shall:
1. Have been requested and approved in advance of enrollment in the class.
2. Be in a field of education, technology or in an academic area to renew,
upgrade licenses, or teach dual credit college courses.
3. Be graduate level from an accredited college or university. Exception
could be technology classes offered at the undergraduate level.
4. Have been completed with a letter grade of “B” or better unless otherwise
provided in connection with the approval to be deemed to have
satisfactorily completed the course.
Step Two (Administrator)
Grievant accompanied
Statement of Grievance and relief sought (indicate the alleged violation,
misinterpretation or misapplication and specific articles)
The situation leading to the filing of this grievance occurred on or about
Date, if any, of Step One discussion
Signature of Grievant:
Hearing date:_____________________________________________________
Step Two
Signature of Administrator
cc: Grievant
Association President
Step Three (Superintendent)
The purpose of this form is to appeal the grievance to Level Three,
Date of written appeal
(filed within seven (7) calendar days of receipt of decision at Step Two)
Attached a completed copy of Grievance Form, Step Two.
Signature of Grievant
Hearing Date
Step Three Response:
Signature of Superintendent
cc: Grievant
Association President
Step Four (Arbitration)
The purpose of this form is to appeal the grievance to Level Four. Appeal shall
be sent to the Superintendent.
Date of notice
(filed within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of decision at Step Three)
Attach copies of Steps Two and Three Grievance Forms.
Signature of Grievant
cc: Grievant
Association President
1685 S. Main Street
Springboro, OH 45066-1524
Date _________________________________________________________________________
Home Address
Telephone ___________________________
Number of sick days used for this school year: _______________________________________
Number of sick days used for current illness: ________________________________________
Employee's reason for request (be specific) _________________________________________
Estimate of additional days needed: _______________________________________________
Name of attending physician: ____________________________________________________
Address of attending physician: __________________________________________________
Telephone number of attending physician __________________________________________
Please submit completed application to Assistant Superintendent
________________________________________ is unable to perform teaching duties and
requires extended sick leave because (please be specific with diagnosis and description of
_______________________________________ requires non-elective surgery which cannot be
postponed until the end of the school year. Nature of procedure:
This patient has been under my care for (length of time in months and years)
Physician's estimate of number of days needed for recovery
Physician’s Signature
I give my physician permission to release the above-requested medical information.
Employee's Signature
Please submit this completed statement to:
Office of Assistant Superintendent
1685 S. Main Street
Springboro, Ohio 45066-1524
This form shall be used for those teachers who have received either an accomplished rating or a skilled
rating and are on the “off-cycle” for purposes of a formal evaluation. This form shall be completed
after the evaluator has conducted a thirty (30) minute observation and provided to the teacher at the
post-observation conference.
Based on reflection of previous evaluation:
Check all areas listed below that were DIRECTLY observed during the observation.
Classroom Environment
Routines and procedures run smoothly
Students assume age appropriate levels of responsibility
Lesson transitions are efficient: whole class, small group, cooperative learning, and
independent work
Engages in two-way communication
Classroom management is responsive to individual student needs
Positive classroom culture is evident
Notices when students are not engaged
Applies consequences for lack of adherence to rules and procedures
Lesson Delivery
Provides clear learning goals for each lesson
Employs measurable goals for student achievement during lesson
Explanations are clear and accurate
Employs effective, purposeful questioning techniques during instruction
Lesson is a balance between teacher-directed instruction and student-led learning
Lesson supports the individual needs of students using a variety of strategies, materials,
technologies, pacing
Content Knowledge
Demonstrates content knowledge by re-explaining topics using a variety of learning styles
Makes clear connections to student’s prior knowledge
Makes connections to real-world experiences and other disciplines
Plans and sequences instruction to include key content, concepts, and processes aligned
to state standards and district curricular priorities
Understanding students’ interests and background
Communicating high expectations for students of all abilities
Matches strategies, materials, and/or pacing to students’ individual needs to make learning
challenging for all
Evaluator’s signature
Teacher’s signature
0120255.0643298 4846-3414-1023v16
Appendix G
Improvement Plan
Grade Level/ Subject:
School year:
Date of Improvement Plan
A written Improvement Plan is to be developed when an educator has a Final Holistic Rating of Ineffective. However, districts have discretion to place
any teacher on an Improvement Plan at any time based on deficiencies in any individual component of the evaluation system. The notice
requirements for being placed on an Improvement Plan, the components of the plan and the implementation process for the plan may be
subject to the terms of a collective bargaining agreement.
The purpose of the Improvement Plan is to identify specific deficiencies in performance and foster growth through professional development and
targeted support. If the teacher does not take corrective actions in the timeline specified in the Improvement Plan, the evaluator may
recommend the teacher be dismissed or continue working under the plan.
Section 1: Improvement StatementList specific area(s) for improvement related to the Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession. Attach
Performance Standard(s) Addressed in
this Plan
Date(s) Improvement Area(s) or
Concern(s) Observed
Specific Statement of the Concern(s):
Area(s) of Improvement
Section 2: Desired Level of PerformanceList specific goal(s) to improve performance. Indicate what will be measured for each goal.
List Goal Statement(s) Indicating
Performance on Ohio
Standards for the
Teaching Profession
Ending Date
Level of Performance:
Specifically Describe Successful Improvement
Section 3: Specific Plan of ActionDescribe in detail specific actions the teacher must take to improve performance. Indicate the sources of
evidence the evaluator will use to document the completion of the Improvement Plan.
Actions to be Taken
Qualitative or Quantitative Measurable Indicators: Evidence Indicating
Progress on the Goal(s)
Section 4: Assistance and Professional DevelopmentDescribe in detail specific supports that will be provided as well as opportunities for
professional development.
Section 5: Alignment to District and/or Building Improvement Plan(s) Describe the alignment to district and/or building improvement plan(s).
Date for Improvement Plan to be evaluated:
Teacher’s Signature: _______ Date:
Evaluator’s Signature: _______ Date:
The evaluator’s signature on this form verifies the proper procedures as detailed in the local contract have been followed.
Improvement Plan: Evaluation of Plan
Grade Level/
School year:
Date of Evaluation:
The Improvement Plan will be evaluated at the end of the time specified in the plan. Outcomes from the Improvement Plan will be one of the following.
Improvement is demonstrated and performance standards are met to a satisfactory level of performance.
The Improvement Plan should continue for time specified: .
Dismissal is recommended.
Comments: Provide justification for recommendation indicated above and attach evidence to support the recommended action.
I have reviewed this evaluation and discussed it with my evaluator. My signature indicates I have been advised of my performance status; it does not
necessarily imply I agree with this evaluation.
Teacher’s Signature: Date:
Evaluator’s Signature: Date:
The evaluator’s signature on this form verifies the proper procedures as detailed in the local contract have been followed.