Air Force
Public Key Infrastructure
System Program Office
OPR: AFPKI SPO CI-13-01-114 November 2021
The AFPKI SPO is aware of the inconvenience imposed upon you to complete the 3-step process outlined here. With your experience in
mind, we have automated the process as much as we can and will connue to work to make the CAC replacement transion seamless.
a. Insert your new CAC in the card reader and click the buon (Windows icon at boom le of system tray)
b. Click on > 
c. Select the tab > buon
d. Select all oldcercates 
Previously recovered email encrypon cercates ”)
DoD email cercates based on expiraon dates only
e. Click the  buon, then click at the warning
a. Remove your new CAC from the card reader and reinsert it
b. Open then click > >  > 
c. At the next window, select 
d. At the next window, in the area, click the buon
e. In the pop-up, click the buon unl it is grayed out; click 
f. Back in the , click the buon
g. In the pop-up, click the buon for  and
select the most current -cercate; if none are showing, click 
and select the correct cercate; click 
h. Verify the shown is ;” if not, click the drop-down arrow, select
i. In the pop-up, click the buon for  and
select the most current -cercate; click 
j. Verify the shown is -;” if not, click the drop-down arrow,
select -then click 
k. At the warning pop-up, click ; enter your if prompted
l. Once all windows are populated and all three checkboxes are checked, click Your work-
staon is now congured to use the PKI cercates on your new CAC.
Ex: Signing Certificate
Ex: Encryption Certificate
Your new CAC contains a new Email Encrypon cercate and corresponding public/private encrypon key pair. Any email encrypted
with your cannot be opened with the new key; therefore, to read those email messages, you must 
. There are two methods to recover an encrypon key: (recommended) and .
a. Open a browser and type in one of the following URLs (case sensive)
b. When prompted to choose a cercate, select your -, then enter your PIN if prompted
c. At the (AKRA) page, click . Note the list of all your escrowed encrypon keys available
for recovery. Review the list, then based on the date range, select the key that
matches the meframe of the encrypon key you wish to recover.
: Key Usage must be no other cercates can
be recovered
: DO NOT RECOVER any encrypon keys with a Not Valid Before…”
date within one day of your newly issued CAC
d. Click the blue buon
For more PKI related informaon, visit the AFPKI Website at hps://go.intelink.gov/AFPKI (case sensive; CAC required)
For PKI technical support, contact the AFPKI Help Desk at 210-925-2521 (DSN 945) or e-mail: [email protected]
OPR: AFPKI SPO CI-13-01-114 November 2021
When aempng the Automated Key Recovery process, if no encrypon keys appear, follow these procedures for the 
process.  This process is for .
a. Open an Internet browser
b. Enter the following URL into the web browser:
c. Download and complete the , then submit the completed form to the Air Force Key Recovery Agent
(AF KRA) via a digitally signed email to: afpki.registra[email protected]. Enter as the subject
d. Allow 5-7 business days to process the request (if this is an urgent request, include in the subject line and provide
juscaon for the urgency in the body of the e-mail message)
To manually recover SIPRNet encrypon keys, obtain the form from the or from your
issuing Local Registraon Authority (LRA). The request should include the Token ID (i.e., 20-character number located on the back of
the token). and your current SIPRNet token to submit the form to the AF KRA via digitally signed, unen-
crypted email to the AF KRA SIPRNet email address: USAF.JBSA.AFLCMC.MBX.AFPKI.Registra[email protected]. (DO NOT SEND THE
e. At the pop-up window asking for acknowledgement that you are the subscriber of the escrowed key selected, click 
 then click 
The AKRA returns with a link and a complex, -
DO NOT click the Download link unl youve the pass-
word as shown or captured a screenshot (copy/paste will not
work). : this page is only available for a few minutes.
f. Once youve captured the password, click on the link, then click  (do not click Save)
g. Click at the screen
h. Click at the prompt
i. At the screen, check the checkbox, then enter
the -
j. Verify the password is correct, then click 
k. At the prompt, select then click 
l. At the screen, click 
m. At the pop-up, click 
The recovered key is now installed in the cercate store and ready for use. When opening previously encrypted email, MS Outlook
will automacally select the corresponding encrypon key from the cercate store to decrypt the message.