The Online Payday Loan Premium
Filipe Correia
Peter Han
Jialan Wang
March, 2024
Using data from a subprime credit bureau with nationwide coverage in the United States,
we test whether technology lowers the cost of credit in the expensive payday loan market.
Contrary to the idea that technology lowers consumer prices, we find that online loans are
about 100% APR higher than storefront loans. This premium is not explained by observable
loan or customer characteristics including credit scores and traditional credit risk measures,
and we do not find evidence of risk-based pricing on observables. Our evidence is consistent
with asymmetric information and differences in fixed costs across the online and storefront
Keywords: Online Lending, Payday Loans, Fintech
JEL Codes: D18, G23, G52
We are grateful to Heitor Almeida, Scott Baker, Laura Blattner, Tatyana Deryugina, Julia Fonseca,
Diego Garcia, Jitka Hilliard, Anson Ho, Rustom Irani, Timothy Johnson, Charles Kahn, Mathias Kronlund,
Tom Miller, Holger Mueller, Chao Liu, Nikhil Paradkar, George Pennacchi, Andrea Presbitero, Elizaveta
Sizova, Alexei Tchistyi, Sergio Vicente, Malcolm Wardlaw, Constantine Yannelis, and participants at the
Gies College of Business and Terry College of Business brownbag, the 28th Finance Forum, and the 7th
International Young Scholars Conference, the Edinburgh Economics of FinTech Conference, the HEC Mon-
treal Workshop on Household Finance, and the GA Tech - Atlanta Fed Household Finance Conference for
valuable suggestions. Renhao Jiang, Peichen Li, Yunrong Zhou, Hejia Liu, Kevin Tzeng, Kashish Mehta,
Raja Gajula, Matthew Boyd, Yiheng Yang, Kunal Bagali, and Avishi Biljani provided valuable research
University of Georgia, Terry College of Business, B339 Amos Hall, 620 S Lumpkin St, Athens, GA 30602.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Gies College of Business, 1206 South 6th Street, Champaign,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign & NBER. Gies College of Business, 1206 South 6th Street,
Champaign, IL 61820. [email protected]
1 Introduction
Payday loans gained popularity in the 1990s and have been a controversial credit product
ever since, partly due to high prices, generally ranging between 300% to 400% APR (PEW,
2012). While the industry is believed to have relatively low barriers to entry and modest
levels of concentration and profit margins (Huckstep, 2007), it also faces high fixed costs of
operation and high default rates (Ernst & Young, 2009). Upon the rise of online lending in
many consumer credit markets, financial technology brought the potential to lower prices
and increase efficiency by reducing fixed costs and improving default prediction. Alterna-
tively, the business ecosystem of online payday loans has costly lead generators, targeted
advertising, affiliates, and lead-scoring agents. Thus, it could easily result in higher prices.
These two economic forces, lower existing costs versus new ecosystem costs, lead to a natural
question: are online payday loan prices higher or lower?
This paper contributes to this debate by documenting and decomposing price differences
between online and storefront payday loans in the United States. We utilize a novel dataset
from Clarity, a firm specializing in data collection from the subprime lending market and
lead generation services, including the payday loan market. We observe loan applications
and loan records. We observe loan amounts, repayments, maturities for each loan, and
information on whether the loan originated at a store or online. We also have access to
an array of information about the borrower, such as their income, age, ZIP code and state
of residence, housing status, and homeownership status. Our dataset allows for a direct
comparison between online and storefront loans, with the same data collected about the two
business models.
We document the important empirical fact that online loans are $4 per $100 borrowed,
or 100 percentage points APR more expensive. This premium is robust to controls for ex-ante
predictors of risk, time and location fixed effects, and is consistent across different samples.
Although realized default rates are higher online, controlling for ex-ante credit risk metrics
absorbs this difference. The premium is larger when consumer fixed effects are included,
with the same borrower having a larger propensity to default online.
We find no evidence of risk-based pricing at the loan level. Predictors of default observed
by the lender do not strongly correlate with loan pricing. We do not detect any systematic
pattern in prices or quantities across the credit score spectrum. However, borrower pools
exhibiting larger default rates experience higher loan prices. This result suggests each lender
sets similar prices for various consumers, regardless of observable characteristics, such as
income. Lenders, however, price the credit risk of the pool of borrowers they face.
If payday loans were priced on an individual basis, we would argue that in a similar
fashion to Jagtiani and Lemieux (2018), online payday lenders could use alternative sources of
information and advanced algorithms to improve portfolio performance at a relatively lower
cost. This would lower loan prices relative to storefront loans. Lead generators provide
lead-scoring services and use other sources of information to enrich the lead. However, these
services are, costly and feed a whole information supply chain, adding to the burden of the
borrower endpoint.
We rationalize our findings by adapting the Stiglitz and Weiss (1981) framework of credit
rationing under information asymmetry. Information asymmetry is likely to generate credit
rationing in the storefront market. As a result of credit rationing, a riskier pool of borrowers
will endogenously sort into the online market. Our empirical tests verify the presence of
information asymmetry in the payday loan market. Information asymmetry is larger in the
online market, partly justifying differences in realized default rates, and loan pricing across
the two markets.
We contrast states that implemented statewide payday loan databases with states that
did not. Statewide databases allow all lenders to share and access the same information
about borrowers. This decreases information asymmetry in the payday loan market and
equalizes the information set between online and storefront lenders. We find that, in states
with a database, the premium is about 50% smaller than that of states without a database.
States with a payday loan database provide a switch from lower to higher loan amounts
online, consistent with a credit rationing attenuation. We show that the online premium
is larger in markets with a higher storefront market share. In those markets, the online
borrower pool contains the riskiest borrowers. With a higher online market share, online
lenders capture safer borrowers and the risk of the online pool decreases.
Lastly, we decompose the online payday loan premium into three components. One is
the differences in risk of the borrower pool faced by each business model. Secondly, business
models have different cost structures. Third, business models can differ in losses induced
by credit events or recovery rates. We find evidence that cost structures are likely the most
important determinant of the online payday loan premium.
Our paper directly contributes to the broader literature aiming at understanding the
subprime credit market (e.g., Adams, Einav and Levin (2009)), namely the payday loan mar-
ket (e.g., Nunez, Shaberg, Hendra, Servon, Addo and Mapillero-Colomina (2016)). Monteze-
molo (2013) reviews the legal framework of payday loans in the United States, and documents
abusive practices from the lenders’ angle. Wang and Burke (2022) find a significant drop
in payday lending volume following mandatory state disclosure. Within the payday lending
literature, our paper speaks to the interplay between pricing and business model innovation.
We show that despite enjoying some leeway for regulatory arbitrage, online lending does not
lead to lower loan prices.
Existing works on the payday lending market focus on welfare implications
. We speak
to this literature by documenting the existence of a premium on online payday loans, which
have become very prevalent in the last decade. Only recently, the debate on payday loan
welfare started devoting attention to payday loan pricing. Saldain (2023) finds that borrow-
ing limits and interest rate caps reduce household welfare. Relatedly, Sridhar (2023) shows
See Agarwal, Skiba and Tobacman (2009), Melzer (2011), Bertrand and Morse (2011), Morse (2011),
Carrell and Zinman (2014),Bhutta (2014), Bhutta, Skiba and Tobacman (2015), Carter and Skimmyhorn
(2017), Dobridge (2018), Skiba and Tobacman (2019), Gathergood, Guttman-Kenney and Hunt (2019), Li
and Sun (2021).
that existing rate caps are inefficiently regulated and that separating initial fees from rollover
fees can be welfare-improving. Allcott, Kim, Taubinsky and Zinman (2022) estimate that
while a pure payday loan ban likely generates welfare losses, limiting rollovers can increase
welfare. Our paper is the first to allow for different business models within the payday loan
industry and examine differences in loan pricing.
Our paper is related to the literature on costly search and price dispersion in the con-
sumer credit market. Stango and Zinman (2016) find that consumer shopping behaviors
generate economically significant dispersion in equilibrium price in credit card rates. Alexan-
drov and Koulayev (2018) document price dispersion in mortgage markets and a lack of rate
shopping by mortgage borrowers. Argyle, Nadauld and Palmer (2023) show that search
frictions in credit markets contribute to price dispersion and affect loan sizes using evidence
from the auto loan market. To our knowledge, our paper is amongst the first to document
price dispersion in the payday lending market and attempt to explain it.
We also contribute to the growing literature on how financial technology shapes con-
sumer credit markets. So far, much attention has been paid to peer-to-peer lending (Morse,
2015; Li, Li, Yao and Wen, 2019), online mortgages (Fuster, Plosser, Schnabl and Vick-
ery, 2019; Di Maggio and Yao, 2021; Chava, Ganduri, Paradkar and Zhang, 2021). Bartlett,
Morse, Stanton and Wallace (2022) show that fintech fails to mitigate consumer racial/ethnic
discrimination in lending. Buchak, Matvos, Piskorski and Seru (2018) attribute the rise of
the originate-to-distribute logic in credit to technological advancement and regulatory fric-
tions. Li, Liao, Wang and Xiang (2018) study consumption responses to online cash loans
and find consumption increases in the digital ecosystem. Payday loans and their online
dimension have not yet been addressed in fintech research. We show how fundamental dif-
ferences between the in-store and online business models lead to a price differential, where
online payday loans are more expensive.
Lastly, we contribute to the recent advances in the effects of information asymmetry in
consumer credit markets with fintech participants. DeFusco, Tang and Yannelis (2022) back
out welfare costs of information asymmetry, exogenously perturbing interest rates of a large
fintech lender, in a randomized experimental setting. We add to this literature by showing
how the coexistence between online and storefront lending markets with different degrees of
information asymmetry and homogeneous goods generates a pooling equilibrium different
from that expected from a perfectly competitive market.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 provides institutional background
on payday lending and online payday lending; Section 3 describes the dataset, explains the
data processing procedure, and puts the data in context; Section 4 documents the lack of risk-
based pricing and provides evidence of the online payday loan premium; Section 5 documents
asymmetric information and explains the pooling equilibrium; Section 6 decomposes the
premium in differences in business model, and differences in credit risk; Section 7 concludes.
2 Background on the Payday Loan Market
Payday loans are a common source of short-term credit among low- to middle-income Amer-
icans. Between 2015 and 2019, about 2 percent of households reported using at least one
payday loan per year, with higher shares among lower-income groups and higher shares that
had ever used a payday loan (Kutzbach, Lloro, Weinstein and Chu, 2020). They are typ-
ically between $300 and $500 in principal and are structured as a single balloon payment
of the amount borrowed and fees, timed to coincide with the borrower’s next payday. Fees
generally average between $10 and $20 per hundred dollars borrowed and typically do not
vary with loan duration. A flat $15 per hundred fee annualizes to nearly 400% APR for a
14-day loan corresponding to biweekly pay dates (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau,
The storefront payday industry expanded through the 1990s and early 2000s, driven in
part by the loosening of state usury laws and partnership structures between payday lenders
and banks to “import” regulations across state lines, a practice ended by the FDIC in the
The online payday industry grew from a small share of loans to a significant
market share over the 2010s, reaching a steady state of between 35% to 45% of the overall
payday market between 2013 and 2019, with overall loan volumes including storefront and
online declining from $46 billion to $25 billion annually during this period (Hecht, 2014,
2018; Graham and Golden, 2019).
The payday industry has attracted controversy and regulatory scrutiny due to high
annualized costs and the high frequency of repeat borrowing. In recent years, state regula-
tors have imposed restrictions including loan size caps, fee caps, limits on roll-over activity,
cooling-off periods, and outright bans, among other measures (Kaufman, 2013). The Con-
sumer Financial Protection Bureau became the industry’s first federal regulator in 2011 .
The CFPB issued rules governing the payday industry in 2017 which were largely rescinded
in 2020, so regulation still largely falls on the states
(Kirsch, Mayer and Silber, 2014).
As of 2015, 15 states had banned traditional storefront lending. State payday laws are
complex, and jurisdiction over online lending remains contested in the court system, despite
many state and federal regulators enforcing laws that restrict online loans in states that also
regulate storefront lending (King and Standaert, 2013; Consumer Federation of America,
2010). In addition to regulatory considerations, other features that differ between the online
and storefront payday loan markets include payment and collection mechanisms that involve
Automated Clearing House (ACH) transactions and bank account access instead of dated
checks and in-person payment, and the online advertising market (PEW, 2014).
Online payday loans have structural differences from the storefront business model in
that the former requires two additional layers of financial intermediaries, which add to the
lending costs. In the first step, online payday lending starts with online lead generation. A
lead is an opportunity to do business, proxied by an expression of interest by a potential
customer. Leads can be tracked and traded. A merchant that sells leads to potential lenders
See Mann and Hawkins (2007) for more information on the “rent-a-bank” model.
is a lead generator. As is common in digital marketing, lead generation is heavily targeted and
follows consumers in every action they perform online. According to a Wall Street Journal
, 75% of online payday loan volume is sourced from lead generators, at the same time
that lead generators have a large space to conduct fraudulent and abusive behavior, such as
selling personal financial information without consent.
In the second step, lead aggregators do auctions to sell their lead portfolios. These
auctions can be conducted via ping trees. Ping trees can be used when leads can be sold
more than once to different buyers and when leads are exclusive and only sold once. They
are electronic queues lenders pay to define their priority in receiving a lead. As a lead
aggregator explains it on their website, ping tree placement can range from $2 to upwards
of $120. Online lenders set their price points, and as leads come in, they are shown to the
lenders willing to pay the highest price per lead. Lead information helps lenders decide
whether to purchase the lead. Lower ping tree bids result in a lower tree position and a
higher chance of lower lead quality. Higher returns from lending are promised in exchange
for a higher bid for a privileged pin tree position.
3 Data
Our storefront and online payday loan data are sourced from Clarity, an alternative credit
bureau and a subsidiary of Experian, one of the three major credit reporting agencies. Pre-
vious research using Clarity data includes Di Maggio, Ma and Williams (2020), Miller and
Soo (2020), Miller and Soo (2021), and Fonseca (2023). Blattner and Nelson (2021) use sim-
ilar data from FactorTrust, another alternative credit bureau. Clarity compiles application,
origination, and repayment information for subprime loans to help lenders make underwrit-
ing decisions. Its database includes about 63 million borrowers and over 70% of non-prime
consumers in the United States. Like other credit reporting agencies, Clarity relies on vol-
See ’Middlemen for Payday Lenders Under Fire’, The Wall Street Journal, April 7, 2014.
untary reporting of inquiries, originations, and performance by its network of lenders and
data furnishers, which may not reflect the full universe of subprime loans or the universe
of information from all participating lenders. Nonetheless, it is among the best sources of
nationwide subprime credit activity.
The Clarity database contains information on various subprime credit products includ-
ing payday, rent-to-own, installment, auto, and auto title loans. Our focus is on storefront
and online payday loans in this study, which represent about 32% of inquiries and 47%
of tradelines in the full database. For each inquiry, Clarity reports information about the
type of loan applied for and some self-reported demographics including ZIP code and state
of residence, monthly income, age, housing status, months at the same address, and pay-
check frequency. While some lenders may employ income and identity verification and fraud
detection mechanisms, the information reported in inquiries is self-reported by borrowers
and might not be verified before submission to Clarity. For originated tradelines, we ob-
serve loan type, highest credit, scheduled and actual payment amounts, payment dates, and
delinquency status.
We use two samples provided by Clarity in our analysis. The first one, known hereafter
as the “standalone” or “random Clarity” sample, consists of 1 million consumers randomly
drawn from Clarity’s database from 2013 to 2017. According to the data provider, Clarity’s
full database consisted of about 63 million consumers as of 2020, so our sample contains
about 1.5% of the database. The sample of borrowers includes those who apply for payday
loans and other products, and only a subset of applications result in originated loans, which
we use in our main analysis. In 1 million unique borrowers who submitted an inquiry for
any subprime credit tradeline, 366,327 applied for an online or a storefront payday loan. Of
those, 65,733 originated a payday loan, comprising our final sample.
The second sample, known hereafter as the ‘credit visible’ sample, consists of payday
borrowers matched to a random 1% sample of all consumers in the traditional Experian
credit report database as of 2018. All payday loans originated by 35,550 unique borrowers
between 2013 and 2019 are included in this sample. The random Clarity and credit visible
samples are drawn independently.
Because payday loan fees typically do not vary with duration, they are generally mar-
keted to customers in terms of cost per $100 borrowed. However, lenders are also required
to disclose prices in APR terms. Laws on interest rate caps are also commonly written using
interest rates or APR terms. Therefore, we examine both measures of loan prices. We do not
observe prices directly in the Clarity data, and infer them based on observed loan maturity,
highest credit amount, and repayment amount:
AP R =
Repayment LoanAmount
Cost per 100 = 100 ×
Repayment LoanAmount
Because payday loans have fairly simple and standardized structures, these basic formu-
las accurately capture realized prices for most loans. However, one caveat is that scheduled
payment amounts are missing in much of the data, so we need to use realized payments in-
stead. This means that prices will not be accurately captured for loans not repaid in full (e.g.
prices would be inferred to be zero for loans that are fully defaulted on). While defaults
represent a small fraction of loans, if defaulted loans are systematically priced differently
from repaid loans, our method would lead to measurement error that could be correlated
with our variables of interest.
However, as shown in the next section, risk-based pricing is very limited in the on-
line and storefront payday markets. Therefore, we do not think this potential source of
measurement error drives our results. To impute prices for defaulted loans, we employ a
waterfall methodology to match defaulted loans to the median price of similar non-defaulted
loans within cells by origination month, loan type, state, ZIP code, and terciles of loan and
See DeYoung and Phillips (2006a,b)
borrower characteristics. We try to match defaulted loans to non-defaulted ones in cells of
decreasing granularity until all loans are matched (e.g. ZIP code is matched first, and if no
available priced loans are matched by ZIP code, then state-level matches are used). In the
analysis below, we show the results for both the full sample and the ‘non-imputed’ sample
of loans where we measure prices from equation (1) instead of via matching. We winsorize
APR and cost per $100 at the 99th percentile in all analyses to reduce the effect of outliers.
3.1 Summary Statistics and External Validity
In this section, we report summary statistics for our sample. Table 1 presents summary
statistics for the random Clarity sample in Panel A and the credit visible sample of loans
matched to Experian consumer credit records in Panel B. Despite differences in the sample
periods and the existence of traditional credit reports between the two samples, the descrip-
tive statistics are extremely similar across our two samples. Figure 1 shows the geographical
distribution of loans by state in both of our samples, comparing the online and storefront
markets. Online loans are significantly present in all fifty states. Storefront loans are absent
in some sparsely populated states and those where state laws are likely to effectively prohibit
traditional payday lending during our sample period (e.g. Montana, New Mexico, and much
of New England).
The random Clarity sample in Panel A of Table 1 consists of 336,690 loans from more
than 65,733 borrowers, 65% of which are online. The credit visible sample in Panel B includes
188,913 loans and 35,550 borrowers with a 70% online share. By scaling our random Clarity
sample by the size of the full Clarity universe and comparing to industry payday market size
estimates, we calculate that Clarity represents 8% of the storefront market and 23% of the
online payday market as of 2017, with coverage of the total payday market growing from 4%
to 15% of originated loan volume between 2015 and 2017 (Hecht, 2014, 2018; Graham and
Golden, 2019). The larger market share of online versus storefront loans likely reflects the
historical evolution of Clarity’s client base and online lenders’ greater use of reporting and
verification systems to mitigate fraud risk.
The characteristics of loans and consumers in our samples are consistent with those
from previous literature and policy reports, with average loan amounts of $365 to $370 across
our two samples and average maturities of 19 to 20 days corresponding to a combination
of consumers with weekly, biweekly, and monthly pay dates (Skiba and Tobacman, 2008,
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, 2013, PEW, 2014, Wang and Burke, 2022). While
loan and customer characteristics are fairly comparable to previous studies using storefront
payday data (e.g. Skiba and Tobacman 2008, Wang and Burke 2022), the average borrower
income of $2822 to $2849 is significantly lower in the Clarity online payday data compared
with $4334 among online payday borrowers in an account aggregator sample studied by
Baugh (2016), which could reflect differences in income measurement or the likely higher
income of consumers included in account aggregator data.
We consider a lower bound for the default rate loans reported to Clarity as not paid
in full, by lenders. The average default rate of 7% in the full Clarity samples and 4% in
the storefront samples are comparable to those from previous studies using administrative
data from storefront payday lenders. Skiba and Tobacman (2008) report a 4% charge-off
rate and Wang and Burke (2022) report a 3% default rate. Both of these previous papers
report substantially higher delinquency rates than default rates, suggesting that the default
rate we measure in Clarity likely corresponds to ultimate charge-offs and not to temporary
delinquency. We do not attempt to distinguish between delinquency and default, track the
ultimate recovery rate of defaulted loans, or account for reporting errors or reporting lags
(e.g. lenders failing to report defaults to Clarity).
Average default rates for online loans are 8% to 9% in our samples, about double that
of storefront loans. This contrasts with general demographics associated with lower credit
risk for online loans and borrowers and with a slightly lower propensity for late payments on
online loans (31%) versus storefront (35%). This discrepancy is consistent with technological
advances in the online sphere. ACH processing via routing and account numbers can be done
to avoid delays and cashing checks can generate payments posterior to due dates.
Online loans are significantly smaller, and online borrowers report significantly higher
income and home ownership and slightly longer months at address compared with storefront
borrowers in both Panels A and B. The main exception to this pattern is that online borrowers
in the credit visible sample are more than twice as likely to be unscoreable compared with
storefront borrowers (21% vs. 10%), and have lower Vantage scores conditional on being
scoreable (500 vs. 535). Even though we classify all borrowers with a traditional Experian
credit report as part of our ‘credit visible’ sample, some nonetheless lack valid Vantage
scores, which likely reflects borrowers with thin or potentially incomplete or incorrect credit
files (Blattner and Nelson, 2021). The higher income, lower age, and higher default risk
associated with online payday loans are consistent with previous survey evidence (PEW,
Based on the pricing formulas and imputation algorithm described in Section 3, we find
average APRs of 373% in the random Clarity sample (Panel A) and 382% in the credit
visible sample (Panel B). The average cost per $100 is $16.6 in the random Clarity sample
and $16.9 in the credit visible sample. Despite the assumptions needed to calculate prices
in the Clarity data, these estimates are consistent with those from previous studies that use
prices directly observed in administrative data from storefront payday lenders. Skiba and
Tobacman (2008) report a cost per $100 of $17.9 using a sample from Texas, one of the most
expensive lending markets. Wang and Burke (2022) report an average cost per $100 of $12
in a multi-state sample and $20 in Texas, corresponding to APRs of 281% and 508%. By
comparison, average prices for storefront loans range from 295% to 300% APR and $12.4 to
$13.3 per $100 in our Clarity samples.
Price statistics for online payday loans are rarer, and we are unaware of previous aca-
demic studies on this topic. In a survey of lender websites, Consumer Federation of America
(2011) reports an average APR of 652% and cost per $100 of $25, which are substantially
higher than the average APRs of 416% - 417% and cost per $100 of $18.5 - $18.9 in the Clarity
samples. Despite Clarity’s substantial market share of online payday loans, less-compliant or
more predatory lenders who may charge higher prices and engage in other unfriendly prac-
tices toward consumers may be less likely to report to Clarity, causing a disparity relative to
the sample of lender websites. Nonetheless, the significant price disparity between storefront
and online loans has been widely described in industry and policy reports, so we believe
the difference of well over 100% APR between these two loan types reflects true underlying
heterogeneity, even if its magnitude in the full universe of payday loans is unknown. To the
best our knowledge, this paper is the attempt to quantify the price difference between online
and storefront payday loans.
While we use the pricing formulas in equation (1) to measure prices for most loans, these
formulas rely on realized payments, which would not accurately measure prices for defaulted
loans. The fourth column of Table 1 shows statistics for the non-imputed loan sample. By
construction, the default rate in this sample is zero, and the proportion of loans with late
payments is lower. The average loan amount is also slightly lower and repayment amount
is significantly higher, but other characteristics, including prices, are similar between the
imputed and non-imputed samples.
Using imputed prices allows us to investigate the important role of default rates in
loan pricing which is impossible in the non-imputed sample. To support the validity of this
analysis, we show that other results are remarkably similar across the imputed and non-
imputed loan samples due to the lack of risk-based pricing at the individual loan level. Few
loans realize default even in higher-default groups, allowing us to use non-defaulted loans
to impute prices for defaulted loans. Overall, the summary statistics in Table 1 establish a
basic level of external validity for our analysis and show that the pricing differences across
online and payday loans are not purely driven by sample selection or measurement error.
Our payday loan sample statistics are well-aligned with Liu, Lu and Xiong (2022),
who describe online loans as smaller, higher interest, earlier repayment, and more repeated
borrowing. Despite not studying payday loans, they suggest that online lenders specialize in
serving short-term liquidity needs, rather than providing long-term financing solutions.
4 Online Payday Loan Premium
Online payday loans are contracted at a higher price than storefront payday loans. We
validate the existence this spread in graphical analysis along consumer credit risk predictors,
and in a regression analysis, where we control for a rich set of confounding effects.
4.1 Risk-based Pricing in Payday Loan Markets
To understand the differences between online and storefront prices, we start by visually
exploring the distribution of prices across the two business models. Figure 2 plots the kernel
densities for APR in graphs (a) and (c) and cost per $100 borrowed in graphs (b) and (d)
for the two Clarity samples. As with other descriptive statistics, the distributions are almost
identical between the random Clarity and credit visible samples. This suggests that payday
loan pricing is not substantially different for borrowers with and without existing credit
reports. This is consistent with the segmentation between traditional and alternative credit
Consistent with pricing schedules based on integer values of cost per $100, the distribu-
tions in graphs (b) and (d) exhibit several local modes for both online and storefront loans.
Even though both distributions have common support, higher price points are more common
for online loans. The pricing function is more continuous for online loans, where cost per
$100 is an exact integer in 17% of observations compared with 32% for storefront. The most
common integer values of cost per $100 are $15, $17, $20, and $25 for online and $8, $10,
$15, and $20 for storefront loans. The interaction of discrete price points for cost per $100
and common pay frequencies leads to a multi-modal distribution of APRs, especially for
storefront loans.
Potential reasons for higher prices online could be higher default incidence than at the
storefront or at least differences in default predictors such as income or credit score, across
the two business models. To shed initial light on these mechanisms, Figures 3 through 5
present unconditional binscatter plots of how prices and default rates change depending on
loan duration, customer income, and Vantage score.
Figure 3 shows binscatter plots of prices and default risk by loan duration, typically
driven by borrowers’ pay frequency. Confirming our discussion above and typical practices
in the industry that present uniform prices across different pay frequencies, Panel B shows
that cost per $100 is flat and does not vary monotonically with loan duration. Despite
that, costs are uniformly higher for online loans at all levels of loan duration. Uniform
pricing by cost per $100 mechanically causes APRs to be strongly negatively correlated with
loan duration, as shown in Panel A. APRs are higher for online loans conditional on loan
duration. This disparity is greater in absolute terms for lower loan duration. Default risk is
slightly negatively correlated with loan duration only for online loans, but there is generally
a limited relationship between these two dimensions, outside accurately controlled setting as
in Hertzberg, Liberman and Paravisini (2018).
Next, Figure 4 shows the relationships between prices and default risk by self-reported
income. As with loan duration, Panel B shows that cost per $100 is flat for both online and
storefront loans, across levels of borrower income. As shown in Panel A, APR is also flat
across borrower income for online loans but is significantly positively related to income for
storefront loans, which is driven by a strong negative correlation between income and loan
duration. The lack of price differentiation by income contrasts with a significant negative
relationship between income and default risk, shown in Panel C, which is stronger for online
The greater use of credit reporting agencies such as Clarity, greater price dispersion,more
continuous pricing functions, and the high overall levels of credit risk could make under-
writing technology particularly valuable in this market. However, we do not observe this
sophistication resulting in risk-based pricing at the loan level or driven by default predictors.
Another potential demographic that drive credit risk is housing stability, as measured by the
number of months a consumer has lived at their current address, shown in Appendix Figure
A1, but we find limited evidence of a relationship with either default or prices, possibly due
to noise in this self-reported measure.
While monthly income predicts default, credit scores encompass other dimensions of
consumer credit risk. Beer, Ionescu and Li (2018) show evidence of a limited correlation
between self-reported income and Vantage scores. Figure 5 presents binscatter plots of
prices and default risk by Vantage score, one of the most widely-used consumer credit scores.
Vantage advertises a particular ability to predict default risk for subprime and near-prime
consumers who are not scoreable by other widely-used models such as FICO. In all three
subfigures, consumers that are in the credit visible sample but without a valid Vantage score
in the year the loan was originated are pooled and shown in the leftmost data point on the x-
axis (marked as a Vantage score of 300) for comparison with scoreable consumers. The figure
shows that the Vantage score predicts default risk for storefront and online payday loans, even
conditional on taking out subprime credit. However, as with income, online payday loans
have significantly greater credit risk at every level of Vantage. Despite its strong correlation
with credit risk, APR and cost per $100 are only weakly correlated with Vantage score in
the online and storefront markets, consistent with a general lack of risk-based pricing.
Lastly, we bring together loan prices and loan amounts, and correlate them with credit
score, in Figure 6. We do not find any systematic pattern in pricing across the credit score
and loan amount spectrum. As in Dobbie and Skiba (2013), loan amounts can be seen either
as a proxy for income-based eligibility or adverse selection. Highest prices take place for
large loan amounts, but we cannot assert a monotonic trend between quantities and prices.
4.2 Measuring the Online Payday Loan Premium
The previously documented relationships between loan pricing, default, and credit risk pre-
dictors support the existence of an online payday loan premium, across the income, maturity,
and credit score spectrum, not explained by differences in default. The results are consistent
with each lender setting their optimal cost per $100 borrowed, not distinguishing among
borrowers. Establishing empirical evidence of this practice is very important to support our
choice of the theoretical framework used to rationalize in section 5 to rationalize our findings.
In this section, we use regression analysis, to control for variables observable to the
lender and to the econometrician. Only conditioning on those observables, we statistically
test for the existence and pin down the magnitude of the online payday loan premium. We
test for the existence of conditional pricing differences between the online and the storefront
business models using the following specification:
= α
+ α
+ βOnline + X
where Y
is a price or default outcome for a given loan from customer i living in state
or ZIP code s originated at time t. All regressions include borrower-location fixed effects
at borrower-ZIP code or borrower-state level, depending on the specification. α
time fixed effects for day of week, day of month, month of year, and calendar year. X
is a vector of controls that includes deciles of loan duration, loan size, age, and income,
categorical variables for housing status and pay frequency, and number of inquiries per week
as a measure of time-varying credit demand. For variables that include missing values, we
include a separate category for missing values to maximize sample size. The regressions
include a dummy variable for online loans with the coefficient of interest β. It estimates
differences in means of the outcome, conditional on all the controls and fixed effects employed.
Standard errors are clustered at the state level, as loans originated in the same state are
subject to similar legal and market circumstances.
Table 2 presents our results. The table includes three columns for each outcome: APR,
cost per $100, and a dummy variable indicating whether the loan defaults. The three different
specifications per outcome variable include either state fixed effects, ZIP code fixed effects,
or customer fixed effects. Panel A shows results for the random Clarity sample, which
covers loans originated between 2013 and 2017. Panel B shows results for the credit visible
sample, which covers 2013 through 2019, and Panel C includes deciles of vantage score as an
additional control in the credit visible sample.
The online payday loan premium is very similar across the two samples, and robust
to the inclusion of Vantage score as a control. As shown in column (1), when state fixed
effects are included, the APR premium is between 92 to 98 p.p. across samples and models.
Surprisingly, the premium increases when ZIP code or customer fixed effects are included
instead of state fixed effects. The coefficient on the online loan dummy ranges from 103
to 110 p.p. APR when including ZIP code fixed effects, and from 127 to 141 p.p. when
including customer fixed effects. As shown in columns (4) through (6), the online payday
loan premium is between $3.4 and $6.5 when expressed in terms of cost per $100. For
comparison, the descriptive statistics in Table 1 showed an unconditional online payday
loan premium of 117-121 p.p. APR and $5.2 to $6.5 per $100 borrowed, which are within
the range of the regression estimates. Overall, these results show that the online payday
loan premium is not explained by differences in observable loan or customer characteristics
between the two loan types.
As shown in columns (7) through (9), default risk is between 2.6 p.p. and 8.4 p.p. higher
for online loans, although the online coefficient is imprecisely estimated in some models and
samples using the linear probability specification. These estimates are within the range of
the unconditional difference of 4 to 5 p.p. in default probability from Table 1. The large
increase in both prices and default risk when including customer fixed effects reflects the fact
that only 2-3% of consumers have both online and storefront loans, and these customers on
average face both higher prices and higher default risk. Nonetheless, the results show that
even customers with both types of loans are more likely to default on an online payday than
on a storefront loan. Thus, differences in default risk are not explained by time-invariant
customer characteristics.
Consistent with the lack of risk-based pricing, the inclusion of controls for Vantage
score does not produce detectable differences in the estimated price premia, as shown in
Panel C. Interestingly, despite Vantage score being tightly correlated with default risk, its
inclusiondoes not explain the gap in default risk between online and storefront loans. Thus,
the findings in Panel C further confirm that consumer characteristics explain neither the
price premium nor the default gap for online payday loans.
To maximize precision and sample size, we use all available loans in both Clarity samples
in the regression analysis. However, there were very few storefront payday loans in the Clarity
data in 2013, so we replicate the analysis dropping 2013 in Appendix Table A1, which shows
similar results to our main sample. We also replicate the analysis on the subsample of non-
defaulted loans, where we calculate prices directly using equation (1) instead of imputing
them from matching non-defaulted loans. These results are shown in Appendix Table A2.
While this sample by definition has a default rate of zero, the estimated price premia are
similar to those using the full sample that includes imputed and non-imputed prices.
Overall, the results in this section show that the online payday loan premium is not
driven by differences in consumer or loan characteristics or differences in pricing models
between online and storefront loans. Other factors such as differences in fixed costs, the lead
generation system, and advertising and customer acquisition costs likely drive some of these
differences. So far we have not tested whether higher default rates of online loans which
are even present within the same customer are likely to be part of the explanation. To
do so, we run the specification in equation (2), but with two major modifications: (i) we
collapse our data at the market level, where a market is defined alternatively as a state or a
ZIP code in a given week, separately for online and storefront loans and (ii) we control for
both the lagged average propensity to default and for the lagged average propensity for a
loan to have a late payment, in that market.
In Table 3, we report the results. As shown in column (1) across the three samples,
the average storefront APR at the ZIP code level is around 300%, with estimates for the
premium being close to 100 p.p., even when controlling for past default and incidence of
late payments on loans in that ZIP code. Surprisingly, we observe in column (2) that the
average storefront APR at the state level is much higher, around 360%. Given the ZIP code
average, this much higher average is caused by some outlier loans with abnormally large
APRs, happening all across the nation. This leaves a smaller room for a spread between
storefront and online to be statistically detected, yielding a lack of statistical significance
to the estimate from the random Clarity sample in Panel A, and a statistically significant
estimate at 10% in Panel B. However, in our most conservative specification that accounts
for the average Vantage score in a given market for a given week, the spread is sizeable (64.7
p.p.) and statistically significant. Furthermore, outlier APRs are normally caused by short-
maturity loans, with the same flat cost per $100, as discussed before. Hence, in columns (3)
and (4) we use the cost per $100, that is not contaminated by outlier maturities. The online
payday premium is detectable and very stable across all samples, and all market definitions,
ranging from around $3-4 per $100 borrowed at the state market denomination to $6-7 per
$100 borrowed.
Together with the graphical analysis in subsection 4.1, our results suggest an online
payday loan premium of about $4 per $100 borrowed, or 100 p.p. APR, not explained by
ex-ante predictors of default, nor by market-level realized default.
5 Information Asymmetry and Payday Loan Prices
The absence of face-to-face interactions and the heightened risk of fraud and identity theft in
online transactions can lead to increased prices and a greater likelihood of credit risk. This
scenario could arise due to several factors, including the potential for selecting customers
with higher unobservable risk or placing online loans lower in the repayment hierarchy for
a given customer. Moreover, the complexities underlying higher default rates are further
compounded by variations in collection mechanisms. It is widely believed that collection
methods tend to be more assertive for online loans, given that lenders have direct access to
consumers’ bank accounts through the ACH network (CFPB, 2016). Our finding that online
loans are less likely to result in a late payment corroborates this fact.
Previous literature has empirically examined how information asymmetry in payday
loan markets affects the relationship between quantities of credit (loan amounts) and default
(Dobbie and Skiba, 2013). In this section, we bring information asymmetry to rationalize
prices in the payday loan market, how they relate to default, and to explain the online
payday loan premium. To our knowledge, this paper is the first to conduct such an exercise.
5.1 Conceptual Framework and Testable Hypotheses
Thus far we have documented that: (i) online payday loans are more expensive than store-
front payday loans; (ii) ex-ante predictors of default are not priced at the loan-level; (iii)
default rates are higher online than at the storefront.
Selecting a conceptual framework to analyze payday loan prices and default presents a
non-trivial decision. A conventional approach that directly links credit risk to credit prices
would be at odds with our findings, which indicate that lenders do not engage in risk-based
An alternative would be to use an industrial organization framework to consider com-
petition features within and between markets for homogeneous goods or services. However,
it would not be empirically testable in our setting, since we do not observe lender identi-
fiers, and are therefore unable to directly measure lender-level market shares, market power
concentration, or elements of their cost structures.
To incorporate information asymmetry in our setting, and still be able to speak to how
the industry organizes itself and to credit prices, we build on the framework from the seminal
work of Stiglitz and Weiss (1981).
In their setting, information is asymmetric, and thus lenders cannot price each individual
loan. Therefore, lenders choose a rate to charge every customer. The expected profit of each
loan depends on the chosen rate, and on its riskiness. In turn, riskiness itself depends on
the chosen rate, as an excessively high rate makes the repayment too large and defaulting
becomes optimal or the consumer experiences hardship. Borrowers are heterogeneous in risk,
and each borrower is only willing to borrow up to a certain price. So, as the rate increases,
the pool of borrowers gets riskier. The assumptions that need to hold and how they apply
to the payday loan market are described in the Appendix.
The main result of this framework is credit rationing at storefront payday lenders, who
need to choose a one-size-fits-all fee per $100 borrowed, and customers self-selecting, likely
adversely, to enter their stores and inquire for a loan. Instead of choosing the rate at which
supply equals demand the storefront lender chooses the rate for which expected profit is
maximized, under asymmetric information. This rate leaves some loan demand unattended
in the storefront market. Customers not served by storefront lenders, then resort to online
payday lenders.
Arnold and Riley (2009) note that under mild assumptions within the Stiglitz-Weiss
setting, if there is credit rationing at a lower rate, then a second rate is also optimal. That
optimal rate is higher and clears the market, being paid by higher-risk borrowers. In the
same fashion, Cassar and Wydick (2012) incorporate present bias rather than undertaking
risky projects as the borrower source of risk under asymmetric information, as is likely the
case in the payday loan market. They assert that a new lending technology would facilitate
an equilibrium where high-risk borrowers borrow at higher rates, and low-risk borrowers
borrow at a low rate.
Altogether, and put in the context of the storefront-online dichotomy, it would have to be
the case that online lenders would simultaneously (i) face higher asymmetry of information,
(ii) maximize their profit at a higher rate and (iii) lend to a riskier borrower pool. These
are our testable hypotheses. Intuitively, the loss of soft information that can be collected in
person at the store can be claimed as aggravated asymmetric information in online payday
loan markets, especially if we consider the increased risk of identity theft and fraud.
The existence of the online payday loan premium establishes that online lenders likely
maximize their profits at higher rates. This can be due to their superior ability to collect
repayment through the ACH network, as shown by the lower occurrence of late payments,
mitigating some of the moral hazard stemming from practicing higher rates. Another ex-
planation is the ability to better diversify their portfolio, in quantities originated and geo-
graphically, due to the online nature of their lending activity.
Online prices are empirically verified to be higher, and online borrowers exhibit higher
default rates. The only hypothesis lacking a formal test so far is that of establishing that
the online market has a higher degree of information asymmetry. We do so in the next
5.2 Validating Testable Hypotheses
We hypothesize that there is information asymmetry in payday loan markets. We explicitly
remain agnostic as to whether it manifests through adverse selection, moral hazard, or both.
As is common in cases where asymmetric information is claimed, in this section, we test for
correlations between the outcome of interest (loan prices) and default. A positive correlation
indicates information asymmetry, either because riskier borrowers adversely select loans with
higher rates, or because too high of a rate might make it optimal to default on a loan. Our
goal is to test whether asymmetric information happens to a greater extent in the online
market than in the storefront market.
To establish a comparable set of loan prices and defaults, we bin our loans with two
different schemes. In the first scheme, we bin loans according to age × income quintiles,
totaling 25 bins for online and 25 bins for storefront market. This is done in both the
standalone and credit visible samples. In the second scheme, we bin loans according to
credit score quintiles, only possible in the credit visible sample. This procedure ensures we
always compare similar loans between markets, and within the same risk class.
Our first exercise is to ensure the online premium still holds within bins (ruling out
the alternative explanation that the online premium is driven by a different composition of
borrowers in the two markets). In Appendix Table A3, we report the results of running the
specification in eq. 2, but including bin fixed effects. Therefore the coefficient on the online
dummy is identified by average differences between the storefront and online prices within
the same borrower bin. We observe an online premium of 91-124 p.p. APR, or $4-5 per
$100 borrowed, which are very consistent magnitudes with the previous tables. All in all,
our binning scheme does not eliminate any of the online payday loan premiums.
With this binning scheme, we test for asymmetric information, and to what extent it
is more prevalent online. A direct test of asymmetric information relates loan pricing with
default, and tests for a correlation. Furthermore, we test this hypothesis as suggested by
Chiappori and Salanie (2000) and implemented by Dobbie and Skiba (2013). If similar
borrowers obtain different prices on their loans, and higher prices are associated with higher
default rates, there is evidence of asymmetric information in this market. Additionally, we
interact the price variables with the online dummy to test for differences between the two
business models. The specification is the following:
= α
P rice
×P rice
where the coefficient β
tests for the correlation between loan prices and default in storefront
markets, and the coefficient β
tests to what extent that correlation is higher online than
at the storefront.
Table 4 reports the results. In Columns (1)-(6), we find a positive correlation between
loan prices and default. Again, we do not claim a direction: it could be that within the
same bin, borrowers more likely to default choose higher rates, or that a higher repayment
makes borrowers more likely to default. This association is more accentuated in online loans
as reported by the interaction terms, most of them statistically significant at 10%, across
different samples, outcomes, and binning schemes. Importantly, due to the lack of individual-
level risk-based-pricing, we can have high confidence that the correlation shown in Table 4
is not a simple reflection of the risk premium imposed by the lenders on riskier borrowers.
We take the evidence in Table 4 as support for asymmetric information in payday loan
markets and that such asymmetry is higher online. In practice, payday lenders do not per-
form hard credit pulls from credit bureaus of prime credit products. This is particularly acute
in the online market, where lenders do not observe beyond noisy self-reported information
until far later in the process, making these results reasonably expected.
Graphically, we explore this relation separately for online and storefront loans using
binscatter plots of each loans’ APR relative to their bins’ average APR and default. What
we aim to compare is the slope of the relation. The steeper it is, the more robust is the
evidence of asymmetric information in credit markets. We report our findings in the credit
visible sample in Figure 7. On the two left panels, we show the binscatter plot for storefront
loans. On the two right panels we report the same graph for online loans. Panels (a)-
(b) report correlations between APR (relative to bin average) and default. Panels (c)-(d)
report correlations between cost per $100 borrowed (relative to bin average) and default.
The results are consistent with Table 4. There is an upward-sloping relationship between
APR and credit risk within the same bin, and it is stronger in the online market, suggesting
a higher degree of asymmetric information online. These results are robust to sampling,
as shown Appendix Figure A2, where we plot the same analysis using the random Clarity
To complement our results, we use an alternative test, as proposed by Chiappori and
Salanie (2000). We directly estimate the correlation between price and credit risk via bivari-
ate probit estimation. The advantage of this approach is the absence of a stance regarding
the dependent or independent variable. The disadvantage is that it requires two binary vari-
ables. We use an indicator variable of ex-post loan default as the endogenous variable for
credit risk. We use an indicator of whether the loan price lies above the average price of the
borrowers’ bin as the endogenous variable for loan price.
We report results for the estimate for correlation between loan price and default in Table
5. In Columns (1) and (3) we report correlations between prices and defaults in the storefront
market, and in Columns (2) and (4) we report correlations for the online market. Each of
panels A, B, and C reports estimations on the random Clarity sample, on the credit visible
sample, and the credit visible sample controlling for vantage score, respectively. Across all
samples and all outcomes, it is consistently true that there is a positive correlation between
credit prices and default. That correlation is higher in the online payday loan market.
Lastly, if our interpretation of the pooling market equilibrium is correct, we can make
two testable claims. First, a smaller online market share, leads to an online borrower pool
extremely risky, compared to the larger, much safer storefront borrower pool. Second, as a
result, the online premium should be larger when the online market share is lower. In Figure
8, we plot binscatter plots of default rates of each pool (online vs storefront) in each market
(state-year), in panels (a) and (c), and the online premium in each market, in panels (b)
and (d), sorted by online market share. We observe exactly what our predictions indicate:
a larger online market share, captures safer borrowers to the online pool, and makes the
riskiness of the two pools similar, reducing the online payday loan premium.
5.3 Evidence from Statewide Payday Loan Databases
We have quantified the online payday loan premium and conducted empirical tests to detect
asymmetric information within the payday loan market. Furthermore, we have demonstrated
that the heightened degree of asymmetric information inherent in online payday loans be-
comes apparent when subjected to classic tests for information asymmetry.
We argue that information asymmetry serves as a rationale for the observed higher
realized default rates and loan prices online, particularly in a market where default predictors
are not factored into loan pricing.
The crucial question that arises is whether attenuating information asymmetry would
impact the magnitude of the online payday loan premium. Most importantly, if both online
and brick-and-mortar lenders had access to identical information, would such a significant
disparity in their prices still exist?
To test this, we use cross-sectional variation across state laws that establish a statewide
payday loan database, where lenders are mandated to report the loans they provide, and
which can be accessed through the payment of a small fee. There are 13 states which have
this database in place: Alabama, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan,
North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin, where
19% of the loans of our sample are originated. These databases have two effects: first, they
diminish information asymmetry for the market as a whole, as all the lenders in a state
can now observe the same information. Second, they decrease the differences in information
asymmetry between online and storefront lenders.
A limitation arising from our samples ranging 2013-2017 and 2013-2019 is that we
cannot directly exploit the effects of introducing a database in a given state, as the 13 states
implemented databases during 2002-2012. Notwithstanding, the cross-sectional variation
still allows us to test the asymmetric information explanation. To do so, we estimate the
following specification:
= α
+ α
+ β
+ β
× Database
+ X
where Y
is the price of a loan i, both measured as APR (in p.p.) or cost per $100
borrowed (in dollars), for a customer living in state s originating at time t. We run the
specification with and without time fixed effects α
, and loan and customer level controls
. We cannot include state fixed effects, as the cross-sectional variation of the variable
is state-level. The three most important coefficients are β
, which measures the
online premium in states without a database, where asymmetric information is higher and
different between storefront and online lenders; and β
the difference in online premia
between states with and without databases. The size of β
, relative to β
allows us to
speak to the economic significance of information asymmetry in explaining the two-price,
dual-credit risk equilibrium.
Table 6 reports the results for the estimation of equation 4 on both the random Clarity
sample (Panel A) and the credit visible sample (Panel B). The online payday loan premium
ranges between 102-122 APR percentage points or $4.1-$5.8 per $100 dollars borrowed in
states without a database. Even though accessing the database incurs a cost for the lender,
legislation provisions such as Wis.Stat. § 138.14(10)(b)1. state “A licensee may not assess a
customer any fee or charge for database access or usage.”
In states with a database, our point estimates indicate that the online premium has
about half of the magnitude of the premium in states without a database. The β
efficient is statistically significant at the 10% level in all specifications for cost per $100
borrowed, but is not, when using APR as the dependent variable.
As an extended test, in columns (5)-(6), we use loan amounts as the dependent variable.
In states without a database, loan amounts are smaller online. However, in states with a
database, loans are larger online. This is consistent with databases reducing information
asymmetries online, leading to a lesser extent of credit rationing.
In our best attempt to use all the time series variation we can, we study pricing dynamics
following the implementation of a database, and whether the records added to it through
time have any impact on (i) loan prices on the market as a whole, and (ii) in the online
payday loan premium. To do so, we document the year in which each state implemented
its database, and for each loan in our sample, we compute the number of years since the
implementation of the database, yielding variations along the time series dimension. We then
re-estimate equation 4, but we decompose the Database
variable into dummy variables that
indicate whether state s has implemented a database less than 6 years before, 7-8, 8-10, 10-
12, or more than 13 years ago. This binning scheme is the most granular we can have where
3 or more states are used to identify the coefficient for each bin.
In Figure 9, we report the results for our two price outcomes, estimated in our two
different samples. The Baseline estimates are estimates of online (green) and storefront (or-
ange) prices, and the premium (black) in states without a database. We then plot estimated
prices for each market and the premium (obtained from the estimates in Appendix Table
A4) for each time bin relative to database implementation in the state.
Three expected patterns arise: (i) The equilibrium interest rates in the states without
payday loan database are higher than those in the states without the database. This pattern
is consistent with the estimations in Table 6. (ii) As time passes, after the introduction of
payday loan database, the average equilibrium interest rates in both the online and storefront
markets decrease. This pattern is consistent with the increase in market efficiency in payday
loan markets via the reduction in information asymmetry when all the lenders share the
same information set; and (iii) the gap between online prices and storefront prices remains
statistically indistinguishable from zero as time goes by. The standard deviation of the
interest rate gap is large in the first few years and drops to a much lower value as time
passes. This pattern is consistent with the stabilization of the payday lending market after
the changes from introducing a shared database. All three patterns are robust across samples
and different definitions of price.
6 Decomposing the Online Payday Loan Premium
Asymmetric information explains the pooling equilibrium evident in the payday loan market,
encompassing both online and brick-and-mortar business models. The presence of informa-
tion asymmetry alone can give rise to an equilibrium where two distinct loan prices coexist.
However, what remains uncertain is whether the observed premium in information asymme-
try justifiably accounts the magnitude of the online premium. In this section, we delve into
the significance of other factors in elucidating the price differential across various business
We start by formalizing the relationship between two quantities that we observe: the
price and default rate in a given market, for each business model. We model cost per $100
borrowed, as it is independent of loan maturity. Business model i prices their loans following:
) = π
+ θ
+ ε
where c
is the cost per $100 of business model i in market m, and λ
is the default
rate experienced by business model i in market m. Note that we allow each business model
to have different default rates in a given market, as that matches our empirical evidence. π
is the gross profit per $100 that business model i requires, even in the absence of any default.
Economically, it has to cover all the costs the business model incurs to originate a loan. θ
is the compensation business model i demands per unit of risk. This term will be a function
of recovery rates, among others: a larger loss in default, leads to a higher compensation
demanded for that risk. A business model i is then defined by the pair {π
, θ
}, i = O, S.
Using a variation of the Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition, we can write the online payday
loan premium as the difference between the two pricing equations:
= (π
) + λ
) + θ
) + (ε
) (6)
Equation 6 decomposes the premium into differences in business model fundamentals,
differences in credit risk, and differences in unexplained factors. Differences in business
model fundamentals can be broken into different cost structures and different compensations
for default events. The decomposition assumes E(ε
) = 0.
To estimate the contribution of each component, we define a market with three alter-
native binnings: state-year, income deciles by Vantage deciles by state, Vantage deciles by
year by month. The latter two binnings are only feasible for the credit visible sample.
Table 7 reports the estimates for the decomposition of unconditional differences in cost
per $100 between online and storefront payday loan business models. The difference in loan
prices ranges between $3.1 and $5.2, depending on binning schemes. Using columns solely
(3)-(4) to assess the qualitative consistency of our estimates, we rely on columns (1)-(2) as
robust definitions of a market, and comparable across samples.
While differences in default rates carry statistical and economic significance, they ac-
count for only about 25% of the online payday loan premium, with less than 25% of this
premium attributed to discrepancies in default losses. Surprisingly, the primary component
of the online payday loan premium stems from variation in cost structures between business
models, explaining approximately 50% of the online premium.
This discovery aligns with the notion that online payday lenders cater to borrowers
who are visibly similar to those served by brick-and-mortar lenders but face higher default
rates. It also resonates with the idea that online lenders encounter greater susceptibility
to fraud and recoup smaller portions of defaulted amounts. We interpret the significance
of differences in cost structures as a consequence of the intricate network of affiliates, ping
trees, lead generators, and aggregators. This aspect stands as a fundamental distinction
between online and brick-and-mortar lending models, directly influencing cost structures,
and in turn, loan prices.
7 Conclusion
This paper presents novel evidence of an online payday loan premium. Using data from a
national subprime credit bureau, we show that despite the potential for online technology
to lower fixed costs and increase lending efficiency, online payday loans incur a higher cost
by $4 per $100 or 100 p.p. APR, even conditioning on loan and customer characteristics.
Interestingly, neither brick-and-mortar nor online payday loans appear to utilize risk-based
pricing, and available metrics of default risk fail to elucidate the price premium.
Default rates are about double for online payday loans compared with storefront loans,
and customers with both types of loans are much more likely to default on online loans.
However, predictors of default and realized default do not absorb the premium. From an
economic standpoint, the patterns we observe are reconciled in an information asymmetry
framework that generates credit rationing at the storefront and clears the market with riskier
borrowers facing higher rates in the online payday loan market.
Our findings underscore the significance of disparities in cost structures between both
business models as the predominant component of the online payday loan premium. This
paper speaks to the relevance of evaluating the online and brick-and-mortar credit mar-
kets concurrently, rather than in isolation, as similar dynamics can arise in the presence of
financial frictions.
This is the first paper asserting the existence of a premium in online payday loans,
measuring, and decomposing it. The study of online lending business models is pivotal for
understanding their pricing mechanisms and the impact of FinTech players on consumer
credit, particularly in markets catering to the most vulnerable borrowers.
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A Appendix
Four assumptions need to hold in the Stiglitz and Weiss (1981) framework. We address
them one by one in explaining how the payday loan market is empirically likely to verify
them. The first assumption is that there is a rate at which the profitability of a given loan
is maximized. Beyond that rate, the lender selects risky borrowers, high repayment makes
it optimal to default, or both.
This is likely to hold in the payday loan market. As empirical evidence, the absence of
risk-based pricing, even at the storefront, supports the idea of a market where information
is asymmetric, therefore generating this pattern. The second assumption is that borrowers
are heterogeneous in risk, and given their risk, there is a rate at which each borrower exits
the borrower pool, leaving the remaining pool of borrowers with higher average riskiness.
# of borrowers
pool risk
Altogether, the two first assumptions, in the simplest context of this model, generate
a hump-shaped expected profit function of the interest rate charged, with a well defined
optimal interest rate, for which the expected profit of the loan portfolio is maximized.
The two last assumptions are conventional. The third assumption is that lenders com-
pete for loanable funds, and that under a competitive environment, ultimately they will offer
their expected return as compensation to the investor, who is willing to supply more loanable
funds for a larger the return, leading to a zero net profit situation. The supply of loanable
funds is therefore increasing in profitability. Payday loans are not funded by deposits, like
bank loans. They have to compete for loanable funds, and being a high credit risk product,
the competition is necessarily through the return they are able to offer. Lastly, the fourth
assumption is that demand for loans is decreasing in interest rate. Like any usual demand
function, also likely to hold in payday loan markets.
The equilibrium determination happens with tension between the usual Walrasian in-
terest rate, at which the supply of credit equals the demand of credit, and a credit rationing
scenario as in Jaffee and Russell (1976), where the lender ultimately chooses an interest rate
that maximizes their profit, even if it implies supplying a quantity of credit inferior to the
demanded quantity.
Figure 1: Geographic Distribution of Loans per Capita
Panel A: Random Clarity sample
(a) Online (b) Storefront
Panel B: Credit visible sample
(c) Online (d) Storefront
Note: In this figure we map the geographical distribution of payday loans by state. Graphs show total
numbers of online and storefront loans per 1000 people in the state population based on the 2010 Census.
The random Clarity sample presented in Panel A consists of a random sample of 1 million unique borrowers
that submitted loan inquiries in Clarity’s full database between 2013 and 17. Only originated payday loans
from this sample of consumers are included in the analysis sample. The credit visible sample shown in Panel
B consists of payday borrowers that are matched to a random 1% sample of all consumers in the Experian
credit bureau database in 2018. All loans originated by matched borrowers between 2013 and 2019 are
included in this sample.
Figure 2: Online and Storefront Price distributions
Panel A: Random Clarity sample
(a) APR (b) Cost per $100
Panel B: Credit visible sample
(c) APR (d) Cost per $100
Note: This figure shows the distributions of prices for online and storefront payday loans. The random Clarity
sample presented in Panel A consists of a random sample of 1 million unique borrowers that submitted loan
inquiries in Clarity’s full database between 2013 and 17. Only originated payday loans from this sample
of consumers are included in the analysis sample. The credit visible sample shown in Panel B consists of
payday borrowers that are matched to a random 1% sample of all consumers in the Experian credit bureau
database in 2018. All loans originated by matched borrowers between 2013 and 2019 are included in this
Figure 3: Prices and Default Rates by Loan Duration
Panel A: APR
(a) Random Clarity sample (b) Credit visible sample
Panel B: Cost per $100
(c) Random Clarity sample (d) Credit visible sample
Panel C: Default
(e) Random Clarity sample (f) Credit visible sample
Note: The figure presents binscatter plots of APR, cost per $100 borrowed, and default rates in the credit
visible sample in graphs (b), (d), and (f), and in the standalone sample in graphs (a), (c), and (e). The
x-axis represents the loan maturity.
Figure 4: Prices and Default Rates by Borrower Income
Panel A: APR
(a) Random Clarity sample (b) Credit visible sample
Panel B: Cost per $100
(c) Random Clarity sample (d) Credit visible sample
Panel C: Default
(e) Random Clarity sample (f) Credit visible sample
Note: The figure presents binscatter plots of APR, cost per $100 borrowed, and default rates in the credit
visible sample in graphs (b), (d), and (f), and in the standalone sample in graphs (a), (c), and (e). The
x-axis represents the borrower’s monthly income.
Figure 5: Prices and Default Rates by Vantage Score
(a) APR (b) Cost per $100
(c) Default rate
Note: The figure presents binscatters of APR, cost per $100 borrowed, and default rates in the credit visible
sample. Missing Vantage scores are set to 300 and outcomes for these borrowers are shown as the leftmost
data point in each graph.
Figure 6: Absence of Risk-Based Pricing
(a) APR (%)
(b) Cost per $100
Note: We plot loan prices (in color scale) versus loan amounts and credit scores. In panel (a), loan price is
measured as APR, and in panel (b) loan price is measured as cost per $100.
Figure 7: Prices and Default
(a) APR vs Default, Storefront (b) APR vs Default, Online
(c) Cost per $100 vs Default, Storefront (d) Cost per $100 vs Default, Online
Note: The figure presents binscatter plots of default by bins of price relative to the bin average price in
the credit visible sample. Prices are expressed as APR in panels (a) and (b) and cost per $100 borrower in
panels (c) and (d). Bins are age-income bins.
Figure 8: Online Market Shares, Pool Risk, and the Online Premium
(a) Pool risk, Random Clarity Sample (b) Online Premium, Random Clarity Sample
(c) Pool risk, Cerit Visible Sample (d) Online Premium, Credit Visible Sample
Note: The figure presents binscatter plots of default rates online and storefront, in panels (a) and (c), and
the online premium, in panels (b) and (d), along markets with different online market shares. Panels (a)
and (b) are built from the random Clarity sample, and panels (c) and (d) are built from the credit visible
Figure 9: Statewide Payday Loan Database
(a) APR, Random Clarity Sample (b) APR, Credit Visible Sample
(c) Cost per $100, Random Clarity Sample (d) Cost per $100, Credit Visible Sample
Note: The figure presents coefficients for loan-level regressions of prices and 95% confidence intervals, in APR
and cost per $100 borrowed, on a dummy variable that indicates whether the loan is an online loan, and
dummy variables for each bin of time since implementation of a statewide payday loan database, and their
interaction. Regressions contain loan and customer-level controls, and time fixed effects. Robust standard
errors are clustered at the state level.
Table 1: Summary Statistics
Panel A: Random Clarity Sample (2013-2017)
Subsample: All Non-imputed Online Storefront
Mean Median SD Mean Mean Mean
Loan Characteristics
Loan Amount ($) 365 260 265 344 316 456
Repayment Amount ($) 369 300 285 397 303 490
Loan Maturity (days) 20 15 9 19 20 19
Default 7% 0% 26% 0% 9% 4%
Late Payment 32% 0% 47% 26% 31% 35%
APR 373% 322% 217% 363% 416% 295%
Cost per $100 ($) 16.6 17.3 6.3 16.1 18.9 12.4
Online Loan 65% 100% 48% 62% 100% 0%
Self-Reported Information
Owns Home 15% 0% 35% 13% 19% 5%
Age 42.5 41.0 14.0 43.1 39.9 47.3
Months at Address 29.1 24.0 23.9 28.6 29.5 25.6
Net Monthly Income 2545 2200 1490 2533 2849 1970
# of Loans 336,690 272,220 217,596 119,094
# of Unique Borrowers 65,733 46,010 49,877 17,484
Panel B: Credit Visible Sample (2013-2019)
Subsample: All Non-imputed Online Storefront
Mean Median SD Mean Mean Mean
Loan Characteristics
Loan Amount ($) 370 255 284 342 332 460
Repayment Amount ($) 372 300 299 396 320 494
Loan Maturity (days) 19 15 9 19 19 19
Default 7% 0% 26% 0% 8% 4%
Late Payment 32% 0% 47% 26% 32% 34%
APR 382% 336% 208% 372% 417% 300%
Cost per $100 ($) 16.9 17.5 5.8 16.4 18.5 13.3
Vantage score 510 538 113 512 500 535
Unscoreable 18% 0% 38% 18% 21% 10%
Online Loan 70% 100% 46% 68% 100% 0%
Self-Reported Information
Owns Home 16% 0% 36% 14% 20% 6%
Age 42.1 41.0 13.5 42.4 40.1 46.6
Months at Address 30.5 24.0 24.2 30.0 31.0 26.0
Net Monthly Income 2578 2244 1514 2576 2844 1956
# of Loans 188,913 149,458 132,520 56,393
# of Unique Borrowers 35,550 24,654 27,473 9,097
Note: Table contains summary statistics for two samples of online and storefront payday loans from Clarity.
The random Clarity sample presented in Panel A consists of a random sample of 1 million unique borrowers
that submitted loan inquiries in Clarity’s full database between 2013-17. Only inquiries resulting in originated
payday loans are included in the analysis sample. The credit visible sample shown in Panel B consists of
payday borrowers who are matched to a random 1% sample of all consumers in the Experian credit bureau
database in 2018. All inquiries and loans originated by matched borrowers between 2013 and 2019 are
included in this sample. The two samples are drawn independently. Each panel shows statistics for the
full set of loans, ‘non-imputed’ loans where prices are calculated directly from loan-level terms instead of
imputed based on loans with similar characteristics (see text for details), online payday loans, and storefront
payday loans.
Table 2: Online Payday Loan Premium
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5 (6) (7) (8) (9)
Panel A: Random Clarity Sample (2013-2017)
Outcome: APR Cost / 100 Default
Storefront mean: 295 12.4 0.041
Online dummy 98.4 110.3 141.2 4.35 4.65 6.52 0.030 0.026 0.084
(36.0) (41.7) (54.3) (2.20) (2.52) (3.07) (0.026) (0.032) (0.038)
[0.009] [0.011] [0.012] [0.053] [0.071] [0.039] [0.253] [0.422] [0.032]
0.534 0.615 0.775 0.582 0.663 0.812 0.139 0.202 0.511
N 336,690 332,937 305,775 336,690 332,937 305,775 336,690 332,937 305,775
Panel B: Credit Visible Sample (2013-2019)
Outcome: APR Cost / 100 Default
Storefront mean: 300 13.3 0.044
Online dummy 91.9 103.1 127.1 3.36 3.70 4.91 0.036 0.034 0.060
(25.8) (33.7) (54.2) (1.48) (1.78) (2.38) (0.020) (0.027) (0.028)
[0.001] [0.004] [0.023] [0.027] [0.042] [0.045] [0.080] [0.202] [0.041]
0.531 0.605 0.743 0.543 0.623 0.757 0.121 0.167 0.320
N 188,913 186,687 171,518 188,913 186,687 171,518 188,913 186,687 171,518
Panel C: Credit Visible Sample with Vantage
Online dummy 91.9 103.1 127.2 3.37 3.71 4.91 0.036 0.035 0.060
(25.8) (33.7) (54.2) (1.48) (1.78) (2.38) (0.020) (0.027) (0.029)
[0.001] [0.004] [0.023] [0.027] [0.042] [0.044] [0.077] [0.199] [0.041]
0.531 0.605 0.743 0.544 0.623 0.757 0.125 0.171 0.320
N 188,913 186,687 171,518 188,913 186,687 171,518 188,913 186,687 171,518
State FE Yes No No Yes No No Yes No No
Zip FE No Yes No No Yes No No Yes No
Consumer FE No No Yes No No Yes No No Yes
Note: The table presents coefficient estimates of the online loan dummy from regressions of payday loan
prices, default probability, and late payment probability for the random Clarity sample in Panel A and
the credit visible sample in Panels B and C. All regressions include fixed effects for either state, ZIP code,
or customer; fixed effects for day of week, day of month, month of year, and calendar year; and controls
for deciles of loan duration, loan size, age, and income, categorical variables for housing status and pay
frequency, and number of inquiries per week. Panel C additionally includes controls for decile of Vantage
score. Robust standard errors clustered at the state level are in parentheses, and p-values are in brackets.
Table 3: Online Payday Loan Premium - Market Level
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Panel A: Random Clarity Sample (2013-2017)
Outcome: APR Cost / 100
Storefront mean: 304 360 12.7 16.3
Online dummy 120.2 31.5 6.6 2.7
(7.3) (29.4) (0.3) (1.2)
[0.000] [0.290] [0.000] [0.027]
Market Border ZIP Code State ZIP Code State
R2 0.621 0.543 0.720 0.512
N 220,140 10,574 220,140 10,574
Panel B: Credit Visible Sample (2013-2019)
Outcome: APR Cost / 100
Storefront mean: 306 357 13.7 16.6
Online dummy 126.7 62.2 6.1 3.5
(8.7) (30.9) (0.4) (1.3)
[0.000] [0.049] [0.000] [0.008]
Market Border ZIP Code State ZIP Code State
R2 0.619 0.546 0.723 0.551
N 120,152 11,623 120,152 11,623
Panel C: Credit Visible Sample with Vantage
Outcome: APR Cost / 100
Online dummy 126.7 62.2 6.1 3.5
(8.7) (30.9) (0.4) (1.3)
[0.000] [0.049] [0.000] [0.008]
Market Border ZIP Code State ZIP Code State
R2 0.619 0.546 0.723 0.551
N 120,152 11,623 120,152 11,623
Note: The table presents coefficient estimates of the online loan dummy from regressions of payday loan
prices for the random Clarity sample in Panel A and the credit visible sample in Panels B and C. The unit
of observation is market-week, and markets are defined as ZIP codes in columns (1) and (3) and states in
columns (2) and (4). All regressions include fixed effects for either state or ZIP code and week fixed effects
and controls for averages of loan duration, loan size, age, income, number of inquiries per week, and lagged
default rates and lagged percentage of late payments in the market. Panel C controls for average Vantage
score of applicants in that market in that week. Robust standard errors clustered at the market level are in
parentheses, and p-values are in brackets.
Table 4: Asymmetric Information - APR and Default
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Propensities (p.p.)
Outcome: Default
Online Dummy x APR 0.005 0.003 0.000
(0.001) (0.001) (0.000)
[0.000] [0.000] [0.001]
APR 0.003 0.003 0.000
(0.000) (0.001) (0.000)
[0.000] [0.000] [0.000]
Online Dummy x Cost per $100 0.007 0.061 0.079
(0.028) (0.035) (0.034)
[0.793] [0.079] [0.021]
Cost per $100 0.334 0.185 0.162
(0.019) (0.024) (0.024)
[0.000] [0.000] [0.000]
Online Dummy 5.950 5.360 0.054 6.730 5.060 4.760
(0.286) (0.380) (0.004) (0.566) (0.692) (0.684)
[0.000] [0.000] [0.000] [0.000] [0.000] [0.000]
R2 0.094 0.075 0.078 0.095 0.075 0.077
N 304,404 157,400 157,400 304,404 157,400 157,400
Sample Stand-Alone Credit Visible Credit Visible Stand-Alone Credit Visible Credit Visible
Binning Quintiles Age-Income Age-Income Credit Score Age-Income Age-Income Credit Score
State FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Year-Week FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Bin FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Note: The table presents coefficient estimates of correlations between payday loan prices and default for
the random Clarity sample in Columns (1) and (4) and the credit visible sample in Columns (2)-(3) and
(5)-(6). The unit of observation is loan, and bins are defined by quintiles of age and income in columns
(1)-(2) and (4)-(5) , and credit score in columns (3) and (6). All regressions include fixed effects for bin and
week fixed effects and controls for averages of loan duration, loan size, age, income, number of inquiries per
week. Robust standard errors clustered at the market level are in parentheses, and p-values are in brackets.
Table 5: Asymmetric Information - Bivariate Probit
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Panel A: Random Clarity Sample (2013-2017)
APR > Bin Avg. Cost per $100 > Bin
vs. Default Avg. vs. Default
Rho (ρ) 0.053 0.222 0.057 0.297
(0.010) (0.005) (0.010) (0.005)
[0.000] [0.000] [0.000] [0.000]
N 105,002 199,402 105,002 199,402
Sample Storefront Online Storefront Online
Panel B: Credit Visible Sample (2013-2019)
Rho (ρ) 0.095 0.191 0.029 0.271
(0.014) (0.007) (0.014) (0.007)
[0.000] [0.000] [0.039] [0.000]
N 46,937 110,463 46,937 110,463
Sample Storefront Online Storefront Online
Panel C: Credit Visible Sample with Vantage
Rho (ρ) 0.154 0.191 0.012 0.267
(0.014) (0.007) (0.014) (0.007)
[0.000] [0.000] [0.400] [0.000]
N 46,937 110,463 46,937 110,463
Sample Storefront Online Storefront Online
Note: The table presents bivariate Probit coefficient estimates of correlations between payday loan prices
and default for the random Clarity sample in Panel A, in Panel B and C the credit visible sample, being
Panel C controlled for credit score. In columns (1) and (2) we present correlation estimates for the bivariate
distribution of default and a dummy if the loan has an APR larger than the average APR within its bin. In
Columns (3) and (4), instead of APR, we use cost per $100 borrowed. Standard errors are in parentheses,
and p-values are in brackets.
Table 6: Statewide Payday Loan Database - Difference in Differences
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Panel A: Random Clarity Sample (2013-2017)
Outcome: APR (p.p.) Cost per $100 ($) Loan Amounts ($)
Online x Database - 46.6 - 49.0 - 4.9 - 3.6 55.6 107.3
(50.6) (38.3) (1.6) (1.5) (29.6) (42.8)
[0.357] [0.202] [0.002] [0.016] [0.062] [0.013]
Online 122.4 109.1 5.8 5.2 - 17.2 - 50.4
(36.6) (26.5) (1.5) (1.4) (25.0) (25.5)
[0.001] [0.000] [0.000] [0.000] [0.493] [0.049]
Controls No Yes No Yes No Yes
FE No Yes No Yes No Yes
R2 0.199 0.520 0.545 0.573 0.166 0.261
N 336,690 336,690 336,690 336,690 336,690 336,690
Panel B: Credit Visible Sample (2013-2019)
Outcome: APR (p.p.) Cost per $100 ($) Loan Amounts ($)
Online x Database - 39.2 - 34.1 - 4.1 - 2.5 79.4 134.9
(36.7) (31.1) (1.3) (1.4) (28.1) (37.2)
[0.287] [0.274] [0.001] [0.072] [0.005] [0.000]
Online 120.7 101.5 4.8 4.1 - 27.3 - 61.3
(27.3) (20.3) (1.2) (1.1) (22.3) (20.4)
[0.000] [0.000] [0.000] [0.000] [0.222] [0.003]
Controls No Yes No Yes No Yes
FE No Yes No Yes No Yes
R2 0.207 0.518 0.486 0.530 0.153 0.225
N 188,913 188,913 188,913 188,913 188,913 188,913
Note: The table presents coefficient estimates of loan-level regressions of prices, in APR and cost per $100
borrowed, and loan amounts, on a dummy variable that indicates whether the loan is an online loan, and a
dummy variable that indicates whether the state where the tradeline originated has a statewide payday loan
database, and their interaction. Columns (2), (4), and (6) contain loan and customer-level controls, and
time fixed effects. The samples used are in Panel A and the random Clarity sample, in Panel B the credit
visible sample. Robust standard errors clustered at the state-year level are in parentheses, and p-values are
in brackets.
Table 7: Oaxaca-Blinder Decomposition
(1) (2) (3) (4)
21.3 19.7 20.8 19.1
16.4 16.5 17.1 13.9
4.8 3.1 3.7 5.2
(0.2) (0.2) (0.2) (0.2)
[0.000] [0.000] [0.000] [0.000]
) 1.4 0.8 1.0 1.0
(0.1) (0.1) (0.1) (0.1)
[0.000] [0.000] [0.000] [0.000]
) 1.1 0.6 0.8 0.5
(0.1) (0.1) (0.1) (0.1)
[0.000] [0.000] [0.000] [0.000]
) 2.3 1.7 1.9 3.8
(0.3) (0.2) (0.2) (0.2)
[0.000] [0.000] [0.000] [0.000]
Online # Bins 2,336 2,990 3,686 660
Storefront # Bins 1,017 1,336 1,263 565
Sample Random Clarity Credit Visible Credit Visible Credit Visible
Bins State-Month State-Month State-Income-Vantage Vantage-Month
Note: This table contains estimates for the Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition of the unconditional differences
between online and storefront payday loan prices. We decompose them in differences in default rates θ
), differences in default losses λS(θ
), and differences in cost structures (π
). In columns (1)
and (2) we use state-month bins in the random Clarity, and the credit visible sample, respectively. Columns
(3) and (4) allow for binnings using deciles of Vantage score, using the credit visible sample.
Figure A1: Prices and Default Rates by Months at Address
Panel A: APR
(a) Random Clarity sample (b) Credit visible sample
Panel B: Cost per $100
(c) Random Clarity sample (d) Credit visible sample
Panel C: Default
(e) Random Clarity sample (f) Credit visible sample
Note: The figure presents binscatter plots of APR, cost per $100 borrowed, and default rates in the credit
visible sample in graphs (b), (d), and (f), and in the standalone sample in graphs (a), (c), and (e). The
x-axis contains the number of months living at the same address for the loan applicant, at the application
Figure A2: Prices and Default - Random Clarity Sample
(a) APR vs Default, Storefront (b) APR vs Default, Online
(c) Cost per $100 vs Default, Storefront (d) Cost per $100 vs Default, Online
Note: The figure presents binscatter plots of default by bins of price relative to the bin average price in the
stand-alone sample. Prices are expressed as APR in panels (a) and (b) and cost per $100 borrower in panels
(c) and (d). Bins are age-income bins.
Table A1: Online Payday Loan Premium: Excluding 2013
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
Panel A: Random Clarity Sample (2014-2017)
Outcome: APR Cost / 100 Default
Storefront mean: 294 12.4 0.041
Online dummy 92.2 106.4 133.0 4.13 4.48 6.17 0.026 0.020 0.062
(37.0) (42.7) (56.0) (2.14) (2.47) (3.10) (0.026) (0.031) (0.036)
[0.016] [0.016] [0.021] [0.060] [0.076] [0.052] [0.320] [0.528] [0.091]
R2 0.538 0.627 0.779 0.613 0.698 0.825 0.099 0.129 0.398
N 312,298 309,186 286,945 312,298 309,186 286,945 312,298 309,186 286,945
Panel B: Credit Visible Sample (2014-2019)
Outcome: APR Cost / 100 Default
Storefront mean: 300 13.3 0.044
Online dummy 85.3 96.2 116.4 3.18 3.49 4.56 0.034 0.029 0.042
(25.4) (32.3) (53.5) (1.42) (1.68) (2.30) (0.020) (0.025) (0.027)
[0.001] [0.005] [0.035] [0.029] [0.044] [0.053] [0.094] [0.265] [0.131]
R2 0.533 0.608 0.746 0.556 0.635 0.764 0.096 0.140 0.287
N 178,953 177,197 163,898 178,953 177,197 163,898 178,953 177,197 163,898
Panel C: Credit Visible Sample with Vantage
Online dummy 85.4 96.2 116.5 3.19 3.50 4.57 0.034 0.029 0.042
(25.4) (32.3) (53.5) (1.42) (1.68) (2.30) (0.020) (0.025) (0.027)
[0.001] [0.005] [0.034] [0.029] [0.044] [0.053] [0.089] [0.259] [0.132]
R2 0.533 0.608 0.746 0.557 0.635 0.764 0.100 0.143 0.287
N 178,953 177,197 163,898 178,953 177,197 163,898 178,953 177,197 163,898
State FE Yes No No Yes No No Yes No No
Zip FE No Yes No No Yes No No Yes No
Consumer FE No No Yes No No Yes No No Yes
Note: The table presents coefficient estimates of the online loan dummy from regressions of payday loan
prices and default probability for the random Clarity sample in Panel A and the credit visible sample in
Panels B and C, excluding loans made in 2013. All regressions include fixed effects for either state, ZIP code,
or customer; fixed effects for day of week, day of month, month of year, and calendar year; and controls
for deciles of loan duration, loan size, age, and income, categorical variables for housing status and pay
frequency, and number of inquiries per week. Panel C additionally includes controls for decile of Vantage
score. Robust standard errors clustered at the state level are in parentheses, and p-values are in brackets.
Table A2: Online Payday Loan Premium: Non-Imputed Sample
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Panel A: Random Clarity Sample (2013-2017)
Outcome: APR Cost / 100
Storefront mean: 298 12.4
Online dummy 98.7 111.0 119.2 3.45 3.80 4.80
(33.7) (40.4) (47.9) (1.88) (2.27) (2.94)
[0.005] [0.008] [0.016] [0.073] [0.101] [0.109]
R2 0.595 0.686 0.823 0.641 0.734 0.870
N 272,220 269,436 252,430 272,220 269,436 252,430
Panel B: Credit Visible Sample (2013-2019)
Outcome: APR Cost / 100
Storefront mean: 300 13.0
Online dummy 87.3 99.8 114.1 2.70 3.13 3.85
(23.7) (30.9) (57.8) (1.30) (1.70) (2.34)
[0.001] [0.002] [0.054] [0.043] [0.072] [0.107]
R2 0.593 0.671 0.801 0.602 0.692 0.837
N 149,458 148,104 138,710 149,458 148,104 138,710
Panel C: Credit Visible Sample with Vantage
Online dummy 87.3 99.9 114.1 2.70 3.13 3.85
(23.7) (30.9) (57.8) (1.30) (1.70) (2.34)
[0.001] [0.002] [0.054] [0.043] [0.072] [0.107]
R2 0.593 0.672 0.801 0.603 0.692 0.837
N 149,458 148,104 138,710 149,458 148,104 138,710
State FE Yes No No Yes No No
Zip FE No Yes No No Yes No
Consumer FE No No Yes No No Yes
Note: The table presents coefficient estimates of the online loan dummy from regressions of payday loan
prices and default probability for the random Clarity sample in Panel A and the credit visible sample in
Panels B and C, excluding defaulted loans and those with missing information in the pricing formula in
equation (1). All regressions include fixed effects for either state, ZIP code, or customer; fixed effects for day
of week, day of month, month of year, and calendar year; and controls for deciles of loan duration, loan size,
age, and income, categorical variables for housing status and pay frequency, and number of inquiries per
week. Panel C additionally includes controls for decile of Vantage score. Robust standard errors clustered
at the state level are in parentheses, and p-values are in brackets.
Table A3: Online Payday Loan Premium - Bin Level
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Outcome: APR Cost / 100
Online Dummy 91.3 99.4 123.6 4.8 4.0 4.0
(1.4) (1.9) (1.6) (0.0) (0.1) (0.0)
[0.000] [0.000] [0.000] [0.000] [0.000] [0.000]
Binning Quintiles Age-Income Age-Income Credit Score Age-Income Age-Income Credit Score
Sample Stand-Alone Credit Visible Credit Visible Stand-Alone Credit Visible Credit Visible
0.291 0.297 0.273 0.571 0.54 0.54
N 304,404 157,400 157,400 304,404 157,400 157,400
State FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Year-Week FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Bin FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Note: The table presents coefficient estimates of the online loan dummy from regressions of payday loan
prices for the random Clarity sample in Columns (1) and (4) and the credit visible sample in Columns (2)-(3)
and (5)-(6). The unit of observation is loan, and bins are defined by quintiles of age and income in columns
(1)-(2) and (4)-(5), and credit score in columns (3) and (6). All regressions include fixed effects for bin and
week fixed effects and controls for averages of loan duration, loan size, age, income, number of inquiries per
week, and lagged default rates and lagged percentage of late payments in the bin. Robust standard errors
clustered at the market level are in parentheses, and p-values are in brackets.
Table A4: Statewide Payday Loan Database - Time Series
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Panel A: Random Clarity Sample (2013-2017) Panel B: Credit Visible Sample (2013-2019)
Outcome: APR Cost / 100 APR Cost / 100
Online × Database 6 or less years ago - 66.4 - 115.3 - 7.7 - 8.6 - 127.8 - 167.3 - 5.9 - 6.7
(105.3) (112.0) (4.8) (5.1) (140.6) (143.8) (4.9) (5.3)
[0.529] [0.304] [0.106] [0.095] [0.364] [0.245] [0.225] [0.207]
Online × Database 7 - 8 years ago - 89.7 - 67.6 - 3.8 - 3.8 - 59.2 - 45.7 - 1.0 - 0.9
(48.4) (38.7) (1.9) (1.9) (52.9) (37.6) (2.2) (1.8)
[0.065] [0.082] [0.045] [0.053] [0.264] [0.225] [0.654] [0.614]
Online × Database 9 - 10 years ago - 161.2 - 179.1 - 6.9 - 7.7 - 123.3 - 134.5 - 6.3 - 5.9
(37.3) (28.3) (2.5) (2.3) (30.6) (27.7) (1.5) (1.3)
[0.000] [0.000] [0.006] [0.001] [0.000] [0.000] [0.000] [0.000]
Online × Database 11 - 12 years ago - 150.0 - 118.3 - 6.8 - 5.6 - 141.1 - 111.0 - 5.9 - 4.8
(71.0) (55.0) (1.4) (1.3) (72.1) (60.3) (1.6) (1.4)
[0.036] [0.033] [0.000] [0.000] [0.051] [0.066] [0.000] [0.001]
Online × Database 13 or more years ago - 148.3 - 136.9 - 8.7 - 6.7 - 112.0 - 95.1 - 8.2 - 6.0
(67.1) (59.7) (1.5) (1.5) (48.2) (46.5) (1.5) (1.5)
[0.028] [0.023] [0.000] [0.000] [0.021] [0.042] [0.000] [0.000]
Online 149.9 129.1 7.9 7.4 146.0 118.2 6.7 5.7
(21.2) (20.8) (1.1) (1.1) (21.8) (19.3) (1.3) (1.1)
[0.000] [0.000] [0.000] [0.000] [0.000] [0.000] [0.000] [0.000]
Database 6 or less years ago 242.5 228.1 12.5 11.4 289.4 267.8 11.0 9.7
(119.0) (127.6) (5.6) (5.8) (158.9) (159.5) (5.6) (6.0)
[0.043] [0.075] [0.027] [0.052] [0.069] [0.094] [0.048] [0.107]
Database 7 - 8 years ago 45.6 27.0 2.7 2.0 51.4 39.9 1.5 0.7
(20.9) (22.2) (1.0) (1.1) (21.4) (21.2) (1.3) (0.9)
[0.030] [0.226] [0.006] [0.074] [0.017] [0.061] [0.228] [0.453]
Database 9 - 10 years ago 85.5 65.5 4.1 3.8 53.0 25.7 3.3 1.9
(29.3) (29.5) (2.6) (2.4) (23.0) (21.7) (1.3) (1.2)
[0.004] [0.027] [0.112] [0.122] [0.022] [0.238] [0.014] [0.103]
Database 11 - 12 years ago 74.9 62.8 4.2 3.0 55.8 40.2 2.7 1.7
(61.8) (48.2) (1.0) (0.9) (64.8) (54.4) (1.4) (1.1)
[0.226] [0.193] [0.000] [0.002] [0.390] [0.460] [0.052] [0.109]
Database 13 or more years ago 32.5 59.9 4.4 3.1 - 2.5 7.7 3.7 1.7
(48.0) (39.3) (1.1) (0.7) (38.1) (36.4) (1.3) (1.0)
[0.499] [0.129] [0.000] [0.000] [0.948] [0.832] [0.005] [0.090]
Controls No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes
FE No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes
R2 0.111 0.465 0.330 0.401 0.111 0.454 0.256 0.346
N 336,690 336,690 336,690 336,690 188,913 188,913 188,913 188,913
Note: The table presents coefficient estimates of loan-level regressions of prices, in APR and cost per $100 borrowed, on a dummy variable that
indicates whether the loan is an online loan, and dummy variables for each bin of time since implementation of a statewide payday loan database,
and their interaction. Columns (2), (4), (6), and (8) contain loan and customer level controls, and time fixed effects. The samples used are in Panel
A and the random Clarity sample, in Panel B the credit visible sample. Robust standard errors clustered at the state-year level are in parentheses,
and p-values are in brackets.