Résumé Preparation—
Department of Career Services
Tips for
Chemical Professionals
© 2003 American Chemical Society
Department of Career Services
The American Chemical Society Department of Career
Services (DCS) offers career assistance and information
on employment issues to chemistry professionals. This
booklet, written for the chemical professional at any
career stage, is based on a review of various résumé
sources and interviews with recruiters. It was revised
and updated by Elaine Diggs, ACS Senior Membership
Associate; Wendy Enelow, Certified Professional Résumé
Writer, Job and Career Transition Coach, Certified Career
Master, and President, Career Masters Institute; Joseph
Sundeen Ph.D., Head of Chemistry Functions, Bristol-Myers
Squibb Company–NJ; and Joel Shulman Ph.D., former
recruiter for Proctor & Gamble. Jura N. Viesulas, Manager
of Professional Services, reviewed the manuscript.
Previous editions of the booklet (published in 1994,
1996, and 1998) were written by DCS staff members
and ACS career consultants. The Department is grateful
to the writers and reviewers for their time and effort in
developing this guide.
Ena Castro
American Chemical Society
Assistant Director
Department of Career Services
Summer 2003
Table of Contents
The Power of a Résumé...............................................................1
Overall Considerations .................................................................1
General Tips ..................................................................................2
CHAPTER 2: Creating Your Résumé .................................................................5
Identifying Skills and Accomplishments .....................................5
Basic Components ........................................................................5
Choosing Your Order and Format ............................................10
Before You Continue..................................................................11
Special Formats ..........................................................................13
Electronically Scanned Résumés ................................................13
Submitting a Résumé by Email or Applying Online ................13
Curriculum Vitae.........................................................................14
Federal Job Application—OF-612..............................................15
The Cover Letter.........................................................................17
Targeting the Market.................................................................17
CHAPTER 5: Résumé FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions).............................19
APPENDIX A: Bibliography...............................................................................A1
APPENDIX B: ACS Department of Career Services.........................................B1
APPENDIX C: Sample Résumés ........................................................................C1
APPENDIX D: Sample Cover Letters ................................................................D1
This guide is to help you make the best possible first impression on a potential
employer. It is based on various résumé writing sources and interviews with indus-
trial recruiters, who offer their best advice on how to craft attention-getting
résumés. (See the bibliography in Appendix A.)
Creating the perfect résumé is part science, part art—and a lot of hard work.
You must be willing to spend considerable time reflecting on your skills and accom-
plishments, formulating career goals for your future, then composing and editing
the document. Because this important tool is used to get you an interview with a
potential employer, it should be clear, accurate, and concise. Your résumé outlines
your career objective and/or highlights of your career to date, education, major
skills and accomplishments, work experience, references, and other items. Its
purpose is to convince a potential employer that you’re an outstanding candidate
who will make positive contributions.
A résumé—the focus of this guide—is usually used to apply for industrial and
corporate positions. A curriculum vitae is needed for academic situations, and
the Federal Job Application, OF-612 (formerly the SF-171) or a federal government
résumé is required for government employment. (How to handle these special
formats is discussed in Chapter 3.)
As you read this guide, keep in mind that if you talk to 10 different people,
you’ll get 10 different versions of what to put on your résumé. Formats vary,
as do personalities. Your primary goal is to communicate enough information
about yourself to prompt an interview.
After you have created your résumé, written your curriculum vitae, or filled out
your OF-612, take advantage of the many professional and employment services
offered by the ACS. (see Appendix B for details).
This guide is meant to serve as a basic information resource on résumé preparation to chemists.
Information was compiled from published sources that we deemed reliable (see Bibliography,
Appendix A and Appendix B). Readers should consult the appropriate authorities for additional
information or assistance beyond the scope of this guide. The American Chemical Society (ACS) does
not guarantee employment to any reader of this document or accept responsibility for setting
standards with regard to any topic discussed herein. ACS and the authors, contributors, and
reviewers also are not responsible for the accuracy of information obtained from other sources
The Power
of a Résumé
Your résumé is your primary marketing tool. Its purpose is not to get you a job but
to get you an interview. Neither an autobiography nor a curriculum vitae, a résumé
presents your relevant skills and accomplishments in an accurate and compelling way
to interest potential employers.
You have worked hard and studied for years in the field of chemistry, yet possessing
credentials—while necessary—is not sufficient to secure appropriate, satisfying
employment. As a technical professional, you must present your background and
experience so that you stand out from the competition. You may be well qualified,
but in a somewhat stagnant economy and increasingly global marketplace, the most
qualified person doesn’t always get the job. The person with the best job search
skills, including writing and designing an effective résumé, is the one most likely to
land that coveted position.
The format of your résumé must follow some general guidelines. Job search
books and other guidelines usually describe 2 formats: chronological and
functional (skills-based) résumés. On a chronological résumé—the traditional
personal data format—your work history is presented in strict sequence. You may
prefer a skills-based résumé, because the format allows you to emphasize what
you can do, immediately focusing the employer’s attention on your capabilities
vs. timing/gaps/job changes. In reviewing résumés for experienced and entry-level
chemical scientists, the ACS Department of Career Services finds the most effective
résumé is a combination of the chronological and skills-based formats.
With this in mind, we present the basic components of all résumés, discuss how you
can construct the best résumé possible, and present some excellent examples of
résumés and cover letters (see Appendix C and Appendix D). Knowing how to avoid
common stumbling blocks in résumé preparation will put you on the right track.
Overall Considerations
Because a résumé is a personal introduction to a potential employer, it should
convey a lasting, positive first impression. Before you sit down to write your
résumé, ask yourself these 3 questions and use the answers in your draft:
• Where am I sending it?
• Who will receive it?
• How will it be read, reviewed, and distributed?
A well written résumé is clear, logically organized, and attractive—both profes-
sional looking and easy to read, as summarized on the next pages.
• Keep it brief—2 pages maximum—but comprehensive enough to
convey your important skills and significant accomplishments.
• Realize that measurable, quantifiable data will appeal to a potential
employer by being concrete, so consider using actual numbers to
demonstrate your achievements. These may include the percent of
reduction in operating costs, gross sales revenue of a new product
you developed, amount of decrease in costs and/or personnel
through the introduction of new processes, or specifiable measures
regarding methods that improve product yield or quality.
• Make your past job descriptions concise and, most importantly,
accurate. This document must sell your capabilities clearly and
honestly, so resist the temptation to exaggerate, overstate, embellish,
or brag. Potential employers can verify your history; even the slightest
misrepresentation can cost you an interview—or a job.
Your résumé is poorly written if it is illogically organized, messy, difficult to
read, or much too long or too short. A résumé that contains irrelevant, illegible,
incorrect, or insufficient information is hard to evaluate. Some tips to help you
avoid these problems follow.
General Tips
A recruiter typically gives a résumé just a few seconds at first glance, so the format
and content you choose should make a good impression fast. To ensure that the
person who screens résumés takes time to read yours, you have to take time to
cover the basics.
Paper and Printing
High-quality white paper and laser-quality black printing (not color) make
an attractive presentation that will withstand photocopying and remain legible.
Use a simple, clear font (see Appendix C for examples). A unique but easy-to-read
typestyle that is sharp and communicates professionalism can give your résumé
visual distinction. Use bold or italics to highlight important parts of the résumé.
(If you’re submitting your résumé for electronic scanning, you’ll want to use
minimal formatting (see Chapter 3).)
Appearance and Format
Be sure your résumé is clean, with no stains or handwritten corrections. Leave
ample “white space” for readability. For example, allow for a 1-inch margin all
around to create a visual border and room for notes; add spaces between bullets,
paragraphs, and sections as well.
Remember: the
function of your
résumé is not to
get you a job,
it’s to get you
an interview.
résumés tend to be
longer than average
because the federal
government requires
more information
about the candidate.
Curricula vitae also
are longer, calling
for greater detail
and publication lists.
Length is less of
an issue with elec-
tronic résumés.
Here are important tips for your draft:
• Use clear, concise, concrete language.
• Write in the active voice—save passive voice for abstracts and
descriptions in papers published in scientific journals. (For example,
“Designed experiments to study the structure of biologically
significant molecules,” not “Experiments were designed to study
the structure of biologically significant molecules.”).
• Avoid using the first person pronoun (“I,” “me,” “my”).
• Eliminate any personal statistics such as height, weight, marital status,
and health.
• Proofread carefully once all your information is in place and don’t
rely on spell-check programs. (For example, field and filed are both
spelled correctly but could be in the wrong place, as is also the case
with there, they’re and their.) Any honest, unbiased reader whose
opinion you value—a friend, colleague, or family member—could be
asked to proofread it.
Cover Letter
Always accompany your résumé with a personalized, typed cover letter.
(Guidelines for writing a cover letter are discussed in Chapter 4, with samples
in Appendix D.)
Creating Your Résumé
When you’re ready to write your résumé, start by listing and classifying your skills
and achievements. Group these items under headings that reflect your technical,
organizational, and managerial skills.
Identifying Skills and Accomplishments
This valuable exercise can be rather time consuming. In fact, it’s best if you start
a list so you can jot down each item as you think of it, over several days or weeks.
Once you list all your skills and accomplishments, think about which skills
(for example, in technology, communication, leadership, or special kinds of
instruments/equipment) have led to each accomplishment. Then assign each
accomplishment to one or more skill categories as your subheadings. Remember
to use specific action words and to quantify the results of your contributions.
Here’s an example:
Project Management Skills
• Led a staff of 10 technical personnel in reviewing, evaluating,
and validating analytical data for more than 30 new product
development programs.
• Designed efficient databases for organic and inorganic analytical
test results, reducing annual IT costs by 12%.
Analysis/R&D Skills
• Prepared and analyzed volatile and semivolatile compounds
using GC/MS.
• Developed an efficient synthesis (85% overall yield) of
sucrose derivatives.
Modify the list until you believe it best reflects your experience. When you’re
finished, you will have a list of your skills, backed up with concrete examples
(your accomplishments), to help you compose your résumé, write cover letters,
and prepare for interviews.
Basic Components
How you put together the various parts of your résumé to market yourself
effectively will depend on your situation—that is, whether you are a recent
graduate or an experienced chemical scientist. For the most part, however, the
basic components remain the same, as described in the following subsections.
Even basic skills
and modest accom-
plishments can be
worthy to note.
Just remember to
describe them with
a potential employer
in mind—what do
you offer, and why
would you be a
valuable addition?
See the ACS
Interviewing Skills
for Chemical
Professionals, for
valuable information.
Center your name, home address, phone number(s), and personal email address at
the top of the page. (Remember that a company email account is not private.)
Provide business and home phone if possible, unless you’re permanently employed
and can’t receive personal calls discreetly at work; a personal (not office) fax
number is probably best.
The Objective gives the employer an idea of what kind of employment you’re
seeking and a sense of your professional direction. Make sure your Objective is
realistic and achievable. If possible, describe the organization level, functional area,
industry, and any geographic preference. Tailor the Objective to fit the specific
position and organization.
Try to convey your strengths, and how they apply to a given position or a given
industry, in just a few words.
Here are some examples:
• Objective: A research and development position in the
pharmaceutical industry that takes advantage of extensive experience
in synthetic organic chemistry.
• Objective: A position requiring analytical skills in wastewater
management to improve (insert prospective employer’s name)
environmental operations.
• Objective: A senior marketing research and planning position that
calls for strong analytical, technical, and creative skills.
If your Objective can’t be at least as specific as these examples, you might want to
leave it out. Do not use Objectives that might be considered generic. Also, if you’re
an experienced job seeker considering a range of possible next steps, and you
choose not to use multiple résumés, you might omit the Objective. Instead, you can
write a strong Highlights or Summary section (see below).
Highlights or Summary
Using a bullet list, showcase 3–5 of your strongest skills/accomplishments relevant to
the position, with details for each in other sections of your résumé. The items should
be in descending order of importance to the prospective employer. (See Appendix C
for examples and Appendix A for other ideas in publications by Wendy Enelow).
List details about your educational background starting with your most recent
courses or degree. For each entry, include degree(s) awarded, major(s), school
name and location, and date of graduation. For an advanced degree, include the
It’s advisable
to use different
Objectives for differ-
ent employers—
especially when
you answer job ads.
You should reorder/
revise other sections
to tailor your
Be as specific
and quantitative
as possible in
identifying your
vague statements
will not hold up
to scrutiny.
title of your dissertation and your adviser’s name. For a bachelor’s, include a grade
point average (if above 3.0); for advanced degrees, it is not necessary to mention
grade point average.
Here’s an example:
• PhD, Biochemistry, University of California (Berkeley), 2002
Dissertation: “Studies on the structure and function
of acetylcholinesterase”
Adviser: Professor A. M. Stacy
• BS, Chemistry, Amherst College (Amherst MA), 1997. GPA: 3.25/4.00.
Some career counselors suggest not giving dates of graduation if you are a mid-
or late-career chemist (over the age of 40).
Skills and Accomplishments
Use the techniques described above to create your list. Although some résumé
handbooks suggest putting this information under work experience, it may be
more effective to group your strengths according to category under a separate
heading—particularly if you’re making a career change or have gaps in your
employment history. If you are a recent graduate or an experienced chemist who
has remained in the same field and whose career has progressed steadily, however,
it may make more sense to include your Skills and Accomplishments in the section
describing your experience.
This section details your employment history. Start with your most recent experi-
ence, listing dates of employment, job title, employer’s name and location. If you
have presented your achievements under Skills and Accomplishments, job descrip-
tions are not required here. Otherwise, give a brief bullet list of your most
significant achievement in each position; for example:
1999–Present: Laboratory Assistant, ABC Medilab, Inc., Arlington VA
• Maintained laboratory equipment, reducing the number of service
calls from equipment vendors by 15% and decreasing equipment
maintenance costs by 6%.
• Verified inventory of lab chemicals and assured storage of volatile
compounds, met OSHA guidelines.
• Recorded and field tested freshwater samples, with an analysis
accuracy of 99.9%.
When you identify
your skills and
only the results
count—it’s not
enough to say
what you did. You
have to go a step
farther and show
the outcome of
those actions.
Old Information
Interviewers have a tendency to play down résumé information that is more than
10 years old. However, do include any details relevant to the job. You also will
need to ensure that your skills (particularly in instrumentation) are not outdated.
Short-Term Jobs
If you’ve held short-term consulting jobs that are relevant to the position, include
them, as in this example:
• 1994–96: Various short-term consulting jobs with Kimberly Clark,
Procter & Gamble, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson & Johnson.
Also describe briefly, using a bullet list, any interesting projects or innovative
technologies that support your qualifications.
Volunteer Work
List volunteer work that exhibits leadership, management skills, or the ability
to work on a team—anything related to the job. This is especially good for new
graduates, who may have limited experience to offer in the workplace.
Military Service
Include military service if the experience is relevant to the job. If you gained
leadership and management experience while in the military, also list these
points as acquired skills in the appropriate section.
List all academic and professional awards from national, regional, and local organi-
zations, including membership in honorary societies. For recent graduates, include
competitive scholarships and fellowships as well as academic honors such as dean’s
list and graduation with distinction. If the award is particularly notable, consider
also adding it as a bullet in your Highlights or Summary at the beginning. An
Awards section for a recent BS chemist might look like this:
• Iota Sigma Pi
• Phi Lambda Upsilon.
Professional Affiliations
Include job-related memberships in national, regional, and local professional
organizations as well as any offices held. Avoid listing political or religious activities
unless they demonstrate leadership ability. In this case, write in general terms to
camouflage the exact identity of the political or religious organization. If you’re
If you took time off
from your career,
be prepared to
explain employment
gaps during the
interview, not on
your résumé or in
your cover letter.
Letters of recommen-
dation also may be
helpful, as attach-
ments to your
résumé or to bring
to the interview.
applying for a job that has certain memberships, certifications, or licenses as
prerequisites, be sure to include them. Here’s an example of Affiliations:
• American Chemical Society
• ACS Student Affiliate Chapter, President.
Publications, Patents, and Presentations
Using a formal reference style (all authors, full title, and citation), list entries in
reverse chronological order. (If you are unsure about formal reference style, consult
The ACS Style Guide.) If you have numerous publications and/or patents, don’t
include the full list; instead, refer to the total number—perhaps mentioning a few
particularly important items—and state that a full list is available as an appendix
(or on request). Oral presentations usually duplicate published material, so list only
important (invited or keynote) presentations on your résumé. However, because
presentations also reflect public speaking skills, recent graduates can include them,
if space allows.
If you recently received a baccalaureate degree or are a new PhD recipient or
postdoc, list at least 3 professional references on your résumé. If you’re employed
in an ongoing position, and don’t want your current employer to know you’re
looking for another job, do not put them on your résumé. Otherwise, list your
current employer’s name and contact information. (It’s best if your reference and
potential employer can speak to one another for live communication; it’s also
faster than letters and more personal than emails.) Most companies expect
references from previous employers or, for new graduates, from professors and
mentors. If possible, select your references from a combination of business and
academic supervisors, instructors, and colleagues.
Contact references in advance to be sure they’re willing to speak on your behalf,
and keep them informed by providing a recent copy of your résumé.
Miscellaneous Considerations
Personal Information
Personal information (height, weight, health, marital status, age, gender, or
race) doesn’t belong on your résumé, nor should you include any photograph.
Do not include hobbies (unless they’re relevant to the job or reflect your
skills or accomplishments).
Foreign nationals will be asked about visa status during the hiring process. If you
are foreign-born but a citizen or a permanent resident, include your status on the
Do not include
publications, patents,
or presentations that
are in progress or not
yet accepted. Articles
in press, however,
can be listed.
References need not
be restricted to
former supervisors—
they can be
coworkers, consult-
ants, or any other
person in a position
to observe your
performance. Select
references who can
describe your attrib-
accurately, and
résumé. If you have a temporary visa, however, do not state this information. If
there are no suitable American candidates for the position, the employer may be
willing to sponsor a candidate for permanent resident status. This can be discussed
in your interview.
Choosing Your Order and Format
At this point, consider the marketing aspects of a job search. What are you selling?
What are the most important parts of your résumé? Remember that there is no
single right way to organize a résumé. Use the order/format that best fits your
needs and what you want to convey.
Recent Graduates
If you are a recent graduate, your education is the most important section of your
résumé; so your résumé can be ordered this way:
• Heading
• Objective and/or Highlights or Summary
• Education
• Skills and Accomplishments
• Experience
• Awards
• Volunteer Work and/or Military Service (if applicable)
• Professional Affiliations
• Publications, Patents, and Presentations (if applicable)
• References
Experienced Candidates
If you’ve been out of school for 5 or more years, your education may no longer be
as significant a factor as your Skills and Accomplishments or Experience sections.
You might lay out your résumé as follows:
• Heading
• Objective and/or Highlights or Summary
• Skills and Accomplishments
• Experience
• Education
• Awards
If you are a recent
graduate, you can
use the same tech-
nique to describe
your research and
thesis work. Don’t
just copy your
thesis abstract,
but convey the
main points in short
descriptive phrases.
Explain why your
research is unique,
and try to illustrate
how you can
contribute to the
If you are graduating
with a bachelor’s
degree, present an
outline of your
coursework and
laboratory work,
including a discus-
sion of any
independent study
or research.
It’s also to your
advantage to high-
light any industrial
experience (summer
internships or co-op
• Volunteer Work and/or Military Service (if applicable)
• Professional Affiliations
• Publications, Patents, and Presentations.
Before You Continue
Ask a friend, colleague, or family member whose opinion you trust to read your
résumé and provide feedback; you want to know whether it gives a clear picture of
you and the employment you’re seeking. Quiz the reader by asking what parts of
the résumé he or she remembers. Are those the facts you want the recruiter to
remember? Discuss any parts of the résumé that were unclear and rewrite them.
Finally, ask whether your text conveys a sense of purpose and appropriate emphasis
on your achievements. Is it an attractive package that is accurate, clear, and specific?
If your résumé
exceeds 2 pages,
you can include
Publications, Patents,
and Presentations
as an Appendix.
References can be
on a separate page.
As a free service to
ACS members, you’re
matched with a
on your needs—
to assist with your
résumé and other
career-related issues.
(See Appendix B)
Special Formats
Certain jobs and new technology sometimes call for a special résumé format, which
are usually specified in the ad.
Electronically Scanned Résumés
New technologies have changed the job application process in many large
companies. Résumés can be electronically scanned, prescreened, and stored for
later reading by a recruiting or hiring manager.
The accuracy of this process depends on the software as well as the print quality
of your résumé, so be sure the characters are distinct and clear.
Page Layout
Many problems with scanned résumés can be avoided if you:
• Use a standard font such as Times New Roman, Helvetica, or Courier
and a font size of 10–14 points.
• Avoid bold, script, italics, underlining, graphics, and shading.
• Don’t present data in columns; since the scanner reads across the line,
it may be read incorrectly.
• Laser print in black ink on white 8.5 x 11-inch paper, 1 side only.
• Make sure you send an original or high-quality copy, unfolded in
a flat envelope to avoid creasing, which may remove flecks of ink—
leaving a blurred image unsuitable for scanning.
• Don’t fax your résumé—it won’t scan clearly.
Text Content
Some organizations use software to search for key words of interest, so be sure
to include those terms. For example, if your specialization is “novel applications
of asymmetric intra-molecular Diels-Alder reactions,” use “synthesis” and
“natural products” as well. Without the relevant key words, your scanned
résumé might not be considered.
Submitting a Résumé by Email
or Applying Online
Many employers request that you submit a résumé electronically. It’s fast, easy, and
eliminates postage and stationery costs, but there are several factors to keep in mind.
Create a keyword
summary at the
beginning of a
résumé to be
the common buzz-
words in your field,
along with your
degree, specializa-
tion, and other
unique details. This
will guarantee your
important keywords
are captured in one
place, even examine
job ads to give you
an idea of terminol-
ogy the organization
uses, including
technical buzzwords.
• Beware of submitting your résumé as an email attachment. Because
of computer virus concerns, an employer may be reluctant to open an
attachment from an unknown sender. Instead, “cut and paste” your
résumé into the body of the email or submit it as an attachment in
plain text (without quotation marks, mathematical symbols, or tabs,
for example).
• Try sending the résumé to yourself first to see how it transmits.
If necessary, remove extraneous marks or squiggles and adjust
the formatting.
• Place the most important information on the top half of the first
page, with a keyword summary at the top of the résumé.
If you’re applying online, go to the employer’s website and “cut and paste” your
résumé (plain text) into the online text box that would be part of the job applica-
tion form. This method simplifies the employer’s recruitment, screening, and
selection process even more by making scanning unnecessary.
Curriculum Vitae
The curriculum vitae, used to apply for academic positions, is more detailed than
the traditional résumé and tends to be longer.
Academic recruiters place more emphasis on your list of publications and presenta-
tions than do most industrial recruiters. Perhaps of greatest importance for an
academic position is a description of your proposed research; it should be reason-
able in scope and effort. Keep also in mind the institution to which you are
applying. If you’re applying at an undergraduate school, for example, your
proposal shouldn’t be designed for work with graduate students or postdoctoral
fellows. You are expected not to sketch out your life’s work but to outline the
work you propose to undertake in 3–5 years. It doesn’t need to be the length of
a full proposal for example to the National Institutes of Health or the National
Science Foundation. Here are a few tips:
• Keep your focus on originality, relevance, and fundability.
• Include requests for necessary start-up funds—with a budget for
necessary equipment; this means you’ll need to be knowledgeable
about existing facilities.
• Discuss the time needed to complete the work.
• Describe which sources you would approach for support; be especially
realistic about obtaining industrial funding (for example, junior
faculty rarely obtain support from industry).
Be cautious in
submitting informa-
tion about yourself
online—a résumé
posted online
becomes public
property, and could
end up in places you
don’t expect or
want. Your current
employer may also
stumble upon it
while searching for
other candidates.
In addition to funds for capital equipment, typical start-up packages include
money for supplies and expendables, student support (usually in the form of
guaranteed teaching assistantships), and possibly a summer salary. Recognizing
that there’s normally some constraint on the amount available, but your request
still should reflect the funding you need.
Federal Job Application—OF-612
The OF-612 form is usually used when you apply for a federal government job.
Although many federal jobs accept a modified (federal) résumé, it may be easier
to use the approved OF-612 form, because the government requires very specific
information. New applicants for federal employment also must complete Optional
Form 306 (Declaration for Federal Employment).
Completing the OF-612 Form
Procedures vary across agencies, so follow instructions in the job announcement
carefully. Write your name and Social Security number on each page; then be
prepared to provide the following information:
• Job title in the vacancy announcement
• Government grade of the job
• Announcement number
• Full name
• Mailing address
• Phone numbers (day and evening)
• Country of citizenship
• Work experience (paid and unpaid experience related to the job;
see details below)
• Education (starting with the highest degree; see details on the
next page).
The Work Experience section requires several details for each position:
• Job title
• Employer’s name and address
• Supervisor’s name and phone number
• Duties and accomplishments
• Dates of employment (month/year to month/year)
• Salary (dollar amount/monthly or annually)
• Hours worked (weekly)
Make sure that you’ll
have the financial
means to initiate
(and continue) your
research program.
US veterans can
gain hiring prefer-
ence; attach DD-14
or SF-15 form.
Analyze your skills,
making every effort
to match them with
a posted job’s
Repeat this format for each relevant job starting with your current or most recent
position. If you were employed previously by the federal government, you may be
eligible for special consideration. Be sure to list that job in your work history, along
with your series and grade.
For the Education section, use reverse chronological order until you reach high
school. List:
• School name
• City, State, ZIP
• Semester or quarter Credits earned (if applicable)
• Major
• Degree
• Year received
Also include other qualifications in the application, such as:
• Recent job-related training
• Foreign language proficiency
• Computer and equipment skills
• Licenses
• Memberships
• Honors
• Leadership activities
• Public speaking experience
• Publications
Submitting Your Application
Make sure your application or federal résumé is complete and covers any points
mentioned in the announcement. Sign the form—your signature is required to
vouch that all the information is true. Submit the completed Optional Form 306 if
you’re a new applicant. Be sure to send in your application by the deadline on the
announcement (use first-class mail; certified or registered mail can take up to 30 days
to deliver).
To request an OF-612 form or obtain more information, call the US Office of Personnel
Management (478-757-3000) or visit their site (http://www.usajobs.opm.gov).
The Cover Letter
Always include a cover letter to present your résumé—personalized to the organiza-
tion. Make it concise, to the point, and less than a page long—with these components:
• Reason for writing to the organization.
• Letter addressed to a specific person (whenever possible)—use full
name and title; check all spellings.
• Responding to an ad—include its date, publication where it
appeared, and the position.
• Referred by a mutual acquaintance—mention the person’s name.
• Unsolicited résumé—make every effort to find out about the organi-
zation to demonstrate how your accomplishments match its goals.
• Closing—request an interview and state that you will call to set up an
appointment; then make sure to follow through.
See Appendix D for cover letter examples.
Targeting the Market
Do some fact-finding on the prospective employer so you can personalize your
letter (and résumé) as much as possible. Request information by calling for
brochures and annual reports, checking websites, accessing your professional
network, or consulting any of the following resources:
• Thomas’ Register of American Manufacturers
• Moody’s Industrial Manual
• Directory of Directories
• National Trade and Professional Associations of the United States
• State Industrial Directories
• Chamber of Commerce Directories
• Dunn & Bradstreet Directory
• Standard & Poor’s Register
• Directory of American Research and Technology
Check and recheck
your cover letter;
any errors will
damage your
credibility and
your chances.
If you are respond-
ing to an ad, include
any reference
number for the
position as well as
the source and date
of the ad.
Résumé FAQ
(Frequently Asked Questions)
Q. Should I include professional affiliations?
A. Yes, if they’re relevant to the job or if membership is a prerequisite.
You may also want to list fraternal or community service organiza-
tions that attest to your integrity and civic-mindedness, but avoid
listing political or religious affiliations.
Q. Should I include personal data?
A. Do not give personal information—height, weight, health, marital
status, age, race, or religion. Don’t include any photographs. List
hobbies only if they’re relevant and you truly feel it will help you
get the interview.
Q. I’ve been in the workforce several years and have held many jobs.
Must I include all of them?
A. For any information over 10 years old, consider mentioning it very
briefly as a part of work experience and only if it’s related to the job.
Q. Should I list volunteer work?
A. Yes, if it’s pertinent to the job and supports your leadership,
management skills, or ability to work on a team.
Q. I am not an American citizen. Should I list my visa status?
A. Foreign nationals will be asked about visa status during the hiring
process. If you are foreign-born and a citizen or permanent resident,
state this on your résumé. If you have a temporary visa, do not
include this information. If there are no suitable American
candidates for a position, the company may be willing to sponsor
you for a permanent visa. If there’s sufficient interest in your
résumé, a prospective employer will ask about your visa status
and decide on a course of action.
Q. How do I handle gaps in employment?
You are a prime candidate for using the skills-based résumé. As you can
see from Résumé Examples 3 and 4 (Appendix C), this type concentrates
on what you can do rather than where you have worked. Your skills
should be listed before giving a brief employment history. If you’ve
taken time off from your career, make sure that your skills (particularly
in instrumentation) are up to date. Be prepared to explain any gaps in
your employment history during your job interview.
Q. I am over 40 and have considerable experience. I’m willing to take a salary cut
in a new position, but employers still tell me I’m overqualified. How can I use my
résumé to solve this problem?
A. Read the job description very carefully and craft all parts of your
résumé accordingly. The skills-based résumé is a useful format for
disguising extensive education or experience, but be careful not to
downplay your talents too much. Mention in your cover letter that
you’re willing to negotiate salary.
Q. Must I include an objective statement?
A. Although a career objective at the beginning of your résumé is not
required, it is useful for capturing the reviewer’s attention if you can
make it specific. (It also helps you focus your thoughts as you
compose your résumé.) Use this statement to describe what you
want to do, choosing words that correspond to the job announce-
ment or ad and customizing the objective for different employers.
If you are sending numerous “blind” résumés, and the objective
statement would therefore sound generic or canned, leave it out.
Anthony, Rebecca; Roe, Gerald. The Curriculum Vitae Handbook: Using Your CV
to Present and Promote Your Academic Career; Rudi Publishing: Iowa City IA 1998.
Besson, Taunee. National Business Employment Weekly: Cover Letters. 3rd ed.;
John Wiley & Sons: New York NY, 1999.
Editors of VGM Career Horizons. Résumés for Mid-Career Job Changes: With
Sample Cover Letters, 2nd ed; McGraw Hill/Contemporary Books, 1999.
Enelow, Wendy. Expert Résumés for Manufacturing Industry Professionals;
JIST Publishing, 2002.
Enelow, Wendy. Best Résumés and CVs for International Jobs; Impact Publications,
Enelow, Wendy. Best Résumés for $100,000 Jobs; Impact Publications, 2001.
Graduating Engineer & Computer Careers; Career Recruitment Media, Inc.:
Evanston IL, winter, 2002.
Jackson, Tom; Jackson, Ellen. Perfect Résumé Strategies; Doubleday: New York NY,
Jackson, Tom; Jackson, Ellen. The New Perfect Résumé; Main Street Books, 1996.
Kennedy, Joyce Lain; Morrow, Thomas J. Electronic Résumé Revolution: Creating
aWinning Résumé for the New World of Job Seeking; John Wiley & Sons:
New York NY, 1995.
Kennedy, Joyce Lain. Résumés for Dummies, 3rd ed.; John Wiley & Sons:
New York NY, 2000.
Krannich, Ronald L.; Krannich, Caryl Rae; Krannich, Ron. 201 Dynamite Job Search
Letters; Impact Publications: Manassas Park VA, 2001.
Lewis, Adele; Grappo, Gary Joseph. How to Write Better Résumés, 5th ed.;
Barron’s Educational Series: Hauppauge NY, 1998.
Lewis, Adele; Moore, David J. Best Résumés for Scientists and Engineers, 2nd ed.;
John Wiley & Sons: New York NY, 1993.
Marino, Kim. Just Résumés, 2nd ed.; John Wiley & Sons: New York NY, 1997.
Parker, Yana. The Résumé Catalog: 200 Damn Good Examples; Ten Speed Press:
Berkeley CA, 1996.
Potter, Ray. Electronic Résumés that Get Jobs; Hungry Minds, Inc., 1996.
Shulman, Joel I. “Making Your Résumé Computer Compatible.” Today’s Chemist at
Work; 1995, 4(8), 43–46.
Weddle, Peter D. Electronic Résumés for the New Job Market: Résumés that Work
for You 24 Hours a Day; Impact Publications: Manassas Park VA, 1995.
Yate, Martin. Cover Letters that Knock ‘Em Dead, 4th rev. & ex. ed.; Adams Media
Corporation: Holbrook MA, 2000.
Yate, Martin. Résumés that Knock ‘Em Dead, 4th ed.; Adams Media Corporation:
Holbrook MA, 2000.
ACS Department
of Career Services
The American Chemical Society Department of Career Services exists to enhance
the economic and professional status of chemical professionals by providing:
• Career assistance
• Contact with employers
• Information about employment data, trends, and issues
• Salary Comparator
Programs and services are offered in 6 categories (see details below):
• Career-related publications
• Employment services
• Local Section Career Program
• Personalized career assistance
• Workforce analysis
• Workshops and presentations
Employment Services
• NECH (National Employment Clearing House)
• RECH (Regional Employment Clearing House)
C&EN (Chemical & Engineering News) classifieds and careers
online (http://www.cen-chemjobs.org)
Personalized Career Assistance
• Mock interview sessions
• One-on-one career consultation
• Résumé reviews
Workshops and Presentations
• Career management
• Effective job searching
• Employment outlook
• Recruiters panel
Workforce Analysis
• Annual salary surveys
• Millennium Series
• Special studies
Local Section Career Program
Contact Karen Dyson, DCS, at 800-227-5558, ext. 4432 or email her at
Career-Related Publications
• Academic Professional Guidelines
• Careers for Chemists—A World Outside the Lab
• Career Transitions for Chemists
• The Chemist’s Code of Conduct
• Coping With Job Loss
• Early Careers of Chemists
• Employment Guide for Foreign-Born Chemical Professionals
• Interviewing Skills for Chemical Professionals
• Job–Search Strategies for Chemical Professionals
• Lifetimes in Chemistry
• Professional Employment Guidelines
• Resources for Career Management
• Résumé Preparation—Tips for Chemical Professionals
• What a BS/BA Chemist Should Consider Before Accepting
an Industrial Position
• What a Chemist Should Consider Before Accepting
a Government Position
• What a Chemist Should Consider Before Becoming a Consultant
• What a MS/MA Chemist Should Consider Before Accepting
an Industrial Position
• What a PhD Chemist Should Consider Before Accepting
an Academic Position
• What a PhD Chemist Should Consider Before Accepting
an Industrial Position
• Women Chemists
These services are available to all ACS members—full members, national
affiliates, and student affiliates. For more information, contact:
American Chemical Society
Department of Career Services
1155 Sixteenth Street, NW
Washington DC 20036
800-227-5558 ext. 4432
Sample Résumés
The examples in this section each reflect a different individual’s background.
They’re to give you ideas, not to be used as templates.
Examples 1–3: BS/BA and MS/MA Chemists
Example 1 is of a new graduate with no real-world experience, but who effectively
describes his varied skills in the Experience section. In this first example, we show
you how you might list references if and when required. However, if references
are not explicitly requested, it is enough to indicate “Available upon request”.
The individual in Example 2 is a mid-career chemist who provides varied details
about his background in analytical chemistry under Experience (including
information over 10 years old because of it’s relevance).
Example 3 is another mid-career chemist who is making a transition from class-
room teaching to training in an industrial setting. She chooses a skills-based
résumé to emphasize how her skills would transfer to a different type of work
environment. (Customize by inserting prospective employer’s name.)
The candidates in Examples 1 and 2 could have included Highlights or Summary;
the decision not to include these was based on their individual circumstances.
Example 4: Experienced Chemist in Transition
In Example 4, the individual has a recent MBA in addition to a master’s in chemistry.
All of her relevant accomplishments are listed on the first page; her Education section
comes next, followed by employment history and so on. Typically, an experienced
candidate would list education near the end of the résumé. This individual, however,
opted to accentuate her recent MBA by moving it to a more prominent position.
This candidate has a Highlights section and lists Accomplishments near the begin-
ning to emphasize her managerial skills, which supersede her technical skills as she
advances into a senior marketing position.
Examples 5–8: PhD Chemists
In Examples 5 and 6—for a recent graduate and a chemist with postdoctoral
experience—education is listed after a Highlights section and immediately
followed by Accomplishments (included under Experience).
Note that Example 7, a mid-career PhD chemist with significant experience, is
currently employed but wants to keep her job-hunting activities quiet. She would
describe the situation and the need to be discreet in her cover letter, indicating a
willingness to provide current references as the interview process moves forward.
Example 8 is a sample Curriculum Vitae, with education listed first.
2334 S. Austin Rd, Apt. B Atlanta GA 30301
404-555-1212 (home) 404-555-1212 (work)
A challenging job in an industrial setting performing chemical syntheses and
characterizations; the ideal position will offer diverse tasks and the opportunity
to work with a team.
BS, Chemistry, with Honors (ACS certified degree); minor concentration: Russian
Emory University, Atlanta GA (GPA 3.55/4.00), Expected 2003
Honors thesis: “Synthesis of bis-dipyridyl complexes of divalent transition metals”
Adviser: Professor Nina R. Young
Research Assistant, Professor Nina R. Young, Emory University, 1999–Present
• Synthesized organic ligands and inorganic compounds, on large and small
scales, using anaerobic techniques
• Produced complexes of divalent first-row transition metals; studied their
interaction with dioxygen
• Characterized products with 1 H NMR, UV–vis, and IR spectroscopy as well
as X-ray crystallography and magnetic susceptibility.
Te aching Assistant, Undergraduate Inorganic Chemistry, Emory University, Fall 1999
• Planned and led help sessions and recitations
• Coordinated materials, conducted lab sessions, and graded lab reports.
EXAMPLE 1: Entry-Level BS Chemist
Computer Experience
• Navigate Mac OS, DOS, MS Windows, X windows, and UNIX
• Proficient in MathCAD, Excel, MS Word, AmiProd, MS PowerPoint
Acquainted with Cambridge Structural Database and Inorganic Crystal
Structure Database
• Able to learn new software quickly.
• Completed, in addition to required courses, graduate-level biochemistry (4 hours),
instrumental analysis (2 hours), bioanalysis lab (2 hours), and computational
chemistry lab (2 hours)
• Attended workshop/conference on bioinorganic chemistry.
• Grant recipient from the General Electric Foundation, Summer 1999
• College Honors Program (determined by GPA, research project,
and thesis defense)
• Deans List, June 1999–January 2002.
• Private music tutor (cello), 1994–Present
• Intern, Atlanta Food Bank, Fall 1997.
Professor Nina R. Young, Department of Chemistry, Emory University, Atlanta GA
404-555-1212 n.young@emory.edu
Professor Rodney Tree, Department of Chemistry, Emory University, Atlanta GA
404-555-1212 r.tree@emory.edu
Professor James Orney, Department of Mathematics, Emory University, Atlanta GA
404-555-1212 j.orney@emory.edu
EXAMPLE 1: Entry-Level BS Chemist, Cont.
Nicholas Smith
770 Broadway, Apt. 15J
Indianapolis IN 46206
Home: 317-555-1212
Work: 317-555-1212
A position that effectively uses analytical skills
in wastewater management to improve prospective
employer’s environmental operations.
1991–Present: Assistant Chemist, City of Indianapolis
Water Utilities Department, Indianapolis IN
Monitored quality of water source, sewage, and
drinking water to ensure compliance with state
and federal regulations
Developed new testing procedures under US
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations
that made the analysis process more time- and
Operated Flame AA for alpha and beta particle
1988–91: Chemist II, Mark Laboratories, Connersville IN
Analyzed inorganic contaminated hazardous
waste materials
• Coordinated analysis of SAIC contract programming
Created quality control charts of contamination results.
EXAMPLE 2: Mid-Career BS Chemist
1987–88 Laboratory Assistant, Water Management, Inc.,
Dearborn MI
• Assisted Senior Scientist with wastewater testing
• Managed database of lab tests and results
• Maintained lab and chemical supplies.
• Software Skills: Lotus 1-2-3, WordPerfect 5.1
Thermospec Instrumentation: IR, AA, GC-FID/ICD,
W/VIS, Digital Calorimeter, Auto Analyzer,
Oxygen Bomb Calorimeter.
MSE, Engineering Management, University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor MI, 1991
BS, Chemistry, Indiana University, Bloomington IN, 1987.
• American Chemical Society
• National Society of Professional Engineers.
Available upon request.
EXAMPLE 2: Mid-Career BS Chemist, Cont.
461 Starzak Road, Abington PA 19001
215-555-1212 (day); 215-555-1212 (evening)
A position for training technical assistants in a research or manufacturing organization.
• More than 10 years diverse teaching experience
• Supervisory and training experience in an R&D analytical laboratory
• Extensive curriculum development experience
• Industrial experience in organic techniques
• Trained chemical technicians in production quality control
• Taught general and analytical chemistry at the college level
(including laboratory sections)
• Taught physics and advanced chemistry at the high school level
• Instructed adults in remedial reading and mathematics
• Supervised and evaluated the work of laboratory technicians
• Directed high school science fair
• Organized science symposia and workshops
Curriculum Development
• Developed appropriate supplementary materials, including a laboratory manual
for qualitative analysis
• Created review and test materials; produced educational multimedia presentations
• Developed and/or modified laboratory exercises to satisfy safety, academic,
and economic requirements
• Designed self-paced lessons to ensure student competency.
EXAMPLE 3: Mid-Career Chemist
Industrial Laboratory Experience
• Performed qualitative and quantitative analyses for product quality assurance
• Tested for air and water pollution.
1996–Present Chemistry Department, Montgomery College, Rockville MD
1995–96 Anne Arundel County Public Schools, Annapolis MD
Science Teacher, Secondary Level
1993–95 John Thomas High School, Bel Air MD
Science and Mathematics Teacher
1990–93 Physical Sciences Department, Community College of Philadelphia PA
Adjunct Faculty
1987–90 Williamsburg Public Schools VA
Science Teacher, Secondary Level
1979–87 Boothby Tobacco Products, Westerville VA
Research Chemist
Master’s of Education in Physical Sciences, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond VA
• Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, Temple University, Philadelphia PA.
• American Chemical Society.
Available upon request.
EXAMPLE 3: Mid-Career Chemist, Cont.
Natalie K. Hamlin-Piper
4508 Oaktree Road
Banning CA 92220
909-555-1212 (h), 909-555-1212 (w)
• Master’s in Business Administration with emphasis on marketing and finance
• Extensive experience in market research including focus group studies, database construction,
and statistical analysis
• Excellent oral and written communication skills.
Market Research
• Researched new product opportunities, including competitive, feasibility, and financial analyses
• Developed marketing strategy, implementation, and evaluation plan for a new product
• Designed and conducted primary research for a new industry product and for
a telecommunications/healthcare service
• Coordinated and carried out focus group studies for new high-tech services
• Carried out secondary research for market analysis of consumer goods, industry products,
and telecommunications/educational services
• Developed protocols for data collection, database construction, and statistical analysis.
• Designed, developed, and directed research projects
• Coordinated and supervised multidisciplinary project team
• Interacted with customers, sponsors, contractors, and consultants to guarantee timely
delivery of quality services
• Supervised inorganic and organic analytical labs; trained assistants and co-workers
in research and quality control/quality assurance methods.
• Delivered research results and business strategies in oral presentations
• Composed and edited technical documents for publication
• Wrote and edited contract proposals
• Created visual displays for business and technical presentations
• Designed marketing materials, posters, and brochures for trade shows.
EXAMPLE 4: Experienced MS Chemist With a Recent MBA
Computer Skills
• SPSS, Excel, Quattro Pro, Lotus 1-2-3, Word, WordPerfect, AmiPro, PowerPoint, SlideWrite,
Netscape, Eudora
• MBA with emphasis in Marketing and Finance, San Diego State University (CA)
• MS, Environmental Science, University of Washington (Seattle)
• BS, Chemistry and Biology, Illinois State University, Normal (IL) (GPA: 4.0/4.0)
• 1999–Present Marketing Consultant, Small Business Institute, Banning CA
• 1993–Present Senior Chemist and Project Manager, Computer Sciences Corporation
(contract with the US Navy’s Remediation Research Laboratory), San Diego CA
• 1990–92 Research Scientist, Computer Sciences Corporation (contract with the
US Navy’s Environmental Sciences Laboratory), San Diego CA
• Computer Sciences Corporation Award for Technical Excellence (1999)
• Employee of the Year Award, Computer Sciences Corporation’s Systems, Services,
and Technology Center (1997)
• Pride Employee of the Year Award, Computer Sciences Corporation’s Applied
Technology Division (1996)
• Mu Kappa Tau, National Marketing Honor Society
• Female Association of Marketing Executives
American Chemical Society
Available upon request.
EXAMPLE 4: Experienced MS Chemist With a Recent MBA, Cont.
A research and development position in an industrial setting that calls for experience
in spectroscopic investigations in heterogeneous systems.
• Extensive experience in the investigation of photochemical reactions
• Modeling of the kinetics of heterogeneous reactions
• Industrial experience (summer intern program).
• PhD, Physical Chemistry, University of Iowa, Iowa City IA, anticipated 2003
Thesis title: “Photochemical Studies of Heterogeneous Reactions in the Atmosphere”
Adviser: Professor Anton Bruckner
• BS, Chemistry (summa cum laude), Central College, Pella IA (GPA 3.60/4.00), 1997
Thesis title: “Computer simulation of ozone reactions”
Adviser: Professor J. P. Morgan.
1997–Present Graduate Assistant, University of Iowa
Adviser: Professor Anton Bruckner
• Developed a new, highly sensitive technique for the measurement of photochemical
reactions on heterogeneous surfaces
• Modeled the kinetics of heterogeneous photochemical atmospheric reactions
• Gained experience in all types of optical investigations of photochemical processes
• Led Advanced Physical Chemistry and Advanced Kinetics laboratories.
EXAMPLE 5: Entry-Level PhD Chemist
University of Iowa,
Dept. of Chemistry
Iowa City IA 52240
1436 14th Street
Iowa City IA 52240
1999, 2000 Summer Intern, Exxon Research and Development, Houston TX
• Studied gas-phase reactions on various heterogeneous catalysts of industrial importance
using spectroscopy.
1997 Summer Intern, Iowa State University
Assistant in the laboratory of Professor Ivan P. Oakes
• Studied chlorofluorocarbons reacting with water droplets using spectroscopy.
1996–97 Undergraduate Research Assistant, Central College, Pella IA
Adviser: Professor J. P. Morgan
• Studied reactions of ozone both experimentally and theoretically
• Used computer modeling.
American Chemical Society
• Optical Society of America
• Bruckner, A.; Kline, B. J.; Quigley, E. “The detection of fluorocarbon–water complexes
in the atmosphere.J. Phys. Atmospheric Sci. 2002, 14, 428–431.
• Davis, J.; Quigley, E.; Bruckner, A. “A critical review of the kinetics of heterogeneous
photochemical atmospheric reactions.Chem. Rev. 2001, 45, 120–145.
• Quigley, E.; Bruckner, A. “A novel optical technique for the measurement of atmospheric
chlorofluorocarbons.J. Instrum. Anal. 2001, 135, 1214–1218.
• Quigley, E.; Morgan, J. P. “Computer simulation of ozone reactions.J. Phys. Chem.
1998, 88, 124–126.
• Peach, J. R.; Petrov, V.; Goldstone, W.; Quigley, E. Catalyst for the cycloamination of butenes,
US Patent 4 333 219, March 24, 1997.
Available upon request.
EXAMPLE 5: Entry-Level PhD Chemist, Cont.
Sandia National Laboratory, Chemistry Division, Albuquerque NM 87185
505-555-1212 [email protected]
1436 14th Street, Albuquerque NM 87101
A research and development position that emphasizes creativity in new instrumentation
for analyzing biologically important materials.
• Developed new techniques for the analysis of biomolecules
• Extensive experience characterizing RNA samples
• Strong background in ultrafast laser spectroscopy
• Investigated interfacial phenomena by using new spectroscopic techniques
• PhD, Chemistry, University of Chicago (IL), 2000
Thesis title: “Studies of Structure and Dynamics of Liquid Supported Monolayers”
Adviser: Professor Wilson Albright
• MS, Chemistry, University of Chicago (IL), 1997
• BS, Chemistry, University of Southern Florida (Tampa) 1995
Thesis title: “Photochemistry and Photophysics of Cyclopropylphenols”
Adviser: Professor Stuart Anthony
2000–Present Postdoctoral Fellow, Sandia National Laboratory, Albuquerque NM
Mentor: Dr. Harold Ickes
• Developed novel signal amplification for detecting and sizing single RNA samples
• Designed and implemented an efficient system for the mass spectrometric separation
and identification of individual molecules.
1995–00 Graduate Assistant, University of Chicago (IL)
Adviser: Professor Wilson Albright
• Maintained operational responsibility for Professor Albright’s laser facility for the
measurement of ultrafast kinetics of chemical phenomena in bulk liquid and at
air–water interfaces
• Investigated the molecular properties, orientation, kinetics, and relaxation phenom-
ena at liquid and solid interfaces by nonlinear optical techniques
• Led Advanced Physical Chemistry and Optical Methods of Analysis laboratories.
EXAMPLE 6: Chemist With Postdoctoral Experience
1993–95 Undergraduate Research Assistant, University of Southern Florida
Adviser: Professor Stuart Anthony
• Studied photochemistry and photophysics of p-cyclopropylphenols both
experimentally and theoretically.
1993, 1994 Summer Research Assistant, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (TN)
Mentor: Dr. Leopold Wiseman
• Studied chlorofluorocarbons excited by gamma radiation using spectroscopy.
• American Chemical Society
• American Physical Society
• Optical Society of America.
Albright, W.; Regan, R. R. “A critical review of the structure and dynamics of liquid supported
monolayers.” Chem. Rev. 2001, 45, 320–362.
Davis, B.; Regan, R. R.; Ickes, H. “Method for the preparation of monolayers of denatured
RNA.” Biol. Chem. 2001, 111, 124–127.
Regan, R. R.; Davis, B.; Ickes, H. “The detection of monomeric RNA samples.” J. Biol. Chem.
2001, 104, 4439–4445.
Regan, R. R.; Albright, W. “A novel signal amplification for the detection of single RNA
samples.” J. Instrum. Anal. 2000 , 134, 214–218.
Regan, R. R; Anthony, S. “Photophysical analysis of p-cyclopropylphenol.” J. Chem. Phys. 1998,
108, 1022–1023.
(This candidate would list a variety of academic and industry references.)
EXAMPLE 6: Chemist With Postdoctoral Experience, Cont.
927 River Road
Stamford CT 06901
A new product development management position in the specialty chemical industry that empha-
sizes a broad background in synthesis, formulation, and process.
• Proven track record in organic synthesis, formulation
• Success in process and product development
• Experience in specialty, industrial chemicals, and petroleum industries
• Creative and well organized
• Strong problem solver.
• Launched a novel process for sophorane diisocyanate by using a highly selective catalyst
• Upgraded company’s line (melamine and acrylamide) to innovative products for coatings,
adhesives, cement additives, paper sizers, rubber adhesion promoters, binders, and
flame-retardant materials
• Succeeded in process development and preparation of ultraviolet stabilizers for sunscreen,
plastic additive, and intraocular lens including developing photochromic polyurethane
coatings for polycarbonate CR-391 lenses
• Introduced a new series of potassium silylalkylamides to the pharmaceutical markets resulting
in annual sales of $50,000
• Developed cost-effective synthesis for aromatic isocyanates MDI/PMEPI by
non-phosgenation route
• Formulated a proprietary process for the production of para-methylstyrene
• Upgraded C-4 stream to potential premium products in specialty applications (corrosion
inhibitors, scale inhibitors, biocides, and rubber chemicals)
• Created proprietary formulations and flood processes to recover residual oil from high brine
reservoirs; established simple tracer systems to determine flow patterns.
1987–Present Senior Research Chemist, Chemicals Division, Dow Chemical, Stamford CT
Conducted R&D of new products and processes to increase the profitability
and competitiveness in various business areas.
1986–87 Research Chemist, Organometallics and Intermediates,
Acme Safety and Appliances, Pittsburgh PA
EXAMPLE 7: Mid-Career PhD Chemist
Upgraded alkali metal raw materials to premium products; synthesized key
intermediates and samples of synthetic pyrethroid insecticides for customers.
1984–86 Research Chemist, Chemicals and Minerals,
Lakeland Science and Technology Company, Pittsburg KS
Developed processes for isocyanates, para-methylstyrene, and new product
research from C-4 feedstock.
1983–84 Research Chemist, Alternate Resources and Lubrications,
Glade Research and Development, Princeton NJ
Researched and developed processes to enhance oil recovery.
1982–83 Postdoctoral Fellow National Institutes of Health, Chemistry Department,
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena CA
Participated in team to establish mutagenicity-structure relationship and
activation mechanism of tryptophan pyrolysates; designed and synthesized
amino acid tryptophan pyrolysate analogues.
1981–82 Project Investigator, Chemotherapy and Pharmacology,
National Cancer Institute, Bethesda MD
Synthesized chemotherapeutic agents, coformycin and hycanthone, and
radiolabeled compounds; prepared derivatives for metabolites identification
in pharmacological study.
• American Men and Women in Science
• American Chemical Society
• Society of Plastics Engineers.
A complete list of patents and publications is available on request; it includes:
• 68 US and international patents
• 16 publications in refereed scientific journals
• 22 publications in trade magazines and journals
• 14 oral presentations at national and international conferences.
• PhD in Chemistry, Rice University, Houston, TX
• BS in Chemistry, National Taiwan University.
Available upon request.
EXAMPLE 7: Mid-Career PhD Chemist, Cont.
Eugene Timmons
Laboratory of Organic Chemistry eugene.timmons@org.chem.ethz.ch
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) +41 1 632-4430 (lab)
ETH Honggerberg–HCI F330 +41 1 362-7933 (home)
CH–8093 Zurich Switzerland +41 1 632-1486 (fax)
• PhD, Chemistry, August 1998, Cornell University, Ithaca NY
• MS, Chemistry, September 1995, Cornell University, Ithaca NY
• BS, Chemistry, May 1992, Pennsylvania State University, State College PA.
• Mechanistic enzymology, with an emphasis on natural product biosynthesis
• Enzyme evolution, with an emphasis on understanding the origins of substrate specificity,
allosteric interactions, and enzyme complexes
• Protein engineering and design
• Developing and applying combinatorial methods in biology
1998–Present, Postdoctoral Fellow
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich Switzerland, with Prof. Eric Hubbert
• Designed and constructed very large (>108 members) random gene libraries to investigate the
frequency of occurrence of catalysts in protein sequence space.
• Using binary patterning, 8 of the 20 standard amino acids, and chorismate mutase as a design
scaffold, selected catalytically active variants at a frequency of 1 in 10,000 from a library that
was 80% randomized versus the wild-type sequence.
• In a related project, used iterative cycles of directed evolution and genetic selection to produce
40-fold improvements in the catalytic efficiency of a novel engineered homo-hexameric
chorismate mutase.
1992–1998, Graduate Studies
Cornell University, Ithaca NY, with Prof. Richard Barrett
Thesis title: “The Biosynthesis of Thiamin in E. coli: Biosynthesis of the Thiazole Moiety”
• Used several approaches in investigating the biosynthesis of thiamin, including chemical synthesis
of thiazole precursors, purification and characterization of several E. coli and B. subtilis enzymes
involved in the biosynthesis, and use of high-resolution mass spectrometry to track the generation
of transient protein modifications during the sulfur transfer.
EXAMPLE 8: Curriculum Vitae
1991–1992, Undergraduate Research
Pennsylvania State University, State College PA with Julia P. Huang
• Expressed and purified 6 mutants of sperm whale myoglobin from 80-L fermentations and measured
their rates of heme orientation isomerization using paramagnetic region NMR spectra
• Discovered that long-range mutations exert a strong influence on the binding site of myoglobin
A full list of 15 publications is attached.
• Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland
Fall Term, 2001
Lecturer, Biological Chemistry I, an introductory biochemistry course for chemistry majors
(presented eight 90-minute lectures)
Supervised a PhD student, 3 MS students, and 2 undergraduate students
• Cornell University, Ithaca NY
Directly supervised 4 undergraduate students
Fall Term, 1996
Teaching Assistant, graduate-level biological chemistry course
Teaching assistant, introductory organic laboratories and lecture courses
• Pennsylvania State University, State College
As a Chemistry Department tutor, conducted review sessions for general and introductory
organic chemistry, and held one-on-one help sessions for students.
• NIH Biochemistry Training Grant (1996–1997)
• NIH Molecular & Cell Biology Training Grant (1993–1995)
• Teas Scholarship in Chemistry, Pennsylvania State University (1990–1991)
• American Chemical Society Member.
(This candidate would list academic/research references.)
EXAMPLE 8: Curriculum Vitae, Cont.
Sample Cover Letters
EXAMPLE: Cover Letter, PhD Chemist
March 23, 2003
Dr. James Swanson
Personnel Recruitment Manager
XYZ Laboratories
1234 Flower Street
Cincinnati OH 45201
Dear Dr. Swanson:
I expect to receive my doctorate degree in analytical chemistry in June 2003, and
am writing to explore the possibility of employment as an analytical chemist at
your Cincinnati location.
During my coursework at Ohio State University, I began to consider future employ-
ment with XYZ Laboratories. We used many of your instruments in our laboratory
research, and I found their design, precision, and reliability impressive. I’m well
qualified for a job with your organization—with the confidence, maturity, judg-
ment, and references to back up my qualifications.
The enclosed résumé provides details about my work experience and background.
I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss how my education
and experience can benefit your laboratories. I’ll call within a week to discuss the
possibility of an interview.
Amy Amers
EXAMPLE: Cover Letter, BS Chemist
June 14, 2003
Dr. Joe Barlow
Corporate Recruitment
Research Laboratories
Eli Lilly and Company
Indianapolis IN 46285
Dear Dr. Barlow:
I am writing in response to the Eli Lilly report in the CPC Annual. In May 2004, I will
be graduating from the College of William and Mary with a bachelor’s degree in
chemistry. I plan to pursue a career as a synthetic research chemist after graduation.
Through participating in undergraduate organometallic synthetic research for
the past 18 months, I have developed and improved valuable laboratory skills.
The goals of my research project include optimizing reaction conditions and
purification methods for each of the 4 steps in synthesizing the unreported
ligand,4´-cyanobenzo-18-crown-6, and its rhodium complex. I’m studying binding
and extraction constants for the ligand and complex as well as behavior changes
at the rhodium center by UV–vis and NMR spectroscopy. Last January, I presented
this work at the Virginia Academy of Sciences in Blacksburg. Next month, I will
present current results at the National Conference of Undergraduate Research
in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Final results will be summarized in my honors thesis.
I look forward to the opportunity to interview for a position with Eli Lilly and
will call you next week to confirm receipt of my résumé. Thank you for your time
and consideration.
Thomas E. Lee