The Price Of Peace
Tired soldiers going home
Hope is the road they roam
Each waiting for war to cease
Proud to believe in peace
Ready to return to family
Instead of facing the enemy
Courage becomes their reward
Endless warriors with a sword
One wish for each day to live
Fighting for protection to give
Pressed to use the power of will
Endlessly not wanting to kill
A time for a loved ones kiss
Candles in a window and a wish
Each day is the price of peace
– Chris Smith
Edgar Allan Poe
Evil comes, reaching and creeping
Darkness leaving you, shivering and weeping
Gray shadows fall, they bring doom
All around, trapping you in the room
Ready to claim you, as you scream
And you realize that this is no dream
Life almost deserts you, you’re left alone
Lonely thoughts are chilling you to the bone
Almost as the nightmare starts becoming true
Now you feel the horror striking out at you
Panic begins stabbing inside your head
Out there come those you believed long dead
Endless laughter comes from a solitary raven
– Author Unknown
A boat, beneath a sunny sky
Lingering onward dreamily
In an evening of July –
Children three that nestle near,
Eager eye and willing ear,
Pleased a simple tale to hear –
Long has paled that sunny sky:
Echoes fade and memories die:
Autumn frosts have slain July.
Still she haunts me, phantomwise,
Alice moving under skies
Never seen by waking eyes.
Children yet, the tale to hear,
Eager eye and willing ear,
Lovingly shall nestle near.
In a Wonderland they lie,
Dreaming as the days go by,
Dreaming as the summers die:
Ever drifting down the stream –
Lingering in the golden gleam –
Life, what is it but a dream?
akes me feel better
nly thinks of others
akes me to get ice cream
elps me with my homework
very day is there for me
eady to give a hug
An acrostic is a type of poem you probably first wrote in elementary school. The writer takes a word or phrase, writes it
vertically on the page, and then builds each line beginning with one letter of the word/phrase. This simple and sweet
technique has adorned innumerable Mother’s Day cards. However, more advanced uses of the technique can be
compelling for a reader, providing an opportunity for unique insight and a nice surprise when the reader notices the code.
Ideas for building an advanced acrostic poem:
• Build your poem with rhyming couplets (AABBCCDD...) or try an alternate (ABABCDCD...) rhyme scheme.
• Consider ending your poem with the first word you used in the poem. This gives a strong note of finality to your work.
• Try a double acrostic, where the first and last letter of each line are the same letter, so the root word/phrase
appears, like a code, on both sides of the poem.
• Want a real challenge? Try to make every line the exact same meter/number of syllables.
from Through the Looking-Glass
In Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking-
Glass, the writer includes this poem, which
is an acrostic of Alice Pleasance Liddell,
his real-life family friend and inspiration for
his Alice in Wonderland protagonist.
Going Vertical The Acrostic Poem
Now, it’s your turn!
Take your assigned topic and build
an acrostic poem that shows some
depth of thought about the subject.
1. Write the word/name/phrase at
the top of your poem as the title.
2. You must use either rhyming
couplets (AABBCCDD...) or an
alternate (ABABCDCD...) rhyme
3. Your poem needs to be typed and
left-justified, so that the capital letters
of each line can be read vertically.
Mark Twain
William Faulkner
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Toni Morrison
Nathaniel Hawthorne
John Steinbeck
Herman Melville
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Henry David Thoreau
Langston Hughes
Maya Angelou
T.S. Eliot
Zora Neale Hurston
J.D. Salinger
Tennessee Williams
Ernest Hemingway
Upton Sinclair
James Fenimore Cooper
Jack London
Anne Bradstreet
Willa Cather
Stephen Crane
Arthur Miller
Emily Dickinson
Frederick Douglass
Ralph Ellison
Robert Frost
Lorraine Hansberry
Amy Tan
Maxine Hong Kingston
Tim O’Brien
Flannery O’Connor
Eugene O’Neill
Alice Walker
Gertrude Stein
Henry James
Thomas Wolfe
Walt Whitman
Joseph Heller
Use this page for acrostic poems
based on American authors.