November 1999 Perishables Handling Quarterly Issue No. 100 Page 8
“Fingerprinting” Vegetables:
DNA-based Marker Assisted Selection
T.V. Suslow and K.J. Bradford, Department of Vegetable Crops, UCD
Faster, Cheaper, More Reliable; These are some
of the goals that vegetable breeders at seed
companies and public institutions desire for
improving their ability to develop new varieties
with beneficial traits. The quality, efficiency and
economy of a breeder’s methods for variety selection
and advancement of a new variety to commercial use
determine the number of desirable characteristics
that will be included. The screening and testing
methods that are used will determine the
predictability of maintaining a desired trait, such as
pest resistance, during the breeding process.
Cultivars are developed by selecting for
desired traits or by removing undesirable traits from
existing varieties or breeding lines. Selections are
made for measurable or visual traits that are
controlled by genes, the “blueprint” for all
characteristics in living organisms. Genes are the
hereditary units, composed of DNA
(deoxyribonucleic acid), that provide all the
instructions that determine an organism’s
characteristics. Single genes (certain growth habit or
pest resistance traits) determine some traits while
others are complex interactions among several to
many genes (yield, quality, and fruit size).
Successful selection strategies are dependent on the
breeder’s ability to distinguish genetic effects from
environmental effects on a visible or measurable
trait. The timely response of vegetable breeders to
the needs of the producers and consumers of
vegetables will be continually improved as new
selection technologies are developed and applied.
Advanced breeding technologies that meet
these goals have resulted from recent research in
plant biotechnology. Applications of this knowledge
have created powerful new DNA-based molecular
markers for plant breeders to more rapidly and
efficiently sort through large groups of plants.
November 1999 Perishables Handling Quarterly Issue No. 100 Page 9
Molecular markers are ‘tags’ that can be used to
identify specific genes and locate them in relation to
other genes. These technologies will help ensure a
desired beneficial trait is maintained or an undesir-
able trait is eliminated. These ‘tags’ can also be
used to identify a corresponding gene in a distant
plant species or even in animal or microbial species.
A simple way to appreciate this powerful tool
for vegetable selection is to visualize an UPC bar
code, as on products in a supermarket. Each set of
bars in the code specifies a product with both a
unique set of characteristics and shared
characteristics with items of a similar type. The
unique product code is deciphered from the series of
bars with the proper instrumentation. The code
identity gives a traceable “fingerprint” of the product
for a diversity of information gathering and retrieval
applications in source-tracking, inventory
management, marketing, and other applications.
In a similar manner, a modern vegetable
breeder can create a bar code like “fingerprint” that
allows the physical identification and tracking of
desirable or undesirable traits in a breeding and
selection program. The unique ladder-like pattern is
the result of differences in the genetic blueprint of
the breeding line or hybrid. With specialized
techniques, detection can be as sensitive as a single
change in the DNA component of a gene.
The techniques and process to accomplish
this genetic fingerprinting are too detailed to
present in this overview. An example of the
application to achieve a desirable variety
improvement goal is shown in Fig. 1. The
techniques have been utilized for some time using a
bar-code-like fingerprint of differentiating enzymes
and proteins (the products of the genes) for a few
important traits to monitor or reveal inheritance in
the same way. New, more precise technologies for
fingerprinting are based on visualizing uniqueness
in the genetic material itself, DNA.
Sensitive Form Insensitive Form
Unique bar of interest
Figure 1. A code identity gives a traceable
“fingerprint” of the product
Applications to Vegetables
A variety of DNA-based marker systems have been
instrumental in the identification and cloning of
disease resistance genes from a number of plants.
New highly specific methods, developed at UC
Davis, have been used to fingerprint and monitor
Downy Mildew resistance genes in lettuce.
Crop Disease Resistance Trait
Common Bean Anthracnose
Lettuce Downy Mildew
Peas Powdery Mildew
Pepper Bacterial Spot
Potato Cyst Nematode
Tomato Tobacco Mosaic Virus
(transferred from tobacco)
Bacterial Speck
Table 1. Examples of vegetable disease resistant
traits identified with molecular “tags”.
The seed industry is beginning to use DNA-
based markers to develop “fingerprint” patterns for
grouping or clustering complex beneficial traits. This
“cluster analysis” will allow breeders to predict
regional performance or environmental adaptation
based on shared marker patterns. For example,
processing tomatoes adapted for California
conditions cluster separately from varieties that
perform best in Ohio. The efficiency and outcome of
selection strategies can be greatly enhanced by
optimizing breeding crosses to a targeted DNA-
marker cluster.
November 1999 Perishables Handling Quarterly Issue No. 100 Page 10
Top California Varieties
Top Ohio Varieties
Desert Varieties
DNA-marker Group
Similarity Coefficient
- Anchor variety
Figure 2. Schematic representation of “cluster analysis”
applied to processing tomatoes. Regionally adapted
varieties fall into distinct groups that guide breeders in
designing efficient crosses and broad selections without
knowing the specific genes involved.
Another practical application, developed at
UC Riverside, is being used to identify seed lot
purity in asparagus. Molecular markers were used
to show that some seed lots used for crown
production contained over 70% poor yielding types
and types with low postharvest quality. This can be
critical information for a perennial crop that is
expected to be productive over a 10-12 year span.
What are theAdvantages of These DNA-based
Fingerprinting Techniques ?
Recent developments have made great progress
towards Faster, Cheaper, and More Reliable. These
specific DNA-based techniques have the following
Highly reproducible fingerprint pattern
Fingerprinting based on DNA can be done at any
stage of plant growth. In comparison, enzyme or
protein-based fingerprinting of traits only found in
flowers or fruit may only be done at that stage of
plant maturity.
Only a small amount of plant tissue is needed.
Breeders can make selection determinations at the
seedling stage, for example, and save only those
plants of interest for a whole plant observation.
Larger plant populations may be assessed than
with conventional techniques; or space, time, and
resources may be more economical applied to
variety development.
Traits, such as insect and disease resistance, can
be selected by the breeder without having to
depend on the presence of the pest to confirm that
the resistance trait is carried in the varieties.The
expensive and regionally unpredictable field
resistance evaluations can be postponed, with
confidence, until a later stage of variety selection,
closer to commercial release. Variety selections are
not regionally limited, at the early stages, since
issues of plant pest quarantine are removed. No
pest introductions for screening are necessary, as a
simple seedling grow-out is sufficient to monitor
the desired trait.
DNA-based fingerprinting allows the reliable
tracking of beneficial traits during variety selec-
tion. These have traditionally been difficult or
impractical due to the variable influence of envi-
ronment, plant tissue dependencies ( seed vs. root
vs. leaf vs. fruit etc.), local or regional field condi-
tions, or other factors on enzyme/protein finger-
printing and whole plant visual traits or crop
DNA-based fingerprinting is the only practical or
available technique for ensuring the presence of
multiple beneficial genes in a single variety.
Stable and durable pest resistance strategies that
depend on “stacking” or “pyramiding” resistance
factors, for example, have become much more
attainable with the development of these new
DNA-based fingerprinting provides the best
currently available technology to establish differ-
entiation for patent protection and Plant Variety
Protection Act Certification.
DNA-based marker systems are more readily
automated to increase cost efficiencies.
Automated Marker Systems
Recent advances in “fingerprinting” technology for
multiple markers, 10 to 100 times more efficient
than prior methods, have been applied to corn,
tomatoes, brassicas (the broccoli family), pepper, and
lettuce. The technology is readily automated and
commercial systems are available. Combined with
computer-assisted analysis of the complex pattern,
several hundred DNA marker sites can be generated
per day. Selection for multigene traits, such as
sensory quality, will be greatly aided by these
technology systems. Careful economic analysis is
required for each crop application, as these
approaches are costly. Their use must be justified
relative to the effectiveness of other strategies.
November 1999 Perishables Handling Quarterly Issue No. 100 Page 11
Clearly, DNA-fingerprinting techniques are
not a replacement for classical breeding and
selection techniques. Rather they have become a
powerful accelerating tool to improve the rate of
development and durability of plant-based pest
resistance traits. The specificity of molecular
monitoring provides the confidence in trait selection
and overall cost-effectiveness of the breeding
programs for these complex traits. Recent estimates
place a cost of using DNA-based marker systems at
100 to 1000 times more expensive than standard
phenotype screening. The cost:benefit ratio may not
always be in favor of using Marker Assisted
Selection technologies but for managing complex
traits such as yield and sensory quality, it has a high
Potential Limitations
Accurate and rapid identification of proprietary
vegetable varieties is desirable for both breeders and
commercializing companies that have invested in
the development of a particular genetic trait or novel
combination of traits. Unfortunately, with
conventional breeding, the variability among
varieties is not always sufficient to create readily
detectable “fingerprints.”
New selections from vegetatively propagated
crops, such as potato and sweet potato, have
improved traits but efforts to apply genetic
fingerprinting have yielded no detectable
differences. Practical molecular technologies that
can uniquely identify one proprietary breeding line
or commercial hybrid, for many other crops, from
another won’t apply in these cases.
Though still a considerable challenge,
breeders routinely apply biotechnology to introduce
and/or monitor desireable production and
postharvest traits.
Table 2. A few examples of the number of genetic
loci (regions) that effect individual phenotypes ( 19
for Phytophthora Late Blight resistance) for a few
vegetable crops. The selection for complex traits for
variety improvement will be more attainable as
Marker Assisted Selection technologies improve and
costs are reduced.
Crop Trait Estimated
Genetic Regions
Common Bean Common Blight 4
Corn Grain Yield 6-8
Plant height 5
Potato Late Blight resistance 19
Chip Color 6
Tomato Days to flower 7
Number of flower buds 10
Fruit Size 11
Soluble solids 7
Fruit pH 9